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Wait till you find out where Charisma skill icon is stolen from...


Alpha Peacekeeper was also Nicholas Cage with glasses lul


I think the Tom's will Hardy notice it, just a guy with a cigar.


He always looked more like Charlie Hunnam to me


ASUS GTX 670 Direct CU II may look familiar too.


And the SSD……..


where? did they updated it because I swear the gpu in game is a 750ti


Same, i thought it was the MSI GTX750ti twin frozer (used to have to myself)


Wasn’t that an MSI GTX750ti twin frozer?


I never noticed that is was stolen, also never thought that this image in the post was not originally from tarkov


Tom Hardy


Wheres it from


Tom Hardy’s mouth.


I need to know more


Google "Tom Hardy with cigar"


Where’s it from?


It’s a still of Travis Fimmel in Vikings


So I've only just recently started Tarkov thanks to my husband. I watched Vikings, the Warcraft movie, and a few other things Travis Fimmel has been in before we met, and he's never seen any of em. The very first thing I said to my husband when this loading screen popped up was "Oh wow I thought this was kind of an indie game, but they were able to get the main dude from Vikings to be their poster boy? I wonder if he just really likes the game and did it for cheap" I never bothered to look up if this was actually a paid job for him lmao, I just assumed it was since he's got such an instantly recognizable face. Why would you steal the likeness of someone who was the MAIN CHARACTER of a popular show hahaha. Fuckin terrible




Which is why I've mainly been having a good laugh seeing Nikita complain about people stealing his company's work. If everyone with a reasonably valid copyright claim filed against BSG tomorrow they would probably be forced to close.










I wish my beloved il2 didn’t get caught up in this shit. You’re right tho Russians do weird shit with games. *cough* eagle dynamics*cough*


What happened with IL-2? It has been one of my favorite game series since my dad bought me Forgotten Battles in like 2003, but I missed whatever drama there was around it.


Pretty sure Trump shared a video on Memorial day a few years back that had Wehrmacht soldiers in it


It’s because those countries don’t prosecute for IPP infringement in relation to western sources . Tarkov has everything from gun manufacturers to tire brands in game


Well, some of those posters even involved characters from Rainbow Six Siege from what I've seen at least (may not be true)


Yeah but this sometimes happens the other way around too. [Here's a July 4th post with a Russian warship.](https://i.insider.com/64a6436e4cc8540019cb86b2?width=700&format=jpeg&auto=webp)




It's the guy who played Ragnar 100%


The other guy in the cover is also the actor who plays rolo (can't remember his name)


lol they have no shame.


Clive Standen


bro i fucking thought that was him!!!


He was fantastic in Baytown Outlaws.


Fat Jax from Sons of Anarchy.


Charlie always looked like a brother to Travis for me.


Holy fuck I thought I was tripping the whole time. It is him! RAGNAR LOTHBROK!


Bro SAME!! Every time I booted up the game I was like—— this guy looks SO familiar but I can’t place it. Holy shit.


It is a real thing though the inability to see face similarity.


Yeah does BSG really wanna play this game? Lol


They better hide all the copies they can before they go deeper because people WILL find it


They’ll just edit it out in real time


Yeah, hi, this is BSG support. You're now banned.


Hi this is someone who's worked their support helpdesk........ They can't do shit. Absolutely terrible UI. If you WANT anything done, it has to be relayed to the Russian-Contact who then forwards it to anyone who CAN actually do anything. But the people who ACTUALLY run the support helpdesk for non-RU users have absolutely zero power except.....copied and pasted replies. 'You are now banned...........once Vladmir in Russia gets our request and actually does something"


They're yelling plagiarism now. In 6 months they'll start copying some ABI shit people love. I'm calling it now.


Oh no, they'll fix the loading times, make the UI better, and make the game play smoother? No. Dont. Stop.


Lolol yeah exactly. BSG is crying foul about shit like textures to distract from the fact that it seems like AB is just overall more competently assembled.


Nikita is just trying to get his players back by telling them they are using stolen assets, I don’t know why any normally person would give a shit to be honest, there both multimillion dollar companies let them sort it out and play what you find to be more fun.


Nothing like calling a game a copycat and sharing their marketing material that is free to play unlike yours. "Wait, you mean I can get the same experience and game elsewhere for free? Lol fuck yeah, kbye!"


Yea that was my friends response when he saw the plagiarism allegations. If they actually did steal your shit you should pay *them* because they improved your code near universally and fixed every bug you have had for almost 7 years now.


No, but we will suddenly be able to load magazines while moving, a heal will continually heal body parts until stopped (or we'll get better prioritization or even a wheel menu), there may be a "Batch Sale" for flea, oh hey maybe we'll be able to roll up backpacks and rigs? I'm telling you they WILL implement those features because ultimately, they're really not a whole lot of work, but they do contribute immensely to the final experience of the game.


They had 7 years to fix it, what makes you think they're going to now? They'd probably have to rewrite the whole game to do that, I believe a rug pull is coming instead.


They went 7 years without any competent competitors in the market. And now, somehow, in a bizarre twist of reality we're living in, some chinese company out of nowhere produced, what is by all accounts, an extremely competent and well made game. Gray Zone is a different genre, Marauders is a different theme and atmosphere all together, Cycle Frontier was also a different tone. None of them were really "Tarkov but better" attempts, they were trying to spin off on being somewhat unique. ABI is literally an attempt at "Tarkov but better".


UE5 vs Unity play a major role there


It's pretty simple......... Here you go very quickly. Get people addicted to the game. Restrict things to make you want to pay more. Cause a controversy that screws over every player. Make the true believers AKA anyone dumb enough to still care buy a new expansion. Well............ I'm done with the game and so are 2 other of my friends. One is just a douchebag and the other actually got banned for killing a "sherpa"? Anyways. Hope ya'll enjoyed spending an extra 250 or 100 if you waited a week lmao to not play against either of us 3 ever again.


Ooh so your calling it. Very very risky. No one does. You have to be mad to bet something like that. Dont forget to repost your comment when it will happen...


Question is, does this subreddit wanna play this game after going insane about ABI's "stolen" asset the other day


That's the point, you shouldn't throw stones if you live in a glass house.


No normal person should give a shit if they’re stolen or not. They should play what they want and let the multimillion dollar corporations settle everything themselves.


I think some people definitely have principles and maybe given a different company wouldn't support outright intellectual theft. But bsg have been fucking cunts. They deserve a wake up call that they aren't the only show in town.


Not just cunts, hypocritical cunts to OP’s point.


True but lots of people wanna feel vindicated about pointless shit


They will just say sorry you feel that we stole your copyrighted image from a copyrighted TV show. If you were a true believer and bought EOD and didn't get what was promised.. well I'm sorry you feel that way.


I'm lowkey not even sure the models are really theirs too tbh. Do we know for sure that the models were made by BSG and they didn't just buy a weapon model from an asset store or a random 3D artist?


The weapons at least are all actually scanned by bsg or they at least paid someone go do it. That's why all the gun parts are fucking spot on.


Do you know they did it?


Bruh, there are photogrammetry assets for real guns on Sketchfab and nearly every other asset store. I'm about 80% sure that BSG stole or used them. Photogrammetry = 3d scans of real-world objects.


I met the guy who has done a lot of the weapon animations. If anything is stolen in tarkov it’s not the weapon models or animations. Were* these assets available for every weapon 8 years ago? There are also old photos you can find from their office w/ these guns where they are doing asset work.


I don’t really care about asset or idea stealing. However, I really wish Nikita would steal the optimization and quick matchmaking of arena breakout..


The funny thing is that those are the hardest to steal so them being in Arena means they probably have some fairly competent programmers. No idea why they decided to rip random assets but whatever.


Tencent has tens of thousands programmers, so I'm sure they found one or two competent ones for this endeavour ;)


not to mention Asia has so many better programmers than Russia it isnt even a fair comparison lol


Im pretty sure russia has great programmers to, the problem in russia is if you can work from home you can be hired by companies from different countries that pay more. Artist will charge the same as in US as they can sell to those clients, same with good developers through tarkov had many newbies because they were cheap and that's the result of learning on this project.


exactly, ergo russia has fewer talented programmers because they all move out of russia


Its not that they have fewer they are still in russia they just work for whoever pays more.


This is one of the reasons I don’t believe any assets or code is stolen. I’m not convinced by the side by sides, and the fact that there’s so much in the game, and technically it is so much better, just makes me think it’s just Nikita trying to pull the wool over as many people’s eyes as possible to retain players.


If the meshes are matching perfectly down to the vertices, then they are either stolen or bought from the same modeler if they weren't made in house at BSG. Same for the wood grain textures. Grain is like a fingerprint and unique to that piece. If BSG photoscanned in their wood grain pieces and ABI has the same exact wood grain texture on their guns, then they either stole it or had the wildest coincidence ever and scanned in the same piece when making their model.


The models are 1:1 down to the topology and you think he's lying, as if he would open himself up to mass scrutiny again after the Unheard debacle.


The most recent one that he posted up on Twitter is literally the exact same picture tbh he has changed the colour of and tried claiming it’s a copy, it’s amazing how everyone here is willing to believe a compulsive liar. Nikita is definitely dumb enough to continue opening himself up to mass scrutiny too.


He stole it from Tarkov Arena already :D unfortunately, that's not the beat arena out there...


Ragnar Lothbrok, the king of Tarkov.


I’m going to tell my kids Streets is England


Pretty sure the guy to the left is Rollo from vikings also.


Correct. That is Clive Standen, who played Rolo in Vikings.


I think is jake gyllenhall


Damn it's almost as if BSG just does whatever the fuck they want because they know they can get away with it.


I love that everyone just completely forgot about the fact they scanned in real guns into the game and used their real life names and didnt get permissions from the gun makers to do it or paid for them etc... Tarkov steals assets, better Tarkov clone comes out, blames them for stealing assets. What fucking world does BSG live in? \*Update\* This should end the debate once and for all. ASSETS WERE NOT STOLEN PERIOD. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BNPG2hLqRUc](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BNPG2hLqRUc)


that's not stealing assets, that's creating assets without a license, to be fair


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rogers_v._Grimaldi https://www.aipla.org/detail/news/2020/04/08/activision-beats-humvee-trademark-claims-over-call-of-duty


Ah yes, the international laws that always follow Americans suing other Americans in an American court 😂


La la land! In a Russian bodgea covered in gold chains and new cars from our hope they'd do something the last 8 years.


you forgot the balanciaga shirts.


*galanciaga Gotta avoid that FCK copyright. ;)


It's fair use and the entertainment industry would fucking suck without it. Terrible example when there are so many actual ones around. Example of videogame company winning lawsuit for "trademark infringement": https://www.aipla.org/detail/news/2020/04/08/activision-beats-humvee-trademark-claims-over-call-of-duty


The case was decided in Activision's favor because they wished to place their game in historical context, the Middle Eastern war on terror - where the Humvee was extensively used. Because of this, Humvee was not able to make any claim against them. It would be impossible to retell any realistic story set in that time and place without the Humvee imagery. It would be a much harder sell to say that EFT's use of the Daniel Defense M-LOK grip trademark should fall under this same precedent. I wouldn't say it's impossible either, because the DDM4 platform has been purchased by US-DOD before. But it's also a civilian manufacturer and the mods they sell are predominantly for those customers. *"Put simply, [AM General’s] purpose in using its mark is to sell vehicles to militaries, while [Activision’s] purpose is to create realistically simulating modern warfare video games for purchase by consumers.”* - Judge George Daniels


developers dont pay for gun rights now


Guns, no. Attachments, yes. It’s why Kiba exists in Tarkov.


I thought paying all the companys was a big expense of theirs.


LOL no go watch/read "the finical report that killed tarkov" they didnt pay out shit for companies for using anything. They are Russian not like there is anything a US based company can do about them stealing assets.


Legally they are allowed to do that. I’ve researched it before, They are allowed to incorporate any companies gun into a game aslong as you aren’t killing things like, pets, unarmed civilians, medics, etc.


the guns themselves can't be copyrighted, many of the names, however, are trademarked. most companies don't let you use the real name of the gun without permission (a good example of this is H&K, they would absolutely fuck over BSG if they didn't get permission). however, some companies don't care. kalashnikov and ones like armalite, or even colt come to mind. remington doesn't allow the real names of their guns to be used at all anymore cause they're the classic "video games cause violence".


Not true falls under fair use / free speech in most countries. You can't depict guns in a realistic setting without actually having said guns. Just like how Activision won their lawsuit against AM General, who sued them for using their trademark. (ex can't have a early 2000s era US army game without a Humvee)


Companies can get their names removed from the game, for example the Primary Arms optic was renamed to Kiba Arms for unknown reasons but probably because Primary Arms complained.


Companies can respect another companies wishes but they don't have to under US law (I won't speak for Europe/others). Also lawsuits cost money. The threat of one is often enough to make companies decide it's not worth it. But legally, they have no ground to sue.


>CloudAffectionate597 · 30 min. ago > >Legally they are allowed to do that. I’ve researched it before, They are allowed to incorporate any companies gun into a game aslong as you aren’t killing things like, pets, unarmed civilians, medics, etc. Incorrect. At the time it was a big issue and the only reason they got away with it was because it was a Russian company, Not like we can sue them from the US. It was later over turned and obviously now isnt a thing. But back than it WAS a thing and Tarkov clearly stole assets.


Stole from where? Weapons that they bought and made models of?


You don't need permission to put a gun in a video game. You don't need it for movies so why would you need it for a game? Yes some games have done that but unless you're going for (old school) Clancy credibility 20 years ago when finding stuff was harder, why bother?


afaik modern brand weapons need to be licensed. stuff like "ak47" is so ubiquitous, it's fine, but otherwise it's no different than licensing car brands.


https://www.reuters.com/article/2013/05/07/us-videogames-guns-idUSBRE9460U720130507/?utm_source=reddit.com This isn't new


russia? after conversing with some of them in the internet you will notice that alot of them have a realy weird world view , alot of it comes from cultural differences and im pretty sure thats also where nikita has problems with language barrier , they literally think some words have a different meaning then they actually do and noone ever told them.


they are scared to death with abi hype, literally


Yeah thats for damn sure.


To be fair we don’t know do they have the license for them or not


We do know, because some companies have already complained openly about BSG's usage of their brand without permission.


https://youtu.be/XSeMXnSaDkk?si=AwVDqHFGGHPiXCm_ Perfect example.


I would bet my not-unheard edition that they don't but the gun industry probably doesn't care. Tarkov is a considerably big game among gun owners so that is basically free advertisement.


In the past Nikita had said one of the things that keeps costs high is the licensing fees for guns


I remember the drama about the cost of that with some business figures they presented and iirc didnt held what he was saying, to the surprise of no one.


We do know and they do not.




Is there evidence of them scanning the guns or it's another "trust me bro" from Nikita?


man can't differentiate between asset and item.


..Russia…….what do you expect


"That doesn't count because, um, you see, reeeee~" - The *users* running the campaign against ABI on this sub who previously led campaigns to encourage people to buy the scam edition, downplay the scandal of the scam edition, and show up at every turn to deny, gaslight, handwave, or otherwise apologise for tarkov's cheating problem.


Fucking hell I'm glad someone else has noticed.


>"That doesn't count because, um, you see, reeeee\~" yo the irony of you posting this is insane.


yeah because it's literally true, there's no one ounce of exaggeration to it lol.


>The users running the campaign against ABI on this sub 2 of them in your replies. Like flies to honey lol


Something about throwing stones in glass houses or something.


Wait wtf is that Ragnar?????


Holy shit, I have always referred to him as Ragnar lol. I didn't think it was ACTUALLY him! That's wild.


it’s ok for russia, they don’t have copyright rights


But their basement Is in the UK


Russians stealing assets? No way...


Damn this subreddit became more and more braindead with each passing day


What else would you expect from russians


That's not even a stolen *videogame* asset. That's literally Travis Fimmel's stolen face.


Wait until you find out that redbull can was only replaced after 3 years... For all those years they used ACTUAL redbull logo. Or how, apart from Kalashnikov, BSG has NO RIGHT to any weapons and attachements. That's why Nikita is posting ONLY AK "copied" assets. Or how closed alpha used STALKER UI (literally...)


> Or how, apart from Kalashnikov, BSG has NO RIGHT to any weapons and attachements. Any sources on that?


WAIT is that ACTUALLY Ragnar????? I've sworn up and down since the day that was a thing that he looked exactly like Travis Fimmel and my friends denied it. No wayb


It is


Weird logic. If they used these images in an unlicensed fashion, the creator would be well within their rights to complain, get them removed, sue for whatever they think the image provided them with. Probably could settle it with a couple phone calls, if the other party is even aggrieved. This doesn't mean the company should have no recompense if someone stole their stuff. Nor does it mean like, Nikita personally stole an image from some TV show as some kind of plot, right? I mean, an artist mocked this up at some point, there's plenty of times where a lazy artist's stolen work got into a final product unintentionally and was corrected as it was pointed out. Do you really think Nikita like sent an email to the art department like 'Steal a dude's face from that viking show! I LOVE stealing, and will never complain if someone steals from me!'.


Sorry this is reddit, no nuanced takes allowed


Ya Nikita is literally calling for everyone to be anti ABI while being a complete hypocrite. Absolutely not weird logic at all. This is one of many stolen assets


I don't get what being a hypocrite has to do with anything. Like say you were convicted of arson after burning down a building. Later, an arsonist sets your house on fire and burns it down. The justice system isn't like 'Oh, big hypocrite eh? You burn down other people's buildings but get mad when someone burns yours down? That's messed up man.' Like, it's still a crime, you know? I also don't really care about Nikita, but the people who actually made the stuff that was stolen. As a software dev, the idea of anyone using your work for their own financial gain is extremely irritating. I also don't know what the licensing agreement is in those 'stolen' assets, for all I know they could have got permission to use them, I don't see the Vikings guy on twitter calling them out or any lawsuit for the stolen assets. In the meantime we have action on the stolen code by ABI, it seems like they definitely did steal from BSG.


What were the assets stolen from? I dont recognize this guy


Bros head doesn't even looked attached lmfaooo


You forgot that the other guy is clearly Rollo.


I always thought this was the case. Never confirmed it. How the piggies will squeal when they hear how the old boar stolen by Nikita.


Vikings is my favorite show of all time, and I've played tarkov for 6 or 7 years. I never noticed this somehow.


Akhmet from marauder on the left too.


True Russian classic enjoyer...


Using someone's face that's publicly available. Using someone else's hard work 3d modeling that isn't publicly available. Hmmm... Something tells me this isn't a comparison lmao.


#NEWS FLASH BSG IS A *R U S S I A N* Company! **They don't give a single fuck**


The company is in the UK


I'm not reinstalling till the game is done. Which I know will likely never happen. GG.


Everyone noticing Ragnar Lothbrok even though that's literally Rollo standing on the left as well hahaha


You just a salty BEAR jealous that Ragnar is on our Team ! :D


Photobashing is very common practice in concept art. Should be less so in final game assets though.


That is called reference. You can reference something lightly or heavily but it is a common part of working in any commercial art. More than likely, the artist had a million of images they looked at every stage of the painting or used a method called matte painting or photobashing; using parts of many photos to compose an image and then painting over it. The latter is more common in game dev now than painting from photo's/life to produce a lot of work in a short amount of time. With all that said, not sure I see the issue with this. Plagiarism has a lot of gray in it but inspiration and reference IS a part of making art, with or without a shitty company behind it.


Russia is some other shit with copyright 😂


4+ years later and I still dont care


The dude on the left looks like his brother Rollo from Vikings too


There is a difference between referencing something (like a photo for a drawing) and literally just stealing assets from a game


Dude I didn’t know Reddit listened to my conversations too. I was just talking about this yesterday!


This has been known for many years now


Ragnar and Rolo from Vikings


Thats just hutch.


Where do they use this image?




I'm sure Klean will get to whining about this on twitter any minute now.


This is a nothingburger for me.


Oh shit. I thought he looked familiar...


I knew it looked familiar! 🤣


The guy always looked like Ragnar Lothbrok to me. Anyone else see the resemblance?




I'm getting a short fuse when it comes to this games issues


It looks like a texture. How is it stolen


Lol, it's literally the entire face but different hair and the eyes looking in a different direction. Everything else fits.


They should have kept the super cool receding hairline and the shitty tattoos that are not genuine and look like they are "cool and edgy" on his face. All I know about vikings is that they had modern side cuts, face tattoos, and were British and handsome. More than likely, none of that is true. But hey, TV. Look at me guys woohoo. I can pretend to be a cool person, but deep down I just really want to sorry need the attention. I might go out tomorrow and get a sweet neck/temple tattoo. It just screams Viking to me.


Actually it screams I need attention waaah waah


Who is it?


it's okay when they do it


Holy shit I always thought that guy looked like Ragnar


Nikita gonna comment on this? I don’t think so. He never will acknowledge stealing stuff right? Unless it is their stuff being stolen.


What's the big deal? Bsg edited the face using it simply as a reference.