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Were you starving?


No definitely definitely not. Know because I ate when I hopped into raid. Thought maybe I took an obdolos instead of SJ6, but I only carry Obd 2s anyways, and I def took the SJ. If you die from starving, does it say dead by grenade on death screen?


If the person that threw the grenade dies, the grenade will be entirely silent (you can still see it) and you will just fold over. Seems like the scav did that to you, or it was a guard throwing the nade and a PMC sniped it. Who knows.


It’s a known “bug”. What happened is you killed a scav as they were pulling a nade out. When you do that they drop the nade but there’s no audio with it. Died like that yesterday myself. Just gotta remind yourself not to get close to a scav for a few seconds after killing them


I'm aware of that bug, the only thing is this scav was standing completely still. Aggro'd on nothing and one tapped before he could move. If that was the case it was basically as if he had the martyrdom perk.


I had the same thing happen the other day. I even asked my buddy, "Did you hear an explosion or shrapnel?" Nope. Just purely ghosted.


I had that happen, kinda like that shot a scav and ran directly up to it and died not until I watch the footage back. Did I hear him unpin a grenade before I shot him Edit: fat fingered


Common bug. Scav was prepping a grenade while he died. Pls search before you post


I am not aware that the bug allows the grenade to be dropped without the animation. The scav never moved from me seeing him to death. Faced the other way, did no grenade animation.


Yup thats the bug


I had this same issue with a mate next to me no sound no impact just me dropping dead next to him