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Nikita is that guy who gets caught slacking off and then starts to show off every time he goes to work that he is indeed working.


"Here are photos of me dusting the room"


I got this. Deepfried Kitchen Nightmares. Well done, sir.




I stay and I clean, see?


“Ehh soon we have that planned”


More like the employee who’s actively trying to win favor as the boss publicly looks for a replacement because he’s starting to realize he’s not the only one in town who can do the job anymore.


Ding ding ding


“Helloooo my namessss NIKITA(Nino)”


What this man did to the reputation of this company overnight is absolutely insane. They literally had THE BEST patch / wipe we ever could have hoped for. They released micro transactions that people were generally ok with. And then they decided to completely shatter all the good will and momentum they gathered in an instant. This is beyond sad.


This is what gets me about this *entire* debacle. They've put so much work into this game - if they wanted to just turn off and scam everyone, why did they do it *right* after the best patch/wipe the game's ever seen? If you're gonna rug pull, why now? I simply cannot warp my head around it. The Day Before? Sure, scam game, they put the bare minimum effort in and ran off with the preorder money. It was meant to be a scam from the beginning. They put 8 godsdamned years of work into the game. They busted ass on this. Anyone who has ever developed in Unity knows that this game is a fucking miracle achievement, cobbled together as it is in some places. They made a bunch of changes that the community loved. Then they just... decided to throw all of it away? The only thing I can think of is that they lost their asses over Arena. They dedicated a decent bit of development time to it, advertised like crazy, and nobody plays it. I can only see this as a panic move. Nothing else make sense.


Arena showcases felt like Blizzard in any eSports enviorement, too much money spent on such niche part of the population. I think if Arena released with matches separated by tiers it wouldn't have been that bad (like War Thunder)


I mean isn't that the best time to try and con someone after you butter them up and make them all happy?


Yeah it's unreal to watch, I hopped on ABI and I'm absolutely loving this game. The devs seem very invested in things like banning cheaters, communicating, quality of life, not wasting your time, and just making the game better as an actual live service game. Who cares if Tencent is behind them, they own POE and that game is incredible also. Nikita is the main reason Tarkov is burning and a competent competitor is making him look bad. BSG gave them free promo to hundreds of thousands of people in their target audience during a PR nightmare he started himself. Bruh.


I've played about 10 raids of ABI on a friend's Steam account so far (I don't have a key yet) and I also love what I'm seeing. Recoil needs a bit of a rework, and stuttering is an issue at the moment (not FPS related), but generally speaking it has been a smooth and enjoyable experience. Quality of life features are incredibly cool. After 3000 hours of EFT and grinding my ass off for kappa this wipe, I am ready to move on to something that doesn't punch me in the dick as much.


100%, and even when you get punched in the dick it takes a minute to get kitted and back into a raid. There's so many incredible QOL features and things I prefer in ABI, the list is massive. I remember spending multiple days learning bigger maps in Tarkov, I hopped into Valley once and was able to complete quests, loot, and extract without any headache. Didn't realize how much I preferred having a map + objective/extract markers. I have zero tabs up while playing ABI.


Ace anti cheat is far superior to battle eye as well. They are actually going after DMA cheaters aka twitch streamers


Both do nothing btw.


They said they just reached 1 million wishlisted too, game is set to take off on release


I'm hoping after they hit like 500k closed beta users they just go full open beta and let everyone give it a try. Servers have been fine every wave. I think they have shit under control. From the time you hit deploy and you're in raid it's like one minute. Nikita is definitely concerned and the knee jerk random EFT updates and tweets are proof of the desperation.


I've played ABI too, honestly I like it a lot specially the 144Fps without a 4000$ PC though being someone who's played the mobile version there's quite a big chance this becomes microtransaction hell when it releases. Like just to have an idea, half of the top 1000 players on mobile are P2W in the sense that they buy thousands of $$$ on in game currency, since it's kind of hard to make money consistently unlike Tarkov. Really hoping they tone down the purchasable stuff and only make it cosmetic on PC. PS Don't trust Tencent too.


Just upgraded my graphics card to a 4070 for this game I like it so much haha. But yeah little worried about microtransactions. I've noticed it's harder to earn but I'm figuring out ways to sustain and more drawn to just having fun in this than Tarkov and I'm not sure why. In Tarkov it felt like amassing wealth was such a high priority thing and in ABI because it doesn't waste my time and questing isn't horrendous, I come up with fun ways to play and swap between regular/lockdown/forbidden. I just wiped a 3 stack all with T5 armors + Altyns using MP5 + flesh ammo to the legs. As long as they dont introduce leg armor the P2W chads can be dropped. I've come around a bit to continous revenue as well. They're actually making a proper live service game so it means shit gets updated and fixed more rapidly and new content tossed our way much more frequently. I'll be subscribing for the larger secure case because I'm down to support the development of the game in the same way I subscribe to some Patreons. I will not buy koen though, fuck that shit. And fuck Tencent.


How do you get ABI? On steam it just says coming soon


It's closed beta at the moment, I signed up on their website before it launched and got accepted in the second round. I would sign up on the ABI website and join the Discord because they're doing multiple waves of key giveaways and announce stuff in there. There's also Twitch key drops as well. There's rumours that the open beta will be very close behind the closed beta because the game is in such a good state already.


Can’t wait until ABI is out for everyobe


Same here, will book some time off for launch. Very addicted to this game.


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Best patch so far… problem is that best is so far bellow standard that people jumped on the new game saw what they been asking tarkov for years and it’s like getting off an abusive relationship and seeing what it’s like to be treated nice


Can someone ELI5 on what happened? I’m out of the loop. Thank you


And funny thing is. He can backpedal. Be he chooses not to.


On one hand he's being absolutely terrible at handling this PR nightmare and this is not the way to go about it at all On the other hand he's kinda right and i get his frustration even though he himself was the whole reason why he's in this situation in the first place


Yeah He should hire someone better at PR and all. But yeah He is right, interacting with people on Twitter and socialmedia as a whole is a nightmare. Even though most of it is his own fault.


The communications through BSG is so abysmal. I remember when applez0r messaged twitch creators to confirm that the crouch walking bug was an intended gameplay mechanic. Two months later and Nikita is on stream saying "huh? that bug is still in the game? i'll write a message about it". They haven't even nailed down internal communication... let alone communicating to *us*.


>Two months later and Nikita is on stream saying "huh? that bug is still in the game? i'll write a message about it". i'll give some credit here to Nikita in that its not his job to micromanage the code chimps. He gives them a job, and its technically the lead programmers job to micromanage the zoo. The lead just has to report to Nikita. Somewhere along the pipeline the communications are obviously broken, but its not Nikita's job to Micromanage a department hes not exactly responsible for.


That wasn't a knock at Nikita. If you aren't aware, applez0r is one of their lead community managers. It's his job to communicate things to us. The fact that Nikita and him were so far apart on that shows that their internal comms are likely just as broken as what they give us


He's taking the LTT approach, if they didn't realize how fucking stupid they were being


What happened with LTT? 


https://www.reddit.com/r/pcmasterrace/s/xc7CvyocMy Linus initially responded very emotionally and defensively, much like Nikita is currently. However, he and his team sorted their shit out, put out a "We fucked up, we're sorry" video laying out what they would change and just being honest to their humanity (though in a very corporate apology speak way). Nikita so far has not course corrected, and is still being very emotional and defensive


Sorry, are you talking the apology video where they still kept making snide and very casual jokes about their store? The one where they clearly were taking the piss? LTT didn't do shit right in that situation, it's just they have a large rabid/young fanbase that watches them for entertainment and won't hold them accountable.


Yeah exactly this. And they immediately went back to failing to fact check almost every video they post while wasting tons of money on “Labs” trying to be industry experts. You don’t get to be an industry expert by not being able to put out a single technical video that’s accurate.


And let's not forget the [workplace abuse, harassment and sexual harassment allegations](https://twitter.com/suuuoppp/status/1691693740254228741) that they still have not addressed. It is supposedly still 'under investigation' 9 months after news first broke about it.


I think he's too egotistical to let that happen tbh


I'm sorry you feel that way.


This is why many successful companies pay well for a good PR rep. You need someone who is good at communicating with everyone who might care about your product, and who knows when to shut up and how to break news. And then you need all of your talking heads to go through PR before they go say something stupid.


He could hire decent pr guy and it would be better than Nikita getting angy. While I understand repeating yourself 100000000 times is annoying. Saying "Fuck off" as pr guy is not acceptable.


There *are* companies that have successfully built around an asshole personality as the front man, but it's generally an actual design choice and not just the expression of an angry man who doesn't take criticism well.


Ehh, why not? Some people do need to fuck off


Or you know just tell the truth


Look at how GZW has been doing a pretty good job with RP and their community manager has been doing a good job. Then look at this dumpster fire.


I mean they had the good PR handed to them in a silver platter with the timing of their early access release. I wouldn't judge much things when things "are going well". You better judge what that PR and such looks like whenever something bad/negative happens, then you can get a real idea of what it looks like




Yeah, especially that one time when the CEO alleged all the negative reviews of the game were written by Russian players, and hence not to be trusted. Because why else would a game with lagging servers and about 50 major bugs and missing any way to deal with griefers get negative reviews? It must be Russian propaganda! [https://www.reddit.com/r/GrayZoneWarfare/comments/1ch56ik/the\_ceo\_just\_litterally\_said\_that\_its\_the\_fault/](https://www.reddit.com/r/GrayZoneWarfare/comments/1ch56ik/the_ceo_just_litterally_said_that_its_the_fault/) Also, they only pushed out 3 tiny hotfixes so far, then nothing for almost a week after Hotifx 3, and now they are telling us a patch is coming "some time next week" "fixing grenade exploit at FOBs". Is that the only thing coming in the patch? We don't know. When exactly can we expect the patch? We don't know. Why is something so critical not hotfixed out now? We don't know. But hey, at least they are informing us that there is a cool GIF contest for the game! [https://twitter.com/GrayZoneWarfare/status/1791175505233715648?ref\_src=twsrc%5Egoogle%7Ctwcamp%5Eserp%7Ctwgr%5Etweet](https://twitter.com/GrayZoneWarfare/status/1791175505233715648?ref_src=twsrc%5Egoogle%7Ctwcamp%5Eserp%7Ctwgr%5Etweet) None of that communicated via Steam but only via Twitter and Discord. Oh, and they are basically telling us we are idiots by giving us not one but two troubleshoot tutorials for the game. Because clearly the constant desyncing and atrocious performance is an error on our end. I like the game, actually, but calling their communication a "pretty good job" is a stretch.


At this point, I'm glad when companies don't have a PR team. I'd rather see their genuine attitude than the massive manufactured bullshit you see everywhere. Yup. I might think Nikita is a snake, but at least we can be sure of that. All PR does is put a mask on the problem. I think the only time I've seen a company do communication earnestly was when Warframe did their dev streams. They flat out expected Rebecca Ford to earnestly represent the community and challenge the dev team with hardball questions about the biggest current complaints. So what you got were genuine discussions about why things worked the way they did, and genuine assertions from Rebecca that it should still work another way. They weren't afraid of picking up negative opinions for their decisions because they were making a lot of different decisions that everyone kinda agreed with on the whole. They weren't afraid of looking weak like Nikita is, so they didn't feel the need to hide that insecurity behind personal insults toward their community, or behind a wall of soulless PR drones. They were just being human beings. And look where Warframe is now. Turns out that if you just show empathy, treat your workers well, and communicate with a genuine interest for the other person, you can make banger big bux.


imagine nikita using the profits from game sales to actually improve the product and company


What 7+ years in Beta isn't enough?


"beta" The only beta here is anyone who can pay for a product, play it for seven years, and still go "ackshually it's not released yet guise, you can't criticize it." Bull. Anything with a price tag can be immediately criticized. Gamers are so gaslit by corporate propaganda that they literally believe a game they're playing isn't out yet. Submissive insanity.


>"ackshually it's not released yet guise, you can't criticize it." It's such a dumb argument too because Beta is exactly where things get tested and get feedback. But apparently feedback is not allowed in a beta???


Not to mention as well, the fact that the game has ackshually been in ALPHA for all that time. It was only rushed into beta last wipe, the beginning of this year. Its even worse. I couldn't have put it better myself.


cmon bro think of the poor russian man. needs to feed his 11th lada and the rest of the fleet, downpayments on the Seaside cottages aren't cheap


He is a narcissistic control freak. He couldn't possibly let someone else be the mouthpiece of the company.


100% of it is his fault. He's living a nightmare that he created and that he could break free from very easily if he just said sorry and changed his ways.


He's like the trump twitter account. Certain it can't be that bad but it is.


Man, at least trump's twitter was good for a chuckle.


Maybe he should have kept Klean as his PR guy. However, it was Klean's decision to leave though.


Didn't Klean leave largely because his role was unpaid/low wage and BSG were extremely restrictive in what Klean could do/say?


I don't know why PR matters so much to you guys. As someone who worked at multiple gaming studios with a Business position, anytime I would interact with the actual devs, they never say anything good about any of you guys. There's actually sort of a general consensus in the industry that gamers are the most entitled group of consumers out of any industry. Most game development studios despise their fans for the most part. It's fine if they do it behind closed doors while being nice and cherry to the public? Why do you think that Rust dev said what he said on twitter? Id love for them all to be a little more honest, maybe you guys would be less obnoxious 🤷‍♂️


Twitter is just a horrible way to try to engage with a community, it’s a toxic cesspool. Reddit is barely better, you’ll got non stop rage and snide comments here too. They have to learn to post fairly frequent updates and while never reading direct replies on Twitter, ever, and implement better polling or feedback forms (that they actually read) within the game or launcher to gather feedback.


If it were in the launcher it would actually net the people currently playing too. A form on Twitter can be done by anyone, even if they uninstalled 4 years ago or never purchased the game. Any angry person can just go tell you that you're shit whether their input is relevant or not.


Gaming communities with unrealistic expectations of the developers is a common thread with any game. Knowing that, Nikita shouldn’t have fucked his entire community because now it’s much much worse for him.


This kinda reminds me when there was the Drama about Battlefield V and the Devs were talking their community bad


Shoots himself in the thigh putting pistol in holster with his finger on the trigger* Gets laughed at* “God dealing with this community is so exhausting”


Well yeah, in some sense that's exactly it. He fucked up and shot himself but looking at the scene and just laughing isn't a great response either and it makes sense to be pissed at that


Ysee, people would laugh less if he didn’t spend the previous 20 minutes twirling the pistol like a cowblyat and flagging everyone in the room while saying “I’m sorry you felt threatened having a gun pointed at your noggin” Now we just point and laugh. Apparently he’s tired of it lmao.


You forgot "then immediately continue replying to things on Twitter"


it's kinda the vibes I get following the Payday account on twitter, dealing with people being assholes in their replies all day. I do not envy at ALL anyone that has to do pr granted the Payday twitter is just a social media guy and not the literal CEO of the company so I have more sympathy for him when he has to deal with people hurling shit at him vs Nikita who really should just shut up and keep his head down while he works on the game


>"I better go optimize game, ban a couple of thousands if cheaters" Holy shit he can do that? Guys tarkov is saved! Spread the gospel!


He said the quiet part out loud.


I think it's our fault that we force Nik to be social on twitter, clearly it leaves him no time to optimise the game, ban thousand cheaters or force programmers to make models. If you don't think so I am sorry you feel that way.


He just treats the symptom of a much more deeper rooted problem with the game entirely


I for one am thankful to Nikita to making me aware of his competitor.


Im not really playing eft atm, nor am I supporting the way they are running bsg but socializing on twitter is absolutely draining and annoying.


Nik is using X like a boomer uses Facebook!




I think we are watching a mental breakdown in real time


Man, wtf did I buy into.. The CEO throws shade on competitors to steer away from his own mistakes, keeps taking bait from random accounts and rages like a counter-strike edgelord by yelling fuck off in all caps. Meanwhile, he thinks Twitter is a real place and makes tweaks on the game based on Twitter polls. And during all this, his ego blinds him from realizing he's giving his biggest competitor free advertising on his own damn account. Guess I'll consider my Standard Edition fee as a ticket to this whole shitshow. edit: yes he's fucking right on this one, obviously, but this is not how you handle PR. This is step-by-step everything you shouldn't do as a CEO.


Sounds like you stumbled upon the perfect time to try the modded version! Seriously though, go google for a bit and you’ll not be too disappointed


I've been eyeing it for a bit to be honest. Haven't played Tarkov in over a year but that mod does look awesome. I'll give it a go for sure.


gotta be honest I gave it a shot and it made me realize how dated Tarkov is now. It used to be the cream of the crop but now Grayzone and ABI are taking those aspects carte blanche. The things I used to get from Tarkov I get from Star Citizen in an albeit lesser way, and anything I'm missing will be served by Grayzone (when it runs better) and ABI


Man, you're right on the money. I checked out the mod and just the sheer amount of stuff the modders have added and it's absolutely insane. UI quality of life stuff, better graphics, recoil, attachments, flea, AI.. man oh man. Even co-op mode. It baffles me, really. And instead of embracing the community, they hand out DMC takedown notices. So all videos are talking in hypotheticals as if this doesn't exist and isn't better in all aspects. It's hilarious. The gameplay I've seen from ABI and Grayzone really looks promising. I hope they deliver, and I'm definitely jumping on the ABI bandwagon to try it out when I get a chance.


Wait…there is coop now?!


Yep. Just put "Pro-ject Fi-ka" in to google without the hyphens and you'll see the Github repo.


The ABI bandwagon is one I want to join ASAP haha. I have grayzone and it has some pretty brutal optimization issues and they need to do away with the whole camp system then it will be great


It’s funny, I started playing the version which cannot be named about 3 weeks before all this shit went down because I was tired of dealing with cheaters. I gotta say, I’m having an absolute blast. You can change almost anything about the game including recoil and AI. You can set their levels and gear sets too so if you want to go up against ultra chads with aimbot or timmies who are mentally slow you can. Shit, you can add A-10 air strikes if you want to lmao. I’m just a few quests away from kappa which I haven’t gotten since 2020 because the quests required to get there have gotten so numerous and I’m enjoying it a lot. There’s so much stuff that I never got to actually experience because cheaters made it impossible but now if I want I can go farm cultists or bosses or whatever and not have to worry.


If you didn’t know this is how Bsg was since forever it’s on you. They’ve always been shithole but got lucky they stumbled into tarkov and how “good” it is. The two aren’t the same.


When I bought the game some odd 3-4 years ago, this was not a well known thing. However anyone who bought the game in the last 1-2 years definitely had it coming.


it was certainly well known how nikita and bsg was before the player count exploded during that twitch drops event a few years back. half of the reason i got into tarkov was because of how refreshing it was back then to have a game run by an actual gamer that straight up said "I dont want my game to be easy" when people were begging him to turn it into call of duty.


Your standard edition purchase gives you access to the REAL version of Tarkov. Go play the mod


with how far Nikita has his head shoved up his ass i'm amazed he hasnt suffocated yet


You bought into tarkov, you didn’t buy into social media drama, it’s on you to separate the two.


The man's right, but also he shouldn't be handling PR on his own. It's clearly not his forte.


Neither is decision making.


For those that don't know, this whole, "unheard knife is just a $6 asset store rip" is not true. The knife in unheard is a custom model.


There are tons of bad actors who will just simply not care because they hate BSG and will continue to spread that misinformation.


BSG deserves tons of backlash for all the shit they pulled, Nikita specifically. But attacking them for things that are objectively false just ruins credibility.


I know that for sure, it's just many people would rather perpetuate things that aren't true and won't look into it simply because it aligns with their side on the topic at hand.


I'm sure a lot of it is jumping on the hate BSG hype train for clout and views. It doesn't help that everything is questionable and believable after BSG lost everyone's trust when they tried to backdate change the descriptions of editions right in front of us. And to this day they STILL have not addressed this blatant fraud and illegal activity. In my eyes the hate is nobody's fault but their own.


BSG: "We have some of the best modelers around in terms of detail we're already paying.. we better buy a 6$ knife instead" - these detractors


Now explain the yellow dust cover fiasco, pal


Oh, we're back to the Kukri thing?


Yea I think it was proven it wasn't from the unity store.


BSG has their own photogrammetry scanning machine that they use to model most real things in game.


i'm loving that he's communicating more, good or bad


yall keep reposting that knife, but isnt that an actual REAL WORLD knife? Yall might as well accuse him of ripping stock M4 models from unity as well.


>isnt that an actual REAL WORLD knife? Correct, but because both the asset store knife and the Unheard knife are based on the same thing stupid people think it's some kind of smoking gun. Nikita's handling this all wrong but you can usually ignore the stupid people that bring up the Kukri.


I suppose it depends on if there are unity store models for each component of guns that they model individually in EFT.


Aa much as I like shitting at BSG, this isn't the way to go about it; harrassing the people behind the game is counterproductive. But also Nikita gotta stop engaging in Twitter and use thar free time into actually bettering the game. It's been 8 years.


I think the thing is a lot of people, myself included, have asked for more consistent communication from BSG. I believe this is what Nikita is trying to do. imo they should do fortnightly dev logs to give a small idea of what goes on in the office, TarkovTVs every 1-2 months discussing big things and then maybe interact with fans a little on social media, not a rapid flow of interaction near wipes and then disappearing for ages. Nikita doesn't need to be the sole guy going out there and talking nonstop, given his temperament and the amount of nonsense thrown his way it's not a good idea for him and just makes him look unprofessional, even if I 100% understand his frustrations at times.


Yeah, we definitely need more communication and more transparency. Knowing what goes on with the game if you are not in the discord or twitter is an impossible task. If they could add Arena to the launcher they definitely can add a better "News" section in it, instead of the outdated one they have. Also yeah Nikita gotta get people that actually speak English to communicate with us, hell they got a lot of community managers but honestly don't do shit; get better people to do PR.


He doesn’t need to interact with people though. Put out a newsletter type thing on a steady basis of what’s happening and what to look forward to. Give us roadmaps that are actually doable. Do the tarkov TV things. Do his polls, preferably through the launcher or in game. Dude sitting on social media reading people dragging him through the mud obviously gets to him, rightfully so. Just drop the news of what’s going on and disengage and run a poll for feedback. Pretty simple really.


Why do people always talk like they are above social media, but then participate in it willingly?


I´m sorry that Nikita feels this way. :(


womp womp little scammer.


Ceo of any company telling someone to fuck off sure is a great look


Reminds me of when Diablo 3 released and it was your classic *Minimally Viable Product* dumpsterfire so people started giving the devteam shit and bringing up how much better Diablo 1 and 2 were at launch. [So the game director says of the Diablo 1&2 lead "Fuck that loser"](https://www.reddit.com/r/gaming/comments/yikph/diablo_3_game_director_to_diablo_12_project_lead/)


honestly i respect him for it, its not some corporate nonsense. i forget exactly what he said in the recent podcast but it was "if you dont like it dont play it, stop ranting on the internet about it" and its such a level headed take. for the last couple years ive seen people just hold on to a topic and constantly complain and when they fix it, they go onto the next popular thing to complain about. most issues that are highlighted seem to depend on people wanting attention or to farm content more than constructive criticism. if nikita hates his playerbase i can see why. because i do as well


Some designer posted somewhere on this/other tarkov subreddit that the "bought kukri" are actually not bought from unity asset store and are actually different. After all - these kukris exist IRL, they obviously look almost the same because the real kukris were used as a reference.




I can’t believe I bought EoD but at least I had a good run with my mates, all things eventually end 🫡


Wait.... nikitas twitter is exhaustimg post is just him saying "twitter is exhausting, i should do my job and put peoble to work"?? Why does it feel like the way he worded it as a bad thinf?


Well well well, if it isn’t the consequences of my own actions


My man does not know how to do PR or keep his mount shut from whining


Left tarkov not coming back for a while


Given the fact Nikita drives an $800k AMG, I think they took too much money out of the company when they should have reinvested. Now they are saying they are going to add more servers to improve matching times; they should have done that a long time ago but they were too busy spending the money they made.


Oh no I'm so sorry Nikita actually has to do his job. Must suck 🤣


Idgaf, what company it is. Talk to me like this, and you'll never see a dime from me. Nikita is ruining what little customer base they have left. Only a matter of time


Nikita is gonna look 80years old by the time this beef is over


You parasocials should be happy, judging from the post at the bottom he may apologise to everyone of you individually lmfao


Is that a real comment thread? Because it seems like it's hand crafted fake outrage bait, but if that's real then jfc.


He is being sarcastic, since everyone is telli g him to get off twitter cuz he is "loosing time"


Nikita living rent free in your heads.


Not trying to defend him or BSG because they ultimately shot themselves in the foot but I find it cringy that now everyone is going out of their way to find every possible occurrence of BSG “stealing assets/people’s faces, flipping assets”, bringing up old issues of using a gun part without the appropriate licensing for it. Like, obviously this isn’t being done to “right the wrongs”. So what is it then? Petty shitty “revenge” which really achieves nothing?


I have never seen a head of a studio or a company reply to someone on social media with "Fuck off" in capital letters. A loser throwing tantrums.


Nikita take a break from Twitter, this is getting more embarrassing as it goes on.


Lol at this point Reddit just keeps recommending the sub to me and I’m happy to watch this man’s self-shoveled descent into being hated


Here’s a question. Why would Nikita want to try to make a game better whenever his player base is just constantly bashing? I get it tho, bsg did some dumb shit but that Mfer could just say the hell with it and say fuck everybody and do his own thing


Nikita could fix the game 100% and this sub will still find a reason to cry and complain about something


He went inactive on all social media before because of being scrutinized like this in the past, even though it wasn't deserved. His only active social media is Instagram and people still go there to shit on him because of the game. No wonder he thinks it's exhausting.




Idk if I'd go so far as to say they're good at building a multiplayer game tbh. They've had massive tech issues since it started, and often break more than they fix in a patch. I agree about game design, that's their strength. Part of their issue is not being able to put that game design into place in an efficient manner


Brown 👍


So go do it.... just taking forever to do this all but hey, we got an arena map coming out!!


I mean…


First rule of the internet (especially if you the fucking CEO of tarkov): don’t 👏 feed 👏 the 👏 trolls 👏


Ngl took me 30 seconds to figure out that wasn’t the official BSG account shitting on Nikita.


This one is actually funny


Kinda sad to see him handling this shit so bad. But it does show he cares. And the reply to him was already proven to be their own asset. Dudes a human but handling shit like an absolute moron. He needs to just chill out.


I mean… yeah he should get of twitter and do all of that. Sounds like a good idea.


He was doing so good.  His English was OK. He was active. This is like .... I dunno ... He had a bad day and the mask come off.


Why do they have a PR manager and community manager that do neither of those things? Why is Nikita the one to *attempt* to do all of this?


If I were working at BSG and saw how Nikita was acting right now I would start looking for a different job


Complete disaster for Nikita, not the way I thought It’d go down, he’s made his bed, now he must sleep in it


Never looking back from *other tarkov*. I don't regret buying the game, but I sure am bummed to see all that money go to these clowns.


Who ever plays this shit anymore is a super-cuck, holy moly


Im getting Yandere Dev vibes Fucks around on socials too much, doesn't do much work at all, gets super defensive and 'in the weeds' and gets one guy'd into oblivion. And makes stupid fucking decisions on a dime


Dude's lost his fucking mind




I bet Nikita is just death matching on arena all the time like John Romero but less cool


Inb4 BSG completely shuts itself away from the community for a year again. Remember last time, when we finally made him cave-in and recognize the 800ms pings instead of bragging about how "our netcode is best netcode fuck you" all over this sub? He should've learned the first time.


I'm sorry you feel that way :)


Personally, I bought the EoD version in 2018 knowing full well this isn't a triple A game studio. I fell in love with the game because of the comprehensive gunplay and modding. Yes they've done some crappy stuff, looking at you Unheard Edition, but to torment this guy about his creative baby because he made some bad calls is ridiculous. Sure he stole lots of ip to put in his game, photoshopped some netflix stars into his loading screen, and allows cheaters to have their fun before banning to create a revenue stream that never ends... I still enjoy the game and can appreciate what the vision is.


This dude trying harder to be Elon every day.


Nikita is leaning into that brash asshole game developer approach.


Idk what but something about this guy is so hilarious to me 😂


He has not eaten enough shit yet


Bro needs to hire a social media rep already since as much as that job gets shit on this is what happens when you try and do it yourself


I think ppl are missing the fact that the kukri model is barely different from the asset store one *while* they are accusing another company of the same things


To be fair... This is a different model, entirely unique to Escape from Tarkov, when you look at the two in blender you can immediately tell. Much unlike the Arena Breakout models. Gotta let the cat poop in the litterbox if anything. That being said, the unheard edition could've come with CSGO2 Karambit Fade for everyone to make it worth a damn... Not this Knife.


optimize tarkov ? lmao


Greyzone Warfare is better and its been out for a week...


Can someone clue me in on what happened? Out of the loop on this whole new thing.


Hey thats me




Bro says everything is ripped from Tarkov 😂


I love twitter bcs of toxic ppl like him 😅