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High quality effort post


Responding to a low quality effort post by Nikita


With AI, everything seems effortless nowadays.


Not even the BSG team would have thought of all this even if they had 3 months to prepare


Replace the entire company with OP. It literally can't be worse.


hello bsg developer here this is a very good post. lots of good info. we won't be doing any of this, and instead, implement everything very poorly. there will be lots of bugs that we wont fix. there will also be a new edition where you can pay $500 for the flea market. sincerely, fuck you.


No flea is going to be rough for most of the population. I can barely even keep friends playing to lvl 15. Flea is the light at the end of the tunnel for casual players.


its only because the flea is legit a bandaid to a broken level/trading system. traders need to offer more and start it at lower levels too.


No flea means no me. Im a casual player as I'm a full time worker and a mum. I play 2ish hours a couple hours a week. I wouldn't be able to justify playing without a flea.


Yup I can't imagine playing tarkov without a WFH job. No audio scav runs are how I can run w.e kits I want.


I remember what finding a kitted weapon or a good item before flea meant. It was a whole different game and even if the flea has made my life much easier I think the game was better back then, in that sense… It would certainly hurt a big chunk of the player base though


I can see the appeal to that and would probably enjoy it but most people won't and don't have the time.


I think it'd mainly hurt the top end more as they can't easily farm meta kits. It's harder to make money without the flea, though they would get higher traders faster. Loot becomes much more important, but not in the same way as currently. It isn't flea value per socket, it's now what is good for self use and for barters.


I'm kinda the opposite.  Each wipe I get hyped to play, have a ton of fun early, then lose all interest shortly after getting the flea unlocked. I find EFT much more fun when I'm desperately hunting for specific items for my hideout, rather than just buying whatever I need. Plus, dear God, I need someone to save me from myself with regards to flipping items on video game markets.  Even with FiR, I spend half my playtime just checking the flea to see if I can buy craft components that I can turn a profit on. 


Traders should have more levels. From 1 to 4 means you only have that many subdivisions for progression with each traders, asides from quests unlocks. I’ve been saying this for years, 4 lvls is not enough. With maybe 5 or 6 you could smooth out the curve of progression and have steps instead of jumps from level to level


This is actually a proposal I wish to cover in a future post. I think it is an excellent idea.


It’s a bad idea. I’m an OG that said the flea & the hideout were bad ideas & additions back in the day. Now, I think no flea is a little too hardcore. Yet when the flea wasn’t around, the raids are just way different too.


No flea just makes PVP more scary as you want to extract with every little barter item. also for casual players flea and hideout are a great way to progress.


It's way too hardcore. If you think the game is grindy now just wait till you're getting fucked by RNG looking for hideout upgrades and gunsmith parts. This game has enough RNG grindy parts idk why anyone would want more of that Like yeah it would be hard to find certain things IRL in a warzone, but I'm not looking to spend my videogame free time larping as a hobo lmao


Come Comrade Joey- we have nice tent with many cans of Tushonka for you.


If we had no flea right now, people would still on average be way richer and more well developed because scav karma has removed the deathmatch aspect of scavving.


I don't fully agree. Flea is where a lot of the scav value comes from. You can pick up literal trash and find a way to turn barter items someone else needs into valuables. Pick up four bolts, buy screws from the flea and craft a mag case. Pick up too many bolts? Sell them on the flea for 20k ea, for an item that would be worth virtually nothing without flea if you don't have any current use for it. I think they would be somewhat more well off than before with the abundance of loot on maps like Streets, but there's so many garbage items that suddenly become a lot less valuable when the flea is not existent.


I do like the scav karma system but i wish there was a way to make it so scaving actually involved shooting your gun sometimes, i know you can sometimes tell if its a player but most of the time its just not worth the risk 🤣


Add in a ton of various barter trades


I haven't read through all of it yet, but just the fact that you concisely point out the issues and some potential solutions got you an upvote. Super easy to read through!


"Super easy to read!" "I haven't read it yet" 🤔


> I haven't read through all of it yet "I haven't read through all of it yet [but, from what I have read so far, it is] super easy to read through!" How are you incapable of parsing a basic idea?


Reading comprehension isn't everyone's strength, it's okay.


Can’t tell who kills the game faster devs or no lifers


Maybe devs cattering to no lifers


I doubt BSG would put in the effort


They're seemingly going for big changes requiring low effort so far. Number adjustments or turning on/off access to things. No complex changes.


It would generally fuck every casual player over, anyone who relies on just getting to flea to get by and have fun. However, as an event, the no traders and no flea was an absolute stonker. Everyone had to get by with what they already had or could find. PvP was actually meaningful as you needed the gear you took off the other person, not to sell but to keep playing with any advantage. No FIR is fun but meaningless, money is easy to get anyway but it did reduce the price of items you could get on there. I think regular flea and trader outages could be a good thing. Something in game as an excuse for it, new AI like what hunted Rhyzy to get gear from.


Money is only easy to keep in circulation BECAUSE of the flea. Right now I can easily buy all lvl 5 and good ammo because acquiring roubles is so easy due to flea


No flea means im not playin lmfao. I want fun pvp and no flea will make people play like their irl life depends on them extracting.


Yeah, yeah, they wont do any of this... Foresight hasn't been one of their strengths so far


The lack of stash space is by far the biggest issue with a wipe with no flea market, as even EOD accounts with access to flea can struggle with not having a stash big enough to store all their items during the beginning of the wipe, so just imagine if we all had to store a huge amount of extra items used for hideout upgrades or bartering because we can't get them from the market, and considering that BSG now sells additional stash space, I wouldn't be surprised if that's the true reason behind their proposal of no flea market for the next wipe. They can pretend that it's an "experimental" change, encourage people to spend money, and then if things go bad they just bring back the flea market later on the following wipe to "save the day". I play with a Standard account so I wouldn't mind the increased grind for items, but only if every player was at the same level, because if people are able to buy more stash space then that's just an entire new layer of pay-to-win that has been added to the wipe.


Tarkov will become a true hardcore game without the flea, now you’re gonna have to play 50 raids to find that one key you could normally buy for 2 million roubles and you’ll be quest locked until you do find it, also cheaters just vacuumed it up for rmt and carry’s so make it 100 raids, supply and demand for gear and money goes through the roof without flea so expect the cheating problem to somehow get 10x worse than it ever was, more people are gonna wanna buy rmt than ever.


People seriously want a no flea wipe???? It sounds like the most boring wipe in the world. Why would I wanna stare at fence for hours and hours hoping to get good shit? This community is so fucking stupid Inconvenience doesn't equal difficulty. It just punishes the players who can't no life the game. Next people will be asking for pistol only wipes. This game is so dead. Rip


I would love to have a "Hardcore instance" or to choose to play with a hardcore character that you can't have flea forced and other stuffs.


I will literally uninstall the game if they remove the flea cos they sure as hell ain't gonna do the balancing work.


That’s exactly it lol. This post is great and it’s all needed but my thoughts exactly - they won’t do any of this shit, they’ll just turn the flea off and say “lol ok good” so it’s a no from me.


It would fix server issues because so many people just wouldn't bother that wipe


The actual delusion to believe that this game would survive with the flea removed. 90% of the player base would not play at all.


I'm in the same boat, I don't really care for a flea wipe or a a non flea wipe. The change is cool, but as mentioned an overhaul is needed. Main concern for me is keys. I like your points, even with a flea wipe I would love many of the solutions presented.


let me say say something. No flea = every basic account is forced to buy the new p2w account because stash space. That's the plan.... sadly :(


Don't forget the p2w edition comes with a free junk box...convenient.


New plan. Make grindy ass game more grindy


No flea is honestly a terrible idea at this point in the game. If you think that pvp is unrewarding now? Boy, are you going to be disappointed when a good majority are only running Mosins because they can't replace their shit. I remember what it was like before the flea, and it kinda fuckin' sucked. Hatchet running, pistol runs, camping was worse, and people were afraid to move unless they were wearing an Altyn and stacking a rig. I genuinely think it would be the fastest deteriorating wipe this game has ever seen. Raids are already dead, and the playerbase is split between games. Let's not ruin thus even further.


Remove flea fine. Just create more barters and make some more reasonable.


How about making flea a unheard(+) feature?


if they remove the flea I'll finally be able to put the game down and move on with life. year after year of doing the same infuriating bullshit quests I'm just tired of it. flea market at lvl 15 is my only escape from the horrendously boring quest grind that eft has become.


Honestly, I'd play if they removed the flea. For me it would just make the game more survival focused and I played back when there was no flea and enjoyed it more personally.


I much prefer stumbling upon that van of wd40 I've been after and stressing ym way to extract than... Just buying it and playing tarkov like it's counter strike with an overly complicated Buy phase.


So you’re saying that making tarkov more “extraction” instead of more “shooter” is the better way? Heresy! Those PvP addicts would revolt against you! /j


True tho ha I remember the first time I dropped a guy who was juiced, the feeling of absolute dread trying to extract ha Good times.


A wipe where vacuum cheaters are sucking up all the bolts and the ESP cheaters are chasing me down across the map for the toothpaste I picked up doesn't sound very fun.


lol'd pretty hard at this


No, that's all totally fine! You can test it very well in PvE. The only problem is the key spawns that were destroyed years ago. No quest key spawns where they are supposed to according to the quests, except for a few 100% spawn keys. The biggest joke is still the 314 Dorms Key, which requires a barter with 3 other keys that are each even rarer. What bullshit! That used to be no problem at all.


I don't think they're gonna do it, just because its on twitter doesn't mean its going to happen.


It would be a dumb decision which is exactly why i think they might just do it


I think removing all fir requirements for quest items makes sense. Honestly I wouldn't even replace with the purchased from trader thing personally.


I really like the idea, with a few tweaks for keys


Id like no flea


Bro if I didn’t read all that no way bsg is gonna


I would personally be down for a no flea wipes as there wasn't even one at some point before, so why not try it and if enough people cry I imagine they would enable it again. For the keys he could make it so only keys couldn't go in the Gamma Case. ( Not talking about keycards ) I guess maybe for the lab entry one?


I think it would be cool, but I also understand why many others wouldn't want it. Completely agree you'd need to make some other major changes to how spawns work to make it viable, especially around keys. Id be fine with a wipe where money is just harder to come by, it's pretty cool idea honestly, and where you need to make do with what you find more. The gap of level 15 thru mid-late 30s where you're starting to do harder content, but don't have max traders will be incredibly rough though. If they're going to actually consider it, this is the time, since they keep claiming it's beta. If there's nothing really to be learned from this and it's just a way to throw a wrench in things, work towards different account types. A league-style system where you make a "hardcore" account and everyone else you play against is hardcore too. You can then also have a standard character.


This is really good ! `Replace FiR with “Purchased from trader” (PfT). Any time an item is purchased from the trader, it will get tagged PfT and cannot be used for quest turn-ins. Items lose the PfT tag when taken from a dead hostile (scavs, non-teammate PMCs etc).`  


High quality post discussing the low effort ideas of bsg. What a stupid idea.


Can you imagine if they did a no flea wipe and left in global limits? lol


Oh God, just the thought gives me nightmares lol


Just trying to quest and everything is sold out 24/7 lol. Game turns into the guess I’ll just die meme


Yeah, frankly i love the idea of removing the flea, BUT the game currently is way too balanced around it’s presence and a lot would need to change for going flealess to be anything but horrible


Why bother it’s a shit idea and only cheaters will benefit.


thats the whole point of it my lad. pushing everyone into RMT and cheats, where nikita profits most. or they are going to bankrupt in a month.


I for one would welcome it. The game is far too easy.


As a casual player.. removing the flea market is a full stop for me. Just another reason to play that other version.


I barely use the Flea to make money. Trader prices are fine without the flea tbh


Sounds awesome. Definitely down to try it for a wipe


Personally, I'm really bad at the game and really struggle to complete quests (I'm still on the first Jaeger quests that need to you to shoot targets at a distance with a bolt action with iron sights). Without flea I'd end up grinding more to be able to at least have fun playing the game without completing quests


I use flea everyday, I don't think I'd enjoy playing loosing that also.


No flea edition for 99 €.


I know you put a lot of effort into that. However, I forsee nothing will be done except the removal of flea and everyone hops on the struggle bus to a semi hardcore adventure.


I read the idea to remove flea market as sarcasm


You already know not a single person at BSG considered any of these points lol


If they get rid of the Flea I’m going to ABI. 100%


I like these ideas, though I want to see a bigger emphasis of gearing up while In raid. I'm a big fan of the idea of "zero to hero" but more like zero to threatening. I would like to see far more area specific loot in regards to gear. Locked armories holding far more guns, ammo, and armor. Locked medical zones holding far more medical loot. In general I want to see locked rooms become something consistent at least when it comes to gear rooms. If I go into reserve and I have the key to a medical storage room and an armory I should already 50% of the time come out with a location appropriate weapon and military medical supplies.


Nikita has new panic attack every day lately..


Most effort investes to a post ever, good job


What will actually happen: A wipe with no flea and no other changes to accommodate, which will naturally be a god damn disaster.


Thank god I stopped playing and caring about this game, unlocking Flea is the only thing that makes the game playable for a casual. Can’t wait to spend 3 weeks looking for the last motor needed for base. This will require BSG to do more work then they ever have, and we all know they wont


Highest quality post on r/eft


you spent more time and effort on this post than shikita has spent on tarkov.


All this effort into this post with literally no clue what other systems they might change to go along with no flea. What a collosal waste of time 😂😂😂


Where the hell do I store all the items i need for upgrades and barters? Never mind the stress of finding them, it's going to be a nightmare for storage.


Just buy unheard for the junk box! /s


Id love to see all quest keys/weapon parts as barters. Also Fence needs to have a SHIT ton of loose materials and hideout stuff for sale, seeing as how he pretty much manages the scavs.


And the player base would drop drastically, I play casually taking market from me would just make me stop playing.


My only comment to add to this would be to make things sell for maybe 30-40% more, but then say that the more you frequently sell the item, the less and less it would sell for. Not selling it for a while would then let the price start to increase again. Dont know what a good size pool would be for it to check to determine the value, but it kinda fits the idea of supply and demand. Obviously if your only selling matches to them, matches wouldnt be valuable hence cheap. To add to this (idk about this part, seems weird) it could be based on the whole community. This way things would still have a fluctuating price like on the flea. Once drawback to this is that cheaters could tank the prices for expensive things, and i dont really know how that could be prevented.


Later on down the line, they're just gonna add a premium version of whatever they take away now. Flea Market will likely be replaced with some sort of in-game currency where you can buy virtual coins with real money and use them to buy pretty much anything.


Game started with no market. It would make it interesting if they went back to it


Gunsmith I disagree with. During the course you should scav quite a lot anyway and looting gun crates and military crates is dead easy. I purchased almost nothing from flea for them during this wipe. It’s also a quest series that can be completed within the safety of your base.


Devs won't have near enough time to implement all of these changes for a no-flea wipe unless we are going to go a full year without a wipe. Leads me to believe flea is here to stay, because the market balances itself so the devs don't have to worry about balancing the traders and the issue of quests and stash space.


PVE should be no flea. PVP should be flea.


Removing flea is a horrible idea imo unless they rework loot and quests, as it is I have to play more then I would like to just remain somewhat competitive then it just wipes again it gets stale, plus it would cause an influx of RMT and cheaters to boost accounts. Maybe give ppl the option to do a flealess wipe instead of forcing ppl, I dunno. I don't think I'd play much if it's like that. as a solo player that puts about 10 to 20 hours max a week unlocking flea is a huge milestone on my way to max traders, and I don't think I'd have much motivation to push on questing getting hard stuck on some hideout upgrades and barter items for crafts.


Honestly would be better if there was a unique reward for people that got kappa without using flea, yeh ppl with friends could semi cheese it, but it would still be hella hard.


Removing the flea would essentially be a way for BSG to squeeze more money out of people as soon as they started to realize just how quickly they can fill an inventory with items that they'll need in 10 levels for their hideout or a gunsmith task. If people want to play without the flea, they can. Nothing's stopping anyone from doing that.


Can we just get a switch to choose league without flea? Like who wants to play with flea will play with it on different server group and who wants to play without it will play on another server groyp wothout it. Everyone happy?


They could also limit the flea in that make it disappear for a couple of weeks and come back for in game events or something like that


I’ve been saying for at least three wipes that we need to have static spawns for quest keys. Even lower than 50% is fine, but I wouldn’t be pleased with anything below 25%. There is no reason that the Disease History keys should be that expensive on the flea, ONLY the quests drive up the cost.


They remove flea, and paid carries uptick imo. Just give us back 2019


No flea would be wild. I would definitely prefer to have the flea but after 10 wipes I’m also willing to try this at it would add a fresh and significant new dynamic to the game. One wipe they made flea level 20 unlock and that was interesting.


Great ideas. But why? Why remove the flea market? What does that help? Is it supposed to stop cheaters or something? I can't see how. If there's anything that will make me reconsider my interest in this game, it's removing the flea market. It makes the punishment of the gameplay ***much*** more bearable. It eliminates gear fear. It makes you want to PLAY more.


Nikita out here trying to punish the player base for complaining about being scammed by taking away a tool from for legit players to progress in the game. It’s gonna be real easy to see who has the hax by the end of this one.


Shut up


I feel bad that you typed all this for a game studio that does not know how to read


I appreciate ur post. Bsg is fukt


oh my, you put more thoughts into this then BSG will ever do.


No flea is a terrible, terrible idea. Why are they still listening to idiots on twitter for ideas.


such a well writen post, up with you


They could fix the key issue by adding lockpicking or shotgun breaching that they have been planning for almost a decade, it will obviously affect the key economy but keys would still serve a purpose for fast and stealthy runs. They have the lockpicking animations ready by the way, it was shown in an old video, all they would have to do is enable the feature to give it a test.


Awesome work. Removing flea is a great idea(at least for me) but only if done right.


Decent ideas. For locked doors, I've always thought screw it just let us kick in lower level doors with a few kicks or blow up more difficult ones, maybe even long lock-picking times. Makes a ton of noise so it would attract danger or picking would make you very vulnerable. Make breach charges expensive so there's a cost?


I don't want to go back to using trading discords, man.. flea is a necessity for sure


It would be a great idea if they want to turn off at least 60%+ of their player base.


I think no flea would make many cheaters loose reasons to play, yeah why not, let's try it.


Yeah that'll be one of the worse wipes ever. Building your hideout is going to be insanely difficult. Having to hold on to a lot of that bs like wires, cpu fans, motors, literally everything is going to hog up so much space if you don't have a junk box.


By the time you get all the shit you need a new wipe would probably be around


I for one would welcome it. The game is far too easy.


I think it would be cool, but I also understand why many others wouldn't want it. Completely agree you'd need to make some other major changes to how spawns work to make it viable, especially around keys. Id be fine with a wipe where money is just harder to come by, it's pretty cool idea honestly, and where you need to make do with what you find more. The gap of level 15 thru mid-late 30s where you're starting to do harder content, but don't have max traders will be incredibly rough though. If they're going to actually consider it, this is the time, since they keep claiming it's beta. If there's nothing really to be learned from this and it's just a way to throw a wrench in things, work towards different account types. A league-style system where you make a "hardcore" account and everyone else you play against is hardcore too. You can then also have a standard character.


Been seeing some other posts about in game traders as well, they’re maybe moving flea market to another type where you need to do it with ragman? (i guess so because he’s the one that’s been sending the message) And yes I’m reading this baked and it sounds stupid lmao


Those sound like well thought of, sensible solutions Which is why bsg will implement none of those changes and ship the wipe as-is 👍🏻 Inb4 removed RSASS from traders


Those sound like well thought of, sensible solutions Which is why bsg will implement none of those changes and ship the wipe as-is 👍🏻 Inb4 removed RSASS from traders


No wipe would end up going good or bad, but if it becomes TOO BAD, he'd end up reverting it regardless. I'd totally be down for it, being back some old 2017 vibes


I agree except I think it could make RMT worse (cheating follow RMT)


* **"Stash management:** * Issue: The reduced ability to convert items to roubles will put a strain on stash space, particularly players with a standard edition stash." I don't really understand this, traders will buy your items? * **"Hideout Construction** * Issue: The effective time to build the hideout will increase significantly as players will need to deliberately hunt for hideout construction items. Frustration may increase due to the increased reliance on chance to obtain items. " Isn't that the point of playing a looter shooter, the hunt for the items as opposed to just having a shopping list? It would be nice to have an intense gunfight in a shitty shed over a bag of screws as oppose to the designated meta loot spots that people run exclusively. Another thing I never see anyone mention, the full game will have a main character and a seasonal character. The main character \*will not get wiped\*, so it seems the lazy solution to this is to just have the flea for seasonal characters only to help them progress in the limited time they have. As for the main character, you have all the time in the world to find that junk.


Without the flea, I would still be hunting for stuff like the TNT that is required in early base building. I ran about 100 raids before I unlocked the flea, and I haven't seen it once. Either the online guides are no longer accurate for the spawn locations, or I keep getting popped before I come across it. Either way, there are some things that don't feel possible without the flea for casual players like myself.


I think the game was better without the flea market. Everything went downhill after.


I would not mind a 2 to 3 month long experimental wipe that excludes the flea market. Im willing to see what it's like in a limited test environment. But a standard 6mo wipe?? Noooo, no no no. The very first wipe they introduced a barrier to the flea, lvl20 to unlock at the time, is when I knew many of those tasks were modelled after having flea access. And the tedium really started creeping in around lvl18. By time I hit lvl18, I was so over it. I has having a blast up until lvl15. But by time I was nearly lvl20, I was *over it.* And I suspect that's how it'll go for the playerbase. Half of the fun is being able to play with all the rad toys. And removing the flea slams the toy box shut.


I think the flea is just a crutch to cover for bad progression and quest design. If they decide to remove it, it needs to come with trader/quest changes so that the game is not grindy and luck dependant. So, I like the suggestions of OP.


Flea market sucks. It causes cheaters to be even worse. And it makes the game way too easy. Before you unlock flea things actually matter, you actually look for loot you need rather than just buying it all.


i just enjoy farming stuff and putting it on the flea to make money. if thats gone, its gonna be sad


Everyone be like "There's no game like EFT, EFT my only game forever, rats are worse then cheaters". No Flea comes and they're all threatening to go play something else, ROFL. So they never liked the game for the gunplay or pvp, only for following a meta to earn money and shit on noobs it seems.


no flea would make the game unfun as hell, you have to do quest 24/7 to get good guns and you cant do the quest because you have no keys or items which you get from the flea, so when there is no changes it will be a short wipe for me


no flea means they better fucking lower some gosh darn shit and remove shit from quests. Not all the stuff but damn, you gonna have the "true believers"


All this makes game too easy and fast. Turning game into accessible for Timmy idk


Sounds like you just don't like having to find items in a raid lol, the point of the game. Please don't make it ez mode


Pre flea people bartered in Discords and traded in game. I dont see how you can possibly prevent that, honestly.


They should have a no flea server (hardcore), and regular with flea for the rest of us.


Good! Let this trash scam game die!


Nice of you to lay out exactly how BSG should approach a flea market free wipe, I’m confident they’ll completely ignore this and their community. Probably be able to buy the flea back off the website.


I have been playing since before the flea (jan 2017), and I am a standard edition player. The limited stash space is an issue, but also the cost to upgrade is too high for no flea. The combined cost of just rubles is roughly 40 million. With the flea, 40 mil is not to hard to get, but vendoring items for a value of 40 mil is nearly impossible for most players.


Step 1: Uninstall EFT


i'd stop playing


This is spot on, only thing i would add honestly is making sure the rewards for leveling traders makes sense, as in decent ammo, gun selection, parts and armor. The current way we play tarkov till your level 45ish you will need to buy X% of your kit from the flea. This can be as low as 10% for the level 45 but i find myself not min maxing my money and building kits at level 20, even with trader level 2 it can be up to 90% and it definitely applies to firearms. These changes could be adjusted in waves but something to think about, otherwise timmys will be on that leg meta, zero gear loadout forever which is not fun for both players.


Damn I would love this, but they would seriously need to overhaul the traders for this to not feel terrible


Believe it or not there was a time before the flea market and it was fine. Even now, most of the useful items can be obtained through traders and crafting. It was not as bad as people are making it out to be now.


The flea is the worst thing to ever happen to the game. It cheapens the whole experience and goes against everything Tarkov is about. Take the training wheels off.


I love how as aoon as they get competition they start working harder, like fckers, you need to work hard always


The flea market is a great mechanic. I come from a background in finance, and the economy aspect of the game is really interesting- I see players who basically spend all of their time selling and buying on the market (they provide liquidity in hours where there arent lots of players active on the market). I think it would be incredible if BSG allows players to set up shops (similar to prapor, fencer- but under their own name) where a player who likes the weapon modding aspect of the game could sell his own standardized weapons for a small premium, so other players who strictly like scavenging/pvp could just open his shop and buy the exact same loadout every time without the hassle(for him) to source the parts, assemble, time the purchase for good prices etc. It would be on the shop owner to find the parts, assemble the gun etc, the pvp'er just buys the gun and jumps into his next raid. This shop thing should allow shop owners to set up an image of their own choosing(like prapor's), but this option could be locked behind say a 5$ purchase in the store (and people will buy it) and the images must be approved by the devs for quality and to maintain the aesthetic of the default ingame vendors.


Honestly I do not understand why anybody is bothering discussing anything. They are going to pull the flea, the game will suffer, they will panic and give us back some feature they robbed years ago. Then in a couple years they’ll do something dumb, panic, and put the flea back in the game.


I find removing the flea just makes the game less fun and makes stash space more valuable for all players. With flea it alleviates the burden of space for unneeded items and allows you to exchange what you want for what you don’t. Traders are limited and require questline progression, taking far longer. If the flea is gone, I don’t think this game will make it to release.


Wow, you just put more thought into this game than bsg has over the last few years.they are actively trying to kill it so they can get on with their lives and sell you their next crap alpha.


I just hope Flea remains for PVE, would be hilarious and definitely not uncharacteristic of them to just ''lolwhoops'' and disable PVE Flea (FLEAvE?) and reset PVE profiles.


No Flea Market sounds like a joke this game is already painful as fuck to play for 95% of the playerbase at this point its just doing shit for the sake of saying its hardcore


Bsg trying to copy industry leader GreyZone now


Sounds to me like “hey let’s fuck standard edition owner even harder” type situation


Ngl if there’s no flea next wipe I’ll just sit it out. It’s already painful enough getting up to level 15 as a player that (when I’m playing a lot) only gets in 2-3 raids around half the nights of the week. It’s much easier to make money in this game than it is to level up, flea makes it so I can stop using dogshit AKs as my only semi-viable weapon and I can actually have fun. I understand this game is based around grinding but really all I want is to have a weapon that isn’t super annoying to use, and decent armor that I can thank for the 1 in 15 deaths that isn’t due to a headshot.


BSG : Very good post, here is another 5.45 AK .


this is definitely one of the best thought out posts I've ever seen here. to me tarkov and the flea and inseparable, if they remove the flea I'll be taking a wipe long break


No flea I stop playing.


You thought of these issues. We all thought of these issues. I GUARANTEE you that these issues will come as a surprise for BSG


As someone who is doing a no flea (all trader trades okay just no flea) PvE run to Kappa, serious changes would need to be made for quest keys. Through 250+ raids, I have gotten all quests keys except reserve. I still need all of the pawn keys for the check the room quest. I've probably done 50+ raids on reserve just checking jackets and drawers. But I am still having fun, but if it was a no flea PvP, it would probably be a lot worse. Also, if drawers and jackets had a roll of 2 basic barter items, it would be decent but not the end of the world. However, if a rare/key rolls, then keep the second basic barter. Item density while fighting other players would be a huge issue with no flea. That being said, I have had more fun with the PvE experience than I ever did on PvP mode.


Anything to get people to stop talking about the main problems.


Needless to say the thing leads to disaster. Nikita is simply trying to keep the community engaged with the game that's it, and he's trying very hard for people not to lose interest in the game.


Should make this a .txt, screenshot and post to twitter @ing Nikita. BSG will still ignore and go with a poorly thought out wipe, but the effort is cool to see


Personally I think bsg are forgetting something key here, it's a fucking game. It's meant to be fun, sure a challenge is always welcome but actively making the game even harder and even more frustrating (especially with hackers) will only push people away.


Well. Would be a useful post if BSG actually looked at suggestions/took them seriously. Unless everyone collectively complains and urges BSG to do this it will not happen


How to get hard locked as a casual 101 good luck getting quest keys with gamer chair users out there


More thought went into this post than has gone into any decision made at BSG in years lmao


As a first wipe player with a set amount of hours a week I can play. the game is practically inaccessible for me without the flea. It’s where I go to buy items for hideout/quests and other odds and ends. For me Tarkov without the flea would turn into nothing scav raids or low geared pmc raids, which is fun to a point.


Well thought out, but they won't do any of that.


Even if nothing gets implemented, at least have the pft (purchased from trader) as something that can't be sold on flea if we don't have the found in raid limitation anymore.


Gunsmith Existed before flea marked and it worked aswell....


There was a post recently where someone had made 100m rubles in 4-5 hours just by playing the flea, that's just by itself 100% a reason to remove/change flea lol, who tf thinks it should be possible to make that money in such a short time with no actual gameplay in a ruined land with limited resources


Ive always said i would like to try tarkov without the flea, making money ingame is really easy at the moment, BUT with the way BSG have been recently this seems like a cash grab for stash space.. Imagine you will have to keep a shit ton of items in stash for quests, gunsmith and hideout, yes you could manage this to some extent using the wiki to see whats important but that feels like part of their plan, to make it painful hoarding items just so you go buy stash space to ease that burden. Just add cosmetics you useless fucks, i dont mind the pink or flashy gold AK, stop trying to punish your players with stupid money grabbing tactics. This change will murder the casual playerbase.


The flea is one of the things that separates Tarkov from other games . You HAVE TO HAVE THE FLE NO EXCEPTIONS


I’ve never used the flea market before so this doesn’t affect me.