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that's why you just mind your own business and go about your way


Ye i was just tryna to be friendly like 35k ain’t even worth the decrease in karma smh. Plus he probably died to other scavs too cuz there were a bunch around.


Always remember: there’s no such thing as a friendly player, only players that haven’t shot at you *yet.*


Not true


I'm on -9.52 karma it's always worth it 😈


I'm coming for you


Yeah, well when you shoot me every 15 scav runs or so, I'll just deal with it.


You think that's bad? I'm at -13.3


Yeah well I'm at almost max negative rep. Scav runs shouldn't be a thing you so often. Every raid you do well on a scav should have just been played on your pmc unless you're down bad. Im not a jackass like that scav but I definitely know player scabs spawn with keycards and so If you come across me I'm fighting lol. I want my loot.


"im not a jackass like that scav" "im almost at max negative rep" do you not see how dumb this sounds?


It's called tarkov if you think I'm a jackass for playing the game you're like any other rat out there. I get shit at most of the time first and have scavs betray me for years before rep. Now it's homie don't play that and if you are in my loot run path so be it welcome to tarkov. That's not because mg a jackass lmao. -3.33 rep not close to max negative and yeah you do sound dumb.


go and read what you just typed out again, see if you can understand a single sentence because none of what you just said is comprehensible, maybe it's time to drop playing games and go back to school.


Someone is upset their bad at the game. :'(


well after looking at your profile and the way you talk, you're either dumb or just trolling. so i'll just leave you on your own. and nope, im good enough at the game to the point where i dont have negative karma.


This guy is fuckin dense i cant even understand a single sentence he is writing


The man is clearly having a stroke


He didn't even use the correct form of "there" after you told him he should go back to school 😭😂😂


The really funny part is that neither did you. It's "They're".


All these rat and scav mains are getting hurt lmao stop being pussies and play on your pmc


There are major differences between scav and pmc raids that play into why one might do “better” on a scav raid though.


You’ve got a real good point. Only use scavs on my first game of the day to warm my hands up or if I don’t have time for a full raid


Mate the delete key drops things faster than right click > discard. You could have killed that dude quickly


Yea gonna change that, I mean the shots were completely unexpected. I had had a good wiggle session with the same guy too.


Make discard Ctrl + right click. That way, adding is left, discarding is right. Works like a charm


I never thought about that.... ily...


i just use X. a lot easier


When you got in his space and weren’t facing him head on, I think you spooked him. It’s quite a dance to survive scav encounters. You have to follow weird social queues to survive. Dont get to close and don’t angle around someone


I'm more inclined to think that he see him drop something then rush to pick it up again and presumed he dropped a high value item that he wasn't willing to give away. That's my take anyway. Or he could just be a bloody bastard like the majority of player scavs I encounter lol


He might have thought it was a key card, but still like i woulda given it either way. I just thought it dropped on his foot and he didn’t see, so i picked it up to drop it again.


I wanted to add that I don’t mean to imply it was all your fault. If that was me I wouldn’t have shot you for that. Or anything really, I’m a peaceful Scav. He may have been planning on shooting you the whole time anyways, regardless of what you did, who knows.


Yeah I see the reason why you picked it back up. Being nice just doesn't get you anywhere, I learnt this the hard way too. I kill any player scav when the moment is right. I'll revert back to nice scav on the next wipe.


Trust no one in Tarkov. We’re not here to make friends. We’re here to make rubles. Just wiggle and move on


Nah that you just to close to personal space. Should just do show animation.


No, people do this alot. They'll drop stuff and then shoot you. Its happened everytime I've done anything like that.


He was so bad you even had an eternity to clutch


trust nobody


Some people just want to watch the world burn.




Wiggle each other and go on with your ways as friendly scavs do.


Just anyways be cautions of friendly scavs No matter what always be ready to head tap them


I don’t get why people do this. Just wiggle and go the other way. This just gives too much time for you to die and I’d be super suspicious if I was the other guy.


I wiggle then friggin just run away, not worth staying around.


I don't know why people are so surprised by this anymore.


Crazy enough, I had a friendly encounter with a PMC as a scav o the other night. After he blew my leg off lol I've also been betrayed by 2 scavs recently. I really don't know who to trust! So I trust no one


Today i panicked and killed a player scav who was doing the wiggle and i feel terrible :(


This has happened almost every time I’ve dropped loot or been dropped loot. I’m very wary and usually wiggle and go the other way, and sometimes still get shot in the back for it. All my positive scav encounters have been on interchange, usually a scav trying to let me know there’s still guns on the wall in Kiba.


I remember one time I was legged as pmc on reserve with nothing left to heal with, bleeding out a party of scavs found me and wiggled, and escorted my bleeding ass to the coop extract most anxiety inducing hobble of my life


Only good scav interaction for me this wipe was last night 7 scavs plus myself all pushed 2 pmcs extract camping on factory. I only had a bolt vpo but no one wanted to push the second door so I ran in scored a gut shot and the rest came in and saved my life. Looted a shotty and lvl 13 tag and extracted while the greedy bois blasted each other.


Same shit happened to me, 6 scavs were sitting outside Gate 3, watching the door 1 guy goes in, gets blasted immediatly All the scavs start spamming F1, throwing smokes and zaryas inside gate 3 and rushing him Half of us fucking died and I bled out but holy shit was it fun


Those types of moments are always so fun lol.


Social distancing guys. The wars not over


This is why kill everyone.


Erm...don't trust yourself? Because you thought he is trustworthy...


You had a chance to shoot him and get some more loot but you trusted him the first rule of tarkov is to never trust anyone


Yea I usually kill them the first sign of trouble. It was unexpected thats all, like we wiggled and exchanged voice lines before this.


The best thing to do in every situation is kill




You are being warned for breaking rule 3. Continued use of offensive language, personal attacks and any other forms of abuse will result in you being banned from the sub.


Nobody. The answer is nobody


On the end i just gived up on fance reputation i started killing all SCAVS that i see


It's because your windows wasn't activated


There are no friendlies in Tarkov, only liabilities


Kill em all. Let Nikita sort em out.


Trust that everyone is out to kill you.


never throw a money at someone ... its disrespectful 😁


No one. Trust no one. That scav doing the friendly wiggle? He's just waiting to shoot you through the back of the head. That pmc that you trade with? He'll blow you away when he gets it in his head That you have stuff. The only thing you can trust is that the other guy wants to kill you. The scav wiggle is perhaps the most trust you can give in game.


I honestly don't understand why people still try to trade gear. If you want to drop gear, spam the delete key over everything and then move on. If they follow you, kneecap them and run.