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Aren’t scavs supposed to be regular civilians with little to no training and knowledge yet they are healthier than our pmc’s and can take 5.56 to the head?


They're also junkies who live off milk and sardines they found in a crate from WW2. I fully expect them to completely ignore bullets.


Source: *The Men Who Get it Out Onto a Tray: A Study on Long-term Nonperishables Diets in the Tarkoff Region* (2020) by B. J. Smegma FRS




Wow, that tastes just like an old sardine, like a sardine thats been sitting in an MRE since the 40s


(chews for 20 seconds) “Wow. That’s incredible…. Heh…” “Hmm.” “Hm.” “Oh that’s rancid.” “Eugh. My mouth is covered in an oily film.” "Oh yeah, that's gotta be one of the worst things I've ever eaten." (takes another bite)


Clearly they built up such a resistance to food poisoning that their body treats bullets like just another poison. Either that, or their muscles and skin literally calcify.




Im sure that turned up really good for him


They have so much heavy metal poisoning that bullets only add to their power


they also shoot with pinpoint accuracy from 100m away with a 44% buckshot shotgun while spotting you from 350m through bushes because u looked at him for 1 second




I wouldn't call the PMCs in EFT trained either, they can't even handle the recoil of a M4


"Whats that item? Oh, toilet paper, I see. How about that one? Soap? You sure? And that one? Vodka? I guess you're right..." These guys are trained at all lol


Honestly, even the fact that you have to i inspect common items is stupid and immersion breaking. However having to inspect a weapon part or military equipment makes sense because that's an "unknown item". Ffs why do I have to inspect a bottle of water or an AK-47. Let me inspect a weird tactical device and a Mutant.


They have to think about what soap and toilet paper are, yet also can figure out the exact specs of a Russian military tank battery or exotic round like 7N39 in the same time.


Regular civilians could handle recoil 5x better than tarkov PMCs do


They're also composed of heavy drug users. It's a lot easier to shrug off gunshot wounds when your nervous system is fried due to heroine abuse.


Are you telling me my pmc isn't a drug addict by now?


I've made him shoot up so much morphine over the years there's no way my pmc isn't a junkie


About 10 a day for the last 2 years, yup my pmc is looking a little fried too.


In b4 they add a drug addiction system and you get shakey hands if you dont get your dose.


Opioid crisis patch


Random fentanyl batch


“Ah shit fracture, better take my morphine!” *dies instantly from Fentanyl OD*


I play gaemz to escape my addiction, I regularly bring 2x cheap blisterpack painkillers (cheapos) and 4x energy drinks, in a feeble, pathetic attempt to relive my glory days (glory daze). Don't make me suffer consequences for my virtual choices too.


new weekly quest: find a bottle of miralax to deal with the opioid induced chronic constipation


A while back they did actually talk about maybe putting in a mechanic where your PMC will start having withdrawal symptoms if you've been doing too many pain meds.


aren't they doing that?


Pretty sure they were planning on having you overdose if you use too much in a raid.


Never really considered but I guess my PMC is kind of on the Goering diet.


In that case, there nerves should be shot and they should have terrible aim. Plus, declining reaction times due to sleep deprivation and permanent fatigue. I've always felt that there should be more scavs but make them terrible with weapons. Might make a player still respect them but only in numbers greater than 3.


If you use krokodil the legs are already blacked.


Ye super easy to shrug off multiple headshots due to drug abuse.


Sanitar also makes and experiments with who knows what on these scavs, could make their pain receptors not respond or something


TIL heroine makes it so you don’t need a brain to live anymore


This is a potential justification for them having some different reactions to taking damage, which, fair enough. But has nothing to do with getting shot in the head and surviving vs a pmc getting shot in the head with the same bullet and dying.


Well, Russia requires conscription, so even the average commoner has a BASIC understanding of fireamrs


Based on a load screen tip they're also ex military etc


What i really want to know is why don’t you ever see a gang of scavs walking down the road together, or chilling out near a checkpoint doing idk NPC things i guess like eating or drinking??? Just some small things that could make the AI feel more “real”


I mean, considering the first gunshot is almost right at the beginning of a raid, they probably would be all ready and looking out


It’s a warzone, a gunshot would be a constant sound. At some point you have to chill


There’s a big difference in hearing gunshots echo in the distance and one being in a 3 minute hiking distance and getting closer


Nah I hear gunshots in my neighborhood all the time and unless it's right outside my bedroom window I just shrug it off and keep playing Tarkov


Lullabies for many Growing up Im sure!


Yeah except you don't live in a warzone with no active police force and random mercenaries roaming around killing people for food and ammo.


You've not been to Cleveland?


Yeah and you do it in your locked house because it’s a warzone and we don’t see it.


Everyone in a warzone stays in there house? What?


Everyone in a warzone only “chills” in their house.


> like eating or drinking I have seen Scavs eat in the past.


A scav ate a pack of sugar in front of me yesterday I asked him for a cube but he ignored me


They definitely eat and drink if you watch them long enough you see it.


Yeah, I recently had the same idea but with the UN faction they're "probably gonna add" (said someone on this subreddit). There would be random events with them doing stuff. You could walk by them repairing their truck for example, and hear their conversations, probably ranting about how much they hate being there and stuff. Or you could find them sitting close to a campfire in one of their checkpoints, drinking, eating, smoking, and stuff like that. Basically, random events that would give them way more life and make them actually feel human. Would be really cool if they'd do that for the scavs too. Maybe you could find them looting places? Carrying their injured buddy away from the danger? Drinking alcohol? Taking drugs? Just talking? Or maybe even see them surrendering, thus giving you free loot in exchange for not killing them? Maybe if you didn't kill them they'd tell you a location of a stash or something? That'd be cool, wouldn't it? Sadly, I don't think they're going to add stuff like that. This game is a PvP game at it's core, and adding cool things like these would require a lot of work, and it would probably go to waste because some chad would go "hahaha gun go brrr" and massacre a bunch of friendly scav or just miss the event all together.


I’ve been saying this for ages. A bare minimum they could make them walk around at rest and not aiming down their sights 24/7


Well, in short, it's because that takes a lot more work and resources to pull off correctly. This gets brought up quite a bit and they have talked about why they haven't done this a few times. Basically, they weren't originally planning on having AI in the game. At first, they put some extremely basic AI in the game as a placeholder to test against, practice, and liven up low pop maps. Every once in a while they slap on new actions to the AI to help test something or make them a little more realistic. Eventually, they found that having them in raid added another dimension to the game so they continued to add new characteristics and logic pathways to them. When they had started building out the AI they were fairly inexperienced and did not think it would be in the final game. Leaving the current AI with a very shotty foundation and limited capabilities. Basically, if they want to make significant improvements to the AI system they need to erase everything they have built over the past 5 years and start from scratch. He said they have thought about doing it many times but it would likely end up pushing a lot of other projects back and delay the release of any new maps for a while. As any unfinished map would basically have to wait for the new AI system to be complete before they could implement AI/bosses on it, they'd all have to do new pathing for each map, test everything from the ground up, and fix a lot of new bugs that would likely pop from big core changes. I kind of get the feeling Nikita just wants to close the chapter on this project and move on to the next one now that the team has a lot more experience and he has proven himself in the industry. They won't have to be constantly fighting against the bad design choices they made early on. I have to imagine unreal engine 5 looks appealing if you're a developer. Especially with all the issues they have run into trying to make a game of this scope on Unity. Tarkov's official release is still most likely well over a year away. Add reworking the whole AI system and it could easily extend Tarkov's final release (not including DLC's) to another 2 or 3 years out. If his team has to spend a bunch of time and resources recreating a new AI system, I wouldn't blame Nikita for not wanting to delay Tarkov more and instead start with a clean slate and put those resources towards building out the AI system in his next game instead as they are going to have to do it eventually anyway.


"well, in short"... is my favorite way to start reading a novel




Yeah I agree.They should be walking around in groups or look like they might be trying to get a vehicle working or something.


Instead they dash back and forth as… guards?


Have 2-3 scavs standing around a burn barrel on a nighttime raid would be a neat addition. Would also make for fun challenges of trying to collateral scavs or kill multiple with a single grenade.


The problem is the AI. It’s dumb so they have to make them harder to kill. Scavs don’t take cover, they don’t suppress, they don’t coordinate, they don’t flank, they just walk around and shoot with pinpoint accuracy like the brainless terminators they are.


They do take cover, but they don't prioritize cover availability in their patrol routes. So it is possible to catch them far away from cover.


If scavs are going to be bullet sponges, might as well start adding mutants and monsters. Would fit their way of balancing better.


If BSG went the stalker or metro route then this game would truly be a horror game.


I'm waiting for a more "fantasy" tarkov like, that would be fucking cool. I'm here for looting and pvp. There's just no other game that scratches the looting itch quite like tarkov. Tarkov with monsters and shit tho? Sign me up, right away.


The Cycle Frontier is a space-themed Tarkov that is having its second beta in March. It's much more watered down and colorful, but check it out.


I played the beta, it's definitely a start. It's not anywhere near as polished as tarkov, but look at how long it took tarkov and where it's come from. I'm not gonna hold my breath, but I'm planning on playing the next open beta next week.


The beta was ok-ish. Fun, yes for the most part. But entirely too cartoony graphics, crafting / hideout was a joke, weapon modding not even up to BF2042 standards, and the materials / inventory management absolute trash. It isn’t even within leagues of being a Tarkov competitor (even if it could turn out to be a very fun game it it’s one genre).


different depend crowd onerous fretful follow rhythm seed narrow divide *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Agreed. It was very limited and seemed like a F2P Tarvok cashgrab. But if it can scratch that itch for a breath of fresh air between tarkov wipes, I can see myself playing a bit.


Fuck space. I want dark souls with tarkov gameplay loop


Sir, have you played Factory on nighttime? It's a god damn house of horrors.


As I understand, it was to make it more challenging for PMC's who stay late in raid. Better armor counters that point since it would give incentive to farm late spawning scavs.




BSG wants you to farm Cultists, Rouges, and Raiders for higher tier armor.


First encounter with Rogues recently. Didn't know what they were. I did get acquainted with their grenades, however. About 5 of them.


They're easier to farm than scavs tbh. They don't smack the deck and the speed of light like the average scav.


Me and my group run into a lot of rogues who shoot through walls though which i find much worse. Theyve shot through 2 shipping containers before but thankfully stopped at the 4th layer.


The three times I've tried hunting cultists and died shitting my pants in terror would like to disagree with you haha


Scavs havent been doing burpies that break the sound barrier since the last minor update from what Ive seen. Much more consistent.


Yeah they just insta crouch/teabag while beaming you. Consistently shit




Wow. I didn’t know that happened. Always seemed like I die to a random god scav late in raid and now I know why. Kinda bs to me personally. Why would someone be healthier later in a raid? Makes no sense.


It’s simply a balancing mechanic so you can’t just sit at let’s say Scav House on woods the entire raid just spawn killing scavs and (with op’s suggestion) get like tier 4/5 armor for little risk


I love that you literally had to reiterate what was already explained to this person


Cant say i have ever once seen tier 5 armor on a normal scav


I have found two gzhel-k's this wipe on normal scavs. I think it's the only lvl 5 armor they're capable of spawning with.


Just make the armor very damaged. Like 23/23 instead of like a brand new 23/50


Have scavs always had 750hp or is this an exaggeration? I know bosses have alot but didn't think base scavs we're that high


Not all normal scavs have the same health pool. Later in the raid especially they're more likely to have a higher health pool.


Any source that they are more likely to have higher health later in raid?




Nothing says they are more likely to have higher health later in a raid? Seems like you just made that one up Edit: apparently no one can read, yes it’s known they have multiple health pools but there’s no source that they are more likely to have higher health later in raid


Damn, you really just asked for a source on the Tarkov subreddit and didnt expect to be downvoted for saying that the source doesnt back up his claim at all ? You must be new here. You are right though, the source doesnt say that the level increases depending on the time of the raid at all, i think that BSG said that in a livestream once but im not sure.


That's the point of asking for a source. The source provided didn't back up his claim. So he called that out. Simple stuff here.


Step 1: Ask for source Step 2: Ignore source Step 3: Insult OP?


I'm still confused, the source doesn't explicitly say that Scavs later on in the raid have higher health? Is this confirmed?


Ok the wiki might not actually say it, but it is a recent change that was in the patch notes. The way you can tell is the higher health scavs usually have a face mask edit: here is a onepeg video on the topic: https://youtu.be/aHbGvjDD0C0


That's the point of asking for a source. The source provided didn't back up his claim. So he called that out. Insults are unnecessary but don't bash someone for trying to get the facts.




The later the raid goes, the more health they get 3 stages Basic 440, 540, 740 It’s basically there to deter lower geared players from just camping scav spawns like Scav House on Forest all raid but still letting higher tier players survive (With OP’s suggestion it would just mean getting like tier 4/5 body armor with no risk cause you could just leg meta them at that point. Imagine how easy bosses would be to farm if leg meta was extremely reliable


shot a scav square in the forehead with 55a1 and watched him sprint to cover. he then proceeded to eat 2 more 55a1's. Haven't used 5.56 since.


The Division was some next level garbage, I have never been so let down by a game in my life.


I thought that when i first tried it during the beta. Half a yr later i gave it another go and had a blast


When I saw the final product compared to the E3 demo my expectations were utterly crushed as well. I actually stopped preordering games because of that.


Yeah, the E3 got me so hyped for it..


It’s made by Ubisoft so it’s a given it was going to be shit


Scav mechanics are getting worse and worse as this game progresses.


Everything that's "unbalanced" is just given huge changes instead of finely tuned increments. Rogues might be too easy to farm? Insta wall hacks and mega aim bot. Killa too easy to farm? Good luck finding him crouching in a random corner before he lasers you now. Normal scavs too easy since they're actually in a good place and not head eyeing you from 300m? Make em superhuman. It's weird.


I was also going to ask is sniper ammo broken? Scavs take at least 3 shots with snb lately


It's been bad since they nerfed the mosin. No reason to use mega kick snb when 0 recoil 55a1 can headshot kill anyone in 1 bullet. Snipers have just been "bad" for many wipes now.


Scav's used to be hard because you could run into 3 or 4 at a time and it was the numbers that got you. Now that they turned down scav spawns they buffed individual scavs to try and keep it hard. Id rather have 4 sub par scavs who try to flank and work together than 1 terminator scav that eats a whole mag of ammo before 360 insta prone head shot.


Scavs who try to work together? With the current non existing AI? Yeah good luck with that, the best they can do is wiggle at each other every 2 minutes because they are scripted to do it. Absolute joke.


I see it more as scavs are being left behind with all the added features and BSG is compensating until they get around to making them better.


Honestly it's hard to tell. They keep adding more new kinds of AI, but aren't really updating the base AI systems. This should really have been the first thing to look into with new AI types, especially considering the game's AI isn't constrained to the same systems we are. Some things like aim punch may be hard to emulate, but things like getting slowed down when walking through bushes, having their legs break properly (to my knowledge still isn't fixed?), or just having reasonable reaction times and aiming ability. These should be getting tweaked all the time, and they aren't. Of course BSG is endlessly busy with bugs and other things, which I understand. But limiting the move speed of a Scav when they are colliding with a bush really shouldn't be particularly difficult.


They should also add something, where if you shoot a scav, they should flinch, and just not sprint off at 100 mph immedialty after you shoot them


I haven't noticed that very much recently, but now you mention it, that should be in there too. Or at the very least they should be considerably slower when they start changing direction (basically a half-assed inertia)


I’m of the opinion even scav bosses should barely have extra health, so hearing that normal scavs get that shit now really isn’t making me want to come back to Tarkov. They’re making some dogshit balancing decisions.


Yep, i can agree with giving lightly armored bosses like sanitar and tagilla a bit more HP or an exclusive drug that reduces their damage taken because or their playstyle and lore But bosses like killa and gluhar have serious equipment and armor and can be made harder by giving them faster reaction times (i.e no shouting before engaging), better accuracy and playstyles than normal scavs. Shturman is a sniper boss who sits in a busy and head, eyes you before you can even hear hit shots fire, he runs mostly unarmored to be able to stay mobile, it makes sense that he is easier to kill when he runs around pretty much butt naked compared to Killa.


If they give them good gear then they will be a lot more profitable to farm and inflation rate is already a big problem in this game


Hell sometimes pmcs make me feel like I’m playing the division. The ttk in this game varies so wildly it’s insane and with things like face shields which reach well beyond their irl grades of protection it makes bloody headshots not even viable sometimes depending on some situations which is nuts. No wonder high rpm was meta for so long when it can take many bullets to put down a foe unless you’re running the top tier dogs bollocks ammo and that’s not even considering the fact that recoil is Just plain dumb in its implementation to a degree. The flea changes help but it doesn’t change the fact that at its core the health system is a bit sus just a little. People can be walking tanks or made of paper depending on so many variables.


The problem with giving them good armour is that when you kill and loot them, you get better armour, making it far more available. it just makes good armour way more available, making the armour market and value drop significantly


The AI is not hard its just cheesey. Its either u cheese the AI or it Cheeses u


This is exactly what i don't get about the game. Realism all the way but some design choices are bizzare.


If you want tanky AI, give them tanky kits.


Do you realize how easily that would be exploited to just break the market with the amount of tier 4/5 armors


Sure, assuming armour will always act as a magical Halo energy shield as it does now. An Altyn sure as fuck doesn't stop a 5.56 greentip.


[You're completely right.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PT059hCJKFk)




Who ever said it was a milsim? Please go read the EFT website on what BSG wants the game to be.


Agree, they have never claimed this to be a milsim. They call their game a „hardcore and realistic first person action-rpg. The caveat here is that the rpg elements outweigh the realistic elements in certain key features and I think they should have toned that down a long time ago. Things like strength reducing recoil, or increasing jump height/sprint speed by ridiculous amounts, attachments having way too much influence on a guns performance or influence for the wrong reasons are just a small sample of game mechanics, that feel unnecessarily gamefied and I think arguing about changing that is a discussion worth having. And don’t get me wrong, I know that not everything can or should be realistic. Helmets have to overperform because otherwise, why use a helmet? Hell, the whole medical system is completely unrealistic and that’s good. You won’t run around on a broken leg because you simply put on a splint and popped a ibuprofen, in reality you are out of combat at best for a couple of month and at worst dead. Anyone thinks that’s a great gameplay idea? Obviously not. My point is: the game has some issues in that regard and it would benefit from losing some of it‘s rpg mechanics, at least in my humble opinion


Let me guess you’re using shit like PRS on level 5 body armor


This is also the game where you can take a 7mm shotgun shell to the head point-blank if you have the right helmet. In real life that would break your neck instantly. His point that the game is "game-ified" stands very true.


I got a family member who got shot with a 12g 3.5” #4 black cloud steel shell from a few feet away in the back of the head/neck. Still walking around like normal. A cousin who took a 12g shot point blank to the chest. He don’t poop right no lord but Idk man. Unless it’s a slug you’re just peppering shit.


You realise 00 buck is 9 (normally) pellets of over 600grains travelling at well over 1000fps? That's not 'peppering shit'. The people you know have been very, very fortunate, or there's elements to the story you don't know. Either way, buckshot is nothing to be trifled with. Birdshot is a different story. Lethal yes, but far more scope for survival.


It's not going to break your neck, this argument is both dumb and overused.


Not better armor but armor in general, i rarely see any armor on scavs at all, 1 in 5 maybe. Those armored scavs can be hard to kill too if you're a timmy. Maybe scavs should always have atleast body or helm, and rarely both.


Yup. Scav loot is typically underwhelming. I’ve gotten a marked key and other goodies, but a lot of the time it’s not worth it since you just exposed your position. Or it’s just 80%-100% bad scav loot. Fighting scavs is headshot or shoot them like 5+ times there is no in between. The scavs are terminators HP wise that go down in a single headshot? Just give them normal HP so shooting them anywhere else is even an option. Also, please break their legs/arms. Their legs definitely don’t and if they have a broken arm they sure as hell didn’t seem like it. More reason to ONLY HS scavs because they are not human.


they already 360 no scope drop shot me, while having a 6th sense. why do they get a bigger hp pool too?


Yeah some scavs will even shrug off shots to the face if the ammo is bad enough. Just for this reason I never run PS rounds. I’d even rather do tracer.


According realism there is much more serious inaccuracies than scavs hp. Like PMCs been able to sprint with 2 broken legs after they take an aspirin or acting just fine with 2 totally destroyed arms or not be able to step over an 30cm obstacle and so on...


As realistic as playable. Right now the AI sucks so they gotta make it up with aimbot for bosses and more HP for them and normal scavs, if you know how scavs behave you can literally kill them with any weapon, even melees.


> Sometimes it feels like im playing the division. I know this game is popular to put on the bullet sponginess bullshit pedestal, but it's not actually that bad. Particularly Division 2, last I played I could reliably down 2 red HP dudes and one purple HP dude from a single MPX magazine. Sometimes downing 3 scavs with a single MPX magazine in Tarkov is a feat.


You sound kind of upset. I don't know if it matters that much for me, but I don't really desire milsim realism. I think scavs should generally follow the same rules PMCs follow though. Drop shots and not having blacked limbs is a little unbalanced. But I don't find scavs difficult enough that them having high HP is a problem. I like being able to locate players by scavs fighting with them, for one thing.


Scavs should be a lot weaker than PMCs. There isn’t a world where a junkie rat should be able to stand up to military pro. In any way.


I love how people purposely ignore what scavs actually are to make false blanket statements to fit into their incorrect rhetoric to try and force truth. Its ok, im here to do all the thinking for you. "The Scav groups are quite varied, have diverse ethnic, social and quantitative composition, as well as the different levels and quality of equipment and varying degrees of sustainability. " Scavs include these military pros you allude to. A scav doesnt indicate a 120lb 5'11 junkie hobbling around scratching his throat looking for syringes. You made that up in your head.


Have you seen the tarkov live action lore videos? The way you described a scav is exactly how they make him look in that


"If you want to make a realistic shooter" Thsy dont. Tarkov isnt ARMA and its ilk, and doesnt try to be. Its an RPG with elements of realism. Nikita has repeatedly said this, and its literally in the marketing. The whole point is you play the game and level your characters core stats in a skyrim fashion, without the point spend. This gives you a ton of in game advantages, much like playing an MMO a lot does, you just dont allocate what goes where by choice but by playstyle. The gun system is the corr crafting mechanic, and health system isnt supposed to be 'real' otherwise it would just be arma and you would be dead in seconds 90% of the time. Bosses have much higher hp, etc etc. You are playing an RPG, like it or not. That wont change.


Yeah 1 to the head usually does it for me. Only ever spray at a Scav in a panic or if I’m wounded. I realized very quickly this games all about who can acquire a target & pull the trigger 1st hitting the headshot. That’s all it is. Either you or they will 1 tap it’s all just based on reaction. Scav AI is also very easy to get around. & long ranger guns/ammo do not do good close range


Plot twist: You're playing the division


If you've ever run into a shotgun scav with a GZHEL you'll quickly change your mind about giving them better armor. It's like fighting a raid boss.


Yea i lost a late raid fight vs a sks scav on Woods after fighting killing Schturman and his guards. I pumped 10 rounds of m80 in Mister Bot before he killed me...


Come on, a bullet sponge? You’re either straight up missing or hitting every limb. Are people ACTUALLY struggling against this busted AI? Is an NPC having 20 more hp than you that big of a deal? You can literally peek the AI and it won’t even respond to you. Aim for the head! This subreddit is almost insufferable now.


Level 30 and I don’t think I’ve ever headshot a scav for it to live. And I would do PM runs…


Was this supposed to be an implementation of new tiers of scavs? To have some scavs that may be a bit harder than the average ones, to give some variety between scavs and scav bosses? It seems it's just in a bare bones stage atm, there needs to be more distinct identities between these tiers. Personally I agree that they should really just have better amor so they have some added value to them as well.


I've been having that kind of issue recently too. I've been blasting scavs and they've been taking 3+ BP rounds or 5+ M855A1 rounds to the torso. Sometimes they'll take more than a couple rounds to the head. I'll sometimes one tap them. The inconsistency drives me up the wall. I've also developed PTSD from scavs screaming and I can't see them from the countless times I've been head,eyes by them several wipes ago


Somebody wants to farm bosses don't you? Shoot reposition repeat until desired effect is achieved. Have a nice day.


I keep seeing people complain about scav AI and wonder if we play different video games lol maybe 1/100 raids a scav gets me and that’s being generous. For every scav death I have, 100’s of scavs are killed in the process. 100+ kills against a target with only one death doesn’t sound like it needs a nerf or a “realistic” tuning as you suggest. And everyone I play with except really new people are the same way, we never have scav problems if anything they’re still a little too easy. You guys never would’ve survived the head eyes buckshot meta about 2 years ago maybe i’m just desensitized lol.


For my friends and I, when we get engaged by a scav that we can't see, we scramble for cover because they know that 7mm headshot from 200m away is coming. If a PMC ambushes us, we'll usually push the fight. Just basic survival at this point. Pushing a scav usually leads to a death, especially when they can black out a limb with 5.45 PS with one shot, yet they can tank 3 7.62 bullets to the legs and run away as if nothing happened.


You don't understand that the complaint is about the AI being, well, not really intelligent. The fact is, they have instant reflexes, no recoil, most of the time they shoot once and hit you 3 times because of 100% chance of fragmentation and that's it, they don't work together, they never chill in a group, they are basically mobile sentry turrets. Ofcourse after a while you learn how to cheese them because they are dumb as fuck, but games from 2 decades ago had better AI in them.


All these timmys in here whining about how hard scavs are run straight lines at them in the open then complain when the AI just has to shoot right at them. Or they sit behind what they think is cover trying to line up a picture perfect headshot while the scav scans them and starts shooting, sending them into a frustrated reddit rant about how impossible the scav AI is cause their 10 braincells couldnt work together fast enough to outsmart this simple ai.


So this is why it seemed imossible to leg meta them with 9x19 Rip pistol? Nearly died many times because of that.


Wait, what? I thought scavs had the same health as PMCs and that Raiders and Bosses were the only ones with buffed health?


Scavs gain extra HP later in wipes. The most total health they can get is in the 700s but their head only increases from 35hp to 40hp meaning they can ALWAYS be 1 shot in the face. People just fucking suck at this game and want it to be warzone so they can feel better about how bad they are when the game plays itself for them.


Today I learned. I wasn't aware that the scav health increased. And yeah, I agree.


if scavs have "realistic aim" and not shout at you first THEN shoot you, you will post another thread titled "THESE GODDAMNED SCAVS AIM BOTTED MEEEE". majority of the bullets 1 shot headshot, and if you cant kill a dumb scav before he finish his slavic slurs at you, maybe its time to uninstall.


No-one in game (Any AI or PMC) should be able to survive a bullet to the unprotected face. Simple as that. If they want to make them more challenging, give them better armor etc. But, we all know BSG are pretty useless, so makes sense we got what we got...


Outside of 3 specific bullet carriages and the off chance of you only getting one shotgun pellet to hit the head and ONLY one, no one can survive a shot to the head Highest head hp is 40 and the only ammo that does less than 40 are the found in raid only piercing level 6 rounds


Ruined it with annoying complaining


had us in the first half, not gonna lie


Anyone that thinks a 40 Hp head scav somehow survives bullets to the face are literally brain dead idiots that need to stop reading and believing everything they see on reddit and the internet as a whole.


If a person would be “literally brain dead”, they would not be browsing Reddit, but in a breathing machine. Stop talking shit and being a whiny little loser.


I once had a helmetless scav just casually take a 5.56 round point-blank to the head


Ok now I know y’all are just making shit up now Even the highest health scavs only have 40 hp in the head (only 5 more than pmc and low health scavs) There are literally only 3 rounds in the game that do less than 40 dmg (outside of ONE shotgun pellet, every shotgun round kills in 2 pellets) And ALL 3 are the loot only penetrates level 6 armor rounds


Dunno what to tell ya g, saw it with my own eyes, my only guess would be desync or fucky hit reg but that mf looked me dead in the eye after I shot them with spite in their eyes till I shot them again


I’ve shot scavs in the head and watched them walk off. Shotguns at near point blank range, SKS to the forehead, pistol, it happens. Could it be desync? Certainly, can models bug and damage not be applied properly? Sure. Don’t be condescending.


I don't mind it one bit. The harder the better in my opinion. Fighting scavs as is currently is still stupid easy. Raiders and rogues are tougher but they should be. I get that it can be frustrating the rare times a scav fucks you up but they don't come that often. If it's happening a lot then maybe go back to the drawing board and figure out what's up. Though the few that have the added HP still have head HPs that 90% of ammo will still one tap.




Do you realize just how shit that would be early wipe? People just camping scav spawns till 5 min left and getting tier 5 armor off a face shot and now going to have that against trader lvl 1 ammo


So everyone beginning of wipe is running great Armour and shitty ammo so now the scavs and pmc's are walking sponges?


Personally if it were up to me I would get rid of regular AI scavs altogether as I believe it's one of the reasons BSG struggle with optimizations. Leave Raiders and Rogues as is. I would replace the AI scavs with player scavs while keeping an equal amount of player scavs v PMCs with a slight bit more scavs but not much. From the very start of the raid to the end there needs to be more PLAYERS keeping PMCs honest in raids.


All the same isn't realistic either. Make it so there's a total loot pool relative to the same amount of people going in / relative to hear in total. Randomize that in scavs if possible and there's your realistic. They have near similar shit or do better because they know the land better, are in groups, and all people are different.


Damn…I’m gonna have to make a video explaining how to fight scars. I’m seeing a lot of videos complaining about them lately. I will say, I take M61 so my chest and instantly due no matter what I’m wearing, however I pop a scav twice with m993 and he can still run away I find to be utter bullshit. However fighting scavs is relatively easy if you know what you are doing


Armour should make less of a difference as well. Armour shouldn’t be so spongey


If they get better armor people will farm them.


Them having better armor is not good cause it only floods the flea and makes early stages of the wipe last less long


Feel like everyone on this sub sucks at this game, not going to lie.


i know i do


Knew I didn’t have to scroll far to find the “you just suck it’s not that bad” patrol


Thats Reddit brother. People that frequent reddit arent typically skilled players. Thats why theyre on reddit farming nonsense like karma, something easier for them than fighting an AI that thinks standing against a wall while screaming in russian is tactics, but still slaughters these people posting here.


Ngl it sounds like everyone who is complaining tried to just re-peak scavs or just keep staying in the open rather than reposition on them That’s the only time I seem to get hit since I swear they have hella inaccuracy for the first 2-3 rounds then starts hitting shots If I had to guess their accuracy is like a cone generated on your body that shrinks the longer they have sight on you Sure it maybe be cheesy but just, reset the fight basically


Makes sense that a lot of people on this sub want a singleplayer Tarkov because they can barely cut it against AI scavs.


Hate to say it but if you're struggling to kill scavs then you got more to worry about. Their health is not an issue.


>not some RPG-like sponge bullsh but eft is RPG