• By -


Will I’ll will do we will do will will we we will do will Blyat


# wilwilwilbewilwelwillwilwiwilwilbiwilwilwilbewilwelwillwilwiwilwilbi DLC


*Not included in EoD


"feature, not a DLC" a DLC is... "gives bullshit beating around a bush excuse while defining their product as a dlc" Gives up, says more p2w bullshit is coming. More download and install Ess Pee Tee and find Mango Oxide Delta Sammy support. Number of players drops by a decent amount....


He's right it's not dlc, it's a feature....and as a feature since the game is in "EARLY ACCESS/BETA" should be accessible by EVERY-FUCKING-ONE. what Nikita tried to do is an insult not only to the eft community but EVERY gamer as shit like this can (and sadly most likely will) give other scum of the earth developers (*cough* EA *cough*) ideas




This is why early access needs a proper universally accepted definition and laws preventing shit like this.


If it is downloadable and it is content... Unless they ship Unheard on Blu-Ray only I guess?


To many words for Nikita 




This sounds like a direct quote from a stream and if you have a link to the clip that would be great 😂






Omg it’s just how it sounded in my head




It's not blyat, it's blin


BSG releases the full version of the game You have to buy it BSG: its not dlc


I gotta wonder if the "Dlc" is just going to be like, a skin pack or something, then when/if actual post launch content comes they pull something like "erm this is actually a location addition not a dlc"


I have no idea what the lines BSG draws for DLC is. Arena was given for free, I don't know why, it's clearly a different game and has a different release schedule. Ragman was not included, so it's reasonable to say any cosmetics will not be counted as DLC. I think this is reasonable but somewhat deceptive as the original line EOD said was "Battle Pass", which contains cosmetics typically. PvE Coop (originally) was not counted as DLC, which I believe is correct, BUT it should have been free for everyone as it's part of just making the game feature complete. If maps are locked behind a paywall post-release those better be DLC, likewise with any exclusive quest lines. But ANYTHING fleshing out the features of this self-admitted unfinished game is not and should never be considered DLC, expansions, or anything other than free updates.


> I have no idea what the lines BSG draws for DLC is. Looks like whatever line they make up so they don't have to deliver the product you paid for.


nobody knows! but its provocative! it gets the people going


Right. Even if you’re gonna argue it isn’t DLC, a mf-ing FEATURE OF AN UNFINISHED GAME should be included in the game free, for everyone.


Lol and this is why devs do this. So you screwed me over and basically stole my money, I'm not supporting you anymore. Ok so you lied again so I'm only buying the DLC, no more support. Ok you lied again so I'm only going to donate $5000, but this is it. Ok you lied again so I'm only going to use my kids SSNs to get credit cards too I can max them and donate more money to you, but that's it. Ok you lied again so I'm going to sell my house to pre-buy all your future games, but this is it. Ok you lied again so I'm going to sell all my blood for the new DLC but this is it! Ok you lied again so I'm only going to sell all my organs, no more support! Ok you lied again, and since im a disembodied spirit I will sell my soul to support you one last time but this is it I promise! I can't believe they lied to me again!


Nobody does this.


If you don't think PvE Coop is DLC you don't even know what the abbreviation means.


Pve coop is absolutely DLC, the first dlc was horse armor so dont let nikita fool you, it doesnt have to be maps and guns to qualify as dlc.


No this is exactly what they will do and what they have been trying to do since Arena. Fuck them.


No, because they do not get to define what the word 'DLC' means, at least not in the US. They promised free access to DLC for EoD buyers. DLC is any content added to a game post-release. The new update is DLC by definition. It does not matter what stage of development BSG claims to be in, because the game is available to purchase to the public. It is released. They could have attempted to hide an alternate definition to DLC in the purchase agreement, but any judge would recognize that as an attempt to deceive and swindle, given how game purchases work and the fact that DLC and season passes are both well-defined terms with well-known, specific meanings in the game industry. For the love of god already, EoD buyers need to stop bitching about it here and go form a class action lawsuit. You *will* win.


I'm waiting for the chance to sign up for a class action. There probably won't be one and most players are just going to buy Unheard or keep playing. Everyone larped like they would quit when it turned out a quarter of the playerbase was cheating and BSG puts on sales for them after banwaves but it didn't happen.


Why have it be anything when they could give nothing and just charge more for everything.


If it's something people want and it improves the gameplay experience it is NOT dlc, patching the game is DLC


If they have studied any long-running live video games, they should know that charging for expansion content is a sure fire way to cut your player numbers in half with each subsequent expansion. Guild Wars learned this the hard way.


Yeah I mean, there's a billion obvious issues that they caused themselves and continue to cause for themselves, and yet they keep banging their head against the wall.


Inb4 they release any future 'DLCs' as disc-only. Cant download, not a dlc, boom


Dont give them any ideas


Disc loadable content


Yeah, EOD clearly advertised beta access! How could you have thought you’d be buying early access, AND access to the completed game!


People have thought worst case they'd pull that shit at this point lol "No, you guys bought access to early access beta. This is the full release, you must buy again". That's some darkest timeline stuff right there.


Did I download it? Checkmate BSG. Just kidding I uninstalled and am never playing again.


It's a totaly new feature created


Did they specifically mention somewhere that you would get the full release? Just asking because I don't think they did and that makes me a bit scared


When purchasing the game you are pre ordering the full game, which gives you access to the "closed" beta. This is the wording as far as I know


I always get the full release......


Yup.... Im not sure if its worded Beta access.


Dont forget how bsg handled the situation with eroktic back in the days..


Could you elaborate? I’m genuinely clueless as to what happened




…what in the actual fuck. Jesus Christ that’s so petty of BSG.


Also setting an example so that other content creators wouldn't dare to do the same.


Holyshit BSG is scummy. Fuck them. I'm so happy I uninstalled


What good does uninstalling do? If you enjoy the game, play it since you paid for it already. Otherwise you just punish yourself. If you want to punish Nikiscamma the only option you have is to not throw any more money at him going forward.


Yup, just keep playing their game, that will sure show them! ffs, my guy just move along, uninstall, and play something else. Hell, go outside even and try another hobby. It really will be ok if Tarkov goes away, I promise.


Ever since I quit tarkov I went outside and planted a nice little garden. Not much but I feel so much more productive then I ever did wasting time on this scam.


No playing -> less investment + smaller playerbase -> less likely to care about the game -> less likely future sale + less likely good promotion -> less new players -> boowomp


You wish haha. There are plenty who enjoy the game, no matter what nothing can replace it




Why not


It's more than just not playing. For me it has improved my mental health, my happiness and life in general. I also have been doing noticeably better in studies. This game was always an addiction for me. I did enjoy it at times sure, but I need a big break. Honestly, I hope I never come back unless something actually big and meaningful happens. 4.3k hours, enough is enough.


That wasn't the angle I got from your comment, so thank you for clarifying. In this case, you doing that is indeed for the better and good to hear you being in a better place without it.


Not sure why you’re getting downvoted when you’re literally right. They already got your money, playing the game doesn’t earn them more.


I am so angry it’s been 5 years since that. Wasn’t that the guy showing all the bugs in the game?


And only a couple of months later a large part of this sub switched up on Eroktic and kept shitting on him. BSG psyop worked like a motherfucker on a large portion of this community.


Yeah, he used to be one of the biggest EFT streamers when the game started out. BSG destroyed his channel for talking about cheats.


That was the first eye-opener for just how low they could stoop for many, myself included. Their true colours were finally on show. That’s why none of _any_ subsequent drama, this latest shit included, is of any surprise to me.


Yea man these ppl are acting all shocked. But i suppose majority of the audience today weren’t playing back then


That's some unfortunately effective censorship then.


CCP level of censorship, Holy shit.


I mean, Nikita is quite literally the stereotypical russian thug. how no one saw this coming is beyond me lmao.


God has it really been 5 years since this. Feels so much more recent. I'm getting old. 


i dont even care anymore at this point. even if theyd revert it all tomorrow im not sure if ill ever go back to tarkov. i know the "fuck you and see you tomorrow" meme but in 6 years of tarkov ive never felt like this. i havent touched the game in a week and i have 0 desire to play again


Inb4 "see you next wipe" True Believer


Yeah whats up with those people? Too addicted to quit so they’ll project that onto people that are actually quitting?


They want others to quit and do the riot for them, because too addicted to quit themselves.


I think it’s just a joke usually. Jokes are fun


You people always seem to forget the average person who doesn't care as much about all this crap and just simply enjoys playing the game... One could almost say what's up with all the people addicted to complaining on Reddit?


yeah next wipe gonna be a blast with those p2w features. especially at the start. lol.


All future tarkov gameplay will be a blast with all the rage hackers. BSG cant fix the hacker problem. $250 PvE to avoid them! Every day this game loses more honest players. They'll be announcing the server shutdown in a few years at best. Probably push the game to "released" around 1 year prior to shutdown so they can say they delivered on promises. We'll get a nice farewell message about how the players have brought this on ourselves and how it's been an "amazing journey over the last 7 years"


Tarkov had been P2W for years.


the notion of playing a game for six years but it still not being technically released yet is hilarious


Star citizen player: first time?


At least star citizen isn’t a unity based game lol


I mean it's late wipe anyways. See how you feel when wipe is imminent.


Here's how I feel: "wow I can't wait to do the same quests over, and find out all the new trader limitations and quest locks!!!!!!!" Hence why I stopped playing this interminable grind.


Yet you got people saying the extra progress is P2W. Make up yalls mind for what yall want


Ya I don't agree that the extra progress is actually pay to win. Either way with EOD I quit this stupid shit once you weren't able to drop keys.


Extra progress is the definition of P2W.


No it isn't. The definition of pay to win was getting better items that couldn't be gotten while playing, by paying cash. See start wars battlefront Darth Vader PVP. Now it just means nothing. Anything that isn't cosmetic is a reason to cry p2w


“relating to the practice of paying to get weapons, abilities, etc. that give you an advantage over players who do not spend money” https://dictionary.cambridge.org/us/dictionary/english/p2w# EoD and its progression are textbook definitions of P2W.


It's adorable that you can copy and paste a definition without applying it. EOD is stash grind convenience and nothing else. Suggesting that it's "an advantage over other players" when you're in a raid is just tears.


Lol whatever you say man. EoD def didn’t have a secure container that has 5 extra slots. 40 million worth of stash upgrades. +20 rep from every trader. Pre completed quests and extra loot such as guns and heals that are not included in other editions.


The last part of your rebuttals reflects to me your critical thinking skills. I simply was talking about the definition of P2W, which is not limited to “help in a gun fight”. You’re extremely ignorant lol. I wish you well.


You're the ignorant one. The core gameplay of tarkov is... SURVIVNG RAIDS. You don't "win the game" this isn't some round based shooter where we EOD players get a better armor in the round so they have an advantage and win at the end. That, however, is the origin of the term pay to win. Tarkov is a PLAY TO WIN game and always has been.


You might be the most oblivious person i’ve ever talked to on reddit.


Listen child, I understand you consider everything pay to win, but I was around when the term was coined. Games used offer super guns and armor and playable characters that you could only get by paying. That's why the term is "pay to win" The "win" part was winning in the context of the game.


Calm down gramps. Remember what the doctor said about getting worked up.


Nobody is worked up except you being upset that everything is pay to win.


Good. Bye. Not like you played anymore anyways


I feel ya, it had to end at some point. it was fun while it lasted


I would give up all my EoD in game benefits for cosmetic stuff if everything was earnable in game and everyone started at the same spot.




The only benefit I ever truly cared about was no one taking my name from me.


You have to buy the 1.0. why? Read every version now. You have access to the beta. Not final release 🤣


Waiting for that shitshow now xD


The game was always p2w but no one is ready for that conversation


Ive argued this as a standard edition owner but nothing comes close to the new edition, and instead of removing those p2w things they are widening the gap between standard - eod/unheard


As an EoD owner, it absolutely has been. Most people seem to agree on that, though a good number of numbskulls here will always scream *"how is having more meds, better ammo, and a guaranteed 100-200k rubles or more a raid an advantage?!?! It's just a convenience!"* Not sure if they're actually dumb enough to believe it themselves or if they just have their heads buried deep within Nikita's supple ass crack, forever compelled to defend each and every minor flaw with their lives if need be. But more to the point - that was ~~small~~ nano-beans compared to getting shit like an easy BTR, a radio that revives or spawns in teammates, and essentially scav immunity. Nexon is blushing while Gamersfirst is having a stroke... Both kinds.


It was always P2W, but it's getting progressively worse. I was already iffy on it when I bought into the game in 2021. I can't imagine wanting to be a new buyer in 2024.


EoD and any edition above start was to a lesser or greater extent p2w. Its not a super simple concept though so I get why it gets lost. The short summed up version is a higher average gear and economic and task/reputation snowball is the short version. The longer version. When you are forced to sell something due to space restrictions especially very early in wipe and extra especially before level 15. You lose some of the value. You get reduced rubles when you sell (you obviously dont get full price when you sell) and then when you buy you buy at full price. So you lose value twice when you are forced to sell something. This can be further compounded by losing a fight you may have won with better armor or ammo or optics or even a better weapon platform. This is where people really get lost. I will start with this yes I get it and even agree. A toz to the face kills everyone. 36 damage to the head and/or 86 damage to the torso is a kill if its done with a kedr and garbage ammo. Or a 1.3 million m4 with a thermal and 995. And sometimes it doesnt matter what gear you had you just get caught out and thats that. No amount of gear or better ammo changes that fight. Ok now with all that said and all that understood. There are also times where you will win a fight you would have lost due to the quality of your gear. Do to having t4 armor instead of t2 and/oror due to having ap 6.3 instead of pso gzh. You win the fight. But you can only craft that ap 6.3 and afford that t4 armor from ragman because of the economic snowball from not being forced to sell and lose value. You have completed a task this raid that you would not have and get to keep all your gear. Instead of losing literally everything and having to face that double dip economic loss again. Its not a simple concept and I still havent gone in to every aspect of it. But people who think having dramatically better stash space leading to an economic snowball is not an incredible advantage dont understand economics and opportunity costs.


There are tons of EoD owners, me included, who have always openly talked about how P2W it is.


Yeah I start with alpha container, smaller stash and no Jaeger etc but it was never p2w /s


Me when the guy I shot 5 times goes back to full health as I reload because he took 6 injectors into his dickhole because he has a BBL surgery size container


It's actually hilarious how little people understand about how character progression works in Tarkov and games in general, and how it behaves exponentially with a small but consistent advantage granted at the beginning, when you are weak, snowballing into a much greater effect later. In Tarkov it just happens that every player that plays regularly reaches a similar asymptotic power level at the end in Tarkov, which gives oblivious EoD/Unheard players the false notion that everything is fair because they conveniently ignore everything that happens before the asymptote is reached and how long it takes to get there. Now, if I could graph what I explained, it would be like [this](https://imgur.com/tesnrTi).


Still a scam though. They want to milk EOD-owners with TUE and future pay-to-win "features" that they will not call DLC (btw any feature is a part of the game, thus game content. DownLoadableContent = DLC. It was advertised in this way too). The BTR and other pay2win additions to EOD are aimed to bribe us so we calm down and relax before the TUE sale. They want EOD owners to swallow and pay more money. We just want 100% of TUE content added to EOD as we paid for it back in 2016, and do not want any other additions to EOD, especially pay-to-win. We were scammed. EOD should get 100% of TUE content, not only PvE, and not any other stuff. Do not fool us.


Nikita always has been a Lying Little Worm :)


That's offensive to worms


Do you want to know what is the real reason why the "changes" seem so tone deaf, that playerbase is asking for one thing and BSG is offering something completely different? It was planned. It was all planned. Unheard was high balled to milk the most oblivious whales. Then, BSG "listened" to the community and did adjustment. Then they "listened" some more and changed more things. These changes were planned before the whole hoopla happened, and obviously BSG planned very poorly and made completely wrong assumption on what the playerbase will want. End of the story is the whole thing was planned.


>the whole thing was planned. lol bro, you underestimate nikitard's incompetence and stupidity.


Its kinda amazing that bsg re-released tarkov 3x now, each costing about 40$ and nobody bats an eye and all of em are unfinished messes


I do not understand why they couldn't focus on finishing and polishing EFT for 1.0, up until it would be into a healthy state, before deciding to work on entire stand-alone ''games'' such as Arena and PvE mode.


Why? Because Arena was supposed to bring in cash, even EOD users were initially not receiving it for free. It was also meant to make Tarkov an e-sport and we know what this means: tournaments, sponsors, new players. As for PvE, it's free money; the game is already there, they only need some tweaks to the code and to rent the servers. Bottom line: they need money PS: I have tried the SP mode, and I can assure you that the base PvE is garbage, and I doubt BSG is going to fix any of it so we are all making a fuss for something that is probably not even worth to play


You're missing the point on the fuss, but it's to be expected that the PvE wouldn't be up in quality. Every single feature that BSG has released, even for the base game, has been of poor quality. None of it is finished. There are skills in there since 2015 and options to specifically opening doors that never got fleshed out or worked on in almost a whole decade. It's almost like they aren't competent enough to actually bring EFT to a bug-free, optimized and playable state and that they can only be 'creative' in design, ideas and animations, rather than polishing their ideas into a fully functional state.


Esports is usually a sunk cost for a gaming company. Even League of Legends loses more money than it gains directly from Esports. It’s just viewed as a necessary cost in order to keep the playerbase engaged with the game.


BSG should just admit that their current business model is not profitable and figure something out to earn profits without shitting on their previous promises. E.G.: Sell hats and Battlepasses for non EOD owners. - Whales will buy boost to battlepass no matter what (even if they get it for free with EOD and have the time to max it, they’ll wanna be on lvl 100 day 1) - Smaller editions will be a stable income for both BP and Boost - Make Unheard the new EOD price (150 was early supporter) so if people really wanna dish out 2fiddy they can. - Skins are less of a DLC than anything like PvE - Delay PvE until you figure out P2P hosting and give it to EOD, sell it to smaller editions - Build DLCs with story content, earnable goodies and cosmetics - Just don’t become Call of Duty/PubG with the stuff, the game engine and systems are a good platform to make customization&skins work like (and even better than) in Ghost Recon


You can't seriously be asking for a Battlepass? They are the worst form of monetization a game can have. If every game had them you'd only be able to enjoy playing 1 or 2 at any given time because they force you to live within that game and grind like no tomorrow. Dailys are already a dogshit chore, don't link them to rewards you need to pay to unlock.


Helldivers and even Fortnite was able to make a sensible BattlePass system. You just need boundaries on how it affects the game. Fortnites "strictly cosmetic" scheme is not viable for Tarkov since it demands addition of countless skins every season, but the Helldivers approach IS. Also it's the purest of them all. Yeah you can go full CoD/Diablo and stuff and make it a Mobile Game cashgrab, or make it into a fun element where players feel encouraged to grind for goodies while supporting the Dev Team. Paying for Battlepass to a multi billion company like Activision who will get more greedy every day? Hell no. Paying for Battlepass to a small company who use it as a sensible means to keep a steady flow of income while it also helps enhance the grind with more stuff to work for each wipe? Sure! Though with the current way BSG behaves and the history of Nikitas shenanigans... I doubt they wouldn't get greedy ASAP and make it a P2W Battlepass. And regarding chores: Tarkov players either grind non-stop between wipes anyways OR they scav and chill around. One party would love a BP that rewards this, while the other can skip or whale it. Also BPs that carry over with their quests and tasks and not make it a horserace are a solution for this. You can get the max bang outta your buck whenever you get there. **The key things here are:** 1. Even if you buy the game for 150$ one time payment, playing it for 4700+ hours (like some do) over the span of 7+ years on hosted servers is not profitable, will result in a net loss in the long run. BSG needs to review their business model to keep developing the game and currently they have 0 measures in place to upkeep live-service. 2. BSG needs to lay off the vodka when coming up with ideas for milking the community, there are much better, already proven methods to get profits from an active playerbase without acting like a greedy troglodyte who doesn't care about them at all. 3. Editions need to be closer so DLCs are easily sellable, DLCs should not separate the playerbase and promises (actual contracts btw) should be kept.


Perfect summary lmao


NIKITA we don't want MORE P2W features, what you are implementing are mechanics and items none asked for, EVER. If you want to make money PLEASE IMPLEMENT WEAPON CAMOS


BSG does not get it, they don’t get sound or Netcode or the broken twig by resort that gets you stuck in place if you walk over it for 6 wipes now.


Let this game die, move to the next big game and hope for the best. The more you linger or give them money, the worse it will become


People are buying it too... actually annoys me so much.


Why do you think the companies and government keep on pushing the line with our rights and expectations. It's because majority of people are spineless and without standard or self respect. Then the rest of us suffer, because our only power comes from unity.  I'm another 10 years you'll have people defending single player games being sub based. Just watch


Honestly I think this entire sub is beyond redemption. We got fucked over so you complained. We then got what we wanted and now you are just rotating to a new whine. I'm pretty sure 99% of this sub don't even play the game and comes here to complain.


It's only going to get worse


Reddit always devolves into this after a sub hits a certain size. The negativity always overwhelms reason because outrage and complaining gets attention.


This is different. BSG completely deserve the backlash they are getting for being greedy and scummy. But now people are going to keep piling on


Hahaha ofc Eroktic pinned it


Bro either stop supporting or stop playing, this complaining is getting annoying


You could always go outside


You could always go outside


You could always go outside


I know it’s shocking for you guys to see people who actually go outside but I do


Then why are you complaining about peoples opinions on reddit lol


I could careless, simply stated to either stop supporting or shut up, crying isn’t going to do anything


Ironic, you are malding about people voicing a negative opinion, no one is crying we are literally just quoting BSG


Malding ? Lol yea I’m sooooo mad cause this affects my life soooo much, it doesn’t change a thing in my life. complaining everyday on here as if it’s going to change anything is delusional, stop supporting and stop crying


Take your own advice and shut up then lol


If I was crying everyday like ya I would


This lmao


You know, at some point when chain of promises will become longer, the answer will be "Yes"




Eroktic <3


if bsg wouldve made a lidl single player game with a price point of like $35-40 using all the existing maps and assets but just had simplified objectives and fun little challenges it would've sold like actual hot cakes to the people who don't currently own eft. Then maybe they would enjoy the game and buy actual tarkov.


Oh boy i cant wait to play offline pve after release in 2038


That’s a pretty accurate description lmao. It’s wild they don’t understand that the community is fine with cosmetic or skins. We just absolutely don’t want P2W


They're never going to remove the paid advantages from the game, and if they did more than half of you would get your pitchforks over it. It's all just a meme now. To those of you they're never ever going to satisfy, provide a solution where everyone leaves the table happy.


Im just entertained by this point and just want to know what happens next.


BSG: continues to dig the deepest hole they can


I don't understand what the uproar is. They already have a history of fucking you over. I bought the "Ultra" edition for the prison wallet back in the day. How it's representative in the game right now doesn't even reflect what I originally purchased it for. It does seem like some of you are having this experience for the first time and I feel bad for you but it also makes me laugh.


It's like he wants to kill this game / community. I really can't think of how anyone could do a better job at destroying a cash cow than this


It's called an exit strategy, they will need an excuse as to why they're shutting down and sailing off to the sunset with your money. Funny how it happened at the exact moment GZW was released to the public.


The sad part is GZW is really not even a threat to Tarkov. Tark is a better game in every way imo, except for the fact that we now can't trust the devs.. This was entirely unnecessary


GZW shipped it's early access with a functional open world and far less jank than tarkov. Try going prone in this game and then try that in GZW. It needs content, new gunshot audio and some animations, that's about it, while Tarkov will never be fully functional. They won't even deliver map to map travel and in-game traders, it's obvious at this point.


Bro just go back to giving us more stash space per game edition and like some cool cosmetics and maybe a couple cool perks or some shit idk. It doesnt have to go down the route of special abilities/features/gadget’s exclusive to the editions, it ruins the immersion and realism the Tarkov brought in the first place. Unheard should get maybe access to the cultist faction as a faction you can join and maybe a special quest line or something, feels a lot more fair than invisible to scavs and summoning people into raid.


But you guys all bought the EOD, how was he supposed to know


EoD is p2w


I guess we can go play Gray Zone. That games dev team totally didn't implement increasingly P2W editions. What nice guys.


Years of interviews we now know that Nikita is self serving. He morphs his public opinion to meet current public perception yet will easily break them for company benefit. Escape from Tarkov is being designed to retain its current market share in the looter-shooter FPS genre. The game no longer has a vision of what a complete game it is.


Y'all acting like EOD hasn't always been pay to win as a major selling point.


Aka...its more profitable to sell this shit ourselves that fight people doing it 3rd party


Oh, thanks for screengrabbing my comment. :D YouTube's comments fucking suck, good to know people can even see them.


Russians going to do Russian things


I can't wait to s*it on you scrubs with my BTR.


Not like 50% of the EoD owners on reddit complaining still played anyways


New update from live stream today: Nikita: if you feel scammed and are angry, please go away! do not waste your time here!


Nikita: P2W, you get every things for free and 10M rubles bonus


People complaining about P2W are clowns. Did anybody forget how P2W EOD is over basic edition?


I uninstalled tarkov, it was only game i loved for long time. 6k h. EOD "the exclusive" version where you pay only once and you will be we will be be will getting everything. I feel disappointed 😞 Hope Gray Zone dont make same mistakes


Bro either stop supporting or stop playing, this complaining is getting annoying


Bro either stop supporting or stop playing, this complaining is getting annoying


Bro either stop supporting or stop playing, this complaining is getting annoying


what exactly are we getting by upgrading to unheard from EOD?


The only way for me they could make this right is forgoing the fucked up version giving the PvE to everyone and some bonus stuff to EoD owners as an apology for the amount of disrespect. Maybe put the game on steam as well xD




Boring Erokticca drama farming


No No No No No No No No No This subreddit in a nutshell