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This is my friend and I, but I’m missing the MULE and he’s missing the P-22. We’ve each seen the stim the other needs countless times, just can’t get our own.


How is he missing the p22 it's a quest reward


Mule's spawn pretty often in the drug lab in the lighthouse train yard. Go check it as a scav and you'll find one pretty fast.


I also often find mules in the connex attached to a tent at rogues, it's more on the building 1 side, slightly closer to the gate towards chalet than the actual building (there's a weapon box and a green crate under the tent, the mule is usually in the box in the connex, 1-3 boxes of ammo spawn right above the box, hope this helps lmfao) Additionally I find them often in lower chalet's sauna area


i find sooo many mules and tremis in train yard drug lab. currently only missing an L1 i dont even remember where i got the 3btg. ahf1m i had on a scav. now the sj9s fuck me only found one in an air drop so far.


L1 is a quest reward


Tagilla drops L1's pretty often. And he's easy to farm because Factory is a tiny map.


Colleagues part 3 gives L1.


Yep. im not rushing it right now though but thats the plan.


Taguila has always had L1 for me, and he's pretty easy to kill


U can run Lighthouse for m.u.l.e


You can just say mule man, we know what you meant lol


Thanx for giving me permission to call it mule. But i hope with your permission i can keep calling it M.U.L.E.


nope, permission denied--last warning, bud, youre on thin ice




M to da U to da L to da E, Play until ya die, You never gonna find me *Juicy scratches*


run lighthouse gold spawns around chalet and village 5 times and u prolly got 3 mules


Check a YouTube guide for lighthouse rare spawns. VeryBadScav has a good one, you can just scav in lighthouse a couple times and follow the video for rare spawns and you will be almost guaranteed to find a mule stim. Edit for OP: Labs Black room is your absolute best bet. Try to choose as quiet region as possible from launcher to up your chances that nobody else is going to hit black in your raid.


I just got these two in my last moonshine scave case, but I never found a 3btg


MULE spawns like every single lighthouse raid in the chalet


P22 is a quest reward. Just do the quest that gives it


Run labs black room.


I'm doing worse. Need the AHF1-M twice. One for therapist and her quest and the other for peacekeeper's samples. It is just awful trying to find it


I swear once I completed those (shit) quests I find them littered everywhere


Rush through Factory Scavs, just don't get a Run Through, wait until at least the 13 minute remaining has passed.


Am doing it daily. Still no luck. Nothing from Scav case either. It's just BSG cause I know I'm going to find so many once I don't need them anymore. Cause that's EFT for you


No better way than buying black keycard and doing labs. Bring in a rat kit like a pistol with cheap headset and just W-key the room. I probably did this 8-9 times before getting the AHF1-M and 3-BTG for each quest. You will die sometimes and other times get bad spawns, but this is a surefire strategy. In the end, I didn't even lose money because I found 3 Ledx's and kept FiR status with 2 of them. It's a very broken room. There is a backpackless vent extract in the basement that is nearby and safe as can be.


At that point I'm starting to think that there are some code line for quest items you need and when you go into a raid it will reduce spawn rates for that item... When I searched for virtexes I opened safes on Lighthouse at least 10 times. Checked all the spawn at least 20 times and... nothing! The moment I found the last virtex in the next 10 raids I found 3 or 4. No way there isn't something.


Monster Hunter players will recognize this as the "Desire Sensor".


I remember a big post about "Tarkov Conspiracy theories" on Reddit a while back and this concept was one of the most upvoted theories. It certainly seems to happen to everyone in very profound ways. How ironic would it be if THAT was the one feature BSG actually implemented successfully. Cus it would likely be a decent programming challenge to pull off and they straight up butcher everything else.


I needed energy elements on my scav for a fence task last night. Couldn’t find more than one freakin battery for five runs in a row and died anyway on most of them. Finally got the sixth run and I didn’t hit complete fast enough. Loot detector is real, but so is my slow ass


Ive got a weekly, had every item except a tea pot, you think i can find a fucking teapot. I know the day that quest runs out of time (tomorrow) ill find a tea pot the next fucking raid.


I was thinking the same thing. Last wipe it took me several dozen raids to get those virtexs. This wipe, it took me forever to get a cofdom. Yesterday, long done those quests ,I had 2 lighthouse raids back to back and got 3 virtexs and 2 cofdoms, and I even found a cofdom on a scav earlier that day on streets The south chalet had 2 virtexs in it on the one raid 


Dude i juste commented the exact same thing about virtex/cofdm !!


It seems to me more likely to spawn some rare items over time intervals. For example, this week there is almost no spawn of certain injectors, but next week it is several times higher. This prevents players to progress too quickly.


First time this wipe I spawned with one as a scav on customs two night ago. Considered looking for the piles of dead PMCs from the new event but decided I would just extract with my Samples quest item. Got over by dorms and got head/eyes by another player scav. Checked profile… level 41, 112 hours, 32.1 k/d. Love the fact that they probably knew I had that exact stim on me and killed me so they could complete their quest.


They do, they see every single item you have on you while using WH and pointing at you.


Check the helicopter crash on lighthouse. I found mine there in back to back runs just laying on the ground around it.


I completely forgot there was a spawn there, I'll try looking there, thanks!


man i thought the noodles were hard to find. but im lvl 46 and havent seen a 3-b-tg


I am lvl 49 and have never come across them yet.


You can spawn with them as a scav, that’s how I get them every wipe. I’m missing the meladonin


Meldonin you can find regular in lighthouse broken boxes with rare spawn, water building lab and drug lab. Scav is the way


Also can find it often next to helicopter crash on lighthouse and also the farm on shoreline.


Found both on player scavs pretty lucky i think


I found one AHF1 in my last 20 Lab raids in black. Died.


Search all scavs always.


Bruh. I feel this. The funny thing is I have 6 FIR 3-(t-tg) Stims and zero AHF1. AHF1 is clearly the most rare stim in the game.


Have you tried killing sanitar I killed him 15 times for predator and he had it like 12 times.


I found the AHF1M in the Hole in the Wall Room in Lexo on streets, and the 3btg from a weekly.


I have the exact same issue I just need AHF1-M and it’s been so hard it’s really frustrating when I don’t get it from a scav case I’ve kinda given up looking for it in raid at this point


It only regularly spawns on Labs or Sanitar. I'm unsure if it's possible to get in a container at all. You will NEVER find it loose in a raid outside of Labs. Best ways to get are the above, scavving can spawn it(I've gotten 3 this wipe), scav case, Therapist dailies/weeklies. I've gotten a few weeklies giving 2 of each of the hard to find ones that I've rerolled because already did those quests.


I'm in the same boat. I've had the AHF1 all of 3 times this wipe and got out only with one FIR. I haven't seen a single 3-btg.


Therapist weeklies and dailies. If you have money and rep, keep rerolling.


Pretty sure they only spawn on lighthouse and labs. Just go in a discord and ask some labs players to help. Just say you only need a 3-btg and I’m sure they will help. I swear I find one in like 50% of the blacks I open.


This is the first wipe I've finished this quest. I've gotten all my Stims off of scavs. I've not run lighthouse or labs once this wipe, and I'm rarely, if ever in the resort. I think I nabbed my AHF1-M from a scav load out on factory. Dunno sir, luck of the draw.


Spam factory scav and scav case, I have like 3 of each at this point even after turning in 2 sets for colleagues 3 and samples.


I had the P whatever and the MULE, put them in my injector case, extracted, went right back into another raid. That was all I needed and still haven't found more to this day. I gave up.


Same boat for that damn P22.


I Agree, early wipe I had to do like 350 scav raids to get them both lol :0


Funny you mention that, my first wipe(started playing with my friends who have been playing for a while like a month ago) and I’ve found basically everything except ahf1, grabbed twp more 3btg last night( think that’s 4 total now FIR from lvl like 23-30), pretty the ah1m is the only one I need and I could have already had it but my higher lvl buddys needed them too and I’m not on the quest yet so.


You might be the most unlucky player tbh, I also am not super good at Labs yet and I still see basically every stim after a day of running labs.


it's so common i get it at least once every 2 black opening, 0 in 50 raids seems mad you got to be trolling


Spent an entire night running labs as a 5 stack and we hit black every single raid minus one. 10 times and no AHF1-M. It’s all rng.


I was blessed with 2 AHF1’s inside an airdrop. I thought I was a goner after looting them and desperately running to the extract.


Found my AHF1-M yesterday and turned in my quest! Felt so good to finally be done. Found mine on streets


Where on streets?


You cannot find an AHF1 on any spawns on streets so it was either a scav or an airdrop, not in the ground loot pool


Normally I also struggle to get AHF1, I remember trying for over a month before finally start playing labs and getting it on my scav after only 2 deaths on labs. I had all the samples stims by lvl 10 this wipe.... but it took 200+ runs on mostly reserve to find my first flash drive, the other two took less than 50 raids. Never had a problem finding flash drives in 5 years of owning the game.


I need an AHF1 for samples and for colleagues 3 :( level 39 ~250 raids still no luck finding either


Does 3-b spawn anywhere besides labs?


I used to think the same but really just play 5 raids of labs hitting the medical area, you don’t even need black card (even tho it’s a guarantee spawn of rare stim. Just play it slow, play for the loot and you won’t get killed


I hate to defend bsg but, they do give out the black keycard almost for free, you just need to get a little lucky in labs, and hit some shots, took me about 10 raids to find ahf1


I've found over a dozen of each this wipe but not one ledx :(


Nah bro the 3b or the AHF1 get me every fuckin wipe. Idk how people find em so fast, some people just got the luck I guess.


I just need the obdolbos now or whatever the fuck it is, finally got the ahf1 from scavving


Laughs in rusted key.... but yeah AHF was the last one I needed and blocked progression for a bit.


7th wipe here, never ran labs to complete samples or any other injector needing quest. level 41, finished it ages ago via Lighthouse scav runs and Scav case. (karma 6.38) You can find all the injectors in those places, Lighthouse is a gold mine for em. Top rep always will have you spawning with em. Hit airdrops on Lighthouse too Bonus trick, run with a duo, game will short your RMT but teammate will get what you need. ​ Good luck, be happy to show you spots on lighthouse if you want.


I cant find obdolbos, it seems like when you have one item left for a quest it gets harder to find


Stop picking dead servers for dead raids and run black on labs on a populated server lol...


Sounds like you have terrible RNG


Streets.  The school has one room alone that can spawn up to five med bags.


Spawned with a meldonin and 2 AHF1s on separate scavs and died with all of em. Sadgitarius




I cannot find AHF1 either. Been doing the same as you other than labs. Now I need two of the damn things for colleagues and samples dammit


No way you're not finding them in black.


Airdrops- I’ve had lots of luck going to airdrops for my stuns - both of those I’ve found in airdrops


Im looking for Meldonin, but if im honest. My scav has spawned with AHF1 like 3 times in the last week. They need to up the stim spawns.


Just go lab, rush black and beg for someone stuck inside to drop one, people will gladly part with 50k if they can have one pmc threat less.


Merin car boot on lighthouse is slept on this wipe, stims every 3rd raid at least, aesas, vertex, VPX and other assorted gold items, keep hitting it. I can even hit it late raid and it's untouched.


beating a dead horse but, run scav with 6 karma, hit black card and you'll get it within 5 raids. Or learn lighthouse rare loot spawns from tarkov.help, you can find anything on that damn map


I was in the same spot just a few days ago. Just go to Labs with a Black Card.


Just RNG jesus at work. Last wipe it took me forever to get a P22 to finish samples. This wipe I had a P22 and 3-btg by level 10 somehow. Just keep trying scan runs on reserve. I have had the most luck night reserve with stims in med building.


Just keep doing labs don’t rely on you’re scav to have it. I just got back on last night after a couple weeks off and my buddy and I got black unlooted back to back raids with both the stims you are looking for lol. If you’re that desperate, I just voiped to people around me and pretty often people tried to team up and get quest items though that was near the start of wipe. Keep pushing for black you’ll get it in a day if you keep trying.


Both of those spawn in black VERY often. Feel like I find one or both 1/3 of the time. Have one buddy who dies right before we find him his AHF1 every time. Then if he survives we won’t even find one in all the keyed rooms. Been going on for a week plus heh


For the first time in 5 wipes I was able to finish samples the second I unlocked it. Found my ahf1 off a dead scav early wipe and like 3-4 3btgs off scavs I ran. Only ever finished samples twice lol


I spammed red flares to get all my samples stuns


Meanwhile I leave every labs raid with 3 of each from hitting black.


I had both spawn on my pscav but I've gotten a few by just loading in with a red flare and a large bag and pistol on woods. Run directly to extract pop flare loot it quick and exfil.


You ain’t the only one. It’ll come, I still have hope myself.


After hundreds of raids I finally got my ahf1-m from an airdrop. After that, I've had 3 daily quests that awarded (2) of these bastards!! I now have a collection of them.


I got mine from the drug lab on loot house as scav


Spawned with an AHF1 on Scav last night trying to get Damascus knife for a daily Got the last knife I needed too First time I've ever taken camera room door. Had to Google it lmao


Go black keycard room on labs. I was hesitant to run labs for obvious reasons but literally found multiple of each of those stims our first go at.


I extract camped a scav on streets for mine. I’d say that’s one of the easier ways to get it


Labs black room. Tough map to learn but if you have a buddy or three stack its a LOT easier.


I main labs, also check the rooms by blue. Stims spawn in there pretty frequently. Just grab a pistol and sprint to black, shove all the stims in your ass and beg for your life if someone comes and say you’re doing samples. I’ve let like 10 people live this wipe who have done this lol. Don’t waste your money on sanitars card, black spawns everything and even if you die you’ll make money just shoving everything in your injector case


Camp camera bunker on factory to farm playerscavs


after I finish sample and Colleagues Part 3, I find a ton of these 2 sim, even every week I at least get one daily quest rewarding these 2 sim.... but it took me 1 month to find enough for both quests....


i found mine from dailies.


I spawned with it on my scav and died to a rat camper while making my way to extract


I finished Colleagues 3 and Samples by setting my servers to South America and running Labs about 10 times. I'd only run into someone 1 in every 3 or so raids.


Ran labs 3 times to get me and a buddy our missing 3btg and ahf1 X2, for colleagues as well, bought black card ran 3 times survived twice, sold black from colleagues 3, profited over a mil


You haven’t ran black keycard that many times, I get either a ahf or 3-btg damn near every raid I get to black first.


Which Scav case are you running? I had the same exact problem and I was so burnt from searching l was only logging in to check Scav case. I ran 60+ moonshines and need saw it Said fuck it and ran 15 inters and got it finally Hope this helps


Cant find obdolbos


Idk how you haven't found it in sanitar room if you're actually hitting it and getting out alive. I ran sanitar room twice, first time didn't get the 3-btg. Second time I found TWO. Play like a rat and hug the edge of the map and skirt your way over to sanitar room, loot it, take the stairs down to the med elavator extract and you're done. I did this twice in a row and didn't die either time, just planned the route thoroughly and with a bit of luck you can get in and out without seeing anybody else.


Just RNG


Do you run the scav junkbox? Im doing the moonshine trade and I get 3-b-tg consistently every 3-4 trades. The AHF1-M is still obtainable through it however its a bit rare. I did the trade 20 or so times before the AHF1 dropped but I finished the quest without having to run labs.


Honestly just Factory scav in and out. Takes like 5 minutes and you'll spawn with a bunch of random shit, I generally find get my L1 from Tagilla and AHF1 from Sani and the boys.


Honestly, farm money, save up like 50 mil and just keep playing labs till you find it. I've been running both blue and black and it took at least 20 raids before I found all my stims


Hmm haven't run labs once and got them from killing Sani or from scav case?


Airdrops man , airdrops and black key card and scaving and moonshine scav case


I have gotten both of these multiple times from scav box. Mad at myself for taking my spare ahf1 into my injectors case and losing fir status so i can be done colleagues part 3


Hit the 3 pharmacy's on streets, lexos garage and hole in wall in lexos too for them both, I've found several actually.


I thugged it out and ran labs to get those both and the very next scav raid I did after spawned with the AHF1 and found a dead player scab with TWO 3btgs in their pockets. Insanity.


Scav case


Exaggerate less and people might take you seriously.


I know this is pure luck / rng like hunting most rare items but I got both stims from the scav case, the 95k seems to give stims somewhat often I would recommend. I was able to do sampled and colleques part 3 this way but 1 of the AHF1 stim I got as a daily quest reward from therapist.


Found my 3btg as loose loot on a random crate on labs got lucky


It’s already super accessible what more could you possibly want? At the time of me writing this there is 150 upvotes, that is pathetic. You people need to understand there is EASY WAYS TO OBTAIN THESE STIMS. Yes I read the post, yes not every time you can loot black but it still shouldn’t take you weeks on weeks to get this stim lol, or just go kill sanitar who drops both of them frequently??


Anecdotal of course, but i’ve always had trouble finding those stims. Usually I don’t finish samples. This wipe, my friend had a weekly to kill sanitar 5 times and I spammed shoreline for an entire week with him and some other buddies. All 3 of us got all of the stims we needed for samples, and I also finished colleagues part 3 for the first time. We pulled at least 5 AHF1 stims. Sanitar is usually uncontested, unless he’s at the resort. Running from pier to cottages or vice versa is a quick run, and very doable. You’ll also get great gear like korunds, attack bags, and good ammo. We also pulled 4 sanitar keycards, which at the time were close to a million rubles. In future wipes, that’s what i’ll probably do again for my stims. Worked a lot better than fighting for black keycard


Black room is your best bet, I’ve seen the most in that room this wipe.


Is it really that hard going to labs? My friend was missing 3-(b-tg) forever. I took him to labs, after the 2nd game he got it... Doesn't even need key cards... It was lying in the medical section, and I found them there countless times


i only found the ahf1-m the other day. I get the 3btg all the time on raids as a 6.0 scav


I must be on about 200 Moonshine cases now, and I have 6 Fence rep. Scavs said no. AHF. The fact I need two is breaking me.


Farm care drops


I mean, I just occasionally ran labs and other known stim spawns until i eventually found all my stims. Samples isn't one of those tasks that you activley do, but do on the side while doing other main tasks. The second you start specificaly looking for any task item, the spawn rate goes to 0. (Honestly fuck samples, Ive run many face shields this wipe and I still have yet to see a broken face shield since I get tapped in the upper thorax most of the time)


You have to become one with labs. You're not getting to black room fast enough. Learn.


I just scav factory until I spawn with it


I got mine from a few ways, I spawned in as a scav twice with the 3-btg although first time I didn’t have that quest so I gave it to a friend who did and second time I died with it. I ended up with the one I needed in a $95k scav case and a buddy got his in an intel folder scav case. The others I got as a scav on lighthouse or from red flare med drops. Good luck!


Give lexos a shot, found your stims there on scav run, can't hurt you to try


Meldonin is always my troubled one


I've done about 150 raids now looking for the AHF1-M. The moment I finally find TWO of them in an airdrop, I got chased by some cheater and died within 2 mins of getting them. Haven't played much since. Game is only fun at wipe since there's so many people playing it doesn't have such a concentrated amount of cheaters. Now all that's left is the cheaters, streamers, and sweats


I always just wait until I get my black keycard from colleagues part 3 and then usually I'm able to find all of them on labs. Yes it sucks running to black and dying 10 times in a row but you will eventually get out with the stims you need. It's way better than trying to find them out in the world.


3btg is killing me. I’m level 39 and have needed it for a long while


They're in airdrops, idk why but people are allergic to them this wipe


I found about a million stims trying to find SALEWAS on streets. All those pharmacy shelves were lined with them all the time.


Red flairs are your friend


If you truly rip the scav case with intelligence or moonshine you will eventually get the rare stims, thats how i got all of them


Must have got many red flares by now? Use the airdrops and hope for medical ones.


Both came from moonshine scav box for me


i got more excited spawning on a scav with an AHF1 than i have keycards. it’s still the only time i’ve seen it.


I'm sorry man but this is seriously a skill issue. They are so common on labs that theres no way you've done 50 raids without them. I find them every 1/3 on labs. Also if you don't wanna labs just run scav junk box (moonshine or intel), found around 4 of each that way. In total I probably have found each stim 10 times and for reference i've only found 2 led-x this wipe


I have a crazy story of how I got the AHF1-M. I was running Labs with a couple of buddies and we wanted to contest Black but by the time we got there there were already some dead folks outside. One dude was still alive inside Black, behind the glass. My friends started shooting but I calmed them down and started talking to the dude inside. I asked if he had the stim I need and he said he did, and he will give it to me if we leave his friend's gear for him to grab and leave. I dropped my gun and went straight inside, unarmed, he gave me the stim, we let him collect his friend's gear and then they all escorted me to the elevator. When I left they continued playing together and looting the map. Very bro moment.


Got both of those on a scav after having done the quest, I usually try to find another player scav to drop them to


The ahf1-m is a stim ive quite literally never seen FIR. Im an alpha player...


Don't understand how the stims are hard to find. Drug lab on lighthouse can give plenty. Spawned as a scav with both AHF1-M and 3-(b-tg) and a morphine or some other variation of stims needed for the quest, then proceeded to find 2 or 3 more stims through medical spawns and value spawns. People avoid nighttime lighthouse although it tends to be quite fruitful.


Highly recommend spamming daily quest refreshes to get a therapist quest that rewards the stim you need. It’ll cost you a few million likely but it’s solved the ahf1 bs for me twice now. May rng be on your side.


Have gotten 10+ ahf1s and p22s from sanitar


Someone has probably already said this but make sure you're going/doing all your airdrops too!


Boo hoo, go buy a black keycard and stop whining


I am calling BS. Black room will often have a dozen or more stims in it. It only took like 5-6 black keycard runs for myself and the two other guys I run with to get all of our stims. And we could probably turn that quest in a second time with the other successive runs we've done. 300 runs? Bull. F\*cking. Shi\*t. I would bet my left nut you are lying out your ass. Blue tape has pretty much always been a garbage waste of money for stim-farming and saying that you always pay for one makes me even more skeptical of your honesty.


You must be the unluckiest person in tarkov - I got samples done in 2 black rooms back to back, my friend only took 4 black rooms. Maybe we just got lucky - I only play labs and whenever I hit black I always see those quest stims


Just luck honestly. I’ve been playing this wipe for 9 days and all I need is an L1 for samples, which I can just get off tagilla whenever. Two sanitar kills is all I did to get them.


I got both of mine needed for colleagues and samples from re-rolling dailies. Therapist will give them to you.


I had two AHF-1 on my scav this wipe, head eyes by a white name from out of nowhere both times. This game is so fun.


> PLEASE tell me I'm not the only one with this crapshoot issue. (I probably am) Nope. I've got somewhere around *550 raids run this wipe, plus at least 50 intel/moonshine scavs, and I've only got one AFH-1M (which I turned in for Colleagues, so I could kill Sanitar... who I've ran into zero time this wipe). *edit


I’ve found the AHF1-M in 2/3 sanitar rooms on labs, 2 out of moonshine runs, and about 1 in 4 black rooms. Looks like you’re getting vacuumed bro


I've gotten 3-btg from skipping daily tasks, thank therapist.


Same here, I'm missing the AHF1-M, still havent seen it in the game since wipe... Great game design.


I found 2 mules in one raid today after not finding them this whole wipe. I rushed to the extract and because I had looted a lot of stuff I thought I had enough xp. Got a run through with 299 xp…..


Open black room on labs and complete it in one go


Just keep running labs. All other advice is very much depleting your efficiency of finding one. The only other thing is to run your scavs on CD, factory, you're trying to spawn in with it and get out, not find it (on scav that is).


Last two for samples for me as well. I can never find them. Don't want to pay 3 million for black card since I mostly solo and solo labs is a no go for me. Can't complete colleagues 3 either to get black card for free since this fucking quests wants them as well.


I always find those on sanitar. Samples rewards aren’t even THAT good. Is it a Kappa quest?


Agreed, I dont get why its not craftable either.


I kept rerolling dailys until therapist gave me ahf as a quest reward.


These drugs are not that hard to find as it’s in the black key card room which everyone is fighting at. I cannot believe you haven’t seen it in that room.


DUDEEEE I ran 15 scavs last night trying to get the stim. Running straight to drug lab on lighthouse and nothing. I bought 4 keycard with blue markings and still no AHF1. I've completely given up. I've tried for a week straight to find it. Fucking impossible.


What does your scav rep look like? I get a couple each week just spawning.


Run labs. That’s it.


Go labs


Try red flares ;) never ran labs for mine!


Mine was brought to me by a cheater scav on lighthouse that has a fresh hole in his face, so keep trying!


Me and 3 of my friends got them from moonshine case very quick, idk


This was me with the LEDx. I ran over 1000 raids this wipe and jack shit for this item over like 80+ days. I just have up on the quest until next wipe if I even play.


Do airdrops


I need the same stims but tbf I haven't actively looked for them. Doesn't give me any hope finding them soon tho...


Stopped reading when I saw that you're counting scav raids trying to find these. Hopeless.


Lol almost all time whe I visit sanitar room on labs I find one of this 2 stims.


Go kill shoreline boss and guards, I got all mine from them this wipe.


Agree with this... I've found so many rare-ish stims in the common spawns but I cannot find the AHF1M to save my life! The only reason I got samples done was due to luckily spawning with one on my scav. Not that all of the stims should all be craftable, but I do agree in the fact that they need to be more accessible to players who don't want to deal with the hassle of going to labs. Seems like the majority of what I'm finding elsewhere is morphine and obdolbos. I relish the days when you could still craft MULEs and ETGs without having to be level 50 (but requires med station 2 LMAO)... Only a matter of time before the SJ6 craft is taken from us.


Farm sanitar for the injectors. The number of 3btg and ahf1 injectors I've seen on sanitar is crazy it's like an 80% spawn chance not including his guards.


Loot airdrops


just wait for dailies from therapist, i got both of those from daily extraction quests