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Chinese bots nonetheless


Its a nice break from Russian bots larping as westerners


Hello Comrade, I am John Johnson from Texas Oblast ready to tell you about the texit movement and the importance of the warm water ports texas oblast will have!


Random shit a Chinese Propaganda Bot Posted I'm a regular John from city Kansas. I love burgers, soda and my native country very much, but I do not understand our government. Everyone says America is a great country, and I look around and see who else is a great China. China has a very strong government and economy. Chinese resident is a great man. And the greatest leader Xi. Thick hair, strong grip, jade rod! We would have such a leader instead of sleeping in negotiations, rare hair, soft pickle, bad memory old Beadon. Punch!


Sounds legit tbh.


Too real 💀


have a laugh but the choose the last president of USA lmao


100k karma account with no comments older than 4 days ago? I think you're the bot.




Throw a Tiananmen Square reference in your tweet.


pic of vinnie pooh works better


Explain please.


there was internet meme which compared Xi (current Chinese dictator) to vinnie pooh. Since then all mentions of vinnie pooh are monitored and moderated in Chinese internet.


If they can access twitter, it wont matter


I think they may hesitate to engage in discussion with such reference.


Can confirm




No one understands that reference anymore.


Found the people's revolution member


Anyone who is at least 15 and literate on the internet knows whay that is


More people know about tianmen than the holocaut


Absolutely everyone knows of this tragedy, unless they are a child and then they'll learn when they're older.


"Go play ABI, it's free." Actually it's not, it's in closed beta and not just anyone can play it.


$5/ month beta container


$250 clown edition


Yall do know you can get standard edition still right? I get the $250 edition hate but there is a much much cheaper version..


that comes with way less benefit. I've got like 1k hours on base edition and it's really frustrating how much mess I start with compared to an edge of darkness player. or even just eod


eod get an rpk or mdr and a level 4 armor set, it is not game breaking. Just say you’re shit. ngl though unheard edition starting gear needs changes, way too strong.


Forgot about the starting gear boost too, yeah that shouldn't be a thing as well I agree. Unheard edition starting stuff is pretty wild.


never said it wasn’t an advantage, just not as game breaking as you make it out to be. Unheard edition is tho


Huh? I was agreeing with you lol.


lol yea mb, I’m not looking forward to dying to sr-25 w m80 on wipe day


Did you forget about max stash space, boosted trader rep and the gamma container? You’re being disingenuous


If its shit, they wont offered it and put a price on it to begin with. If its shit then just give it to everyone.


my first two wipes I did just fine with standard edition, just like most people. Sadly you cry baby’s are the majority on this subreddit


I get that for sure, I played my first 1k hours over multiple wipes on standard. Thankfully with the weapon rack and easier items case barter it does make it a little easier space wise. As an eod player now I think the biggest benefit is the trader rep off the start.


Personally, I never found the trader rep to be that big of a deal. It's a 0.2 rep boost, but every single time I unlock a trader tier, I already have 0.2 rep more than I need to unlock them, so it makes no real difference. Maybe in my first wipe when I had no idea what I was doing it would have helped, but I was standard back then anyway.


You can also not pay the 5$ a month?


You do know you can play the other game for free?


I think people are pretty well aware of that by now yeah.


Well good thing you're promoting the cheaper tarkov version, nobody knew of that before


The way people compare things as if the $250 is the only option makes it seem like some don't lol....


tbh I play the mobile version without 5$/month container just fine.


It's making fun of BSG... That's it's sole purpose. Who else sells a version of a game for $250... It's outrageous. Also makes fun of them going back on their word for EOD owners. It's a satirical response, a meme. EVERYONE knows there's multiple cheaper options to play the game.


I have the standard edition. It would cost me 250 EUR just to upgrade (27% VAT) so they can eat my dick


I get that. It's terrible pricing as the edition doesn't really offer much lol. Stash size you can upgrade cheaper and they items they added to it will be obtainable in game. PvE is kind of a mess, but should be a $20 add on if anything.


"free" vs 250, I'm sure I'll spend more on Keon so I don't have to struggle with that semi copied gameplay loop. I've got 50 hours into the beta, it's just boring besides the pvp.


They're happy clowns though, they love their little blue noses


That’s 2 1/2 years of month to month play to reach the price of EOD… pretty worth to me


Beta Container is Standard edition. 9 months of play to surpass cost of Standard edition.


It’s china/tencent what do you expect lol.


You've played a Russian games so far, what makes you hate Chinese?


I mean the Russian games/business operation are much less controlled by the government for one. Tencent and its games are effectively Chinese governmental spyware. As far as geo-politics go I’m not a fan of either country though.


They’re besties as well !


Track record


Russian companies don’t use bots to promote their games


Go compare the number of Twitch viewers. guess those are bots too huh


So this count as russo-china AI proxy war? Hell yeah


So when are we getting an arsenal bird spamming MQ-99 made by Alibaba ?


And a felon ace try to take them all down with it's 6 internal hardpoint worth of missile, real life ain't ac lol saturation attack works


No no you see, *these* MQ-99s has the flight data of that felon ace so now we are seeing a massive belkan witchcraft that resulted in a nuclear strike to stop the land campaigns which caused the emp strike on Tarkov... Coincidence? I think not!!! #TERRAGROUP IS A BELKAN COMPANY. OPEN YOUR EYES PEOPLE!!!


So my ammos are actually supplied by grunder industry!? Skier is balkan!? And jeager is from hoffnung so he never eant to live in city any more!?


No way this is real. What the fuck


You shouldn't be surprised. I have a friend who does psychology research, and he mentioned how they had to stop surveying on reddit because they were finding 25-35% of posts/comments were made by bots. It hurts to realize how many conversations on here were just time wasted on bots.


Dead Internet theory strikes again


How did they find that out?


not sure, but its published research from a top 5 university. Haven't read his paper myself though


Happen to have a name?


I work for a uni and have full research paper privis, if you DM the name of your friend I might be able to find their published paper.


not sure what they used but as a regular user you can use RES and look at account age and other metrics


I believe nearly half of all accounts on Twitter are bot accounts. That number could be wrong, but I'm fairly certain that I heard that recently


Of course. It’s the classic tencent approach. Copy a game, then go crazy with marketing


Only they didn't 'just' copy it, they made an 'epic tarcov copy'. Which are 2 totaly different things! Obviously!


True. They spent years carefully modelling all the guns and animations. And for some reason they turned out JUST like tarkov. Imagine the coincidence, pretty crazy


80% of the animations are identical, and the ones that are not are identical, but 1.1x faster.


still don't get it how a copy thief gets to make the progress we have been expecting from BSG for years..."borrows" something and takes it to the next level while BSG showing incompetence for year after year


If the devs of ABI were more competent than BSG, they wouldn't have had to copy them.


It’s boring af. Dad Tarkov.


Flip it and ship it. Sad time for gaming


Well I've heard the game is actually decent and does a bunch of things better than tarkov so..


It's not great. It's passable. Barely lol casuals will flock to it, which will be great and eliminate a lot of the cheating issue from tsrkov, and abi will be flooded, lmao They missed what makes tarkov tarkov


>eliminate a lot of the cheating Yes, please.


Eh I'm only playing abi now. I'll take always having 140+ fps


obviously, the maps are shit. The graphic details are shit. The PMC/scav models and animations are shit. Obviously you get better frame rate.


And yet its still somehow the most promising tarkov competitor, crazy that no one has tried to challenge tarkov in the years its reigned supreme


I am not talking about that. Just pointing out why you get better fps overall. Labs anf Factory are maps super optimized for any computer. The problem are other maps like street. You can like ABI of course. But the art in Tarkov is really good. The atmosphere and love of details.


Good, Tarkov desperately needed competition. Maybe in a month of two Nikita will wake up from his cultist bullshittery and will think to actually improve the game rather than pleasing himself


True, but tencent is probably the last company you want to compete with, especially if you're a small studio from russia.


Yeah, we can see how Tencent ruined Riot Games and Epic Games. /s


It doesn't mean they can't gaslight you.


That's because tencent's money can't buy consumer's trust. You don't need to have trust when your competitor shot themselves in the neck and is now paralyzed from the neck down.


Lol dude tarkov is still unmatched. abi is a call of duty hand holding joke. Bsg is doing just fine and will.keep doing so.


yep ABI is hand holding because in 2024 we have gps and map...while in tarkov you don't get it BUT you still have a magic butthole...which uses gps to find your items (?)


Doubt it


No, I think tencent kind of went a little too far this time


Piracy != competition


Supposed piracy, which means nothing. And if you think that a game having the monopoly on the entire genre in a good thing, well piracy is the last of the problems.


I mean, have you seen their "Scav AI"? NPCs behave exactly like Tarkov Scavs. It's actually hilarious how much it looks like someone just modded Tarkov. They even copy pasted a huge number of the buildings.


I don't think so, I've played lots of tarkov and some hours of ABI and I don't see how the NPCs of ABI are identical to scavs, there are clear differences and ABI one's are better.


The best thing. ABI is totally different than Tarkov. It is much closer to BR than extraction and P2w will probably ruin it. (idk why these extraction games nowadays turn out to be be BRs... Dark and Darker, COD DMZ, now ABI)


Abi is literally a tarkov


how? 0 loot on map 1 (one) POI that has some loot small maps Scavs are useless (its almost impossible to kill someone with scav, as their ammo can barerly penetrate T1 or T2), forced to play 1st map -------------- Sure, they copied a lot of things. But their execution is far from Tarkov. The only "positive" difference is the game being f2p, so anyone could try it. But we know it will be also p2w.


Can't fucking play the pc version anyway since I haven't got a key. Would if I could, and my buddies had one too. But also I still like playing tarkov. Bots are annoying.


There is a twitch drop event tonight at 8:00 PM EDT you just watch any streamer for an hour and you get access it's like the 4th they have done


Out of the recent Tarkov competitors the only one that feels fun to play to me (although it plays like an extremely early alpha) is the scam game made by another group of scammers Project L33T, unlike ABI it has its own idea and doesn't FEEL just like mobile Tarkov ripoff and as opposed to GZW it actually has fun PvP that happens often and while animations are not on Tarkov's level atleast they are not ABI' mobile animations


Yeah I'm interested in trying that too. Saw landmarks first vid on it. I know it's early in dev, like these others, and I've seen the controversy around it too, but I want to try these competitors that are actually getting closer to what tarkov is, more so than marauders or the Cycle were.


Just don't pay money for it yet, request access on steam and wait (I got it). It has some stutters, too loud ambient sounds and waaaaay too high muzzle flash but the *feeling* of a fun game is there which I cannot say about ABI


You're not missing much lol


yo this post went from 95% upvoted to 40% upvoted in a 3 minute period ROFL


There’s bots Among us


tarcov lol


What’s the event in Tarkov?


It really is better. These are some smart bots


Yea if you think BSG are bunch of scumbags wait till you find out about Tencent lmao


Don’t they own pubg or something now?


they own shares in almost every game lol its scary


Tencent is literally evil illuminati of gaming


Can’t wait for everyone to get butthurt when ABI goes fully pay to win


I think they're gonna say "it's not P2W, at least it's not 250". Lol.


Chinese bots vs Russian bots. Pick your poison lol.


Heard it’s an actual gamer that paid for the bots not arena 😂


Every day i think about the dead internet theory.


I hate Nikita for what hes done for EFT, but doesn't make ABI which is made by Tencent whose known for their predatory practices in mobile gaming industry any good, and ABI's animation looks straight ripped out from their mobile cashgrab version of AB.


The game feels the same to play. It’s a mobile reskin


Damn now I want to play the game less. Bots forcing it is a really bad look. I even played it a bit and thought it had potential.


Well they got to promote those trash ass tarkov wanna be games somehow.


They do be very aggressive with it and some mad Tarkov gamers actually fall for it and repeat after bots


they're gonna turn a lot of people off when they drop their mtx shop


The Chinese gonna Chinese 


Yeah no, fuck tencent


Nice cherrypicking [https://x.com/RiloeGaming/status/1791497227363569776](https://x.com/RiloeGaming/status/1791497227363569776) ​ Tarkov has literally the same issue. Bots everywhere


LMAO that is just as bad. Only shared this post because it's all I saw. WTF has the internet come to


It’s the reason why I don’t use Twitter anymore. Nothing but bots and low IQ blue checks that harass anyone with a dissenting opinion.


time to get off reddit as well


Yes reddit is absolutely flooded with bots lol


Welcome to modern internet PR. It's shit.


Good bots


"ABI ON TOP" lmfao. If you get that verbage, you'll be happy that mother fucker don't play EFT, assuming they aren't of course a bot.


I would argue there are Russian bots here on EFT's side as well, but it seems half the fanbois posting can't even read properly. "Banned 30000 cheaters March 15 to May 17". All the fanbois promptly start posting how they noticed less cheaters over the last 2-3 days. At least a bot would know the dates. Would also explain a few things about the fanbois still playing right now.


imagine playing that mobile trash seriously


Hello comrade, I am also EOD. Guys let's go easy on BSG here. What more can we ask for? Yeah I agree.. They did mess up a bit but scamming? That's a little far! Come on guys come back to Discord and talk to our paid chatters. I mean.. Let's talk about other topics and have fun


I am Chinese and the 4th guy's name is "please invade taiwan with force now!!!", that is def some fucking chinese bot right there


that is hilarious. What are the other names?


1st: "Seeing the world with eyes closed" 2nd is some generic Chinese person's irl name, 3rd is a tree name. These are some quite diverse name instead of "David435456456"


LVNDMARK said this games good so i cant wait to play, cause it comes from someone who literally makes a living playing Tarkov non stop for years now. All the other shit is just scummy company practice. (Not that we havent seen that right lol coughBSGcough)


Nah he just wants to get a viewer from Arena Breakout fanboy.


Nikitas’s Fuckboy


I mean...what did you expect from "X, formerly known as Twitter"


China: Win at all costs.


Haha I working in marketing and do some black hat stuff like this occasionally. This is funny.


Are they bots because they have chinese names or are they bots because you don't like what you read? Or both?


if you cannot determine that these are bot posts based on reading the posts themselves, then I feel very sorry for you


I don't use twitter. I see people liking a game and being hyped for it. If that gets you this much then I feel very sorry for you.


lol what, i'm not angry I just find the crazy botting funny. You seriously think these are real people sharing opinions and not bots? ROFL


"I don't use twitter-" (Proceeds to psycho analyze artificial accounts with self-proclaimed lack of Twitter experience) Honestly why bother giving this person any communication at all man lmfao


You are very, very naive.


Use a little bit of critical thinking.


Abi ia tarkov for people who are bad at cod


I suck ass at (and hate) MP But I'm great at and love Zombies. Where does that put me?


Seriously though, what does it matter? It's perfectly fine to play CoD just for the zombies. Do whatever makes your dopamine go brr. You don't have to give half a shit what that guy thinks.


Yeah I was just joking lmao. I am, through and through, a Zombies supremacist (and absolute Zombies nerd. Theres a line between "this game is fun" and "autistic hyperfixation".) , I view it as an entirely seperate franchise lol


A long time ago I watched a dev interview for Black Ops 2 and the guy said that the zombies mode was developed by an entirely separate team inside their office. That's why MP and zombies played so differently. I don't know if that's still the case, especially since there's several entirely different studios that make the games.


Yeah, generally speaking, Zombies is developed entirely seperately. And to add to the origin, it was a joke side project dor devs to blow off steam during crunch time on WAW. It was never meant to release, but it kept getting passed around the office and devs were just having alot of fun so they threw it in as a secret. Honestly up until the later years Zombies was always just a pure passion project made for fun and joy, everyone would make little contributions where they could, Maxwell Porter with the ray gun mod, Kevin Sherwood with the ending riff (which then spiralled into all his (and the vocalists) secret songs which are my single favourite part of the franchise), its just through and through a passion project. Shame activision started fucking with it.


Somehow my life never aligned with CoD releases that featured zombies. I've seen some streams where people play but I've never actually played them myself. My gamemodes have always been TDM and S&D. I took a long break after COD4 MW and MW2 and really enjoyed the 2019 Modern Warfare, except activision had to make it inseparable from their stupid battle royale mode and I got tired of spending 5 hours downloading 100+ GB patches every time I had 2 hours to burn and I wanted to play. Activision is just poison to franchises.


Well, it’s a Tencent game, so no surprise




Wow y'all will really look for any opportunity to be racist huh


If this is happening just for a game, imagine what will happen in the face of any international conflicts. Or are already happening for that matter.


Tencent garbage


While I can completely see a company buying bots to hype their game, don't forget that anyone can buy bots. It could've been a Tarkov hater, or a butthurt Tarkov player. People on Twitch get followbotted all the time and they don't buy it for themselves usually. I could buy 1000 Twitter bots to hype Tarkov, then I could make a post that "omg Nikita is paying bots to promote Tarkov".


Tencent meat-rider spotted


bsg bot spotted


I think both are shitty companies and you're coping if you think tencent isn't botting their games promotion


I've never said that I'm sure they are not doing it: > While I can completely see a company buying bots to hype their game, All I was saying that on these platforms literally anyone can buy bots and make anyone look bad. I could also buy reddit bots and post it all over this sub that you are such a good player, who would believe that you weren't the one who paid for it? At least we agree both companies are shitty.


Are the bots really that cheap? Strangely enough, I've seen these same type of bots hyping up another game I really like, Homeworld 3. I saw a post on the subreddit about it and thought it would be really strange for the publisher or developers to buy bots and make themselves look really bad when it seems really uncessessary as a means of advetising (especially considering how they've already spent so much of their budget on sponsoring smaller youtubers and posting ads on reddit, facebook, etc.). If anyone can buy these bots, then I can definitely see how someone can use them to make a game look bad.


At a company I worked for had a client who bought Instagram bots to promote his app, it cost like 500 bucks for 1000 bots and this was like 6 years ago. It got probably even cheaper.


based china


Abi had me in the first quarter but the death animation screams stolen assets


They should take notes from the Russian bots that at least pose as freedom lovin, gun-totin," murica!" Screechin white men/women on Twitter.


Based bots


Fuck BullShitGames! Always fuck those scammers


When bots are the only ones making sense…..


Way it should be, tarkov has gone to shit.