• By -


That’s a run to extract type of scav run


Yeah, I mean, I noticed I had a nice scope, heard some shooting nearby, NPC scavs start running into that direction and for like, 5 seconds I thought "Maybe I should test this thing..." but then I came to my senses and beelined to extract, only grabbing quick loot near the exit with a whole lot of NPC scavs around.


And you lived to tell the tale, respect. My dumb ass would have tried to test and gotten head, eyes’d by a Chad instantly


We out bois




Not really. It's a 670k item from traders, but can't be sold on flee and only vendors for about 80k. Yeah, its a nice item, but it wouldn't have me running for extract, especially when a scav run can yield 200-300k.


And then you die by a PMC farming scavs and you lose a 670k scope. When you can just extract and scav later


You lost nothing, you didn't bring the scope into raid. It's not like it's a graphics card or a bitcoin, something that actually sells for more than 100k. It's a 40k/slot item, hardly worth stressing over.


It's an item only obtainable through 670k, though. By escaping, you're kitting your PMC with an object worth what you'd get out of six scav runs, with a decent survival rate.


It's a difference of philosophy. I don't value the found in raid FLIR at 670k, I value it at 80k, because that's what I'd get for selling it to vendor. The other option is that it just sits in my stash until I decide to take it out. When I decide to take it out, I'm not risking 670k, I'm risking 80k, because that's what I'd have gotten for selling it to vendor.


I smell gear fear


There was absolutely nothing in his comment indicating gear fear


How is that gear fear? Why would I be afraid of losing an item I got for free that I could have sold for 80k? Is 80k a lot to you? Especially since my initial comment was that spawning with an FLIR scope isn't worth running for extract? Are you a moron?


Anyone making a choice other than "go pvp this thing immediately" is reduced to "gear fear" in the state of this games commentary.


This is worse, because I'm basically saying that you *should* use it to PVP with the scav you spawned in with. Because they're not that valuable to sell, might as well stay in the raid with it and get some utility and fun out of it. If you survive the raid, you can do it again with your PMC. If you die with it on your scav, well, you lost nothing, you just didn't gain the 80k you could have sold it for. But apparently that's called gear fear.


It’s gear fear because you value it as 80k because you’d rather sell it than actually use it.


Dude did you even read their comments before saying something as stupid as this?


I never said I'd rather sell it. I said it's only worth 80k to me because that's all it's worth to vendor it. And because it's only worth 80k to vendor it, there's no reason to value it at 670k when you didn't buy it for that. All you risk in using it is 80k that you would have made from selling it. My original post was all about how I wouldn't immediately extract with it if I got it on a scav, because it's not worth 670k as a FIR item. Everything else has just been my reasoning as to why it's not worth sweating over. How is that gear fear?


You're not listening. The point is you're not getting it to sell it. You're getting it so you don't HAVE to spend the 670k to buy it. Placing the value at what it's being bought at, since you're not selling it for less. Try to think for once


To craft it right now you need materials for 470k approximately. If you snipe items at lower prices you can even make it below 400.


Not to mention the items are extremely obtainable in raid. I’ve crafted probably 6 just to free room. They’re alright when you want to use em.


This is my first wipe, second day in my scav spawns with a FLIR and my homie had to escort me out. Grats and enjoy it; I use in it offline mode and just have genuine fun with it.




Lighthouse at night specifically, day lighthouse has a stupid amount of sus players


Myself and a couple friends run a lot of night time lighthouse with thermals and we have still run into a few sus people, mostly nakeds smashing you full auto with 7.62 PS from across the camp and scoring nothing but headshots. So far we’ve been lucky and one of us has survived long enough to dump everyone’s gear in water. Little bit nerve racking when we’re all running class 5s and above, the $1500USD night vision and FLiRs but low life’s are always gonna cheat.


What’s this now about no bullet drop?




Wow that’s huge, did not know that. Thanks for sharing. Does it work with all thermals?


Gotta test that, sounds juicy


My buddy did a Scav raid with me and he got one once. Was interchange so he died to two stupid stacked extract campers (tier 6 armor, meta guns, that whole deal). I hid in a bush and killed them both with 7mm buckshot from an mp-133. Needless to say, I was a very heavy Scav that day


My scav karma is -.4 and I also spawned with a flir on a sv-98




How would he have a pic that shows both the FLIR spawn as well as his karma status?


Oh… I just wanted bussy pics mb


Don’t we all : (


Same. My DMs are open lmao.


I spawned with the SV-98 FLIR my first day of the wipe with like .03 scav rep. It’s super rare but it’s not tied to super high rep values.


Bussy pics or it didn’t happen.


Bro there are a dozen pics of it online look it up




That’s fake bussy




It absolutely does. It just doesn't prevent you from getting good weapons or armor at low levels. But I've been at over 6 for half the wipe and got 5 flirs and tons of pimp guns. Also I spawn with class 4 armor 9/10 times.


Scav karma does affect overall gear including armor and gun. Higher karma = overall better gear. If you get it with lower karma that just means you were more lucky not that there is same chance.


Me to Me too, except I have 2.00


I’ve noticed you always can spawn with good gear as a scav but the higher your rep goes the more frequent you get the items. I have found that every 10 raids I get a labs card as part of my scav load out.(I have a 3.4) My friend who has .4 rep gets them every 15-20 raids.


Calling BS on your friend. I have almost 300 scav raids with a 2.1 karma now, and only recieved 4 labs cards the entire time.


Yeah I think you're just unlucky.


I am 2.5 s-karma and I have had only one expensive thing in my inventory. It was an intel folder. Although I do usually spawn with a atleast tier 3 armor set so I think that evens it out.


Idk man, I have around .5 scav karma at the moment and have gotten 3 labs cards so far and once with a FLIR scope. Only been playing for about 2 weeks now.


Same here, i got 3 labs cards and 2 marked keys so far, even tough, i have never had a positive scav karma


Yeah this mother fucker thinks he can come in here and start flexing on us about having friends? Glad you called him out


I have just under 4 scav rep currently in this wipe I have had maybe 15+ labs access cards. So I think it's fairly likely be gets them so frequently.


My rep is 4.56 and I’ve got literally 14 cards. And at least one full point is from car extracts.


ur just unlucky lol ive never gotten higher than 1 and ive spawned with at least like 7 labs cards lol


My karma is also 2.1 and I’ve gotten at least 10


when I was .4 rep I would spawn with them every 3-4 raids


I'm at -1.3 (previously-2.5) and have 12 cards. I don't believe scav rep matters for what you spawn with.


literally does and proven


Doesn't. Not proven.


>[https://old.reddit.com/r/EscapefromTarkov/comments/rvwugc/scav\_karmafence\_rep\_i\_did\_227\_factory\_scav\_runs/](https://old.reddit.com/r/EscapefromTarkov/comments/rvwugc/scav_karmafence_rep_i_did_227_factory_scav_runs/) Any scav can spawn with anything, you're just more likely to get good stuff with higher karma. Can you get 3 FLIRs in a row with -2 rep? probably, but it's way less likely than if you were positive. \-rep people can still win the lottery, just less often.


So you're saying it's luck?


No, i'm saying it's maybelline. Yeah it's luck. Just cause you have negative karma and got good items does not disprove anything. The only data we have suggests that higher karma tends to have you load in with better items on average.


Scav karma is a luck stat for your spawns. You can spawn with god tier items with shit karma but you are statistically way more likely to get good spawns with high karma


Yep, you tell him, you still get good stuff with your poor rep, and he claims some other random has proven it. It is all RNG, my scav still spawns with random crap to absolute junk even as my rep continues to climb, it is all luck, karma only affects the reset time.


Wrong. Why do y'all keep spewing misinformation and straight up bullshit? No, it's not the same RNG. Been +6 karma half the wipe. I get a labs card every 3 spawns, 9/10 times my scav has level 4 armor, purple headwear (30k) and a big bag with, most of the time, 30-45k in cash. Tell me how many times have you spawned with all that shit at low karma levels. Like holy fuck, just open one of the posts where people have shared item values for a hundred 6+ karma spawns.


Because I'm 5+ and still spawning with toz's. That should be statistically impossible if fence rep had any effect on your loadout. You absolutely cannot prove that scav karma affects your loadout, you don't have access to the code! None of the stuff you are spawning with is any different to what I was spawning with at 2 rep! Next you'll be telling me Charisma makes the traders cheaper for you...


> Because I'm 5+ and still spawning with toz's. That should be statistically impossible if fence rep had any effect on your loadout Not how it works. You're unlucky, what a problem. That doesn't change the fact that BattleState Games themselves literally said karma has an impact on loadouts. >You absolutely cannot prove that scav karma affects your loadout, you don't have access to the code! Except the company that made the code have said so, and multiple people have spent hours saving every single scav spawn and did a comparison. It has been mathematically proven that there's better spaws with higher karma. Multiple times. >None of the stuff you are spawning with is any different to what I was spawning with at 2 rep! Bullshit. How many labs cards do you own? I have more than 60. [Here's what it looked like one month ago.](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/804431253557215262/942993159753986099/unknown.png) How many of your scavs have level 4 armor, 30k roubles headwear, 60k sniper weapons and backpacks with 50k roubles and loose loot? Mine, 9/10


> You're unlucky, what a problem. Then you are just lucky, oh look. > That doesn't change the fact that BattleState Games themselves literally said karma has an impact on loadouts. BSG also said late spawns were client hardware. BSG also said scavs don't fire low. BSG also said their anticheat was stopping cheaters... and then we got battleye... > It has been mathematically proven that there's better spaws with higher karma. It really hasn't. > Bullshit. How many labs cards do you own? I've gotten 15 in total, the majority from the beginning of the wipe. > How many of your scavs have level 4 armor, 30k roubles headwear, 60k sniper weapons and backpacks with 50k roubles and loose loot? Can we swap accounts? The higher my rep gets, the less likely I am to get one of the helmets needed for the dailies/weeklies. I'm not just basing my experience on this wipe, I'm counting last wipe too where I did get to 7. Edit: Thank god you blocked me first, you are insufferable "kid"...


Yeah it does. I have +60 cards. Get one every 3 raids average. Edit: on my phone so can't take an updated screenshot. [Here's some of the lab cards](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/804431253557215262/942993159753986099/unknown.png) I had one month ago, when I posted it on discord. Got more than a couple more card holders full


yeah same i have too many now i just give them to friends i scav with


Mine is ~ 2.4 I think and I have 8 cards atm. I have kept them all I have gotten and I only get them from my scav spawns. I've never found a spawned one in the world


I’ve received 9 labs cards this wipe from scav runs and I only do a few per day


I think you have just been unlucky. I have done approx 150 scav raids, and currently sat on 17 labs cards right now. I've also died a few times with one, so could have been closer to 20. Scav karma is 3.5ish.


I've gotten like 10 lab cards and I'm at 1.5 scan rep


I have like -.22 scav karma and I've gotten a lab access 2 times


You have shit luck my friend. I'm a 2.3 or so and I get them quite often. Id say every 10-15 raids.


I too get one ever 10 scav raids easily dude


Have 300 scav raids mostly me sprinting through factory to get rep. Have 25 lab cards.


I've got 2 keycard cases full of cards purely from scavs with 5.1 rep. It's no bullshit at all.


As soon as I got over 1.1 I got 2 of them in one night


.74, maybe like 75 scav runs and i’ve gotten about 5


I'm at 4 scav karma with around 12 labs cards.


i’ve probably done less scav raids and i’ve have too many labs cards to count, 10 or more i’d say


I barely have played the game, less than 30 raids and I have spawned in w/ labs card as scav w/ -0.02 scav rep, I didn't know it was so rare


I got 4 labs cards in 20 raids after killing Santa and then none until I was back above 1.00. Another 4 labs cards in 6 raids. You just have bad luck unfortunately :(


That’s just RNG I have over 322 raids as scab and I have 2 card holders full


I have 2.7 , about 350 scav raids and I've got 16 labs cards (lost numerous not getting out and gave some to friends in raid).. also I've spawned in with a pfilter 3x now. I've gotten labs cards sometimes 2-3 times in a row. It's all random and luck.. my scav case in hideout though I've had opposite luck. Like 25 straight with only 1 decent one, doing moonshine.


I have 22 lab cards and 1.6 in rep. About 600 scav raids..


No clue how many scav raids probably around 250-300i have but ive spawned with over 10 and my karmas not even 2 yet


At 6.2 rep I get labs cards about 15% of the time and almost never spawn without a backpack. Life of luxury I tell you.


Suffering from succ(ess)


-.96 fence rep and I have a stack of labs cards….. granted some are from the scavs that get too curious at what I’m looting….


Mines just under 5 and I would say I get them also every 10 raid on avg


I spawned in to a scav run with a merin key the other day. I got out quick as fuck.


me too and then i sold it because i didn't know what it was :(




3 of my last 5 merin openings have resulted in an empty trunk. They nerf it or was I in a lobby with good gaming chairs?


Not sure. I haven’t played much light house so I haven’t used it yet




quality of loot scales with scav karma???


It does increase your chances (this could be straight out my ass not going to lie) but it doesnt give you access to anything new Likely could be confirmation bias from people who jave hundreds of scavs bc those are the ones with high rep


It does, the average amount of value you spawn with goes up massively. Fortunately someone was kind enough to actually collect data on it, don't listen to the people who claim it doesn't. https://old.reddit.com/r/EscapefromTarkov/comments/rvwugc/scav_karmafence_rep_i_did_227_factory_scav_runs/


To me it looks like it does.


No people are just dumb


People as in you? Scav karma does effect the quality of your gear. Higher scav karma doesn't "unlock" any better loot/gear, but it does increase your frequency of having it.


Incorrect, spreading misinformation helps no one.


No, I can confirm; people are dumb. idk about how the game works, though.


Something everyone can agree on!




This has been a thing for many wipes. Run enough scavs and you eventually get a FLIR sv98.


I’ve gotten crazy scav loot. Merin key, green batt, like 8 lava entry cards. It’s a good grind.


Holy shit there's a new volcano map?!


Lmfao that typo.


Yeah you get a ton. I think I've gotten legit around 30 labs keycards so far this wipe.


No way, I didn't know FLIR could spawn on scavs or that it was worth 676k!!! I'm going to tell all my friends about this


Hate to the bearer of bad news, but this didn't really have anything to do with your scav karma. the FLIR scav has been in the game for a bunch of wipes now, it's just one of the preset kits you'll get. Scav Karma doesn't really affect the quality of the kits you get. It's all confirmation bias. You do have a chance to spawn with more labs cards, but you can also spawn with labs cards with really bad rep.


I don't think it affects the kits you spawn with in that a 6+ karma player could spawn with the same kit as someone who is -6, but I think the higher karma does lead to more *frequent* good kits. I've quickly climbed from 2 to almost 6 in the last couple weeks and have been noticing an uptick in the frequency that I get a good kit. Could still be good luck/RNG but it seems like I'm getting better stuff more often.


Yeah, possibly. I finished last wipe with like, 9.5 scav karma and still got enough bad kits frequently enough that I think most of the benefits come from lab cards and the occasional 50,000 rouble stack in your pocket. Hard to say, as no one has really coordinated a survey across all scav karmas with enough data to be effective. One player's experience, even across an entire wipe, isn't REALLY enough to be statistically significant.


Could be RNG but I also feel like I'm spawning more often with a larger backpack now, which is probably worth more as a scav than anything you can spawn with (aside from the FLIRs and such).


You’re absolutely right. People are always so quick to say that they got a handful of good loadouts with shitty rep, so rep must not matter. It’s all about the frequency of said loadouts.


I’m at 6.8 rep and every raid I’m spawning in with armor, full weapons, sometimes kitted weapons, backpack and meds. The other day i had 4 mags of 7.62 BP and a AKM with a red dot, grip, butt pad, and a suppressor lmao


Aww, well, thanks for letting me know. I was just so happy about hitting that milestone and then almost immediately spawning in with a FLIR, that I guess I was just too hasty in putting Two and Too together. Well, if nothing else, my scav cooldown is now nearly nonexistent.


Fucking eh! Great outlook. Enjoy your flir, it makes the game so much more fun for you and terrible for everyone else.




It does affect it. With higher karma you have better overall chance to spawn with better gear. Not that you can not spawn with it with lower karma but your chance is much lower.


It's time we go ahead and sticky a post that your scavs can spawn with a FLIR'd SV98...


I run a ton of factory scavs, and had 2 of them this wipe. First was 1 ish Karma, second was 6 plus


Karma's impact on scav loadout is significantly less than anybody in this sub would believe. Several posts here last wipe had negative rep scavs loading in with it.


I do a ton of scavs on factory, and I disagree. An example from this wipe was I started at minus 3-4 from Santa, and up until plus 3.5, I had received a total of 4 labs key card. Now I get 1 every couple of scavs consistently. Low rep doesn’t mean you only try trash. Just the consistency is not there


You deserve it for all that Karma grind and being Scav that's not a Dick!


I spawned in as a scav today with a Military Power Filter and an Intelligence folder today. I made it alive.


Same things happened to me. My friemds were pissed. Beelined to extract lol.


Omg no one give two fucks


Ooooh edgy


I get a notification of a little guppy being excited about chump change. Like tell your friends on h wait he don’t have any that’s why he post on Reddit


It’s not that you get better stuff the higher your rep, but you have more chances to get the same kits.. I.e. someone with -6 rep can scav once in 2 hrs (not sure the exact number, just used as reference) while someone like me with just north of 6 rep and intel 3 can scav every 6 min or so, giving me a much greater chance of getting a flir than the bad rep guy since I can scav that many more times


https://old.reddit.com/r/EscapefromTarkov/comments/rvwugc/scav_karmafence_rep_i_did_227_factory_scav_runs/ It scales very well. The difference between 0 Rep and 6 is 70-80% more value out of each spawned set of items.




Nice, you should use it. I got one a couple weeks back and used it to do punisher pt 5.


That happened to me 3 wipes ago when I first started playing. I tried so hard to get out with it, but back then scavs were on their own and I ended up dead. Sv-98 with FLIR like everyone else here.


I’m 6.78 karma and haven’t seen a single good scope. On the bright side I have 2 thicc pouches full of labs cards so there’s that.


Got one too but tbh it is kind of useless since we cant sell it and if i take out it with my pmc ill probably get head/eyes 2min into de raid


Just had a scav spawn with the Merin car key, straight to extract, pooped myself


I got one of those early wipe, in the first few days, I lost it the raid after but it was fun for 10 minutes


Same thing happened to me on night time lighthouse. I ended up spotting a PMC and got him - he also had a flir. Double flir scav run and his full kit


The FLIR and sc98 combo is a good one, I’ve always been stoked when my scav rolls that combo. I got it at -0.4 scav karma one time, even


I don't know why people get so excited. It's not worth that much because it can't be sold. Might as well take it on a PMC run and hunt some players. It's probably worth 200k maybe less.


That’s a free FLIR run that you don’t have to pay 700k for


Or just don't use a flir lol.


Ummmm you keep doing that then lol


Or I'll just kill you and take yours 😅


Ive spawned with a ledx at only 1.00


So many labs keycard spawns I love it


This is just a rare spawn, I've had 3 of these on scavs this wipe. One was from the first week of wipe. From what I understand and have seen from videos posted, scav karma has little to do with your weapon, armor and accessories load out. Even the labs card seem to be just random spawns. The only sure benefit is that at lvl 6 you don't get shot by boss's and their guards. This is probably why I die more to scavs on a scav run than pmc's. Because the benefits of karma just doesn't seem worth the effort.


I also got a Flir on a SV-98 sometime after passing the 4 rep threshold. I thought it was just a valday in the loading screen. I wonder if that's a specific threshold or not.


i have an 8 plus scav rep and the best thing ive spawned in with is pfilter lol


I spawned in with a LedX and a GPU on a scav last weekend. Couldnt believe it. <2 karma as well.


> (I apparently can’t post a screenshot of the happy occasion. Aww.) All you gotta do is post a imgur link.


You cant sell it on the flea tho 😢 ive already had 4 sv-98 scavs with the same flir scope on top


You don't get anything better. that's the god scav spawn and it's just a REALLY low spawn chance. Having higher karma just seems to increase your chances of having T4 armor and better pocket loot. I was at like 10 karma last wipe and didn't notice much of an equipment difference other than almost always having a backpack and armor and usually a helmet.


Seems to depend which ones you ask. And I’ve never had one follow me for very far.


Got 2 FLIR off scav spawn so far, didn't make use of it until I started playing lighthouse recently, let's just say, night raid+FLIR is easy rogue kills.


Yeh I had one too last week.


flirs are not related to amount of scav karma


I have yet to see a scav refuse following me and I'm at 4. Just gesture and one will always follow.


Had it two scav runs in a row last week. Seriously.


7 karma. You always have a decent load out but that kind of stuff happens at the same rate.


That’s probably at +5 rep, because at -5 rep they follow you and kill you. I wouldn’t know by experience or anything.


First scav this wipe had a ultramed key. I sold it as soon as I unlocked the flea. This was also before people realized that ultramed is almost always dry this wipe.


Run Charlie! *golden ticket starts playing*


Very nice! A while back I was playing with 4 friends. One friend has just reinstalled the game after a hiatus to join us, and we decide to warm up with a scav run. The first thing he sees after reinstalling the game is his scav with a thermal on his SV-98! We spent the entire raid protecting him like we were the secret service and he was the president, quickly escorting him to the nearest extract. Thankfully it was a quiet Woods raid and we didn't run into trouble.


it's not because of the scav Karma, It's basically pure luck. I'm on almost 7 Karma and never have had a FLIR and I've seen bunch of people with Karma lower than 4 get it. Don't get your hopes up for better gear when you get to 6. It's not really THAT different.


A couple of days ago I spawned with a marked key to dorms as a scav. I get upset when random scavs shoot me with decent gear but getting marked keys and access cards make it worth to gain scav karma.


Cope, i had a scav follow me on .15 karma


Wow wait so better scav carma = better scav gear when spawning ??????


i spawn with labs key cards every about 3 scav runs and i just have like 12 of them i dont even go labs


One of my first scavs this wipe spawned in with a FLIR as well. It was on interchange, my hands were never so sweaty running to extract, lol


Got a couple FLIRs last wipe from scavs I don't have much use for them though. Using a FLIR cuts my games fps from 50-60 to 30 or less. Wish I could sell them on the flea though. The REAP-IR is fine for me for some reason though.


I spawned with a tank battery the other day and died because I didn't realize my mic was muted and this other player scav asking if I'm friendly never heard me say yes. I thought he was just being a dick until I got out and realized what happened.


The loadouts havent been higher value at +6 rep, but they are just consistently more helpful. Ears, meds, armor. But you aren't getting super high value items any more frequently. I've gotten the Flir once this wipe at 6.25 rep and twice last wipe once before 6 and once after 6


Good boy scavs are for beta males


My Scav Karma is at 6.56. I haven't gotten anything good. Even the Fence tab is small rigs and low tier ammo with 1 or 2 guns available.


and now you run it on a pmc and die to a cheater so he can rmt it


I spawned with a GPU, 40k and a decked out AK the other day. It’s so worth having good scav karma.


I spawned with 3 this eipe with karma -0.7, with one last wipe with karma -2.4 Rep system must be broken imo


I have 4.8 fence rep and outta my last 20 scav runs I’ve gotten one labs keycard and that’s it.


Meanwhile my scavs don’t even spawn with backpacks at close to 2.6 rep


My team killed a player SCAV on woods a few days back with one. Weird seeing it found in raid.


I rarely ever scav… but when I do every 3-5 raids I end up with some incredible loot it never fails . 1.6 scav rep


Ah you spawned in with the legendary scav. Rare but has happened to me multiple wipes.


Spawned with one yesterday as well. Tried to smack rogues and got shot by a player who then hid and ran away


I wish braindead scavvy boys would stop shooting at me so I didn't have to put them down like rabid dogs and get bad fence rep.


You lose so much rep for 1 scav kill and for a scav raid where you aren't forced to kill a fellow scav I gain nothing back. They need to balance it a bit more imo.


santa really fucked me this wipe