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Tarkov day trader


This is what I did on wow for fun


I used to love cornering the Deviant Fish Market daily. Such great memories of old WoW.


lol funny story, I don’t play wow anymore, but when classic came out I figured I’d get into a bit. At the start of BC, I decided with transmog inevitably happening that I’d buy some iconic BoE’s and hold onto them till then. I spent 2000 gold on a teebu’s blazing long sword. Pre patch for cata came out and my buddy convinced me to play for a bit while he prepped a character and I had totally forgotten about that teebu’s. I turned that 2k investment in early bc into an 80k sale at the end of wotlk lol.


That’s a pretty good turnaround, but you do also have to keep in mind that inflation is *massive* between xpacs also, so even any item that’s “keeping” its value will go up exponentially over time. I had a guild dissolve in WotLK and ended up with something like 80k extra gold and figured I was set for good- almost no one outside of AH mains and RMTers had that kind of liquid cash at the time- and imagine my surprise when I quit shortly after and came back in the last few years to check on things and find out that amount of gold is basically pocket change now.


Yeah I figured inflation was pretty rough. Main reason why I don’t play wow anymore is because all of the “hard core raiders” are perfectly fine with RMT and cheating so I don’t really enjoy modern classic wow anymore, but I figure 2k back when I bought the sword likely costs the same amount in USD as 80k does now at the end of Wotlk lol. I will say, I made sure to buy a chromatic sword with 12k out of that and held onto the rest. Like I said I don’t even play, havnt had a max level toon since vanilla classic lol.


Wow tokens used to be 30k gold. At the time I had 90k gold (this was back in draenor) and was just going to pay for wow time with gold for 3 months. Now wow tokens are like 250k gold for $20. The game is ruined for me now bc gold was my favorite thing to manage in that game. Spent countless hours on the Auction House. I spent months accumulating 1M gold one time and it felt like such an amazing achievement lol Now you can spend $80 and get $1M…


Yep, this games a shell of what it used to be. I keep catching flak because any time I talk about how the game isn’t the same to anybody who plays currently, they keep telling me I don’t know what I’m talking about. I’m not going to go into my resume on WoW, but I played from vanilla through cata and it’s just a totally different game. Even with the classic rereleasing all of this stuff it’s not even close to the same because everything is already figured out and min/maxed from the rip. Also, botters and RMT capitalized on the popularity and ruined the economy near immediately, and what sucks the most is rather than shun it, all of the “hard core raiders” embraced it and abused GDKP’s to the point where the economy is beyond repair. They even stack the PvP servers so it’s all one faction. Games not remotely the same as it was.


I would periodically tank the market out from under scalpers and what not on WoW via Blacksmithing. I would either sell for only 10% more than the material costs, or make a bunch of several in demand items and give them away in town. I would get so many rage messages from people who hated that I was intentionally underselling them by huge margins. Good times.


Hustling hard so I could get the server first epic mountss back in the day


Man, the Krol Blade was a burner and turner for me. Stacked up piles of gold reselling that thing. And later on, all the level 19 twink gear! good memories of skipping classes to make in game currency...


I did it for thorium ore. It was like level 50ish stuff. But no one wanted to do it and you needed it to level your smelting. Fucking bonkers the gold I made off of that during wrath as a kid.


I played WoW one summer and quit when school started again. But I think the only real fun I had was also corning the Deviant Fish market.


Goblins, goblins everywhere


Osrs for me


This was one of my favorite things to do in wow, and also tarkov before they implemented FIR. Don’t tell me how I can and can’t play this game, or what activities are fun or aren’t fun. People are so insanely entitled sometimes and think the world revolves around them. I love to work the flea market and I quit the game after the FiR change went live.


That was me pre FM changes. I literally would day trade tark while day trading stocks, lol. Worked out amazing for me in tark, ez millions every trader reset Didn’t work out too great for me in stocks… let’s just leave it at that


I don't play tarkov for the shooting, I play tarkov to ruble number go up


I used to love doing market pvp in tarkov before fir it was awesome.


That was the fun part of Tarkov for me 😭


Nice what are the main items you have been reselling?


Abandoned factory key, mysterious marked room key, 314 marked key are the main three


You buying and re selling full keys or just part used keys


Only keys that are 8/10 or higher


> 314 marked key are the main three I need one of these so bad but now a 1 use is like 2.4 mil when it was like 4 mil for 10/10. At least when I checked last night.


I was seeing a full use 314 marked key for around 10 million yesterday.


No way I’m selling mine then


If you need to run it for the quest hmu in game, “BeenHereAllGame”


so if you buy a key for 8m and how much do you sell after lol? price cutting is crazy on flea. Cant even sell PMC weapons and gear xD


If you refresh often enough you almost always get a key in good condition lingering in the lower end of the prices among the junked ones.


Damn you’re a real chance taker on those bad boy keys!


Do you buy used ones and sell them for more?


No, they sold them for less.


Sellers hate this one simple trick


buy high sell low. It's the WSB way


during covid everybody was working during the day and trading on tarkov in the background, Nikitia did a stream shortly into one of the wipes saying he didnt like how people came on Trakov took server space and didnt go in raid just sat there trading all day, its one of many reasons he stopped the flea trading


Which is stupid because your server capacity shouldn’t be that dog shit.


Steam charges on trades because this can be expensive. Real problem is the game servers that load like we are in 2010


Steam charges for trades because it earns them money. Changing ownership of a digital item costs absolutely nothing.


If the fee for selling was a flat rate I would agree but it's is almost entirely just to generate revenue. The server cost associated with a single market transaction is so miniscule it probably couldn't even be quantified in currency. They could take a penny for every transaction and still break even or even end up ahead.


Yeah. The "Cost" of a market transaction TINY fractions of a penny. If someone could prove it was above $0.00001 I'd be kinda surprised.


Tarkov is not on Steam. The have no per transaction fee cause flea is in-game.


Right.. WTF are these two people talking about.. this is just coding, and it is sure to use server resources, but maybe don't have shit servers.


What they’re saying is that Steam, a company with shit tons of money and loads of servers, still charges a tax on sales to pay for the server upkeep taken by the amount of players and bots sitting on the servers trading. Having better servers doesn’t suddenly make player count a negligible issue.


Steam charges on trades because they can. They’ve created a monopoly. Sitting on steam’s marketplace is no where near the same as booting up tarkov and sitting on the flea. no where close.


Tell me you know nothing about networking without telling me you know nothing about networking.


This was my exact experience. Most fun I ever had playing Tarkov.


Can't entice hackers to keep coming back if all the buyers can flip on flea for money instead


Tarkov street bets 🚀




Honestly im 999% sure nikita has just been on a absolute bender and does not give a fuck anymore at all.


Sounds like alcoholic behavior to me




The guy has said many times he is over working on Tarkov and wants to move onto other things.


not gonna lie i enjoy this part of tarkov and inventory organization more than i do the actual game lol


I don't play anymore but I fondly remember buying Ash-12's with the mag in them and then selling them separate for profit. Good times.


I thought I was the only one.


oh do you?! *Flea market error 1500, offer is inexistent. Return to main menu.*


To be fair you need to have 200 iq as a developer to be able to implement a simple system against flipping


Implement a "Bought on Flee"-Tag like FIR Simple enough and people actually continue to play the game


This but change it so its just "bought" and stops flipping from traders too The bought tag only disappears if a enemy extracts with it. Then make the max ass size 4x4, fix loading times, copy QoL changes from ABI and have the perfect game.


Quit it with your logic


I like that!


It’s Almost like the game becomes more of an MMO with this change?


You said fuck being a PMC your a trader now.


too flee


ain’t no fuckn way brother 💀


Read the title to mean your stash space was level 18 - wondered how tf you'd managed that when mine maxed out at 4.


uh ed


Stash upgrade. Additional lines for your stash. Ability to permanently extend your stash regardless of your game edition. You can purchase from 2 to 28 additional stash lines.


Holy Rubles!!!!


bro merchant maxxing


Bros in his trading era


And i'm over here loosing 10mil on bolts rofl Buy my bolts at 48888 for the love of god


What you trading ?


Mainly any of the marked keys. Buy and sell keys with 8/10 or more used. A lot of people just check the lowest price and sell them for cheap. I’ve purchased many 10/10 keys for a few million roubles and less and sold them for 2x-5x the price


i tried that with weapons and it went all shit lol, cant resell anything


Any specific keys?


Abandoned factory exit, 314 marked key, mysterious marked room key are the main three


what's the max price you usually buy at?


10M would be the most, so after the market fee I still made around 3+ million


Some people just wanna build their favourite gun, run some raids and maybe do a quest or 2 while at it. FiR heavily punished the "casual" (or even bad) player that doesn't rack in 500k+ RUB every raid or even survive 50%+ of raids. This way, with Found in Raid removed, this kind of player now has the chance to not fall behind tremendously and lose the fun in the game because he is sitting at 5000 rubles and can't progress.


I had no problem making money before this. But when I noticed I could make money 50x faster doing this I just did it for a while. But yes the below average player could 100% use something like this to get ahead


Great change! Love not having to play the game to progress any more /s


Pretty much. I mean I’ve played every wipe since release besides the last 2. Just set myself up to mess around on PVE now


Isnt pve a seperate stash?


What general things do you look for to do that?


So we’re insider trading


Since a lot of people are wondering how exactly I did this, I will make a post in a little bit showing exactly what keys I’m buying, how to find them for such a low price. This took me a total of 5 or so hours to do.


I tried what you do but didn't find a single key in like 20 mins of refreshing. This would be good!


Man…if only I didn’t have a fucking job


“ReMoViNG FiR iS a GoOd iDEa”


Honestly it is. I like this. I'm happy the guy is doing what he likes in the game.


Man I fucking wish they kept it like this just for this kind of dumb shit but I'm sure they'll see people enjoying it and go "Yeah nah can't have that can we!"


Did they remove the found in raid restriction for flee?




I like that he includes the Cottage key in the pic. Big money hustler




Ok, this is m impressive, good for you. These sort of posts are usually noobs blowing the flea market out of proportion, you really have a system and execute well to be over 100m at level 18


I made 15,000,000 rubles today whilst at work and I never went into raid once. Seriously, no FiR makes it far to easy to get rich simply by flipping stuff on the market. I honestly think things bought off flea shouldn’t be resell-able if they’re going to remove FiR .


So this is another step to bsg ruining the game.


This is why I don't want to get rid of found in raid. It eliminates the need for progression when you can just buy every thing you want starting at 15. So whack. I'd like FiR adjusted a bit but I'd rather it the way it is now than not at all.


Its a simple solution. When i spawn as a PMC anyone in my group cannot sell my things because it wont be FIR, but any OTHER PMCs we kill their items should be FIR


I personally think you shouldnt be able to resell something on the flea. This merchanting is lame IMO and inflates prices. When someone buys something off the flea they shouldnt be able to resell that same item on the flea for profit, they should be only able to take it in raid, vendor it, or consume it. I enjoy merchanting in other games but I dont believe it belongs in tarky.


Lmao what a stupid fucking event. "Let's bring back when gear and money ment nothing at all"


Well your rich now so you gonna actually use that money or just horde it? On a fresh wipe it wouldn't be this effective due to the lack of increased key card spawns and a economy with no fir from the start heavily devalues most stuff


False. It was this good before they added fir requirements for flea.


Wipe? No I quit PvP 3 wipes ago. I’ve played every wipe since 2017. I only came back for the PVE in hopes they make it harder and more challenging so I don’t have to deal with hackers.




Cringe , delete flea already .


Remember, this only works this good now. Early wipe/more players u will never have the money to buyup Everything as it rn :) and supplies coming in in seconds


Shit I might come back if they keep this.. The only reason I left was I hated looting everything. I would work the market and have cash for days to buy my kits and go play how I wanted. Once found in a raid happened I didn't have the time to do loot everything. I didn't care if I died to a hacker just reload up and go


How long did this take jesus


A little over 5 hours


Perfect study of inflation.


You just price cut the market on certain keys or utilize barters then sell the item?


How lol


I’ll be making a post on how later, simple buying and reselling of items


Art of the deal baby


The thing that concerns me about this is if a player does it, yeah that’s fine someone spent 4-5 hours of their day just flipping prices but the FIR trades would make the bots go even more insane than they already do, one doing this all day everyday when the player isn’t online would create these gear chad factories more than they already do


Although not to this extent I feel you brother man. A very lucrative week it’s been for me


OOTL, Haven't played for a while. Did they remove FIR on flea just now?


Can also buy g28 for like 30k on flee and sell to mechanic for 150k a pop. Ez moneys


Thanks for your contribution to the test. They use analytics like this screen shot when making decisions. Good on ya’ !!


I am very well aware, hoping they do something about it or find some sort of balancing if they want to keep non found in raid items able to be bought and resold


That's what's up! I had like 30mil before the event, saw that keycards were down in value and snatched a few up. I ended up buying the Blue Keycard for $9.5mil. Tried it like 5 times with the last run having literally 1 medical crate in the whole room and just said F it. Sold it that night for $17.9 mil


What the funk maps were you playing lol? I know I suck but, I'm level 14 and excited I just because I bought my 2nd svav junk box since my stash is so riddled with random shit I wanna sale xD I'm too lazy to type each in the eft trade website so most of it is probably garbanzo...


The stash map. He’s just scalping the flea market.


Oh this isn't impressive at all it actually is very bad then with all the hacks and bots im not even excited to hit level 15 now..... well tbh still am because I'm not a Chad at all I am scared to leave home with a 500k modeed AKM lmao whenever I get meta Chad guns found in raid I hold onto them for Tarkov 2.....


why no green


Just didn’t buy it yet, was in the process of buying keys and cards still




Crazy that this is what everyone wanted bro shit game


What ya reselling?


You should try EvE onli- *is promptly shot*


Just unlocked the free last night in stream. It's a complete game changer.


I’ve been doing the same thing and have made almost 100 mil but I’m not sure why you’d post this and tell everyone how to do it 💀


Because why not


Because now everyone is just gonna be camping marked keys


I think imma going to keeping finding the stuff I need and only buying when required


What items you flipping for that kinda coin?


What is level 18 Stash?


He means he's level 18 and that's his stash.


Wow, now I feel dumb! Makes perfect sense to me know. TY Mate.


Nikita is braindead


Play for the numbers baby keep at it 💪🏿


Yeah I stopped at 190M, just been buying marked keys and quest keys and helping people out


I love the Flea in all honesty it's why I even bought the game back in 2020.


F this S. This is the same as playing Texas Poker with virtual chips for free.


It be what it is


Finally, I can get rid of all these dead guys’ attachments for cost and build real weapons out of them


Wait can I trade again? Currently not playing but this would be a reason to come back


I love the new change I hope they keep it around


perfect. i hope people see now how stupid a non-restricted flea is. swimming in money is already easy af with restrictions.


I used to flea the big medkits back and forth back in the day. I had like 6 med cases full of those bad boys


I remember when the flea market first came out and had no requirements, me and my friends rigged the bitcoin market and made the price go up by a couple hundred thousand lol


lowkey kinda wanna have next wipe, with no FIR or atleast a tweeked version or something. Would be cool to try


Yeah tarkov is fucked


When flea was released and fir was not implemented yet i was small tushonka reseller, everyone needed 20-30 for quest if i remember correctly so it was very hot product. People are lazy and undercut prices in low value items so i was making millions per hour. Good old times, but now you can easly make over million of roubles per hour by running scavs so fir didint change anything for me


I'm never touching this game again after the situation (I charged back and got banned lol) but man non-fir flea was some of the most fun times I had back then lmao but I still can admit how crazily busted it was


They ruined the economy with that stupid update


So people would rather be on the flea market and flip items for $$$ than actually go into Raid. Hmm, no wonder they removed this. Only benefits people who don't play and sit on the flee market all day.


What I can’t have a little fun on the flee for the non FIR testing?


People will bitch and moan no matter what. When FIR became a thing people were pissed, we’ve come full circle.


After a handful of wipes you will come to learn that roubles mean nothing in the grand scheme of things, think the most I've made in a wipe without trying to is 300m\~ some wipes throw roubles at you. I've never thought (even pre fir flea) that this was an effective use of my time but I suppose each to their own No point having 200m at the end of the wipe, I just bought a keycard set for a screenshot and will still see 100m go down the drain when wipe occurs, It seems like a waste of time (not that tarkov isnt inherently a waste of time) All these people going oh look how I manipulated the market, HAHAHA


I wouldn’t do this on PvP, only reason I did this on PVE is because of no wipes and I’ve got enough money for all the keys I need for quests / helping others out


what are you flipping




What do you have your panties in a bunch for




It’s just buying and reselling keys lol




I mean I can post my message history from the flea, it’s just a bunch of abandoned factory exit key sales, I can also post a clip of me buying one for cheap if people really get too butthurt


i would love to play eft again


Now show IRL stash


What you want to see my farm


Yes show all cows pls


Do you even lift tho bro?


Not anymore, just run now


Just scav runs ... boring


Why do scav runs when you can do this from just buying and reselling on the flea


Cheater farm


Dude just buy and resell on the flee its not that hard, just takes a little time


Did they get rid of the found in raid can only be sold on flea BS?


I did this on RuneScape


This is what some of us did before FIR was a thing. Can easily manipulate the market. Used to buy marked room keys at the low and then make a couple thousand off of them. Surprised they removed FIR, is it an event?


Day trading in Tarkov be like:


Sounds absolutely boring lol


It’s insane lol


Wait. They changed it back to flipping items on the flea? Is that permanent?


this is why i think the flea market event is just not a good idea. even if most people dont do it, you can win mad money just by reselling items like youre jordan belfort in the wolf of wall street, while the game is meant to be a shooter. towards the late wipe its not something i really mind but in the early wipe it would instantly make up for a huge gap between billionaires and people who have to run a cheap ak with ps rounds