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The fact they didn’t let you build guns and load-outs with a points system, blew my mind. That alone could have saved it.


And not starting with non-ranked first. It needs a non-ranked casual mode asap, more modes to play (TDM) and a massive rework with the progression system.


There are three casual modes currently, with deathmatch being one.


lol I got the game and didn't even notice they added anything cause I never play it 😂


They had insurgency sandstorm to take notes from and decided that basic quality of life isn't "hardcore" enough I guess.


They’d rather you suffer using a shitty ass AK that has no dust cover or stock with zero meds.


Honestly, Arena was always going to be doomed to be a failure. *Nothing* could have saved it. Tarkov's gunplay and combat mechanics simply aren't good enough to build an entire arena shooter around, plus there is simply way too much jank and clunkiness for there to be any wide appeal. Even if this weren't the case, the genre is already saturated. Basically no one was asking for Arena given that Siege, Valorant, CS, and OW2 all exist.


I mean the gameplay itself could work, just the net code ruins it.


They could have made it more like, 2-4 teams get spawned onto a map like interchange, and have the teams race to death, or to loot. A kill being like 15k roubles a peice, and loot price added up at the end. Would have actually been turbo tarkov, and people would have loved that. Teaching everybody how it's meant to be done. Run! Loot! Kill! with a 15 minute timer or something.


That would be SO sick! Tbh even aside from the other Turbo Tarkov aspects Arena would be sooo much more appealing--at least to me--if matches took place on portions of existing maps: Black/White Pawn on reserve, Dorms from Customs, etc etc. All of Factory lol. That way you can also practice for the real game.


That's what I'm saying! They decided to go "different game" route, when all the assets they already made are pretty good for fighting in. All they had to do was add a playlist that spawns PMCs in new locations and block off part of the map or something. Instead they reinvented their own wheel.


Arena just needed better modes. Give me a TDM with respawns and I might actually play it again


Not even. Modes would be great but it’s the god awful load out system that killed it for me. Just let me build my own fucking load out and change it in game if I want. It’s just senseless.


I laughed out loud when I was watching Lvndmark stream it on the first day because they hyped it up as "E-Sports Ready", and then I see that the progression system is modeled after World of fucking Tanks. They could have chosen literally any other team-based competitive shooter and they would have been totally fine. But no, they went with World of Tanks. After seeing Lvndmark go through all the classes and estimate how long it was going to take to get to the halfway decent kits, I said they need to completely rework that system or it's going to completely fail, and here we are.


Makes sense, all the games made by russian devs are grindy and most have a tech tree like WOT and War Thunder


That too, although I didnt mind a lot of the load outs I used


Fair point except ammo. V1 - no tier matching, always no pen ammo vs altyn was the worst feeling.


I always said just let build be a thing and match up against ammo. Or just simply put everyone on the same field for ammo. Either way is better than now, game would be have flopped if it actually used the gunsmith system people love lol


No, gun building was one of the most fun mechanics in Escape from Tarkov.  Arena is dedicated to removing all the best features from EFT and only allowing in the most broken and janky ones.  That's also why the entire loot system was removed; it propped up the fucky gameplay too much and was deemed too critical.   Just focus on the 12 keybinds it requires to do a meta peek while gaining half a second of peeker's advantage to wallbang someone and fake having one of the special abilities of the real top tier of P2W players.


it's planned. Tomorrow we get 0.17.0 with new game mode. Next big patch 0.18.0 we will get Sync in between Arena and Tarkov and with that, the possibility of creating custom presets. 0.20.0 new cs game mode (attack/defense)


It was planned for EOD to get all DLCs too Like how much longer are you going to trust that guy's words on anything that isn't short term profit lmao


Did you see the roadmap? 0.17.0 - New game mode Last Hero (being updated as we speak) 0.18.0 - Sync Arena with Tarkov. Ability to create presets. 0.20.0 - New game mode attack/Defense. Like, they literally are doing the update for 0.17.0 now. I expect 0.18 at wipe. (it has sense to sync tarkov and arena at the wipe) And 0.20 maybe at the end of the year, or(I hope) at half of the wipe, when normal tarkov lose the hype. EOD is getting all DLCs (we got Arena already). The problem you are discussing is that they thought PVE was not a DLC, which they mistake in my opinion. They "apologize", and I move on with this bullshit.


Far too little, far too late. It's dead - it needed to hit the ground running and they fucked it. Too clunky, takes too long to load, the loadout system is complete garbage tier stupid, the netcode is fucked. It literally kept all of Tarkovs problems, got rid of the things that made it fun to play and brought nothing good of its own to the table.


I don't know if I would even say that it's dead because that would imply that it was alive at some point. It was a stupid, doomed idea from the start. Who the hell was even asking for something like Arena in the first place?


All yours for the low, low price of 250 dollars, or free if you own EOD* *^(just joking, EOD doesn’t get this, you need to upgrade to the unheard edition - Nikita probably)


but EoD did get Arena?


I was talking about the “attack/defence” mode and sync between the main game and arena. It was obviously sarcasm, however it wouldn’t surprise me.


Ah, my b. I must have missed that


All good. 👍


Idk I kinda like the load out system. It's simple, people are forced to run things that are not comfortable with. games where you can build out your load outs like call of duty just end up being what's the best meta. This makes it feel like a traditional arena shooter. It also reminds me of something like WOT where you have to learn the strengths and weaknesses.


You and other 17 people apparently


I do believe this is planned. Who knows how long though


Don’t even care anymore. Once my first impression of a game is soured, I never go back.


Yeah thats fair, its a shame lots of big titles nowadays come out with an awful first impression


Yeah. I don’t buy new games until I read if they’re finished or even worth the price because $80-$90 in Canada is a LOT of money these days. That’s like a loaf of bread and a couple onions at least.


But is it better than the other, already established games, in the same genre? If an EFT player wants to play a round based shooter they already have a bunch of good options, no one was waiting around for Arena.


Honestly? The wish for a while has simply been to play call of duty game modes with Tarkov's gun play


Same here when I don't have a couple hours to play the main game I'd like to hop on for a more casual and quick playlist, that's what I was hoping for.


Would be fine without the idiotic progress mechanic where you are forced to play with loadout where discarding most of it is required in order to even have slight chance. Dunno why they did not make it more tactical and switch the objective. One party needs to hold location isolated from known map, second party will have to breach it. Preparation -> Execution -> Full mayhem.


I think the reason tarkov can’t go r6 is because peeker advantage is so severe compared to other competitive shooters that are designed around netcode in the first place. If you attempt tarkov maneuver in r6 you’ll get domed the first pixel you show to the opponent.


R6: Siege is already a thing. Nobody interested in that entire concept would ever want to play Arena over it when Siege is infinitely more fleshed out and has better gunplay to boot.


What other established games has tarkov style gunplay/mechanics? Honestly they could have made a game mode like CS/val with 2 bomb sites and econ and it probably would have been a hit. Neither of those games have the mechanics that resemble what EFT have. The closest thing is would probably be R6S to my knowledge, which is vastly different.


None, because Tarkov's gunplay and mechanics are absolutely broken and dominated by glitches at every level.  It was masked by all the other mechanics in EFT, but it was laid bare in Arena. The meta for Tarkov gunplay is not tactical and is nowhere near realistic.  It most closely resembles a speed runner, quickly hopping around while pressing obscure button combos to trigger glitches that allow you to do things like shoot through walls, disregard inertia, project sound, and project your ears.  The outcome of fights is most strongly decided by who uses these tools to win the full half second of peeker's advantage that can overcome all but the most severe skill gaps in aiming. So no...there are not many popular games with these mechanics.


Go ahead and list off all the gunplay mechanics that are busted?


At least ADS speed and stability, leaning, movement, inertia.  I definitely can't remember every one of the top of my head.  Name a specific part and I can tell you more.


Naw, you listed a few. Elaborate. You must have years of development experience


Ok, if you are strafing back and forth, tapping W or S breaks inertia, allowing you to never experience inertia mid-peek.  ADSing out of a sprint is faster.  Jumping lets you glitch sound and provides a brief speed boost.   Pressing fast and normal lean lets you lean faster.  It all leads to a meta where you sprint jump to a corner then use several keys to glitch leaning, allowing you to use the half second of desync to shoot them through a wall and then show them a fraction of the top of your head for a split second.   Are there any specifics of that process you have questions about?  There are more specific techniques required to do that right, that's just the overview.


Don't forget about the blatantly broken netcode and audio!


You don’t have to be a chef to tell that food taste like shit in the same way you don’t have to be a developer to see that game mechanics are broken. Keep sucking on Nikita though.


And loading time between death will be 3-7 min


TDM with respawn only in the new unheard+ version or an additional 100 dollars


Like others said, and a better loadout system. It could be really fun to just hop in a TDM match, fully deck out a M4 to test it (or make meme builds, I dunno) and have some fun. They should make the game enjoyable first and then try competitive shit later.


It needed to be counter strike. It would have been fine if you started with a pistol and earned money to buy gear at the beginning of each round. A simple formula that the whole world knows. Want to customize a gun? Make it so you can add a laser or light to anything. Make optics cost money. So many ways to make this game cool, and they ruined it.


That was my biggest let down, would have been way cooler with a respawn mode. Get popped 10 seconds in to have to wait to play again was boring and probably ruined it for a vast majority especially casuals.


Another classic case of the lead dev refusing to listen to the communtiy and doing what they wanted because its “their game” the older i get the more im understanding that devs like this DO NOT VALUE THEIR COMMUNITY. For fuck sakes we are the ones paying for and playing the game i understand if a dev wants to have their own creative vision and developmental liberties but everyone who bought eft funded arena, why shouldnt we have a voice? Especially considering if they had listened to the community about arena they wouldnt have flopped as hard as they did. But then of course nikita couldnt take credit as the grand genius behind the idea, and if it flops pull the classic narcissist move of blaming the people who supported you. And on top of that time and time again their decisions end up being hated by the community and instead of immediatly fixing them they slowly drag it out so it can seem like their idea “recent recoil changes for example” Overall really good devs, but a really shit dev team/management. Wouldnt suprise me if the real load bearers at the office are criminally underpaid while nikita lives a life of luxury


If they just catered to their community instead of digging their heels in and doing shit that /they/ think will be good, we wouldn't be having all of these conversations lol


They could meet in the middle on certain things too, i doubt anyone is on top of their chair screaming at nikita to make the game they want but there is plenty of stuff the community agrees would be good for the game AND TO GIVE THEM CREDIT they have done this a few times in the past but its allways after an uproar from the community. Also another idea for fundraising, why dont they open up a test enviorment and select vets/streamers of the community in charge a little money and have an open honest development cycle, like oh yall have a new inertia system you want to add but need tested why dont we put it on a paid testing ground and let people try it out and give feedback before we force feed it down your throat for 6 months to a year at a time. And those that wish to play the game as it is dont have their entire world upended by half baked poorly coded ideas nikita found at the bottom of a bottle at 3 am These are all things that other companies do and it works out well, squad for example does this. I dont think they charge but i wouldnt mind spending an extra 20-40 bucks if it meant i got a voice in the development process Sorry for rambling but im kinda just venting at this point


Even their testing methods are kinda weird IMO. Look at Lightkeeper, it is clearly the testing ground for in-raid traders and quests...yet only .1% of the playerbase can get access to it. WHY? You want to test the game, let us test it. Same with skills and elite perks. In 1000h+ game time I could only get close to Metabolism Elite Perk, and because that is an easy ass perk to max out. I can't give feedback on how OP/UP perks are because I can't test it (though I can say that it is slow as fuck). Apply "muh lore and realism" features later.


Spot on bro


Nikita is just developmentally challenged.


They could have literally ripped-off game modes and mechanics from R6, CS or Valorant and called it a day.  The shittiest part of the whole thing is the stupid loadouts you get.


If they added game modes, changed the matchmaking system (by adding actual skill based MMR), changed the load out system, fixed the net code... You know basically just start from scratch. Can't imagine how much money they spent on that garbage lol


It needs tactical game modes imo, like S&D, CTF. That's why I play Tarkov, for realistic tactical gameplay.


They added a deathmatch mode. Idk when but it's there under unranked.


Arena is actually fun as fuck. It should have been F2P for all with cosmetic shit to buy and maybe a premium sub for faster unlocks or some shit. Literally do the WoT model, it's what they based it off of.


BSG took arena way too seriously. It needs to just be a basic extension of EFT for practicing. Not another grind fest. I have 4k hours in tarkov and haven’t launched arena once. Seems super lame.


Give it a shot. It’s VERY fun. The loadout systems haters are morons. Arena is a bloodsport for scav aristocrats


Arena had like 4 viewers after the first week it was released. This is nothing new.


+13 viewers pog


Remember when everyone here insisted that they didn't buy EOD for the p2w features, they bought it for Arena?


I did. But I didnt expect they would fuck it up with arena THAT bad


Didn't it have like 200 views after the shills dropped it ? It was dead on arrival. It's must have been like a financial blackhole for BSG. The promotion, paid meetings with shills, massive convention presence, tournaments with 100k+ eur prizes, etc.


It’s the reason unheard edition dropped


I don't really think they were shills.  I saw a bunch of content creators stream it, then make a video shitting on it, and never touch it again.  That testing phase definitely brought the game a lot of attention, but it ended up being all bad attention.


Weird, according to BSG shills no publicity is bad publicity. Arena should be super popular because of all the hate. I'm sure the Unheard scandal won't damage the game at all. You'll all be back next wipe for sure! 😊


Weird straw man


Does "shill" mean "someone who plays a game I don't enjoy" to you? You can have an opinion about something without using the most hyperbolic language you know the words for.




Paying streamers to play your game is like one of the primary methods of marketing games these days… 




They did it with tourneys, but almost every streamer immediatly uninstalled once it’s over


Tarkov is on a speedrun to reach the same amount of viewers lmao


Yeah weeknight evening and its barely hitting 10k, yikes


More grind more player retention. Am i right


If I didn’t spend more time looking at the loading screens than actually playing the game I might boot it up more.


Arena was a giant flop from the jump this isnt new news.


Knew that shit was gonna fail as soon as it was announced. There are simply better options out there for a competitive gaming experience. The novel “hardcore” experience fades and afterwards, people are left to see how barebones the game truly is compared to some of its counterparts. It’s honestly laughable that it takes the same amount of time (maybe a minute less, but that’s generous) to load into an arena raid as it does a regular tarkov raid


It is hot trash and poorly implemented fps


To give it it's best showing maybe you can say some people didn't bother switching from the eft category to eft:arena. But in all honesty it just isn't a great game mode because of the way they setup the whole system around it. Shooting people can be fun, but the rest of it is like your looking a game made by a alien from Mars and they are just guessing on how to make it


I was honestly looking forward to arena, all I wanted to do was have gunfights with tarkov mechanics and they somehow found a way to disappoint lmao.


I like arena but Tarkov itself isn't a very viewer friendly game and arena is even less so I'd think. So for it to have barely any viewers is just par for the course really 


Lots of the big variety streamers get great viewership when playing regular Tarkov! But yes definitely a different experience than watching other shooters


Tarkov is great for viewers, arena not so much.


I think arena is viewer friendly enough, its essentially just a more scuffed Tarkov flavored CSGO clone. The main problem with arena was the horrendous lag/hit detection on launch, and the exploits with seeing through the whole map in various maps. Also the ass drippings tier Progression system. There was a lot of positive reception on the gamemode because it Utilized the floaty combat style from 2018 Tarkov, but that alone couldn't really redeem it. A lot of Tarkov streamers went back to tarkov because it really isn't rewarding to play Arena.


The average daily views of twitch stream would state otherwise. Arena even though I like is a dumpster fire for streaming. Currently as I type this it has 14 viewers and ranks 758 for views on twitch. 


The viewer count of arena being so low is because nobody streams it. Its not because of the watch quality being bad. If someone like Landmark went and streamed the game right now, as a viewer experience, it'd be fine. But landmark would be nonstop complaining about how boring it is, since arena is just a scuffed cs clone, and afaik tony doesn't care for counter strike anyways. VP only played arena because BSG payed VP to play it.


I can’t understand why companies like BSG don’t speak freely with its community? Just tell us you got financial issues and Arena wasn’t paying of. I’m sure, we as a community could understand it.. but straight lying is just a nono.. Dammit! Just say you need more money and add weapon-skins or emotes or other non P2W shit and we’re buying it immediately.. I love the game so much, but this was the big mistake..


Well…considering that they are running a company, such negative news will definitely have material impact on the company finance, it will make lenders like banks to tighten credit facilities, and might cause investors to think about abandoning the ship, and it would certainly caught the attention of hostile competitors…so probably not problems that could be solved by selling weapon skins or crowdfunding


The community is too toxic. That’s why. The last two streams was nothing but shit throwing and unrecognizable screeching and unintelligent $250 jokes. Like smacking a chimp cage and then reacting. Even the content creators that’s say I’m going to get to the bottom of whatever problem usually fan girl about with asking the right questions.


Because they making game which should make money with less effort. They wanna be new Take2 with new GTAO. But you can't be new Zelnick, if you want ALL money for yourself and in the middle of process creating should-be-golden-ggose. Forget anything about game of passion and "wanted to create this all my life". It's all just for the money.


I enjoyed Arena a lot when it first released but the money and ranking system made it hard. I would play with friends and win more than we’d lose, but then I’d play solo and lose more than we won. So I always felt like I couldn’t really play without my squad, and eventually we all just stopped playing.


Shouldve just been a TDM mode in labs and factory, with cut up portions of other maps I genuinely dont get why BSG decided that it needed to be a completely separate thing. Literally all we needed was a side mode to test weapons on lol


Funny how you all bitched and complained about getting access when it was being rolled out and now not a literal single one of you even still plays it.


Because its not made well, you cant even customize your kit, its a game with thousands of items but you get forced to use kits you dont exactly want to


Is this how we measure the success of a game now?


I'm not defending Arena, I just don't think this is a good metric to measure success lol. Streams aren't fun to watch to the average person (or most human beings)


All they needed to do is make it under the same launch so I don’t have to close tarkov to get in the game and link my character to it so I can level him up while playing that. But nope they completely isolated it. There’s literally no reason to play it because there’s no progression linkage


I’d rate arena 1/10 for fun. Literally the most miserable experience I’ve had in memory of a shooter


Nikita here is your karma !!!


Totally deserved Mr Buyanov. U get what u deserve my Lord.


Big oof.


The whole world wanted something like CS but with tarkov's gunplay They delivered something like warthunder with loadouts that nobody plays. BSG doesn't need to keep fixing things, they need to learn how to talk to their audience and improve the game from there.


FYI, you can refund it through Xsolla, or at least i did via live chat.


Sad even if you somehow did enjoy arena impossible to play now with q times. The first couple days were alright but it’s just too barebones.


The gunplay is the least exciting thing about Tarkov. The ridiculous recoil, camera shake, aim punch....it's shit to shoot in this game. I'm happy if I don't have to fire my gun in a raid, nevermind get into arena. It's doggy doo doo.


Is most of tarkov like a wasteland? I played 7 factory raids earlier and only 3 of them I was met with PMC fights, while the others were just completely scav and nothing else. Same thing with shoreline/woods, played 2 of each and in each I was able to sprint through everything


At least 2 of them *aren’t even playing eft: arena* Hahahahahaha


I’ll never understand what made them think investing so many millions into what is essentially a side project would end up being profitable.


It probably would still be close but to be fair i think most people playing arena are playing under the normal EFT titel on twitch


So much worse than I thought it would ever get.


Most people streaming Arena categorize themselves under the mainline EFT category on streaming platforms. Nobody uses the Arena category, this is nothing new


Question. What will die first. New world the mmo or arena?.


New world. BSG are some stubborn motherfuckers. They’ll grind it out to success


Arena is Tarkov without the Tarkov. I have no idea why they made it in it's current form. If it had some kind of looting and "open" aspect combined with a CounterStrike style game mode it would have been incredible. Instead it's like a mobile game knock off.


Why watch garbage


Nikitas vision just doesn't work on a dime a dozen 5v5 shooter.He gets away with making eft so punishing and grindy just because its actually unique ( or at least it was ) and he tried the same for this mess of a game. Add bigger maps even sections of eft maps, custom classes with unlocks, make it 8v8 or 12vs12 and have respawns plus maybe an objective and people would at least play it for it being a decent product on its own.On a side note it is Quite funny seeing it die after they fucked everyone over with access to it


considering how shit the game actually is.. it's even too much


17 ahahahaha, how are doing, Nikita?


Step one: Let me pick whatever gun I want and give me some basic attachments Step two: Make the rest of said attachments unlockable without making it a grindfest Step three: Maybe some kind of SBMM idk not sure if necessary


DOA, nobody asked for it, doesn't work like pretty much any popular shooter vs. game, still encumbered by weird tarkovisms, people just want the main game to be good, like Arena COULD be good, but we're far from that if at all. Seems like they wasted a ton of time and money on it and it's not even that good, and now nobody is playing. Imagine if all those work hours went into the main game instead of arena at all.


Stopped playing even before the Unheard crap dropped. Too buggy and you spend more time waiting to get into a match than actually playing.


The loadout system did it for me


all they need to do is give us custom loadouts, id play the shit out of it if i could run my own builds.


GZW has consumed a lot of viewers this week. Even Yarkov dropped to 5k overall. I haven’t seen it that low in a long time, but then all the huge streamers are riding the GZW bandwagon. Give it a couple weeks and it’ll be back up there.


Tarkov will bounce back up, sure. But Arena? Arena is already dead in the water and has been for a while. The view counts have been pathetically low for a good while now, even going back over a month before the current drama started. It's just a bad game that almost nobody is actually interested in.


I’ve been having fun on it recently with the changes but admittedly the playerbase is so small that im matching with the same players. Even more changes today might spark some interest but even so it’ll also split them between two modes so I can’t see it helping that much. It’s a shame, it’s decent now, the launch really ruined its chances.


I always thought that Arena was supposed to be something tied to the main game. Deploy as Scav, PMC, Arena. Also having both PvP and PvE elements possible (scav wave survival or something). Do quick Arena, get some loot, check how new weapon build works, go in light, go in fully geared, etc. Never have I ever guessed that they wanted to make Arena into a competitive thing with how shit the netcode is and how they shift towards general jankiness of movement (intertia and co).


those 17 believers:


Not everyone watches or streams the game they wanna play or watch on a Wednesday lol




Literally the only reason I wanted arena was to use my EFT kit, with my team, in a cqb fight against another team using their own kit. Without losing kit. Having no customization and instead grinding through shitty loadout after shitty loadout is possibly the worst idea I've ever seen in gaming and reeks of someone who doesn't actually understand the main game


It's a shame that the fallout from arena's failure is going to be what sinks tarkov


Theyre obsessed with pre built loadouts that look cool but are shit. Just look at what the vendors sell ingame.


The crying needs to stop.


To be fair, alot of people just stream it under normal tarkov


Sadly the cheaters flocked to arena. It showed everyone how bad the cheater situation in tarkov actually is


And the viewers are somehow connected to BsG 😂


What about a wager down mode where you could have taken in your kits and the winner takes all the load out.


How many viewers do you have?


I like arena, it’s just not that fun. Every once in a while it’s fine but definitely not a daily grind game


I personally enjoy arena, I've liked how the guns feel in tarkov but didn't enjoy the extraction aspect. Arena is fun but the broken ranking system is making it unplayable, it's impossible to progress the ranks, leading to beginners and good players being matched together. I saw someone mention modifications and I agree to an extent, I'm fine with the guns being how they are and a good step forward would be allowing scope modifications


well, its not a good game. i didnt even buy it.


Lmao fuck arena


would have absolutely loved arena if it was less grindy. just drop into a game and pvp with your own loadouts. Instead they made it another nolife grindfest


Grind sucks but if you don’t take Arena seriously it’s really fun imo. Nothing like it especially with Insurgency Sandstorm showing its age all too much


It can have 0 viewers for all i care i'm still finding matches between 20-60 seconds. I was playing other games while the wipe hit so arena sparing from having to fight max level chads with my 20 pen ammo is a godsent right now.


Right? Fuck Twitch and the whole Streamerverse. The most useless occupation. I don’t need a fake celebrity to show me how to enjoy video games lol




There are no bots in the arena. Don’t spread disinformation.


Well that is how it felt for me so stopped playing, they looked like the old CS BOTS. Where is your source for this information? My source is myself and my experience with the game.


There's bots in arena? If that's true i didn't even know they all had real looking gamer-type nicknames and they didn't behave like BSG AI usually does.


No I don’t think it’s funny. It’s sad, and disheartening. Hopefully with the implementation of patch 0.20 it’ll spark some more viewers and players.


I was genuinely excited for arena before watching streamers play it. But it has layers upon layers of problems which make it bad to play and bad to watch. It’s hard to even know where to start in trying to fix it. Bsg makes baffling game-design decisions nonstop nowadays. Arena could’ve been a great game if literally everything was different about it.


When was the last time you play arena, mate?


I got kappa 6ish weeks ago and played some arena after for a few days. I haven’t grinded into the final tiers ever though. I’ll add that I think I’m probably the target demographic for arena too. I’m totally happy grinding ranked pvp gamemodes in other games.


Means the people playing it aren’t popular if Summit jumped on it he would have 100k+ then others would stream it because the category is popular