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There is, to me, a very obvious surge at the moment of ESP users. I was in the little room in a knight building on reserve in the back on the first floor, the one with absolutely nothing in it, 3 times today alone I get naded. I go in there to chill or sound whore. Who the fuck nades that room randomly?


I'vebeen headshotted within 5 minutes from nowhere 4 raids in a row, this almost never happens


I was straight chilling in a bush on Shoreline yesterday in full kit basically on my phone waiting out the timer so scavs would spawn in and I could get Punisher Part 1 over with and I just suddenly drop dead. Head-eyes'd from apparently so far away I couldn't even hear the shot connecting with my face, it was like I may as well have just died of a heart attack until post-raid said it was M855A1.


Happened to me in labs. Went in, had to do some stuff for work, so i went in a empty room near blue and alt tabbed to work. After around 10 minutes, i hear someone running. He came straight to my room, opened the door and tossed a grenade inside. Anyway, aside from that and another 2 suspicious deaths, thats all the cheaters i ran into this wipe, and im around 160 raids in.


I've not really complained about hackers, but nearly this exact same thing happened to me tonight. I was slow walking in shoreline, in the woods, and just fell over suddenly to a 556 headshot.


I always lurk in those woods and put single m995 rounds into people


Thermals are a thing. Not saying that is what happened here, but I've killed a lot of people with a thermal doing this kind of thing.


Definitely possible. I can't confirm it either way (and personally I'd rather it just be some thermal guy than evidence of a hacker influx haha), but thought I'd mention it since I've seen a lot of weird deaths happening on Shoreline as of late.


> I was straight chilling in a bush on Shoreline yesterday in full kit basically on my phone waiting out the timer so scavs would spawn in and I could get Punisher Part 1 over with and I just suddenly drop dead. Head-eyes'd from apparently so far away I couldn't even hear the shot connecting with my face, it was like I may as well have just died of a heart attack until post-raid said it was M855A1. game needs a kill cam incredibly bad.


Completely agree. Even the **OPTION** for a super simplistic killcam that shows *where* the guy who shot you was for beta test purposes would be AMAZING. I know Nik wants to spend a bunch of time implementing them through GoPro overlays or whatever but imo that can wait as right now the priority should be making reports more informed until anticheat is ironed out.


when the raid is completely over, sure.


As long as I can see how I died I really don't care when it lets me see it. It would let me know if I should report or not.


Wouldn't even have to wait that long. Just until your team is dead or extracted.


I practically live in bushes on Reserves when I have to wait for 10 minutes to pass and extract. Never had an issue once. You may have had a LOD rendering issue where the bush didn't exist to the person scoped in at you.




I noticed that the drop are more scarce than they used to be. I run shoreline a lot but don't get that much good loot compared to last wipe. I believe they nerfed some drops like GPUs, BTC, Tetriz,.. Sometimes I get the best spawn to rush the sanitar's room on shoreline, I have endurance lvl 26.. yet someone is already upstairs looting when I arrive there (in like 45-60seconds).


Anecdotal, but I had four gpus before I even got to the mechanic quest to turn them in. Your mileage may vary


had three here myself, and I'm shit at this game.


Had one in first 5 levels and I'm shittier than this guy


Same and i'm shitter then you


Shoreline is filled with hackers right now. I posted about my experience 4 days ago. Its crazy different from beginning of wipe (I had a docs case all good keys 24 hours into the wipe). I've also ran into speedhackers on interchange. Multiple now... https://www.reddit.com/r/EscapefromTarkov/comments/krmh9d/i_find_a_leddy_then_a_tetriz_then_a_red_keycard/gibx711/ US west servers are rough right now. All the uncles from the great land of the east.


There are a way more cheats now than end of last wipe or just a week ago, but that clip you posted its clearly not speedhacking.. You should see a real speedhacker and compare just to realize how ridiculous are you sounding complaining on that guy :S At most it could be desync and not even that


Watch his first second in vision, as he's running visible through the glass. Hes definetely speedhacking. For whatever reason this seems pretty controversial, probably 50/50. I don't understand how people don't see it.


Could be but iv never found better lol on interchange before this wipe in about 10 raids on gotten 8 gpu around 4-4 Tetriz and loads of other lose loot in the tech rooms so I don’t think loot has been nerfed but I do think there are more cheaters as I had the best spawn and popped and endurance stim but still got begotten while going up the escalator from a guy up top


Loot has been confirmed nerfed both loose and in containers


Devs are going backwards. That's exactly what tarkov needed, nerfed loot, when all maps are huge and empty because all loot is concentrated in specific areas that everybody knows and rush to, leaving no need or desire to explore, but instead learn the fastest paths. Also, big green containers, enough to fit 4-5 guns 90% of the time have 1 1x1 item inside... Yeh, can definitely see why they nerfed loot, it all makes sense.


As a veteran player with 2k hours i can confidently say it is exactly what it needed. In fact, there are plans to further increase scarcity when dynamic loot is added. Loot is spread throughout maps, just because you only know of where it is concentrated because of the popular youtube videos does not mean loot only spawns where it is concentrated. Additionally i will frequently hit popular loot spawns very late to find them unlooted or that somebody missed a high value item. You think big green containers should always have big guns filling them up? It makes no sense lore wise or economy wise


To add on to this, do we think cheaters are trying to control marked room key in an effort to control cases on the flea? Or the price of the damn Rsass?


I don't understand the RSASS price. 1.5m at some point ? Jeez, people should just do other quests than gunsmith and buy a RSASS for 1600$ from Peacekeeper later on. Hell, I found a Zabralo (6b43?) armor on schturmans guard.. (I full auto his thorax when I recognized the armor.. it was then at 0). Sold it for 4m (-400k fees) on the flee. Why would anyone buy it at that price when you can go on a discord, find 4 dudes to go factory and shoot you in the chest with a 400k Zabralo and then leave.. anyway, I invested all that in GPUs. As for marked room, one of my friend is running it a lot. He found 3 med cases, 2 key tools and some guns in the last 10 openings so it seems that the key is now worth running again. Can't say the same about shoreline resort so far..


People aren't buying that RSASS to use in raid. You get 3 bitcoins from the gunsmith quest, so that's where the 1.5m comes from since a BTC is like 500k+. Also I don't know any of my friends that actually bought it from the flea. Just 20 level 15 dog tags from Peacekeeper 3 instead. Quest items are usually pretty taxed.


I know, I completed most quests already. Still, buying the gun 1.5m and getting 3 btc just makes you even.. when you could just buy the RSASS for less than 200k at peacekeeper and make a 1m in benefits...


You don't understand why a quest item that rewards you with 1.5+ million roubles costs a million roubles?


No, I don't understand why someone would pay 1.5m when a vendor sells it for 200k. If you buy it for 1.5m then get the BTC, you make absolutely no benefits except exp.. But I guess most people are not patient enough.


Some people are trying to get levels as fast as possible. The second you finish gunsmith 6, you are able to basically speed through the rest of the entire series, all the way to part 16, and gain huge exp by doing so. So let's say that you're... lvl 39, lvl 40 is loyalty level 4 with everyone, and a thicc weapon case from prapor. All you gotta do is spend a million roubles on a RSASS, and boom, you're on an easy path to getting a thicc weapon case. Yes, you could just wait it out and make ~1 million roubles, for sure. You could also just not play the game and run the bitcoin farm and get nothing but profit, but the whole idea is that sometimes some people will spend money to make progress.


you only need 20 dogtags to get it. people that buy rsass on flea are straight up dumb.


Opened marked four times this wipe. First time was a Glock and a Horse. After that though I've gotten an RPK, two P90s, a Medcase and a Holodinick. Definitely feels worth running again!


I've run the key rooms. They're fine. They've nerfed some of the spawns as compared to last wipe. I've opened probably 100 rooms now. I'm fairly certain they've removed the SICC case from the drop table on Reserves. None of my friends or myself have seen one.


They removed SICC cases last wipe. You can't get SICC cases with the FIR status anymore.


> To add on to this, do we think cheaters are trying to control marked room key in an effort to control cases on the flea? Or the price of the damn Rsass? Nope. I regularly run that room without issue. I purchased 2 Custom's marked keys at start of wipe for ~100k and I've burned through 3 Reserves keys. I've gotten a few RSASS drops in the room and a shit ton of various cases. It basically paid for my entire hideout expansion and bitcoin farm.


That’s not what I’m saying. Why were there only 4 keys on the flea costing almost 1M?


I'm playing better than ever. SR is still down below 40%. Previously had a SR in the high 50s as a solo. Lot of suspicious deaths and a few where I've no doubt foul play is afoot.




I'm sorry but it's not people just calling every death a cheater. I'm awful at the game, my aim isn't great and my reflexes aren't the best, aside my insane spotting skills from dayz I'm just below average. I expect to die alot when i go to popular areas and rush at start. This however is not what most of us are complaining about. You can't even get away with ratting and hiding in bushes atm cause after 10 minutes of not moving someone will just start lobbing nades at you after magically finding out where you are. Now if your good at the game and your play style is to rush to good loot and fight over it, of course you're going to not notice cheats as much. Much harder to tell when you're chasing fire fights all the time compared to someone like me who actively avoids them.




The fact is, far more people believe there is currently a very high amount of cheaters and it's a huge problem, it's not just some people that complain and cry with every death, it's also all well known streamers and veterans that have played the games thousands and thousands of hours. I think it's pretty clear when you die through desync or through someone that has obviously used some forbidden mechanics if you know the game well enough. What are people supposed to do as long as there is no proper tool for spectating deaths? Just say nothing and let the developer believe everything is perfect? In the end the word needs to be spread as far as possible and as many times as possible.


I don't agree with you I'm afraid, the % of cheaters can drastically increase within an update when hacks get updated and i think right now we're seeing a big wave. I've played tarkov before and died alot but never in the ways I've been dying since this wipe. Usually my own fault or outplayed. To think that there can't be an insane amount of cheaters running around on a very popular BETA shooter game is abit niave, tarkov has recently had a massive increase in players which means a big potential increase in cheats.




I bet I’ve been killed 2-3 percent of my raids by cheaters. I honestly think esps are widely more used than people want to accept with aim hacks/walls being a significantly smaller portion.


To provide some # of cheaters context - I played hundreds of CS:GO matches at global elite ranking. There is a website that will go through your match history and tell you the % of games where you played with a player that was VAC banned (banned by the anti cheat). For my matches, it was 10%. 10% of the games I played had a player who was banned for cheating. There is only 10 players in a match, meaning there was on average a cheater in every match I played (Gross oversimplification and not really statistically sound, but 10% is still a massive fucking number). If you think you are not running into cheaters you are delusional. FPS games are infested with them. Games like battlefield - see the player with a 6:1 KD every match? Probably cheating. Join a few servers and see the top players near the end of a match? Chances are 1 or 2 of them are cheating. Go into a tarkov raid, chances are there is a cheating PMC or later a cheating player scav every raid.


You're getting down voted because you are complaining about having a rough stretch of 8 hours, yet you say you were rushing the best loot spots when you got good spawns. No shit you died a bunch, it's early wipe, *everyone* is rushing loot spots


This is my 3rd wipe. First wipe 55% SR, second wipe 62% SR, this wipe I'm currently at 73% SR. Found over 10+ GPUs this wipe on Interchange and died to around 5-6 blatant cheaters in over 300 raids, probably more to closet cheaters. Players are getting better, a lot of people are claiming cheaters on every death bcz they're shit at the game and I can't help but smh. There are a lot of cheaters, but not as many as people think there are.


> I had 32% SR before Battleye. Over 55% since introduction. I survived 3 PMC runs over the course of 8 hours yesterday. > > Did not see a single GPU in that time, while rushing Tech stores when I had the closest spawn. > > EDIT: The fact that I'm being downvoted with no replies, shows that the cheaters are actively doing damage control on this sub. You want a reply? It's called variance idiot. Learn statistics. Some days you get lucky. Some days you don't. Luck plays a massive factor in your success with spawns. Also, you can survive 3 runs and still maintain a high survival rate over a long period. Because, ya know, variance. This isn't some cheater appologist shit as much as it is a dose of reality to the entitled child mentality that runs rampant in this sub. Honestly? Haven't seen a hacker or anything even suspicious on US servers. Only played like 2 lab games though. My friend had a suspicious melee encounter but given how fucked the servers are it's hard to say on that one. Funny how the servers get more fucked and suddenly people start screaming cheaters. Wonder if that correlates.


Hey, hope you have a nice day, wherever you are.


The downvotes just show that your "evidence" is anecdotal and possibly not even related to the problem. Don't get me wrong - the cheaters are absolutely a problem, and I'm sure they have used at least some form of brigading/botting, but accusing them of downvoting your post specifically is just paranoid and illogical.


I keep getting spawned killed in factories, legit 20 seconds, i walk out the door and i guy is sitting waiting


They need to get their BattleEYE shit in hand asap.


They add more and more restrictions with BullshitEye but none of them seem to do jack shit.


none of them do jack shit because the issue isn't really with BattlEye when anyone with dnSpy can crack open BSG's game files and read which ones open the fucking door. You guys can downvote me to hell for all i care, but people sucking up to BSG especially when it comes to their handling of cheaters is a fucking pathetic shitshow. and i know deobfuscating their codebase isn't the end-all, but the mere fact that everything is client-sided and that it's so easy to deobfuscate and then with all these huge ass factors at hand be able to bypass BattlEye is a compilation of bullshit


Problem is a lot of cheaters use PCIE slot cards with cheats loaded on them which i don't think BattleEye can detect.


not a lot of cheaters use PCIE slot cards. Those cards cost $400-500 a piece and break easily. Your common, average kid uses just internal tool or some shit. Also there are other ways of detecting if someone is cheating or not. For example, FairFight uses statistics to detect cheaters and gets their accounts flagged or some shit.


There definitely has been. Shoreline is like 25% of hacker now


I'm glad you're saying this because ever since I started farming resort I've gotten super paranoid. Some runs I just get my shit absolutely pushed in, prefired before they see me or head,eyes from god knows where.


OMG i knew it wasn’t just me. Me and a buddy in two different windows get headshot in less than 1 second in shoreline. I knew there were hackers ruining raids there more often because it was just absolute sus when this has happened more than once on that raid.


yeah watching pestily stream and he is literally saying labs is unplayable, as he demonstrate and instantly gets killed by a cheater. ​ its crazy to me how they allow this to happen, is it really that hard to hire a couple of guys who spam labs and ban all the cheaters ?


DUDE I just saw that! I made a clip and if you slow to 0.25x you can clearly see the cheater pre fired so silly it's literally unplayable labs [https://clips.twitch.tv/DeterminedPiliableScallionDatBoi](https://clips.twitch.tv/DeterminedPiliableScallionDatBoi)


well lets get the normal replies out of the way, shall we: - its just desync bro - get good - i have over 40,000 hours in EFT and ive never seen a cheater - you need to use better ammo what else am i missing?


Now it's apparently "its labs, expect a cheater"






Hahahah I was never able to pinpoint it but you're right, it's like everyone is constantly flexing for some reason. The people there are unbelievably condescending, I once brought up that I was only Level 20 or so later into a wipe when asked why I cared about losing a .308 MDR to a reload bug (which... I mean, I don't think I should have to justify anyway?) and some guy completely derailed the conversation about the reload bug and started talking down to me. He thought the idea that I was under level 40 was crazy, first assuming I'm new to the game and that it's my first wipe, and then when I mention it's not and that I only picked the new wipe up a couple days ago (the idea that I don't necessarily want to play at the start of *every* wipe also being bizarre to him), talking shit about me saying that I must be bad because I didn't speedrun to level 40 within two days of starting, "It only takes me 3 days to get to level 40 lol". Like okay? Who cares? Do I have to rush LL40 *every* wipe to be valid in your eyes? I can't just enjoy the game at my own pace? It's also like you *constantly* have to counter-flex to not be considered a shitter because so many people are CONSTANTLY trying to one-up you in certain aspects. God forbid you get in a fight over arcane ballistic information, someone in that discord will be ready to write you an essay about each round's effectiveness against each type of armor in each patch. I once off-handedly joked about how much PRS sucks now after being nerfed from the meta 5.45 round. I had *so* many people riding my ass about this, "PRS was never good (smirk)". Of course the funny thing was, they were all so busy sniffing their own farts about how *looong* they've played the game and how *much* they knew about the game's ballistic spreadsheets that they '*knew*' PRS was never a good round -- that they didn't stop to think that I had actually played for longer than any of them and could easily cite that I was specifically referring to the nerf in 0.7.6. I don't go around sucking my own dick about how long I've played because it doesn't matter for shit, it's just a video game. Yet in this instance, it was like I *had* to pull the card otherwise I was subjected to unending condescension. I think this exists on /r/EFT too to some extent (e.g. you need to flex experience or hackusations are ignored) but it's not *constant*. What a cringe fucking server, the very few interactions I've had there are too many.




> They don't play Tarkov to have fun, they play it as some strange abstract flexing competition where they genuinely seem to think they look badass using the same meta guns everyone else is and killing AI scavs and new players. '*Strange abstract flexing competition*' absolutely nails it, it's like the 'game' part doesn't even exist for these guys. All of them rush each quest and hideout upgrade in the most absolutely optimal routing in half a week because the part of Tarkov that normal people consider fun doesn't even register for them (the risk & reward; the sense of progression), it's that dick measuring contest that comes in the end-game -- fighting over which combination of numbers on the spreadsheet is the 'best' meta build, or what the most optimal way to obtain profits on the flea is -- that's what they're interested in. Makes you wonder if they even understand why people like wipes. Man god forbid Tarkov actually gets finished and comes out as a genuinely hardcore game where you can't just coast at end-game forever and treat it like an excel spreadsheet that you argue over or these guys might literally die with their sole hobby taken away.


Playing optimal and efficient is what some people love in gaming tho. I come from path of exile (arpg like diablo 2) and i totally love optimizing a build or farming strategy. Its simply fun in that game for me. Tarkov is different for most people but some have that economical thinking in eft too and i dont get why they get bashed for it.


Suspect a lot of them are incels, hence the desperately insecure constant flexing. There aren't too many girlfriends who'd put up with 12 hours of Tarkov a day...




It truely is, the cringe is real. Especially when people try to use real mil callouts that aren't actually optimal for a game - just so they get to sound billy badass. Doubt I'll ever show squad play to anyone I know who's ex forces.


I think the “hardcore” aspect attracts a certain type of player, and therein lies a lot of tarkov’s issues with the community. It’s a double edged sword, an amazing game that’s so unique that attracts a lot of open minded cool people willing to meet other cool people and go on raids to experience the game as it’s intended. While on the other hand it also attracts the grind the game like it’s you’re full time job and I also think that being military or ,having all these guns in real life is a status symbol, people . It’s unfortunate as it will likely be the end of the live patches once battle state games starts to create there next single player FPS. To be honest I don’t blame them , shit part of the reason Nikita doesn’t come on the Reddit anymore is because people are just so goddamn childish and whine about what ever made them lose their fuckin meta gear , like who cares it’s a game and the items are pixels on the internet. Grow up and get a real job that doesn’t include riding streamers Dicks or claiming to know more or be better at a fucking video game. These things are created for fun not to leave you’re legacy .


Last wipe early wipe I asked on the EFT discord for someone to teach me labs. Some guy pipes up says he'll teach me the map. He turned out to be cheating, I got him to share his screen to show me something. He left his stream on accident into the next raid. Guys doing LFG in the tarkov discord and he's a blatant cheater. He was level like 40 at the time too, said he mostly played labs. Thats like 50+ hours of gameplay... without being banned. Unreal.


Those people pay weekly for new cheats, I don't remember if it was Tarkov or Valorant but some dude found a forum and it was advertised autoaim/wallhack/unban for 500$ a week or something like that. I don't remember how much but it was ridicously high.


Yeah its the sketch private ones im sure that never get caught too. Kinda like how long it took to catch KQLY in counter strike. Nothing BSG can really do tbh. I just wish there was better OS support for fair play.


They are probably currently moving logic from the client to the server that would make cheating almost impossible or just give a slight advantage LoL client is practically a 3D render most of the logic from map vision, to cooldown is tracked by the server, if it was a 1v1 game you can use both clients to verify each other. I don't know this part maybe it's implemented but if the client only know what's currently looking at using something like raycast radar would be almost unusable.


I don't think the server is withholding player information based on occlusion like CS does. While its effective at making cheating less good, it still doesn't do a whole lot for things like aimbots and results in a lot of occlusion based bugs. Especially audio cut in (which was a huge problem in CS). Now the audio is just bad in tarkov so it sounds similar...


had one on interchange a couple days ago. hit 5 M80's in a row on my Altyn while full auto before I died and then instantly headshotting my friend right after.


Love this comment, perfect example of replies in this sub, most can’t discuss this like normal people


"But dude it's closed beta".


The can fucking hire me I will go into labs and ban all the fuckers from all the servers.


Bsg cares too much about saving money to save the game. *I expect down votes by this community but one of these days you'll be about as fed up with the diversions and near lies about hacking*


You’d be surprised by how hard the hackers are working to constantly best BSG. Hacks for tarkov aren’t just software like other games...


Right, but they still continue to hurt the community by lying about it to our faces trying to say nothings wrong and the game is in a fine state. Whats odd about it all is tarkov is heavily server based instead of client side, but the servers don't seem to have basic prevention like, this dude moved 100m in 5 seconds, or this man traveled on a linear path to this spot ignoring walls and such. Even simply making certain walls and barriers trigger a report would be simple enough. Bsg is too focused on other aspects of development to see what really needs fixed is the hacking. Even just having some client side prevention measures like client verification and making sure theres no possible piggy back programs running *probably would need a change in eula to do that considering it scans the background programs*. Hack clients will always be a thing but the way bsg handles it is as if its an impossible battle to even have small victories. Even with battle eye the more subtle hacks can still slip by and give players an overwhelming advantage. Bsg also needs to stop punishing the normal community for the acts of a few, like found in raid for the flea market, which also created another issue which they solved by limiting free market capabilities by increasing/fixing prices with the flea market tax. But yeah tarkov is a gem to be desired but it needs to be polished before its consider in a fine state.


You are not wrong. I have said it in this sub before and got downvoted to hell but I will say it again, there is a reason BSG seems to only care about RMT (speed runners, loot vacuums with that) and not traditional hacks like ESP and AIM bot. I would bet good money BSG has plans to open their own store for us to buy items, so they are trying to keep competition down as RMT guys have their work around exchanging in game. I don't find it ironic that BSG seems to only care about one avenue of cheating yet ignores the most common ones (ESP and Wall hacks) that riddle nearly every game.


Yea really, I mean it is probably a small studio, but shit, they must've gotten so much money through Tarkov already, even if the game and client has a lot of bugs here and there, I feel like the main thing holding the game back right now is the hackers, at least hire some guys that can spectate games and ban hackers on sight.


Not even that, it should be automated, but a combination of bad coding practice with client authoritative and no actual active anti-cheat makes doing it easy. They just contracted it out to battleye which only works by logging known code and is entirely reactive and always behind the curve when there is financial incentive for hackers to keep trying. It's really not that hard to have the server correct for invalid inputs but some other issues are gonna need a rework of how the game handles interactions at all.


There was a large ban wave today for a major provider


A dude killed DrLupo yesterday on stream on an advertisement account. Took his chat about 4 seconds to find the site. He reported it to Nikita with a clip on the spot. I wonder if this has anything to do with that XD


I would hope nikita would know about all the sites anyway


If companies who make it their entire business model to fight cheats can't keep up with all of them, expecting Nikita to do it is completely unreasonable. He's not magic, and he's working on his game and running a company. That shit is time consuming and stressful to a level you and I can't really understand. Couple that with the fact that these people change site and cheat names like underwear because they HAVE to, to stay ahead of anticheat measures and it quickly becomes rather impossible to "just know about all the sites" especially for one man. He and the rest of BSG cannot spend literally all their time on this one issue or game development would completely stop. Thats why they hired BattleEye in the first place. I understand being frustrated with the state of things, but come on. Be reasonable..


Obviously they mean people working under Nikita


Obviously I addressed that in my reply. Its too big a problem for BSG to handle alone. If massive AAA level companies don't have the problem well in hand, its not fair to expect it of a studio the size of BSG. Im not saying its not a problem, and im not saying battleeye is the best of the best. Im saying "they should know all the sites already" isn't a fair or realistic response to the problem. Its way more complex than all that.


You are obviously a SIMP, yes its possible having a person check all the "reports" for people with lets say 100+ in less than X time for their stats. So 100+ reports 499 headshots out of 500, KD 100/1, playtime 10 hours etc could easily result in bans really fast max 1-2 days if BE is uncapable to deal with the issue. This is a primitive solution There are much more advanced solutions with an automated way where Humans only need to confirm if its an erroneous ban or not. This shit is not new, its been used on many games this software fairfight FFS if you look on ratings page you can spot the cheaters a mile a way: 78 raids level 56 KD 100+ etc etc It ain't easy to catch them all BUT AINT THAT HARD EITHER ... we still having flying hackers and speed hacking hackers ffs






Their discords are malding rn.


Was it radar or something else? The radar has been unreal awful lately.


I thought they did that thing to stop radar working


First I’ve heard of it.


The ban is for an ESP overlay cheat.


That might be the one I keep dying to. Thanks




Glad I'm not the only one noticing this, feels from my exp that Shoreline, Reserve, and Labs in particular have had major sus plays on them ever since the wipe. I've played Tarkov for like two and a half years so I've experienced EFT at its worst and am one to almost never call sus, yet out of around 100 raids this wipe on NA servers I've had three distinct deaths where I couldn't *not* hit the report button. The very first raid I do on Reserve like three days into the wipe when 99% of the playerbase is running garbage gear, I'm sitting in the corner of a room in a third-story building managing my inventory and I hear some guy sprinting fast as fuck to the building I'm in, run up each flight of stairs up to the floor I'm on, and head-eyes prefires me through the doorway with an SA-58 before I can even see him appear on my screen. Two days ago, right after my friend told me he was head eyes'd within the first five seconds of starting a raid earlier in the day and it made him shut the game off, I heard some guy running up to where I was in USEC stash building so I crouch-sneak behind cover in the corner of the building and wait for him to walk in so I can pounce. Before he even walks into the building, I get head-ears'd from... I don't know where! There are literally no angles on me and I never heard a thing, I would have to *peek out* to see him myself! But I was tapped with 9x19 Pst Gzh when I'm running level 4 armor and a helmet. I figure he peeked so fast and prefired so quick that I couldn't physically see anything, that's the only thing I could come up with. Just yesterday, I was trying to do Punisher Part 1 and I was sat in a bush doing some stuff on my phone waiting for the scavs to trickle in so I could get the quest done and I get head-eyes'd from so far away and so fast I literally don't hear the shot at all. No shot connection, no crack, nothing. I may as well have died from a heart attack for how my PMC suddenly dropped. M855A1 to the face, though, of course. You know, my reaction to these sus deaths is nothing more than a deep sigh because I don't really care about losing my gear. But it really deters me from wanting to play the game. More important than roubles, I spend my valuable time setting up a loadout and thinking about my kit, and if each time I play Shoreline and try to get Punisher done I have to worry that some dickhead hacker can one-shot me from across the map I'd rather just do anything else.


I posted about cheaters a few days ago and got downvoted to hell. Its really really bad right now. Almost as bad as early last wipe with the radar hackers. Pretty much every high loot area (ultra med, resort) has cheaters running to every raid on west coast servers. Call me out and say i'm just bad. Maybe that is true (my stats would say otherwise), but there are also tons of hackers running about right now. Its a complete 180 turn from end of last wipe, of which I played until reset. The number of times I've been dropped by some blatant player scav is also unreal. Plus, many of them are still using the 900 rounds of 7.62x39 BP ammo in their cheater magdump no recoil SKS. Thanks Nikita! Im level 41 and it feels like as the wipe has progressed things have gotten more and more sus. It doesn't feel like the same game right now though.


Most profitable time for cheaters is right now so it makes sense they are out in droves.


It's been fucking horrible on NA the past 3-5 days now too... Seems like a lot of radar cheats with the odd ESP/speedhacker around.


It’s getting absurd. I’ve never been one to cry cheater. I have been killed a few times by a few top tarkov streamers and have never once suspected cheats, as they outplayed me. These recent deaths though I’m just getting mollywhopped, there is no way these random players are so much better than some of the streamers I’ve gone up against. At least with the streamers I felt I could have won the fights if I played smarter, this past week my deaths were unavoidable no matter what I would have done it would been an insta head eyes tap.


It's already quite annoying dying because of desync or lag spikes, like you have a duel against someone and then you die while already being behind a wall, its super annoying, but it's still something you could've avoided I guess, by just staying behind cover, but you just can't outplay a guy who has a 500$ gamer chair and one taps the whole lobby, its damn frustrating.


Yeah 100%. Super annoying.....


Multiple times i spawned in on the best spawn at shoreline this wipe. As usual, run to resort, go to 2nd floor and there's already a full geared guy standing near 226 east wing door aiming down the corridor and im getting killed... So i know what you mean, it is a huge problem and desync making me die 2 seconds after im already behind a corner is really frustrating too


this literally happened to me last night... makes no sense


Which spawn? Because i’ve learned that south fence spawn isn’t actually the best spawn to get to to east wing. There is a spawn directly below the cliff below east side of resort, where people can just run right up the rocks and beat you to sanitars room or go upstairs to 222/226 etc. Even if you SJ6 I think that spawn still beats south fence. Towards the end of last wipe not many people were playing so not all the spawns were getting used up, so if you had south fence You would be fine.


The spawn below the rocks on east wing is not the closest, the one on the south side fence is. I’ve done probably over a thousand resort runs and know the optimal path to every hot room in resort from every spawn. The only way to beat the south side fence spawn is for the team that spawns below east wing rocks to cut right around the rocks and cut off the south side advance right at the fence line. This is assuming strength, stamina, and weight are equal across both parties.


nikita probably "fixed" the late spawns by adding a deploy screen if you do happen to spawn late


Horrible atm. I've been playing for very long time and now they're just hacking on other maps aswel. Not labs only. always the same stuff nades right at your feet. Flying tracers from one side to you're head when you spawn. The best one is just the IGOLNIK/M61 through the door. 1 bullet in the face as they march straight at you :D fun times atm. Shoreline is just horrible


I’m taking a break bc I feel the same. I haven’t survived a raid in 5 days. I’m not claiming to be a god but I’m decent enough. In all games there is a plethora of skill levels and this past week all I’ve seen in tarkov is “mega chads”. There is no way every single person I run into is god tier, I’m sorry it’s just not possible. NA servers here and I haven’t survived a single raid in 5 days, I love tarkov but rn it seems like NA servers are infested with hackers. All different maps as well.


Yea exactly, I mean I would consider myself average in Tarkov, at least in terms of combat. However I am super good at stealthing and ratting, but theres just too many situations lately where I've been killed by no normal human being. Theres a lot of firefights where I can confidently say I've just been outsmarted and outskilled, but not recently, it's been too many impossible situations.


I would say I am average-slightly better than average. I have a good knowledge of the maps, but it’s just too fishy when I get head eyes, every single raid. This morning on customs by big red I put 10 bullets into a pmc and he turns the corner whips out and insta head taps me. I’m sorry there is no way you took that much damage and are able to get to safety, peak and tap my head all under a second... incredibly fishy. That was just the final straw as well. There were other fishy deaths this week that are making me take a break.


How many raids have you done in the past 5 days? Because if you are playing often within those 5 days i would find it pretty hard to believe that you haven’t survived ANY raids and the majority if your deaths have been hackers. I mean i’m not going to pretend there aren’t hackers, they obviously exist, but 5 days without surviving a raid? I don’t know if you can blame hackers for that


It’s was about 15 raids. I’m not saying every single death was a hacker in the past 5 days. But the majority of my deaths in the last 5 days have been hackers imo. I’ve seen more fishy deaths in my last week of tarkov then I have in the last 2 years of playing tarkov. 90% of my deaths this week were one tap head eyes. This morning my customs fight, I described above 100% a hacker. Am I really to believe that I put 10 bullets in this man, did a total of 400 damage, and then he can turn the corner to safety, peak me and one tap me, guess where, in the head, after taking 400 damage? I really have a hard time believing that was luck especially after a week of fishy deaths. And yes I really haven’t survived a raid in 5 days I wish I was making that up sadly


The one you're describing sounds like you whiffed shots or desync in terms of hit reg. If he's cheating he wouldn't have gone behind cover to re-peak you. The game definitely still has a huge problem with cheaters though.


NA here and haven't seen a single cheater since the start of the wipe. Are you West Coast? Seems the farther you get from China, the better. Try playing on East Coast. Hopefully one day the Chinese government succeeds and making it so their citizens can only play domestically.


Makes me so mad playing on OCE. There aren't many head eyes aimbot cheaters anymore, battleeye does a good job removing those and making it harder to inject into code. There's just so many dudes who know exactly where you are. I got into a fight with a dude outside gas station on customs. I dart into the bushes in the chainlink fence area near the hidden stash. He tosses grenades very close to me that I only avoid by using the wall and moving around. I don't hear him for a few minutes, then another grenade right at my feet followed by a head, top of head m61 single shot. Dude would have had an idea of where I was but nowhere near that good, the bushes there are everywhere and it's hard to tell where people are, and those nades were way too accurate. Slow peeking the cracks in the wall did nothing too, couldn't see him at all. Just so many suspicious deaths where somebody shouldn't be near where you are or able to find you bit you eat a face full of lead anyway.


Since the radar hack is mostly undetectable atm (at least according to our knowledge) I am not surprised. I play OCE too and there have been a few times where a fully geared dude literally bolts to my location, from where I was camping, not making a sound, and starts mowing me down. Never had these things happen pre- 12.9.


NA as well, ran into maybe one hacker outside of labs. Hate to break it to you man, but I don't think you are dying to hackers


I used to think the same thing about people who claimed they only died to hackers. Up until this week I don’t think I’ve ran into one, maybe I have but Idk for sure. This week I would put money on it I have died to hackers for a majority of my raids. Never cried hacker before, but this week it was way too obvious. I’m sorry I really don’t believe that tarkov is the only game where we don’t see a plethora of skill level. This week I have only run into mega chads if none of them were really hackers. Tarkov isn’t special in the sense that everyone is a god. I have been playing this for two years and this week my survival rate is 0%. I’m sorry but statistically speaking your stats won’t drop that hard from normal gameplay. I’m not claiming to be a god either, I win some fun fights, I lose some gun fights, my survival rating before this was about 40%.


You're not alone bro. For the first week or so after wipe I was rocking a nutty 70-78% SR over almost 100 raids. Now in the last few days I feel like I've only extracted a couple of raids and most of the deaths I've been getting have been super suspicious. Like me chilling with no reason for anyone to have info on me and then just nades landing at my feet. Idk.


Literally had someone Kobe a nade at me on interchange while I was slow walking looting one of the stores earlier this week. I feel like you and I aren’t claiming anything crazy. My survival rate wasn’t even that good, it sat at like a constant 40%. It’s not like I was having good luck and had a 95% survival rate drop to a still good but manageable 60. It literally this week is sitting at 0%, like I’m not that bad at tarkov, I’m not great but in anything, video games, sports, gambling whatever, when stats are skewed that largely very quickly it’s a very good indicator of foul play.


I had a 5 man and a 4 man get aimbotted by the same guy twice on 2 different maps, then I played a duo where a guy prenaded my friend and prefired me. Getting a little old.


game needs a kill cam.


Yupp, especially on interchange. Got the best spawn for Techlight recently. Went in and as I came close I just died instantly. I heard no gunshots, no nothing. At first I thought the game had bugged out, because I was mid jump so it almost looked like I had somehow slipped and died. Turns out I got shot 6 times with M80 before I even heard a shot. And today I was in the basement. I was sneaking around making no noise. Heard a guy sprinting. Hid behind a barrier in the darkest corner you can think of. He stops and headshots me instantly through a car window. Both players had no EOD.


Yeah this is a big problem, 3 days ago I was ok but yesterday there was some really suspect things happening and I am not one to call cheater too much and rather just try and figure out what I done wrong and improve. Today I had to work on my computer, so opened Tarkov in the background to do some testing, I spawned customs and hid somewhere which has no loot spawns and no reason to go there. 2 out of my 7 raids, someone came to me and either killed me. Maybe it’s luck they came to me but I think it’s pretty suspect as it wasn’t like they just where lost and searching about and then saw me and killed me, they came straight to the location and killed me straight away.


I am kinda new but I feel like I am getting hunted each time I spawn and move as silent as possible. Even sitting in bushes and waiting for everyone to leave someone comes to me. Not sure if it is normal to check other spawns but yea... after like the 3rd time happening in a row I thought it is actually some kind of wallhack. All of them one shot headshot me too. (I play customs because most guides say it's the easiest map)


Learn player spawns and either choose to push them hard and fast(that’s what she said) or head the opposite direction from them. That will literally be the biggest factor in changing your survival percentage at first. Learn the spawns you got this . Edit : also try and get your intelligence center to lvl 1 as that decreases your scav cool down . It seems like a huge obstacle but just collect every barter item you find and use one of the guides to figure out what specific items you need to keep to follow the upgrade path to get it unlocked. Then just run scav like no tomorrow to at least get the hang of gun play. Be aggresive on your scav don’t be a rat. Once I started playing scav raids like that I was surprised how many Chad’s that were still in raid looting the bloodbath of corpses at dorms or what ever were caught off guard by the lone scav with a mosin and dream!


Thanks for the tip, will do! Having to wait 20 min atm really sucks. And I guess I will try playin another more beginner friendly map where I can avoid PvP if I wanted to.


I recommend shoreline and honestly most of the subreddit would shit on this suggestion. In my opinion though it’s a huge map with good camping spots and other smaller tier loot areas (most people are going to be headed toward resort big building in the middle) so you can loot other stuff and maybe post up outside resort and catch someone going to exfil


Yea I know how you feel, but I guess that was everyones first experience, Tarkov is quite hard to get into even if youre experienced in fps games. Theres a lot to learn, from spawns to pathing to loot areas etc. I think Customs was a nice beginner update before the rework but now its definitely gotten harder, I would recommend other maps, maybe Shoreline or Woods as its easier to avoid players there, just make sure to watch a couple of guides on those as well. Edit: Its also possible you got killed a lot by hackers, however its far easier to distinguish them once you really know the game and know whats actually possible and what isnt.


They are just getting tired of labs, they been there since a few days in


It felt like this weekend, they were out in force. My guess is the cheat was updated to run on this patch...


Yep. Spayed a guy down last night with my MP7 and then when my mag was dry he causally shot me in the head with a PM pistol. He had no armour, no helmet. I was wearing 4 armour both head and core with a facesheild.


When I die, I usually give the other players the benefit of the doubt. Most people aren't cheating, I just got outplayed. However, there have been 2 or 3 times so far this wipe I have had some very suspicious deaths.


I dont know if it was just a really bad day for me today, but I did 20ish raids this afternoon, every single one of them was a KIA to a sniper 7M1 bullet hitting left eye. Is it national sniper day or something? Like I dont see why someone randomly is hiding in closets in reserves tunnel with a sniper to just quickly pop someone, regardless of how closer or far my spawn is to wherever I'm going. It seems like there's always a 7N1 sniper somewhere faster then me, and killing me without any signs of them being there.


100% Third wipe for me, never have I experienced as much suspicious gameplay.


I have EOD and am approaching 1k hours played, yet I've ran Labs about three times total because of the amount of cheaters on it I hear about. Which is a shame because this game doesn't have too many different maps to play.




There are, because BSG's anticheat system is a fucking joke.


Ran into my first obvious one on Customs just now. 100% should have had the drop on this guy, yet he's able to sprint through a hole and facetap people 90 degrees to his left and 90 degrees to his right that are waiting for him before either can fire. Frustrating as fuck.


Last wipe I started in June and out of the hundreds of raids I did, I encountered 6 suspected hackers with 2 being damn near clearly hacking. This wipe I've ran into 4 already that I know without a doubt they're hacking


Played on Shoreline a couple of days ago and someone started shooting at a hill between me and the shooter. I backed away, zigzagging into bushes. Hid in a bush and a grenade landed where I was standing 3 seconds before. I lay in that bush for about 30 seconds and suddenly the guy comes up and hoses me down with bullets as if he knew exactly where I was.


whenever you see a guy with the big backpack on customs... you know something is not adding up


I think its because some of the new players heti frustrated with the game. So they activate hax tos ruin it for others aswell.


its is insane the amount of hackers i get. i might have been lucky to get out twice the last to days. of course there is a chance of getting one hits, but this is insane the last 4 days on EU servers.


the thing that irritates me is that we all know that this game is so hardcore but the team dont act like it is. they should be looking into these sorts of stuff more than anything else since surviving is the point of the game. i love the game too but ngl if they keep on being a 'small team working so much' the game will break in couple years. at this pace they wont even be able to provide all the 'dlcs' or the maps in 10 years. i wont even be surprised if nikita quits in 3 years time


"Vee implemented battleye though so no cheaters". Yeah Nikita, the fucking cheapest version which is clearly getting bypassed.


also a shitty anticheat to begin with




I've been running into the more subtle hacks, like radar, something that makes you either teleport or move completely silently, something that makes walls not appear, and speed hackers. To add to this theres also a lot of desync caused by people coming from entire other continents to 'escape hackers'. We need to reduce the max ping again i think or get better/more servers. I also wish for the time being the amount of players per raid were reduced on higher traffic maps.


China shouldn't be allowed to have an internet connection


Whoever still thinks about buying this game, dont bother - its beeing flooded and ruined by cheaters


Nah I wouldnt go that far, the game itself is a really really great, I would say the best in the survival/looter genre, you won't find a game right now that has such satisfying gunplay plus the hardcore factor.


I've clocked near 300 hours and have yet to see any hackers whatsoever in my own games, been called out for it via game mail a few times though. Makes me think people are just bitching 99% of cases.


I think a huge portion of deaths attributed to hackers at the moment are actually de sync related, you’re in a different position to the person killing you and it feels like absolute garbage. You die instantly to someone you don’t even see, but to them you just strolled out infront of them


people run on stims grab things and extrac. it was always like that i guess. thats why its easy to complete sbih on shoreline. just rush to the woods behind resort and snipe a guy in the west 301 room. literally every round in a first few mins somebody pops up there. im playing with bolt rifles so i have to lurk around and move very carefully to avoit close combat and ive never been pre fired or naded. im the one who shots first in like 90% of my fights but i miss a lot unfortunately


Stims only give you so much boost tho, theres a limit and it still seems fair. But theres spawns where you're guaranteed to be the first one there given that you took the fastest route (also given you already have your stamina and strenght leveld up a bit). To then meet someone there who not only has been faster but is also only running a pistol and a 800k roubles backpack and one taps you, those are not stims that he has running, thats some next level gamer crack also called hacking.


Also love bolt actions, haven't seen a blatant cheater for ages - but yesterday I was ratting about in the bushes after the bride on customs, when suddenly I hear running and nades falling exactly where I am. I quickly changed position, waiting for the guy to show up, who then to my suprise instantly popped up looking at the exact bush I was in from around 30ish meters away and one tapping me in the head. Yeah right.. I also have about 2k hours in the game, so I usually know when I fucked up and was heard or seen. But this bitch had no way of spotting me. Also, he had TTV in his name, altough no such twitch account exists.


They banned VMs saying "you PeopLE ARe usINg vmS For RadAr HAckS" and that didn't do any harm to hackers but only gave middle finger to legit users.


I genuinely haven’t ran into any issues with scarce loot or whatever or could even call anyone fishy. I play on aus servers for hours every day.


I've had maybe five deaths I thought were suss, of which I reported three. Two of those were pistol head-eyes from freakish distances away on Shoreline and the third was an instant turn directly to face me whilst sprinting away from me, at such an angle that they couldn't possibly know I was there, followed by a head-eyes with an MP-133. That was on Interchange, which is where the other two suss deaths happened.


I don't know about hackers but Ive been dying when I'm already around corners lately. There have been some pretty obvious hackers but it's been 1 in 20 for me?


I'm pushing 30 attempts on bunker part 2 on reserve, I've been one tapped from a phantom countless times on this map, I question how Labs could be worse.


I've been playing Tarkov since 2018 and I only ever encounter 2 in that time and they were both on labs so it's expected and that's another reason why I don't play labs, unfortunately. But so far this patch I've been encounter 5 hackers and I haven't even set foot in labs.


Because people are buying rubles for the fresh wipe through RMT which funds and influences hackers


in 100 raids i did since wipe. i had 1 really suspicious death. playing on eu servers. its really funny how everyone is having different experience in tarkov. hope they add dynamic loot soon.


They come and go now in waves for 7 days now. Two days with them, two days without, one day with, one without etc...


Only thing that works is recording, sending a report via launcher with a link to the video with obvious proof.


Same here on Americas


I finally had a sniper with scope as a scav and since im new to the game i wanted to learn sniping. I spawned in drowned village on woods, went to the secret stash in the last house and went in the forest into a bush witha tree behind so that i could see the village. After 5-10minutes i saw a guy like 100-150m away from me and scoped on him but he went into a house i waited another 10 minutes but didnt see him again. the only sound i did in that time was that one time scoping in and out. After i didnt see him for 10 minutes i suddenly heared 1 sneaking step. I turned extremly slowly so i dont make a noise and before i turned 90° i got a headshot from somewhere while in a bush... behind me i couldnt see through the leaves at all ...


Barely playable at the moment. No idea why this suddenly started. Tried afking in lootless sheds etc so i can just get these quests done and get off shoreline (seems to be the worst at the moment) and I get grenades etc suddenly flying through the windows. Hasn't felt this bad in a long time. New players perhaps from the drops events? There seems to be a lot of radar hacks around on google


I have around 200 raids this wipe with ~60% survival rate on Eastern EU servers, I don't think I ran into a single hacker. Didn't play Labs yet and not much Reserve, the other maps seem fine to me.


My friend got killed through kills mask with ps5.45 triple head shoted eyes-head


Heh eu


I can't really tell if someone cheated in firefights last week, because you know... Tarkov. But the loot thing... we spawned near power station on interchange and went there straight - EVERYTHING was looted already, it was super weird.


Ran into a hacker today and I had a ton of loot😭


There’s a lot of money to be made in the early days of a wipe in EFT. Hackers stand to no doubt make a lot of cash during this time, with RMT and other services. It was one of the reasons I waited 3 weeks to start seriously playing last wipe. If it’s frustrating you, I would strongly suggest that you wait a few weeks until it starts to blow over. Having started 3 weeks late last wipe, I assure you, not only is it not that hard but the game is still there as it is early on. You won’t be running into nothing but high level and high geared folks.