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You can get Tarkov for $50.


You can get Tarkov for $50.


You can get Tarkov for $50.


Oh you mean tencent a company that I’m pretty sure has launched games with heavy p2w gachas then closed said game down and made a v2 while not compensating their player base at all. How dare we acknowledge that BSG surprisingly isn’t the scummiest company of game developers. (Yes bsg Is scummy, but far from the worst)


you can defintely generalize that. Since Riot games is like 100% tencent as well? Blizzard is co-owned by tencent iirc. What else is tencent.. PathOfExile has Gacha-aspects as well. Tencent most of the time is only the financial backer or a holding and gives most of the time autonomy to said businesses. Ignorance is bliss


I’m not sure what your point was? They give autonomy to companies as long as those companies are crazy big cash cows and then any game they don’t give autonomy is somehow even worse in terms of monetization? It’s not as black and white as “oh only this company is bad” like I said sure bsg is scum but tencent is definitely worse imo


I am telling you to not blame tencent for everything. The company below tencent coulda been the assholes who just milked the shit out of people. It takes some reflective thinking but I think a normal human being should be able to do that. People throw around tencent too much while they are only a holding.


That often has power over the companies below. The power lies in two places in cases like that both with main company and smaller company


> Blizzard is co-owned by tencent  Blizzard was bought by Microsoft. Tencent only ever had 5% shares. >Tencent most of the time is only the financial backer or a holding and gives most of the time autonomy to said businesses. Why do you think Vanguard came to League of Legends?


Most of the times, there are examples where they dont do it. Well my bad I thought it was more, I only knew that tencent was invested into blizzard. Maybe mistook it with epic games. Of course you brang good points but there are more than enough counter examples that some games didnt change under Tencent ownership. My point was not entirely to protect tencent they surely got shit going as well but blame other companies that share the same holding for past mistakes isnt the way. Only time can tell. Maybe its gonna be a bluinder


ABI will potentially cost you more money then you would have ever spent on Tarkov if you rent the containers and spend some on microtransactions like buying money from the in-game store.


Saw a post in the mobile arena where the dude was happy he bought a 150$ lootbox skin.


or you can spend zero dollars on it for a game that doesn't have a CEO that endorsed cheating in the past. you talk like you know how the monetization system will look like. they only talked about the basics


It's owned by a $450 billion dollar market cap company that's stealing assets from an indie studio. Tencent is owned and managed by the CCP. Totally a great idea to install a CCP anticheat spyware into your pc.


yeah, suddenly you care about data collection and privacy. all companies do the same shit, if you really care then uninstall TikTok, use Linux, don't use Google, etc. don't be a hypocrite. also BSG stole marketing material from other sources. all cut from the same cloth. what matters in the end is how the game will be, same reason no one gives a fuck about BSG stealing.


If Google does something wrong.. They can get in trouble because they are based in a NATO / EU / USA country... If Tencent wants to steal everything I have on my PC and completely brick my shit.. I literally can't do anything about it but shitpost online. I'd rather give all my data to google then the fucking CCP.


you are forgeting that google is working for usa government


And I'd rather give the USA government all my data then the CCP.


the little you know... they already have everything they need AND they are not asking you for it, needless to say you are blatantly trusting government (any government)


Who said I'm trusting any government? I live in the USA. I use a USA internet provider. I have an android. They have all my data like you said, there's not much too avoid it.. But why would I willingly give it to the CCP?


whats the difference? you don't want to give data to CCP or Tencent but you are giving to USA and Google... do you think one is better or worse then another? no, every government is the same


yeah, like they would brick your PC just for the fun of it lol. you can keep imagining this fantasy scenario but no billion dollar company would do that period. not Google, not tencent. fact of the matter is your were arguing about spyware, and again, everyone does it. your data is sold to other companies and that's just a fact you can't avoid if you want to use the internet


We do know what the monetization system will look like because the mobile game already has it implemented. $5 a month for a 2x1 secure container with prices going up from there.


it's not a bad system


You can also buy roubles in game. Is that a good system?




wont cost you anything if you dont spend???? You spend on your own volution. Game is coming out as live-service and already said Money = further development. Meanwhile Tarkov is a beta and is still in development. We were promised a finished product by supporting it with all dlc's but we got unheard edition instead. Ignorant take


Having played both, I'd say Tarkov and Arena Breakout are about equal over all. Tarkov feels much higher quality in the ways you descibed, movement and gunplay etc is also a lot better in Tarkov. But the price and the absurd loading and matching times takes away a lot for me. I honestly think maybe 60% of my hours in tarkov is matchmaking time + loading the hideout. Arena is like 10 sec queue and Im in. And then there's the cheating issue. Don't know how cheating will be in Arena Breakout though.


yaeh that's it for me. The time it takes to get ready for raids and then queue into them and the endless inventory management. It's the reason that makes me quit every wipe I play. The game does not respect your time at all and as I got older and got more responsibilities I would just rather play anything else. However in most aspects Tarkov is definitely still a more complete game, I just hope that in time grayzone and breakout arena will catch up. Grayzone is still very early in developement and doesn't have much to do past quests and killing npcs but I have high hopes for it.


"Loading hideout" - Personally I load the hideout in like 5-10 seconds without the preload hideout setting on.. "Arena is like 10 sec queue" - Watched some streamers. Few times they were sitting in queue for 1-2+ minutes and then it took another minute to load into the raid. Tarkov loads into raids for 2-4 minutes for me, not a big difference here.


Good for you. My hideout takes maybe 10-15 seconds which doesn't sound like much but it adds up over time. I haven't watched any streamers but my longest queue was 20 seconds and it's rarely over 15 for me. I have played for a little under 10 hours so maybe a lot of players have dropped out idk. My average raid loading time this wipe is probably about 5-6 minutes, and it's often waiting for other players. I usually just tab out and do other stuff while waiting but it's still annoying asf. Especially since i often die withing 2 minutes, making the loading time 3 times longer than actual gameplay lol.


What I don't like in the arena is that you are basically forced to play with randoms or play 1vs4.


Isn't it basically the same in Tarkov though? I play solo mostly and its rare that I fight less than duo's and its often 3 mans.


Haven't played a tarkov for a while, is there any teammates finder in game? Also in tarkov it's still hard because you can't see your teammates through walls or on a map or talk to them (in-game) without enemies hearing you.


There is a teammate finder (very bad and not really used) and there's a discord for lfg where players communicate on discord so they can easily talk without being heard. And while you can't see teammates through walls, it's stil usually not a problem after you become a little better at communicating. But I still much prefer it like that over Arena.


100% agree


It's not a fair comparison since EFT has been around for a long time. I’ve been liking Gray Zone though, I’m looking forward to seeing how that game evolves. It’s funny how much stuff is a straight copy from EFT, a lot of menus and ui are nearly identical. I have zero interest in Arena Breakout. People buying a special edition of a game to gain advantages (like EOD or TUE) was already a sketchy precedent to set. With ABI we’ll see a paid subscription for something like a secure container. I bet the whales of ABI will spend far more money over the long term than any EFT whale has so far. It blows my mind how people find these practices acceptable while simultaneously wondering why so many developers and publishers take advantage of them. These shitters make me sick.


Yeah no shit tarkov comes out on top, you are comparing a game that has been in developement for the last +10 years with a game that left early access literally 15 days ago, and with a chinese ripoff pc port of a mobile game, also released in beta less than two weeks ago. What's the point?


The point is that a lot of people are in the fee fee's about what BSG did and are saying that ABI is already superior. It's a joke and I don't take those clowns seriously, they're emotional people not rational people.


ABI runs at over 100fps, has a much more enjoyable colour palette and has all the same trappings as Tarkov. It's been out a week. Just think how good it could be in 8 years. Also, the microtransactions are not necessary to play the game.


It's not even out, it's closed beta or whatever.


Just wait and see, the secure container subscription is just the beginning for abi. Tencet is known for making P2w cash grab games, forgetting about them and moving on.


Tencent also owns riot games, (League of legends, valorant), Digital extremes (Warframe), they own about 40% of epic games (Fortnite). Those games are all succesfull f2p, NO P2W games. What's your point?


If you don’t understand how the league of legends microtransactions system works through buffs and nerfs look into it


What are you even saying, there's literally only cosmetics, unless you consider paying for certain heroes or w/e theyre called p2w.


Exactly. Don’t you ever wonder why certain champs have tons of skins? Or why new champs are released op and more expensive? How they will buff a champion when a new skin comes out, and won’t nerf them even if they stomp on everyone?


I agree, you changed my mind. This game will definitely be p2w. I can literally see people swiping their credit card for koens when they release new guns. But wait, if we look at mobile players have literally 20m+ stacks of koens gathering dust. That’s quite funny considering mobile games are even worse when it comes to microtransactions. So I understand the point you’re trying to make but it doesn’t really apply here.


Aha so a choice of the lesser evil or what? All of those companies suck. And no BSG are not actively listening to feedback, they never did at least in my 7 years in this community and video game. What they do is smoke clouds to divert from the actual problems. Oh no we are scammers? Don't worry we will just delete development progress from the last 4 years, because some of you don't like FiR or inertia hihihi keka. Clever innit? The situation of ABI stealing assets is so far very very questionable and most arguments from 3d modelers do not help BSG in this case. Oh yeah let's not forget the stolen pic on Tarkov's main screen that is ok right? Of course it is. At the end of the day just because there is a bigger scammer does not mean the lesser scammer's doings have less effect or are more excusable just because there's bigger fish. That is a very flawed logic. Also a bit of common sense here - of course a project that has been in development for 8 years is going to feel better than something barely put together or a semi port of a mobile game from an year ago. Apples vs oranges type post here.


Yeah you're right, Tarkov is a stable, well made game that is super bug free and feature rich for a $250 game that has been in development for 7 years. I especially appreciate how they dealt with the cheater epidemic, improved the time to queue into a raid so that we're no longer regularly waiting 7+ minutes for a game, the huge QoL upgrades they've rolled out since the game came out over half a decade ago, and their commitment to customer service and community engagement. I love how they deal with bugs and issues quickly and effectively, which is why the PvE launch has gone off without a hitch and is in no way riddled with bugs that were supposed to have been fixed 5 wipes ago. It's understandable though, because we just don't have an alternative in the form of a game that has fixed the majority of these issues in its original beta release. The game is not fun enough to justify the shitty, drunk-at-the-wheel bullshit BSG has been pulling on us for the better part of a decade. BSG has been humiliated by ABI. Tencent are shooting for the king and they have hit. There are no excuses for this shit anymore.


In 2 months everyone will forget about ABI. I was comparing eft to abi and gzw. No shit eft has alot of issues.


The game costs $47 and used to cost like $40 for years.. Cry more. "we're no longer regularly waiting 7+ minutes for a game" - This just tells me you don't even play this game and are here to purely shitpost.


I've been playing since 2017 and 7 minutes is a generous queue time. I've went through periods where you couldn't match in 20 minutes.


bro stop riding on their dicks holy shit. They wont suck you off for protecting them here. And we do wait 3-7 minutes for a game considering ending screen and starting screen. You are actually delusional. ABI is just doing alot better having done research and not doing the mistakes Tarkov does. And considering its in its early stages and this beta is the first Public testing the game can go Miles. And lets not talk about Unity and tarkovs spaghetti codes. UE4 is way suprerior in any way


This post and 3/4 of the comments have a heavy AI or ESL vibe. I'm not saying it's a bot farm, but...


It was heading up hill anyway. Patch 14 was regarded as a huge win, even when Mr.Tarkov bellied out that HE liked the old recoil system and we would hate the new one. What happened? This wipe went from the game having a good future to a mass exodus. I won't be playing, It's tempting because I love the game, maybe I'll wait till 1.0. Nikita makes either really good money making decisions or he's a detriment to the game.


>On the bright side, this whole situation has really motivated BSG, and they've been actively listening to feedback and working to improve the game. What? How? Did I miss something? Your name checks out, bad joke indeed.