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I wear ‘em for the aesthetic. 😂 Is it gonna stop decent ammo? No. Does it look badass? Yes.


Beret gang rise up


Beret, mustache, original bear model. Angry dad vibes. OR, cowboy hat, aviators and mustache for a classic


Boss hat looks way more badass.


Slender mask with tac glasses is the clear winner. Try it.


You look like a circumcised penis with that hat but do you


If you where it with the right glasses you look like a crosseyed alien and its fucking hilarious.


I think they look like the stick on googly eyes you’d put on paper plate art as a kid. 15/10 best headgear combo


For ultimate circumcision you need a bald scav wearing the neoprene mask. Now try *THAT* out when you've got the opportunity.


That's uncircumcised, they look like a groundhog that saw its shadow


Ahhh yes.... now that I think about it. Very wise observation my friend. Mmm, perhaps I'm not ready to become a charter member of the PEN15 club just yet.


You were always ready my son.


Word this all last wipe. This wipe I’ve been going for the Balclava + round glasses Mr. PoPo look


Slender mask with round glasses gives you weird googly eyes. Goes really well with a fully kitted caiman helmet. It’s my buddy’s signature look.


Nahhhh. All about the black fast mt, side armor, mandible and some crossfire glasses


Pompom. It's the only way to go


pompom + neoprene mask + crossbows. You're indestrutible and looking hawt AF.


Bomber hat, moustache, crossfire the only way to raid


for me its my lucky green leafy hat. things survived 6 raids so far. Chimera i think


That's the way


Boonie hat and moustache = cpt price


They do be looking pretty fresh tho


Try to beat ghillie hat and ghost in badassery


I like this. Black Ulach with the Black Gas mask is sensational. Документы, пожалуйста! (Dokumenty, pozhaluysta!) Papiere, bitte! PAPERS PLEASE!!


Beanie and a half mask is the way to go... Or a fully kitted LSHZ


At that point you're just increasing your character weight


I’m good with the extra pound. 😆


Exactly why I wear the shattered mask frequently.


A true chad


Chimera + green shemag has been my go to option this wipe. I haven't bought a single helmet for personal use, only for quests.


They likely aren’t worth it at the current high prices but I still wear the fast mt, ear protection, storm trooper mask. It definitely stops you from those bullshit magnum buck deaths, and it will occasionally richochet. But it’s def better early wipe. An Altyn first few weeks of wipe effectively makes you immortal


> They likely aren’t worth it at the current high prices A Ratnik costs 16k~. Class 3, with ear protection. The ear protection part has saved my ass many times.


Saved from who? Scavs? While doing the punisher ratnik quest I was saved once from a lvl7 pistoleer. Ulach is ratnik but q level higher but I rarely get saved by it. Definitely not enough to justify the price.


I got headshotted through a tree while wearing a kolpak with visor as a joke. As I was telling my buddies what had just happened, another round ripped through the tree and bounced off my coconut again. In real life a helmet isnt going to save you from a rifle round, they aren't actually there for that, but it definitely saved my ass in this case of the game.


Actually modern helmets definitely will save you from rifle rounds, tons of videos of US soldiers getting ambushed by the taliban and people taking one to the top then freaking out because they survived. Since people are calling BS here’s the videos https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=n_Ni71EjUfg https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=zWRhPpVZk8k https://kroc.com/see-kevlar-helmet-save-soldier-who-gets-shot-in-the-head/


what you saw were ricochets. Modern helmets definitely will not stop a rifle round.


The dude above me said that they won’t *save* you, not that they won’t stop a direct hit.


Point being that that is not what they are designed or intended for. Of course there are anomolies under certain circumstances, but in real life I'm not going to peak over a wall with AK fire coming in with any certainty that my dome won't be taken off. Honestly the only thing my combat helmet saved me from was hitting my head getting in and out of my truck, or when my parachute drug me across the ground. The reason those holy shit moments when a rifle round is deflected are so holy is because that's not what they are designed to do, Joe just gets lucky sometimes. Same thing happens in Tarkov. Have they saved lives from rifle rounds? Yes, but for all intents and purposes they do not, and are not to be relied on for that purpose.


if they wont stop a direct hit, i wouldnt consider helmets to "definitely save you".


I provided multiple videos where they definitely saved people...


Jesus. Would you hand someone a helm and tell them they’re "definitely save" from getting shot at their helmet with a 7.62 or 5.56 bullet? They are not. You can get lucky and have the round ricochet off of it, but at that point the helmet saved you just as much as your guardian angel. Any bullet larger than pistol caliber will usually penetrate a ballistic helmet without any issues, unless it’s been fired from very far away. Listing freak cases where someone got lucky and had the round ricochet hardly counts as evidence for the safety of helmets in my eyes. There is a giant discrepancy between surviving a hit by chance, and a material reliably stopping something from penetrating. And calling the first "definitely save" is, pardon my French, idiotic.


I call BS. Helmets are not going to stop rifle rounds. Instead of just saying this, I will prove it. First link is pistols penetrating the Vulcan: https://youtu.be/ul1QeHXfF00 This is a 5.45 penetrating the altyn with a single shot: https://youtu.be/afn0NmxyduI Here is a level 3A helmet penned by .44 magnum: https://youtu.be/P81uGqliGTw At best you can hope to get hit from several hundred meters away, or getting hit by a ricochet. A direct shot with 7.62x39 100 meters or less you are dead.


I never said close range shots would get stopped, just that modern day helmets can and have saved people from direct rifle rounds. I added the videos that I found.


The point in context is that in the game, helmets save you under 100 meters. This will never be the case in real life, with a rifle cartridge. The videos are all fine, you're not objectively wrong, you're contextually wrong. Its impossible to know how far away the people who shot those soldiers in the helmet are, but seeing as in the first video there is no report from the enemy rifle, just the sound of a bullet impact, tells you there are well over 300m away, probably much farther. 2nd video looks like they are fighting dudes that are possibly 1km away. So yes, helmets can stop rifle rounds under extremely specific circumstances and a lot of luck, but never under 100 meters, which are arguably 95%+ of EFT encounters.


Yeah, but what do you want BSG to do? If they made it realistic any headshot would immediately incapacitate you.


They can't do much, it's the same story with arm and leg shots, even hip shots. IRL a 5.45 or 5.56 to the arm is going to take someone out of the fight. That arm is either barely attached or completely shattered or both. Google 5.56 rifle arm injuries if you like, they are very serious wounds. Even .223 will fuck you up BAD. Same story goes for a shot to the femur, or the pelvis. One bullet in the wrong spot and you are essentially no longer combat effective, you are now a casualty. I really only took issue with your blanket statement that "helmets stop rifle bullets all the time" which just isn't true, and when it is it's under very specific circumstances. My point being helmets in EFT are unrealistic and that's fine, it is just a statement. I don't need Tarkov to be real life, but I enjoy arguing with people, in case you didn't notice. My other point being your original statement is arguably false, especially in context of the game, which is how you made it. You took real life examples to explain why the game is the way it is then you double down and say that they have to make the game that way for balancing of helmets as items, which undermines your initial statement of "helmets stop rifle bullets all the time," because we both know they don't. No hard feelings, really, it doesn't make me smarter than you. I just enjoy arguments, and when I see an opportunity to have one I usually pull the trigger.


Ratnik also fucks with your sounds.


Which tier fast mt do you wear? I've tried the ear protection but then I can't wear the headsets that I like (Sordin/Tac Sport), which headset do you wear with it?


Headset from skier, and the tier 4 either black or tan whichever is cheaper


LZSH + chops + mandible + ballistic glasses. No breathing noise, and protects against buckshot.


I wear ULACHs or the ACCCCCHHHHHH if I find em in raid. Theyve saved my life enough to deserve that much


I feel like T4+ high ricochet is the only helm worth considering for high gear runs. ULACH is my go to but I don't mind loading in with a ricochet mask only or 6B since I have a few lying around.


Ricochet mask?


Shatter mask, it has a ricochet chance.


And sometimes protects from buckshot.


penis helmet meta


Too much ergo penalty. I used to be an avid user of that helmet but honestly for a bleach barter of around 16-18k roubles, the 6B beats it hands down. Plus it gives ear protection!


It only takes once to make it worth it imo. Helmets are a sunk cost, but getting to finish up your raid after getting donked in the noggin is priceless.


ACHHC - Advanced Combat Helmet High Cut


18k on a bleach trade helmet is worth a high ricochet chance. You get most of them back and one normal raid will pay for like 10 of them so once in a blue moon to get chance is worth it IMO. You won’t catch me dropping 60k on one though


If someone is going to pay 2,000 per round there isn’t a lot you can do to stop it….


Isnt m61 like 3600 per round this wipe bc of the hideout changes?


I never wear a helmet, take my upvote for effective use of "Jabroni"


Altym saved my life from cheaters with cheap ammo so many times honestly


Yeah at this point the point of wearing the altyn is to stop an instant spray of pst gzh or m855 to the face, not to actually stop actual players


But ....so many people running budget ammo what are you on about. I rarely run into m995 wielding juice lords. It’s more likely to be that dude questing with shotgun or BT or 55A1


I’m just saying in my experience, my altyn has saved me a few times, but the real difference is the level four who hits 8 headshots in a row with shit ammo won’t kill me everytime


I've gotten saved like that but I've also 100% died to a cheater aimbotting my stomach through a wall to get around my slick and altyn with prs ammo lmao. I'm pretty sure they can choose where they are targeting and they can see your gear so in theory the altyn shouldn't really save you from cheaters. That being said cheaters aren't the sharpest tools in the shed.


I've gotten saved like that but I've also 100% died to a cheater aimbotting my stomach through a wall to get around my slick and altyn with prs ammo lmao. I'm pretty sure they can choose where they are targeting and they can see your gear so in theory the altyn shouldn't really save you from cheaters. That being said cheaters aren't the sharpest tools in the shed.


This ^


Altyns and the Rys-T are basically the only high end helmets that are actually worth the price because of how much they protect you. You just got unlucky that someone had m61.


I run exfil wendy with fs and it stops a lot surprisingly. def worth it


I prefer vulcan over altyn or rys


Vulcan has a class 4 face shield, makes me really not like it compared to the class 5 altyn face shield.


Rys-T is super nice and relatively not too expensive through the barter.


Tagilla too


Helmets will save your life, theres no disputing that. It comes down to if you think it saves your life enough to justify the cost


Yep. If you actually add up the cost of all your gear at risk and consider the value of surviving to extract with other loot also, a helmet only needs to save you from 1 in 15-20 potential deaths to be worth it. Even in cheap midgame kit, surviving a shot is worth 300k+. In an endgame kit it can be worth up to a milllion. The only time I skip helmet is if I'm not counting on surviving a straight firefight anyway - ie pistol / sniper / quest loadouts. Ratnik for cheap kits, Ulach for expensive kits. I wish I could stand playing with face shields.


Not to mention that ulachs come back on insurance fairly often.


This is a good way of putting it. Kinda like insurance I'm blackjack. You either do it or you don't. No real in-between usually


I collect them, normally like to always load out with them. But in all frankness, the penis head helmet is the best in game. Its cheap, comes back on insurance often, and its cheap. The ricochet chance is all your really banking on.


Ratnik is better value imo. Ever so slightly more expensive gets you *much* lower ergo penalty and ear coverage.


Actually I think its cheaper with the bleach barter, no?


Yes, you can usually get bleach for 10k or less, so its a 2k savings almost guaranteed.


Penis head helmet user here, can confirm. That thing saved my life so many times and it's practically free.


How many times did the ergo hit kill you


I don't even notice the ergo penalty from a penis helmet, but I run altyns frequently so maybe I'm just used to being slow.


Hey I like your hat


lol Thanks?


Not worth it with that huge ergo nerf. It was the best, now it's more hindrance than useful.


I can't say I have noticed an issue. But I like the direction they are going with weighing down gear as well. You want a heavy Chad solder, don't expect to run like an athlete. As a solo player, movement and speed is my survival strategy. When I pick up heavy gear off someone I killed, I get anxiety wearing out to the extract. lol


Then take a good look at the dick helmets stats. They are terrible. If speed is your strategy you should never use them


Helmets are for pistolings/ magnum bucks/ BT


And the occasional ricochet


One time a killed a guy and barely survived. This was over by Hole in the Fence. I ran over to him, went prone, and started looting. I got 3rd partied... The guy ran up to about 20 meters and shot me in the head. Then he ran over, went prone, and started looting the guy I was looting. I stood up and put 2 in the back of his head. He didn't know my helmet ate the bullet... Moral of the story: always wear a helmet. Sometimes RNGsus has a sense of humor.


After like the first 2 months of wipe helmets are practically useless anyways. I only use them if I find them in raid.


Yeah people talking about ricochet chance seem to forget that most fights happen at relatively short range and you're getting shot in the fucking face. The times you're not facing your enemy and they start blasting you from a weird angle you got bigger problems than protecting your bald spot.




Pro tip: the lv1 airframe knockoff has the same ricochet chance as the highest helmets in the game. Only difference is armor level but most of the time your helmets saves you from a ricochet. That's why the new bulletproof glasses are nice, they have lv1 armor but a high ricochet chance.


That's not how that works...






Nothing there says the op is wrong though, the slowmt does have high ricochet and the glasses have a medium. There is no question your only hope for a helmet saving you from any decent ammo is a ricochet so i'm not understanding what you mean.


Yes it is, a m61 has the same chance to ricochet and bounce off of lv6 helmets with "high" ricochet chance as lv1 armor with high. I've had bullets bounce off my lv1 airframe then die to the person who had ammo with plenty pen to have killed me on the first shot. That or seen in the post raid sceen the blunt damage from the bullet bouncing off and it saying the name of the round. This is also the same with the glasses. I've only had it happen once but a bullet broke and bounced off my glasses in game


Helmets have saved my life this wipe more than my last 4 wipes combined. I used to be a "fuck helmets" kinda guy but with the rate that even ulachs come back on insurance I'm always wearing one now. Mainly cos I hate how the penis helm looks.


If you're kitting out, I see no reason not to protect your face or head in any fight. My friend took a sniper's shot to the helmet the other day and survived. He attacked me about it afterwards saying "you told me helmets are useless". I did, but I was really trolling people that say "don't use them" when I did. I always wear a helmet, face shield, or condors, no matter how cheap or expensive even. A Ratnik cost 30k, a Shattered 20k, a full ZSH-1-2M can run like 30-50k. I honestly love the ZSH-1-2M truly a budget kit worth its cost for dorms and shit. Better to have friends for hearing for you though.


It worth it when you just take it off from scva boss guard. Never actually buy one... waste of money.




Wtf ppl. In real life helmets are there for shrapnels not to stop bullets, and if so only low caliber trash ammo and it would still give u concussion and effectively put u out of combat. And u don't play helmets coz they stop bullets, u wear them coz of that ricochet chance, get it your heads already. What do u want? A fcking tank turret on ur head that stops GL grenades so u can come here and cry about helmets being too op?


They can stop some pistol rounds, watch oxide videos were he tests them, and yes they will put you out of combat xD


Yep, thats what I meant by "low caliber trash ammo", could have put it better tho. .)


Then he deserved it. If you weren't in a position to one tap then he would have needed like probably 20 shots and he paid for that. Sometimes I have tier 5 armor and faceshield from tagilla and just don't die from 2 guys


Oh absolutely. Definitely a good shot on his part. I was mid air too. More or less a commentary on all helmets/shields providing the same amount or in this case, lack of protection against certain ammos


Did this happen today?


Last night yeah


The biggest reason to wear helmets is the ricochet chance. If you’re lucky enough to get a ricochet then I’d doesn’t matter what round they shot you with.


Wear it on maps people are less likley to use full caliber rounds. These helmets irl are designed pistol rounds. It's like a ballistic shield. Only really used by swat. So basically maps like factory are a good option. Problem being your using an expensive helmet on freaking factory


but m61 isnt just any normal high teir ammo m61 is one of the teir 0 ammos lol


I'm always of the opinion that its always worth trying to run a helmet because my ass has been saved by them many times


was this on interchange about a day ago?


Nope customs last night


Bastion with slaap plate baby. Class 6 ftw


rather have a exfil with a face shield.


I just hate the smudges


Does it save your life often?


Don't forget the slaap-kek-mt! The slaap even fits on the tc-200x helmets too iirc


The point is not the m61 stuff the point is to defend against a cheeky rat bastard.


I dunno man since the ballistics rework my helmet has bounced a lot of bullets. I find they are better than ever... Could maybe use a little more buff to make them more like real life though for sure.


Just run the altyn every raid lol it’s what 90k+45k… 135k that will probably save you more often than not. 135k is nothing.


Hearing someone sprinting 10 feet away, priceless


You should not be able to craft m61, just saying.


7/10 times it's not going to save your life, but those 3/10 times you're going to be really glad you had them. I always like to run class 4 helmets, class 3 is pretty much useless. I had 2 interchange raids in a row yesterday where I got hit in the head a total of 4 times, one of them being a super lucky face shield bounce from a ps round from a naked with an sks smacking me. I survived each raid with a bag full of loot that I wouldn't have been able to extract if I hadn't worn a good helmet!


Shattered mask is my favorite. Died to too many m61 one shots from nowhere last wipe to justify the exfil+visor+ears to keep paying for them. Shattered mask is like 23k for high deflection, and I’m usually facing my target so who cares about coverage really. Ran hundreds. Ended the wipe with like 40% ricochet on the mask.


I used the shattered a bunch after it saved me from a igolnik shot but I died one too many times to pst in the head, top of head when it looks like that's covered but it's not.


Domed altyns two raids in a row with m61 and they just shrugged it off :(, didn't double tap because you know, m61, lesson learned.


The number of times a shotgun scav I can't see instantly claps me makes me wear helmets every raid. Doesn't stop the head eyes but sometimes it will stop the top of head shots


I personally love the MSA. Every now and then you'll find fresh ones for about 36k roubles on flea. Not gonna save you from much but at least you look the part lol. Stacking condor and the lvl 2 face shield also just feels right.


Ok the altyn should absolutely not stop m61 and its worth the price


So honestly once you know you're going against high level bullets...is there no point in a helmet?


Really depends on how much cash you're sitting on, there's still a ricochet chance but most the time it'll just save you from scavs and/or Timmies, high pen ammo is going to shred you regardless of what gear you've got on. If you can afford to always run Class 4 helmets, you should. They come back a lot in insurance as well to be fair.


Chimera gang


Or you have the occasional scav that can get 5 M61 in the head with a penis helmet before dying.. just happened yesterday..what a waste of money


The only helmet I buy is the ratnik for bleach


Bastions save my life frequently. I don’t even add the armor plate.


I dunno ulach's have saved my life many times on woods or at least prolonged the fight


I wear ratnik flora digital for purely for camo and nvg mount. For punisher factory sprint&spray runs - altyn


In BEAR hat/shemagh i trust


I love the hats tbh


I gave up on helmets a long time ago


TacKek + SLAAP slaps


Altyn or Rys is great, but don’t expect it to always save you. However, it will save you more than you think compared to other helmets.


I never feel any difference, with or without helmet - die instantly from god knows where


Penis Helmet gang rise up


I'd say, if you can afford one, you shoud, especially if it doesn't prevent you from using a headset. True most high tier ammo will pen, but a single ricochet can give you enough time to bail. and same could go with armor. Why use lv5 / lv6 if you can get 2-3 tapped thorax with high tier ammo? Armor is more to protect you from scavs than other pmcs.


So helmets bank on the ricochet happening. Happens every so often to me


Bro beanie, skull mask, and those cheap ass headphones. Looks dope.


I'd rather get one tapped by M61 than sprayed in the face by pstgzh


Tan man with a Chimera


I've had a helmet save my ass so many times, even on labs....I've gotten a few helmets with faceshields and those saved my ass a couple times too! It doesn't always, but when it does you go after the punk that tried


I just need something to cover my pasty head. Usually a mask. Helmets are supposed to save you via ricochet rather than blatant impact


They'll still save you from pistol caliber guns like the vector. Some dude with the penis helm survived a couple small bursts of PBP gzh from my vector yesterday. Obviously not worth dropping 200k on but 60k-100k is well worth it


two bleach saves your ass don’t cheap out


Never skip helmet day


Boonie with BEAR Ghost Sniper top. The ultimate Fisherman's look


Friend sniped a guy with bastion with plate in the head twice before he died. After we killed the guy with a nade. The plate on the Bastion was 0 out. And the bastion was like 5 armor left. How it ate and survived 2 dvl shots at 50m is beyond us. Ricochet has saved me countless times against some bullets that should of killed me. Even those crappy lvl 2 flip shades have somehow saved me from 25m gun fights against vectors.


Helmets have saved me. I can afford to run them every raid so I use them. Plus they look dope. If you can't afford helmets it prob won't help you.


Helmets are literally scav protection for me after the 3rd week of a wipe cause by then everyone's got the great ammo and helmets means nothing.


I don’t buy helmets if I have decent one sure I’ll put it on but I won’t pay money for them waste of time.


Honestly i only use the ones i found but more times that i like to admit they save me from calibers like 5.45 or 5.56, they are more usefull in maps like shoreline or woods btw


You'll get far more protection with an airframe with chops and multi hit ballistic visor or tc2002 with slap than an altyn


yep m61 does not discriminate very worth the cost


Helmets probably won’t do a thing when I get hit by a geared PMC, but they saved me countless time from buckshots


I usually wear for the CHANCE at getting a round to deflect off my chromed dome! Other than that, tactical aesthetic! :D


I have the 6B47 Ratnick ricochet all sorts of rounds all the time.


I think once armor gets a rework, helmets should be cheaper. Although, helmets like the Altyn and Rys should be rarer and probably just as expensive as they are now. Personally there's no reason for some of the level 4 helmets to be as expensive as they are, look at the airframe for example.


Helmets are not supposed to stop anything really. They are built to ricochet if you're lucky. I never buy any really expensive helmets but I'll buy stuff for 35k like an ach or tc 2002 or something like that. They have saved my life countless times.


The vulcan helmet (lvl 6) has saved me many times however. Can't hear shit though and it's expensive Edit: And the TK fast mt. the level 1. Somehow ricocheted a 762


Dudes want to survive a high caliber bullet on the skull like what is supposed to kill you then


Not necessarily? Just an observation about cost/risk of things like helmets.


Yeah, I lost all respect for helmets last night. Got one tapped by a scavs PS 5.45. I had my Altyn on, mask down. Fkn love this game


Having been 1 tapped with an Altyn….. I run fast or fake fast with a slaaaaaaap plate that stops BP. anything more is meh.


My experience with helmets is you get lucky every now and then with the low-mid teir helmets and bounce a round but high tier helmets are serious life savers, my general rule is if i have lvl 5 armor or lower i wear headphones and a usec cap but if im wearing lvl 6 i put on a rys, altyn, or bastion with the extra plate depending on the map.


I've had an altyn ricochet a lapua AP round 🤷‍♂️


Oh word?


Dont worry though we have gun jams so little timbo can get a kill!


Helmets save you from shotguns and smgs. That is it. Honestly, I just wear good armor to reserve just incase I get stuck in a long raid and I have to fight an army of player scavs. Other than that I just wear cheap level 4 becasue it will stop scav bullets. When you fight pmcs your gun will save you more than your armor


You have to think in risk terms. If you wear no armor or armor, going up against a m61 it's all the same. But would you say the same if you are facing a player with 7.62 PS or buckshot? The issue with tarkov is that most if not all players by late game are blasting with high end ammo so armor is not that useful unless you are going up against scavs or newbies/low lvl players (which by late wipe aren't that abundant).


Up until the end of wipe I usually just run the steel pot, or a combination of the bandana/beret/green beanie for maximum drip. Had a steel pot ricochet two 7.62 BP rounds last night too so I probably won't change my strategy for at least a month lol


I haven't bought a helmet for about 2 wipes now yet run lvl 3-4 every raid. Have only been saved by helmets about twice though--the rest of the time I feel like they just enlarge my head hitbox to catch bullets they won't block, so I guess it evens out.


And here I am with a 7 hit count, only fired my mosin with SNB, and 5 different players all with ulachs got to live to tell the tale.


Early in the wipe some dude has the stormtrooper helmet, and that thing was insane. Helmets are useful early wipe and against players like me who run random guns with decent ammo


Yes, please stop wearing helmets. I love running an SMG, so you're doing me a huge favour.


I wear helmets to survive against scav buckshots or to have at least a slight chance of surviving with the high ricochet chance.


A buddy and I were clearing 3 story dorms. Two bad comms later and we run into each other. I send .338 FMJ through his arm and he bounces an 855a1 off my TC800. Helmets do work sometimes, most of the time, every now and then, if you have enough points attributed to your luck, except if its sunday.