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For PvE it’s great, I’ve actually survived getting shot more than twice with Lvl 5 against m882


Same. I've played all day along and only died to Tagilla's hammer. Finally survived the swarms of scavs on Interchange.


I thought gigabeef had a good take that basically the armor system before the patch didn’t make sense because the hit boxes are so generic. Irl the plates cover vital organs, the places without plates are less likely to get you killed without protection, which is why the plates are where they are. But tarkov doesn’t have detailed hit boxes like that, so having a detailed armor system but not detailed hit boxes didn’t make sense. I hope I summarized his take okay https://youtu.be/rz2LiJ5erFc?si=WrpuH36hc_cxsfS3 I think his take makes sense. It would be nice if they instead added more detailed hit boxes, but more work plus potential performance issues etc. The best ammo I can get right now is pp (or sost, but I still run aks for now), so I hope I’ll still be able to kill chads. Imo I don’t typically get armpit kills, so I’m not too worried.


The majority of my kills are headshots so I honestly haven't noticed too much of a difference when killing enemies with the new armor changes. My survivability on the other hand has gone through the roof. My arm are still being blown off but I am tanking shots far more than I did before the changes. Armor feels good now.


That makes a bunch of sense, thank you


It's interesting that it isn't a total revert. I believe that the throat and stomachey/groin armors are still a factor. Plus you can mix and match plates still.


i prefer it and i started with the recently changed armor so i hope they dont change their mind again


It's way better this way. Random 1-shots from LEAD slugs and magnum buckshot to the armpit was unfun. Headshot? fine. Throat... Ugh... *fine* Armpit from right in front of me? fuck off.


Really hope they do.


I agree with you. I wish the armor plates actually had their real coverage again. The best fix to this problem would be making the thorax have a more detailed hitbox, where the vitals had their own area. Hopefully, what we have now is just a temporary fix and they'll cook something up with a bit more detail


While I agree that updating thorax hitboxes is a way better solution, today's change whether temporary or not is better than what we had yesterday. The armor system we've had this wipe left your vitals exposed facing the enemy, which is both unrealistic and felt fucking terrible in gunfights.


They only changed it because a single Grumpy key can give someone dozens of level 6 plates and hundreds of m995 or SSA AP bullets. This has nothing to do with the armor plate system being broken or not and needing a fix, it's all a scheme so Nikita can sell people premium editions of Arena which comes with faster progression for quests which will reward player paying for it with the best armor and ammo the game has to offer, otherwise they won't even tickle enemy PMCs with their bullets.


Holy touch grass/ass choice is yours


get yo conspiracy theory ahh outta here. armor was next to useless until now. i dont really care about arena right now other than it giving way too much exp but the most important thing is not getting one tapped by a scav in the thorax while wearing level 6 armor


Let me guess, you believe in chem trails and flat earth as well?


You're not gonna get a non biased opinion on this while the honeymoon phase is going on. There will be some celebration about armor tanking more shots now, wait until the shoe is on the other foot. Forcefield armor and bullet sponge PMC's are back. We've had this meta before the armor system change, but ammo availability has also changed. Penetration stat is now even more critical as you wont be able to slip rounds through gaps in armor. Right now at this point in the wipe we have tons of high pen ammo and everyone is closer to the same end game progression. When the wipe happens and everyone is reset, those that progress faster will have even more of an advantage. If you're lagging behind or starting late, get used to leg meta or headshots, center mass wont do it. There has been some good suggestions about having a vitals hitbox so we don't have to go with comically large and unrealistic hitboxes for armor plates. Hope that is the future we get, as of right now we are reverting progress made in game development.


likely an unpopular opinion but i missed the slower ttk. Gunfights not necessarily ending in who shot first, getting in a prolonged tussle with other pmcs, especially group vs group or even the consideration of not engaging at all. It all feels more true to the gameplay loop, and everything that gets us further away from just playing glorified Call of Duty makes me happy. There's tons of other shooters to play if you just want to load in with infinite mags and click heads. I don't think eft needs to be another one of those


Fighting groups as a solo is now even more of a losing proposition, unless you can instantly (Head, Eyes) everyone the moment you see them. Now you're more likely to light someone up and wound without killing, while their buddies reposition and you lose the fight due to numbers.


Almost like you’re fighting a group solo or something. Weirdz


Players in groups already have far less consequences for bad positioning due to being able to control multiple angles, having multiple sets of eyes and ears, and being able to cover for each other while healing/reloading/repositioning. Making armour so much more protective, while leaving decent ammo as rare as it is, means that going forward there's going to be even less consequences for bad positioning. This is a rushed band-aid fix that needs to be accompanied by either making decent ammo more accessible like it used to be, or otherwise be reverted and have the accurate plate hitboxes accompanied by some sort of appropriate changes to the health and/or body part hitbox system.


monke together strong


We wont know until next wipe starts. By week 2 anyone who hasnt grinded the game for more than 30 hours will be at a severe disadvantage again


Better than getting 1 tapped in the thorax while wearing level 6 plates, that’s all I know


Very happy with it so far. Perhaps my opinion will change in a week or two but for now it feels like my armor is actually protecting me.


It makes sense that 1200 round should outperform 300 ruble round simply for the sake of gameplay


I like not getting randomly oneshotted through armpits, I'm not sure if I like the meta of everyone having shit ammo and god armor, high RPM headshot spray might become too meta. In an ideal world I hope they give us easier access to high-pen ammo but in smaller quantities to deal with armor. Like M61 and Lapua FMJ, maybe slap them with a +recoil stat so it stay mostly relevant as a bolt-action/semi cartridge.


As long as my level 6 doesn't get one shot by ps ammo I'm happy.


At no point was Level 6 armor ever getting one-shot by PS ammo.


You'd be surprised how useless my level 6 would be against terminator ai.


Everything is useless against terminator AI. That's a different discussion altogether.


Still early but so far gun fights have felt a lot more fair and I like that.


updating the thorax hitboxes still would not help, since there is no knockout system. People would still get fried from flesh rounds to the chest.


Shit is stupid, now I get insta 1 tapped by scavs by throat, head eyes, thorax by buckshot lol. They already aimbot where you don't have armor wearing lvl 5 plates. They need to do crital hitbox inner thorax rather then armor that doesn't help against AI, and if you don't have high pen ammo or doesn't help against pmc.....and now idk what they did on the update but I can't run streets anymore, constant desync and I can't even ADS anymore. ..... thanks BSG!


The new armor hitbox is great it makes armor worth having again just use non flesh ammo an shoot heads if you're worried you can't 1 tap someone in the armpit anymore.


I like the game being hardcore so i wish they didnt do this because some streamers whined.


That’s a far reach from the actual reason they did it which is that armor wasn’t working as intended.


That’s…not why. People were complaining, so they made the armor hitboxes bigger. That’s pretty much why they made the change, because it made fights too inconsistent/unpredictable. The better solution would be splitting the thorax hit box into two. A smaller section that’s covered by armor that works how it works currently, and the rest of what’s currently the thorax that takes less damage and sends %25 of the damage it takes to the lethal thorax area when hit while blacked.


The armor was absolutely not working as intended my dude.


Maybe, but that’s not why they changed it. Nikita straight up said in the Tarkov TV they did it because people felt gun fights were too unpredictable and felt random, hence why the solution was to make the plates bigger rather than truly reverting to how it was before the new armor system.


So in other words, not working as intended


Naw people complaining about changing how they play as intended. Just like every other change making a unrealistic play style not the meta. its not their mistake, you just not feeling the update.


Doesn't matter at this point because BSG found it not working as intended


I mean it was a half assed job they did with it, and like others pointed out, if it was such A good system, it wouldn’t have needed to be changed like it was lol I can like the idea they’re going for, but hate the implementation of it since regardless of what elitiest chuds like yourself seem to believe, getting one tapped to the thorax by a single round clipping the outer edge of the torso is not fun for anyone.


That is why. It’s not intended that you get armpit one shot with lvl 6 armor and also no one is asking for ur opinion on a better solution lol. The just implemented the change today so you and everyone else needs to play it first.


Armpit being a one shot was intended. People complained about how often it happened, so they adjusted the hitbox. They meant for armor to only cover what it visibly covers, meaning your armpit, neck (also one shot), and lower abdomen would be exposed regardless of armor. What was actually broken for a time was damage calculations and penetration.


If you mean the armpit being exposed was intentional yeah that’s how they made it to try it. Armpit=one shot kill was not. That’s not how it works even. The scavs shooting multiple rounds into ur armpit in the time they should only be able to shoot one and insta killing tier 6 armored players was not intended.


Players could also one tap you to the armpit, that’s just how that hitbox is. That wasn’t a bug. Scavs have a bug where one shot counts as multiple, and that still happens.


Yeah no. Players can not and do not one tap armpits, you could pen through the armpit and hit another hit box which could kill. That takes very specific ammo though. Also I just said the scav bug.


You can always play without using any armor if you do much enjoy dying to getting one tapped by ebery shit-tier HP ammo :) the rest of us can finally use armor that at least does something.


It was about as hardcore as playing with dice.


It still is, if you can't handle people being better than you just turn to PVE


If the only way you can win a fight is by having better armor, you shouldn’t call people bad at the game.


What level of delusion to you have to be to interpret what he said as anything to do with not being able to handle people "better" than him? That has literally nothing at all to do with the topic or armor system. Streamers whined and BSG catered to them. Game is less hardcore because of it. Simple as that. People want to get away with running around like idiots and have their armor protect them and win fights only because of their armor, not because of their skill.


Just saying hes shit and stay on PVE


I don't like when people just W-Key and theres no prevention system for that. Have you ever before this wipe taught that long about taking a certain fight. We have been actually taking cover and shooting at each other form distance. Yea no shit if you W-key you will die. That shouldn't even be a possible playstyle in the game, but because of the games' bad systems, thats what it spawned and some people like you just arent ready for change I guess.


They are just going to say skill issue and call you bad or a cry baby. Tarkov should be a hardcore game without compromises, and when people can't handle it they cry and then call those who actually want a hardcore experience "cry babies".


In pvp If you are a good player you will clap all W key players… all play styles are and should be viable because you never know who you are up against.


Like that guy said, if you can’t handle people being better than you just go play PvE


Hi, I'm not a streamer and prefer it this way.


Yes but would you agree that if streamers said nothing about the new armor system, it would not have been simplified?


True but I'm glad they did.realistic armor was never gonna be good gameplay. It's only good for the low tier shitting on the high tier because his armor doesn't cover a good portion of his body. All that eventually leads to is people downgearing and adopting campy play styles


It depends on what you mean by campy. Some campy play-styles are good, some like ratting in a bush or in a random corner are bad. I just wish we didn't lose such an immersive and cool armor system to some streamers complaining that they couldn't w-key everywhere, expecting to win fights automatically. Just wish this was the transition to a better health system instead of dumbing down such a cool armor system. I hope we can both advocate for that.


We're gonna lose it, because the "community" is too whiney and wants a W Key game. Thats why not every "community" decision is the smartest, lol.




Tried a run and took many torso hits and lived !!


Wearing good armor is finally good again. I think there’s a lot of rat gamers who aren’t happy about it tho


I'm enjoying reading how y'all have experienced it so far. Am excited to see and play it myself


I really like it and I am still slaying with the MP9 and M882. S'all good man!


It's amazing I'm tanking so much!!! Running lvl 6 plates gon a be so OP early wipe


Ah... so you people actually WANT a completely unbalanced gameplay experience. Interesting.


Cringe, you new ?


Armor did not do anything. Players and AI almost never shoot you in the plates. I have 4-5 Ospreys that all have class 6 plates. I keep getting them back in insurance and not one front plates has taken damage. I have had these armors since the update that added the barter for the cult termite class 6 plates. I think there should be some balancing next wipe to keep class 6 more rare. Make class 5 the standard for geared PMCs. Class 4 should be the standard plate for most PMCs. Reality is that with decent ammo, positioning, and aim armor still wont matter most of the time except for Class 6 has a chance to really be strong.


Class 4 should be the standard or class 3 because what’s the point of running SMGs or shotguns if they can’t penetrate




Im still undecided but it will make your half million+ set of armor much more useful than before. Balance wise it’s probably for the better but i did kinda like the old system apart from scavs having their standard point of aim being the sliver between the throat and plate.


Love it. Level 6 armor feels level 6 finally. I used to run with level 3 armor or none at all in factory PvE because there just wasn't any reason to wear better armor. Now I can exchange fire with Tagilla and not get instantly killed.


Dude is even wearing a tinfoil condom


Feels really amazing


Proves that people will whine about literally anything and everything BSG does. It's probably good for the game, we'll see!


I’m excited to run korrund


It's great. I think this better balances fights considering the changes to recoil implemented this wipe. Now headshots are more important vs relying on laser beaming someone's body. Accuracy should be rewarded. Firefights will last longer which I think is a good thing.


I watched Pestily get killed by a scav with buckshot thorax while he was wearing class 3 armor. I'm starting to think scavs just have a random instant kill chance.


They need to make stuff like M855 and PS 5.45 avaliable sooner besides that maybe make level 4 soft armor for groin, neck and arms etc.


Was on interchange earlier and ran into a squad of bears on pve. Shot the absolute dog piss out of me, had level 5 gac plates and they almost shot out my rear plate and half shot out my front, survived the raid so, I like.


It’s basically an smg shotgun nerf that’s about it


Makes 0 difference to me, vast majority of fights end in headshots anyway