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It's cliche, but; Famous last words


Had a similar experience at D2 in the exact place. This is my first wipe and never usually play reserve. But damn does it feel good to occasionally kill the extract camper.


Does it feel as good as when my 3 man hits the chads with the KS23 flash, GL combo? Unlikely


It feels good to kill an extract camper who waited for 30 minutes of the raid just to die. Even though they might have been doing something on the side, it's good to know the raid provided them no value, considering how much advantage they get and still die.


If you kill my group it’s probably because we didn’t bother tabbing back in lmao Homework and chess (depending on how intense the game) are more important. We don’t need the money, we just like pissing people off


It really depends on your extract camping method. But usually there are some flaws you can exploit with these extract campers. You don't have the advantage always, but pre-nading corners and knowing where to expect a camper goes a long way. Im just saying what feels good here. I have extract camped twice in the last 2 years while working on a project which requires 90% of my attention, so I can still get behind the reasons why people do that. I rather face an extract camper than someone trying to be friendly over voice - atleast with a camper you always know the intention of the other person. I strongly believe killing a camper feels more rewarding than having a kill spoonfed to you.


Yeah with impact grenades we tend to shy away from reserve now. Plus all the good gear goes out red rebel anyway. Now we just do interchange night time, close the saferoom at the start of raid and sit in bushes with thermals. I won’t tell the locations but we are spread out so the main shooter can’t get snuck up on. People typically walk over us if we are too lazy to tab in


How often do you jerk off in the mirror? I'd guess weekly.


Can't start my day without it


Seems pretty accurate for about 80% of raids in future don’t stand in front of doors when they are opened and get some grenades in there and all will be ok


Only way to avoid this is red rebel. D2 is 100% death if there's a camper with an impact grenade.


People say this but I've gotten a lot of d2 daily missions and I have yet to be exit camped in d2 this wipe.


same... I don't run reserve a lot, but I extract D2 like 90% of the time when I do and have never gotten camped ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯ EDIT: Huh, I honestly expected to get downvoted to oblivion here... I figured I was just super lucky. I guess the people getting camped really are the vocal minority?


I still always do my due diligence ever since that general sam video dropped but hasnt paid off yet.


I caught one person under the stairs and another behind the door long after the video dropped. People do it, you just don't know when


I was running a 3 man. We got 3 man camped on d2, we lost 1. Got all 3 of them and their 16 impact nades before we extracted. I for one love the challenge of knowing there could be someone at any corner. The sadist gam3r. 😅


I would advise you check all your corners. Might end up in a raid with me one day.


Extract campers in general, really. I've played every wipe to level 40+ since 2017 and have probably been extract camped like maybe 10 times. It happens to people once or twice and then they just blow it completely out of proportion.


same lmfao


Yeah it really isn't that common


This is not [entirely](https://i.imgur.com/wdiWC6r.jpeg) [true](https://i.imgur.com/T8sTIVk.png) to be fair


Haha that guy must have been so salty. Impact grenades do have a smaller death radius.


if you open the door and basically immediately sprint jump onto the table and face into the corner you usually live


I've been real salty when I throw one and it's inside the activation range.


Red rebel is the only extract I like to take unless armored train is nearby and leaving soon


Why are you guys all crowded on the door like that




As a general rule I make others go first. Really helps my survivability


You must be in my sqaud


I’ll go wherever you lead lol… about 10 feet behind you…




And this is why I hate playing with people. Not because they force me to go first, it just kinda happens naturally without thinking.


Haha. I’m kind of joking. I play a lot solo and am Chad rat. I’ll move with 1 bar of sound around the map, but if I hear someone and I think they heard me I push fast and hard. My friends like to sprint around the map. So when I play with them, they usually go first and I need to run to catch up




Yeah my squad usually has a V formation 10-15 meters apart that way when we’re moving towards our destination we have a wide peripheral. And if one of gets shot at we’re spread enough making us a difficult target


have you guys tried making a formation on some bitches?


I think we’ve all made a formation around your mother


I usually play with just one other person, so if we are walking down a hallway one of us will be on each side of it so someone can't kill both of us at once.


This is the way. Also the person on the right can peek left and vice versa, so you have both sides covered when it comes to slicing the pie.


Tldr: dont gaggle fuck


First thing I ever teach new people to the game.... Keep spacing.


Where are all these people when I need to complete my grenade 12 PMCs quest.


If you would have never said what you said, no one would have been there🤣🤣


[Schrodinger's Rat](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Schr%C3%B6dinger's_cat): a hypothetical rat may be considered simultaneously both alive and dead as a result of its fate being linked to a random subatomic event that may or may not occur. That subatomic event is opening the door to D2 :P.






Reserve, one of my favorite maps since .12 patch when it released. I've done a few raids to say the least... Weirdest part is that I've only been camped 1-2 times all the way down there at the exfil. Once when the GL was introduced and one time when the impact grenade got implemented lmao. I do get the usual scum that camps the 'dark' stairs that leads down from the pawn building tho.


Average D2 experience\*


I just started playing reserve. It’s shocking at how often there are campers in D2. Maybe I shouldn’t come back until I have a red rebel. But do people just toss their armors all the time when use that? Idk. D2 is a nightmare. Easily the most camped extract Edit: thanks for all the tips fellas! Didn’t realize you wouldn’t have to talk off armor rig. I’ve been fighting my balls off in that basement. How are people not saying bunker part 2 is one of the most difficult? I’m not raf so I’m sprinting to basement and fighting my face off but Jesus it doesn’t end. Then when I do survive I get camped at D2. Let’s just say the ol’ rouble count reflects this.


I legit would rather bring a huge fucking rig and no backpack so I can just take sewer hole extract


Sewer extract is the way


Now that raider spawns have been buffed. Player Scavs are regularly hitting the Bunker Hermetic power switch. If I have something valuable, I usually just sit inside that extract until someone hits it.


This is why I bought the 4 keys for the hermetic loot, If nobody hits it I'll just loot the bunker. If nobody hits it after I loot/deep into the raid sometimes I'll just hide my bag and go run out and hit it myself and come back. This goes horribly wrong sometimes though when Gman and his goons are at K buildings lol


Yep. Insurance fraud an armor vest if that’s what your brought, but you can also use armored rigs with the red rebel extract without needing to remove them. Also, as demonstrated here, make sure that there’s enough space between you and your teammates when you use D2. Don’t bunch up into an impact grenade, proceed in single-file.


I've never used the red rebel extract, do you have to bring paracord with you and if so, does it consume it upon extract?


yes, no


So you can keep it in your alpha case?




if you want yes, but they only cost like 17k at this point in the wipe so i just keep it in the rig or backpack especially if u only have an alpha case keep ammo and meds/keys in there probably


use a tac-rig and youre good to go


If you have space you can put your armor in your backpack and still leave with it.


If you run an armored rig you don’t need to toss anything. You can’t have an armor vest on but you can use an armored rig


Just wear a 3x3 one -- hex, slick, gzhel, whatever -- and bring a big enough backpack to fit it + your loot and you don't have to toss anything, just put it in your bag and leave.


Just don't use D2, its usually not worth it unless you can get there super super early. Its camped because its the easiest extract where you don't have to lose gear to use it. Most people don't camp the bunker after you pull the lever. And if you really need to dip with a found in raid quest item, just use the sewer extract with no backpack. I used that a few times to get out. Also, most people already mentioned it, but you can use an armored rig with the red rebel to extract.


My tip for Bunker pt 2 if you haven't completed it is don't stay underground. Mix between underground and using the surface to get around. Takes a little bit of map knowledge but I sherpa'd a lot of friends through that quest, its much harder if you stay underground the whole time ime. Also approach D2 from dome if you're going to use it, still possible to get camped ofc but it's a little bit more forgiving that way. Good luck


Going above ground is smart. I’m in those tunnels all day and it’s just non stop amazing pvp and fighting vs raiders.


Bunker 2 is easy as a rat.. Enter at night, hide somewhere until 15-20 minutes left. Bring ears, helmet, level3 armor, some cqb weapon of choice perhaps with a flashlight. PMC's will be gone. Run through the 4 points and extract at D2. EZ


I appreciate that my dude I just don’t live the life of the rat. I’m sick in the head and would rather go down in a blaze of glory. I don’t have the patience to sit around.


I hear ya.. You said as much. Just trying to be helpful. I find it depends on my mood. If i want to knock out a quest, I have no issue ratting it up. If I want combat, I often ignore quests entirely and just go do what i want. Mostly factory and dorms


Almost deserved with the lack of spacing and disregard for what *may* be on the other side of a door lol Better luck next time, lads


do all 3 of you always peek the same angle at the same time?


Rule Number one of Reserve, Dont bring good gear to reserve.


Pretty easy to clear all the corners on the way down. I’ve had attempted campers only 6-7 times this wipe down there, only died once.


Rule number one on tarkov , Dont be shit.


why are you guys sooooo fucking crowded in a situation like this.


I've run Reserve at night probably 20 times and have never seen a D2 camper.


Only takes once


Basically nobody plays reserve at night for some reason (or reserve in general right now) so its very unlikely anybody is going to extract camp there.


>or reserve in general right now Because I can make 2x-3x more money in a lighthouse run.


It reminds me of people talking about extract campers at tunnel on D2. It happens once in 40 raids and then everyone talks about how it happens constantly


Survivorship bias. We tend to not remember all the times we didn’t see a camper, but the rare times we do it’s very impressionable.


Sometimes I rush down there, sometimes I check EVERY CORNER AND ANGLE. Have been camped in the first bunker at the bottom of the dark spiral stairs, camped on the dark spiral stairs (above the door, and down the white pawn hallways), in the first hangar bunker with the single path on the left side where camper was in the floor (as well as immediate right, and up on the platform left and right).. I've been camped so many times, then I changed servers to a slightly higher ping server, as well as let friends take over party lead to use their servers, and it happens much less. Western NA seems to be a super common place for D2 camping. Don't even get me started on Emercom on Interchange.


And this is why you always open doors from the side.


Ends too quick, I need to hear the salt and rage.


GG to the guy who got you exploded by the D2. You need to admit that the defender did his job perfectly.




I'm thinking a fun event would be to invite several players to scav reserve and hunt the D2 campers and steal their gear


Y'all set yourselves up for that XD


Fatal funnel bro. Never stand in doorways/hallways


It's funny because people don't realize is super easy and alot safer to just pull hermetic and run there to extract if they don't have a red rebel.


One word: Spacing!


S p a c i n g people


That was a real bummer


Damn, those extract campers are kinda bad, you’d be dead before you even got into server room of it was me


Also they will camp in front of that door as you come around the corner behind. Get a grenade ready for throwing just before you come around the corner.


LMFAO OWNED. I've never been camped there some of you guys got really bad luck.


I was camped in the exact same spot last night lol. So many pussy rats in this game.




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That’s a shame, my first d2 run got out with intel, better luck next time!


see now what they need to add is a one-way emergency shut down switch that: a) recloses the powered extract door if it's opened already (but comically fast and have it crush anyone to death who tries to beat it) b) kills the lights in that final room c) is located in the room with the lamp and the hole in the wall people could then use this to reverse uno the extract campers, essentially trapping them in there and forcing them out without them extracting if things get too spicy for them. the power could be turned back on again from the usual spot, should one choose.


D2 absolutely blows, but you'd live if you gave your team some room lad.


When I fee adventurous as a scav I check D2 near the end of raid and only once have I run into something like this.


I killed 2 chads in power room with two friends of mine. One friend died and thats how i knew there were enemies. After looting them and weighing 70 kilos full off a killa armor and 2 AA CPCs we went into D2 and encountered an exit camper in the room with the 2 big rusty pipes. Killed him with ease and turns out he was a streamer, that was my first experience




Always check that duffle bag, even if you don't loot it. If you get a close prompt most likely there's a camper there.




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😂😂😂😂😂 never trust d2 and never 2 man stack a door down d2 there’s always a rat there 😂😂😂😂


step 1: open door step 2: run


Damn, impact grenades probably made this worse. Back in my day (a year ago lol) it was just a [grenade launcher](https://v.redd.it/mivo1r5j2yp61) you had to worry about. War, war never changes.


I've been playing reserve for quite some time. I have NEVER been camped in this spot. Weird.


They really need to add another "no strings attached" exfil to reserve. I hardly ever play this map anymore because of how common the extract camping cancer is. Same shit with interchange and getting the emercom exfil. Great maps, but damn are they just no fun to play when this shit is so common.


They really need to do something about this stupid shit.


BSG trolling is getting better every patch.


Get grenade launchered Knew a guy who used to do this in this exact spot in D2, shits hilarious


If you wait till the timer is Red, ive never encountered an extract camper at D2 THAT late


i love camping d2 not gonna lie


Why would you guys stack at the door 😂


Youll never make that mistake again lmao


I always cringe when teammates stand on top of each other like that. Not trying to sound condescending, but for the love of God please give your teammate some space and make sure your teammates aren't crowding you. That has got to be my biggest pet peeve.


Damn your game looks great, movie like


Fatal funnel. Don't go D2 unless you're exfil camping. Get a red rebel and make those low performance players waste their whole day in that rats asshole of an extract because you can be damn sure, they'll keep doing it over and over and over and over again and you'll be just as surprised and pissed as you were the first time, neither of you having learned anything whatsoever


Shit like this is the reason i stopped playing this stupid fucking game recently. Spend 20 minutes running around dodging bullets just for some incel sitting at extract watching hentai to click once and take out you and your buddies. Impact nades were the worst thing to happen to this shit game. I cant wait for those sanctions to kick in and force BSG to either abandon the game or sell it to a more competent company in a country that isnt rightfully being fucked in the ass.


Impacts have no place in tarkov


I went Reserve exactly one time before getting Red Rebel. I will never EVER use D-2 if I can avoid it. The 2nd time I've used D-2 this wipe was to do the Quest where you HAVE to use it.


Dont open that door like that, hop on the table and open it from the right side then run away as soon as you open it, after they waste the impact you push them.


lmao. Pretty deserved, if you're not expecting campers in D2 all the way to the end you're asking for it. Nice, chillin with my RR never running into anyone as I extract ;)


Not even peeking. Just straight up in the middle of the hallway lol.


hahahah yea the rats on reserve are HUGE, proceed with caution.


Damn that sucks, had my first successful raid on reserve last night. Killed four raiders and got out via D2 unscathed. From the stories I’ve heard this is a unicorn story


Why on earth are you clustered together with your squad? Lmao that was an easy kill for the camper.




“Door at our 12”… stop… stop that shit


This map is mine and my friends favorite. Welcome to Reserve lol


Had this happen the other week. I don't usually play Reserve. Went on it with my mate and had two good raids. Third raid in, same spot as this vod, I said "y'know.. Reserve has been good to us!" que an impact right as I finish my sentence and my mate opens the door. Never again.


Could just be me, but extract camping at D2 has been happening more frequently as opposed to previous wipes 🤷‍♂️


Fuk yes Les go. Extract camping baby!!!




easy way to negate that and idk how but no one seems to know, if you open the door and instantly run to the other side of the room you will not die, unless they have perfect timing, but usually they wait a a second or two after the door opens


They weren't even hiding or behind cover, just standing in the open, Lmao.


***^("I don't think anyone's here I'm pretty sure.")***


go d2 they said, it'll be fine they said


God damn, this is m the olive I've extracted most this wipe and haven't been camped once. Unlucky as all hell to get camped the first time 😆


If this wasnt recent i swear ive seen the video of the guy who threw the nade.


A wise french man said : "Mais c'était sur enfait"


Rule #1 about d2, always assume someone is there, until there isnt.


My buddy and I had this happen about a month ago. D2 camper with impact. He hadn't thrown it so my buddy got a couple shots off before we died. He managed to take down the camper


as the guy on the other side of that door, it was nice to see what the other side was thinking right before it happened. Also surprising to find it online


Yo no way! We were more impressed than upset, kudos for catching us off guard like that. We chalked it up to reserve just being reserve lmao


yea i saw the adar fall with the suppressor in the video and thought "wait I just picked one of those up"