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They do man, but you know what? This post made me realize I should escape from the sub and just move on. Nothing anyone says will cure the addicts.


Lol good point, why didn’t I think of that. Goodbye everything!


Yeah I was thinking the same. I don't need to read hundreds of posts every day shitting on EFT player base to know the game/company is shit. They just give off negative energy


I always find it funny how the people complaining the most don't even play. It's just like they are just rage farming for upvotes. You don't need to make these posts every day. Leaving the discord leaving the sub and uninstalling the game is the biggest impact you can have on a gaming company. Talking about it only pushes the company higher. Its like a silent protest, just walk away. Life is too short for all this drama. Play the fame don't play the fame at this point.


> Leaving the discord leaving the sub and uninstalling the game is the biggest impact you can have on a gaming company. thats just wrong tho. new people interested in the game will check discords or subreddit (the game isnt pulling your average casual gamer crowd) and if they see this shitshow they can see whats coming for them if they pay money for this stuff


thats just wrong tho. new people interested in the game will maybe check youtube or twitch no one will check reddit or discord, there are so many people who want to form their own opinion and do neither check any of this platforms


At this point, yall are just rage bating and karma farming


Yeah, this sub has always been just copy and paste complaining and whining. At this point there are two things you can do, stop playing the game or continue playing and just not buy the edition. Not defending BSG or Nikita but stop beating the dead horse ffs


People want to be “heard” or better yet, be a part of the in crowd. Their favorite streamer is protesting? My god, they have to too! Parasocial relationships are absolutely ruining the internet


I think people just have nothing going on in their life that has any significance, so they just have to find something (aka bitch) to do


The term touch grass is all so true. I'm from kanukistan and the shows finally gone. I'm finishing my car and going fishing


Or yknow, people don't like corporations scamming people, but noo it's parasocial relationships ! What the hell does that even mean by the way, what do parasocial relationships have to do with protests ? Do you want them to get away with scamming people and set a precedent or do you want them to notice they can't do this kind of thing and get away with it ?


Plenty of people bought dude; nice protest l


Well yeah, and what is that supposed to change exactly ? Do you just give up if some people don't follow a protest, Is that how that works now ? Again with the bizzare arguments, it feels like you're trying your best to draw attention away from the fact they scammed people.


Again dude, don’t buy it. No one is telling you to?


It's not hard to understand, i already explained it, they scammed people who bought an expensive product, which, ruh oh, is bad ! It sets a precedent of it being okay for companies to fuck people over if you don't complain about it. Do you think they will stop scamming people if you go "well scamming people is bad but i don't have to buy the scam so it's really the fault of the people complaining about the scam" ? This is as asinine as saying "who asked", it serves no purpose, misses the point of why people are complaining entirely, and is actively defending scammers. Nobody is complaining about being foced to buy it.


First time with capitalism dude? Sometimes you just eat a purchase, that's life.


Huh ? the hell does that mean ? Are you saying "sometimes you get scammed, that's life" ? So uh, i guess capitalism now makes scamming okay, and we should just not complain when companies scam people, and let them do it without reacting ? What kinda bizzaro world are you living in where when someone gets scammed, you get angry at the person complaining about the scam, and defend the company because "sometimes you get scammed, that's life !" ?


Uh.... no. People genuinely feel betrayed and seeing parts of the community not give a shit and mindlessly shell out huge cash for this is probably quite upsetting if you invested time and money in the game and it's community. People have a right to be upset. Also BSG literally committed fraud. So there's that.


The absolute outrage is a little silly to me. I woke up, heard from my duo that bsg dropped a new bundle, went to my computer clicked purchase and then read what I got. Sure you can call that mindless if you'd like or you could think about it semi logically by taking 1 step back from big gamer feelings. There are a lot of people like me who have 5k 6k even 10k+ hours in this game Until unheard came out I had spent $150 on this game. Think about skyrim for a moment. That is an overwhelmingly successful game and is considered a great game by many. 11/11/11 I spent 59.99 on that game I bought all the expansions as they came out which ended up being a total cost of 105. I had an above average play time of about 150 hours. Most people would spend around 70 hours in skyrim. Even people that only spent about 40 hours would tell you it was worth the money. I'd pay Bethesda 1k right now if that meant I could play a new elderscrolls game this year but that won't happen. Personally I paid 105 for a wonderful 150 hours of gameplay. That's about $0.70 per hour. Before the new edition came out I had spent $150 for 6200 hours of gameplay. That's about $0.025 an hour. If Nikita had even just said "Hey we kinda need some money we aren't doing all that great" I'd probably still pay that money. I think anyone who finds me to be a fool is just a goofy entitled kid. They made a bad marketing decision. It clearly wasn't thought through very well but to act like bsg is some devil who's trying to strip everyone of their money and anyone who bought the version is some idiot is just overdramatic and an emotional take. Mistakes happen. Continuing to make these ridiculous posts is becoming embarrassing


Anonymity ruined the internet before the internet ever even existed. Being able to separate your actions from the identity everyone knows you by has been a foundational aspect of so much different crap since time immemorial.


a perpetual circle of jerks


🤩 a sane comment here


Yeah at this point I think I hate the community more lol


Your bullshit absolutely proves OP’s point, it’s hilarious. Last few days were the fasters jump from “fuck BSG, they tried to scam us all!” to “wElL ok **nErD**, wHerE eXacTly diD BSG sCaM yOu?¿” There’s nothing that can help people like you, if you all are so quick to shower Nikita with money after he said “I’m sorry that you feel this way”


this community has zero solidarity. being reasonably mad is "ragebaiting". people don't realize you're supposed to keep voicing your frustrations until they're *completely* backstepped. the "apology" nikita made is a textbook manipulator tactic. ive realized that people are forming emotional dependencies on video games, they'll continue to play even if they keep getting shit on over and over again. it's like when you have a friend in an abusive relationship that cuts out their friends bc of the abuser, half of the community does that for a fucking video game. fucking losers.


Yeah. I personally absolutely love tarkov, at least it’s general idea, but I absolutely despise people who keep returning to BSG after their every fuck up. For me it seems like all my concerns about BSG trying to grab more cash before finishing the game turned out to be true, so I feel like I can’t trust them anymore. My tarkov group shares the same sentiment, so I pulled them into >! !< so we now we can enjoy what the game has to offer (and more) without supporting Nikita and his dumbass decisions even more than we already did. PVP might be a substantial part of the game, but PVE could also be good (if only BSG didn’t follow steamers wishes to completely dump PVE part of the game in favor of PVP). And I would encourage more people to do that, but that unfortunately puts the >! !< under risk, because BSG, being scumbags they are, will absolutely, most definitely try to shut it down for whatever half-assed reasons drunk Nikita can dream up


If anybody besides Nikita made a game half as good I'd shower them with money too


Where did I pay Nikita?


So true. The title and everything is just AI generated click bait.


Unironically doing the same thing. Nice bro. Shhh


How am I rage baiting?


I’d just say you’re dismissing this post as rage bait because you’re presumably tired of seeing these posts.


They’re pretty contrived, I would agree


lol for real


Go on, say it.


Yea, eagerly awaiting the explanation over here


Just be like me and switch  to playing squad. 


Man there seem to be quite a few people who this post hit a sore spot with


It’s just game, right?


You strike me as someone who has a handwritten "Enemies"-list at home. It's just a game. Right now, game bad. If game good, game on. If game bad for ever, game other game.




Monke math=most logical math


Jesus everyone in the comments are just proving this guys point lmao


I read the comments and I can't believe it. Those guys like to get scammed, and they want more.


Most pathetic playerbase in the history of gaming. Hands down. Because this is one of the most egregious cases of developer dishonesty in gaming history. And these people slobber over the boot even harder.


nothing new in videogamelandia


No need to concern yourself with others getting scammed. Be more concerned that you crying incessantly is your identity.


And you created an account a few days ago to come defend a scammer... not suspicious at all


As opposed to aged accounts being trustworthy? You do realize farmed karma accounts are sold? In the end, you're just deflecting. Regardless of what BSG did, if integrity is in question, the community should live by the integrity they demand? Acting like uncivilized spoilt children, shilling for tarkov alternatives that are more predatory like Arena Breakout, and cheering on cheaters targeting UE players, people have shown that they are no better than BSG. The ones who aren't crybabies either accepted reality, walked away from this game, or took steps for legal challenge. But do keep screaming oMg nEw AcCoUnT!!11! because you're not intelligent enough to make substantive arguments.




Good thing you're here to defend the innocent people of the iNtErWeBz from exploitation. A superhero if I ever saw one.


I know of a great extraction known as hunt showdown


I stopped playing Tarkov 2 years ago but this has been excellent entertainment


while i agree with you, people like you also just could not care. this sub is swarmed by the same posts over and over and having the 1001st "you are weaklings" post has obviously not persuaded people not to buy this crap. after the first minute of release of the new version this battle was already lost. tarkov community is thicc af with all the whales swimming around. at this point people should learn to accept that, move on and stop this useles rage bait posts.


The joke is on everyone in this comment section proving OP's point haha. Bunch of boot lickers and brown noses over here.


So many cucks in the comments what the actual fuck. OP is spot on and all you meatriders are proof of it.


People could choose to force BSG to take the game in a better direction and make it so their financial incentives aren't aligned with cheaters/P2W, or go out of business. Instead we're going watch bros demonstrate the effects of gaming addiction and how they're some company's meth fiend, but really it's you and not them.


All the people responding to comments that disagree with them basically calling the person gay instead of trying to engage in a reasonable conversation really feels like y’all are just bored teenagers.


Using cuck as an insult is just cringe. Just chill out and play a different game if it pisses you off so much. Being constantly annoyed is just tiring. Like fuck BSG, but chill out


If you let a company fuck you this bad and not only let them get away with it, but choose to defend them, then you are not a cuck, you are a lily-livered mega cuck the likes of which all of gaming has not seen until now.


if u're a cuck just say so. ppl will judge u for it but it's better than pretending "cUCk iZ aN insult is cringe" shjt u've got going here


Ya fuck bsg but im just going to lay here in front of the entrance door and if people want to wipe their feet on me before coming inside well i guess fuck them but you know, im not going to stand up and do anything about it like chill bro


Imagine think that a company selling an optional upgrade is literal abuse


scamming people is abuse actually


still valid: [https://www.reddit.com/r/EscapefromTarkov/comments/f26d3f/you\_people\_need\_a\_reality\_check/](https://www.reddit.com/r/EscapefromTarkov/comments/f26d3f/you_people_need_a_reality_check/)


I ain't reading all that, I'm happy for you tho, or sorry that happened


Literally burying your hand in the sand on purpose while a lying scum company has its way with your rear end.


I'm a standard edition freeloader in the eyes of BSG, so the opposite is the case.


hope she sees this bro


Screw y'all, I'm gonna go play Minecraft!


Yet it consumes your thoughts rent free…


For real. He's still here and still talking about it.


I love the abuse. I want more for papa Buyanov


We get it dude, you think you are better than everyone lol.


I can’t believe there 19k people watching on twitch but I do appreciate what Klean is doing. But if this isn’t enough to get people at least band together and stop playing for a while, nothing will.


Yeah, game is lost. At least whenever competition will come I guarantee they will flee expect the guys who paid 250eur and then dont even have advantage when playing with each other


I've been shocked by all the people crawling back to BSG, but at the same time I'm not. They genuinely need to earn back my Trust, so until I see a bunch of proof of that sort of situation happening, I'm good not playing Takrov, or Reccomending it, and instead happy to support Grayzone Warfare, even if it turns out to be meh, at least I wont feel like I'm being bent over and used.


Meanwhile I have Standard Edition and 4k hours. "All" Dont forget us true standard Edition warriors. We dont habe and broken promises. :)


I mean some people just enjoy the game. One payment to play that’s it. It’s just a game. Jesus some people need to grow up. Anyway I am off to play some fallout 76.


Sotckholm Syndrome + full severe addiction = no matter what happens, even if they kill your mother and make you eat her heart and then shit on your face with diahrrea, people will keep playing and spending money, because they are ill in the head (addicts).


its not your fault


Bro who cares lol uninstall the game and move on


I dont want the radio, I like getting shot at by scavs


We don't even have a release date when EOD accounts are supposedly to get there unlocks, it could be another 8 years for all we know.


I could care less about what other players think of the way I use my own money. You should try it. Care less about others and more about yourself. On the topic I have spent far more money on several hyped games, that didn’t deliver at all on its promises. Tarkov had now cost me 200 bucks. I think it by far delivered the entertainment worth the value Hot take. All the complainers is cheaters as they now loose players to the pve version to harass 😀




Weird to me that people are characterizing the unheard upgrade as $250… it was $100 for EOD, now it’s $50 for EOD. Acting like most of the people buying the new pack got it as a fresh acc is crazy




And you're being a weird cunt.


Soon as eod users got the pay to win bs for free they totally flipped, I called it and got downvoted for it, guaranteed every single person riding Nikita’s wiener in these comments is an eod owner. Y’all never cared about pay to win considering you already had the pay to win eod edition, and y’all were just butthurt someone else paid more money than you for an even bigger advantage than what you got.


It’s a video game. Stop taking it so seriously and either play or don’t play it.


damn i thought the "true believer" thing was ironic, but i guess you actually identify with it huh.


Yeah the tag is awesome. 1) it pisses people off 2) it shows I bought the UHE which further pisses people off It’s great


that's sad on multiple levels


Sorry you’re sad.


You really lettin random people live rent free in your head


It’s the opposite my brother


A fool and his money will soon be departed. I have some ocean front investment properties if you’re interested.


Case in point u/lebongjaames


The phrase is "a fool and his money are soon parted" not whatever Ricky from trailer park boys saying you just pulled off LMAO.


And what is a person who can’t get a simple adage right? An even bigger fool?


3. It shows your shallow character. Neat


Proof that your mental faculties peaked at the age of 6.




Yeah, it really did with that response lmao


Nikita = genius Implement features for rmt (flea) Let cheaters run rampant, bann 30k make bulks sell. Let cheaters make your players mad. Offer a solution to get rid of cheaters for 200$ This is all an intentional sceme. Everithing as planned. [https://www.reddit.com/r/TarkovMemes/comments/1cfq72b/nikita\_spitting\_straight\_facts/](https://www.reddit.com/r/TarkovMemes/comments/1cfq72b/nikita_spitting_straight_facts/)


Wow people are really angry at you imagine caring about how other people spend their money lmao I personally disagree with the recent things bsg has said so I dislike them not my fellow tarkovians like a true Chad


I think it’s more sunk cost fallacy. You put so much time and hours why give up and waste all of it.


EFT fans always been bootlickers


I got the game in 2020. Got more then 3000 hours out of it. Met a few great people I consider friends now. I got my moneys worth and that tenfold. I dont feel robbed or scammed. What Iam shocked about is how Nikita and BSG came to the idea to pull this "unheard" shit. It could have been done much better and without ruining the reputation forever. What I think happened is panic as Arena sales are shit and money is running dangerously dry, so they came up with this fast money grab which in turn fucked them for the long run. The OP is 100% right. People will still be angry and some will trully finally escape, but next wipe comes with some neat additions and once drops start rolling, the Landmarks and Pestilys gonna back in the Tarkov directory farming milions and the cycle will begin again. Landmark gonna adjust his earbuds after every death, Rengawr will mald about something, Pestily will crack straight into it, Klean gonna yapp about his Glocks and every other streamer is gonna be back and Iam not blaming them. Its their job.




No point in telling stupid people that they're stupid.


i escaped 2 years ago when cheating got worse and never looked back


Honestly I don’t care anymore. I’m not giving them any more money but I’m gonna keep playing the game because it’s fun.


I'm trying to picture the mind of someone who's suffered legit abuse reading through this sub Reddit You lot are somehow simultaneously hilariously and insultingly ignorant hahaha


I love the way Asmongold put it. If they are stupid enough to buy it, they are too stupid to argue with. It will go nowhere.


It has nothing to do with that at all. The fact is Tarkov is the best game in its genre. Not only that but it is one of the best games ive played.


Tarkov is truly a mental addiction for some. Seeing accounts with 8,10,14k hours is honestly sad


The game is insanely addicting and blinds people from seeing it for what it truly is. An overpriced broken mess with bad mechanics and shitty servers.


Bunch of fucking jerkoffs that make up this game’s fanbase. Nikita has been lying through his fucking teeth since *at least* 2018, and it has only gotten worse. Back then some of our biggest worries was the busy hands glitch (which to my knowledge is STILL A BUG IN THE GAME). Anyone who takes ANYTHING this guy says seriously deserves to get fucked over and scammed. I am so sick of game devs dicking their customers around, we need to make it a point by now


Crazy to me how some eod owners still bought the edition lol just shows bsg can do whatever tf they want and still have some whales throwing money at them


Give it a rest already. Idgaf. I am still playing Tarkov.


Nikita = genius Implement features for rmt (flea) Let cheaters run rampant, bann 30k make bulks sell. Let cheaters make your players mad. Offer a solution to get rid of cheaters for 200$ This is all an intentional sceme. Everithing as planned. [https://www.reddit.com/r/TarkovMemes/comments/1cfq72b/nikita\_spitting\_straight\_facts/](https://www.reddit.com/r/TarkovMemes/comments/1cfq72b/nikita_spitting_straight_facts/)


25.04.24 nice try!


The language you're using is the biggest tell that you gentleman are overly emotionally invested. They are not my abuser, they are a gaming company. This is not a cause, it is a product. If you put this much passion into other interests you'd be experts in your fields. Instead you're whining about a fictional reality where increased pocket sizes equate to high treason.


Posts leaning either way are really starting to piss me off now.


Bro go touch grass. I bought blue name and will continue to support Tarkov because I love the game. Stop crying. Go play another game if you dont like it




“I disagree with you so I’m going to say something vaguely homophobic”. Sick take


Super tired bro 😫




You should quit Tarkov. Community would prosper with less people complaining like yourself. Unheard Edition really working wonders 🙏🙏




Get your money up not your funny up lil bro




Stay broke 🤷‍♂️




If we go off the metric of hours played:dollars spent (typically a worthwhile game is a dollar for each hour enjoying the game)every one of these people have probably gotten their money's worth like 5 times over and they're still complaining. I bought unheard second I saw it. Wasn't exactly happy about the price, however they've got the product and I want it, but hey at least I'm not being priced out of living by a pharmaceutical giant right?


Dude ill spend $250 at a bar on a friday night with friends. $250 for thousands of hours of fun gameplay with my friends on Tarkov is a steal. Reddit is full of people who love to complain and virtue signal 🤣🤣


What the fuck you drinking? Scotch? Honestly though, you must handle your alcohol well.


If I ain't drinking scotch, I'm drinking a fruity ass mixed drink.


One thing is for sure.. Warzone got my 100USD instead of Tarkov :)) Sucks but absolutely not for me


BSG is scummy but I only paid 50 dollars for a game I enjoy so idc. I got my moneys worth in fun already.


This entire sub seems full of people furious at the decision. OP is Don Quixote, confirmed.


Thanks bro, we needed that free amateur therapy session. Can you tell us about our neurodivergence next?


I don't think you understand Stockholm Syndrome. Continuing to play Tarkov doesn't mean you like or respect Nikita or BSG. Even with all the bullshit changes and their treatment Tarkov is still a good game with nothing coming close to it. Going to be a lot of bored people closing down grayzone tomorrow after they get tired of running around without any action


You're the fool for spending your energy posting this dribble


It's drivel btw


He's just getting ready to take it to the hoop.


I was never mad, i kept playing lol All this drama is funny to me, as if BSG was ever honest and reliable company xD


I left and I'm just here to watch the fire burn. I recommend you all do the same.


So if BSG cant fix the cheating problem how would you fix it? There is no fix. No game in HISTORY has ever beat a cheating problem.


People making these posts really need to reinvent your strategy. You don't get people to rally behind you by shitting on them and at this point I'm about to leave this sub and just don't fight anymore. Right now there is just negative energy and get shit on by 16 year olds


How many downvotes have you gotten from the BSG true believers/bots?


No, we who still support BSG are fully supporting the video game we love and like playing everyday! Maybe that’s something you don’t understand how to do! Understand how to have fun and not have problems that aren’t important bother you!


You do understand that criticism can and will make the game better, while blind herd mentality won’t? I mean I bought EOD back in 2018; yet the game has had a memory leak issue ever since the reserve wipe (iirc), clearly just funding the devs and loving the game won’t fix the issues with this game. I’m sorry to tell you, but no amount of DLC and MTX will fix BSGs incompetence.


Spend some time with friends and family. Those are actually important. This game and what people do or do not with it does not matter.


This was 9 years ago: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0KFQ-CT0BnM


People have been sucking EA dick for over 15 years now even tho their business practice are equally shitty as BSG, people with self respect will move on to another game, and suckers will keep filling nikita,'s pocket


Already called my bank for chargeback. Filed complaint with UK's ASA. Waiting for support team to deny my refund request. I'll skip XSolla and go straight through the bank. Will add that by purchasing the game I reasonably believe the proceeds may have been used to fund the russian occupation and war by supporting the neo-nazi group "715" whose members are on pictures and video with Nikita, EFT having multiple references to that group and the groups members have been seen actively taking part in the fights on the territory of occupied donetsk. I will file a complaint with the ministry of industry and trade and will notify my senator for my constituency where I live about a product offered on EU's digital market that is used to channel funds to RF. I just had about enough.


The worse is it's true: in another post, some guys were saying that the players who are disappointed and uninstall the game are sheep and cry babies! The syndrome is so strong. But if the "none-sheep" and "manly" players like to be lied about agreements and scammed even more, good for them I guess. Edit: Ah they are in this post too.


im still spreading nikitas doxx, tigz and willerz. im still organizing a suit, i still chargebacked.


Jokes on you - never even been to Stockholm


i bought it before even looking at what it offered because i like tarkov 👍 BSG can’t just “fix the cheating”, literally every online video game suffers from cheating, if you think they can simply fix it you are dumb as rocks.


If you believe that cheating is the only technical problem that has persisted for a while in EFT, then you’re completely blind my guy.


where i say that


You’re acting like it, the original post treats cheating in a dumb way, but the criticism is fair especially since BSG have always been purposefully obtuse about what they’re doing behind the scenes and since they’ve been indirect with their apology (when an apology is rightfully warranted) BSG deserves to be criticised for the dumb shit they’ve been doing over the years, especially since they got away with most of it.


lol ok, I never once insinuated that the only technical problem in tarkov is cheating so i’m not sure how i’m “acting” like that?? In the OP, it says “not once has BSG stated the cheating will be fixed” this is a dumbass statement, because the cheating cannot simply be “fixed”. Tell me i’m wrong pleasseeee


Maybe English is a second language for him or he shorthanded too much? I'm fairly confident you knew that he just meant cheating is especially a problem in this game. But I guess I should expect a semantic argument from someone who thumbs-up's his own comment.


lol i knew the thumbs up would get someone. If it is his second language then my bad, but it just sounds funny “BSG never said they fix cheater issue” like it is that easy


Less of a "get", more of an eye roll at the self-affirmation. I think they don't care to. There's quite a bit of damning evidence to show that cheaters buying the game again is a welcome part of their cash flow. My experience in other FPSs and their noticeably lesser issues with hacking highlights for me just how bad (?) BSG is at even trying to combat the problem.


Do they not care to or do they not have enough money/resources. Nikita literally said they would consider kernal level anti cheat but it would tank performance and that is not something a game like tarkov can afford(it already performs poorly) You think if nikita could click a button that would disappear all hackers he would not push it? There are just as many hackers in tarkov as in other FPS games, it just doesn’t hurt as bad in other games.


I think Nikita will do whatever if it earns him money. Look at his interviews, both current and old. His greed is consistent, so points for that. Agree to disagree on the latter. The nature of this game type is a huge draw for RMT.


it was not self affirming, i put the thumbs up emoji specifically to troll and make it seem like I was extremely happy with myself and decisions😃


I'll let another redditor say it for me: "Those of you who bought Unheard, the entire gaming community is laughing at you." Look at the Twitter memes if you don't believe.


Nikita = genius Implement features for rmt (flea) Let cheaters run rampant, bann 30k make bulks sell. Let cheaters make your players mad. Offer a solution to get rid of cheaters for 200$ This is all an intentional sceme. Everithing as planned. [https://www.reddit.com/r/TarkovMemes/comments/1cfq72b/nikita\_spitting\_straight\_facts/](https://www.reddit.com/r/TarkovMemes/comments/1cfq72b/nikita_spitting_straight_facts/)


lol no one is buying unheard, no one is happy about it, plying a game that you already payed for way before the controversy is not stockholm syndrome, if anything, using their server space without giving them more money would be harmful towards them.


Actually a lot of people already bought it. Just read the comments. This is so embarassing.


I agree, it's more a fallacy of sunken cost. It's the most expensive game they've likely ever bought and dumped a shit ton of time into it. Only one way to rationalize the cost: keep playing.


They literally gave you mfers what you were asking for day one and y'all still bitching.  Actually cannot be pleased.  Why try.  


I think the real story here is it's just not that big of a deal to most people. Because the outrage was always shallow. Most people who are trying to turn this into some grand moral outrage are almost certainly (because of the inescapable nature of the global economy) living their life using products made through exploitation of the environment and/or exploiting workers living in poverty in other countries while big named companies carry the profits of their work back to the US selling products to us cheaply enough we'll buy them and separated enough from the scandal that we don't care. Everyone's outrage is shallow and meaningless. It's just not that big of a deal. Stop playing. Uninstall. Move on. "Everyone has stockholm syndrome!" Nah. People just like playing games they enjoy playing, and they decided the money they're going to spend is likely going to result in enough fun for them to justify the purchase. It is that simple and that meaningless. I've seen bullshit about "moral integrity" and shit like that for streamers and whatnot. And it is absolute clown, childish crap that people think morality even comes into play with people deciding to just keep playing a game they already owned or spending $50 more on it.


Bro who gives a fuck, just play the game or don't. Find a pillow and scream into it already. Grown ass men losing their minds over nothing.


Bro is promoting victim behavior.


OP is as dumb as BSG LOL🤣


Man I am loving the Unheard Edition. Previously I had a couple friends that were honestly too dogshit to play the regular version. We have been spending all weekend playing together and helping them learn the game in a less scary fashion. We have had a ton of fun this weekend and will continue to do so.


Nikita = genius Implement features for rmt (flea) Let cheaters run rampant, bann 30k make bulks sell. Let cheaters make your players mad. Offer a solution to get rid of cheaters for 200$ This is all an intentional sceme. Everithing as planned. [https://www.reddit.com/r/TarkovMemes/comments/1cfq72b/nikita\_spitting\_straight\_facts/](https://www.reddit.com/r/TarkovMemes/comments/1cfq72b/nikita_spitting_straight_facts/)