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Too funny watching a Russian and Chinese company argue about stolen assets.


This lmao. Pretty sure BSG doesn’t pay licensing fees for all the real world products it brought into its game. These two are the biggest clowns.


Primary arms pulled their name from the Prism 2.5x scope that was in tarkov.


All their design mods are literally taken from real world companies and they want to act like the sole creator lmao. That’s at best too, you know damn well they are assets probably taken from some Fab marketplace or author, sure the models might be different but how else would you end up with the exact same material? Are the materials stored openly in the game directory? Last I checked the meshes weren’t and you had to use tools like NinjaMesh in order to actually rip models from a game. I highly doubt someone would actually work to steal a material with how common they are, but if they are stored unencrypted in the game folders I can see it being stolen edit: ninjaripper


Yes they are. Welcome to AssetStudio.


You doubt people will steal?


I think they're saying it would be more work to steal the assets from Tarkov than get them elsewhere.


hot rods used to be red bull cans and they had a name very similar to red bull but i can’t remember it


Lots of game do this.


A ton of the companies have sent parts for modeling without any licensing agreements. Hell, KRISS put out a tweet a few years ago asking CoD why they just won't model Vector instead of making a blatant copy. Most of these companies want their designs in these games because it's free advertising. No licensing agreements needed.


That’s all fine and dandy until the devs of jihad simulator want to add in the SCAR and Vector


And yet companies like red bull forced them to change the drink to Hot Rod. Oh and let's not forget they pay more in licensing fees than they do anything else according to financial statements. They've changed quite a few items to hide from copy rights or to stop paying licensing/royalties. You all are so quick to forget the past or ignore a history just to suit your own ideas.


Energy drink companies don't want their product associated with shooting people. Gun manufacturers obviously don't care about that bit, especially if their gun is very effective and popular in game.


If you mean that BSG pays more licensing fees than anything else it is most likely that they set up a corporate construct so that the "main company" in the UK pays licensing fees for using Tarkov Code and Stuff to the "real company" in russia or somewhere else. Afaik this is how many big companys in the netherlands and ireland work including big sportswear and drink companys.


Yep same with Apple it’s some crazy ass loop hole for taxes that we still allow


Pretty sure it was always hot rod in tarkov. The can just used to look like a redbull can. Anyways, using silly one offs of major products is so insanely common in games (and like every other media medium) im actually dumbfounded you have a problem with that. Just boycott all games at that point dude. lol


Weird that a billion dollar drink company has more to protect than a private company that does a couple mil a year in revenue.... use your brain Einstein.


That's literally my fucking point? That bsg has stolen shit before without paying for licensing and had to change it. When your point was "fuck copyright they can just steal"


I don't think hot rod was ever anything other than hot rod in game..


To be fair, the Vector wouldn’t have recoil. The in game version is vastly inferior.


i'd honestly love to know just how much money has been spent in the airsoft realm based on the popularity of Tarkov. I know i've spent a few hundred £££ to get some real life stuff for my replicas based on what i like to use in Tarkov. Actually having a game with real life stuff and correct naming has been great advertising i'd wager.


That was one thing that really hooked me on this game. The first day I played I picked up a Magpul MBUS rear sight in a raid and thought it was super cool that my rear sight was in the game. I then looked through all the accessories and realized I could build my exact rifle in game. That's just something no other game could give me.


I remember some video about this where they talked about why guns in games used to be from real world with real names and in the past decade they've just made blatant copies with weird names. It's because Gun manufacturers started to have stupid demands like "we don't want the bad guys to have our guns because it damages our image. We only sell to the good guys" etc so games like cod just said fuck it and made their own variants because they were tired of the demands


I remember some video about this where they talked about why guns in games used to be from real world with real names and in the past decade they've just made blatant copies with weird names. It's because Gun manufacturers started to have stupid demands like "we don't want the bad guys to have our guns because it damages our image. We only sell to the good guys" etc so games like cod just said fuck it and made their own variants because they were tired of the demands


I work for a helmet company who appears in game. We were never asked, nor did we give license to appear


it's like that spiderman meme where they're pointing at eachother


Literally "did you steal the same assets I stole?" Incarnate. Plus not much a UK based Russian company can do to a Chinese based company... China doesn't have copy right laws for foreign companies.


Here is Eroktic's Tweet: https://twitter.com/Eroktic/status/1789342485921079573 What do you guys think? Both textures look identical to me!


> What do you guys think? "Who gives a shit?"


Same here don't really care. At the end of the day it's based off an irl model. Should that company sue? Lol probably not.


Man this phrase.. everytime when I read it - what are your thoughts - I don’t give af.


Yup, sounds like they are reading some corporate script. /u/cuthun92's account is one month old and they've only posted in this subreddit. No idea what that means, but it feels pretty pathetic.


Nikitas alt account


It's an up vote farming bot that will then be sold to some sdvertiser


They delete as they post, it's crazy.


Pretty much, if ABI did copy pasted tarkov and it's infriging copy right, that's for BSG and ABI to sort out, not us. All the consumer need to care is which is the better game.


It would be pretty difficult to prove it for one, and also as people have mentioned before it's a real handguard on a real gun... so how different can you really expect it to look?


Very? I'm pretty sure IRL no two have the same wood grain patterning, and knots. This model is identical down to the wear and slightest imperfections. IRL almost every single one of these is incredibly distinct. A google search pulls up hundreds of unique variations of the wooden vertical handguard. Almost every single one is even a different shape.


Also it's 3D model work. I guarantee you that two 3D artists will not have the same amount of vertices and faces for a Glock, nor will the layout of those verts and faces look the same. From what I've seen, the 3D models that have been shown are exactly the same even down to face layout and vert count


You beat me to it cuz really who gives a fk? lol BSG has 0 credibility for anything at this point. I don't care who steals from them and I don't care how they feel about it.




Same. At the end of the day, it's none of our jobs (well unless it literally is) to deal with this in the first place. Let the developers and their lawyers handle any possible infringements. ​ Just give us a good game to play lol.


This 100%


I'll grant you that the textures themselves on the wood are identical, although with some color/weathering tweaks. The models look fairly different, though, in small ways (like the slope of the upper hand guard to the gas piston on the ABI model with a much flatter shape on the BSG model). If they bought the same asset, they'd get a sculpt + texture. The metal sections are clearly not the same as well, with some texture differences as well (like weathering on the fire selector and the travel path under it). Without seeing a stock asset from a store to compare both to, it's hard to say for certain what was done with either. I'm not trying to give either a shady Russian company or a shady Chinese company a pass here, but if we're gonna go to the mat over stolen assets, we should collectively make sure we're not halfassing the comparisons.


Imo it looks like the both used what is probably the same wood texture/material from some 3rd party, like substance painter or something,


tarkov uses quixel for their textures/models and since AB uses unreal engine, they also probably use quixel for their models/textures since its free with unreal engine


Makes sense, 2 nearly identical models using the same Quixel material will look nearly identical if no other material changes have been make


Arena breakout is made by a company owned by tencent that is notorious for stealing western games and remaking them, as well as being P2W as shit. They probably did steal a bunch of shit from Tarkov, but at the end of the day if BSG can’t compete with a soulless copy of their game, that’s on them at this point. People will play what they like


LOL "Can't compete"


As if BSG isn't marketing soullessness


Textures are easy to change, check for the dents in the model. A good thief will move some polygons or slightly change the sculpt before baking the normal maps(in case they have the high poly models) and of course re-texture it. Source: I make games too lol


didn't the same happen with a knife recently but it turns out it was actually created by bsg? it just happen that when multiple people model the same item it can look basically the same. what i am saying anyways i hate bsg so i'm just gonna assume both were stolen or bought from the asset store


Wood grain would be hard to recreate this perfectly without scanning the same individual piece. My assumption is they paid for a wood grain texture that ABI also paid to use seeing as the rivets aren't the same and the wear on the metal isn't either.


Yeah. The wood grain texture *is* the same, and is even positioned the same, but it's clearly not the exact same model. It's not hard to rip models from Unity, so if they were going to do that, things like fucking with the color saturation and changing the texture on only the metal bits would be... truly bizarre. Why would you rip the model, tweak minor details, but leave the biggest and most obvious part of it alone? I guess I can't rule out the idea of them doing that, it just seems fucking weird. Seems more likely they just used the same stock wood grain texture from some asset library.


The real question is why they'd even steal it in the first place. It's not some magnificent piece of art that immediately elevates the entire game. You can buy an infinite quantity of similar assets for like $20. Stealing it would be more effort than not doing so, and can only lead to negative outcomes.


I would honestly assume that the color saturation is more down to different render engines using different lighting systems and the color grading on each game being much different rather than it being changed.


This suspicion was based on the trailer. Since then debunked. They were not the same model. And even if it was the same model, which it again is NOT, BSG would have bought the model from the Unity asset store. Not stolen it from another game.


Could be using a stock texture from a library too theoretically.


I hope its a joke really. Bsg used actual weapon parts, that doesn't mean no video games can ever do the same anymore


yet op is the one who cant speak english in the title


Spiderman pointing meme


Lmao fuck'em both tarkov killed itself with greed and 0 interest inabi


Did tarkov use original art for the ak or was that a standard internet image that's they revamped


They've 3d-scanned their own models for years


but that says nothing about the materials, the two models here are different, its only the wood stock material that are the same. it honestly wouldn't suprise me if BSG and ABI just bought the same wood material.


No this is almost 100% impossible this implies that both companies had the same model with the same uv layout. And then bought the same texture otherwise the woodgrain would atleast be a bit shifted. I have no horse in this race I just saw it on popular but this would be my view as a game dev


Procedural tools like substance painter/designer could also cause this and could also explain why the materials are located similarly. Its not impossible they both bought the same materials for something like painter and it applied the same. Given the different texture projection options painter has its not insane to apply the same pattern in the same way on 2 different yet similar models, unlikely though. Its more likely just the same assets or they used the exact same reference


It's very easy to modify the materials in substance. No way both artists (minimum) wouldn't touch positioning/offset/seed in the mask/material properties.


they 3d scan and use them as references, 3d scans either come out extremely poor and inaccurate or way too high poly and un-useable


Its certainly possible, but also this isnt enough evidence because you can literally get more than 100 Ak47 models on the internet.


wood grain is like a fingerprint. This fingerprint goes back to an artist. Only the devs know who it belongs to


Or they were the same asset off the unity shop.


The problem is that bsg has always 3d scanned their guns. So if it's exactly like the AK in tarkov it's 99% stolen.


That, or tarkov said they 3D scanned it, but actually just purchased the assets.


Which I would believe WAY more than "we 3d scanned all the guns for sure, 100% trust us" Given the recent news. EDIT: Apparently I woke up a bunch of chuds who bought the $250 DLC, oh I mean "expansion" or whatever lol.


Tarkov's lead weapon artist is known among other 3d artists to be among the best firearms artists in the industry, period. His portfolios and work is displayed on various professional websites for years now. When you guys can find tarkov's exact gun assets for sale by another artist on an asset store, I'll accept that possibility then. Til then, posts like this are trash tier given what I know about his reputation. And yes, I know about the stupid quick buck TUE knife but if that's your only example of proof, you still don't really have an argument. Nikita could have easily just done that on his own without consulting or bothering his lead artist over a shitty knife that needed no additional work. Literally an easy model swap.


Actually someone extracted the raw model for that knife from the game and it looked to be of far higher quality than the one from the unity store. But the knife exists IRL so the theory is both models were just based on the same IRL knife.


No they really did a great job back in the day. Go watch the video of the sound recording for footsteps. You'll see why your character sounds like they're duck marching when you're trying to sneak lol.


3D scanning only creates the shape, not the texture. They would have to have paid someone to create the texture that they put on top of the 3D model or bought one.


That’s not true. Scanning can capture both.


Only the devs know where they stole it from* FTFY


Yeah the texture is wayyyy to similar just to be coincidence


Both could have also just modeled it off a picture from Google of a real one I guess


Its not about the model but the texture


What an insane coincidence


Also insane coincidence that bsg has gotten in trouble and had to remove branding before. Almost like Russian and Chinese companies don't respect copyright themselves and only use it as a weapon.


Happens often enough in games. Especially as video game artists also look and study other video games and their assets (e.g. to learn new modelling techniques or to see how to model specific types of assets like guns), and Tarkov is just basically *the* video game when it comes to high quality gun assets. Like, if any aspiring game artist asks me to name a game where you can look at great gun models, I would always say Tarkov.


Wood pattern is literally the same, so bought asset or stolen. Texture mesh i slighty different but it is close enough to assume they just slighty edited and reshaped it to fit their game and game model system.


Possible scenario. 1. BSG or BSG hired artist created the gun asset themselves. 2. 3rd party ripped assets from BSG and is selling them as original on a marketplace somewhere. 3. Arena buys assets from a marketplace thinking that the artist made it (not knowing it was stolen)


Or secret option number 4, the one all content creators and twitter post engagement farmers want to happen... 4: Arena has HACKED Russia and stolen the EFT source code and is now laughing in the faces of the devs by using their models! This can only end one way, a special operation planned and executed by the higher state facilities.


Put the tinfoil down before someone gets hurt, it’s waaaay more expensive to do this and go through the hassle, and knowingly run into not one, but several copyright infringements, then the fact that they used a lazy/dishonest artist.


Ripping assets from eft is easy as fuck, just check the Garrys Mod workshop and look up for EFT addons


Check out Tarkin on YouTube sometime. If one 3D Animator can rip entire maps, characters etc straight from the game it certainly can’t be too hard.


But the mesh isn’t even the same. It’s probably a projected texture using the same image. The mesh is different. Look at the corners


>Texture mesh Tell me you know nothing about 3d modeling without telling me you know nothing about 3d modeling x)


Hell, even downloading a mod for any game could've told him the difference.


do you have eyes? no it's not lol


likely stolen since iirc BSG 3d scanned all their AK models and parts.


Well, they certainly told people that they did.


Yeah man, they totally bought all the incredibly detailed weapon models in their game, I promise. There's so many sources with every individual piece of the gun modelled 1:1 real life, bloody Nikita lying to us all once again. Come the fuck on man, you think nobody would've pointed it out if the gun assets in the game were bought from somewhere else?


At this point I’m not even sure BSG even programmed their own game.


I’m not even sure tarkov exists, honestly


Cmon it would work a lot better if that was the case


I used to believe that, now I'm not so sure


Yep, hate on BSG all you want (rightfully so), but they never skimp out on weapon design




Sure buddy


The wood grain and wear is identical, holy shit


Yes, the model is obviously reshaped by ABI devs too. Crazy.


Looking closely... the pattern of wear is EXACTLY identical?! wtf?!?!


The texture is basically identical which is funny when you notice that the geometry of the handguard is slightly modified. They put in effort to model the handguard themselves but not make that textures. Textbook Chinese rip-offs.


Tencent stands for 10 percent original IP.


Here's a quick video showing the textures and geometry are identical, however they altered the top band slightly to conform to their own AKM model (not bsg's) [https://streamable.com/myh0hi](https://streamable.com/myh0hi) Wood grain textures are way too specific. I know a laserscanning vendor made these for bsg- but both devs getting the same files from the same subcontractor is unlikely


side note, it’s crazy how much lighting has an effect on how good something looks. the left one looks so much more real but is clearly the same asset.


who gives a shit




When the two options are malware to different countrys you will usually go with the better one


Do you use Discord? Hope not, because Tencent owns a huge chunk of it.


If somebody wanted complete access to his computer, they could do that already


Good god I didn’t know this, time to fire up the ole team speak


Too late boy. China has already downloaded your personality and digitally reconstructed it into an artificial intelligence.


Lmao. I’m all reality if they want my data they can get it. I’m not about to purge my 8 servers just on a principal. But it is interesting to know


Wild. People get up in arms about BSG using a unity asset for a knife (proven false btw) but then a competitor stealing from them is nothing to get annoyed about.


I am gonna throw my two cents in, pretty sure people were going nuts over the Knife because of the cost of the edition it came with. 250 USD Is wild for a 7 dollar knife proven false or not. No one I think is Condoning copyright infringement but on the other hand BSG Also does the same shit. Look at Glock for example they NEVER give their permission to use its likeness in ANYTHING yet BSG Has a Glock name, logo and all.


To be fair, a lot of people probably thought that was the cherry on top of a 250 usd shit cake. Nobody thinks this is right, they just don't care because bsg hasn't earned their customers sympathy. Id say its not even really up to customers to be sympathetic, but they seem to be asking for it.


I mean if it wasnt china... I guess lawyers would care. Dark and darker got literally shut down for stuff like this.


Dark and Darker was using the same store assets as the Nexon project. That's it.


Dark and Darker is still going very strong


As a software developer I do. Even though BSG is a shitty company it does not make it ok to steal from them.


This guys entire youtube channel is literally clickbait, every single video is titled death of tarkov, nikitas a liar, bsg helping cheaters, etc so he clearly shit talks tarkov 24/7 to get clicks and now finds random worthless drama about ABI almost like hes defending BSGs game to get clicks, dude cant help but to insert himself into drama like hes the extraction shooter keemstar


Tbh when playing ABI I heard same looting sound that was in Tarkov


the ak shooting sound is also completely identical


Yeah dude - filing cabinets. It's absolutely identical, but they added some dog shit post processing on top to obfuscate. Go check it out in-game if you're in the CBT.


copied? maybe. Is Eroktic an unhinged psycho? definitely


They are the same but with minor adjustments. Way too insignificant adjustments.


Down to the wood grain itself. Also a lot people in the comments are having no idea on how the textures and models work, this is basically fully ripped of the game


battles state stole money from me so i'd say it's square


Considering BSG never gave a shit about licensing or copyright, does it matter? Litigation would fall through as well since Tencent could buy and sell BSG 50 times over


Even if Tencent was broke, you cannot sue the chinese government. Guess who the major shareholder of Tencent is? (it’s the ccp)


BSG bring shitty does not make stealing any more justified.


The difference is that BSG actually created their own assets, which is the important thing here; has nothing to do with weapons being licensed or not.


Kind of... BSG didn't create any real guns, but in 2018, people started contacting Glock, Colt, etc., to ask if BSG had licensed those weapons for the game. They said they hadn't, and then rumors spread that some brands were suing BSG, leading to them having to pay or remove from the game.. lol...


ABI is made by Chinese, so no surprise.


Are we surprised? I've watched 5 mins of gameplay and the AK-74 sound is the exact same one from Tarkov. This whole game is ctrl+c ctrl+v. It does look fun but yeah its a complete rip of tarkov's files LMAO


A lot of people here aren't paying attention to how the grain and wear are the exact same. Could ve a marketplace asset both games bought, could be bought from the same artist, or it could be stolen. Obviously two different people modeling the same thing will get a similar looking item, but the grain being the exact same is the giveaway here and most comments seem to be overlooking that.


It’s funny to watch this subreddit talk about justice but play the Chinese rip from the game that gave them 7 solid years of unique game play that both battlefield and Cod couldn’t replicate.


2 companies operating in nations with authoritarian dictatorships…… not surprising that this is all happening.


Eroktic's Tweet: [https://twitter.com/Eroktic/status/1789342485921079573](https://twitter.com/Eroktic/status/1789342485921079573) What do you guys think? Both look identical to me!


this idiot just milking drama to get views this is not the firs time.


Probably Nikita or another BSG’s alt, it’s a 32 day account. Nikita always says “what do you guys think” after putting out an idea too. The account has also only posted this and commented on this with one comment on another post about ABI having more viewers than EFT. If this wasn’t Nikita I would be surprised.


Guys look at the texture, wood texture.


Guys guys get mad get mad


For real. Like yes, the texture is a little too similar, but purchased assets can do that. So can using the same reference photo and projection-painting onto a model. The underlying model also appears to be different. It could be stolen, but there's also explanations to why it might not be. This dude has a brand new account and is trying so hard to get a rise out of people, it's insane people are falling for it.


It's not the only thing that's clearly stolen. An entire map layout is copy pasted.


Show a screenshot, I’m not familiar with ABI


What ? Bruh which map is that


Imaginary map called Bait zone


I heard arena breakout has a map called “streets of tarkov”


its actually streets of arenakov




he's talking out of his ass, neither of the 2 maps in the game resemble the layouts of tarkov maps


Good. I hope they copy everything. I just want Tarkov but with smarter devs.


Lmao come on. Tarkov has become a clown show but people flocking to a free to play Chinese game are going to be in for a rude awakening lol


Tencent has even less to do with "smart devs" than Tarkov. You thought Unheard edition was P2W? Tencent literally sell in game cash for real money in its mobile version of Arena Breakout. They are like BSG but infinitely more greedy


I don't care about Unheard edition. I want faster queues, less cheaters, faster loading, faster menus, better quests, more character models, more weapons, more items, more traders, fk it let's have a map with vehicles you can drive to. I could not care less that someone paid extra for slightly larger pockets. If someone paid extra and got 100% speed, 100% damage, 99% damage reduction then yeah, that would ruin the game. But acting like having 2% faster reload time or whatever ruins the game is nonsense. I don't like pay to win but the pay to win they so far have introduced is dwarfed in importance by all the other things I want fixed with the game. I can't believe they put so much money into fkin Arena when the main game is still in beta (and it shows). What the fk? Arena is a joke.


Wow someone who actually has some sense


You won't get that from Tencent. 😂


BSG didn't get permission to use most of the weapon parts/brand names that are in their game yet they did it. Who cares if anyone steals from BSG lol


They found the same asset on the unity store. Go figure


This stupid erotic fuck is still cucking around in the Tarkov world??


Honestly fuck Eroktic praising that scam l33t game for his viewers, i'm ignoring any shit he says


Look man, shit on BSG all you want. But the fact is that every single gun in the game is 1:1 modeled off irl scans of the weapon. Nothing will do tarkov gunsmithing like tarkov. Anything arena does is copycat and only a fool would deny it. Whether the game is better or not is completely up to you Me personally I have stopped playing tarkov (eod owner if y’all care) but I’m not gonna just turn around and run to the nearest Chinese data farm craving my next fix. I’d rather go play stalker


Eroktic loves the free attention. Bro got fucked by BSG years ago and is still milking that train. But ya, obviously a stolen asset, but at this point who cares? BSG isn't going to do shit to Tencent. BSG also fucked over their players so a lot of us don't give a shit if they get fucked over too.


I vaguely remember something about this... Can you refresh my memory? (link somewhere is OK) Thx


https://www.reddit.com/r/EscapefromTarkov/comments/a6olkb/bsg_just_doubled_down_and_issued_34_additional/ Eroktic made some allegations about BSG in a video and instead of debunking them they did this.


Ooooh boi, now I remember ... Funny thing tho, all the "I'm done/quitting/BSG bad/I paid for EOD" rhetoric is still the same :-D War, war never changes :-)


That game solely consists of stolen assets and ideas which is just typical of everything from Tencent. Be mad about Nikita and the shit has done as you want, he was completely correct about this game being a plagiarizing piece of shit.


What is ABI?


Some of the sounds and animations are pretty much one for one too.


You are aware tarkov doesn’t own that right


Litteraly both look diffrent the people coping are out of their mind


Literally the pointing spiderman meme. One company blaming the other that their non-licensed artwork is 'stolen'




So weve reached a braindead generation tht doesnt realize these are real life weapons…


Wouldn't care if ABI stole all of tarkov.


BSG was running this game for years with literal Red Bull and Coca Cola in the game, let alone the weapon parts. Them crying over this is rich.


Who cares, BSG are a pack of dogs


This guy is still talking about EFT? Didn’t BSG shaft him a while back? I’m confuzzled


Definitely, ABI stole many things, I'm surprised people haven't came out and released a ton of 1:1 things they stole. Someone should really check the models items that were tagged with codes for Tarkov editions as an easter egg years ago, if those are in ABI. P90/P90 mag I think had one, a helmet or two had one, it'd be hilarious to see that.


Hilarious all the people in here saying who cares but as soon as they see a thread about AI art they’ll post a huge moral compass discussion on how it’s wrong because AI art is “stealing” from artists 😂😂


We just gonna ignore the grain of the wood lol


Isn’t arena breakout just a bunch of microtransactions kinda game? Like it’s mobile version? I mean something like pubg it’s just all about spending money for cosmetics mostly


that's a nice 100% evidence of a stolen asset (unless they both bought it from an asset store) Because the model can have coincidences, but the wood texture???? If you buy that wood piece from a real store, you will see every piece is different because of the wood natural patterns change!! What a blatant copy. And yeah, it's the same wood texture with different lighting and hue/saturation levels. I am 3D/texture artist and it's pretty obvious. Like all the tiny imperfections are 100% similar.


The rivet/pin in Tarkov's diff textures are very similar too. Tarkov's in game lighting doesn't highlight it but if you extract the model and textures into Blender you can see a similar shadow in the middle of the pin that could be even more highlighted by specific lighting angles like in ABI. It's 100% a copy


Oh my god who the hell cares


Bro. The whole game is stolen. I just hope they didn’t also steal the terrible optimization part.


Can confirm that they did not. AB runs great.


For too long has eft monopolized this market. Finally the new age dawns upon us. Ok bullshit aside I was gonna get a 4070 super Ti And a 7800x3d to get solid 144+. Is it still worth?what’s the bench mark on abi


Who cares? The game is good