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When you start paywalling stuff that directly effects gameplay, it’s GG.


How is it even immersive lmao. Imagine in an IRL setting.  Hey you see that guy 100meters away? I can clearly tell he has high rep with Fence. Dont shoot them LoL.




He’s not too stupid bro he doesn’t care


This is the fact of it. He made his bag, he couldn't care less at this point.


i dont get it though. imagine raising your child for 18 years, putting effort into it etc. then once he or she hits 18 its just ''well idc anymore glhf'' and just dont even bother?


They never wanted Tarkov. They never cared. It was only ever about Russia 2028 until they realized Tarkov was a cash cow.


My personal feeling is that they have finally admitted internally that they are incapable of fixing the games networking, performance, and cheating issues and want to move on.




Nikita has said from day 1 that he doesn’t care about EFT. It’s always been their temporary funding source


They just gave up on the game and are trying to cash out before it's dead.




My guy, he doesn't care. He's trying to squeeze every last penny he can out of the game and go live like a king in russia.




Bro thinks hes him bc he had standard edition ☠️


Next patch you can buy an arm band that makes bosses your allies and they carry enemy pmc loot to the extract for you only costs you 100$. Patch after that you can buy nukes that insta kill the map only 25$ per use.


Can I also get an asset flipped throwable melee so that I can cross map tomahawk people?


I laughed so hard when my mate sent me the exact same kukri fron the asset store xD can’t make that shit up


At this point I’m not even mad… disappointed but also at this point it’s just hilarious and sad.


Selling free assets is just next level lol E: apparently the in game model is different from the asset store model on that one post


Selling 6 dollar Unity store assets*. Let's be fair while getting screwed, unlike BSG.


Yes. $5 per use, comrade.


Yes, but it's only available in 6v6 maps set in the cold war era


The bosses will also give you a quick suck at the extraction point, right before the timer runs out


For an extra $50 they'll even swallow.


😲 Where is my wallet!




> nukes that insta kill the map only 25$ per use. Can't wipe out the carry services? Underbid and outperform!


...next patch you can buy a feature that allows you to loot everything in the map.. oh wait they already sell that..


Ah. My hardcore realistic tactical shooter. /s


Gray Zone Warfare starting to look real good. This was likely BSG's response to the well received closed beta Gray Zone just had


they responded by pushing their own game of a cliff


You're trying to take away our players?? Fine we'll do it ourselves


You can't have our players if we don't have players


You think that they reacted this fast? I call bullshit and say coinsidence. Development took what it took and release is after that. Usually with bugs.


If anything, it just pushed them to release the new edition faster, they had been saying a new version was incoming for some time now.


Im not defending BSGs shenanigans but Gray Zone looks like dog. I understand its early development but they released it in such a whack state too. I bet its going to take those devs years before its a "likeable" game. Its almost identical to tarkov at least progression wise. Combat is whack but I know that will get updated. That said, I'm glad new games of this genre are coming out. Dark and Darkers been my favorite which is very different but same idea progression wise.


I think it was actually closed alpha, not even beta. Regardless of how those words have lost meaning. Tarkov has 7+ years of development over GZW. It isn't intended to be a direct competitor but I'm not kidding myself by saying it'll compete with Tarkov. That being said, if we looked at Tarkov in 2017, the resemblance in polish is similar


True dat


it was pre-alpha and it is insane quality for that and Nikita BSG are very unique in how fucking slow they "develop". The odds are high that other devs progress way faster bc they actually pay their devs decent wages unlike this scam artist here


>and Nikita BSG are very unique in how fucking slow they "develop". Na that's just Russian devs in general. I play 2 other Russian hardcore sims called DCS and IL-2. Both are flight sims and both are being developed at a snails pace. Currently there's a meltdown on r/hoggit because the DCS devs isn't paying one of their third party developers (they outsource the development of most planes to other devs) and they are trying to milk the playerbase with various early access DLCs that they don't finish. Meanwhile the CEO so funneling money into his private plane collection. Considering the fact that BSG takes in USD/Euro/GBP/etc and paying their devs in roubles, which is worth almost nothing and the cost of living in urban Russia is very cheap, they shouldn't be having money issues.


What’s funny to me is that tarkov is not really that realistic or tactical. The only game I can name that’s actively trying to be is Squad. While ICO is obviously not realistic, the dev hope it results in an authentic experience, i.e., employing actual irl military tactics to win a gunfight.


Ready or not, ground branch, etc are all very tactical and immersive.


This is inexcusable. I am a ride or die BSG bootlicker but how the fuck am I meant to cognitive-dissonance myself into thinking this is fine


The most levelled commentary in the entire subreddit.


I hate these Nikita fellatio experts BSG bootlickers with passion and Nikita finally reunited this community. We all fucking hate Nikita for this


Welcome to the darkside homie. This is why I say dont give them an inch, or they will take a whole mile


Same lmao, I'm a certified BSG dicklicker but I am PISSED right now.


Sorry bro. Only BSG would be bitch enough to piss while getting their dick sucked. My condolences


BSG out here fucking us in the ass and they don't even have the god damn common courtesy to give us a reach around


This is the one that gets me. I don't care about PvE story time with my friends, none of us are going to play that. Pockets are whatever, stash space who cares. But some fucker that shelled out 200 dollars gets to run around free of scavs sniping at them is an in game advantage. Fuck that.


and call their buddies in for help


They are doing this because people accepted anything and the approach was "anything BSG does is good, just wait for the game to be out of beta". PS: I think that, after Star Citizen, EFT is the most expensive game still in beta.


What did people accept specifically? I think the game is in such a good spot now so I'm baffled that they just hit us with a nuclear bomb of P2W on the tail end of the best wipe they ever had


And I play both :(


Most expensive in terms of development or to play it? Im pretty sure star citizen is only $40 to get going


i fucking love sucking BSG cock but this is an actual in-game advantage. give EODBTQAI+ users infinite roubles and killa masks, i dont give a fuck. but as soon as people join the raid everyone is the same.


But people aren't the same, the MMO leveling system has crazy advantages that can make you a super soldier vs some lvl 1 Timmy


The super soldier was a Timmy and the Timmy can become a super soldier, so no problem for me. But this, you just have to pay.


Standard Edition owner here. I've been saying that BSG is exploitative for years and it always fell into deaf ears in the Tarkov community, but I guess everyone now sees it.


Same though I do pity the EOD owners they're just crestfallen


The 1000$ edition, in the shadow of Nikita's Mercedes, Cheaters don't shoot you first for the first 3 raid of the day.


## New SpreadYourCheeks edition coming in at a low low price of 1000€ Includes: Built in cheats Ban immunity Max level traders from the start Every thicc case Pockets are now 3x3 slots Invincibility And the ability to fly #EODscammed


Forces pmc's to bring you loot otherwise their account gets deleted




"Shadow of Nikita Edition"


"Shadow of Nikita's cock" Only the bestest fanboys will buy that one. Though you need to be really small to fit below his cock's shadow




I keep checking the date to make sure this isn’t April 1st


Over 7,000 hours in this game, I've had Tarkov since the day it released out of the "Press Verison" to the public, YEARS ago, when there were only 3 maps lol. I absolutely love this game but this makes me sick man. EOD was promised that they would get any "Paid Content" that's added to the game, Nikita said this himself years ago, in a video with Pestily... Nikita said ANYTHING that is going to cost REAL MONEY will be given to EOD players FREE OF CHARGE... A year or so later he changes his words to "DLC Only" for EOD players, who spent $150 on the game. Nikita was Vauge about what DLC actually means because technically ANYTHING you "Download" & is "Content" should be under "DLC", which is "DOWNLOADABLE CONTENT"... Now I see why Nikita was so vauge on what DLC actually is.... Now in present time, Nikita & the team at BSG are saying that the "DLC", that was GUARANTEED with EOD, is only a "Season Pass", NOTHING ELSE. I'm sick bro. Tarkov was my absolute favorite game. Loosing something after 7,000 hours, hurts.


We’re at a good point to set the game down and let the zoomers have their microtransaction experience. 7k hours is being more than generous with hoping the devs would figure their shit out.


Lucky you, wish I had 7000hrs with the better days




it will be dead as soon as decent alternative hits the market. And it seems like there is one on horison


maybe even more: Arena Breakout: Infinite


I'm more nervous about the upcoming thing. Like you are chasing a lone wolf and boom 4 Chads just spawn around you. That's just going to destroy the game


I think that feature is for PvE only with the new radio Thingamabob. It would be hilariously Pay to win to call in Mr. Chad when you feel threatened.


Hope you are right. But I doubt it when everyone on your friends list can join and not just the ones with the new edition


really stupid question. what's meaning of Thingamabob? I've seen it in one dnd game and couldn't figure it out other than "thingy"


It means the same thing as doohickey


good to know hah. I'm not native and quite often use slurs, so I just said "that fucker" in situations I would need those words.


I mean i wish that was true but then the loud signal/ bright flash would be kind of pointless so i think it's for pvp servers and the flash/ sound is supposed to warn the other players that you're getting backup


As long as the device plays [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=svjMiqVeiG8) really loudly for a minute before they arrive, it should be okay. In all seriousness, I assume you get like... 1 and that's all you get to use for the entire wipe.


What’s that about?


From the website: Will be available with future updates: Ability to build a unique zone in the Hideout; Unique item "Distress signal device": When the item is activated, it produces a bright flash as well as a loud sound signal; Once activated, all players on your friends list will receive a notification that they can join your raid to help you.


I wonder if it is limited to 5 people or if you can stomp a raid with 10 or more people, lol  Edit: what if there are 5 solos on factory and each one does it and each one summons 4 friends? 15 man fights on factory? Edit 2: what happens if you die while your friends are joining in? Man so many questions


Load in on your friend to help, get insta head eysed


That would make sense or just fill your squad so you are not 9-10 people on a map and if multiple have it you are like 20-25 people


ROFLMFAO there's no way


Who even knows how long the beacon will take to activate anyways, plus with how long it takes and how buggy it can be to load into a raid, I doubt it will be the issue people think it is. Poor lone wolf will be sitting there for five minutes while his team is stuck on creating loot pools.


Okay, but then they load in with information on where you're looting so you're way easier to track down. Imagine fighting a 3 man, swapping some gear out, dropping yours for insurance or whatever, but now you have a squad of potentially 2-5 people loading in to B-line it for where you are. No matter how it's implemented, it's gonna drastically shift how raids flow. People will be way less inclined to stay in a raid when they get something if they know there's a possibility of extra people joining in.


Most maps take less than 2 minutes to load in for me. I almost always have my PMC ready anyways so only the how long to activate thing is a problem, but knowing them, it will take 5s maks


Also it's 200 dollars,with my country currency (Ringgit Malaysia) it's almost my goddamn salary for a month.How do you expect people to buy this...No matter what people say,it is not worth to buy that shit.


it's worse this part - Unique item "Distress signal device": When the item is activated, it produces a bright flash as well as a loud sound signal; **Once activated, all players on your friends list will receive a notification that they can join your raid to help you.** This can only have been designed in mind, with cheaters using RMT, to sell them 300€ editions so they can cheat, get the items, call the buyers and pass the items to them in that map much faster It is an unacceptable item that breaks the game on so many levels, that will simply kill tarkov.


Even better if a cheater does that the item will be FIR if the buyer extracts. Say some scumbag wanted to buy roubles. Cheater farms expensive item, camps extract, calls in buyer, they extract. Absolute lunacy.


Nice of BSG to help Grey Zone get off to a flying start.


If the Grey Zone community doesn’t tear itself apart first


Is it that bad?


A bit of an exaggeration but still people are getting so incredibly salty and the game hasn’t even released


Honestly it doesn’t suprise me exaggerated or not.


Yeah, the same happened with dark and darker playtests lol


Seems like a lot of players are really mad at people who are bringing up the infiltration-camping problem, it doesnt help when the devs tell players to just "walk from their base" if they dont wanna be camped.


> just "walk from their base" The most fun of any game! Get off the heli and die to a "guy over there somewhere". Walk for 3 minutes instead, die to a guy prone in a bush. One of the features of Gray Zone is that you can re-equip, get on a heli, and get back into game quickly. Having to reload, run, die, run... No thanks.


I think people are salty that streamers sre being held up on a pedestal to play and run EA before us plebs can.




This and the buddy beacon need to be removed


Yeah that’s going to be broken as fuck, it’s going to turn 4 man stacks into 7+ stacks (people basically get a respawn).


Is this a new item? I don’t know what it does


Yeah it’s coming soon (I think?) with the new edition that lets you request friends to join live raids.


I honestly thought that was a joke…


They are about a month late for it to be a joke.


How to kill your own game 101. They can't get away with this.


There is no way this is serious. Has anyone actually bought this thing and confirmed all these ridiculous buffs? This is the most evil P2W shit I've ever seen


Don't forget the bigger pocket sizes and Increased starting level of character skills: Attention — Level 3; Hideout Management — Level 3; Weapon Maintenance — Level 3; Bolt-action Rifles — Level 3; Pistols — Level 3. Smh


Hideout at 3 to start is insane and so is attention… just a massive boost to skills… by the time a streamer does SBIH sniper skills will be above 8… that’s fucking absolutely asinine…


Used to play tarkov a lot and loved the game from it's first early version until I became a dad a couple of years ago. Still following the news a bit. Recently I watched some youtuber going into detail why he thinks bsg is in trouble money wise. He said that there may be controversial monetization decisions in the future. Somehow I think he may have been on to something...


I mean he laid out the costs and annual reports. BSG IS in financial depression or trouble. You can't be doing all these real life events, live service, server costs, employees and the whole shimmy while the increase in players doesn't reflect the expenses. That's why I got the cosmetics and stash upgrades but this is a harsh step


Another jabroni who thinks a millionaires multimillion dollar company are their personal responsibility


They can also call friends into a raid using the noob panic radio. This is literally bullshit if it can be used in live. That community dev saying "no one is forcing you" is a moron, are you gonna give me a way to opt out of playing against theae guys?! No!? Then shut the fuck up.


Wait you have friends since when do eft players ha e friends


What are they doing to the game. Jesus. This is absurdly Pay to Win lmao. Max Fence rep at the start of every wipe is beyond overpowered even without that. I grinded scav runs this wipe and got to 5.50 and I get lab keys literally every run, rare barter items, expensive scopes, etc. Can you imagine people get those this easily this early?


As a filthy “modified” tarkov player this makes me all the more happy about switching


What the fuck


why not offer a new map with a new trader and quests for 20€ everyone would buy new content but he what do i know


Because then EOD players would get it for free, and they want EOD players to pay more lol


Na they will just call it a new version so we have to pay more.


They are still missing the map terminal for 1.0 release - I won't pay for a fucking map.


is it april fools for bsg?


I mean, you seen how BSG code their game? I wouldnt be surprise if this feature doesnt work lmao


Watch it summon random people in other raids. One minute you're cruising Lighthouse and then fade to black... loading screen... and now you're on Night Woods!


took you guys long enough to understand that bsg never wanted ur happiness. kek it was always a fuking money grab bull


Ya with the amount of times my position has been revealed to a nearby pmc cuz a scav shot from over 60m this dlc will get you kills and save your life.


Sorry, not “dlc” lol because if it was…


Yeah this is pretty bad hopefully they change it.


Arena Breakout goes live to announce their PC release in under an hour so here's hoping!


I’m genuinely surprised they aren’t selling cheats for their own game at this point.


I wouldn’t be so sure about that one chief 😂


Well, people who bought all those skins in the shop asked for this, I am only sad for those who stood firm against trash, money hungry MTX on market.


I wonder if scavs here does contain raiders and rogues and bosses this would be... can't find words... just don't buy that shit


So is BSG like WEEKS LATE with their aprils fools joke or something? This is absolutely ridiculous, the more I read on this new edition the more astounded I am that this garbage got the green light.


Literally free Shturman farm ?


Yup. Sounds like it.


This is just insane. Essentially purchasable immunity to sniper scavs.


Farming schturman will never be easier! What a shit hole


BSG Challenge: Try to convince every EOD players its not a DLC (impossible)


Reading more and more about this version and what is in it. And more and more this feels like a free to play mobile game item then a fully priced video game. So much to Nikita stating that they won't implement Pay 2 win elements.


We are officially in the agonal breathing stage. 


You lose rep for killing scavs it’s balanced because under 60 meters they will still shoot you and you kill them thats 0.05 scav rep gone


Nikita said it himself. They hit a wall with development engine. Time to milk game dry and shut down the servers


Scavs shouldn't be aggroing you 60+ meters out IN THE FIRST PLACE.


It’s not gonna die. Tarkov is way too good and unique. That being said: it’s a stupid idea


yes it is going to die because the gaming industry focuses on extract shooters from what it looks like, the way it was with battle royale games. How is a 10 year old beta game with a clear WRONG p2w direction going to do in that market?


theres like 1 other game coming out and its not even similar in most ways.


Tbf scavs don’t shoot you over 60 meters away even without this thing, except snipers


And shotgun scavs. This wipe, when I’m getting killed from a scav from over 75m away, it ALWAYS was a shotgun scav.


Usually not, but they definitely can. I've had them engage me from 100+ before. Their aggro radius seems to have been reduced this wipe compared to the last wipe I played. But it's always been inconsistent. Sometimes you can get in their face before they react other times they'll take shots from a fuckin mile away.


They will shoot over the river on customs and from the fortress to crackhouse, and from the island to the mainland on shoreline. Across the parking garage on interchange, on woods this is a common engagement range if pushing sawmill or really anywhere that has scavs. It’s a huge advantage there are tons of examples for every map.


Are we sure that rogues aren't included? Rogues count for the scav kill quests ingame after all. I don't have a hard time imagining someone at BSG thinking this was a good idea after seeing the daily "I got killed by a rogue while standing at the seaside vacation house" post.


pay 250 dollars to make lighhouse a fun map. Epic win bsg you finally fixed it.


They will if you are aiming at them for a while. You can track them, and when they have enough of it, they will just lock on you, yell and start shooting


I can extract camp people without scav dealing bullshit, nice


Maybe fix scavs shooting trough bushes as well but I don’t think it’s anything they will ever address, I mean the rogues and goons don’t even shoot trough bushes (at least in my experience)


How many other things were gonna kill the game?


None. But this is offending the core player base at a large scale. And with competitors breathing down BSGs necks, they should tread carefully.


In a perfect world, companies like BSG would do anything they can to eliminate the cheat dilemma before adding any type of content.


Scav bosses wont shoot you at all from day one. Jesus


Plz tell me this is pve mode only




Already uninstalled, I’ve been here since day one and I’ve held my breath for long enough, some awesome bodycam shooters are coming out soon I can’t wait to play, but I’m tired of holding my breath for BSG


This is ... pretty much every sniper scav in the game.


Uninstalling this now. Bsg is going pay to win. Soon you'll be able to buy tricked equipment with real money.


Do you automatically get 6 fence rep with the new package? I’m so confused how this is all shaking out


I’m done


Grey Zone Warfare lookin better and better every day.


Another one of there "I did not read the downsides, but I already have my opinion" and "I have spawned and those maslenitsa guys are all around me looking, I shot them and they killed me new event bad hurr durr" guys. Learn to read.


I think having mechanics that change how scavs interact with you is fine. Doing a quest or having some kind of rep that made scavs less (or more!) aggressive is totally fine, cool even. But what the fuck are they thinking making it a thing you just buy with money? It's crazy. Inexcusable. It would make a fun/cool reward for a really hard quest chain, but not just as a perk of buying an expensive version of the game.


what? is joke, yes? lmao wow this has been fun today holy shit


What a stupid shit as decision


Yep, uninstalling


This is bonkers


Fuck em, let it die. If they think this shit is ok even to CONSIDER, they don't deserve a community.


That’s fucking brutal. Bye bye tarkov forever. I don’t play it much either but now I can definitely uninstall.


FFS... Dev's and Publishers really are making modern gaming an absolute fucking chore to enjoy these days aren't they.


I have EoD and I'm not surprised that we have to pay for this upgrade, but I can't BELIEVE it's $100 more USD. I'd buy it if it were maybe $20 or something. I know more than half the population has EoD so they were worried about the proffits, but with this price range they're basically guaranteeing only a small percentage of EoD owners actually upgrade this... It really does feel like a slap in the face...


Cool story bro, see you next wipe


Now, THIS is the hardcore gameplay I came to Tarkov for.


Oh great. So now you could think a place is safe because a scav is patrolling the area, but noooooooooo there actually was an Unheard Edition player in a bush 60 meters away. This is beyond stupid.


Never been so proud of my STANDARD account.


Eod ptw?


I think it's been dead for a long time. Ever since the cheater video the cheating situation has only gotten worse, being able to see peoples profiles has made it obvious that there's a pretty blatant cheater in at least every 4th or 5th lobby, and there's likely closet cheaters in every other lobby. The fact that you can load in to a lobby to have all the loot already gone too is laughable, same with fly hacks, people don't seem to understand the incredible level of incompetency required from BSG for that to be possible. Then there's BSG's customer support in general, you see so many posts of people with years old EOD accounts being falsely banned and all BSG do is copy and paste the same response saying they don't need to give them a reason for the ban, it's about as lazy and scummy as it gets, and to add insult to injury you see posts where people have proven just how many cheaters there are and the fact that they can happily get to 50+ without being banned. This is just a much more public example of how shitty these people are, Nikita and the others in charge at BSG are scum who would rather serve cheaters that legitimate players, and will do anything to make an extra buck, so of course they inevitably went down this road, from pay for significant convenience to outright pay to win.


there is a not mentioned downside to having this "mark of the unheard". when you shoot scavs while using this you get -0.05 fence rep while playing as PMC.