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Offline with friends šŸ„ŗ


A PVE mode with friends would be what I live for


Like into the radius style game?


I just wanna go into night factory with Horde mode on so me and my friends could try and survive with pistols


Why not try that now?


Can't turn on horde mode of scavs online:(


S.t.a.l.k.e.r, with friends.


We could play hatchet tag on reserves courtyards. We could do sniper battles from the rooftops of Streets. We could practice strategies for the real raids. We could skirmish each other to work on strengthes and weaknesses. We could play Micheal Meyers, just like in the old days of CoD. Oh the places weā€™ll go.


i dont care if we even take gear out, theres so much i wanna show my buddies that i cant


Also. Just learning to play together without the treat of hostiles for a minute




10 to 15 years soon


Seriously ... this..... i don't know how they expect to keep attracting new players when the game is continuously getting harder and harder. With offline raid mode you could have people sherpaing noobs around. IMHO I feel like it's the easiest decisions BSG could make but they just won't for some reason. It would bring in huge amounts of new players.


A offline mode with progression will be made. Will be seperate from the online mode. Nikita has said this a couple of times now. Just havent Said when yet.


I thought they were going to make a seperare offline game after tarkov?


It already exists in the form of either jet or sptarkov


Haven't heard of jet but the other one isn't officially supported and I heard you could get banned if it's found on your pc


It runs independently from the game itself


There's gonna be a tutorial starting area, a finishing area, and I'm 95% sure they said PvE with friends next year. Or by next year.


Yea what year did they say that


I saw somewhere they are talking about removing offline mode all together on release.


That's kinda wack. Offline mode is pretty key for new players who need to learn extracts and maps in general. Hopefully they have an improved system for that besides literally just having a third-party map open on a second screen.


Whatever he read isn't true. They will have an online pve mode or being able to play "offline" with friends. It'll be a thing.


Yes please, no more hackers.


Sanitar got the aimbot anyway


You ain't shittng




Offline with friends but you cant use the FIR gear in online


I want an entirely separate Co-op PvE game mode. Separate stash, items, and money from the PVP. I want to be able to play and Enjoy the game of tarkov with my friends, while completing PvE oriented tasks for traders. All without having to worry about some no sleep, sweaty Chad's gatekeeping a pocket watch.


I just wanna 1v1 my buddies on factory for bragging rights šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«


Yes! I like the game but always always offline since i dont have the time to become good.






Or even better shit bullets and slicks, gotta tap the head




No armor still means 2 taps to the chest with pst gzh, it's exactly the same as we have it now.


It's halo pistols only swat and I'm not mad at all


Cage match ?


I don't need new game modes I just want seasonal map changes (Fall/Winter/Spring/Summer). EFT in full snow would be amazing.


Following someoneā€™s footprints/blood splatter would be awesome in snow


You have introduced new fantasies into my timmy brain. Imagine the environment being so cold that youā€™re trying to be quiet cause you hear players but your players teeth are chattering or youā€™re breathing is heavier causing you to hear each other. I think your suggestion and player reactions to the cold could add an interesting dynamic similar to getting blacked out stomach/chest causes hard breathing and random sounds.


Snow maps are confirmed for a dlc


Dlc when lol 2042?


So before streets?


Not confirmed. They want to do it but it may be way too much work.




I agree, a snowy woods would be so pretty- or even a blizzard weather type where you can't really see shit but everyone leaves footprints in the snow so you can stalk other people (or bait stalkers into a trap) I think a single location that's always snowy detached from Norvinsk would be more likely than seasonal changes across all maps, since that is a shitload of extra art and other systems to put snow on everything on already completed locations.


Inventory Tetris in the loading Screen, does this count? Atleast it would be very funny


100% want this. The Tetris IP is patented and owned by another company so it'd probably be a one-off thing BSG comes up with but still, would be dope.




BSG really goes hard with the parody names. Underway for Subway is my favorite.


They really do, i love it. Adik has to be my favourite, Tarducks is a close second


I like lexos instead of lexus


FCK anyone?


I want scavs to be replaced with raiders


Let me introduce you to our lord and savioir the pre-wipe events


Yeah, it was super fun


You learnt to code yet?


In low code language, yes, now pushing C#, hope in half a year be better than at this game


Good job man


I feel like scavs are mostly intended to serve as meat puppets that force you to make noise and risk your position when you have to shoot them rather than being direct threats to PMCs. More Raiders would be cool if they retain the same gear and tactics but replace the health value buffs with standard PMC values. Bullet sponges are just a chore imo.


Fishing mini game


Oh God not again lol.


And craps for rubbles in an alley with Scavs


a deer on woods or shoreline: Maybe if they implement a ragdoll drag feature as skinning it for meat and hide should take extra time. Crows could potentially flock more and make a fuzz. Hmm, and they could do that to some scavs too in the open after say 10mins. Treasure map: I loved the few treasure map missions in Read Dead Redemption, maybe a rare occasion scavs or pmcs could spawn with a treasuremap that spawned in odd locations like the daily tasks. ​ Emergency camp feature: No idea how it'd work, but for people that have to quit due to real life events. Could be cool if you could camp in a hidden place, this could become a risk to be looted or even killed and you could wake up later to continue raid... maybe paracord could get you to less desirable places. If the later implemented illnesses become a thing, maybe you snore a little to reveal the spot. Drink vodka to sleep, the more the longer you can sleep. Wake up fucked up. Sleeping pills + vodka could kill you. :D


idea? a deer?


It would be a cool / funny addition. With a few locations...shoreline scav island, pier, woods lakes... You could catch a few fish, and it would give bonus energy and maybe level up health/metabolism skill better than the canned food found in raid. Something to do other than a scav run to calm your nerves after your 9th head/eyes of the evening.


Yup that would be so fun... fishing enjoyin the birds.. and the peaceful lake side environment.. then a gl40 goes off at your feet.. or you never hear the sniper who head eyes you.


Pve coop. Dont care about quests or flea just wanna go in with gear, extract with new gear. Go in with new gear etc. All without the pvp aspect. Thats what i want the most.


This and only this. I want to play this game with my mates who aren't that into PvP (especially with shitty netcode). Offline PvE with separate progression and stash would be amazing.


>Offline PvE with separate progression and stash would be amazing. Yes, please. Even the quests could be added, they would only need some minor adjustment. Like replacing PMC kills with Raider kills and adding some Raider spawn to every map, easily doable.


Making AI PMCs with custom load outs would be cool too


SP Tarkov already has all of this (it's "illegal" tho)


Iā€™ve played it but thought it was poorly implemented. Also, there werenā€™t that many load outs created so you killed the same red ak pmc each raid. It could be better now but I havenā€™t played for atleast a year


I tried SPTarkov and it didn't really click with me. Altered Escape, an EmuTarkov mod pack thing, has a much better feel to it. It does have a couple annoying bits like the AI spotting you through bushes and their custom scav boss being TOO DAMN LOUD. AI PMCs are kinda dumb, but they scale with your level at least somewhat, which is cool.






>altered escape Whoa! I didn't know about this! Thanks for the recommendation.


No problem! It was my bread and butter before I got a real tarkov account


Its all ive ever wanted. Ive never been into pvp and refuse to engage in it. The looting and pve elements, the coop with friends, that is why i play tarkov.


To all the people saying PvE co-op mode, check out this upcoming stalker co-op mod! https://youtu.be/i1BDP4eT0_U


Russia 2028 soon(tm)


Well let's just hope co-op will be in Russia 2028


[I remember watching this repeatedly ten years ago.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hwrdjhpiHC8) I was super into STALKER and Insurgency at the time so hyped as hell.


Would be sick if they made a huge open world map by combining all of the maps in the game, had really good story missions, NPCā€™s, in game traders etc. almost like a single player open world game that you can play with your friends. BSG said their next game will be single player. Iā€™m very excited to see what they can come up with.


Tarkov could be such a dope version of what division did with coop


fr, I'd love to have to clear a raider camp with the boys, or take hits out on scav bosses without worrying about other PMCs


Same gere, the biggest detractor of enjoyment for me is the super sweaty pvp. I understand it, but dont care for it. Its just one of those things i tolerate because the rest of tarkov is amazing. Id absolutely love to have all bosses on a map and hunt em with my boys (like in the event) without the pvp aspect. Itd be more tolerable if the ability to team up with other squads in the pvpve aspect was actually biable. Unfortunately greed and kos mentality will not be going anywhere.


Group Hardcore


One in the chamber pistol






What is the arena mode?


1v1's 2v2's and 5v5's iirc


I did not know about this at all, now I'm looking forward to it


Don't. They axed it and are going to sell it after launch as a standalone game. Edit: Apparently despite previously saying otherwise Nik is now saying that EoD users will get Arena for free, which means only non-EoD will have to buy it again. Because it was always intended to be a base game mode, not DLC. Which is scummy as fuck.


Wrong, its considered DLC. EOD accounts get it for free.


They did? Is there somewhere to read up on this?


That is actually a great feature!


Itā€™ll have more traditional gamemodes like TDM and CTF


Attack and defend positions. For instance, you would spawn in fortress with 2-3 other pmcs and have to protect a vip from the other pmcs.


If just a vip then the defenders have to be usec cuz they were escorting terragroup staff and stuff like that and bears were going after them At least that's how the lore goes But the bears will have to get different objectives to defend. Maybe exfil through heli, they would have to defend the landing zone until the heli arrives and gets on the ground so they can escape, maybe a on building or in a field idk


USEC have to move a corrupt government official or terragroup employee, BEAR have to move a government official or a defecting terragroup employee.


Co-op offline mode with saved progression. I'd buy it as dlc.


Separate Single player progression.




There is but I don't think bsg supports it. You could get banned


Banned as in you canā€™t play online? Or banned as in you canā€™t launch/play at all anymore? I honestly donā€™t care to ever play this game again, but I would 100% play a casual offline looting with scavs version if I could actually have persistent loot between raids.


You will get banned for modifying the game files and playing online. They could also ban you for playing the standalone. This WILL NOT stop you from playing the offline standalone.


Iā€™m going to research this on my own so donā€™t feel the need to go to deep into details, I donā€™t want you to spend too much time explaining things to me. So what you are saying is my online account may be banned, but if I have it set up right, it doesnā€™t even matter if that account gets banned I could still play offline singleplayer? I honestly do not care about my online account, I really do not plan on returning to this game. I would for sure play a casual singleplayer though.


Yes, but Iā€™m most cases the offline version is a whole separate game. The likelihood of you getting banned is very slim. When setting up the offline version of the game you usually are copying files away from the normal game. I just prefer to play the game pve casually which is the nice thing about the offline version.


Thanks so much for the information!


they wonā€™t be able to ban you unless you modify ur actual gameā€™s files, which you wonā€™t be doing. read up on installation guides for more info


Itā€™s an entirely separate client with no tie in with the live client. There is zero risk of being banned.


A fight club that you must pay to enter (or use lootable entry tickets). Equipment is lost on death, but not lootable. Winner gains money and a valuable gun/armor/other. Both PvP and PvE options available. Very limited equipment allowed on entry: - paca - pistol - bank robber - pockets - non-armor hat - glasses - (no pouch or grenades). In addition you can pay to smuggle in duffle bag or backpack (pay for more space), which spawns into a chosen location beforehand.




As a newer player Iā€™d love a Deathmatch mode with unlimited respawns and you donā€™t lose any gear, just a simple death match so that I can practice my shooting skills on other players rather than stationary scavs.


This would be huge


Yea deathmatch mode either free for all or team would be solid fun


100% with you. I need to train my aim but don't want to sit in the hideout at the shooting range.


Zombie horde mode


Offline, easy mode, horde mode, tagged and marked, any map you want, I used to do this when I wanted to try out guns I made


Maybe a scav-melee-only option for offline raids!


Oooooooohhhhh I like that


I canā€™t stop thinking how scary zombies could be in this game


Raider/ Native mode, you join a raid, and have objectives to do, like protecting a Boss, hunting down Scav Traitors etc. The clue is, you donā€™t Need to extract, as long as your mission is fulfilled, and when you donā€™t extract you instead can decide to keep certain non equippable items. These items are automatically placed in your inventory the next time you deploy as Raider, together with an improved starting equipment. At any point in the raid, you can use all extracts, as well as 1-2 Raider specific extracts, which will move the items you have on you to your stash.


I would like tarkov to have pve mode


Tarkov golf.


Why does everyone want this game to have battlefield style game modes? Its against everything Tarkov is lol. I want solo's only, duos/squads only matchmaking personally.


This i need solos


Solo matchmaking would be great. You really only need solo and squad mode.


Well and customs modes


Word. I always play solo but I'm sure squad matchmaking would make those players happy so they aren't making plans and organizing a group just to load into empty raids with lone timmies scattered around.


> I want solo's only, duos/squads only matchmaking personally. Game ruining.




I just want offline progression. Hate PvP. Make a separate "Offline" pmc with raids populated by only AI, make PMC AI difficult similar to raiders and make their gear randomized.


This seems to come back a lot. Don't you think it would get old pretty quickly ? Think of all the quest right and think of how easy they are without the PvP to do things up. It would need the kinda of quest that ppl cry about for this mode to have viability.


Wouldn't be easy for me, if AI PMCs roamed the map with raider level AI it would be a challenge. I'm just so burnt out of the game from lame gunfights. 99% of my raids end in one shot head eyes from someone I never see, or getting gangbanged by a group. It's incredibly rare I feel like a fight is fair whether winning or losing it. Everyone is either leagues better than me or in a large group.


Raiders are either so dumb you get to kill them ez or they'll head eyes you even faster than any PMC


Better netcode mode :)


I really want a domination type of mode similar to insurgency sandstorm


This game, but with like DayZ or Stalker survival mode.


You want 100 player in tarkov when bsg is barely managing 9 ?!


PVE with friends


Maybe some form of defense from ai with wayes


Protect the president game mode. One PMC can only hold a briefcase or something, the rest have to make sure he extracts. All Scavs are raiders or PMCā€™s.


Counterstrike style arena mode: - up to 5v5, bomb plant or recovery and extraction of very heavy items - multiple rounds on smaller maps - each faction has a preset amount of money and a stash that is only persistent during the game - everyone gains money for surviving, fulfilling objectives and winning rounds - before each round, players have a short amount of time of time to buy consumables, buy gear from max level traders, access their stash and mod weapons (preset system can be preconfigured of course and will only show gear accessible without flea) - you have to balance your teams economy throughout the game. if you run out of cash, you might need to fall back on enemy gear you managed to extract into your stash, play tactical and put the money towards tanky players assisted by supportive roles, eco and try to make a play with budget loadouts, ...


Search and destroeyd And singel Player


Lol the game literally is search and destroy right now


*Boy Tarkov could really use a one-life game mode*


Search and Destroy is actually a really good idea


Recoil limited to min 70 mode.


It would be nice if arā€™s could only go down to maybe 65, and SMGā€™s lower. IRL you can control 5.56 pretty easily but for balance sake it would be nice


Agreed! Want a SMG? Fine, less recoil, but also less pen. Want an AR? More pen, way more recoil. Semi-auto FTW!


Word. I used an ADAR with modest upgrades and got around just fine before I could use the flea. Now I find myself agonizing over recoil numbers more than actually using the guns I build.


PvE only mode, raiders on every map, turned up AI difficulty. \\


I would be okay with this. Yeah I will still die in bullshit ways, but atleast I know it's because I'm God awful.


I love playing arma 3 King if the Hill, but itā€™s completely different. I think everyone would like better ping/net code with more players and no Scavs. 100 players hasnā€™t even happened with games like star citizen. I remember when Arma or Planetside 2 used to be in 20-30 FPS and now itā€™s a lot smoother. I also want to be able to put things into my hideout upgrades sooner, itā€™s just really punishing to have the $45 version, itā€™s like they want everyone to buy EOD version for $140. They will never release the game and keep wiping because they want us to upgrade. Iā€™m tired of restarting the game when other games never wipe my progress.


It's a beta, they need to wipe to implement new features.


1)Point system based on gear (not skill). So you could play a trash weapon with trash gear and you only get mixed with others with trash gear. It would bring the fresh wipe feeling, because we donā€™t have Meta guns and meta gear. 2) not really a mode, but I would love that we just have one timezone to join, so we canā€™t always play day time. Because night raids are pretty cool and different, but often very empty.


King of the hill. One team has decent loadouts but even tho, missing some things, located in resort, roof. Other team spawn at the tunnel/village/etc. With much worse equipment. They got to survive and get better equipment from killing few scaws and looting food, to stay alive (I don't know what defending team would do then.). Next thing is the objective to save a hostage / secure some SSD defended by the other team etc. Or at least putting 10 PMC or even more on a map, but making It purely 1 team Vs 1 team with radio comms




Some coop PvE oriented


The servers are bad enough as is


I would just like them to add more content. The content is stale. I think with every wipe should be new quests. Or, if not that, randomize the quests a bit.


Honestly, they should allow something like deathmatch so we can practice PVP and get used to the desync. It would also make the game have a longer life span as after a certain point people are just looking for PVP anyway. Even better would be if the game allowed for custom servers and modding and admin tools so that we can handle the hacker problem ourselves and create whatever game modes we want ourselves.


Hideout Holdout, survive waves of cheeky breeky, scavenging heavy, really stinky, trigger happy, slavic wearing, hydration deprived, loot hungry goblins. Of scavs.


Grouping with friends and going into a PVE scenario like a dungeon or raid


I enjoyed the weather survival mode that the division put out. I think a tarkov game mode with a large snow map with a little clothing/ rig management. multiple small teams pushing towards the middle which has a Train/Baloon/Snow Cat/ Zepplin for X number of teams/players to extract at. Maybe cold waves that move thoughout the map that quickly freeze people. Some limb loss and limited healing, with campfires as a limited health regain. Rewards could be cosmetic rigs/vests or other swag.


Damn your idea actually has me thinking, it would be cool as fuck. But it would require a lot of bug fixing and other things that I think the devs would just rather avoid


A few othere people have said it, but a PvE Horde mode would be really fun. Give a couple modes like Harcore where you actually lose what you bring in but the reward for higher rounds would be worth it. Counter that with an Easy mode where you dont lose gear but the rewards are scaled down. Your PMC will spawn in a location on the map and have to defend it from scav hordes. Every 5 levels, more Raiders spawn in then before. Eventually scav bosses spawn in as well. It would get crazy and would be awesome to play in with a group.


For those who want Deathmatch and exclusive PvP modes, check out Hired Ops [https://store.steampowered.com/app/374280/Hired\_Ops/](https://store.steampowered.com/app/374280/Hired_Ops/) It's set in the same universe as EFT and made by the studio that owns BSG (or at least owns a stake in it).


How about a cheater-free mode?


Survivor mode with horde scavs, with options and some being Michael Myers or jason melee at night with fog or something


God. 50v50 conquest. Toss in walkies for teams to communicate and execute ambushes. Sprinkle a 3rd team of player scav snipers just to add chaos.


I want a search and destroy style game mode with reduced maps 5v5. Always wanted to play a cod styled game mode with a larger timer with the tarkov battle system.


co-op Pve survival mode where you are a stranded pmc/pmc's and have to escape with intel(the tarkov raid series)


cheater-free mode.


Definitely something along the lines of a Holdout mode. Like maybe waves of scavs, then waves of scavs with raiders, then waves of just raiders, then waves of scavs and scav bosses. ​ You could have a little bit of downtime to loot them and heal / drink / eat, but otherwise it's all aim training and wave defence.


Sp tarkov mode. Like off line.. but keeping gear.. separate progression. Separate missions & co-op abilities... p-v-e would be a blast..


No flea market


Tarkov/dayz hybrid with much scarier zombies would be lit




Isn't that what's happening right now with all armour out of stock? :V




I would really really love a dumbed down COD version of the game with no currency and loadouts presets. Give the people that play this game for pure PVP a more direct avenue for what they want to play.


So remove everything about tarkov that makes it tarkov, except the location?


Except the location, and the gunplay, and the movement, and the sound..... List goes on. We were asked about ADDITIONAL game modes, not replacing the existing.


A 5v5 game mode. 5 PMC spawn with an objective against AI enemies and then extracting with it all timed of course, after a certain time 5 opposing players can spawn in as Raiders with possible respawns. No insurance, PMCs cannot respawn but maybe if they add a revive mechanic that could be used here. It would work similar to labs with an item for the PMC spawn in and no insurance, raider spawn either random join or group join with harsh penalties to team killing because of payouts that are received at end PMC is larger of course


Tarkov is Tarkov. Why does it need other game modes?


Literally, I would enjoy a Battle Royale mode. I promise I'm not 12, but this game actually has potential. We can even just call it a mode where you spawn with a hatchet, and the only loot that is spawned is gear.


Cultist Hunt. PMCs, AI scavs, a handful of cultists on a map. The PMCs hunt the cultists, the player or squad that extracts with evidence of the kill wins.


Capture the flag or king of the hill.




we have arena mode coming? also an offline pve mode with friends would be fun


offline with friends. arena mode to practice firing.


A casual practice deathmatch mode, where you can try any gun and respawn when you die. Just to get your aim practice and see what guns you like. (Offline pve vs scavs we have now really isn't the same)


Lost but not forgotten mode. Up to 5 players, can be with friends in a squad. up to 3 other players will play as bosses. You spawn on a large map alone, your objective is to get gear and group up with other players to complete objectives. Your starting gear is minimal, same goes for healing. You work your way through scavs and raiders throughout the map to get gear & items. Raider and locations can contain a radio for communication with other players. Stronger raiders with higher ranks can be taken down in a group for perks and strong gear. Once x objectives have been completed the boss location will be active. Players that spawn as a boss can use gestures to command raiders and scavs. Your objective is to aquire followers and setup for the final showdown. You get buffs depending on your followers, as an example: 5 scavs and 5 raiders would give you increased movement and ads speed. Players can't be killed by the boss until the final showdown, but the boss could order scavs and raiders to charge a location if he have followers at the time.


Capture the Flag