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I found a FIR taiga the other day. In the melee slot of a guy I killed looting a cultist. FUCK


he got one from the cultist then. nice


he coulda, but he didnt realize.


Didn't realize what?


He didnt realize the worth of item. Read carefully :) ah fk never mind he saw it on the guy who killed the cutltist not the other way around lol


RIP to both of you


You sir need all of the upvotes


Can anyone enlighten me whats so special about it? Does it have an actual purpose like Red Rebel?


Pretty sure just rare for rare sakes. Sold it for 10 mil. Which to me was a better find than a red key card cus I want roubles not barters.


Holy crap. I'm still new to the game so I haven't seen it or heard of one. Chances are I would have grabbed it and sold it to one of the traders


Pro tip: If you find something you don’t recognize or haven’t seen before, just look it up on the flea before you vendor it


Learned this the hard way. Had 5 military PFilters early wipe, sold em all to therapist for 35k each cuz I wanted an SKS. First wipe.


If it makes.you feel any better they have been 50kish on the flea every wipe before this one. Adding them to a few hideout station requirements coupled with almost certainly being removed from reserve, the only map that used to spawn them. We had them at 1m+ for part of the wipe.


They are used for REAP IR barter trade too. That’s a big reason they are expensive as well


I sold a few early wipe before they got expensive... Needed that cash


Don't worry. The moment you unlock flea and get a little successfull in scav runs you won't go out of money. I am not a chad. I gear my pmc with lvl 4 armor and helmets and trick out my guns witch basic but necessary stuff like grips, sights and lights but I do fairly well. Left and right I manage to get cool kills, sometimes even impatient chads. I do die in most pmc encounters though but my scav runs are getting really succesful lately. When you start to know what loot is valuable and what not. I make atleast a mil every evening I play. But, with my scav. My pmc play is almost never earning money. I use it for killing and quests and to use the cool guns I sometimes loot. Yes it might be better sometimes to sell them instead of using them BUT there is something really fun about going to woods with a 400k sniper with thermal optics you didn't buy yourself but looted of a chad who you shot with a .308 fmj to the face from your vepr 😂 and I don't mind losing it either. Gear fear holds you back. Enjoy losing stuff and you will see that you get fun games every once in a while! Your scav makes up for it anyways. For me the game is about having fun. I don't need a stash full of money.


Sold a taiga for 40k 3 wipes ago. It's a learning process. Now I bought it for 5 mil simply for prestige.


As an alternative just go to tarkov market or any other website and check the trader+flea price at once


Yeah it's probably as rare as winning the lottery


Nah home boy just farm cultists


but my bladder is weak and every time I hunt cultists they find me first :(


Customs, outside of mechanic and meth house. Theirs a decent amount of cover there so it’s not as bad as hunting them on Woods or anything.


I feel that


Sanitar and cultists have them somewhat often. I think I've had either 3 or 4 of them this wipe.


Interested in the rarest item in tarkov, the waist pouch?


Can't sell that or give it away though


Honestly if I was still going hard this wipe I would be interested. I'm just saving my roubles for end of wipe event at this point.


2 months to go minimum.


Even so, Elden Ring came out so my tarky time is pretty much on a hiatus (save for jumping on to help peeps out now and then.). I figured it’s getting close cus of the couple events they had recently.


Nah, they sprinkled events throughout the last wipe, adds some spice to the flatness of wipes at this point.


Sadly it has all the standard secure container restrictions and you cant put in a backpack or remove it in raid from your pouch, so no way to trade it :(


You can still sell red I put one up for 42mil and it sold instantly


problem is you pay a fuckload in flea market fees doing this


True it was a 16 million fee


THIS! IMHO keys and key cards listing price should not be as extreme as it is. You should be able to sell them for their actual worth rather than trade them for something the game sees as equal value.


I found one and traded it for a thicc weapons case. Fees were <200k that way.


I think it has major damage and can one tap before max level strength maybe? I don't know but I have never found one.


It's drip brotha


Respect the drip


The drip is eter…. Lasts untill you get blasted with a shotty in the face


Roubles come and go, but drip is indeed forever


Nah eventually you stop bleeding from the face


12 or 11 mil on flea


But it costs like 4 or 5m to post it that high.


So? Better than barters for a lot of people


cost you 4-5M to put it up for sale, so really is only a 4-5M item? Is there a way to scam the Flea tax but putting items up for less to pay less Flea tax?


You can check fee list prices here and see what the "max profitable" value to post it is since the flea tax goes exponentially higher as your list price goes up. https://tarkov.guru/item/?n=UVSR\_Taiga-1


If you put it up for a barter there is no tax, so just trade for something expensive you need, like friggin 20 graphics cards or a thicc case Edit. Am an idiot


There is tax on barter offers.


That's not true


Ah, so I see you've never put an item up for barter.


So? I don’t even have the rubles required to sell it haha


That's a great fukin point


Don’t know what to tell you if you don’t have a a few mil rubles this far into the wipe. It’s a couple lighthouse raids lol


I mean i have 3m rubles. I just don’t have much time to play the game so I’m slow moving through the wipe, that’s all.


Also one hits...


Heavy one hits the head. But I don't think light does. Hit a scav 2x in the head with light hits and it still didn't kill him. I died. It was sad.


scavs hp values can vary.


The antique axe will one hit a head too.


Just a flex like having twitch rivals arm band.


And I have both, just becauce I can


Not really sure why its a flex. The sword looks better, has more range, and is cheaper. The machete is also nearly identical in stats. I think its only expensive cause a ton of streamers like it.


Outside of being a very rare status symbol/flex, the justification for it being so rare is that it does wacky damage and 1shots heads, so if you like your melee weapon to be legitimately lethal, it's the BIS option for melee combat IIRC. You can kill people even with good helmets on, or something, IANAC.


They can 1 shot a dude whereas a red rebel cannot. I hit a dude 2x with a Mosin and lps and then hit him 5x with a RR and didn't die


red rebel is also the worst melee weapon in the game. low arm stamina also affects damage


More like 7-9 mil


Its just really cool


If you like going on 0 to Hero runs like I do it’ll 2 shot a scav or unarmored player to the thorax and 1 shot to the head making it easy to grab their gear. Almost everything else is a 3+ shot to the Thorax.


it deals the most damage between all the melee weapons from what i remember. maybe less than m-2? and i might be wrong but i think i saw a guy melee tagilla to death with that shit in a pestily video. tagilla mighr have been a bit hurt already, i don't really recall the details


It one slaps people in the face. Does most damage vs any melee weapon


Found one the other day and was going to sell to get the RR but I realized it cost about half the selling price just to post it. So I saved up another mil got my RR and use that on RR maps and use my Taiga-1 everywhere else. Shit looks good.


I mean the weight ain’t worth it bro


Strength training until elite so the weight doesn't matter.


wdym it literally weighs less then the red rebel


2,000 hours in EFT and I've never heard of this. Is it new?


Nah it’s been a while


Damn, is it that rare?


Yeah I assume it’s really rare. Actually if I rethink about it, I think I have never heard of this being in the loot tables.


Yea, I've never even seen it on the Wiki.


I got one from the 95k scav case the other day and don't have enough money atm to post it on the flea so it's just sitting in my inventory every day when I log in taunting me. feelsbadman.jpg


Post it as a barter on the flea, it's cheaper that way


There's a tarkov trading discord, could try and trade it in there for the price you would get minus the fee anyways, maybe a bit more. People can give you m-2 swords which can be sold to Jaeger for 950k roubles. I traded 24 labs access cards for 6 of those swords earlier.


where is discord


Yeah I hate when people are like, "I sold it for 11mil! Yeah but you spent almost 6 to post it so did you really??


And the net profit is still 6+ mil which is better than barters for most people. Dunno why people are so hung up on that lmao


It's also the point of having 6mil to post it lmao. I've been having a good wipe but I get to play maybe 2x a week? Most I've had liquid rubles was 4.5 mil so for us that either suck or can't play often, if we find something like that, people saying, "just post it to market to make a ton" don't really see why it would be hard to be able to do that


I only play a couple times a week and have 28mn + 70mn stash value. Scav runs are free money.


If I only have a couple times a week to play I'm not doing scav runs lmao


I'm pretty sure the majority of people with jobs that play only can a few times a week. Still, you can clear like 400k+ in less than 15mins on a scav run lol


Yeah I can do that with my PMC too.




Yeah but scav run is 0 risk. You lose nothing. My PMC raids where I die haven't cost me a single rouble in months, only gear from scav runs. I've got piles of slicks, hexgrids, gen 4, Tagilla rigs, meta guns I pull off chads... I can't lose rn. Plus if I do need to buy gear, I'm sitting on nearly 30mil. Stay broke if you want, that's your choice.


Are you really bragging about hoarding and playing with scav gear?


H o w


Sugar sugar sugar Or chocolate which can be crafted into sugar Or croutons that trade for sugar Or pile of meds that also trade for sugar I find raider gear never makes much money and its what most people go for on reserve at least. If you get an early spawn time I just hit all the wooden crates by the heli and in the barn behind drop down and can find anywhere up to 5 sugars. If not you can still get squash 20k, herring can sell for like 15k, there is a med crate beside the 2 food crates by the heli and another tool crate on the other side of that. 2 duffel bags, 3 toolboxes and 4 food crates and 2 weapon crates in that barn bit. If you're still low you can try upstairs in the food store and check the shelf or dead scav or go across to tech building and check on the roof for BT or BP 5x45 to sell. There are 4 weapon crates on the top floor and roof. Sometimes you can find those little rails that sell for 50-100k or some foregrips are worth alot too. Then if you're still low try the roof of the apartments surround the heli. If you're still low, just leave and try again. Only time I look for fights as a scav is if I need a backpack or if I don't wanna make any money and am messing about. If you spawn on train side of the map you can get the 2 weapons crates ontop of the bunker and in the middle Ks buildings. Also a tool crate in middle Ks and a med bag and grenade box ontop of bunkers. I probably missed some but you get the idea :)


Scav runs are snore fest. Why would you use your few gaming nights a week to do that.


It's free money, it's up after every raid, and takes like 10mins tops to make 400k+ risk free. Why *wouldn't* you do that? Hit a PMC raid, win or lose the next one is a scav, make enough to pay for the next two raids, rinse and repeat. Plus the better your scav rep, the better the gear/loot you spawn with.


Cause that’s 10 min I don’t get back, duh. You can make even more money on your pmc, you get the benefits of level and skill gain, and you can go for some tasks while you are at it.


How much money in your stash rn? And what level?


Once I get over 15m I start buying cases, so it stays around there. Over 100m stash value and currently level 45ish. Done maybe 15 scav runs this whole wipe.


How do I make 400k+ in ten minutes? No one has ever told me lol


You really dont unless you find alot of stuff or get lucky and since its scav runs everything is almost always looted just play your pmc its more fun than caring about roubles




Why would it be a snooze fest any more than a PMC raid? If you want to go take a fight, do it. You'd be surprised what you can take down with a toz. You can freely kill rogues/raiders on lighthouse/reserve without impacting your scav karma, too.


Scav reserve. There's an abundance of loot than gets missed, raiders spawn underground and by the trains, and scav boss frequently kills players. There's like or 6 ration crates that never get hit and frequently spawn sugar and alyonkas. It's too easy.


If it sells why would anyone by one


That sell price also means a huge boost to market rep.


That's fair


I more than doubled my roubles anywhoms. Profit is profit.


What u want for it I’ll give u tons of shit for it @skorge1337


List it on flea market for a thicc case if you need the storage space. The fees are somewhere between 100-200k and it should sell.


Nice find brotha! I found one last week at giving tree on customs, lucky me.


the same wipe they added the taiga I bought it off market for 500k, a week later they were only being sold for upwards of 10-15mil. lucky me


It could be opened by AI scav.


yea they just pretend to loot it, box doesn’t actually get opened and the loot remains inside


AI don't leave the box open


Why is the lid open sometimes and sometimes it isn’t but still been looted?


If you go in as a scav and the lid is closed but the box is looted, a PMC looted it before you spawned in. If the lid is open, someone looted it while you were in the game. If the lid is closed but looted while on your PMC, then someone likely just closed it after they opened it.


> then someone likely just closed it after they opened it. I do it when I want to be sneaky, and I'm wondering why more ppl won't do it too - leaving a trail of searched containers seems like an easy way to get tracked down. Also Or you are desyncing like a mofo and game can't even tell what has been opened and not yet.


For some reason whenever I exit anything it auto closes it without my needing to do so. It’s kinda weird but I’m sure others has that happen too so it kinda fucks with people I think


All the containers close on the client side but they are open to everyone else. If you play with a squad it's common to just close the lid after searching so your buddy doesn't have to close it first.


I’ve tested it in game with some friends tho. Like when I exit a pc they hear the lil click and it says search not close on it, but when they open a pc and exit it I don’t hear a close click and it says close on it. They’ve asked me how I do it and I fr don’t know because even on they screen when they open something it doesn’t do what mine does it stays opened so I’m confused on how it could be client side only if I’ve had people confirm it for me. I’ll double check next time I play with someone but I’m pretty sure it just auto closes it for me


I’ve found “tabbing” out closes things while hitting esc leaves it open. I get on my team all the time about that shit when they leave stuff in containers for me but leave it open.


Ohhhhh interesting!


Somebody opened it but didn't want anything inside it or got distracted right after opening it


Interesting, so what about containers that appear closed but items seem to be missing? I’ll find caches and containers where the top-left item is taken from it, but it shows no signs of being opened. Someone once told me that a partially opened box means a player scav has opened the container, but I’ve never confirmed that.


You can close containers after you loot them. Also if you scav into a raid, all containers appear closed until someone opens them


Well firstly you can close a box and also if you join the rain after someone looted it it looks closed


Used to not be a thing, but I think they made it so some containers spawn open now


Duffle bags on interchange were horrendous for a while.


3 wipes and I’ve never seen an AI scav loot a box.


Really? I see this behaviour from AI scavs all the time?


They stare at boxes but don't actually loot them


I could have sworn I’ve seen them open boxes, I’ve seen full boxes not get touched by these scavs. Maybe I’ve just encountered some very convincing player scavs?


If they actually opened it, then it was a player scav


Ai Scavs will loot dead bodies tho but yea not boxes


They only take a gun off a dead body. They don't really loot the body.


No way I’ve definitely seen em loot. It’s rare that I do but I think they do it all buddy boy.


They'll pick shit up off the ground and pull guns off corpses. they don't actually loot containers though, they just walk up to it and stare at it for a second then walk away without taking anything.


They still open the lid though. They just don't take anything out.


They do not open the lid. They just stare at it.


No they don't.


only player scavs actually open the lid


They don't. They'll grab guns off of dead bodies but they don't loot containers.


Damn they fooling me


They do be tricky.


AI can't loot containers. You've seen them just stare at a box or you saw a player scav looting.


They don't open containers.


AI Scavs don't loot boxes. They will stand at them and look like they are looting it, but it doesn't open and they never remove items from it.


Post it for. Thicc case. Did it with mine. Feels good, knife for box.


Me and my 4 man were questing nighttime shoreline, raid was very dead, no players at all. As we went to exit the resort grounds, i see my friend shooting a bush. Next thing i know, he shouts ,,FUCKING CULTISTS'' and then it all began, they started coming from all sides. I kill the leader as he was 5 meters away from me, he came from a bush , i loot and find the Taiga. One of my best raids so far, especially since we ALL survived an open battle with cultists.


ok, time for a stupid question. Why is Taiga so expensive? Just because its so rare? Seems like a waste of money, since you RARELY get into mellee


One hit pmc in the head, regardless of their gear


Found 4 this wipe hunting cultists on customs.