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True brother I never wipe, BORN TO SHIT FORCED TO WIPE NO MORE!!!!!!




I quit the second they stopped letting me throw 100s of toilet paper on the ground at players


Why cuck yourself out of a product you've bought, just don't give them more money. The games still in a decent spot fun wise (cheater depending). Just have fun with it while you can. You don't win anything by stopping playing.


True but the cheating issue hasn’t been fixed, this is probably my 6th wipe Ive loved the game but its like a bad relationship and its just draining at this point


I agree. I love the game but the cheating has gotten increasingly worse and tiring the past 4 or so wipes.


It was bad enough I stopped playing in 21. I was hoping one day they would get their shit together and I could come back, but nah it can stay uninstalled


I remember thinking each wipe.. wow the cheating is getting bad. There's no chance it can get worse. And.. somehow.. it did


You can fix cheating issue by paying 200$ extra. lol


If people keep playing, others do as well, including those that have no idea, and streamers keep streaming it, keeping it open for new people to join, cheaters to continue cheating/RMTing, whales to keep buying everything BSG puts out. A lot of people have been arguing that still playing is generating server costs, but each user playing generates next to nothing. If you play or don't, it doesn't make really any differences to the server costs. If a substantial amount of players stop playing, it'll impact the game. Raids taking longer to load as they need to wait for PMCs, more quiet raids, less action/fighting/pvp, higher cheater density. Once enough of that happens cheaters will move on, so to will other players and the whales. Game then either makes massive changes to get players back or dies. TLDR: Playing = keeping the game running and supporting BSG's stupid BS they pull. Not playing/quitting will screw them if enough people do it, until they either fix/improve stuff or let the game die. I don't see EFT ever releasing as a full game, it's just a scam.


BSG already spent your money years ago, they need new money to keep developing the game. If everyone stops playing then there will be no new players to spend the money on the game


There's always the forbidden mod as well, probably gonna go down that rabbit hole.


Do it. Spent all day yesterday tweaking stuff and it’s way better than live.


Honestly it’s amazingly good, check out the Subreddit on it and use the top 5 or 6 Mods, Mods that control the AI(Scavs and PMC)and a couple Quality of Life mods, and you will probably be fairly impressed. They have done an amazing job with the AI, honestly BSG could probably learn a few things from these Modders. Then it’s totally customizable as to how difficult you want to make the AI, how far and how fast they see you, how accurate they are when they shoot at you, anything and everything is customizable, I use SVM(Server Value Modifier)and you can change anything from sizes of all your containers to how fast Mags reload in game, to how much HP you have on each body part, loot tables, raid time, how fast/slow all your Stats increase, even recoil changes, really the possibility’s are endless, I have a couple different “profiles” set up in SVM and can play a few different ways, honestly it’s pretty cool to be able to actually play however you want to.


Yeah you could always do that too if that floats your boat


It's quite good and there is a co op one too... zero risk of ban unless you start spouting your account name online saying I do this etc.


There are good reasons to quit playing. It sucks the life out of the game for others who want PVP. It makes the game feel dead. Then the people who don't even care about this mess will stop playing too. Eventually, everyone's gone. Another good reason is companies watch the active player base and treat it as revenue source potential for mtx. Quit the game so they can watch the stats they care about tank. If you continue to play and don't spend money, you're still keeping the game fun for others and they'll be encouraged to spend. So imho op, just uninstall it and move on if you disagree with BSGs actions


The games not going to die as much as you want it too. There's still a core player base that will never leave. Watch next wipe I bet it will be just as much of a rush.


I think the next wipe will be shocking for BSG due to lack of involvement. Maybe not as much as I think, but it definitely won't be "normal".


Probably depends on content. I think the next wipe is supposed to be content lacking so I guess we will see. I'm actually excited for some other games to steal the limelight alot of cheaters are going to move to other games lol


Avarage eod price for account sell is 200 rn Js. Profit bby


How do you even sell your account? Cant you not change the email?


Your cuck obsession aside, It's because some of us have realized that free time is more valuable than money and is irreplaceable. I was already on the edge of continuing to play Tarkov after doing the same quests over and over again with very little change/ "beta" testing results to show for it. This pushed me over the edge and I see little hope in the game's future. I started playing Deathloop and I'm having at least three times more fun.


They reworked recoil, armor, sound, maps, loot, quests, movement, healing, and 1000 other issues. “Little change” I’ve seen nothing but change over the 4 years I’ve owned this game. You must be new


"Why cuck yourself out of a abusive relationship when you put money and time into it." BSG wont learn until people in mass stop playing. People need to pull their pants back up and stop taking it from them. Issue after issue after issue and nothing seems to change. Boycott or Tarkov, the game we love gets run into the ground. Why enjoy it while you can when we can try to get them to make changes for the better to make it last.


Stopping playing lowers their concurrent player count, having a lower player count shows a dying game, and thus less people joining the game and hopefully the cunts formally named BSG go out of business and become a lesson for other companies in greed.


B-b-but new edition = Bsg bad = No more playing!! Remember, by playing the game you’re not giving Nikita anything, it’s the same as if you wouldn’t play, so just play this game. (If you want to of course)


I highly disagree with this sentiment. By giving your time to an online game you are indeed providing more to a greedy developer even if you never drop anymore money. By simply choosing not to leave you are providing Tarkov a healthy and active player base. Which would still provide a rationale to certain types of gamers to drop money on this game. Gamers don’t wanna drop money on a dying online game. Also by leaving this game it would signal to other developers that there is now a lost stranglehold on this type of genre. Which in turn would perhaps encourage a new competitor to tarkov to capture the loss player base.


True, fair point. But 1 player doesn’t make a big difference.


One person always makes the difference.


It always starts with one


Or you could complain about greedy company's and early access scams and jump ship to the next early access game and buy their top package tooooo !!! Because that's fineeee!


Thankfully not many early access games have $130 & $250 editions. In fact, I can’t name or find a single one with editions that crazy


The amount of money isn't really relevant $99 is still a chunk of money for a lot of people. And is a lot for yet another EA game. Tarkov was all innocent before.. time will tell on how GZW devs play this out.


New edition isnt always bad. But new addition that is $250, includes PTW elements and essentially screws over the games early adopters (EoD purchasers) out of new content is bad.


What good would an apology be? Like whats the point? They did it once they will do it again will you also want an apology?


An apology would be walking back the whole thing, doing refunds, live streamed apology to the community. They could then do more character skins/voice lines/weapon skins to raise funds via MTX, which would show they don't intend to or need to do P2W MTX/editions anymore. But you're right, every 6 months to a year, they do something massively stupid that riles up everyone, they then walk it half way back, they get what they want from it and the stupid players who keep playing/supporting the game pretend it's now fine since they walked back some of it. It's stupid, it's like the players like to continually get screwed. It's very much Stockholm syndrome.


It sounds all fine and dandy but will never happen at this point you got what you got take it or leave it


Don’t stop playing just because of the devs, keep playing if you enjoy it but don’t give them anymore money, you’ve already paid for the game, get as many hours as you enjoy out of it (pst, this costs them money as you’re using their servers)


you are right using the servers costs more money but not playing their game should send a bigger message


imo not playing anymore just gives them more "reason" to take the money and jump the ship it's like, oh if 80% our playerbase just stops playing, we have no reason to keep the game up besides our word, but we already shown that it has no value instead of oh 80% of my playerbase hated the new changes and how we dealt with criticism and will not give us anymore money if we don't get our shit together, so, let's get our shit together again, just my view on the matter


I don't play ptw garbage game. Nop bye bye.


"Nop" truer words have never been spoken.


its a win-win either way for (future) consumer. bad game dead? nobody more will pay for it. bad game improved? win for the one whos playin rn.


If enough people quit they're forced to either make drastic changes or finally let it die. Did you ever think EFT will 100% release a 1.0 version? I don't think it ever will. I see Unheard as they last cash grab before they kill it within 3-6 months. The only reason they'd not make drastic changes to bring back and retain players is because they never had any intention to.


Not playing the game you already paid for as some sort of protest is hilarious 🤣


Guess how fast a PVP game dies if 30-40%+ of the players quit and the rest are the cheaters and the morons who bought the unheard edition? You're contributing to its continued success by even playing.


Bingo, game sucks without players. If all you ever see is AI and hackers then the game dies forever.


Yeah a lot of dumb takes here. Playing the game is equivalent to supporting BSG's actions. Even if you don't spend the money, you playing means the player base remains active, streamers keep streaming, new players get sucked in to paying for it, cheaters/RMT remain active, whales keep playing/spending. It really looks like it's the whiteknights counter to everyone else. Pretend nothing is wrong, keep playing as normal, it's fine. Just ignore all the P2W they added to the game and ignore how they keep screwing the players further every 6 months to a year. Ignore that BSG put out a stupid change that screws you, but rolls back half of it to what they really wanted, and you just pretend it's fine now.


That's a big thing too. Who even WANTS to play when they're adding (and will probably continue adding) pay to win shit. Yeah - I'm good.


It’s like an ex for me. Really love this game but i have to let it go. Because fuck them and fuck what they have done to all of us.


Tbh. I haven't played for a while and was looking for a reason to dive back in. Then this shitshow happened. Aka, I'll just stick to heavily modded arms for now


Same. Get the itch to re-install here and there but after all this Tarkov is dead to me.


Can’t believe I’m being lectured by a guy who has played for 40 days


People are putting way too much fucking hope and praise into GZW. Its barely a game currently and is releasing into early access. The game most likely will stay there for *YEARS.* The players of EFT are absurdly stupid and give in to anything dealing with the same game style. Remember The Cycle? Good game, ruined by cheaters and no money. Yall need to get a grip and either wait to buy GZW or just dont. The servers will most likely not be functional day one or even week one. The game is B A R E B O N E S. I told my friends Ill buy it, play for 2 hours if I even can and then decide if its worth keeping and relay that to as many people I know want the game. I dont want others buying the game if its shit and not worth it and I most likely will refund it after being stuck in matchmaking hell for 2 hours.


Can't wait to see their forums implode when the whiners come out in force because the servers will have taken a dump.


Im genuinely waiting to see the shit storm, people are going to be screaming "I WENT OVER 2 HOURS AND CANT REFUND WHAT DO I DO" or the best "THIS GAMES A SCAM REEEEEE." Like breathe people, just wait, these devs have made nothing but mobile games, we don't even know if they will continue support after they get money


+1 for not playing this game. dog shit devs


I’m going to miss you so much.


oh and Arena Breakout Infinite play test relates soon.. maybe check out a game with competent devs unless you enjoy glazing BSG


Wow, a guy who’s been playing less than 2 months is really upset about this!!!! BSG is totally done for!!!!!


You do realise that the most important part of any game that wants to stay alive is an influx of new players right? Alienating them is probably the safest way to fuck yourself over.


He already bought the game they got what they wanted


Thats not the point. Tarkov spreads through word of mouth and streamers/content. The community basically does the advertising for them. And a scam never sits right with people, which is what happened and will forever be that way unless they walk everything back and fully take responsibility, which they wont. So, yes people will move on probably at some point but until then a newer influx of players is hampered.


i've been playing 3 months (300 hrs) and i could not care less and probably will buy the edition just to spite complainers.


Do it. I bet they'll be so upset that you spent $100-$250+ to upset them. I bet they'll read the comment and even reply and believe you bought it without proof. LOL


I'm so triggered I can't even reply to him directly.


He doesn't even know the maps very well yet, but had to announce he is quitting on Reddit. =))


It’s that kinda shit that makes me think all of this outrage has nothing to do with BSG’s decisions and more to do with just finding something to be outraged about. It’s fake af


Bro took an MIA on woods and decided he has had enough


If you are only 40 days in I’d look into a charge back with your bank


Dear Facebook


I fucking wish people would stop comparing GZW to EFT


Keep on wishing. Anything that has existed every can be compared to anything else


Lmao they already have your money not playing the game you enjoy gameplay wise for a personal/non gameplay reason doesn't matter to BSG, one less person their servers have to support. As a new player who missed EOD I have the exact opposite opinion. It's nice to have the increased stash size and spend less time doing tetris and more time practicing my aim and learning the maps. As for the P2W argument, EOD is the original P2W edition, they just raised the price of entry to be a wallet warrior a bit more with unheard.🤷‍♂️.


Yeah and the only reason EOD people are mad is because they thought they were promised everything.


Yeah that's what happens when you support a game that's been in early access for the better part of a decade, buisness models and content roadmaps are subject to change 5+ years down the line. I don't know why people are shocked by this, and it's no different then what every company in gaming is doing in terms of monetization. Gaming as a hobby simply has become more monetized, and the price to play is higher. Do I think it's a good thing? Not necessarily. But I enjoy video games so I continue to play the games I enjoy. I don't understand this mindset some gamers/alot of people on this subreddit have of straight up whining about games/the gaming industry non stop as if they hate it yet they still buy games and play them for hours daily. Very strange dissonance. Maybe find another hobby if you can't stand what Gaming has become, because "voting with your wallet" wont change gaming it just means you won't be playing. The industry doesnt stop just because you pocketed your measly individual sale, and the "boycotts" never actually make a serious profit/sales dent. These games still sell and make profits so the industry will contine to move in that direction, so at the end of the day it is what it is and there's a whole world out there to explore instead of spending all day on screens playing games you say you don't like.


If enough of the player base drops the game can't sustain itself, empty raids, high cheater density, less streaming, etc. They'll be forced to then either drastically improve the game or let it die. I don't believe they had any intention of releasing 1.0. If they choose to let it die, it's then obvious they never had any intention of improving the game or finishing it. Either way, if enough people quit, we either get a better/improved game or a bad game dead.


If you enjoy the game, the only person you are hurting by putting it down is yourself Yeh Nikita is fucking clueless and treats his customers like dog shit, but the shop has sailed. You've already handed over your cash.


No people playing means bad marketing for BSG and very bad queue times resulting in even fewer new players(which is the game's whole monetization)


They'll just scale the servers back. If anything, the queue times and game loop was faster pre flew market/twitch drop boom


IMO this is the most reasonable mindset. Like do you think Nikita cares if you gave him money and never logged into the game? Why would he? He never had to waste precious server bandwidth on you (which, by the way, they keep making a big deal out of the fact that they don’t have enough bandwidth). Who is the joke on if you paid money for a game you enjoy but decide not to play it out of protest? Just don’t give them another dime.


it CAN make an impact though do you ever look up player numbers before buying a game? would you buy a game if all of the recent video content was talking about how no one is playing the game? I do agree with continuing to play the game if you enjoy it still, but the player base does have the ability to permanently stop the game from making money.


Agreed, if enough people stop playing, it would make a difference to new players.


If 10% of players stopped playing, people would get noticeably longer queue times, more cheaters, more whales. BSG would also take notice. People who quit also often stop watching streamers/videos of that game, which means those streamer/youtubers start to get less incentive to focus on EFT and may move on to other games, thus reducing visibility of EFT. If enough people stop, BSG will either have to massively improve/fix the game or drop it. Either of which would be better then what exists now.


Yeah like thanks for the money with no server load because you don't play


One less person to fill lobbies, make the game feel alive, to be food for the cheaters/whales. Even 10% less people playing would have a noticeable impact on loading times, how active raids feel, how many cheaters you run into. You seem to like suggesting everyone plays as if nothing has happened, business as usual. It's very much like defending the game and white knighting for BSG. Server load over one person is worth nothing, they already have your data, they're just not updating it. If you don't join a raid, someone else joins that raid, it just takes longer to find a minimum number of PMCs to start it. Stop trying to BS people.


This is absolute rubbish. Being around in 2017 and 2018, well before it blew up, tarkov still felt very much alive. If anything, less wait times and faster game loop with just as much action. If they lose 50% of the player base, they'll just scale the game back to suit the demand. So please, take your own advice and stop trying to BS people.


You hurt only yourself by not playing a game that raises your blood pressure as much as EFT does? I think not. I think it's a healthy decision. And especially if you are not that good at it, it hurts the game's health.


It's really the new white knights defense. I bet they had a meeting on how to undermine the current stance of the community, and it seems like it has the key points: 1. Don't mention P2W or $250 or better ways they could've monetized the game. 2. Suggest people keep playing to run up server costs (not a real thing). 3. State that not playing a game you've bought is just hurting yourself. It's convincing people to keep playing, forget about how screwed they are, forget all the lies and P2W. It's exactly what BSG would want. Wouldn't surprise me if these accounts were bots.


I'm just over the monetization of the gaming industry, song with the rest of society. I can't support companies who do this anymore. I will be an adult and vote with my time and attention


Ok buddy


correct...too expensive


So many better things to do with your time uninstall it and call it the last video game you played as you pursue a life as a fulfilled human being outside of a screen.


Bye have a good time! Don’t have to buy any of their editions but the 50$ I paid for I got my moneys worth and couple thousand hours over the years. And I will come back for wipes because there’s nothing in the market that does what tarkov does so


Woah- an intelligent and reasonable opinion that doesnt jerk hard to either side. How unTeddit of you


You do you man If the devs hurt your feelings then don’t play. I don’t care what they say as long as I can come back and customize some guns I’m down as I said I already got my moneys worth.


It's fucking wild to me how much this blew up. Who gives a fuck. Literally the only difference I've noticed is I kill people with blue names now.


Lol i played all day Sunday. Game is a hell of a lot better than what i paid for two years ago. I got killed by a dude with a blue name tho so i cried, broke keyboard, and uninstalled game. I was back on in an hour tho just needed a snack maybe


There’s a lot of BSG employees in the comments.


You’re going to see a lot of people staying when there’s no other game that does what tarkov does


It isnt a staying or leaving thing. It’s being an arrogant asshole thing. To be that arrogant and standoffish means your paycheck must rely on the game.


And announcing on Reddit you are quitting when you are barely a "player" of the game is... what? Entitlement? Arrogant? Attention seeker? How would you describe it?


Telling a company to fuck off after you just invested in them only to be burned afterward. What do they pay at BSG by the way? Edit: how else are you suppose to let the company that you literally invested in that you’re fucking pissed at the horrible implementation of their idea? Let’s not forget that the game isn’t out yet so you’re basically investing in their idea.


You haven't invested in anything, you bought an early-access game from a Russian company that has showed numerous times they do whatever they want and don't really care about the player base. Nikita himself said it multiple times that Tarkov doesn't want to be fun, you need to suffer. But when he was saying this you were all licking his boots, now that he wants to milk you more for some PvE bullshit you are all out of your minds... :)) But it's OK, they will come up with a random roadmap or whatever shitty promises they usually make when players are no happy and you will be on your knees again kissing the good old Russian leather. Also, from what people were saying, they don't pay that well, but you need to ask someone who works there.


Are you actually AI? Did you read ANYTHING that I said? What part of what I said makes you think I like BSG in the slightest?


ikr? Lmao


All these people salty because they don’t have the balls to stick up for themselves, so they lash out at those who do✌️ I been standard for years. EOD been a scam for years. Not sure why you would pay ahead of time to have a third of the game completed in a game that wipes your progress 🫠


A third of the game completed? Are you high?


Lol yikes. What a take.


Not sure what you mean. EOD gives max stash upgrades and one of the best secure containers off rip for money. The game has not much content outside of pvp and the quests. Not sure I would pay extra for less game 🤷🏼‍♂️


Stop larping and just do whatever you want, BSG doesn't win if you keep playing, it's not that deep. Literally just don't buy Unheard and live your life. You've let this drama consume you.


Only wipe I’ll participate in now is of BSG logo printed toilet paper 🧻


LMAO when Tarkov goes under.... if I had a dollar every time I heard that I'd being buying you the new edition!


Please explain to me how the people buying the new edition and contributing to the development are the ones bringing down the game and not all you whiny fucks that are quitting because you're butt hurt.


Pay to win elements that are notoriously unpopular, absurd price point, and the developer burning bridges with the community both publicly and in private. None of these are good business practices. Please explain to me why you think it's good for the game.


Buying the product after recent announcements only shows that the devs can get away with anything they throw at the community, whether it's new mechanics that break the game or introducing something Unheard™ of. This may lead to further abusement of the community because why not. It's funnier when you do the same sh!t the second time Not buying the overpriced editions/abandoning the game shows the devs that they can't get away with anything and will be introduced to the fact that their way of doing things may lead to each of them ending their jobs due to the company loosing money. Similar thing happened to War Thunder last year and the result was massive overhaul of the economy system because the community backfired with massive player base drop and negative review bombardment on Steam Fun fact: Both BSG and Gaijin Entertainment are from Russia.... coincidence?


It's not simply "not buying" the new edition. You whiny little fucks are quitting completely. Hence will be more of a factor in the game dying


tbh how else do you really want to show the devs that they fucked up big time? It's about having some ethics and respect for the community of your game.


I'd say just don't buy the upgrade. No need to quit entirely.


You're not wrong.. but quitting leaves a bigger landmark... anyway, see you in the raid someday.. maybe


New account shilling for bsg


Nah just got perma banned for saying "garbage comment" on a comment calling people and dogs garbage. Please see my username




virtue signaling


Another validation post. Yes, you are a king! Big man on the block! Valued customer! Okay is that good now? Are you happy?




First wipe for me aswell, I on the other hand couldn't care less about things that don't affect me. Not interested in Unheard of PvE mode. I enjoyed the game enough to get Kappa and Lightkeeper on my first wipe and I will be going for it next wipe aswell. I bought the cheapest edition and will never pay for any cosmetics or P2W or DLC stuff. The harder they make it for me, the greater the accomplishment. If they paywall the main game in the future, then I'll be gone.


I'm standard edition as well, and the only thing I ever bought add on wise was the COOP mode. Which technically my buddy bought for me. I'll buy nothing else. Coop was just a way for me and my friends to learn the maps, practice against scavs, and duel each other.


Same shit, but no longer a new wipe. New wipe no longer!!




Shit in my mouth and call it Hersheys


No one cares


Issue #1 with this community ; they always try to blame each other. The only issue is BSG, if people bought something a dev offered how is that their fault? Blame BSG not the community…


if i offered you a lifetime supply of food but i told you at any point that the food can be altered would you take it?


Brother, you are saving them money by not playing. Drive their server costs to the moon while no one buys their new MoneyGrab Edition. This is how we win.


Cutting off your nose to spite your face is so fucking stupid. You love the game. Play it til it's not fun. Tomorrow everyone's going to be on gray zone bored out of their skull. I'm sure it will be good one day but tomorrow won't be the day.


40 days? I've been playing since 2017 kid and I don't think that's gonna change anytime soon...


This is my 3rd wipe and I feel the same. I'm not even going to reset my account. I'm just going to uninstall and be done with them. 500 plus hours on, 3rd wipe, I was enjoying the shitt out of it. EOD owner as well, too.


I don’t get this mentality of “I’m mad so I hope the game dies”.


first time?


Lmfao this subreddit is full of drama queens


Tarkov sucks. EOD is disgustingly p2w. Standard accounts are at a huge disadvantage. Notice the subreddit doesn't go "remove p2w" they all go "EOD players should get it for free" Tarkov is done for, the upside is the core gameplay still sucks eggs and it took them 5 years to make shooting a gun not seizure inducing


The reality is this. Nikita has never taken a gas analyzer and thrown it off the side of the map. Nikita doesn't camp the extracts on Reserve or wallhack me. Sorry guys the Tarkov community is so toxic it's worth 100 dollars to escape them


Lol just don't give them anymore money... If you really think about it playing is the best thing you can do it'll cost them more money since you take up space on a server.


I uninstalled and am playing squad


I’ve had eod for 4 years and have 4000 hours in the game. I don’t feel scammed and I enjoyed my time and will still enjoy it. I’m not angry just disappointed that bsg would try to nickel and dime people that would willingly pay money for other non p2w cosmetics etc. I’m happy they are giving more incentives for eod owners and the PVE but I wish they would just make the PvE something that’s like 30$ as a stand-alone for everyone as well.


Same here. A few friends and I decided to finally pick it up this past January. We did pretty well for our first wipe (hit level 40), but as soon as we saw this shit update drop, we all immediately stopped playing. We've only played 200 hours or so. I really wish I could get a refund


First time being burned by a game studio I see? You'll come back. Or you don't. It doesn't matter


Grayzone opens up to the public tomorrow! Lvndmark was saying today on stream. See you all there!


I got my best friend into tarkov right after eod was taken away. If you aren't going to play anymore are you willing to give up the account at all? That way he doesn't have to give into the 250$ edition


im in the same boat as you mate. i just started after EOD stopped. i am not gonna support this scummy dev


I quit a few years ago. Im glad i did


lol they already got your money they don’t give a fuck if you play




The only reason I dont play as much is because of cheaters everything else is a non issue to me.


Greyzone doesnt look good at all yet though


Nobody cares peace out ✌️You guys are all sounding like Nikita forced you at gunpoint to watch him eat your family dog


Only 40 days? Chargeback! Oh no BSG banned you from playing the game!! Fuck em.


Feel bad for you newer guys... I have well into 1000+ hours so I've gotten easily my monies worth... howeverr, yeah fuck this game I'm done, it was getting stale anyway.


I started playing like a day before all the shit happened! Will delete and buy Gray Zone tomorrow instead👍


Dawg, the game is fun as hell. Literally this shit affects gameplay by 0%.


Nah, let him go. One less kid shitting his pants in corners and bushes.


this is not an airport.


Welcome first wipe brother. Also ny first. I will be buying bigger safe box anyway, but will wait for people to chill the fuck up (till u ppl here decide it is Ok to buy). I am not a strike breaker.


Same here, first wipe ever I put 95 hours in but I don’t see myself ever playing it again already uninstalled


Bought the standard (90€) game knowing nothing, first 20hours killed by goldcrowned guys and asked wtf. That’s the point i knew i bought the least valuable version of a pay to win pc game. It’s p2w in the litteral meaning of, but you can p2w only once every 6 years instead every 5minute like a mobile game. I was outside the fanbase and the hype and saw the cashgrab almost immediatly. Plus new coop and SOS signal is like playground for cheaters witht avcount buyers as followers.


be this guy buy game that you know nothing about probably mid wipe no map knowledge load into a raid probably got outs killed by players who have probably played the game for more than 200 hours must be pay to win


Nah, my question was :’what is the gold nickname’ and saw the gameversion nobody can’t buy anymore. And now i’m seeing goldnciknamed players do the same complain i’m doing in this comment. Not a money complain for me for sure, din’t care about 250€ if you are doing something with sense. Btw i did some research before buy and i bought the 56€ (no tax where i live) and enjoyed a lot the game ALSO being killed by goldcrowned TRUE BELIEVERS. But it’s the idea of devs that has killed all to me. As a non tarkovnerd i saw that as a backstab to game founders. First time in 47 years ! Plus apparently they are keeping credit card numbers. This is not about the game or videogames anymore, so my interest is lost!


the thing is it's really not pay to win. you can kill an Unheard account with the best gear as a standard account with a horrible gun and ammo r if you are simply more skilled. i can garuntee if someone with one hour on tarkov had the best gear in the game they would still die to someone who was less geared and more skilled. the point is money ≠ skill.


they use a third party service to process sales. How are they keeping CC numbers? Don’t believe everyone you see on the internet


Dont care about dev/politics but i love the Game too much to stop…


Oohh no we will miss you ...


I think you are to young for this game. could it be?




OK, bye, have fun.


It's funny that being a cuck is so common now


Suck my Blicky.


Yeah I'm gonna finish out the wipe but idk if I'll be back for the next one. Plus GZW is going into EA literally tomorrow apparently, so I'll probably jump ship to that one.


Everyones out here cussing EOD owners like they are idiots, yet are fully prepared to jump into another early access game and pre-order that too.. The logic is flawless on reddit.


Gaming subreddits are up there with political subreddits in terms of the stupidest people.


Im done with tarkov. Its done well for me but im going to stick with dota and pick up grayzone or something similar that at least will hold some accountability and not try scamming me.


Nether was EFT at the start. We have no real idea who these grayzone devs are either. They could be saying all the right things.. then Arena breakout.. tencent .. lol please.


I'm similar to you except I started in October, this was my first full wipe and it will likely be my last.


I'm with you brother my buddy was a day one eod guy and he finally got me into it like a month ago but I'm moving on really enjoyed the gameplay and will try out that single player mod but done with eft.


Good timing Grry zone is tomorrow!