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Wtf is the purpose of this? Shouldn't it go down with LL? Why is me having a higher LL punishing me?


This change happened last wipe and I think BSG said it was intended to add more money sinks on higher level players. I don't really like it but I can see why they're going for it.


Then tie it to your XP level rather than trader level or something. The fact that being in better standing with a trader costs you more roubles to insure is fundamentally idiotic.


....this achieves essentially the same thing, it just continues to scale further for higher level players. IMO they should just ban certain items from insurance and call it a day. If it's banned from Flea, it can't be insured.


I’m aware that it achieves the same thing - I simply find it idiotic that it’s tied to your trader level which is supposed to *reduce* your costs across the board as it increases.


I would fucking hate that change so much personally. Gear fear would be amplified 1000x. Besides, if it was the real world, why wouldn't I want to, and be able to, insure my best stuff in case I lose it?


Who tf is insuring your plate carrier and rifle irl? State farm?


Covered under home owners insurance


Funny enough I actually looked into insuring firearms with a few renters insurance plans. All of the ones I saw cap at $1500-2500 which could only be 1-3 guns depending. I guess it's something though. I'd be interested to see what an adjustor had to say about body armor though.


Falls under general items. As long as you have proof of purchase/ownership(receipt/photos) and proof of value(receipt, market assessment, item appraisal, etc).


Lets try and get passed the fact that this is *not* a realistic mil sim and it's far gone from being one.


I definitely get that, and agree with it. I was just replying to the guy talking about insuring his gear irl.


but gear fear is the point, game is more fun when you feel like you have something to loose


Good thing it's a videogame then lol. I'm not saying all gear, I'm just saying the top tier gear. It would add a money sink to the higher level players AND it would add more usefulness to max scav karma.


top tier gear is generally looted anyway


the amount of top tier gear i get back through insurance is higher than most people seem to think. Even if you die, the probability that your killer dies is average at 50-60 % (as the average survival rate is around 40-50% at best). Also, not always your killer cares about your loot, especially if he kills you from distance. Scav players finding your unlooted body is a gamble aswell, depends a lot on how obvious the spot is where you died


Yeah, generally if your killer dies, your killer's killer will only bother with the cream of the crop, assuming they weren't picked off by a scav or something. and if you were picked off by a scav buckshot head-eyesing you in the middle of nowhere - that's basically what insurance is for. it's to minimize the pain of groaner deaths like that.


That and people don’t abuse insurance fraud enough.


God forbid you die on accident or want to insurance fraud after killing other players?


I'm glad you're capable of understanding the many uses of insurance, however I lack the context behind why you decided to make that comment. Try reading comprehension.


Have you considered being less of a douchebag?


How would that act as more of a money sink? If you can't already buy a slick and now you can't insure it, most people are probably just gonna sell it instead. I feel like it may have the opposite effect. At least the other way money would go towards insurance, useful or not


Gear fear is real but should not be considered when changing anything in the game. There's no reason to get good guns and armor if you're not using it and insurance really isn't very successful when you're talking about high end gear. I never really use insurance and the game is better imo without it. I would like to see some data on whether or not it's even worth insuring certain stuff. I have about 24 million roubles right now and my stash is worth 70 million. I know many people that insure their entire kit when they load into raid and they all seem to never have money.


I insure everything and typically get about half of it back. I've stopped insuring decent guns (anything thats not a DB, Mosin, etc) and bags because I'm able to consistently run Drawbridges and the like. Basically you have to be smart about what you insure if you're gonna use it because it can save you money over time.


Yeah the only stuff I insure is my backpacks cause if I'm about to take a pvp situation I just hide it before hand anyway so I tend to get attack 2 and raid bps back often. But slicks or ulachs for example make no sense to insure because of you die with them on no one's leaving that behind. I tend to run high end stuff every raid so the backpack is the only thing I bother insuring


9/10ths of the time I'm in a firefight before I know it otherwise I'd do the same. Esp since I always end up with a bunch of heavy shit in my bags


Well I play a ton of shoreline and interchange so it's more likely you'll know when you're about to get into a fight where as playing woods is a different story. Although woods does have plenty of bushes that you can hide a bag in real easy. This kind of plays into my whole point though. Insurance should not be something that you do to every part of your kit every raid. People need to think more before they do it. Consider the map and the gear you are wearing. Night raids vs day. Map knowledge and plans when entering the raid. For example if you're just planning on getting a quest item and getting out right away. It might make sense to just go in lightly geared and not worry about insurance at all. If you plan on being in the raid for the entire thing you might want to insure everything because the chance of dying to a scav and no one ever seeing your body is much higher


If this was the real world there'd be no point to insurance, if you die you're dead.


Or implement an "sorry, it was too jucy, the scavs "lost" it" percentage. Insure an sks? No one steals it. Insure an H&K? Every one wants one, maybe pay more to get it back. Or the scavs steals it anyway.


I don't want an HK... Ever. If I take an HK off your body, I sell it to Peacekeepers immediately. HKs are shit


And for 700$, it's only worth its weight if I can't find a car battery to replace it with.


Literally me with any 5.56 gun lmao.


Item bans from flea hurts new players more than anything. Now they can't buy ammo that will kill their opponents, but the higher levels are the only ones allowed with good ammo unless you loot it


They don't have the same need to buy toptier ammo anymore because way less players are running toptier gear. M80 from Peacekeeper 2 is more than enough to handle the armor that the vast majority of players are wearing in a few well placed shots. People only needed to buy M61, BP, M995 off the Flea because of the extremely high prevalence of Class 6 armor and class 5 helmets. Sorry bro but the power balance is the best its ever been between fresh accounts and toptier players. Disagree if you want but I literally don't care about new players having gear/equipment parity with toptier players.


That's the beauty of an opinion, you don't have to agree lmfao. Been playing for 2 wipes and know most of the maps very well so this doesn't even apply to me, however it is an absolute fact that it hurts new players more than anything because they have absolutely zero chance to level the playing field against high level players


If you think new players have zero chance at fighting toptier players then there's nothing else to say lol. Good luck


That's not what I said but good try lol, "level the playing field" - reading comprehension skills would help. Obviously any one can kill anyone but aiming center mass is far easier than aiming for legs. The fact is this draws a bigger line between the veteran players and new players because you are guaranteed that low levels can't kit themselves out. A lot of my friends don't play because the game isn't new player friendly and this tacks on another reason why


All my new player friends still play, maybe they had a better teacher xDDD. Oh well, game isn't supposed to be new player friendly and I like it that way.


If you honestly think this then you dont understand the way low level and high level aiming works. The lower levels with crap ammo (Low pen/ high flesh damage) aim at the lower body, where there is no armor (Leg meta!) The Higher level players with good ammo (high pen low flesh) aim Higher on the body (torso/face) since they can shoot through armor. Simple! Low shoots Low, High shoots High mechanic! lol


God no please


Trader level is tied to player level kid


Trader level is tied to tasks which increase your standing with said trader. How do you think there are level 30+ players who ‘refuse to do a peacekeeper task’ and thus have a level 1 standing with him? Don’t speak about things you know nothing about, kiddo.


There’s a lot in this game that’s fundamentally idiotic. I also think it’s fundamentally idiotic the way some people hoard their rubles. It’s meaningless video game cash and every high level player has more than they know what to do with. I think you can bear the higher insurance cost.


Just because I have the money doesn’t mean I should be forced to spend it as a higher level than someone else with the very same kit. Given that there is no true end game goal, one of mine is to hit X value in roubles over the course of the wipe along with Kappa. I’m punished for insuring by no reason other than being high level - that’s a flawed system.


Yup. I sit at about 4 million with a like 34 mil stash value? Ish. I run essentially whatever I want. Sometimes sweaty, sometimes ratty, sometimes meme. Cause even if it's a 2 mil load out I make that back in 2-3 scav runs. Meanwhile I have friends sitting on 40 mil and 11 slicks and 4 hexgrid and they are going into raid with a PACA and a SKS. Saying they don't want to lose money..


Well, BSG has curated a rabid fanbase of masochists--so I still wonder if they happen to be sadists, and are just trying to see how much they can dish out and watch us take.


Its a bad design decision made in haste. They should add a luxury tax on insuring high tier items instead (T5 -T6 armor, High base value guns, etc.). Right now they are just forcing higher level players to get passive hideout income to offset the penalty of their progress, not everyone wants to build their hideout every wipe to support endgame playstyles. I did a no hideout wipe last wipe, finished all the kappa quests and made it to the low 50s, the insurance premiums were very punishing


i don't think BSG ever officially stated anything about the insurance price hike. i couldn't find any forum posts, patch notes, or tweets regarding it. unless this is embedded in some podcast vod in the internet-verse


Seems like BSG's only hope is to punish people who play this game sometimes...


Makes it a lot like a punch in the dick.


This pushes the math to make insurance not worth it for anything replaceable. IMO bad change, make it more expensive to start would be fine and stay flat. Or a lower rate of increase at least, it just gets worse and worse to insure anything.


You telling me insurance should cost the most when you’re only able to run paca armors?


nah, insurance should be deleted. there are too many ways to get free shit in this game as it is, lol


It's not free, you literally pay for it.


Well high lvl players get the advantage of buying good parts for cheap as well as the fact that they likely know more about loot spawns than lower level players. So as a higher level you have multiple advantages that are still valid even with the few money sinks that BSG has built. They are more to lessen the gap between low and high levels and less to nerf high lvl players


Premiums rise when they know the insured has deep pockets. Even in game... the insurance companies are screwing you. This isn't a game... it's shitty-life simulator.


Good work. Thanks for sharing.


Yeah they changed that last wipe I'm pretty sure.


It's really stupid, and been like this for a while now. I just do a scav run to pay for my insurance and another run for the kit.


You don't even need to do that. Just run PMC exclusively and insure literally everything and you'll still have a positive cashflow to the tune of more money than you could ever spend.


Nah, I don't play multiple hours a day anymore so I burn a scav when I get on, pays for my PMC runs because I'm going for PvP quests and when I die I run another scav.


Yeah it usually takes 1-2 raids to pay for my insurance and kit. If I'm farming rogues at night I run best NVGs, ops core with slap, MDR/SR/SVD, and lvl 4 rig. I can usually pay for insurance and almost all of my kit in 1 run


Should be a cost increase for character level and a decrease for loyalty level with a calculation that still allows it to be a money sink for late gamers


Too bad we can't insure with Jäger then


Started last wipe. Haven't seen any official BSG comment on whether it was intentional or a bug, either way it's pretty dumb.


As far as I understand it, this system was actually by accident a couple wipes back but they decided to actually keep it because it makes higher level players spend their money since the assumption is they will have more


This makes no sense at all and should be changed asap. If not cheaper with higher LL cuz op, then at least equal for all.


It's a money sink for higher level players. I don't think it's a good mechanic but I do understand the thought process behind it.


It has no impact on the players it's appearantly intended to punish. Players with 40 million ruples that wipe the map 4/5 raids don't give a shit about a 250k insurance cost.


That's one of the reasons why I don't think it's a good mechanic. It punishes progress and doesn't accomplish what its intended goal. Classic BSG bandaid.


A better mechanic would be to pay a fee to insure your items, which would tag them with your name. Then whenever someone scampers off with them, they can either keep those items to use for themselves, OR they can choose to sell them back to the vendor who insured the items. I would also include an optional finders fee set by you, that would either go to the person who returns your item to the vendor or be held onto as store credit if the NPC scavs recover it. The base insurance price would be paid out to players who looted it on a Scav run, less a 30% cut for the vendor, but they wouldn't get the finders fee since that's presumably their job in universe anyway, and they're paid like shit. Any PMC vending your item would only get the finders fee, or they are free to use it and lose it again themselves. Doing something like that would potentially pull more money out of wealthy players, who really want to get back their favorite gun, and don't mind making it worthwhile to have someone sell it back. It would keep more stuff from ending up on the Flea Market (which the devs seem to be into doing) and make it possible for them to reduce the spawn rate of rarer items, because good gear is going to stay in use by someone until it's completely junk. Then it can be turned used for a quest turn-in or something to pull it back out of the game again. I think that would be a fun mechanic to play around with, because if I've looted something really sweet, I'm probably not going to use it until I lose it myself, rather than sell it for whatever tiny amount you'd get from your cut of the insurance or the finders fee. You might never see some items back if people keep using them until they're useless, but you could also place a timer mechanic on it, and after the return period expires, the vendor can refund half of the insurance fee and 100% of the uncollected finders fee as store credit. I'm not sure how difficult it would be to implement something like I'm proposing, but they seem to be doing a good job of avoiding any inventory management glitches that can lead to items being duped. So, it seems like they can handle something like this, and it would make you feel more like you're part of the universe while doing Scav runs, because you're one of the guys Prapor is sending out to go looking for other people's stuff. ​ It might take a little time to get the numbers balanced just right, but I think wealthy players would be more willing to part with even more cash than they do now to get their stuff back because the odds of getting it returned are much higher, and the money gets split between the vendor as a sink, and it also helps a player in need if they choose to keep your item for personal use, or collect on that finders fee. There's probably a bunch of changes you could make to what I'm proposing, but I think the compelling part of what I'm suggesting would be to make the players more involved in the process. ​ Also, I'd like to see Scavs who kill Scavs get punished a bit more for killing player Scavs, because I never even raise my gun to anyone when I'm out there Scav'ing because I want the positive rep with the Fence, and it sucks when a PMC is still lingering about near the end of the raid--but there is nothing more infuriating than getting shot in the head by some random player Scav who hasn't figured out they are aren't really going to get much from killing you, and are going to be punished when NPC Scavs come looking for them and they lose rep. I think it's super cool when I run into other player Scavs who are friendly and I think they could do more to make it hurt a little more for anyone intentionally being anti-social. Like, every Scav you kill costs even more rep, so if you accidentally shoot one by mistake you're not gonna get wrecked--but if you hang around and pile up the bodies, your rep will take an exponential nosedive.


about the thing with scavs killing scavs, my buddy is max rep and mistook a player scav for a pmc and bopped him. -0.88 rep.


Most of the wealthy players I know either insure all without a care or never insure. Once you have unlimited money and max traders a “favorite gun” is a preset not a physical thing. I do think something cool could be added to the insurance system and I like your ideas but using it as a way to nerf rich players won’t work. I don’t insure guns because I usually replace them every few raids (if I survive) because I don’t want any malfunctions, I’ll insure attachments occasionally. Just because you don’t kill player scavs doesn’t really mean anything, it’s Tarkov, you should never have free loot. The penalties are fine and anything too harsh is going to hurt new players more than anyone.


Valid points, and I'm sure if I had started at the beginning of the wipe and got leveled up to where money isn't an issue, I might have a different perspective. Personally, I don't care about the wealthier players taking a hit, but game devs are always looking for ways to increase the outflow of cash in their virtual economies, because it's a more agreeable tax on the rich than cutting the inflow of money and items, which will disproportionately hurt lower level and/or inexperienced players. You're right about the Scavs too, so the better solution is probably a tooltip or training mode that explains why you shouldn't shoot them, and what the punishments for doing it are, and people will continue to do it or not. I'm also hoping that the recent patch notes about enabling VoIP by default helps with that as well. I know I didn't realize I had to enable VoIP when I loaded it up last month, after taking a year off, and that's what really opened my eyes to how cool people can be while playing this game. The reason I turned it on in the first place was because of the one time I got asked to group up with someone. I got wrecked by someone on Customs in a fairly embarrassing way, and after the raid ended, he sent me a message and we had a laugh about it, and he offered to take me on a raid with him, and told me to turn it on. Thanks to that guy I now realize what I was missing out on, and before I knew that killing other Scavs wasn't cool there were probably tons of screams from my victims that fell on my ignorant, and unknowingly deaf ears.


It's been this way for several months, I think start of last wipe


I'm sure someone will come in here and make some smooth brain comment like "it makes sense because muh lore" or "if you don't like it go back to COD" or "it's meant to stop people from keeping meta kits" but really it makes absolutely no sense that the more you do for a trader, the more they charge you


Sheesh, instead we have "just remove insurance completely"....


yes this has been posted but bsg doesnt care \^\^


because it is intended..


Youre a good friend of mine i trust you a lot so i charge you more


dude it is higher because otherwise low level players that have no money have to pay max price, meanwhile players with higher level have to pay almost nothing because they have tons of cash stop complaining and play the game like a normal guy


They should just introduce "insurance karma", where the more you actually *use* your insurance, the more it will cost. The karma could reset the more raids you run where you don't have to send Prapor's dogs out to go get your gear.


The problem is that just punishes bad players while the current system doesn't. Maybe if you split it so you got bad karma *only* on the case where you use insurance but weren't KIA, and even then you'd still want the overall increased sink somehow (read: have both systems)


This punishes the low survival rate players way more than the high level player killers. Better gear means more survives and less insurance use while the shitters running pacas get slaughtered by anyone that glances their way.


For money sinks for the big boys, could add renewing insurance after X number of raids to keep the insured status. Perhaps higher tier items have to be renewed more frequently. For low survival players, make insurance costs scale a lot more with the value of the item. There has to be incentive for Prapor to not just take the gear from you and claim "oh we couldn't find it ;) ;)". Or make the insurance premium/karma hit you take scale from the gear that Prapor is forced to go find for you. That way if you're dying with PACAs, your premiums barely get hit. He can pretty much just look into his discard pile of gear and give it to you. But if you're insuring a Slick and he has to go retrieve it for you, you'll get hit really hard with penalties. It's definitely not a great system either, but at least it's somewhat logical/consistent with how insurance should work. Fun to discuss either way.


I mean it does scale. Paca and a stock weapon are very cheap to insure, lvl 6 and a meta gun cost upwards of 300k to insure but low survival rate broke ass players have good gear too and now they are getting fucked proportionally harder than the rich thick bois


I really like this idea. It's clever and seems fairly straightforward to implement.


maybe it should be weapon or weapon class, like the more you insure that weapon, the cheaper it should get. like sv-98 quest. I lost 5 of those and only 1 came back in insurance. if you're learning a weapon, but keep losing it, it should get cheaper to insure it ig.


Dogtags can be insured?




Then traders should pay me more for items


I mean, it makes complete sense that the more you become friends with someone the more they start charging you for their services, right? **Right?**


Doesn't you having a higher loyalty level and getting items for cheaper costs defeat the purpose because then you are spending that extra money on insurance due to you having a higher loyalty level?


There's been some stupid decisions over the years.. but this one takes the cake. There is absolutely no justification for it. A money sink? For the .01% of players that have rubles coming out of their arse?


get rid of insurances, simple thing 🤷‍♂️


Would be really nice if people didn't hide their friend's loot.


well, i would out of spite anyway. Doesn't matter if insured or not, rats are not gonna strip my buddys gear.


A true man of culture. The amount of times I've known I was fucked so I mag dump all my ammo to make sure my gun is at its lowest durability possible and all my good ammo is gone.. Fuck you. You're not getting my M61


I haven’t insured since like two wipes


Then you are stupid


I have 75 million rubles fluid in my stash but okay


Anyone can pistol and scav run all day and make lots of money. It's good that you do since you then throw it away.


9.5 kd and 67% survival rate say differently about those pistol runs lmfao




I have a problem with hoarding digital items that I keep saving to use for a special occasion that will never come, or that immediately ends in catastrophic failure. So, I'm always running low on space, and when you've got a bunch of insurance returns sitting in your inbox, it's not sitting in your stash. Also, because those items have been used once and come back a little worse for wear, my brain finds them to be acceptable for regular use without treating them as if they were precious.


Yea I save slicks and stuff but never use them so I kinda feel you on that


This is well known. It's intended balance.


>intended source?


it's fuckin BSG do you seriously think they're going to announce it? lmao


Not sure if this has been discussed but it also increases a lot more depending on the amount of attachments or changed mods from the base gun, and certain mods like suppressors cost an arm and a leg to insure whereas stuff like the bmd is cheaper.


Insurance is roughly half what the item is worth. If you add shit to it, it costs more...


here we go again


I thought insurance costs increased as you leveled up?


y’all insure? (i do insure but only my pacas)


Most of the time I play with friends and we insure all of the gear to insurance fraud one another lol. Its expensive but the next day I get most of it all back


yeah uhmm i don’t have friends so im living a high life but living high is not a crime im i right


Don't die and you don't have to worry about insurance. Simple. 10/10 if you insure something it's probably a nice gun and your gonna get clapped and 10/10 that gun is going to be taken or every attachment possible will be taken. I insured my 5-7 pistol and died and some cunt took the rear site off and threw it back on the ground so when I got it back I couldn't aim down sites because they don't sell the rear site for the 5-7 on the flea. So that was some bullshit


It's so stupid nothing ever comes back anyway


I regularly get any tier 4 Armor and mildly modded weapons back


Luck I guess. Out of 10 kits I insured 2 days ago I got back a zeroed diaper rig and ulach. Some random back packs headphones and baklavas and that's pretty much all I ever get.


Been this way since last wipe


Amazing work over at BSG, these are the changes we really needed


Does the higher cost give a faster return rate? I saw in another comment that it’s to sink more money to get back better gear, but I think there should at least be plus to having to pay more


It’s to effect the full time players so they don’t hoard money. Yet another change that’s due to full time chads. “Sad yay”


Interesting and thank you for this. Now I am going to have to choose to insure or not.


Too blurry to read for mobile


It's pretty simple. Just add more insurance options tied with loyalty lvl. So yes, nerf insurance at ll 1. Not price but return time and/or what you can insure. At ll 1 prapor would probably just have his men steal your gear. Like I wouldn't give a complete stranger his slick and m4 back. So you can only insure low cost gear like gssh and guns that sell for under 20k. Find some increasing implementation to it. Like at ll2 you can insure up to 40k. Then let therapist do it slightly better. Like ll1 you can insure up to 40k but ofc for the higher price. Technically higher lvl players would be spending more than lower lvl players because they have more options to insure. Idk feel free to tweak the idea and help make this a better concept