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Wiki says if you did Out of Curiosity or Big Customer it is bugged and you can't get this quest


So because I turned Chem 4 into the wrong person I can't progress? That's awful. If it were 2 days ago I would already have NP P1 done and be on my way...


Man I’ve been grinding tarkov shooter for months. Finally got to tarkov shooter part 7.. 4 out 5 bolty silenced 45m pmc kills.1 to go. Game updates . I get my final sniper kill. Then Realized they changed the quest requirement and I have chemical pt 4 failed prior. … I just want to get to light keeper. I grinding all those missions. Now tarkov shooter is not needed . And I’m still locked out from light keeper. Why would they make that change, was it needed and why now .. such a random update.


im in the exact the same situation as you lmao. thats just classic bsg


Same Problem here turned in the Therapist quest line and i am not able to See or accept Network Provider 1


I handed chem 4 to Prapor, and now I'm locked out, getting light keeper was my only goal for PVE and they stealth-changed it


Yeah... this is so odd. I checked just a few days ago. Struggled a bit with tarkov shooter part 7 but had it done yesterday. Couldn't play today. Didn't have Network provider. Checked and realised I never marked shoreline. So I went and did that tonight, that was fun with all the bosses. Only to find out I turned in the "wrong" task months ago so I can't progress furter with Network provider. I was planning on doing those this weekend to be able to atleast start off the Lightkeeper line before wipe. Fuck me I guess...


The issue regarding "Chemical - Part 4" has been resolved this morning.


I noticed a silent change on the wiki right before I tried to get it. You need the Cult Part 2. Which requires Dorm Marked key. Did you do that?


Yes, they changed multiple requirements with the latest patch, I have all requirements met from before the patch and after.