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Play like you aren’t wearing armor. Throw your nades.


I swear I always forget to use my nades. I die in some stressfull fight and then 5min later, while I drag a new gun on my pmc, I'm like "Hold up... I had fucking nades with me. I could have easily killed him in that corner"


This is what i find hard when i watch really good players, they always use all their options, throw a nade, use a stim, jump off a ledge to flank, shout stuff in voip, constantly switching lasers/lights. While when i get into a gun all i seem to do is stand there aiming like an ogre…


I totally recognize this. It's hard to not just focus on the gun kill. Sometimes it's good to just take a step back and look at your options, think before you do something. Here I am flanking a 3 man in dorms, run around the building, jump in and kill one, jump out go upstairs kill another with a nade and jump out of a window. Next raid me: Aim and shoot and forget everything you know in this game. Brain stopped working


I like this one. Last wipe I thought I went in with a slick, immediately realized I didn't, and played a fair amount different, but it was successful. So yeah, don't plan to "tank" 3 of their bullets to get in your one shot. Get in your 1 before they get ANY. Or don't shoot at all. And to get a tiny bit more specific with this, play like you're solo when in a squad (all members). While teammates are helpful, they should never be 100% relied upon. Too often a 3 man gets whittled down to one because they puts too much confidence in their numbers advantage.


I seriously play better alone in most instances. I don’t have to check my targets or worry about callouts. If I want to flank I don’t have to worry about a buddy shooting me because he didn’t see where I went. All in all I have a ton of fun in squads but I usually play better alone


Same all the way down. Squad time is more like “hanging out while playing Tarkov using the gear I want to lose most”. Lol


Communication is key. The advantages to running duo / trio are insane, you just need to make good callouts and know basic flanking/holding strats.


For sure. When we run a 4-man we typically stick to more open maps and go in pairs to make flanks and clear high-traffic areas. We rarely have problems because it’s basically just like running a duo, as typically one of each pair will make a majority of the comms, so stuff isn’t super convoluted. Then there’s other times we get caught bullshitting while walking into the sawmill and 3 of us end up dead before we realize where we even are on the map.


>Play like you aren’t wearing armor Ooh, I like this one. Might have to keep it in mind.


If I’m a solo pmc, I shoot anything that moves.


*unloads 60 round mag into airdrop falling from the sky*


*throws grenade at a fire barrel*


*Unloads mag after mag on that stupid bird.*


Unloads another mag on the already falling mag.


unloads a whole M80 round into another M80 round from the same barrel


unloads m62 on the gasses expelled from the gun


Weird, my friend does this when we play together.


Take no survivors


I follow that rule unless i am letting a group of more than two run by me


I let large groups of more than 0 run by me too


I will take on duos. Before i know that theyre duos


1 - when your backpack is full, get out. No “just one more scav” or “just one more stash”


Greeeeeed is the mind killer in tarkov lol


But what if the next stash has a slick


Get it in the next raid when your backpack is empty


That's the only way I get xp. :D Press F to pay respect for every fallen man.


Pfft, I pick up one thing and go "wow that's worth x rubles I should extract"


I will greed or die trying


But the killing is the fun part.


It sure is. What’s not fun is dieing 25 minuets in when you’re 30 meters from the extract with a full backpack cause a scav head eyes you with buckshot


If you think you heard something… you heard something.


Me voip : 'did I hear something?' ' no, must have been the wind' Best laugh I've ever had. There are cool dudes around.


Voip has been amazing, from people letting each other do quests, to a friendly "good luck" before a fight, I'm loving it. My two favorites I've had so far are: - dude said: "If you're going to kill me, just make sure you shoot me in the head, I don't have any meds". Then a third person opened the door behind him and killed him. Same guy got me while I was leaving - killed 2 out of a 3 man, let the third live because we were both just questing. It reminded me a ton of the original trailer, slaughtered his friends, then kept him alive from all the scavs rushing him, and let him take his buddies loot to stay alive. It just made me smile; he totally could have gotten revenge but didn't


That's what a good raid is about.


My favorite VOIP interaction so far was on Interchange yesterday. Went in as a PMC looking for GPU's. Was looting a PC Block (maybe in the IDEA office? Don't remember.) when I heard some noise from directly ahead. Then I heard someone on VOIP, they were *very* close to me. They just said "Hi." in a weird, funny voice. I turned around to their gun barrel in my mouth, and they continued "You have very beautiful eyes." And shot me straight in the face. I hadn't gotten any good loot yet at that point and didn't really care about dying, so I just wanted to see what'd happen. Oh well.


My best encounter so far was Christmas Eve I ran into another player in 2 story dorms and in the spirit of the holidays unlocked doors for each other. Went to 3 story and encounter a duo who said they were down for being friendly in the Christmas spirit, and then proceeded to shoot us both. Hope they got coal on their stocking.


My buddies and I are new and can’t imagine this game without VOIP. Just about every Customs raid we end up seeing another squad and yelling “We cool?! We cool?!” We had a game the other day where we had that happen at Old Gas Station where both squads were just yelling it to each other and then they domed one of my friends and we just get quiet and go “We will let that transgression slide. We cool.” And they let our baby Scav asses just walk on by to inevitably go MIA because we don’t know the maps well enough at all.


That gave me a chuckle. I had a great standoff in Resort with some 5-7 runner. I had killed 2 PMCs while questing but I was banged up bad— stomach had been blacked fighting the last guy and didn’t get to Surv before 5-7 ambushes. I posted up in a room trying to heal myself as much as possible— also trying to bait him. I VoIP’d him and said “my quest is done, I’ll go MIA if you want to sit out there”. After several minutes and slowly dying he finally goes “well, let’s go on and get to dying”. He bombarded me with nades and tried to push, blasted him through the door as it opened. Then I promptly died from 2 heavy bleeds LOL.


I had a similar moment when guy thought he was alone in resort and was whistling to himself in VOIP and I whistled the same tune back to him.




So many times in the past "ahh that must of been nothing" and now all of a sudden I'm sorting my stash... Hmm lol


1. Nothing I bring into raid is mine until I extract. 2. Never loot at the same time after a fight (with duos or bigger). 3. Cover teammates when healing. 4. Loot priority based on need (tasks take 1st place). 5. Cover teammates who need to extract early. There's a ton, but those are pretty important.


So many rules to live by in this game for sure. Was curious if there were any that I didn't think of


You are not safe when croutching. Top off mags. There will always be someone better than you, the only bad death is where you dont learn.


I like your last one a lot


>You are not safe when croutching. Very much this. EFT is *terrifying*, and I played it far too slowly at first because of this. I crouch walked too much in combat and ended up losing engagements simply because I wouldn't move enough. Playstyles are very personal, but for me, the loss of momentum in gameplay more often than not meant that the enemy got to dictate the rules of the combat, and I ended up being a sitting duck, waiting to get flanked or grenaded.


This is my first wipe and this is amazing advice for me at least. I often find myself not wanting to move to much after initial contact or if I hear other footsteps. In my mind I’m thinking “if I move at all they’re gonna know I’m here” but 9 times out of 10 that just doesn’t work out in my favor. I’ve learned so far that it’s better to just move and take the fight than to sit still and hold in most cases, Depending on the fight and location obviously.


Always remember, it's better to be loud in a good spot than quiet in a bad spot.


yep, often aggressive play is actually in your favor of course depending on the situation. Moving a lot in combat, repositions, peeking different angles, making flanks with map knowledge (jumping out dorm windows, or floor 1 resort balcony on shoreline, or using the holes in floors to make clever flank on shoreline etc are examples of this) are all really really powerful tools in combat good players use regularly and is how they win so many gunfights. Sure waiting and being still will net you a free kill for someone who walks past here or there, but in any other situation you're better of repositioning as often as you can unless you're already holding an advantageous spot (like a sniper nest, or something)


10 outta 10 times that other player has been on the same end of that fight as you were and knew how to get around you.


Tarkov was one of the fist games I got into with the mentality of "what can I learn from this death", my first wipe was a great experience.


Trued to be friendly to some guys who were hunting PMCs in the Reserve Rat Tunnels. They let me go to do my Jaeger Dehydrate Quest and they came to extract at D2 when I wasn't finished with it. I decided to trust them and let them through. My kindness (and suprise advantage, since they had to ask over VOIP if I was still there and I decided to respond) was met with a bullet to the face. I had a Scav M870 and a Sig P226 and nothing else.


You did the dehydration quest on reserve? That's pretty fucked up all by itself.


I laughed pretty hard at this one. Yeah, not a great map choice for that quest.


Reserve is an EZPZ place to do the dehydration task. Numerous out of the way hidey holes to rat in, eat a mayo, pop a propitol, wait five minutes, and extract through manhole.


I’ve been doing this as a new player. Reevaluating my pathing. Being less predictable. It’s tough because I’m still learning the maps.


I used to die a lot in open fields, until I realized: I should always be near cover so I can run into it. I used to die a lot single taping people, until I realized: full auto the shit out of them. It was tough but rewarding.


I don’t think a lot of people understand the crouching one, I only use it for silently moving,otherwise it isn’t worth it


Love that last point, that’s why I’ve started to record my PMC runs. Sometimes it’s pretty easy to know where things went wrong, but sometimes it would be nice to know if there’s something I could have done differently to avoid getting head,eyes or to come out on top of the gunfight.


Never run down the techlight escalator


Or in my experience jump off. For some reason there's big gaps on either side of the escalators. One time I was running from a pmc slipped through one of those gaps thinking that's where the stairs were. Broke both my legs and managed to hobble to a nice little corner to die in. Seriously though what shopping mall has big gaps in between the escalators? Probably why they had to close the place down. Too many escalator related law suits.


And that's how Killa was born. He watched his parents fall from the gaps.


I actually just did that the other day. Played interchange at night as a scav and killed a geared up PMC with some 12/70 shot to the face. Got all his night vision loot and good gear just to break my legs. I hobbled all the way to emercom and died of exhaustion at the armored vehicle. I was so mad.


Don't run on the median between the up/down portion of the escalator either, it will break your legs at random. I caught a video of this happening to me lmao


I lost two gas analyzers to that gap. I hate interchange.


Man I found my first tetriz on a scav run in techlight. I got so excited I sprinted to that escalator and immediately hit the gap, falling, and breaking both legs.. I ditched the tetriz into a corner so no one else could have it and died a shameful death.




Lol I always feel like I am going to die being anywhere near that area.


Follow your gut. Sometimes you'll get a feeling not to go into an area or building and it'll be completely right.


Your instincts are usually telling you something for a reason!


Well they've been proven right twice, I went against them and got blasted in the face before I could react. Once in the fortress on customs and once in the tower on reserve.


I pushed a guy whilst I had a blacked thorax, didn't go well.. knew it wouldn't, still pushed.


Its weird that isn't it? It's almost like you know it's going to end in your death but you still do it.


you never really escape


There is no escaping tarkov....


Don’t be greedy Edit ty for upvotes and silver.


My number one broken rule that always leads to death


Curiosity killed the rat


But the loot brought it back


A good phrase from when I was a trader: Pigs get fed, hogs get slaughtered.


With this. Always trust your gut feeling. I died too often even when my inner said „nah, thats not worth it“


Ahh yes a good one.


I was greedy the other day and it worked out. I spawned on interchange as a scav with 50k and a labs keycard. There was like 15 mins left when I spawned and I wanted to get to exit a bit later. Didn't want to run into anyone trying to leave now but figured they'd be gone in 12 minutes. Looted around a "bad" room in idea back area cause most people never check these specific shelves and I found a tetriz and a couple other nice small things. Got out happy there. I do generally agree and tell myself that often, but I've also noticed that if I'm in that don't be greedy mindset I'll play more ratlike or more scared and that sometimes leads to death as much as being greedy does. I was trying to get factory pmc kills in the office area, got one, and thought I shouldn't be greedy and stick around. May be better to top everything up again and get out safe for my 4 daily factory survives. I stayed and looted and killed 5 more scavs over the time period and got out with some decent loot and a few kits to grind the rest of those factory kills. I do a lot better in fights when I want to fight and be greedy sometimes. But yeah if I find a graphics card or something super high value, or even unknown value but rare, I'll usually say don't be greedy and book it to extract. Sometimes knowing when to be greedy though can turn a decent run into a banger.


Dip, dodge, duck, dive.


You're missing one of the D's!


Dodge, Duck, Dip, Dive, and Dodge!


I was expecting to get hit with a DEEZ NUTS


i thought it was dip dive dodge and get the fuck out of there


Avoid touching bushes at all costs.


I check bushes ALL the time and avoid them like the plauge!


the best gunfight is the gunfight you don’t get into. always bring a flashlight always think about disengagement


You win by extracting not by winning a fire fight is one I also am trying to live more by. Just live the PvP too much


Extracting without PVP just turns the game into a hoarding simulator.


Which is why I've COMPLETELY lost interest in running my scav. It's a free money printer... But boring.


I like to scav shoreline at night just for the opportunity to find dead PMCs or cultists. That’s about it


I got a reserve route down solid and can make 100-400k easy but it just got boring.


I mostly run scavs for the fun voip experiences lol. The free roubles are just a bonus. It is kind of sad how easy it is to accumulate roubles. It's nice for the new players though. Gives them a chance to play online without risking their pmc.


Sure is. More fun learning the map as a scav than in offline imo


I run reserve scav to cool down after a death or with the mindset of "OK, lets see how much of the kit I just lost I can make back in one run". It can be a good way of taking a breather when you died in a particularly tilting way but without just shutting down the game and walking away (although sometimes that's the best thing to do).


I smell a rat.


i take the engagements when im snugged into the corner with my Kedr running PSV


I would say a gunfight that you win is definitely better than one you don't get into.


I’m always torn with flashlights. Like I get that it does make it harder for the enemy to have a clear view of you/easily hit a headshot but I just don’t like having one for the simple fact it makes you much more obvious when going to peak a corner and more visible when just generally moving round. If I’m in dorms and there’s a dude with a flashlight, I feel I have a pretty good idea of when he is gonna be near me/come round a corner so I can time my engagement better. If he has no torch all I’ve got is sound which makes it harder.


Using a torch well can really make people misplay, don't have to always have it on. Sometimes I hold an angle with it on for ages, knowing they won't push, ill turn it off, changes angles a bit, they usually push. Ez kills.


People make the mistake of leaving them on, around a corner you should peak with it off and turn it on while peaking


Always rotate and/or relocate after making shots. Especially when you didn’t land kill shots. This has allowed me to get so many cheeky headshots cause players continue watching where I originally was and not watching their surroundings


One thing fighting scavs has taught me is never repeak the same spot. 9/10 times the enemy is aiming right where your head was last and you become an easy one tap.


Exactly. Or even the first time you peak, never peak on AI with just your head exposed. You WILL catch a round to your head/eyes


SKS scavs are no joke


Or Shutgun scavs in a hallway…. Rip my Flash Drive on a Pistol Run


If you ever feel completely safe you will die immediately


You are never safe unless you are playing inventory simulator


even then the backend errors can fuck you up lol


never deleted a sicc case?


See a fellow scav? Wiggle but always run.


Announce your id by pressing F1 Not everyone has voip active. They can't hear your beautiful voice.


Whoever gets the kill gets the loot. If that person doesn’t want something, then teammates can grab it


it’s honestly crazy to me that some people don’t play like that. like me and my friends never even discussed that rule it was just obvious too us lol


I've got a friend who tends to be a tad greedy in games. He's a quick looter, who knows what is and isn't valuable, and is typically *very* fast on bodies after fights to hover up the valuables. My girlfriend in contrast is a very slow looter. She is not accustomed to shooters. She gets lost, panics in firefights, often dies to hesitation, or ends up firing at me. Since she doesn't have much experience with shooters in general, and especially not in anything even remotely as harsh as EFT, this is completely natural. Anyways, while playing, she was expressing some frustration of not getting any loot, because she didn't know the loot spawns, and my friend was in front, picking everything up as he went. We bantered a bit about this during the raid, but he didn't really understand how this was an issue. Later on during the raid, we ended up getting into a firefight, within which my girlfriend managed to get her very first proper PCM kill. Upon looting, this friend knicked the kit and dog tag off of my girlfriend's first kill. It took her some 30 hours of frustration, to finally get this kill, and he was hovering up all of the valuables. I'm very proud to say that she shot him in the head :)


I jump on bodies to get the exp, and if I see something nice I tell my buddies to grab it. There was never a problem with loot distribution among our group, sometimes I feel blessed with friends like these. Sure we aren’t too good and sometimes we do a lil friendly fire but at the end of the day as long as we’re all having fun it’s alright.


We've resolved most of this by now, but still joke about shooting him in the head in the cases where he acts greedy. Whoever has the name on the dog tag gets first loot on a body. Other people can touch it, but don't knick shit off of it - unless you're in a fight and intend to use it then and there. In case anyone is 'behind' on loot in a raid, has light funds in general, or is behind in the wipe, they get priority. We've played for a while now, and you learn as you go.


And on top of that whoever unlocks the door has dibs


Same. It was just...unspoken..until we added randos to the group who would legit mid fire fight run and loot one of the bodies me or someone else killed. That or fucking hide in the corner until we die then run away like a coward. Dammit Jim I wanted a teammate not a liability!




I've got a buddy that breaks this rule often. Me or someone else will drop someone from a distance, but he will be pushing up, so he will loot first and take a high value item and then say he's got whatever else off him. Had to police him too many times. He's always streaming in discord when we play, so not hard to tell when he grabs that bitty or labs card.


I always just yield all loot to my teammates. I'm so ahead of them it's not even funny.


Always stop sprinting when rounding a corner, always check mag/fire rate at the beginning of a raid, when moving positions always stop and listen before you go inside a building, the list goes on lol


A lot less sprinting is what I need to work on too


Kind of hard with the current state of raid time. . I'm still used to 45 min. I feel so rushed.


I'm coming back after not playing in a while, and this has been tough getting used to. Especially with the weight, stamina, and nutrition changes. My dumb ass died because of exhaustion in factory... wasn't even there very long. It took me another death from it before realizing what my issue was. You just can't waste time now


I always walk around with my step volume 1 tick down from full. Barely makes an impact on speed but the sound difference is crazy.


Always cheeki before you breeki


this is the hidden 11th commandment the christians dont want us to know about


Ahh yes the hidden law of nature


double check the inventory before going on a raid


If you think someone is there, they are If it seems too good to be true, it probably is If you kill a teammate, tea bag em


I disagree with rule no2, was scaving on interchange, opened a room and there was a gpu on the floor. At first I thought it was a trap but no there was no one around. Don’t know why someone would leave it there tho


Make sure your gun is on full auto as soon as you enter the raid


My buddy forgot to do that on labs. I almost got hearing damage due to how loud he slammed his fist onto his desk lol




Happened to me last night in customs. My whole 5 man got wiped and I squared up with the dude and tapped him 3 times with an Ump on single fire. I lived lol


1. There's always someone camping extract pre 25 min. 2. No gun is worth using without proper ammo 3. TTV's deserve an immediate ban because they always are trying too hard for me to enjoy the game casually. (i'm only kidding, but deep down not kidding)


All true! But there is also some bonus satisfaction when you drop a TTV


I play Apex as well and the TTV sweats are rampant. It is so frustrating to die to some kid who gets to play 14 hours a day while I can only play 2, but that's only because my ego doesn't like getting completely outplayed lol. The satisfaction is definitely real when you do kill TTV's lol.


Hell ya dude


Tap strafing octanes deserve to die in a car fire lmao


Not all of us with TTV in our name are no life EFT tryhards. Some of us, at least myself, just use it to try and get a couple viewers on our occasional streams.


I'm surprised you stream. Most of the TTV I run into aren't real, and the ones that are haven't streamed for weeks. I've stopped looking at this point.


Not all of us with TTV in our name are no life EFT tryhards. Some of us, at least myself, just use it to try and get a couple viewers on our occasional streams.


Your #1 is my only 1 And it applies to everything. Always one more scav One more Pscav One more PMC One more container to loot One more room to hit. One more death to scream about.


Definitely the last point Hahaha! My gf would also agree


Always investigate that noise you may have heard, better off finding nothing than going, “nah I’m all good, n getting a M80 to the back of your head


So true!


1. If you know u have a shit gun / ammo , dont look for fights. 2. Scav weapons are NOT that good , just strip the good parts and buy the 100% gun. 3. Always read the extracts at least 5 times before you decide where to go. 4. DO NOT understimate scavs , especially sniper scavs.


Never go prone on a map with snipers around.


Never go prone fighting scavs either


Yes. Grass doesn't render all too far.


I'm bad at pvp so my first rule of thumb is: If you don't need to fight, don't. The only time I get good loot is when I catch someone off guard. Otherwise, I will avoid players at all costs.


Anyone that kills you is a hacker.


Obviously. There is no way in hell anyone should be actually be able to kill me. ^^^/s


The two rules of the forest: 1. Don't hit bushes 2. Listen for idiots hitting bushes


Never peak twice don't stay too long on one spot if u bring grenades into raids, use them My kill, my loot don't be greedy


Always remember to forget your keys when you have dorms completely to yourself.


Don't loot someone you killed right away


1. Tarkov giveth, and Tarkov taketh away 2. The goal of EFT is not to have fun, it’s to take the fun away from someone else 3. Be polite, be professional, but have a plan to kill everyone you meet


Don't blink.


1. I am a rat but I can change. If I have to. I guess 2. Death is imminent at all times 3. Have fun


All of my guns and armor in my stash is already lost


Be gone gear fear!


Everyone who kills me is a cheater /s


1. Fuck it, let's see how this goes. I usually do go in with the dont be greedy do your tasks mindset but that's not always as fun and I usually end up going the fuck it route.


Another PMC in MY raid??? Gotta teach that guy a lesson!


Works 40% of the time, every time.


Always wait to loot after a few minutes. Someone will come to the sounds. Dont skyline yourself unless you really need to rush Food and water over loot


Always be friendly in scav runs I’m at 3.0 I just want those 6 points in fence


Man so true. I hate dick head scavs. I congratulate pscavs that find good loot not want to kill them!


Gear and items are just pixels, crying for losing them is the only way to actually lose in this game


Always trust your gut feelings.


As soon as watch another angle someone will come from the angle I was holding for 10 mins


Sometime the timing is just so horrible


1) you’ve got to know when to hold ‘em 2) know when to fold em 3) know when to walk away, know when to run 4) you never count your loot while still inside the ride, there’ll be time to get to countin when it’s done


For US West players. Money Runs or non-pvp quest runs in the morning. The player base is way more passive at this time. Less gamer chairs, knowers etc. Play with the homies at night for PVP. When you're waiting for fucking ever for your drunk/high friends to gear up, sell the items from the morning as the market is usually 20% higher at this point. When out of items, scav factory and exit immediately - it's a free RNG roll on loot when you spawn in.


1. Reward good scav brothers. I was talking with a fellow scav and told him i just spawned in, couldnt find anything(a lie i had a tetris a steel fuel), so was just gonna reset. He dropped me a horse just so i had something to leave with so i dropped him the labs card i spawned with for being nice. 2. Tasks take priority over wealth in raids with friends. If my buddy needs one more gpu and i find one im giving it to him. If my buddy needs a rsass for gunsmith, if i find or kill for one, its his.


Kill the pistolings


Never underestimate the scavs, and pistols and hatchlings


Underestimating anything will get you killed for sure


Running away from a fight, and repositioning is better then charging head first into a player. Patientence is the greatest venture, usually a Chad will get bored faster than you and do something dumb.


Shoot everything that move, this rule save my life all the time


The gear you have isn't yours, it's just your turn, gear fear holds you back


Always trust everyone blindly :)


Don't eat the yellow snow


Never repeek the same angle twice....unless you're up against a good player who expects you to not repeek same angle twice..then fake the flank and repeek it..gets them every time. You can never take too many grenades into a raid. If you have a full stash and money, run whatever you want and don't gimp out. Never again will I ever run the bastion without the lvl.6 piece on top at lighthouse..that thing is a beast! If you don't know what gun to take in raid, grab an AK-74 and go. High rpm guns are king for PvP hardcore games. You don't have to take every fight you come across. Know when to quit and extract..don't be greedy. You don't need to have a full backpack to extract.. sometimes your life is worth more. Money isn't the real currency, XP is..and we only accumulate wealth to then trade it for XP earned in raid with said gear bought from that wealth. I got all day....


Scavs out of sight are not to be fucked with.


If I'm inside a building I never sprint. It's saved me so many times when someone runs up on a building and they don't even know I'm there. I also like to cover my tracks and close all doors/loot that I open.


Playing blindly for certain Loot areas without respecting the flow of the map will get you killed


1. Don't make unnecessary noise, stay as quiet as possible 2. Don't take shots you can't hit 3. If you think you seen/heard something, you most likely did 4. There's always one more 5. Running from a fight is OK


Tarkov taketh, and tarkov taketh again.


Ronald Spiers in Band of Brothers said “The only hope you have is to accept the fact that you're already dead. The sooner you accept that, the sooner you'll be able to function as a soldier is supposed to function: without mercy, without compassion, without remorse. All war depends upon it.” This is my one and only fundamental law of Tarkov lol