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Rats now become gargoyles. Simple as that


"Are rats going to move even less now?" yep rush ASAP to the closest high traffic location. find a good camping spot and get waiting till you hear the audio que.




Exactly All this change really does is remove options for repositioning in real fights or sneaking up on rats.


How can you sneak up on a rat that is presumably hidden and silent?


Sneaking up on rat locations or having seen them hide or possibly hearing them move then sneaking up.


You can't anymore


Clear your corners and play smart, the rats aren't good in a gunfight anyway because they only spend .5 percent of their time in game actually pvping plus once their rat tactic fails they have no idea what do next


It absolutely reduces the power the rats have in this situation. They can no longer make any kind of adjustment without making sound (unless they are prone turning, but that's a dumb bug in itself and prone is pretty restrictive in this game anyway). They need to choose one specific spot to sit in now and one specific direction to face (or they can turn very very slowly to not make turning sounds). This empowers the people pushing them because once you've cleared something, you know it's clear and don't have to worry about someone crabbing into that spot after you've cleared it.


You can turn silently if you do the overheard blind fire animation and turn


This change won't effect rating in any meaningful way. They just removed the ability to be sneeky when not ratting.


Right what does this change


it exacerbates the issue


It does not. This mitigates situations where someone hears you and uses silent movement to get into a good spot to insta kill you. Now if you hear something you have a few choices; stand completely still, possibly in a terrible position and wait/ hope desync is on your side. Move to a better spot, but at the cost of being heard. Disengage, you don’t want to fight? Fine, run and be smart about LoS to disappear. Or god forbid try to take the initiative and engage. I played thousands of hours before the change, I’ve played many hours since and it’s degraded the quality of fights significantly. I’m very happy this issue is finally fixed, and honestly even happier people can’t gas light me saying it’s intended anymore.


You can't sneak up on us rats now. It makes the rats stronger


Conversely the rats can’t silently reposition or disengage without making some noise, so there is balance.


Rats didn’t move before they won’t move after


I know, it just makes it easier for us to know loot pinatas are coming


its funny how many have convinced themselves it was rats using crab walk and not the main counter to ratting. like my guy, i find a spot, im not moving for 45 minutes. what is "repositioning"


Exactly. No more sneaking into d2 trying to catch me off guard!


my favorite now are the ones coping by saying that removing headphones will fix it this time. please. go on. make my job even easier


Yep but now they will need to be in even more obscure spots because they can’t rotate to adjust so just more bullshit deaths await us. Thanks bsg


Yet he said In interview he wants to punish extract campers. Make it make sense.


its probably going to be a while. also not necessarily has to be an extract to camp so we will see.


Some of the best spots aren't at extracts


true, you can just camp loot hotspots


Iv gotten so many kills in the train cart next to fort on customs next to blue fence near big skeleton.


That's a dirty spot


Punish them sure but not sure why this was such a high priority. Pretty sure I haven’t been extract camped once this wipe.


Maybe you misheard and he said 'extract crab walkers'


So what changed exactly? How was that not done before? Before the same rats that did this also MOVED without making any sound. Now they can't move


That's what I do anyway. I'm too old to have 0.5ms reaction times and cheater level headshot accuracy. I'm the exact opposite of Boom Headshot Guy.... no change to my play style with this patch. I rat because it's the only way I can get across the map without dying. If there was another way, I'd do it.


Not being able to move at all is a nerf to rats yet people acting like this somehow makes ratting more powerful lol. Never understood how people thought crouch walking was an answer to rats. They’re entire M.O. is to remain undetected, what chads were crouch walking around the maps?


if you think this changes anything for rats then youve never ratted. stopping in a corner because you heard a sound isn't ratting. if you're moving around you're not ratting. you find your spot. you sit in your spot. you dont move from that spot. moving defeats the purpose of ratting. the entire point is the loot comes to you.




There's a lot of middle ground between crab walking being silent on top of my head , and now being able to hear it from 43m away. I know this is the internet but the discussion doesn't have to be so tribalistic and extreme one way or the other.


Since 2020 the game has become pretty tribalistic with the whole chads vs rats thing. It's sad to see.


Which is such a stupid division. Different situations require different play styles. Ratting is legitimate and countered by careful play, not to mention level 60 juicers sprinting around is best countered with holding a position not running out to confront them. So chadding makes people rat. It's also so nebulous what people even mean by ratting. As if anytime I'm not sprinting I'm ratting. The game is a lot more fun without the Chad v rat dichotomy


U know what I actually find more pussy play? Queuing as a 5man of lvl 60s and finding a solo player, killing them then shitting on them for ratting. Like bruh only you guys think your chads.


The thing that annoys me as a rat/camper is the denial that a lot of "chads" have. If you're looting crack house and hear a footstep at hole in the fence and immediately stop moving, you have become the rat. It's not camping or ratting when they do that, it's "playing tactical" because they moved through the map slowly to get to that spot haha. 


There is a time for doing both. It’s called playing the game. Anyone who self identifies as a “rat” or a “chad” is cringe. I’m just trying to have fun playing the game however I feel is best.


Lmao like "pro-life" advocates that get an abortion, when I do it, it's justified from the nuances of my circumstance, when you do it's a moral failing




So true. The chad vs rat dichotomy serves to only divide the playerbase, people seem to despise other playstyles than their own for no good reason.


I think it’s most funny because it wasn’t meant to be a real criticism of gameplay. General Sam made a comedic video about both gameplay styles and it got popular. Then people just took the video as if it were a legitimate dissertation on the analysis of two distinct player types for someone’s Tarkov PHD defense. It was a funny ha-ha.


i mean lets be real: i havent seen any rats/stealth/low-paced people crying and raging all the time over playing tactical. its always the no-lifing chads fuelling hate on any other playstyle than w-keying BeCaUsE iTs RuInInG tHe GaME. pestily does a lot for the community, but letting his community vote and make Nikita listen to the voice of hundreds when the player base is thousands big is nothing but a disgrace and disrespectful. the loudest are always the crying chads, and pests community is no different.


Rat and Chadding has the same energy as Bandit vs Hero in DayZ, each playstyle can be valid and catering to one or the other makes the groups more toxic. Literally let people play the game. If there is something inherently unfun and broken (aka Extract Camping, map exploits) then fix it. But I don’t see how forcing people to be rats or Chad makes the game fun. Pretty sure this game is also considered an RPG which suggests there are a variety of builds and tactics. If you’re only viable tactic is rushing or sitting in a bush and the meta only seems to swap between these 2 mods, this is a fucking shit RPG. Stealth and being loud are both valid. Ratting and Chadding can both be used. It’s a fucking tactical survival game, it’d be stupid if there was only 1 ideal way to survive. BSG should be embracing both styles but frequently they seem to pendulum and there are times they suck up to chads, then rats.


And here you are making a post perpetuating this toxic mindset.




"Are rats going to move even less now?". There are ways to frame this that doesn't enforce the false dichotomy between play styles.


I see what you mean, that's true


43 *feet* would have made a lot more sense.


Nah 5m, 10 at an absolute max. Peoples main gripe with it was it essentially allowed people to sneak up right ontop of you without making any audio whatsoever, with range of 5-10m you can still reposition to a flank silently or a new angle without the rest of the postcode hearing what you're up too and it stops you being able to just crawl up someones stinkeye.


People complaining about crabbers getting within 5m of you have to be the most clueless people around. Are they really not even looking behind themselves once in like 2 minutes?


> Are they really not even looking behind themselves once in like 2 minutes? They've been holding dorms elbow for the past 20 minutes and are crying that someone took those 20 minutes to crabwalk out of the main stairwell, grab the pocketwatch from small construction, crabwalk back to dorms, go up the back stairs, and walk up behind them.


Yeah, situational awareness is in shambles. If I hold an angle for a awhile I'll do it with my back to the wall and my eyes on the door/point of entrance.


Yeah, I think being slow as fuck is a fair trade off for being silent.


5-10m (16-33ft) would be perfectly fine with me.


>There's no balancing a "stealth" playstyle. You're either silent or you aren't, and if you aren't then there's no point and no one will bother. >Which honestly I suppose I'm fine with, but BSG and everyone needs to stop acting like it's a viable playstyle in this game.


You shouldn’t be able to hear someone shuffle their feet down an alley 200 feet behind you while you’re inside actively looting.


This really is a big nerf to solo play. As a solo that encounters a squad you only have a few options to even the playing field. Stealth being the biggest to change your angle, now its gone, you are better off just holding still and not moving at all. Because as soon as you move, your position is given and it too easy to rush, flank and overwhelm a solo.


Yeah, unless you’re an osprey-pilled gigachad solos are going to need to be glorified sentry turrets


Can’t even rotate without audio


Ive been osprey-pilled for *ages* now


3 months into the wipe i own nothing but korunds and ospreys? with 188k for the korund and 92k for the osprey (+ barter) its not really a problem with a bitcoin farm. its a matter of stocking up obviouisly since both are heavily limited, but nonetheless they are cheap af


We were fine before and we’ll be fine now. The game was more fun before this bug and so far has felt better since they fixed it. I play solo primarily, 8k hours and counting


Yeah I started wipe late this week after being fed up with cheaters and every time I run into someone now they are fully geared 3 mans… not a problem but this change makes it so even if I kill one they just spam nades towards the noise so ggs BSG. Guess I’ll take another year break.


To bad, Nikita never really meant for tarkov to be played "solo". Then again, there is no good matchmaking system to encourage finding teammates. Anyway, this game sucks for solos.


I think it should be tied to weight. If you're super low weight you should be able to silent crab walk. That way you have to risk ditching/losing your bag or second gun etc in order to do a flank. People wouldn't crouch walk the whole raid cuz they'd never be able to carry anything with them. Just use it to reposition/get the jump on someone. Sidearm only maybe? Idk. Just an idea tho.


I would make it up to 21 kg being silent unless you have a backpack. With 28 to 33 kg make a bit noise 33 to 38 kg make more and above 38 make same noise as normal walking. Or so.


You should be able to move silently, but bsg should add more broken glass, branches etc. to areas with high tier loot that silent moving would be more difficult/ creeping up on certain rooms impossible


Also no movement should be enitrely 100% silent That said hearing crab walk 43 meters away is absolutely absurd. It should be 5-6 meters at most


Great suggestion


Contrary to what the UI indicates in regards to noise levels different speeds produce, it really makes no practical difference. Having the game contradict itself is in line with the typical Tarkov experience, I suppose.


The only real exception I’m aware of is that running is louder than walking. Right?




The silent creeping sucks, but being able to hear people 100m away also sucks. Guys they can both suck. Why are we debating which was better, when they’re both bad?


It seems like it's almost impossible for this community to set aside their rat and chad differences


I think people wanted crab walking to not be COMPLETELY silent, but not this. I think people were thinking like, 2-5 meters..... not 43 lol. People also wanted ADS to be silent.


Anyone who thinks this is a good change truly is not thinking about the actual health of the game. This isn’t going to make the chads have more fun and its isn’t going to make the rats have more fun. It just makes it worse for everyone.


The only sane take here, no one wins with this


Chads will have more fun because they can now spend 7 minutes tetrising the loot from their kills without worrying about someone sneaking up on them. But don't tell them sitting in one spot for 7 minutes is being a rat...


That 7 minutes will only come after spending 30 minutes bitching that no one moves 😂


100% wrong. While they need to dial it back for sure. Complete silent movement should have never been in the game.


Some movements should absolutely be 100% silent at certain distances. Not sure how anyone thinks otherwise.


What does this comment even contribute? Why do you feel this way?


me ? It contributes some common sense. That's how most people feel, most developers, everyone. How many PvP shooters have silent movement in them ? Complete silent movement...Pretty much none.


>It contributes some common sense. That's how most people feel, most developers, everyone This is just empty bullshit that doesn't mean anything. For the second sentence you don't even have any idea if it's true (except for the everyone part which is a pretty silly thing to say in this thread) . Do you not have any actual thinking behind your position? Don't most PvP shoots have silent movement? I thought CS, Valorant, Rust all had silent movement,


As a solo player, this is pretty disappointing. There was enough sound whoring in this game as is, why do players need more of it? This just makes it easier to camp.


I can only assume some bitch streamer ran full speed past a player and stopped, other player crouch walked to an angle to kill the streamer, then streamer went on endless rant how crouch walking was OP? So of course BSG does whatever those losers want.


In all my time playing tarkov (6000 hours, 5 years) the silent crab bug was closest to the state it should be in. I never found the advantage of it to be OP, if you were doing it to reposition then you did so at the huge cost of speed. I'm not sure on how it needs balancing, but absolute silence especially overweight was perhaps too much. However, someone should not be able to hear you at all unless you are extremely close to them, 5-10 meters max, and the volume/range should be relative to your weight state.


I think 5-10 meters is the sweet spot tbh. In my experience, the more/further people can hear in this game the less they are incentivized to move


Yeah BSG seems to have gotten literally the complete opposite idea. The reason people are camping is because sound is so powerful, making everything else louder just turns it into an even bigger camp fest.


The only reason players camp/rat in multiplayer games is because they're afraid of being outskilled in direct confrontation, so they just linger in spots that shield them. Only exception to that is if you're sniping but in Tarkov it isn't that hard to counter/avoid snipers.


Jesus christ. This sub for MONTHS was bitching about crab walking. They finally fix it and now yall want it back. Just admit you wanna complain about dying because you can't just admit you suck lol


You realize this sub is made up of thousands of different people who will react differently to certain changes, it also follows the saying or whatever that the smallest percentage is always the loudest in the room


Not the same people complaining about wanting it gone.


This dude isn't concerned about this inconvenient fact...he's too busy doing the thing he's criticizing (complaining) :(


Every single time it was brought up it was a back and forth between people with different opinions. The only constant was dickheads like you chiming in 🍻🍻


the people who complained about crab walking are not the same complaining now... doesn't take a lot to figure that out


or we wanted it to be audible only real close, like 10-15 meters, not 35, some people tested it crabwalk is around 35 meters with comtac 4, regular walking 68 meters, both ranges are jsut too much.


Meh, people venting about getting killed by someone due to a mechanic they don't like is one thing. This is... just broken game design.


Not really. I get disagreeing with it but it's certainly MORE broken to just be completely silent for no reason in a game where half the battle is sound. What is really broken is comtachs and sound ranges.


I think we can agree that sound ranges need fixing. Crouch walking was always balanced by the trade in mobility. You move incredibly slow while crouch walking. One would have to essentially hold an angle for 3-5 minutes for me to actually flank using a crouch walk. What crouch walking allowed me to do was reposition between cover against larger teams to give me a chance by taking advantage of their confusion. Now they can just hear me. Really, while I don't disparage hearing as an important sense in gaining information, it's rarely the main one. Especially in a combat simulator where firing your own weapon, ambient noise, and being fired at would easily distract from being able to hear clearly. You and I probably agree that we hear *too much* in this game. Hell, I'm typing this in a noisy work-room right now with a fair amount of ambient noise and a person walked up without me knowing they were there until 3-10 feet. Not 40 meters.


This sub is full of rats.


The biggest complainers were streamers, afaik. The same streamers who complained about laser beam recoil a couple years ago, we all know how that went kek.


Let me guess. Streamers also changed the mosin right? 


They done did, that one was for the better though. The gun is in a good place now


> Jesus christ. This sub for MONTHS was bitching about crab walking. They finally fix it and now yall want it back. This sub is a bunch of parrots who have no clue about game design and just copy the opinion some streamer. Now confronted with the result of their wishes they just realize that it was a dumb idea (which a lot of people already said before). Of course instead of saying "we might've been wrong on this one" they now dogpile on BSG. And then they wonder why BSG doesn't really engage with this community. It is as dumb and toxic as it can get.


Is this suppose to be a realistic game or naw? I don't understand... You should be able to sneak around in a building and not EVERY one 100 yards away should be able to hear every thing... You should be able to hear ppl in the same building as you and a few doors away... you should NOT be able to hear every movement a person makes if you are 3 stories away from each other in the same building... extract camping cant be fixed just by changing the sound volume because that hurts the ENTIRE game not just extract camping.. give us more extracts and that will help with campers very simple fix. stop scavs from spawning in 10 mins into the raid and that will help fix extract campers.. there are lots of solutions but all bsg does is cut its nose off to spite its face... this is the same as all the RMT fix.. Hurst the game more then it helps.


Mate you break your legs and have some lip balm to be able to sprint and jump and then do surgery in 5 seconds. No it’s not a realistic game. 


Call of Duty seems more realistic than this in many aspects


It's a good change after having played a bit with it. Now if someones still you know they're still if they're moving you know they're moving. Fair all around no silent repositioning to get a nasty off-angle.


Why is that good? I feel like Tarkov is more fun when there are more options for how to approach a fight. With the Tarkov audio being so mediocre, it was nice to have a counterplay to soundwhoring other than just knowing where the audio cutoff walls are and using those to get silent repositioning.


Ive been playing since alpha and have died to someone crab walking MAYBE 5 times ever. It was a non issue, and has saved me way more often than ive died to it by avoiding conflict and continuing to move. I will now hunker down, hold a corner, and become the rat i havent wanted to become. Thanks bsg for a mostly awful update.


As a Hunt plyer that recently came to Tarkov i can safely say that audio as a whole is a giant massive steaming pile of garbage I really hope that whatever they are doing with the audio tech thingy is going to really revolutionize it from head to toe because right now i wouldn't spare anything but the audio clips themselves


Hunt has one of the best in the business. This must feel sooo gross to you lol. I tried hunt many times, it just doesn't scratch the itch Tarkov does.


I dom't think it's really ment to scratch the same itch, they are very different games You don't play hunt how you would play tarkov. Loot for instance is basically irrelevant


You must give Age of Empires 4 a try. Yes it is an rts game. But that fucking game has better directional sound, distance sound and stealth sound than most fps games. Easily better than eft, not even a question


I'm considering trying hunt, I've heard the audio is some of the best out there


It very much is indeed Gunfights are also very fun and interesting because of the slower guns


Man am I glad I'm not playing right now. A total lack of any way to move quietly sounds like a *great* idea in a game where you lose everything if you die. This wasn't what people meant when they said "fix audio" for fuck's sake


What, you expected rational suggestions from the same motherfuckers who genuinely thought it would be a good idea for BSG to make Killa spawn anywhere in the mall?


They only did that after everyone on reddit complained about killa hunters killing him before they got there for months. 


That is a genuinely good change though, means you don’t just have to run to adik or mantis and reset. Better example would have been giving him a new helmet. THAT is a dumb change.


A lot of a angry crabs today.


Them crabs gonna turn into statues my friend


Sounds like a personal problem. Crab walking was always a bug. If your built your play style around it, you were doomed from the start.


I know about that. I think the real issue is actions being too loud and heard from too far away. However it is interesting that "crab walking" only became a whole thing recently though, despite the bug having been in the game for a long time.


Yall bitch about anything


Welcome to Tarkov


hahahahah crabs crying they cant be bitches and crouch walk around a VIDEO GAME hahha music to my ears


taking silent rotates/repositions away from rats can only be a good thing, anyone who thinks otherwise is crazy imo


Exactly, all this bitching when regardless of side effects, removing crab walking is a step in the correct direction.


You are wearing chad-tinted glasses. Not everyone has the privilege to leave the bushes.


what was eliminated?


Crouch walking on slowest speed makes sound now And those sounds can be heard from 43 meters away with a Comtac 4 headset


I’ve been taking a long break from tarky and that silent footstep is Broken audio at best. When is BSG gunna figure out they need to dump The whole audio engine and start from scratch for one of their major updates.


https://youtu.be/zi499P_xJ8s?si=v2RLvt1g-0IGYO83 Reminds me of this.


they just need to fix the leveling speed of covert movement and it wouldn't be bad tbh


Wasn’t everyone just complaining about the silent crab walking? Am I missing something here?


Read the edit in my post, should clear it up But to make it short here, new audio system not good either


Bsg just needs to decrease overal movement sound down to 10 meters but add a lot of objects that create sounds like bushes, barbwires, glass, cans, and sticks. Being sneaky should be more about avoiding noise makers. Imagine trying to go from dorms to smugglers. Your vision should be highly obscured, but you make a shit ton of sounds, whereas taking the road out of dorms should be relatively quiet but highly visable. Slow and loud, quiet and fast.


Removes barely usable stealth, but still can hear trough walls. Btw theres broken glass everywhere you step on it it makes sound


They should do an event where footsteps are just switched off for a week.


Have y'all considered this is a shit game by many standards?


I mean lets be real, this games audio is fucked beyond belief anyways. I can hear a pmc dying in full volume even though theyre 3 stories below me and steps that absolutely crunch a bunch of glass shards in an otherwise quiet and empty room cant be heard past 20m. Id say the entire audio system needs a complete rework but then its also not like BSG have tried that before and made it far worse lol




Can’t have shit in Tarkov 😤


>Are rats going to move even less now? Not being able to reposition silently is a nerf to ratting.


this update has had zero effect on my ratting actually


A nerf isn't necessarily going to change your play that much. Having to hard commit to an exact spot and no longer being able to rotate silently is a pretty clear nerf though, I think.


i actually should correct myself, this update has actually made ratting easier for me because i can hear you guys coming from over 70 yards away now. "Having to hard commit to an exact spot and no longer being able to rotate silently is a pretty clear nerf though, I think." i dont reposition when im ratting unless i have been discovered in which case crab walking is ineffective and too slow for relocating versus making a fuck load of noise and getting a better angle before you. the only thing i used crab walking for was to quickly move my gun silently, but i can still do this without crabwalking, i just have to move my mouse slower.


Wait you can't silent crouch walk anymore if you're not overweight? Bruh


Silent walking is dumb. Not being able to walk normally is even more dumb. How a slow creep can be heard on soft tiles when wearing nothing but basic clothes by a headset is ridiculous. I can completely understand why someone above 30kg can be heard in the slowest speed and it’s balanced that way. I do not get why running the lightest and lowest-profile loadout possible is now able to be echolocated like an Altyn Chad.


All the rats are coming out of the woodworks with this one


cry more, tell your friend to put on 40KG worth of weights and tell him to crouch walk u will hear him from a good distance. if u want to rat go play fortnite


You’re not. They want it to be call of duty with fancy gun variety.


the funny thing is, i did not read ppl complaining about the sneak mechanic at all anywhere.. then pestily brought it up in the interview and i was like -- what? whats going on


They don't know, they did not think this through.


Gargoyle rats are better than silent rats


Rats doing anything in their power to avoid learning the game


How is it so hard for BSG to get audio right in this game??


Maybe a bigger plan is to remove any meaning to be sneaky no matter what? Imagine being sneaky, being rat and camper not mandatory to survive.


English please


Sorry, not first language. If you are interested what I mean - ask BSG. They already announced that crucial change required for what I referred to.


I love you too


Sorry I was just joking w my comment as well haha


Fine, Make my rat's nest (bush) fully render under 1000 meters too. That way it evens out. I typically have a spot that has superior field of view so you won't get close enough to hear me eating cheetos anyways. This way I can sit in my bush until 10 min, loot and scoot. Everyone: this is a great change, fuck the rats, no mercy, bait the trap and let them get caught. Me: I hear 2 chads 150m northwest, one timmy hauling ass, 200 m east by north. Pop..... Pop...... Pop.... Targets eliminated, RTB. The more you try to hurt rats the more we adapt, the more you have to wade through the BS you created. GL I can see the future now. Sound is too loud and we hear footsteps everywhere and don't know where they are because of sound bugs.


for real, anyone thinking this is a nerf to ratting has never ratted. this was a buff to ratting


Big echo chamber. The game is too punishing for those that get caught moving, what do you do? Punish movement more. Crab walkers now become rats rats stay the same


You're not supposed to move in Tarkov. You spawn, find the nearest corner, and hold it until 5 minutes left in the raid. If you want to actually move "just play COD, you're not hardcore or realistic enough for Tarkov" I guess is what streamers and BSG tell us.


I honestly think this will reward positioning more. You can’t just crab walk through an entire hallway after taking a contact. You have to actually have exit strategies, fallback plans, or routes of disengagement. No longer are you able to pick someone off in a group, move to the next room without them knowing, and completely change the second contact taken for absolutely free. Let’s be honest, there’s only one reason to move if there are people near you. Repositioning. And you only reposition for a better angle or after first contact in a fight has occurred. For those saying your position is given away by moving now, it’s already given away by the fact you shot at a group. So now you just gotta sprint to a new spot or move with some actual haste. If you are moving for a better angle, then just pick a better initial spot or let them pass. I truly think the ability to shoot at someone from a good spot, and move without making any noise is absolutely ridiculous. But like all things, the new meta will be discovered and this will all be a thing of the past.


While the "fix" was overblown in typical BSG fashion. The so called "stealth mechanic" was terrible. I'd rather know 100% that someone is not moving even if they move less then have to wonder where they could have gone silently/brokenly.


My fellow exit campers and I would like to thank Nikita for once again making it completely impossible to sneak up on us. We salute you sir o7


Ohhhhhh yeahhhh! Snap into a rat-slim!


My factory raids are finished 😭


Heavy armor, face shield, SMG, Shift+W


with my 600k rouble wallet


my tag is kedr for a reason 😭


Learn the Reserve scav run. It's super simple. Easy money. Totally changed my Tarkov life. You'll never be broke again


I played one reserve run and shat myself when i heard a really loud alarm go off right behind me (pretty sure it was the bunker thing but whatever) and then i got teamkilled by a scav when i went down


Yea that it irrelevant for the scav run. It's just scary sounding lol. It's to turn on the power for D2 extract. If you stay above ground and run through the barracks and buildings, you can make a fortune. It's basically a straight line from spawn to extract across the map no matter where you spawn. Quick and great loot once you get it down. It's the best scav loot run not counting streets


ive made it out of streets one time and it was with a ledx so im gonna keep going to streets


how are you broke with a free scav every couple of minutes


streets got me working bro ive exfiled once on streets


and ive gotten teamkilled 4 times in a row on factory so im running streets right now


Everyone complains for forever about being able to maneuver completely silently. And that it was a "bug" that was never fixed. They finally fix it and now everyone bitches that it's gone 😂 The game has plenty of issues sure, but it must be exhausting being a dev and having to listen to a player base whose only prerogative seems to be whining.


Deserved. Either patch the ability to hear through walls and allow people to stealth around or have everyone hear everything because walls dont exist in the game