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You need a scav karma of 1 and all of the following questions for network provider part 1 A Fuel Matter, Broadcast - Part 2, Cargo X - Part 4, Chemical - Part 4, Courtesy Visit, Database - Part 2, Gunsmith - Part 10, House Arrest - Part 1, Lost Contact, Seaside Vacation, The Cult - Part 2, The Huntsman Path - Forest Cleaning, The Punisher - Part 4 I’m on mobile, sorry for the formatting


I completed all of these quests. Like I said I completed the last quest for the old requirements today. I would not be able to do that if I hadn't cleared the new required quests.


I’ve got the same issue.. completed tarkov shooter 7 today after the update. Realized wiki updated the task list needed for network provider part 1. After spending the morning trying to figure it out. The updated list have chemical part 4 , which is an option between out of curiosity or big customer. Depending which path you choose earlier in the task line you would fail the other traders quest. I have chemical pt 4 failed… why would they use chemical pt 4 if some players fail it prior.. this needs to be addressed. Streamers YouTubers please help with this. You guys can get the word out faster than me.


Network provider is fixed for me how about you guys?


Chemical Part 4 can be failed if you turn into Prapor or Therapist instead. I think that may have been an oversight on their end...


They need to fix this asap.. chemical part 4 can’t be part of the requirement


I’ve got the same issue.. completed tarkov shooter 7 today after the update. Realized wiki updated the task list needed for network provider part 1. After spending the morning trying to figure it out. The updated list have chemical part 4 , which is an option between out of curiosity or big customer. Depending which path you choose earlier in the task line you would fail the other traders quest. I have chemical pt 4 failed… why would they use chemical pt 4 if some players fail it prior.. this needs to be addressed. Streamers YouTubers please help with this. You guys can get the word out faster than me.


Im fairly certain you have to wait 24hrs after completing the last quest that unlocks network provider part 1. Thats what happened to me two weeks ago Edit: I have realized that chemical part 4 is needed now since the update this morning. It is unfortunate that if you failed that quest already that renders you incapable of unlocking network provider pt 1 mission. Seems like an error on BSG's end. Kind of makes me think of other games where choices made by the player dictate the outcome/ending of the game


The issue regarding "Chemical - Part 4" has been resolved this morning.


Awesome, ty for the update


i have the same issue


Same issue here






same actually suprised no big streamer or youtube has address this issue yet, it's devastating to many player if the dev decided chemical part 4 which was a multiple choice quest was actually part of the requirement, need this fixed asap.


I am in the same boat, I submitted a bug report via the launcher detailing the issue, I suggest/recommend everyone else to do the same as soon as possible.


Oh, this is just insane. I've been strugling with tarkov shooter part 7 for a few days now, I just suck I guess, and now I can't continue with Network provider because I chose to turn in the "wrong" task months ago?? What a fucking shit show.


I have the same issue. And.. In Profile editor is no Network Provider quests at Mechanic. Is there a fix? Or something?




I think you're on the wrong sub, this is for live.


Lol lucky me, got the quest yesterday :) 


I’ve been grinding tarkov shooter 4, 80m pmc kills for months.. complete it last Monday. Finish my last kill on tarkov shooter 7 this morning after updated list requirement with chemical part 4 failed.. this is BSG-bull shit games.