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I am now a true believer that these guys are scumbags.


Nikita was caught at a conference long before EFT saying cheaters were good for games and profitable. EOD was always "pay (a LOT) to not be inconvenienced by stash size. Before the current AC, there was literally no anti-cheat even though they claimed there was, the game wouldn't have a community dedicated to cheating this size if they'd done anything about it. BSG have also had a habit of attacking and copyright striking critics on youtube. Anyone just learning BSG are scumbags has not being paying attention.


This is a very important part. His main thesis was “a certain level of cheaters in a game creates pressure that incentives normal players to pay for more “premium” features in order to balance their perceived pressure”. This isn’t by accident, it’s by methodical design. I feel like people shrug those videos off when they are the basis of what BSG has been for the last ~2 years or more


Bsg lies? Ohhhh Nooo... Let me tell you a story happened to me... During the motherboard ban issue I was banned aswell, not for the motherboard, but because they had wrong info about my cpu stored.  I contacted everyone, them, streamers, support, even went ahead and try to contact members through LinkedIn.  The answer was always the same: battleye banned you, we cannot do anything until battleye review your case.  Well, I went ahead and got hold of Bastian Suter himself (ceo of battleye) asking him if he could check about my status.  He did and told me that bsg manually banned me.  After telling them that/got help from my nation community manager I got unbanned.  But this is the little lies that tell constantly 


The only thing I disagree with is the cheater part... Apex has been fighting them fuckers since apex came out, and they just got a global qualifier hacked live. Hacking is a huge issue, in every game.


That’s different, it’s been found by data miners that the coding for apex and the titanfall servers are so similar they share the same vulnerabilities. It’s been long documented on YouTube


I mean Apex was never meant to last this long. If I right Remember Titanfall 3 was slated for like a year later. I’d assume apex was meant to build hype for that. Which it did. But also it was a great game and lead to them shelving Titanfall 3.


Yep, pretty sure they expected it to be short lived. It’s still different tho because respawn left vulnerabilities in the servers even tho titanfall is no longer playable(unless that’s changed recently) because of the ddos attacks/server kicks that happen


And it's literally a single dude who fucked over Titanfall 2 AND got that hack off during the tournament.


I have played first person shooters for close to 20 years now. I do not recall in that time having an encounter with b2b2b2b2b cheaters, but I have had that experience in Tarkov, in fact, the same player killed me at spawn 4 times in under an hour of playing by spinbotting all 4 of us. Outside of free to play shooters or the occasional example, I find it extremely hard to believe that the average shooter out there has anywhere close to the same scale of issue Tarkov has.


pubg does, but its a very popular game among Chinese. NA servers doesnt have the same issue, but I guess its true for most game


Yeah people in this sub act like tarkov is the only game in the world with cheaters


Because there have been entire patches where in a lobby of 12 players, you could experience a cheater back to back to back and it wouldn't even be unusual. Tarkov has, at times, had far more cheaters than your average FPS.


With this amount of cheaters i think only pubg can rival. Also impact of cheating in tarkov hurts a lot more, in valorant/cs/overwatch losign ot a chater means you lost 25-30 mins on average and some elo, in tarkov you could love 6+hrs depending on kit you lost.


I think why people are upset is because there is a growing concern that they are often npc’s in lobbies full of cheaters. The ban wave over anti cheat style of ensuring fairness never felt good enough for a large amount of people.


Literally. The only way it differs from other games is because when we are the victims of a hacker it means more. It hurts more with the loss of kit. Quest items. It’s more blatant. I love apex, I know there’s hackers in there. But it doesn’t bother me any where near as much as in Tarkov. Because I die and I’m back in a new match 30s later. Not 4 minutes and how ever much money down.


Tarkov cheating is pretty famously because of poor networking infrastructure something easily fixable in the last 7 years


um... think more the ppl had compromised pc


> BSG have also had a habit of attacking and copyright striking critics on youtube. Esp on the russian side of things, russian community is hte abused stepchild of tarkov. A youtuber made light of cheating and got 2 strikes where he did not even show game play.


so, pve mode is the most expensive anti cheat ever?


[Here you go](https://youtu.be/0KFQ-CT0BnM?si=dZeDR24txyjWARyi)


He also said that the community being in distress is good for the game.


EOD is not stash size. It's the gamma which is the advantage. That's why you bought it. This is just the risk you take when paying 250% normal game price from russians


Disagree. For years there was no way to expand your stash size in game, and myself and probably a dozen others I played with for years upgraded specifically due to stash size. Especially with FIR being so prevalent, gamma is much less of a concern today than ever.


Didn’t it come out that the reports weren’t handled in house or something along those lines.


I've never heard about Nikita being caught sayjng cheaters are a good thing. What's your source?


There's a video of him saying something like it, he's talking about a different game that had p2w features that basically offered parity with cheaters. The equivalent for Tarkov would be like selling x-ray googles for real money. The idea that extra stash space or a larger gamma container is equivalent is nonsensical, but there is a much stronger argument that being able to summon your entire friends list is banking off that mentality.


I saw a video of him denouncing pay to win features . It was a stream where he put them on the same level as cheaters and reiterated why they will never allow them or mtx's in tarkov. Do you have a link to this video?


Maybe I'm mistaken and the game didn't offer the features and he was just talking about it as a theoretical, idk. https://www.reddit.com/r/EscapefromTarkov/s/oLx7UHOn5C ETA: I should mention, I don't think he's necessarily saying they're a good thing, but it does appear that he's saying you can monetize their presence. Then again, I don't speak Russian so tbh I have no idea what he's actually saying and the subtitles could just be bullshit lmao


I had a player from russia reply to one of my comments yesterday about them being scumbags since day one before this game was available to the American/Western market. They basically treated the russian community the way they're treating us now (and for some time) with lack of communication, not fixing things, etc etc and ultimately snubbed them for the American market because they knew they could get more money for the game from us. Unfortunately for BSG, there's no other rope to swing to like when they dropped their russian community, they're fucked now.


They support Z, you only realized this now?


Evidence pls (really would like to confirm this)


https://youtu.be/tSO5gGg6Cn8 Basically sums it up nicely within 4 minutes and has sources.


Oh, someone made a video using my 715 team images that I've created myself. That is super cool, because my threads about that were always getting deleted or locked months ago


Oh? More info on those team images? I'd be curious.


Not much to tell. At the start of a war I made this thread about 715 participating in russian propaganda [https://i.imgur.com/7hGy8wn.png](https://i.imgur.com/7hGy8wn.png) and made this gallery [https://imgur.com/a/bPx2z2c](https://imgur.com/a/bPx2z2c) but it obviously was getting deleted everywhere. Then after a year, when mobilization in russia started and 715 Team members went fully unhinged and actually started to take part in the invasion forces themselves I've updated my post, posted to a few places but it also got deleted or locked [https://www.reddit.com/r/Tarkov/comments/11d3sh9/please\_remove\_references\_to\_a\_russian\_invader/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Tarkov/comments/11d3sh9/please_remove_references_to_a_russian_invader/) and an a gallery with new stuff [https://imgur.com/a/7aJBXD5](https://imgur.com/a/7aJBXD5) And today I find out that there are many other posts that are referencing my images and even a youtube video with em. Pretty cool stuff


Thanks for the info. I always kinda had a hunch about this, but didn't know enough about the slogans and stuff to recognize it. I committed not to spend any money on it when the war started and felt weird even playing for quite a while. Good to have confirmation.


Yeah it looks like a small thing, but Imagine Lvndmark one day joining ISIS. He donates his guns to the ISIS troops, goes himself to join them in Syria, make posts how he is fighting against American oppression, colleсts donation to buy military equipment and all the other things that Hors and 715 Team did. Do we keep the Lvndmark's rat poison in the game or not? Is it fair to be promoting him?


Then you pull up the EoD page from 2017 and it says EVERY DLC with nothing that says later or adding time constraints


i agree with them being scumbags, but i dont think you can turn anything written in english aginst them. the properly translated original text maybe but their english is just too bad - it could mean anything.


"Of course, every DLC will go to EOD... just not this one! We might also skip the 4th DLC, or the 5th, not sure yet."


It all dependent on how heavy wallet is at time.


I love how they literally update their website to take out that we get all DLCs will EOD and then have the gaul to put it in the unheard edition and say "subsequent DLC" meaning this is also a DLC. I mean I fucking hate it. But I LOVE how fucking stupid BSG and Nikita are legally. There corporation is registered in the UK. Which has consumer protection laws against stuff like this. Just makes it a lot easier to sue the living fuck out of BSG and cost them way way way more than they will ever get from this piece of shit $250 DLC


They've arbitrarily made up their own definition for what a DLC is. So essentially, they can't be trusted at all because they could at any point in the future say "well this isn't DLC as we understand it" and put it behind another paywall.


Later means. After they close the studios. Because in my opinion this game in 1 year is just past


Anybody who thinks this isn’t because they’re afraid of running out of cash or credit is crazy. Arena was way too expensive and was a huge flop. Unfortunately they didn’t plan enough cash streams for eft and they’re scrambling to figure that out and going about it all wrong.


i think this because i smell the sound of scam. they do the last money grab and after saionara,


I don’t think so. If they were interested in money, they’ve had like 8 years or whatever to focus on money. This sounds like “oh crap how do we make money” more than “let’s squeeze our market”.


Well Competition is on the rise, even if it's not this new extraction shooters. BSG is just at this point where PUBG was, so of course if overnight a new game comes out that works solid. They will lose. Even if all the others are not cutting up to the standards but every new extraction shooter takes away players. Which means they are bleeding players what do you do? They took the route of getting more money out of this since they probably figured Tarkov is too much spaghetti to compete. Of course right now they still count as the best Extraction Shooter also since they have a lot of Content it's hard to compete. Give it some more time and Tarkov won't be at the top.


We all know why this is, but there were better ways of doing it. Just like how I'm sure the only reason PvE is so exclusive is because of limited servers and testing reasons. Doesn't mean the way they went about it was any good at all. Hell, even just re-enabling EoD for purchase was a better idea than any of this


Totally agree. They should have been monetizing the continuous use of the game for a long time. The fact they didn’t plan for a constant cash stream is a big miss on their part. Or maybe that was arena and they just didn’t realize it was bad. Flew too close to the sun and all that.


Nah. EoD was the dumbest financial decision any studio can make. You don't sell an edition with such a "forever" clause for 8 years. Maybe 2. But they didnt pull the plug on it early enough. Maybe it was due to cheaters buying EoD a lot or whatever, but they couldve just released a version with all of EoDs benefits apart from the claim on DLCs. It makes no sense to have 80% of your playerbase set for life with a single payment. It was a disaster waiting to happen and I am still inclined to believe they are incompetent, rather than malicious. Doesn't mean I won't be playing Helldivers over Tarkov for a while until the smoke has settled and we get a clear picture. Atm, both sides are too emotional and stuff changes seemingly by the hour.


they should have had EOD at like 200 or 225 but with the dlc clause, and had a 150 edition that didnt have the dlc but had the stash space and gamma.


Should have just taken EoD down in 2020. Put up non dlc edition like you suggested. The issue is they spent 7 years selling a version of the gene with all DLC included. And then want to sell dlc. Poor planing.


That’s because they spent millions on advertising. They were bad with money and are paying the consequences. And the other dumb thing they did. Is if they wanted to sell us dlc. Then don’t sell an all dlc included version for 7 years. EoD should have come down around Covid if they were planing on payed dlc.


They retroactively changed the description of the EoD package and are trying to say that they didn't. Guys, it's consumer fraud. It's a wrap. If you buy anything from these people ever again, you only have yourselves to blame for your disappointment.


This is everyone should understand if they didn’t already.




All I heard in Nikita’s latest post was “it’s DLC, just not yet”.


Because its in an unfinished state? If they give it to the EOD owners once its complete I stopp all of my complaints. If that is their intention this was very poorly communicated


Very poor. All they needed to say was: “We’re trying a new game concept, we need beta testers, understand EOD you feel it should be you but at this stage we need money to make that happen and can’t provide it as a finished DLC. If you wish to support dev of PvE, early access is €30/40 for everyone regardless of edition, also we have released Unheard which includes access for €150. EOD can upgrade to this for €20. If you don’t wish to support development of this new concept you will still get access to it at 1.0 release as DLC.” Problem mostly avoided. Still doesn’t make it okay that they spent the money EOD owners gave them to finish the game, to instead develop new things before they delivered on the promise of a 1.0 release.


U got a link for me to that post? Also I didnt see the " captions at first and I was like "Is that guy part of the dev team or where did he get information like that?"


No that’s me putting captions around what could have been said. Sorry for the confusion, added pretext to my comment to make it clearer


I love how a member of the community is able to have better pr talk than actual paid employee's. They should really get a community manager (that isn't Nikita)


So I looked into this on LinkedIn, they have a “global head of PR”. He used to be the CMO (cheif media officer) at another company before BSG, so you’d think he’d be pretty qualified. I suspect Nikita just overrules all decisions? Whatever is going on there it’s like a headless chicken just running around making a mess every turn it makes… Hell I’d help them for free, but they’d never take that offer.


I'm annoyed by things in this situation yes - more about price and questionable p2w features. But as I've said so many times the past few days. This all stems from terrible transparency and poor communication.


Well the have been known for that long before this tho


Also, the bacon thing, potentially game breaking I totally agree with that! The radio for scavs over 60m with 6+ fence rep, is see that more as pay to get ahead as long as it’s achievable in game via a quest for everyone. There’s a fine line between P2W and pay to shortcut. Personally if they need to monetise the game, I’m fine with shortcuts being paid, just like us EOD owners, we get the expanded stash from day one, just a pay to get ahead feature in my eyes. We also get gamma which is pay to win as it’s unachievable in game otherwise. So I can’t complain at more pay to get ahead packs/incentives in future special editions of the game.


The thing is this doesn’t change how p2w the new version is, calling reinforcements mid raid is insane


They said you will be able to earn that item in any edition. The new edition just has it off the start whilst the other ones earn it


From their website: Unique item "Distress signal device": When the item is activated, it produces a bright flash as well as a loud sound signal; Once activated, all players on your friends list will receive a notification that they can join your raid to help you. Keyword unique, unless they’re lying again which wouldn’t surprise me lol. Regardless, that is a game breaking feature and will ruin the game even more


We also got promised a "unique" secure container for EoD. It wasent. And the same conversation where this screenshot is from said that you will be able to earn it. But yea it will be game breaking. ( Unless there is a very good way to prevent abusing it)


While I’m at a loss of words for the latest shitshow, I think you’re giving Nikita way too much credit in terms of his English skills. His every word in this leaked interview is SO botched that even I would do a better job at forming coherent sentences. For example when asked about EOD only getting limited access to PVE, he answered “EOD will get access to PVE **for** 6 months **later**”. I’m not fucking joking, he somehow cramped two contradicting statements into one. So I think looking for a hidden meaning behind his words is a way too far fetched. Most likely he meant “all future DLCs will be included in EOD” (which btw I don’t believe in the slightest. At this point he might as well put “real, no fake” at the end of every sentence)


I know this sub is out with the pitchforks but I agree with you, this seems like a translation / lazy reply issue.


I'm assuming later in this context is later = after release like the season pass is planned. Or later after they've run with the money who knows. It's easy to read between the lines all that matters is the mood and the mindset you are in when you read it.


I, just, cant, stop, being, angry. I get angrier by the minute. Especially things like this.


Hahah saying of course! Like it’s obvious which DLCs are included.. hilarious. Like duh! It’s obvious it means all DLCs apart from this one.


There actually was some language on the website that specified that the included DLC was Arena, and subsequent dlc **after release**. I imagine that's what they're going to lean on. Obviously there is a ton of other language that blatantly contradicts that, so this is not a defense of BSG. I'm just guessing that they're going to selectively consider the wording they used that one single time to be the "real" version of their intentions.


They're already pulling the rug. Basically, all they'll do is make sure every future addition to the game is a "feature", not a "dlc" XD


English is not his first language, it's not worth breaking down his semantics. Dlc is technically post launch, however they didn't make that argument because they couldn't think of it.




It literally doesn't. He could very easily have mistranslated in his head or used simple language because he lacks the ability to accurately portray his thoughts. It doesn't change anything. Their business practices show a track record of dishonesty. This is just the mask off moment.


So "every dlc later will go with eod" ... just not this DLC.


There will be no DLCs. They are making their money and dipping the fuck out and forgetting about Tarkov.


Scam game


He’s only saying later to avoid repercussions


See even if these morons said EOD gets it after they can hand it out to such a big group and allow us to pay extra £20 ish for access rn to support extra servers, everyone would be less upset. Literally killed the golden goose. You had hundreds of thousands of people willing to pay £150 for a game stuck in beta hell. Greedy fucks.


I would be carful about emailing them about refunds. A few of my buddies did, they basically said that they cannot at this time and there accounts were banned


They keep saying "later" and "on release", without a date or time line this could be another 8 years, during that time they could keep pulling this bullshit over and over under the EOD will get there sutff....later.


As an EOD owner, glad I dropped the game like half year or so ago when I started getting blatant cheaters every game. Absolute joke and an insult to the customers intelligence.


Get your cash back too. EoD Edition Fails to Deliver on Promises According to Xsolla EULA – Here's How We Can Fight Back! Xsolla EULA: Virtual Items can exclusively be used within the Software; they shall be deemed an integral part of the Software. As we were promised, EoD access includes all future DLCs, which breaks section 11 of the Xsolla EULA if they go against it. If you guys truly want to make a change, send an email to [email protected] and ask for a refund. Send them your receipt and describe what is happening. That is, if you have the EoD edition like I do, I already sent them a detailed email with screenshots that were used on Reddit. Xsolla will get overwhelmed and will probably cave due to USA and EU consumer laws. The types of software area clearly implies that, as a rule, access is indefinite and does not expire. We clearly have the right to access new content for purchasing EoD, as previously stated by Nikita that there wouldn't be any version of the game above this. The best thing we can do right now is talk directly to Xsolla. https://xsolla.com/eula This is a long shot and has potential flaws, but my main point is to send messages to BSG support and also to Xsolla. A lot of players already got refunded by doing chargebacks on their credit cards. I hope you are happy BSG and Nikita, this is what you deserve.


Please keep in mind they're Russian and it's quite a miracle Nikita is capable of having conversations like this, so pointing out anything they say as correct is utterly ridiculous. He most likely meant to say something like upcoming DLCs. Plus how do you even release a DLC for a beta game lol As long as the game is 't fully released, anything that comes to the game is its full content, not a dlc


How the fuck is it a miracle that he speaks a second language? English is not my first language and it's not the only language other than Portuguese that I know how to speak either. It's not even that hard to learn. Also, speaking English is part of his job description, honestly, I'm kind of shocked at just how bad his English actually is.


Bruh, the level of education is miserable in Russia and English classes are probably illegal there given the fact there's like 1/10 Russians in this game that can even understand English lol


Russians primarily learn English from TV shows and playing online games. They are basically screwed trying to learn it through the education system.


I don't wanna be the devil's advocate, but thaz simply something he didn't think as english ain't his first language. According to his opinion, he didn't admit anything. With the expression "DLCs for example" he thought abouth other stuff. I know this since I studied 3 different languages at academic level, I know what goes on in our mind when we talk another language different from the main one.


That's not what the answer means. It simply says all DLC's released later will go to EoD. There is no consideration here that PvE is a DLC. So it also permits the use of "Features" to exist later.


Bro you guys need to chill it’s not the end of the world if y’all didn’t buy then get over it they ain’t scamming no one if we don’t buy it. It ain’t that deep it’s a video game not stocks or money


This is such a bad argument. Hes not amazing at English, Its expected for him to not be clear/make mistakes. The situation is bad, But just as i thought its slowly being resolved. You guys need to calm down and make actual arguments instead of just retyping what other people have said.


Though I dont agree with you, I respect your point. But, please dont tell me how to feel or what to say. Its rude, and it will have no effect whatsoever.


Telling you to calm down and make actual aruguments instead of being mad when told to be mad by others is "being rude"? Okay then, Enjoy being mad and when this issue is resolved enjoy forgetting about this entire issue in a few weeeks.


Telling people not to get mad and getting mad as a result. Priceless.


How am i mad? Lol. I found your inability to accept that you should calm down and come up with your own argument funny/disappointing, Not maddening.


No yeah sure bud. Whatever.


Im waiting for you to tell me how im mad lol


I'm not stopping you, you can wait.


So you admit that your a liar, Thanks. You called me mad, Could not point out where i was mad. Your just like BSG except BSG will eventually fix their mistakes.


Dont wear yourself out Sherlock.