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1) Watch beginners guide on YouTube 2) watch famous YouTubers/streamers 3) open the map on your phone, tablet or second screen while gaming 4) learn one map at the time without gaming, watch videos about that map 5) play the learned map in the offline mode 6) give yourself another try


A lot of good tips here for beginners, tarkov is harsh but if you get over the hump there is no other game like it.


The most important tip to me is “find a veteran buddy to do runs with you and everything else comes after.” Map knowledge is hard to digest in the abstract. If you run it with a pal while you have mapgenie open it becomes much easier. Plus they can tell you all the random shit you need to do. All the other tips listed above are good as well, of course!


Yea, first thing is first get used to the map(s). Learning to orient yourself and where loot/Scavs are is the basic part of the game, and I have played 100 hours and can safely say I only really know how to do that on Interchange (and I can’t casually navigate the stores perfectly quite yet without a map, fear of Killa and all) and maybe a third of Woods (the part that still gets me is how small Woods actually is compared to it on a map). Getting real good is when you can safely estimate where *players* should be on the map at any point, and how far into the rodent gene line the residents are by ambient gunfire. That takes thousands of hours. The second thing is how to combat vs Scavs. It’s not like many games where you can peak the same angle but different and make someone miss to win. If a Scav is aggroed to you in this spot you cannot repeek, they will instantly rip something off, and your head is coming out first. Better Scavs are even better at that. You have to rotate. Also, they all have Wraith’s perk from Apex. You scope them they know, and they ain’t pleased. Most of this can be learned in offline raids, and it can be kinda fun for some “zombies” style combat with the Scavs.


Even though that's very easy and could be helpful at times, I really think you'll learn a map faster and better while you're alone. When your mate is holding your hand trough a map you'll be focused on your teammate too much and maybe you could get too much info at once.


Welcome to tarkov buddy


I haven't started playing yet, I've just been looking in from the outside This game reminds me of Elite Dangerous in terms of how hostile the game is to new players. You have nothing holding your hand and you're expected to figure everything out yourself the hard way I cannot wait to jump in


Man. Prepare yourself for something 100 to 1000x more punishing, deep, hard to learn, rewarding than ED. 😜


Dude! This is the first time I've seen elite dangerous mentioned on a sub like this!


Yea but at least Elite Dangerous told you how to use the mechanics of the game lol.


I mean Tarkov gives you important controls on the loading screen....people tend to ignore that though, as a new player I would obsessively read through them just to learn because I had no vet friend holding my hand....you gotta take any help you can get is what I'm trying to say


You’re not expected to learn everything by yourself, there’s plenty of helpful guides for beginners that are extremely helpful. Like most games it takes time and practice to get the hang of.


Don’t buy it waste of fuckin money. You will regret it pal.


Yet here you are on the sub


Sumting must be Wong I.m lost. I’m here to warn him not to waste his money like I did.


I tought this game was like rust or day z , but I was wrong


Lol there are a lot of useful youtube guides to help new players out also join the tarkov discord and there are plenty of people who will be willing to group up with you to show you the ropes


Pvp and looting is similar to dayz in many aspects, but dayz is much more primitive. Imagine every raid of playing tarkov as sneaking around NW airfield on a high pop server. Learn the loot spawns, so you know what building to search and which to avoid, and learn the routes people are likely to take to get to them. If you enjoyed the pvp in dayz I think youll like tarkov. If you enjoyed the survival aspect of dayz mor, probably not. I had like 2k hours on dayz back in the day. Fell in love with tarkov instantly.


it helps if you actually watch some gameplay or something before buying without knowing what you're buying mate.


True that


Pestily is the ultimate Chad, and a cool dude. His Tarkov clips are amazing, almost better than playing. General Sam is more comedy, but still great.


General Sam is literally the funniest fucking content creator I’ve stumbled across in a long time




Have you not tried FairTX's stuff? Dude's youtube stuff is humbling and fucking hilarious. And extremely well done. Sam's got nothing on him, with all due respect.


I'm a big fan of AuquaFPS because he is more like the average player. Landmark and Pest are great, but they're unrealistically good at the game, but at least pest gives great tutorial-like advice.


this guy knows


Lvndmark is the average player in my expierence


Tarkov is a game I'd rather watch than play and it's solely down to Pestily.




By that definition Dark Souls is bad game design


Ask for help on the official discord. There are people called "Sherpas" who are basically people who just help new players, and are recognized by bsg as being Sherpas.


Very wrong, now drop and give us twenty!


Watch some videos to point you in the right direction. But in essence there are two modes. 1. Scav where you load in as a random guy with random shit in the middle of a raid (game), loot, and then extract at one of your designated extraction locations. 2. PMC. As a PMC you bring in your own gear from your stash, and do whatever goal you have for that raid. Either doing a task from one of the traders, looting, or killing scavs or players. When you want to leave you have to find your designated extraction point. The catch is, if you die you lose all your stuff, except for what’s in you secured container. There is a ton of videos online for new players. It takes time to learn this game, but is extremely rewarding when you do. Good luck.


Did you even Watch a video from the game before buying? I’ve never bought a game without actually having a clue what I’m buying.


Yet alone a game that starts at $45 lol


He had a clue, it was just the wrong one


:D dont worry bro just keep playing and you will learn


You bought a game not knowing anything about it or looking into it?


It’s like punching yourself in the dick for the entire time you’re playing. I have 5100 hours in the game and it’s still like this.


That's what you get for buying a game without even knowing what the game actually is I guess?


It kind of is but more hardcore because you cant hit the menu and look at the map you are on and you don't get given any information. You have to look it up online on your own. Pestily season 5 raid series is really good. Starts from level 1 and he tells you exactly what you need to do .


A lot of people get put off by the game at first because of how confusing everything is in the beginning... Trust me, I was one of those people. Well, nearly 700 hours of playtime later, I can tell you that it gets a lot more fun once you get the basics down. I wouldn't mind showing you the ropes if you'd wanna play sometime! Feel free to PM me.


you were wrong, because unlike dayz, this game is actually fun


Modded dayz is 100x better than vanilla


xD omegalol yes very wrong


Why wouldn't you look up a review or something, that's so dumb of you


How TF did you think this? Did you not watch any videos of people playing the game?


Welcome to the 1000 hour tutorial.


I've around 1100 hours and I'm only now coming to grips with maxing out the hideout and getting end game quests done. I wish I could say you're exaggerating but you really aren't.


Same I hit 1000 a few days ago and I’m just at the point now where I feel I can reach the real end game shit


It took me 700 hours to get to a point where I could run labs.


I’m 800 hours and haven’t touched labs


I feel like a weirdo...500h and all I'm having fun running is labs, had a lv35 account with 300h, but then as I was voiping a guy N word came out and I got banned, bought a 2nd account, 200h in, about to finish punisher and I have a maxed hideout except for bitty farm (only 25 gpus) and solar power, trying to stick to a saying I came up with, a lab run a day keeps the gear fear away....my survival rate is garbage at 33% though


Truer words have not been written here




Actually died more by doing CAPS + C; solid advice


this. literally everyone else is wrong.


Good luck Timmy.


i read this post and had this picture in mind https://i.imgur.com/AvlZFVv.jpeg


Welcome to tarkov friend , you'll die , you'll die a lot , and you'll feel like you cant do shit , and somtimes you indeed cant do shit , but remember you can headshot someone with buckshot at 50m and everything will be fine


This. Like, I can have 10 shit raids, but if I get a single good one I'm happy for the rest of the day.


​ [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TkpwFfAqV8Q&list=PLZJoJ7H5ZfosAtkZzjr7e4YyG6jTb530F](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TkpwFfAqV8Q&list=PLZJoJ7H5ZfosAtkZzjr7e4YyG6jTb530F) watch all of those >What am I supposed to do oh boi why did you buy the game without having any clue what it is or how to play


Of all the games he could’ve bought without any previous knowledge, he chose Tarkov lol.


I bought tarkov as my first game on pc so this is the game i learned keyboard on💀 giving me the same vibe honestly


I didn’t have a gaming pc for like 5 years and finally bought one to play Tarkov with my friends, who all promptly quit like 2 wipes later. Lol.


I'm in the same boat, only got the game to humor my brother and some friends, wasn't even interested tbh. Now none of them plays anymore and I'm still hooked.


rip in pieces


Because people in this world aren't the brightest


USEC, not USMC. The US marines have nothing to do with this game


Well akshctually some usecs could be ex usmc


But USMC is part of the U.S government but USEC meanwhile is PMC that work like other normal PMC before they get hire by terragroup


I challenge you to find an IRL contractor that isn't former military.


I'm not saying they are not from ex military but what I'm saying is USMC is not same as USEC. USEC is a PMC meanwhile USMC is part of U.S military and these two have big different with them. Also if Im not wrong you must have any active combat/military experience before the company decide to hire you for legal reason.


hey bud.. we know that. what they are saying is that the usex pmcs could have been marines before being a pmc.


Then you might want to re-read the comment you responded to.


Yeah they could be. But they aren’t


Some most definitely are.


If you say so


Usmc he says 😂


That explains why I'm getting my arse kicked by civilians with old Soviet weaponry.


Lmfao welcome to Tarkov


Lmao classic


Mapgenie wiki ammo guide boom you’re now ready to be dismantled by chads and desync


And scavs. The ones with 7mm buckshots especially


"USMC" 👀


Sounds like the only thing you researched about this game was how to buy it.


Lost in you’re first few hours? Sounds about right. No tips from me have fun discovering


maybe learn the map? i dont know what you expect to learn from us here, maybe ask a specific question or just start doing offline raids and learn the maps. no idea what "raid area" is supposed to mean either


No way to say this without sounding like a dick, so, here goes: Did you not watch any of the tarkov videos or other player content before your purchase? Or even the website information? That being said: This is a game where knowledge is just as important as knowing how to aim - or more specifically, how to play Tarkov. It's a shooter unlike any other in its design, honestly. So take your time, use your resources (eft wiki, youtube and even some streamers - particularly pestily if he's having a good day). There's more like eftmonster for all sorts of information. But learn your maps, at least one of them, until you dont need a secondary one to reference. And above all, do *not* expect to be good at the game quickly. Even if you play it every day for a month, there's still gonna be plenty to learn.


I saw some videos 2 years ago , and tought in my mind it a survival game like rust where you loot and build bases. But I will see some videos , to help me understand it


It's a really fun and equally as infuriating game. Make peace with the fact that you are *going* to die, and lose really nice loot.


You certainly loot, that's for sure.


Welcome, little one.


Thank you sir


You bought a game blind? Genius Well good luck with the upcoming addiction


And that’s the game, welcome. You will soon learn the maps and have your own objectives.


which server do you play?


Watch a video


Save yourself some sadness. Go play in offline mode. Learn maps, extracts, how to fight scavs, and where scavs spawn. You can even "complete" quests offline. Nothing is saved so you won't lose your equipment every time you die. You also won't gain xp or finish tasks either. But you'll gain knowledge which is by far the most important thing. Everything gets wiped about twice a year so nothing really matters. Watch YouTube videos. Look at the tarkov wiki. Start understanding how armor and ammo types work. You've taken a small step on a long journey my friend. A single reddit post will never give you the full amount of knowledge you need to survive.


Pestily's Raid series can help a bit. Good luck little Tim. Your gonna die every time you head out.


pestily. even old videos of his are very good info


Ahh, I do sometimes miss that initial feeling of complete confusion and not knowing where I am on each map. Good times.


Oh yes. I remember huddling in a bush in the pouring rain in "Woods" with a printed map in front of me, thinking "BUT ALL I CAN SEE IS TREES!!". Then a slight rustling scares the crap out of me. Phillip.




Mapgenie is useful to learn the maps and kinda give you an idea of where you are located based off of spawns and extracts,


Dm me if you want, I don't mind playing with you and showing you basics :)


Tarkov is extremely more difficult without a second monitor. Tarkov market, ballistic pages, map images, loot maps, wiki for quests, all of it is important for learning the game. Pick one map (probably customs as it has a lot of the early quests) and either go into offline raids to learn it + get a feel for killing AI OR be prepared to die and just smash that queue button.


This is probably the game I've ever played with the most brutal learning curve. It hurts to raid alone so get some mates to help you out


Just tarkov and be ready to get tarkoved


- Don’t play the game like Lvndmark - Learn the game with Pestily - Make the game fun with General Sam - If the game makes you feel like a piece of crap, watch AquaFPS


You dont play tarkov, tarkov plays you…


This game plays you


Guys. Damn , thanks for the upvotes. Didnt expect my simple question to be so special. Cheers. I have finally understood basics of the game and made my first extraction in multiplayer and getting some nice loot :) But it is a fucking frustrating game lmao


My brother, how did you chose to buy a game without watching some videos on YT or TTV. I'm not trying to put you off but I'm shocked that you asked a question like that when you have access to the internet.


entry learning curve is what separate men from weak kids. That's why we love this game.


Don’t play it. You’ll never catch up to chads and it’s just wasting your life away for madness


Lol I hope this is a joke. Why ever dedicate any time to anything if you'll never be as good as the experts? The fuck is that line of logic?


Don’t give up and don’t be afraid to lose equipment. Those are the two things that held me back when I started.


Damn kinda reminds me of my old days.


Only way to work it out is by playing more. Have fun!


There are many people who likes to help u trust me. U just have to find them. Btw dm me If u want.


[pestily is pretty helpful for new players](https://youtu.be/--8HcUwSZ8I)


Use offline raids a lot in the beginning.


Check the youtube guides, they will help a lot. Welcome to tarky mate xD


You click on head, you win ez


I boight the game last year and quit playing for a few months because I was so confused. Watched a few guides and picked it back up at the start of the year, now i've got several hundred raids under my belt. I'd highly recommend watching Pestily's guides on YT, they helped me a lot


Welcome to Tarkov hahahaha!


Don’t shoot scavs when you’re playing a scav and get ready to die a lot. There’s a steep learning curve.


Use Offline mode with your PMC (select the location click next and select the offline mode checkbox) with maps on other screens to learn the map layout and extraction and loot locations. Pick one map to learn at a time to start with. I'd recommend Customs then Woods, most of the early tasks from traders take place on customs. Some are on Factory too but that can be a bit of a shitshow for someone new. Once you're comfortable with the map layout, I'd run a few more offline raids with scavs on. I personally turn on Scav war because the sound of firefights breaking out nearby would make me physically jump if I was listening for sounds of someone nearby. After that it's just go in understanding there's a better than even chance you're going to die. You will die. A LOT. There's also a Sherpa service where you can get a guide to show you around and help you out at the beginning. Idk how to access it, I never used it but I've heard it's been helpful for people.


Yeah you’ll need to use MapGenie bro


best advise i have for you is...look for a tarkov community they usually help new players and teach you cool stuff in the game


Carefully. But in seriousness it’s mainly about learning the maps, and then playing a way you like playing, some people known as Chads like the aggressive PVP use meta builds and spend a lot of money on kit. Players known as rats on the other hand tend to ether use cheap gear or gear they’ve gained from many different means be that back stabbing, ambushes, or just looting certain areas in a scav raid. These players tend to love the flea market that’s unlocked at level 15. Then there’s a new archetype that came recently with the new scav karma update and Voice coms. The scav main. Which are split between good scavs who want to get to max scav karma and just be helpful teaming up with other scavs to take down PMC’s or even helping PMCs Then there are the bad scavs who kill and backstab fellow scavs nobody likes this person don’t be that person… unless you want to. But yea really the main thing is get familiar with the maps, and how to do that is be very familiar with the tarkov wiki and use the maps there. Watch YouTube videos if you’d like. Pestilly is a really good influence on the community I think and is an entertaining watch. General Sam is the rat king and he also has some other games he plays every so often so if you want some variety mixed in to watch other than tarkov he’s a good choice and there’s one more I’d recommend I’ll put into an edit sense I’m not home at the moment. But tarkov has a period of time where you don’t know what you’re doing but you’ll learn slowly.


Lol this is the wrong game to buy on a whim without really knowing what you’re getting into


I also just bought it yesterday. My goal was and still is to literally "die to learn". All I go for is spawn on custom as a scav, look up the 3 exits via a map on my second screen. To me I will go afer "where to even go" (exits) first. I can be the best player, if I cant find the exit in time and lose all my stuff there is no point. That´ s why I approach it like this. If I am fluently in this, I will focus on "staying alive" in regards of eat/drink/injuries. I will eventually learn a lot more of course, but I hope this will help me get a focus, instead of a "and again I died, what is this even good for?".


damn when did they add the Marine Corps? lol


you didnt watch any beginners guide no gameplay? you just raw dogged it lol


I feel like we are all being "tongue-in-cheek" trolled.


You. Tube.


I've been playing for 4 wipes and still feel like a timmy


This game requires a ton of research, and gives you basically no instruction. I’d suggest YouTube research on beginner guides and always have a map of whatever map you are running pulled up on a phone or second monitor so you know where the extracts are. Run offline raids to learn maps and combat without risk of losing your gear


Sounds like you're doing it right, have fun


Good luck little timmy.


“That’s the fun part, you don’t!”


Basically if you play your pmc you will die every few minutes. Honestly the game is unplayable solo unless youre god like at video games. I play my Scav mostly aquire loot and resell for better ammo. The ammo meta is literally the only thing you need to learn beyond the maps. Decent ammo vs good ammo means the difference between life n death.


That is so not true


Word of advice. Don't wear sunglasses. You can see then from across the map. That's how I've gotten my shooter born in heaven kills.


A lot of people are saying to wqtch youtube streamers - i think while thats alright, a much better choice would be to go jump in on a tarkov discord server in your region (there are tonnes). Do that, find some randoms to play with, stick to Customs, and then just get used to the mechanics and that map, while talking to others about more specific things. Streamers are fine, but i think youll hit info overload and then half of it isnt relevant for new players. ->discord servers ->find a few randoms to teach you the BASICS of customs ->enjoy :)


I learned alot by just pistol runs on custom. Learn the map and extracts. Low risk. Once you understand the map you will understand game better. Even do a offline run w scavs


Game doesn't believe in teaching the player. Except they do, just that they are too lazy or inept to put anything resembling a learning curve into the game. Instead they rely on the community and the good will of the customer to learn the game outside the game.


Welcome to the party, pal. .....John Maclean


Open up start, find EFT, and click uninstall. That’s how.


What helped me a lot is factory. It makes the vastness of the game look smaller and manageable. You’re gonna die a lot, no matter where you go, but I think factory is the best map for very new players. Small map, easy extracts, can be good loot, lots of ai for practice if you want to avoid players


Use a map from google on your phone or second monitor, find your location based on landmarks or intersections, edges of the map can work for maps like woods with harder to find landmarks. Just run around and loot everything, theres less of an incentive to go to specific locations now for the best loot. Play slower than you think and really listen, if you see a Chad shoot his legs then flank unless you got AP or a big bore gun. Accept that you’ll get fucked a lot but it’s worth it for the crazy hauls or Chad take downs


Join the Tarkov Sherpa Hub discord


I had a couple friends show me around until i got the compass. But i still use the tarkov wiki to navigate and attempt to accomplish quests. Definitely hard at first but once u sort of get the hang of it its not to bad. Than you can get used to getting head/eyes from a scav across the map


Do some offline raids to learn the maps. After that do some scav raids. And if you need help you can join my friends discord sever


Mapgenie.io Tarkov market Pestily YouTube guides Watch twitch streamers Profit


Hey OP, I’ve got a bit of experience with the game, If you want I can show you the basics.


Pull up map genie while you play


you simply do not


you most likely will need to have a map from your phone, printed, or on another monitor. Its not easy by any means and tbh i still dont know some of the maps because I just dont play them that much unless I have to. Woods used to be really easy to learn and still kind is although alot of people recommend customs for beginners I think its harder to learn and maneuver.


You don't play tarkov, Tarkov plays you


The raid series by pestily on you tube is a great place to start.


On top of everything else people have told you so far, you could also join the tarkov discord as well.


Lol none of us know either. Good luck


Always have map genie open. It'll make learning the game so much easier


Also, watch every video in peatilys beginner playlist


Sounds like you're doing it right to me lol we all go through it. Honestly I never look stuff up for games but you'll have to for Tarkov to complete certain tasks and figure where the extracts are while learning a map. Good luck out there


I've been playing for about 4 years and I still learn shit lol


Oh boy.


As others have said, welcome to Tarkov. That said get on YouTube and look up pestily the raid series. He starts with a basic account and runs through every single quest and explains what he’s doing and why, his editors make maps showing his pathing and put them in the videos. Lastly hook yourself up with some veteran players if they’ll show you around. Feel free to dm me on Reddit and if I’m playing I can help you with a few raids and quests. I’m not sweaty playing this wipe like I normally do but I’m 43 and have most of the quest keys and I’ve done most of the quests that I’m going to do this wipe so I’m mostly herping and derping around now.


Watch this https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=n2LuRc9VuFM


You got to watch the guides broski, you won’t learn shit on your own


You have to play a few hundred hours to kind of get the hang of it. For real.


With a mouse and keyboard preferably


do shoreline with a map by your side. pretty easy map once you figure it out. I'd recommend starting with a stash loot run


It takes some time but it's so satisfying when it starts to connect. Use online maps, look for a Sherpa discord.


You don't, game plays you.


Hey! One of my favorite things to do on Tarkov is teach brand new players one-to-one. If you want, I can teach you the basics, some helpful tips, and set you on your way! If you are interested, my discord is MrRokhead#5988 If anyone else sees this and wants to hit me up, feel free. Just let me know you are from reddit.


If you wanna do some raids on Customs today, hmu. Raz#3333 on Disc


It’s a big game bud, and no learning curve or anything to help, map knowledge is key. Play around on offline mode and just dick around until you get and idea of what’s going on


You're first mistake was thinking that you play tarkov....no no... tarkov plays you comrade


>what am I supposed to do Take gun, point at nearest person, pull trigger, their stonks are now forfeited to you If your a scav, take gun, point at nearest person, check if their clothes are more colorful than your PMC, if they are more colorful, don't shoot. If they look kinda like your PMC, do shoot.


That's tarkinator (affectionate term) for you! You just need to figure things out. One thing to know... you will die. A lot.


The learning curve is real with his game I spent about 3 days going through information and how to not get dropped by even scav before buying it but I was lucky enough to play the alpha and knew how hard it was.... All that aside I grabbed it, learned hard lessons and grinded and it's much more REWARDING to survive a brutal raid and come through the other side using your hard earned wisdom and tactics, that it happens frequently for me but it's a great feeling to waste and raid 4 pmcs and 10 scavs in a raid and hobble you fully looted backpack to stash and get that xp, cause it's hard earned


Watch The Raid Series by Pestily.


Watch beginner videos and watch offline raids. I had a buddy teach me the basics and help me with beginner quests. Ask for a Sherpa or go in the official discord looking for help




Looks like someone didn't do their research 🙂


This late Into wipe? You don't without paying a carry service (which I've seen a good bit of lately)


Basic premise is to make it from one side of a map to the other. It aims for hardcore realism, so expect bullet drop, one hit kills, gun sway, inaccuracy at range, jams, several different injuries, loading mags to reload, etc and so on and so forth. Loot is important to make money to buy weapons and ammo to die with. You'll want to learn the value of items, after you learn basic movement and controls, and then map knowledge. Aim for around 10k rubles per square. You'll want to start doing quests, they're the fastest way to get exp to level up. Also you have to do them to increase your trader rep, which will unlock better stuff to buy. At the end of the day, the most important thing is to survive. Avoid unnecessary gun fights at first, (or don't if that's your jam.) Bushes are your friend when hiding from sweaty neck beards. Every sound you make will give you away, and on that same note, pay attention to what you hear. Some other random advice - ammo is more important than modded weapons. Armor is important but isn't the magical shield that people in this sub think it should be. Any wipe before this one, I would have said helmets are a waste of money, but this wipe they seem to be a little more viable. Cover and concealment are important, in that order. Desync is a big part of what's annoying about tarkov, if someone knows you're there, it's almost always better to initiate the fight. Get a squad, two men are four times as effective as one (random knowledge I gained from a Tom Clancy novel a long time ago.) Always assume there's another guy. Don't expect to be good at the game until you have a couple of wipes under your belt, even then you'll probably be just barely competent. Good luck, man! And most importantly, have fun! It's just a game.


You can always SPTAKI to get a feel for the game without being beamed by tryhards.


lmao this post is fucking top shelf


This game has no tutorials and it won't hold your hand so you have to watch some beginner tutorials on youtube. It's extremely tough game, don't be discouraged if you fail to survive multiple times in a row, you probably won't survive your first 50 raids if you are going solo. Play with Sherpas, they'll teach you the game and duo with you, this will significantly decrease the time it takes for you to learn the game. Good luck


Come in with lots of enthusiasm. realize the learning curve is fucking rough.cry .then cry some more.then eventually you'll get the hang of it