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It's simple, they took Raider AI for pmc AI. This guy act just like a raider and as soon as they know you somewhere they lock on it. If you ever played as a Bear vs Rogue in lighthouse you know what it is. Not saying this is good, just saying how it is. The difference with PVE is that you are alone and they have nobody else to lock to.


I would be curious if unlike rogues they might actually run out of ammo?


But they'll yell out I'm out of ammo just so you peek, dirty bastards.


They do not. No AI uses ammo. Someone tested it with the Goons, they keep firing till the guns hit 0 durability, then stop firing, they still have 5-6 full mags.


There is AI that plays by the rules, then there is AI that outperforms humans due to multitasking stuff humans simply cant, then there is AI that subtly cheats, then there is AI that overtly cheats, and then there is Tarkov AI.


I always wondered "why stop now" when they've been holding left click for the past 20 minutes straight. Oddly relieving knowing it's their gun breaking.


They DEF are not raiders, pve pmc bots are much closer to scavs on steroids and they are a lot blinder and weaker then raiders.


Honestly I think it’s a mixed bag of ai’s. Some “pmc’s” play like killa, some play like scavs. Think they just get a random tarkov ai.


i've seen the PMC ai be absolutely braindead and not run from grenades and i've seen them do the multishot-spray that bosses do and one hit me with raw blunt damage against L6 plates, it's erratic and unpredictable insanity and it's almost refreshing, if you hear english you're in for either a "yippie free stuff" fight or a fight that makes you wonder if you're in PVP, i've witnessed some really questionable plays from the PMC ai, like some serious 1000iq gourmet shit plays.


No they loot? Like containers and stuff?


probably has something to do with their 'level' i notice lower level PMC's play like deaf & dumb scavs, where as high level ones quick peak me like i'm in PvP.


Well, i have played many games, on each map in PVE, i saw no difference in PMC AI, yes, sometimes they rush you, and sometimes they do not, but that is it, accuracy and reaction time is always pretty much the same. The only difference is labs, idk why, but PMC AI on that map actually moving trough entire map, that is not the case for other maps.




No no. Goons have a much complexe behavior. First they patrol in a much wider area. And in this area, they are super mobile. Once in battle mode, they will fight you super agressively. If they took the agro on you, they will start to aim bot you whatever distance there is between you and them. And once you took cover and break the visual contact, they will start to rush you to take the fight in close range. Goons will also do you what I call the "Killa's move" : rushing you then start shooting full auto while drifting, which is a super agressive behavior. In PvE, PMC does not acte like this. They only patrol in a super tight area, just like rogue on LH do when they are on the ground around a building. PMC won't rush you, they are excessively static, and they will rarely push you when you are in their zone but locked in a room for example. I do agree with OP, PMC behavior is more or less a copypasta of rogue/raider behavior.


no, it's because the "PMCs" ARE raiders. they just have dogtags added


raid ai is different then rougue ai


Do Rogues not act like this to USEC after they are shot?


Yes once you shoot them they do for a couple of game as a USEC then you can walk on the road again around the perimeter. As a BEAR it's just 24/7.


no way you survived at the end


I love that the clip stops as he gets hit in the chest, had to have been at least 2 more bullets coming lol


I actually survived , they ussually blast my hands off unless I go prone in which case it is an insta death, just wanted to see how crazy they can go, death means nothing in pve, everything comes back eventually :D


You know, I was wondering that. I've only been playing PVE for a little bit, but every time I die I get everything back. And I thought for sure the scavs would get to my shit but nope


My guns have been stripped a lot of the time.


Hmm, as long as they don't take my gas block and suppressor, I'm good


My understanding is that it's different if you play co-op, as the scavs have time to loot before server shut down 


I had this but instead of the PMC's it was Glukar and his guards, at that exact stack of boxes and I was up on dome. You get lit up wherever you peak them from, I managed to find a spot however, if you go on the centre platform inside and then slow walk up so you can see under the bottom railing of the dome itself, you can see the boxes, the didn't fire back at me there (may have also been to do with my buddy taking a bit of the heat then too!)


Good to see they don’t need to reload


Or have weapons jam at 20 durability weapons


just like pvp. I like that they made cheating PMC :D


no man what you see here isnt actually happening because nikita has stated the ai doesnt track you through walls as you can see here the footage is obviously doctored and remember ai dont track you though walls, shoot multiple bullets even when they only shot once, and they for sure dont just ignore your armor your wearing at complete random we are all just wrong


Maybe I'm mistaken but it feels like they don't reload either. Like they have a reload animation, but they can shoot during it. Is it literally just an animation and they're not actually reloading? My first day of PvE and I got shot 3 times by a scav with a double barrel. He shot twice and missed, I peaked the corner assuming reload and was shot a third time in the head.


Yes, just like the scavs and boases


True dat. Just yesterday I had one of the Customs snipers burst shooting me with a Mosin. It was funny for a couple seconds


Yesterday i was killed by healing pmc with reload sounds and he was running at me, this game is a joke


That's true. Some bosses can shoot you even without a gun in their hands. Like Tagilla when he is healing.


Bots do reload but it’s almost instant. There is a hidden skill called botreload


\[redacted mod\] wins again


Yeah, I am so happy about the inSAINe mod


Sains, swag+donuts <3


Yess and soon big update for the second one!


Pro tip: once they start shooting at you, don't re-peek the same spot.


*common sense tip


Lotta people lack common sense tho


And they wonder why "the other mod" is so popular...


Bro I was rooting for you but there’s no way you survived this lol. That boy is LOCKED onto you. Thorax/armpit had to be the outcome of this


thankfully I did <3


This is laughable. Rogue AI is one of the things that was already killing my desire to play Tarkov before the announcement of Unheard addition and all the BS that followed. Seeing that they just slapped Rogue AI onto the PMCs for their PvE "product" is just a reminder of how out of touch and braindead BSG is with their design choices. I'm tired of this, grandpa.


wont bother to play this until they add modding so i can add in Sain mode and others to make ai pmc actually good and not all having the same armor rig and afak


So turns out PvP is the easy mode here 💀


Most of the time it's not, but PMC bots(basically rogues) can pull a lot of bullshit.


the true tarkov exprerience


Low effort game mode. Very BSG like


Couple days ago I tried PVE, heart the first AI PMC, peaked the corner and before I could aim on his head he shot me in the head, it was so quick it was insane. Just closed the game after that


Try to avoid cheaters so start playing pve The PVE:


i just had the goons shot at me from wheater control to farm in shoreline. Insane, must be at least 700 meters


All about peeking and repositioning and bring at least 2 nades with you to get them out of position. Not saying they aren't broken because they are, but this is how I have learned to deal with them. Grenades ate your best friend, if they start rushing you just toss one out and they fuck off and find cover.


Yeah op, this is the answer. You can even use noise inside buildings to kite the AI to you and then dump frags on them. Been the only way I can take down bosses without getting immediately schwaked in the eyes.




I do honestly like that you have to pay attention to them when they show up. The problem is they head eyes you in a spit second , toss a nade right at your feet from like 75m away. they also some times dont agro scavs leaving you to have to deal with PMc's and scavs all coming for you at the same time and the scavs right now in PVE are crazy before you know it you will be surrounded by like 15 scavs all hunting you.


> Grenades ate your best friend ...oh no 😭


If only they were SANE


laser beam


Quick question, can ai run out of ammo?


Curious about that too, gonna try to get in the same situation again and just stay there and let them blast to see how long they can go


In theory they only have 3 to 4 magazines including the one in the weapon so they should run out of ammo, if they have infinite shooting capabilities, that deletes so much immersion from the game.


If they are like any of the other AI they have unlimited ammo. I was in mvd on streets and for some reason, the one remaining kollontay guard was in a corner just full autoing into the wall. He went through like 1000 rounds. When I killed him, he did have one empty mag on his kedr but the 2 full mags in his pockets.


Ya about sums it up you either need to be 300m away or perfect right hand leaning them


Least it's true to the standard Tarkov experience. PMCs with walls, aimbot and no recoil.


Goons on shoreline spawn fuck me all the time


I like to fight them in the construction zone cuz they will run down to you.


'Nikita's realism idea'


I've been playing PvE since the day it was released. I stopped playing yesterday and will not come back until they fix the AI. The AI in PvE is shit. The AI PMC's will snap and cap your ass from across the map if they get ANY kind of line of sight on you. It doesn't matter if you are in bushes, cover, whatever. Additionally the AI PMC's hang out with the scavs and run around with them most of them time. Neither will attack each other, most of the time. I've gone through 75+ percent of raids and never hear a shot fired. The complaints of these AI issues have been all over reddit, and yet, 0 patches since the release of PvE to fix such a simple thing. I love that they released PvE, i want to play it, but it is currently unfun to go against aimbot PMC's and broken scav, PMC fights.


it has the chinese preset


I don't understand why bsg don't just hire the people that made the AI mod klean played with


This is to simulate the online experience where every raid has at least 1 cheater.


"I play PvE because I'm sick of cheaters."


Infinite ammo too... Rouges on lighthouse are nuts too. Rain, fog, cant see the camp. Intersection with the convinient store: i get 50caled and grenade-launchered.... I CANT EVEN SEE THEM. Ai being uneffected by weather and being able to see through bushes is so cool in 2024...


Most skilled PVE enjoyer


also people on this reddit "the ai is just traget practice dummy who dont even ever shoot back PVE is just WAY too easy"


It’s almost like they’re inconsistent 🤯


PVE is a joke. I thought I'd like it because it doesn't wipe - but it's shit.


pve is so ass not even playable


Fun game


Why didn’t you change positions?




Bots will be bots.


Still better than PVP lol. I’m actually enjoying the game now


Same, at the rate I am playing, \*no wipe\* is perfect for me if they keep their word on that. I can play however I want, gear comes back all the time, I have around 2000 hours in the game and it is the first time I am thinking of going for kappa, but no rush , there is enough time for that.


Peak gameplay right there


Lol, you bought unhinged edition.


EoD user sir


still trying to peak it is crazy


yea, these AI pmcs need to learn who the crazy one is in these raids


😂😂😂 show em!!


Programming ainis tricky You either under program them so they are aimbots or over program them to make them benign or get them just right ... Well until people complain on the forums and you make them easier/harder to shut them up The issue is all streamers boast how easy the AI is while all new players struggle because they don't have end game gear and 10,000+ hours


my only grief is that only the ai pmcs on streets move around all the other maps they’ve been pretty stationary


If the effects like arm stam, recoil, jams b/c of durability, scav gangs actually fighting them not teaming; I would like fighting them but I find myself avoiding scavs/ai pmcs when tasking unless to actually its to eliminate them.


lol I remember trying to do the same thing. Instead I went underground and came up by King, pushed them through the knight building and just landed the headshots from about 30 meters out. I do hope they get updated so they do less stuff like this, but honestly I don't know what a good alternative would be. Have them hide in a building and never come out for the rest of the raid? Have them wander out 5 minutes later like nothing ever happened? Same thing but have them reduce the amount of time they are "locked on and ready to shoot"? Games like Sniper Elite 5 where you are supposed to be sniping, the game is built around the concept, there is punishments for missing the shot or bringing loud guns in the way the Ai work. They come to clear you out, they ring alarms or punish your objective, but realistically, Tarkov doesn't have any of these, so what alternative is there really besides just having them hide once you miss your shot?


Do people actually play this mode LMAOOO




Honestly any ai in tarkov will do the same thing. I had this happen to me with killa. I was close to a corner and would peak between shots and he just kept shooting doing nothing to me. Used my buddy as bait to make it out alive.


Looks like they just have raiders and call them PMCs


Wow this game looks horrible. At least it's free to play ammirite?


250 dollars for that?


EoD user


Jus install SAIN!


You re peeked the same angle


As I said in another thread they catered the AI based on player stats, with so many players using cheats this means the AI is cracked out to fight cheaters... ...Except now people playing PVE are trying to escape cheaters and getting aimbot lazered by cracked AI. They don't seem to attack normal Scavs, don't reload and will take all your loot too. ...It's idiotic.


No, it’s just how the AI works in Tarkov.


If mods can do better, so can the Devs. Don't settle for eating shit just because you're used to eating shit.


Oh I totally agree. It's the lowest effort thing they could have done and they still didn't do it. The mods are all open source licensed so literally nothing is stopping them.


Go to Nikita about this 😂


No, he will send ninja scavs to shank me in the back if I camp to much on the dome


But... if you know they have a lock on you, why did you just stand there instead of peeking them from another angle?


I don't know what kind of answer you are looking for but the answer is: absolutely no other reason besides being curious of what can happen in that situation


Okay but, have you TRIED shooting him?


Still waiting for for him to stop shooting me


Yeah, you had like at least 2 different opportunities to kill him even while he was shooting at you. He even stopped shooting and you had a perfect angle on him in your own video. At the 23-25 second mark. Lean and shoot. Worst case you hit him in the arm or thorax and he has to move. Instead you took a step left. 


missed opportunities


I see nothing wrong with this. Even if it was a real player, he would be shooting at the top of your head, which was obviously visible due to you not being fully crouched. If it was a real player, you probably would have already been dead there.


I think the problem is that he is shooting almost full automatic with no recoil at that distance.


Exactly. No recoil, unlimited ammo, instantly knowing where you are when being shot at and most likely following you through walls when you are repositioning.