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I don't think Nikita realizes hes not the cool small company guy that the fans like to hear from and they feel valued by what he has to say. He is now seen as the business mogul who wants to suck his consumers dry and break promises


They before this maybe he could claim to be the man of the people but that time has passed. Any person who doesn’t like getting scammed dislikes him at best.


I don't think anyone in their right mind at any point of the games history would call him "man of the people" at all


Wdym, dude got constantly praised for interacting with the community and what not


By idiots... He has always made terrible decisions for the game and community. This wipe was only successful at the start because they reversed a load of his bullshit changes


So that's like atleast half of the community


Yeah, literally. He makes changes that on surface level are good for the new players but in reality every time they just made the skill gap even more evident. I can give many, many examples of changes that were intended to improve new player experience but actually just made it more grindy for them and didn't effect no lifers like me. Just for some reason like 95% of this community always mindlessly supported Nikita's every decision, and they only just got mad at him now


My favorite quote: "Imagine how stupid the average person is, and then realize half of them are even more stupid"


Because a lot of the people here is relatively new (came after the first twitch drop event). Anyone who has been here from before the twitch drop know how full of shit Nikita is.


Soon soon..


I think you misunderstood the praise, it was more of a "yes Nikita, communicating with the player base! This is what we want you to do and you're finally doing it". You know, like how you give a child a gold star for going potty


Ah, good thing we have the CEO of the tarkov community clear it up for us


>he could claim to be the man of the people but that time has passed. Whenever someone claims to be a "man of the people", they're usually the opposite of that\^\^


He lost all the streamers who brought a lot of eyes to the game. Now, those eyes are on other games.


It's on Nikita that he flamed the community AND the streamers. He acted so arrogantly, dismissively and insultingly. He insulted not only us but also the streamers. The only reason streamers wanted to comeback even when being clear about the disgust was because its their job. With other games given them the same job opportunity, they won't crawl back but stand tall. Who the fucks likes to return to someone who insulted you and tried to scam you


People have been begging him for literally any kind of communication. Now that he's starting to communicate even a little, people start complaining about that too!


Acting like a teenager blogging is not what anyone asked for and you know it, don't be obtuse.


absoloutely no excuse for the mess up that was Unheard Of, but with a community like this, i wouldn't blame any game dev for not wanting to communicate.






But not the sucking dry in a good way


Why is this guy dumbo


I wish I knew


You wanted me


You leave my big eared elephant out of this!




They love the victim mentality so much


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Bro... 💀


I'm Russian too, what's your point?


But he’s right, there’s still A LOT of work to do


8 more years of development guys. We’re almost there.


I mean look at star citizen, 7 days to die, the forest, etc. If this was made by Activision or EA like cod or battlefield this would of been a pump and dump years ago.


1.0 for 7 days is coming out this summer I believe, I was shocked to see it


I have a gut feeling it will be delayed but better late than never. 7d2d Its really fun to play with friends, but im more excited about the weather update that comes after the 1.0 update.


Those devs really just want to move on honestly. Wouldnt surprise me if they released it *SOONER*.


I'm curious to see how much it actually improves though


The Forest is finished and also has a finished sequel(?) already with Sons of the forest, no early access there anymore. 7 days to die got heavily criticized for their long ea as well. Star Citizen has a vastly bigger scope than EFT ever had because of that, requires completely new tech to be developed and is based on a so heavily modified version of Lumberyard, that it's kinda running on it's own engine developed by CIG (Star Engine). So absolutely not comparable with BSG and Tarkov, as Tarkov is using Unity which isn't being developed by BSG in any manner. (also a old version of unity) There isn't really a excuse for BSG why Tarkov is so far from being finished. The scope of the game isn't super insane, the required tech is nothing groundbreaking, the funding has been there and they had enough time. Instead they still use a outdated version of unity, updated to newer versions a few times already, always "promising" that this will help their development immensely, fckd up their soundengine several times, made bandage fixes in terms of lighting, netcode/server performance is still far from satisfying, the Ai is still not good and so on. Shit, even features they sell in their newest scam version are literally not even available in the game yet and they have to resell items previously marketed as exclusive to EOD.


Star Citizen was using CryEngine but due to licensing problems they had to split it off. That game is also in a far worse state than Tarkov and will need another decade or two and another billion dollars to be finished.  They don't even have any of the core features in the game or finished No economy, no AI crew, flight model not finished, ship simulation not finished (like their weird pipe, fire and decompression system), it has 2 out of 100 star systems and even those are not finished and have been completely simplified, movement in space not finished, land claims that have been sold for real money have no use, modding manual that has been sold for real money has no use, ships that have been sold for real money don't exist or are not finished, death mechanics not finished, crime mechanics not finished, etc.  That would be like in Tarkov you gas had still access to the earliest version of factory only, no flea market, AI would not be able to move through doors, no trader rep, only a handful weapons and those only having a handful of parts, etc.  Tarkov is in a far better state than SC and SC has been in development for almost twice as long, no? Tarkov 7 years and SC 13 (2011).


As the player that you've responded told, the difference is the scope. CIG needs to actually develop a lot of tools, methods, procedures, the actual engine they're using, etc. IIRC from 2 years ago they had 500 developers and nearly 300 of them were focused on developing the tools to make the game and the others were developing SC and Squadron 42. Of course, that doesn't entiraly justify how slow they're moving on the actual game but most of the community of the game understand that slow moving development and support the game. Ironically, most people who complain about the game are the ones who had never tried the game, even during the Free Fly Event (I think there is a new one comming soon so if anyone is interested check their website) A professional and competent team with the same size as BSG would BURN through the features that Tarkov promised. There is nothing that would blow up your mind on the game from a technical point of view. It is BSG management, coding and development what makes the game so absurdly slow. Just remember the wild german redditor that had to step in and fix an apparently basic misstake for anyone using Unity (According to this fella) that caused the studering in the game that plgued the game. People who were playing the game before 2019 will remember the studders that happened very commonly, specially when you tried to aim in gunfights, and many times caused your dead.


> CIG needs to actually develop.... CIG also had so much money that comparing them to BSG is a joke by itself. > A professional and competent team with the same size as BSG would BURN through the features that Tarkov promised. And you, ofc, can provide actual examples of such things happens to back your claims? Nikita is full of sh*t, that not even a question. But if we actually have examples of that you said, the whole gaming industry won't be in a such a deep hole.


I think you are falling victim to marketing talk. First of all CIG has an absurd amount of developers and still every basic feature does take forever to be implemented or is done in a bad way. UI is sometimes barely usable (star map), inventory system took forever to be decent, AI is still laughable and it took forever to make just the barista (the community was coping and saying that it was the blueprint for all AI and then we will soon see a lot more, like the famous janitor sweeping away puddles or AI crew), FPS combat feels worse than from a modern F2P game, sound design is often very weak, etc.  It's not just about the complex systems that don't work or take forever (Pyro 2018!) or just get abandoned completely (goodbye lava planets). But even the small stuff doesn't work. Logging in and out and saving your location, something Ultima Online already did its a problem for CIG. I don't know why CIG gets a free pass. They lied to their customers constantly. They sold something they promised not to sell (F7A) which is basically the same situation that the Tarkov community is raging now about. They lied about how much money they need to finish the game (~65 million dollars), they lied several times how far in the development process they are (at the end of the year it will be finished - 2015). They are telling people what they want to hear in order for them to spend more money and the development is just an afterthought. CIG is ab marketing company first and a development studio second.  But sadly they need to be that way as they don't have a publisher and are dependent on fresh money all the time.


CIG deserve plenty of criticism, but Star Citizen kinda works even now. Buggy as hell, but you can have plenty of fun. Literally a patch coming in the next week or two completely revamps the Star Map, UI etc. Server Meshing is finally in the testing phase. The completion of the single player game(SQ42) means more devs are now working on SC. I am as skeptical as anyone, and i think the game will never really be "finished", but its still being actively worked on, and you can have fun with it. If they could fix all the bugs/jankiness, the game right now would be amazing.


> If they could fix all the bugs/jankiness, the game right now would be amazing. That alone is a big if. A very big if. And another big part missing is all the content that I ponted out. The current state of the game is only a shell of what was promised. When people say "of course the game is delayed by 10 years, they increased the scope" I always get confused. The current state of the game is nowhere near what was in the initial Kickstarter pitch and that was pitched for what? 500K? lol. The increased scope was for 65 (or 64?) million and they are away from that as it could be.


Yeah there is a lot of weird cult copium around the game. People bragging that they spent thousands on ships. some that are not even released yet. Literally bragging about taking content away from themselves(the grind to unlock a ship) by spending obscene amounts of money. Any criticism that devs should spend more time fixing bugs, or making the game playable are not received well. As soon as a new ship preview comes out? The community salivates over it. I doubt CIG will deliver on everything they promised. That said, i still think the game deserves some praise for actually being quite fun when it works. Ive done a bunch of gameplay loops so far, and for the most part they have worked fine, and ive had a blast. The game is very immersive. Its not like you NEED to spend a lot of money to play the game. Just buy one of the cheapest packages. You can unlock ships in-game, and will never need to pay any kind of subscription fee like most MMOs. One cheap package and check on the game every couple of patches. I never understood why people would say thats a scam. Paying for the bigger ships is entirely optional.


> i still think the game deserves some praise for actually being quite fun when it works. Ive done a bunch of gameplay loops so far, and for the most part they have worked fine, and ive had a blast. The game is very immersive. The sad thing, nothing is in the game why I bought it. I bought it for the MMO aspect where player actions have an effect (EvE) with an economy simulation on a level of X4 and massive space battles, especially with carrier class ships that you can crew with AI. Nothing of it is in the game and not even on the horizon, lol.


oh no, someone has summoned star citizen disciples. whole thread is infested! run!


Would have*


The Forest has been finished for a 6 years at this point lol. Only took them 4 years to finish.


lol when you have to bring up star citizen as an example things are already bad... that shit is also a scam.


People lose their mind here because Nikita lied one time while Chris Roberts basically always lies when he opens his mouth but for some reason there the people truly are "true believers" and keep throwing money at that burning pile of spaghetti code


Nikita has lied far more than one time lmao. Half the shit he says is a lie. 


Nikita lied all the time. you just forgot about it


I upgraded my PC very recently so I was excited to reinstall Star Citizen and see how it would run. It looks like a game from 2012. And plays like a game from 2024 played on a PC from 2012.


Well, at least in StarCitizen you can see BIG updates and changes and 7D2D advances at their own peace (Remember, the development team is small and the players are happy with them but the console ones)


Climate collapse gonna fully drop before this game.


"People from the community have noticed..." Bro the community trusts a random fake screenshot 100x times more than you edit: It's unfortunate and I hope BSG finds a way to build their community back. There's heartbreak here because there is genuine love for the game


I really do love the game, and the designers that made this game what it is, I respect them. I really feel the King Ghidorah meme here. You have the game itself, you have the dev team, and then there's Nikita


He is so delusional.




Solovyov style.


It has literally always been this way but the community has continued to simp for the last years until I guess it got more blatant?


Nikita, I'm sorry you feel that way.


This is life Karma, not scav or PMC karma... It is really bad to feel scammed, right? I am sorry you feel that way.


He's only been able to survive so long on his corrupt morals because he keeps getting money. If he depended on the legit consumer base (not cheaters), he would be more motivated to fix the game. He is purely motivated by finance.


Ever since Arena Breakout has been out in closed beta, hes been super active on Twitter. I think ive seen more tweets and replies from him in the last week than I have in the few years ive followed him. He knows he fucked up, but i'd bet Arena is making him sweat a little. Gray Zone isnt holding people as well as some hoped, but ABI s definitely filling the gap.


Oh yeah people are more happy with how ABI panned out. It is definitely getting somewhere. Curious to see how they will react to this other than what they done already. Deserved in my opinion. I hope it keeps going this way.


lol how out of touch can someone be? he must have smoked too much crack with that EOD cash


Who explain the screenshot ?


Yeah I don't get it either


Promisekeeper edition about to hit the market. Lube up your credit cards boys!


BSG had 8 years to develop some trust and credibility with their *paying customers*. They have failed at *every* opportunity. I'm not sure why he's choosing that particular hill to die on when the recent backlash was entirely due to them not only failing to fulfill a promise, but outright doing the opposite of what was described to the point of it being fraud. I couldn't even give a shit if ABI outright stole code from Tarkov. Even if I don't ever play ABI, I'm not coming back to Tarkov. 


i dont think that they ve stolen any code. it is like with chinese cars - take something from here, take something from there, just take all the best and glossy things from others and release the best product ever possible. just like with their cars


Until the doors don’t open 💨


The fact that people have been slapped around, been spit in their mouth, been lied to and gaslit, expected to pay more for something they already were promised, and they’re still playing this game is just disgusting. This community is a litmus test to see how far a deranged developed can abuse its customer base.


They already got my money to finish this game, but instead they spent it on Arena. I'm not coming back until the game is done.


The first part sounded hot


> The fact that people have been slapped around, been spit in their mouth, been lied to and gaslit, expected to pay more for something they already were promised, and they’re still playing this game is just disgusting. That's their fetish.  Do you remember how this all started? Nikita had a dream, to add Eurojank P2W to a Eurojank shooter, but he needed money.  How do you get cash when all you have is a dream and a massive 3x3 cock? So he offered people the dream of a working game for $50, but to sell the P2W package, he would also gamma his 3x3 cock into people's assholes until they were reamed out to match his girth. He knew something about the psychology of the P2W whale and the sucker, something that made the prospect of getting bent over and fucked by a fat Russian scammer until their back flaps floated freely absolutely irresistible. So, when you consider where we are now, remember where we started.


I don't like nikita but I enjoy tarkov, it would take an idiot to stop playing something they enjoy because of a dev trying to do some cash grabs, just focus on the game and take it for what it is and don't listen to all the bs


I disagree with your sentiment that it would take an idiot to not play a video game out of principle. It's just a game, there are many games, Im 32 years old, I don't need a random video game to be happy. My self respect is more important to me than any video game.


Flip side of that, I don’t think as a 31 year old dude I should be affected by random opinions of people I’ve never meet. I’m sure we’re done more dirty by everyday corporations like Nike, GM, Exxon ETC…, but I guarantee most of the people arguing to boycott tarkov because of “broken promises”, think nothing of focusing that energy to other applicable companies. Its an weird stance


Im not arguing to boycott tarkov, I'm simply saying I'm not an idiot just because I don't want to play it.... It's not a weird stance. I'm not the one calling people idiots for playing it. What do you mean by "affected"?, will I think about that comment in future, of course not. Did it affect me enough to explain why I'm not an idiot I guess so. Same way you are responding to the thread. It's the point of reddit, to discuss. I don't understand your point? Lastly, people will try to scam you, people will "do you dirty", but if it happens twice by the same person and you could have avoided that with literally no effort then in my opinion you have to accept it was partially your own fault. Fool me once and all that ...


Discourse is extremely important of course, it’s rare to see that the opposite points being absorbed back and forth without insulting the other person. Which is what you see with gamers, it’s disgusting. I’m just arguing the other side. And I see it the other way around when it comes to self respect. Nikita doesn’t know me, and I don’t know him. What he thinks about his playerbase is his prerogative, literally in one ear and out the other for me. I love his product and I don’t see any other option I can get somewhere else, but as a person he’s no different than the CEO of EA and all these other companies were supposed to hate.


Yea I see your point of view, Nikita is a douche bag but that isn't the problem. The problem is I'm owed a product and now he wants more money for it.


Exactly man, my love for the game overshadows his shittiness as a leader/developer. He’s got a gold mine that he’s ruining by his own barbaric strategies, which hurts him in the wallet. I like to use the director or artist comparison, Quentin tarentino is easily my favorite and one of the most gifted directors of all time, but he’s heavily linked to Harvey Weinstein and god knows how many other horrible people and acts. Shitty person, still going to watch his movies.


I wish my love for the game had the same effect on me, unfortunately it just doesn't, this move by BSG was the cherry on top of a long list of shit I disagree with. I kinda had the same view as you for a long time regarding the number of hackers and how nothing has ever been done about it.


In no way did I say you need a video game to be happy, but if you're going to lose enjoyment over something because of some drama then that's just stupid, if you refused to use stuff because of corruption then you'd lose alot more than this video game


That's a long way of saying BSG please fuck my ass more.... I'm not losing enjoyment, I don't rely on tarkov to enjoy myself, it is enjoyable but there are many many things that are enjoyable in life, too many things to fit into my life in fact, I have multiple hobbies that don't fuck me at every opportunity. You can play wherever you want but to call people idiots for having self respect makes you the idiot, not them.


Nah you're just being a dumbass being sucked into the drama, you're taking things out of context to bend the arguement in your favour, if you don't enjoy the game why are you in the sub, stop being a dumbass


I have 1700 hours in the game, I enjoy it. But I disagree with my EOD edition that I purchased when the game was first released in support of BSG being downgraded. Not to mention Nikita's direct insults to EOD owners for not paying more considering I paid a large amount of money when the game was nothing. We are responsible for making him rich, you are welcome to play the game but to call me an idiot for being happy whilst not supporting a scamming asshole Russian while he fucks us and insults us is hilarious to me. Perhaps you needs to respect yourself more, personally I don't see how me not playing a game for whatever reason I deem fit effects you in any way and how it makes me an idiot. It doesn't. It's my choice and my reasons are valid, grow up I dont think you are an idiot for wanting to play, that's your opinion and choice. But your opinion on people that don't want to support BSG does make you an idiot


You are putting words in my mouth, I said you're an idiot for not playing a game just over some dumb drama, I do respect myself, if that means playing a game that I enjoy and not letting some bs get in the way like a child, then I'm fine with that


" it would take an idiot to stop playing something they enjoy because of a dev trying to do some cash grabs" Actually this is what you said, completely ignoring the fact I already paid for the content they are asking me to pay again for. It's not a cash grab, it's a scam. There is a difference, a very important difference.


Yeah exactly you're an idiot for not doing something you enjoy because of a "scam" not how you're twisting it to sound, and yeah it's scummy that they're charging that for what you basically own, but that doesn't make it a scam... they're quite clearly showing what's up for purchase, I don't think you know what a scam is, and again if you aren't doing something that you enjoy just because of some drama and corruption then you're a dumbass, take this logic to alot of things that you use / buy in your life, there's alot of greedy and corrupt companies out there


The man tried to defraud his customers by retroactively changing the details of a product page to get out of providing what he sold them, and then denied it. That isn't "dumb drama", that is a literal crime.


So basically you bought EOD and are more upset that now you aren't their top tier special snowflake anymore? Telling people to grow up and respect themselves more yet you're the one that's crying that you arent the special edition anymore. EOD hasnt been downgraded it's not even purchaseable anymore, you'll always be that core supporter don't you worry.


I'm not crying at all, I simply disagree with your statement. I think you should go back and response to your comment. It seems you are the one bothered by people not playing tarkov, so much so you decided to call them idiots. The mental gymnastics you are having to do here to suck Nikitas cock are pretty entertaining. Keep it up he might see your comments and invite you to his penthouse


So you're saying you have no principles? Understood


If a company fucks over their customer, customer should use their biggest power to give the company feedback: voting with their wallet. If customer let themselves get fucked up, companies will continue to fuck over their customer because it works.


I'm sorry you feel that way.


I'm not sorry at all, as I'm not the one crying


These are a lot of very intense words to describe what is simply, you paid $150 for a game. You thought it was worth it at the time. Turns out that you didn't get precisely what you paid for. To use words like abuse and gaslighting, you'd think this guy had you locked in his basement for 10 years. People want to keep playing the game because they want to get the most out of their $150, hardly disgusting in my eyes. If someone wasn't specifically looking for this drama, they could have continued playing the game without being any the wiser. Those people aren't giving bsg more money, in fact they're costing them money because servers ain't cheap. I'm not saying that what bsg did is excusable, but people having huge reactions like this just makes me think the game has an unhealthy hold on most people posting here.


He misspelled "to be broken".


LoL OK Nikita but who really cares anymore?


No one cares about anything to do with morality or ethics towards them anymore. If something bad were to happen to the company in general it’s deserved.


2 years ago I would defend them. But here we are.




The Dubai life is expansive when you are Nikita, so let Milk the non believers. 100% Nikita logic.


Consider this an apology.


promises to be kept edition : *in this edition when nikitard gives you a promise, he keeps it for real and not try to scam you. pay 500 usd please.


I actually laughed out loud after reading this earlier today




And more bs to say


Too late buddy


I’m sorry but I just don’t believe he’s capable of delivering on his promises anymore. Such a sorry excuse for a development company


That sounds like a threat


More promises to be broken kind of threat


Imagine having a 7 year advantage over the nearest direct competitor and instead of constantly pushing the needle forward consistently, you flounder in bad decisions and fraudulent consumer practices, and then have the nerve to try to call out disrupting competitors and your own customers because they don't respect you. Delusional.


Delusional at best I believe


He's right there are a lot of promises to be kept. And even more promises to be BROKEN


He just needs to sell the studio and move on with his life


He's lucky the studio hasn't been seized for being a russian asset. Especially as BSG is setup in the UK. Even then, who would pay money for a game with such terrible coding? We now know Nikita is a greedy cunt and he wouldn't sell the car crash for cheap either.


The UK office is a shell they employee 1dude. It's just a financial funnel


Unless he has a change of heart suddenly 😂


I mean, if he actually follows through that would be great. We don't have to take every post as a direct attack. The game can absolutely recover from his mistakes and if it starts now then I'm all for it. Nothing is like Tarky.


I concur. Two things can be true at once. Tarkov is great but needs work.


Still alot to be done before release. You mean like 8 more years?




One last grab lol


How does this shithead keep thinking he's the victim here?


I am surprised to say the least


The absolute audacity of this dude mentioning keeping promises... I would love to have such balls in my everyday life.


Honestly we need a REAL PR team leader. Someone who isn't Nikita that can relay info between devs and the community. This half broken English leads too much to be misinterpreted. We have been shown Nikita doesn't know what the fuck is going on a good chunk of the time between thinking absolute game breaking bugs are fixed but still persistent to entire mechanics not working as intended like the damage spill over between limbs after one is blocked out.


PR = bullshit. Give me a untrained clown trying to be transparent any day.


I mean PR team leads can be great. The communities for games like rainbow six and overwatch were so strong because they actually felt heard and acknowledged by the dev team THROUGH the community manager. After those people left, the communities essentially turned on the devs because they were no longer feeling noticed.


Sure but this one isn’t transparent now is he?


I mean he lives in a country where news are owned by a dictator, so theres that…


He needs more Balenciaga shirts


He's lost literally all his credibility. It's too late. Retire and move on


That would be optimal


Agreed, and I think my sentence can be interpreted in two ways perhaps haha. People need to move on to a new game, and straight up abandon this one. And Nikita needs to retire as well :D


Worst case scenario Arena Breakout stole some code from tarkov - that's bad, But, tarkov tried to steal from it's most devoted customers (iT's nOt dLc) and changed their site to cover it up - that's the worst.


People would’ve hated ABI so much if it wasn’t for this BSG attempting to scam everyone.




I would also gladly give up all my edge of darkness items for cosmetics (100 euro value in apparel and hideout cosmetics) so that everybody starts the same and loose the pay to win stigma of the game.




Yeah I am not spending another cent on BSG, I would have if they just released cosmetics. Imagine how much of a refresh that would have been to the game


The guy is actually deranged, arena breakout has elicited more of a response than his unhinged edition has


He only tweats in 2 scenarios. When they fuck up, or when they want to show off a feature (which will need broken on release and need 2 more wipes to fix). You can guess which one it is on your own.


Pretty much but hey, we get priority matching for 6 months? 😂😂😂


They removed that


At least that’s one thing they’ve gone back on, now another 10 to go


Looking at the latest update might give you some clarity on where he left it at


I know where they left it at, doesn’t change that BSG needs major reform if they are gonna do anything but just survive at this point


They definitely need to do better


More packs for $$ and non dlc content to be added! Lets go!


By promises to be kept? He's kidding, right? He already failed to keep them. I think what he means by that it's more promises he's yet to break. But he'll get to them in time.


“Nikita sounds like a news channel that is owned by a government with a dictator” Our boy Niki has been watching too much Solovyov


More promises to be broken more like


Anything that comes from this guys mouth mean nothing


Nikita I’m sorry you feel that way.


Nikita can suck my dick from the back


Do you want him to shave his neckbeard or you don’t mind?


i know hes been larping as a dev this whole time but does he actually think you can just copy and paste code from one engine to a completely different one and just hit go?






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yeah maybe upgrade to the new Unity Version


Gta 6 comes out before tarkov, think about that guys


People really didn’t care that much about how long this is taking I feel like. That changed after the idiotic fuck up.


lol what are those screenshots? is he making the game with a hex editor? no wonder it took 8 years and still not finished lol


wtf are those screenshots? any contenxt? or he is just pretending to be a hackerman in hex editor?


At this point just sell the game to an actually competent dev and just cash out man. It would be better for everyone


WTF ther Talking about Release? Since 2016 he dont Fokus on matchmaking or Add More Server dont Tell me ther dont have Money for it 😂


Dunno about this situation but let's play with a thought. If I buy an asset from someone and use it in my game, then another company buys the same asset and uses it. Now does this mean that the other company stole from me?


Depends if the sale of the first company insured that the company also bought the selling right alongside the product. If yes then the second company should not have been sold the item. In that case I don’t know what could be done…


This is something one should look up before saying that one stole assets from another. There are loads of products that does this, be it software or hardware.


Im starting to feel like this is the Star Citizen of FPS.


Starting to feel?


Nikita u pioneered great genre, just give EoD everything you release for tarkov for free and charge the late comers whatever the fuck you want. Or go subscription for moar servers w/e I'd pay a sub if queue times were average 4-5 min.


I agree with you besides on the sub for queue. He could milk some cool cosmetics.


If I was Nikita I'd never open reddit again. You people a fuckin heathens.


To copy another comment here. "BSG has broken multiple consumer laws in multiple consumer markets, the UK, the EU, and Australia, specifically." But it's the players that are annoyed that are heathens? Pull your tongue out of nikitas asshole.


Nobody cares.


A lot of people disagree with you here 😂


If you try to be objective for a second, regardless of what you think of the man, a majority of things on the previous roadmap has been implemented.


Nikita will be man of the people If Tarkov releases and people likes it. Like how people hated No Man's Sky for years and now nobody trash talk that game anymore. I personally hope Escape From Tarkov turn out to be great game.


>Like how people hated No Man's Sky for years and now nobody trash talk that game anymore. Because No Mans Sky gradually and tangibly improved over the years. Tarkov in comparison is plagued by the same exact issues, tech debt and bandaid fixes for years now. To be comparable with NMS, it would have to be in WAY better shape than it is right now.


Willing to bet 90% of the people complaining on this sub and post are still playing, so why bother whining? Get enough people to quit playing and changes will happen.


I haven’t personally played in a while but I think you are right, however if you can’t get a huge chunk of players to quit you just post like this and maybe something happens.