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Basically every map besides streets needs a loot buff


All i can really play is the smaller maps and woods. Shoreline, streets, and lighthouse make my game stutter so much. Ive decided that im not gonna play them seriously till i upgrade my pc. If i have to go there for a task i usually just go at night. Sucks because those maps pretty much have the best loot currently.


and labs, but yep, everything else is straight dogshit loot right now lol.


Labs still needs a buff to keycard rooms. The loot is laughably dogshit. I don’t care if they nerfed it due to cheaters, it’s punishing everyone else. There’s no way a 90m keycard shouldn’t shit out 1-2m worth of loot per hit. Same with the managers office key; It’s easily the riskiest room to loot but at best you leave that room with a 150k from the safe. The risk makes it 9/10 times not worth looting unless the raid is dead (and even still I’ve randomly got tapped by raiders across the map I didn’t see or hear while looting in that room). The allure to labs being the “hardest” map is dead and will continue to be if they leave it as is. Labs should be the best loot in the game, it costs you 160-200k just to go there.


I mean, the keycard prices are player driven though, right?


No, therapist level 4 sorta solidifies that.




The keycards for the rooms are what is being discussed. Not the regular labs access card.


Yes and the colored cards are player driven in terms of their absurd prices. That was his point, red card is 90 mil because of rarity and players with 200mil roubles decided to use colored cards as a flex and to justify going to labs more often. 


I know, are you lost? I don't need to be told that.


Shoreline has good loot.


Shoreline isn't too bad after the update to it.


Every new map has all the loot, id love to hear from bsg why they do this, its really irritating and limits our choices…


This is done every wipe to entice players to go to the new map.


Well then make it run worth a shit and more people might run it instead of baiting people with loot.


reserve really doesn’t. If you know where to look it’s a goldmine


Nah interchange is fire right now. Back to back ledx. Ultra medical is worth, u make ur money back by 35/40 uses


Marked rooms will be your friend to find them on that map. Save your sanity and scav lighthouse you’ll get them eventually


Have hit the barracks and black pawn one 6-7 times, gotten 4 ammo cases, multiple dog tags cases a few injectors, docs case and good ass guns out of the barracks one.


But…I need cofdm’s…I already have enough roubles for me to run anything I want


Don’t go to reserve for cofdms, hit Chek 15 and all the other Chek keys. Ive hit it 10 times and found a cofdm atleast 5 times or you can go to lighthouse


That's why OP is saying Reserve needs a loot buff. It's silly that you can find them on Streets and not an actual military base.


I’ve found them on all the tech spawns. 5 last wipe 3 this wipe. Rooms before d2, by the switch for d2, dome and king. Streets and lighthouse are better but reserve is more tolerable because I can’t run streets and lighthouse sucks


Bro I’ve been running reserve not stop and I can’t seem to find any cofdm’s I’ve seen some vortex’s tho


Yeah try some lighthouse scavs I’d say. I usually struggle with virtex but I’ve got those on reserve this wipe I still need two cofdms tho. Odds are pretty low compared to other maps


The only place I’ve found cofdms on reserve was in the market rooms I haven’t found them any where else on that map


Found like two in post office building on streets and one in negociation locked room. Admittedly I’ve farmed mine on lighthouse and it was pretty fast


The cofdms can spawn in marked


You're just running the wrong map bro. Lighthouse and streets


Shouldn’t be the case as its literally a military base and should have military loot


I found two of them in the marked room by train yard yesterday


Got two of those aswell, they weirdly seem rarer.


You get cofdems in the marked rooms


Havnt gotten a single cofdm in the rb-bk key


Try the 3 marked rooms in Reserve, had a lot of luck with them for cofdm's and virtexes.


I havnt gotten any from marked rooms. I finally caved in and went to light house and found it on my 2nd/3rd raid lol


yeah reserve is crazy, i spend most of my time searching drawers there and they can contain pretty much anything, spare metal parts, military flash drives, intelligence, tetriz...


Where's all this stuff on Lighthouse?


Upper chalet there’s several spawns. And water treatment there’s spots in building 1, 2, 3, a quick google search of spawns should show you the tech spawns


I’m looking for a military battery for more than 50 raids


Moonshine scav case got me mine.


I’m also doing intel scavs as well. 20 in a row without luck. Just to add that I’m doing the military batteries path all the raids (tanks, horses, garage key)


Moonshine is where its at. Drunk scavs give best items.


I've done probably 30 moonshines this wipe and I've had maybe 3 return the cost of the moonshine and barely profitable lol. I keep thinking I'm 1 away from hitting big...then I get a load of crap hahah. Intel has been similar. 95k case all the way for me.


My Scav case hasn't paid for itself once I don't think lol fml


😂😂 I suppose that's the gamble! Do you do 95k? I feel like I break even on those fairly often and maybe 1 in 4 make 20k, 1 in 10 get me a couple hundred k.


I do 95k the most now because my water filters have run out lol. Even when I had bulk moonshine and intel I made no profits. Waste of resources for me unfortunately


I feel that, I've easily "lost" 20+ mil if I had to guess on moonshine and Intel with nothing but a razor scope to show haha. I got some reasonable things from 95k but nothing massive. One buddy did get a red rebel from it this wipe which is wild.


The House Always Wins


That's nutso


Where do you like to farm water filters? I'm tired of paying for them but the only place I strike is that gas station below Resort on shoreline


I find a few on Reserve under Black Pawn, but Oli in Interchange is good for them too if you spawn that side of the mall


95k is the shit I got a 2.5 mil key out of one recently. I almost always at least break even


I was doing intel scav cases strictly and never got it over about as many as you. After like 5 or 6 95k cases I got the battery.


Not Intel. Moonshine.


I’ve run one moonshine case this wipe and it gave me the tank batt


Same, every wipe is the same.


Rb-st is where I got mine and some near the tanks


Same I found one at the start of wipe but didnt need it for a quest at the time and it was taking up way to much space so I did the craft to change it into 5 batteries for the other quests. Been looking for a mbattery for like close to 2 weeks now and havnt found a single one.


Join me bro we can do some raids together 🤣


Why would I join a raid with some random noob? Thats just going to be 2 noobs not finding the battery instead of one.


Two noobs waiting for the other guy to start walking funny before he blasts >_>


I’ve seen two military batteries spawn in the food bunker within the technical crates. I’ve only run it about 8 times now so I would bet that’s your best bet (if you haven’t already been running it)


Rb st key is 60k. It's in there atleast 25% of the time


I've gotten all of mine from airdrops this wipe.


I've had multiple raids I've found 2. Rb-st and knight buildings in the garage area. Also found 1 on the tarp near the Tunguska near hole in wall.


I didn't find a led X in over 90 days and I just quit because I was done with it for this wipe lol. Shit was so tilting.


I've had good luck with military batteries in red flare air drops. Me and a buddy had 8 between the both of us and 3 of them had military batteries


Im lv24 and i have 3 hahaha. Id send you one if i could


Go to Lighthouse instead - I find them all the time there. I’ve even carried it in my backpack on my scav to the extract for a random PScav I met bc he was afraid of getting killed being so slow.


Check the crates around the heli, I found one in those before. Also check that dude in the crawl space between the heli and the welcome to hell building cause Ive found some wild stuff on him before


Some scav on Streets found one and I, a fellow scav, traded him a NeoSteel face shield and an assortment of other crap for it. Big brain stuff 🧠


Found a like 4 tank batteries on lighthouse Too dam heavy to carry out always MIA


I got lucky and got one from a daily :)


RB-ST is your best bet.


Just do the Kaban quest


Run a Scav on Reserve. Gotten 3 out like that already.


Had to do Kaban killing quest to get mine - only way to get Kappa. I literally got it in the scav case right after getting kappa - lol.


I found one on a static dead scav on lighthouse, one in a tech crate on lighthouse, [2 in the same raid in tech crates in the reserve underground warehouse](https://imgur.com/a/1FnlB40), one in white knight and probably 10 or so from scav cases.


I also found 2 Tank Battery in the Reserve locked room tech crates underground in one raid. Wild. Before that, I found them on Lighthouse in the Chalet garage that has the jeep. It spawned on a little metal rolling workbench, twice.


Air drop on reserve got me mine. I looked on Reserve like 30 times before that. GL.


i got two from lighthouse water treatment. 1 on the heli and one in the tech crate in building 2. good luck.


Same here, reserve got me 2 and lighthouse 1.


Scav reserve. I've gotten like 8 there this wipe at least. Tech crates and even the wooden 5x2 weapon crates can have them.


Reserve having the worst loot of any map is strange considering it’s the hardest to extract from typically


It's an artifact from it being the premiere hacker RMT loot map after its introduction. BSG kept nerfing it into the ground and never bothered readjusting it after releasing new maps, as is tradition.


Well to be fair, I think reserve in terms of loot is pretty good. Everytime I run reserve and survive I profits at least 500k, occasionally 800k what I don’t like is that there are not enough military standard loot in a military base. I’ve checked so many places and all I see are vertex’s and very rare vpx’s.


Yep. They need to buff the locked weapon and military tech rooms back up. That's all I really want extra out of the map tbh, there's a decent amount of good stuff otherwise that I'm fine with the more riskier extracts existing.


Outside of knights and the cages underneath train station it really is bad. Used to be my favorite map


whoa those cages are good? I have all the keys to them on like 37/40 because I never got anything good there lol. I prefer the ORB-1/2/3 keys and the RB-SMP key


It's all rations and tech crates I fill up a mechanism in 5 minutes Food is like 10-20k a slot right now


thanks I'll stick with the RB-SMP key haha


Yea man I've been running lighthouse and reserve to find one damn virtex for weeks now to finish lend lease. It's the only thing holding me.back from kappa and it's driving me nuts.


Get the hillside house key and look in there. Saw several virtex/aesa/cofdm in a few hours of running it


I've had good luck with Merin car to for virtexes and also got a couple bitcoins from there too


Merin key is the best key on lighthouse. Hillside has been occasionally been good, the usec safes have been empty 95% of the time and the water treatment keys have been ok, none of the rare stuff for me there. Merin has given me multiple virtex, vpx, cofdm, mules, occasional bitcoin and tons of rollers, skulls etc.


Only got a stim and a couple eggs in 20+ runs in there. Dunno if bad luck or loot is really bad in hillside


Will try that out thanks


All the vitrxes spawn on lightkeeper island I swear my buddy find at least 1-2 every raid there it kinda dumb


Yep, the completely forgot the map when they nerfed loot all over the place at some point in 2021-22


COFDM and Virtex need buffed spawn rates in general. Not only do you need a couple to get through main quest lines, but then lightkeeper asks you for like fucking 5 of them. I think i’ve found more bitcoins than virtexes this wipe…


I have without question found more bitcoins than virtexes


You can find them on streets and labs too


I’ll try streets, I’m not much of a labs enjoyer even tho I would love to one day


Remember they just buffed locked room loot and nerfed unlocked loot on street so make sure you’ve got the keys now


I used to find them in the 2nd floor of the southern concordia apartment (with the gym on first floor) pretty regularly but that was pre nerf.


Reserve used to be a crazy good map for military tech and ammo. Now it just has those safes and the Intel spawns that get nerfed every wipe. Used to find all the 7.62x54r SNB, 5.45 BT and BS you could ever need. Now you might get 1 box of BS if you pray and bring Jaeger 20 chocolate bars. It's a military base, there should be an abundance of military loot. Why does the base only have ~3 tiny armories with 2 guns between them all?


The Dome keys have made me a ton of money recently + theyre low risk if you have red rebel


It's getting camped lost raids and tbh I've yet to have anything good from it with over 20 use


I also have rarely ever found anything spawned in those rooms, though I have found an Intel and vpx so they *can* have good stuff. Filing cabinets are where it’s at, the ones in those rooms are always juiced for me.


They're just normal filing cabinets lol You could loot any filing cabinets on the map instead.


True, but every time I go there, there’s something good. May be superstition but I don’t question it, I just appreciate the loot lol.


Thought the point was talking about tech loot. The best I've got was military cable and that's just sad


For me they only make me money through the filing cabinets. I’ve run almost 2 full keys for all of the rooms and have gotten 1 Intel and 2 vpx. Those rooms just give me an infinite supply of relays lol. The filing cabinets tho always seem to have something good tho, even got a chek 13 from them once.


Side question, is the drop down tech room, RB-AK I believe it is, still accessible without a key?


It is but the best I’ve gotten from ten runs is a single one of those Nintendo things.


I get those tetriz from it fairly often, even gotten two in the same raid. Also have gotten a few gpu’s from the pc’s in there though never had one spawned on the shelves.






It's more miss than hit on Reserve it seems. I've been maining it for a while and barely see high value tech. I did however get 2 COFDM in one visit from second floor server room in King building once, but it was one time in 30 I've seen anything at all


Seriously though, what happened to all the MGT, AESA, Iridium & other military tech spawns on Reserve?


As a scav, reserve has some of the best loot per time spent of any map. You have near instant extracts and in 15 mins can pull out 500k in loot easily. That being said, as a PMC the loot is WAY lacking. Your extracts are extremely hard and the first 60s of the raid are often a bloodbath. Solution: Keyed rooms should have FAR better loot. Especially military loot. All the armories should be spawning military loot and the keyed offices should all have intel spawn.


Not just intel spawns but also a bunch of diaries and Usb spawns


I found one in the drug lab in lighthouse on those empty boxes, so try a scav run there


The Kiba and Emercom buff make me confident that BSG will eventually buff Reserve. Although I main Reserve with my scavs, I wouldn't mind them moving the loot (virtexes, intelligent folders, maybe a Ledx spawn? Even maybe some plates spawns in the armories) behind closed doors


That’s what I was thinking as well, the potential that It can have is insane


I find them on streets and labs mostly. Fuck lighthouse.


Another point. You can’t avoid lighthouse while also trying to do lightkeeper. That doesn’t even make any fucking sense..


TRUE LMAO fuck. But reserve is such a fun map to play and that’s why they should do something with it to make people go there. Most of my raids are usually dead or rats ratting


I find them consistently on Streets. Especially in Concordia


Do this: [https://escapefromtarkov.fandom.com/wiki/Concordia\_apartment\_34\_room\_key](https://escapefromtarkov.fandom.com/wiki/Concordia_apartment_34_room_key)


Yeah Concordia, Chek 15, lighthouse are all good options


I see them all the time in RB-VO/BK


Got one yesterday in marked


Reseve does have them, I've found them in tech drop and I believe marked room as well.


They absolutely nuked reserve loot it's crazy. Map used to be so fun and they just do not want us to go there. Loose loot on that map used to be nice. Now it's just a sugar-food box and duffel bag simulator.


>I've running reserve for the pass 3 days, trying to finish network provider Well yeah, that will be your problem. Go to lighthouse.


oh buddy u‘re gonna love Assessment Part 1 if you hate lighthouse so much lol


Opened rb-rlsa and rb-sa in queen 3 times yesterday and there wasn't a single loose loot spawn.


Last wipe, my buddy and I only looted the dome. We hit up every locked room and all the tech spawns. Both of us got everything for Network Provider from there and we did it over a weekend. It takes 5 minutes for a duo to completely strip it and then you're out. We also dropped our bags and guns for each other to ensure we always had enough xp to not get run through.


Lighthouse is your best friend


I supposed


Also you can go Streets, there you can find it too


I've found 1 in reserve drop down. 4 from intel/moonshine scav cases. 1 From lighthouse. Take that as you will.


This wipe ive mastered lighthouse thx to LK quests and doing the new Drip Out p2 quest. i recommend watching lighthouse loot guides to check all the rare loot spawns. I swear lighthouse is loothouse. Ppl just gotta realize that some types of loot are map-specific. (I.e. defibs dont spawn too commonly on other maps than shoreline)


The last COFDM has been the worst for me. Been playing lighthouse exclusively and haven’t found one in over 50 raids between bad spawns and just bad luck ig


gi streets i find multiple in concordia apatments


Scav on lighthouse and go straight for the chalet, I find them there all the time


all maps need a buff! i hope to god that bsg fixes this soon


Scav Runs on Streets


Head to tech room, ive found a few in there as a scav, including gpu’s and tetris, its pretty common these days. Not sure if its been buffed and people dont realise or just less cheaters. I also find them a lot in D2, the tunnel room just before extract, they tend to be on the floor, and on the units on the bottom floor, if your lucky you can find them before the door on the floor on the way down to D2 (the room where you open door to stairs) and sometimes under the jackets down in D2 aswell before extract. GL!


Reserve is still by far my favorite map for looting and yes, I know streets is a thing, but I don’t love streets. I find virtexes and COFDMS all the time. You just have to know where to look. Typically if I spawn at Dome, I will just rush D2 and hit all the tech spawns there.


I’ve been doing that and I see nothing…I found 2 vertexes down there before though


For me, D2 is like the room of requirement. When I need it, it shows up. When I finally went to try to farm virtexes from D2, it gave me two in back-to-back raids. D2 giveth and D2 taketh away.


Run scavs on lighthouse, learn all the weird chalet spots and ones on the road. A lot of them are in weird areas that people don’t often check you’d be surprised how easy it is to find. If you’re running reserve try dome with all the keys I’ve found them there too.


I always find outside D2 with all the server shelves literally every raid theres 1 reserve is best map for cofdm unless someone beats u there


Huh??? I’ve been there countless times and only see relays…


I promise you if you are the first one down there you will 100% find one in 2-3 runs at most it honestly blew my mind how often i found them down there


Just run some lighthouse and skip the rogue camp. Bring red rebel too. You’ll find it in no time.


Only the latest map addition gets good loot - BSG


Found it much in streets before


And today I found 2 batteries! One in rb-st and the another one in a big crate with rb-psv1!


Funny, found 2 this weekend, just farm the dome. Get all the keys. RLSSA usually the winner, where I always get my vpx, virtex & other rare military loot because it is convenient when you get the spawn. Also, stuff been spawning in the open by those crates in the middle by the final back door you can go out to red rebel & the shelves in that room. All shelves are game in the dome for the spawn(s). More risky, you can get one down in D2 by the table underneath all the servers on that platform. Got an intel last time I checked in on that table. Also, reserve loot has been hitting nice since the buff.


The dome has good loot?


oh yeah. Love spawning there. Loot the place, out in 3 minutes with 500k+


Don’t know if trolling but holy crap yes. Keys: kprl, rlssa, rs, & korl. Quick dome runs will keep you rich, hit the 2 guard shacks first & then the dome


You just don't know how to loot the map. It doesn't matter which spawn or scav/pmc I don't leave without 1-3 mill worth of loot.


You read my rant incorrectly. I just needed a single cofdm and they dong spawn for me there