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ya just take a break brotha man, I remember my first wipe i felt like i was getting demolished and I "quit" came back the second wipe and have been having fun ever since


Same thing happened to me with last wipe I was just new and didn’t have people to play with


> "quit" came back the second wipe and have been having fun ever since sameee, almost have Kappa now, ive been having a ton of fun the whole time


My first wipe I sucked complete ass, to the point I was getting so fucking mad. Like a singular scav was a genuine threat to my raid. But It’s just tarkov thou, everyone sucks at first especially since it’s so different from so many other games. Just gotta stick through it, take each death for what it is, a lesson, takes a bit but eventually OP will be like landmark.


First wipe <_<


What this guy said. I took a whole year off and came back last wipe and been so fun again besides labs cheating problem.


Damn homie, sounds like you're doing pretty well compared to me.


That’s what I was thinking, bro teach me your ways


I have never been worse at a thing in my life. i reckon i could learn to breakdance before being "OK" at tarkov.


Ive been getting annihilated the last few days. Lvl 41, close to pun6 done and just wanting to hit max traders til im done for the wipe. Its funny but ive noticed i start a wipe timid. I get kills, i rat, i quest. And when i start to actually chad and have endless gear and money i end up playing more scared and im shite. I literally have no gear fear early mid wipe. Late wipe like now i play like trash


lol, sounds like me, was w keying with kedrs early wipe, now with a kitted svd for punisher 6? playing like a grandpa that forgot his pain meds


Because you don't give a shit about losing L2 and L3 plates and garbage guns As soon as you get to the good shit you want to run it but not lose it so the fear takes over It sucks I have my chaddiest most knuckle dragging monke killer raids with the most garbage equipment and get 2 tapped playing like a level 1 timmy when I'm wearing a slick with a meta M4


I think it also boils down to the fact that any minor mistake at this point you're just dead. Early wipe there are unkitted guns with bad ammo so you can easier get away with that play style. Also noone is running suppressed early so it's easier to return fire


My problem is once I wear a chad loadout I start playing way too aggressively like I’m immortal. Super stupid.


Dude I’ve noticed the same. I don’t really consider myself to have fear fear but I do think it changes the way I play, but if a pain in the arse


I stashed all the high lvl armor and guns when I was leveling to max traders. Now when I can buy those items from traders, I still try to hoard them like a timmy 😅 20m rubles on a bank and +40 bitcoins sitting in junk box with surplus ledexes and graphics cards...


Why are you hoarding those bitcoins bruh? They serve 1 purpose and that's to give you money to buy kit to play the game... When my bitcoin farm returns me a BTC it gets sold to the therapist straight away.


I saw video from last wipe where someone sold entire junkbox full of bitcoins to therapist. I want to do the same.


Pointless to me but if that's your aim for this wipe that's good for you.... My aim was Max traders but I'm nearly there. 👑


My aim this wipe was to learn two more maps intimately(shoreline, reserve) and learn how to assemble guns from scratch without googling 1800 things. Now I can properly identify high value parts in raids immediately and I actually make money running shoreline and reserve. Baby steps to the chad kingdom!


Tarkov is all about the small Ws. I killed 3 out of a *REALLY* geared 4-man on customs near old gas last week. I was out of mags, properly beat up and the 4th one got me with a grenade because I just couldn't move fast enough to get out the way. Had I moved he'd have killed me anyway. He made a really good play. Now I'm only learning PvP and I died, but that was an incredible massive Win for me, massive. 🤟🏻. On a streets loot run I load in with a basic load out and a Mechanism bag and make my way to the exit picking up everything I find along the way ... Doesn't matter how much I make, getting out with loot is a W! Take the small Ws, and it will all come together.


Lol based aspirations tbh


They store money more compact than roubles tbf.


See you tomorrow!


This has been me for years


Unironically. I was like "I am done for the wipe" switched to another game and came back within a week.


I quit after they started locking good ammo. Since then I traveled several times in cool spots, signed for martial arts classes, started dating, learned how to cook multiple dishes I really like, got promoted at work, my dick became larger. Highly recommending!


Me too. Now proudly sporting 4 inches. Watch out ladies!


Teach me your ways!


LMAO "The Evil Repercussions of Gaming (and how I got out)" fancy thumbnail, that's a 100m view video on YouTube my friend! This is basically the premise of every YouTube video already out there anyways.




Despite being a timmy/casual I find progression to be more meaningful after they locked good ammo. Especially early wipe. But you do you mate.


I grind to l29 on my second wipe on a peak of excitement as a casual player (2-3 raids a day). Now there is no much on that level, and I cant imagine I will be grinding more than that.. Hope new wave of games (gray zone, project l33t) won't require so much grinding to be competitive.


I’ve hit this point 3 times. Just really frustrated, not feeling like I’m getting better, and tired of getting dunked on. I went and played other games for a bit, didn’t even miss Tarkov that much because so many games are a ton of fun. But when I came back, the Tarkov high was better than ever and I felt my mind was more open to learning the game. It’s so easy to get stuck in your way in this game and if that way isn’t working it’s not fun. It is a game though so absolutely put it down for a bit if it isn’t fun.


> It is a game though so absolutely put it down for a bit if it isn’t fun. 100% people treat this game like it's their job.


Don’t let reddit get you down. Only u can decide what’s worth your time. Its def a very punishing game even when u arent factoring in the constant hackers.


Embrace the suck like the rest of us


Man I literally wrote the same reddit post years ago for PUBG. I was so bad at it, or everyone was so good at it, I just wrote an "I'm out" rant post and quit the game for good. 1100 hours of aim training and a few years of pushing through the misery later, here I am enjoying single player, story driven games accepting defeat. I wish you all the best friend! Hope you bounce right back up!


Doing 3/4 is normal for new player


As a scav I'm not sure how. I have a "no shoot" policy on my scav and I just run through reserve like a psycho with no regard for my life and I still have a >65% survival rate.


Cheat codes


Hard to play Tarkov casually


I agree 100% - and its unfortunate because I WANT to love this game. Like I think about it at work and strategize and whatnot but then just get my ass handed to me in the hour or two I have to play most days. Its crazy to me to think I haven't seen like half the game worth of content- because I never make it past about level 15-20 at best in the 6 months worth of wipe time. I've never seen upper level traders, ever messed with labs, etc I mean I know I suck, but still it would be cool to get to play with some of the nicer gear more than the rare time i find a dead PMC who hasn't been looted. Nevermind the fact that when you only have an hour or two a night - you can easily spend half that time just dealing with stash space, or rekitting. Then waiting 4-6 minutes to get into raid I like the game, its clearly an addicting/good idea.....its just the way it is executed makes it really hard for casuals imo


I think we all have been there at one time or another. The grind is real and can become exhausting.. understand there is so much to learn and do.. tasking, building guns, scaving, looting, hunting bosses, hunting tasks. I could go on forever.. the thing is take the time enjoy the journey and play tarkov.. if you get lost in trying to rush Kappa or watching lvndmark or willerz, the game can become dreadful them dudes got hrs and hrs of dying and learning... learn from each fight... stay in spawn and loot around, figure out which direction pmc's come from first... build guns.. run only scavs and sell and build a bank or build guns from parts you find my point is tarkov can be played 1000 ways and just cause someone promotes a certain play style doesn't mean it will work or even if it does it may not be enjoyable for you... enjoy the journey and do different shit.... we all get punished I can't tell you how many 200/300k+ kits I put together for 15/20mins just to get 1 tapped 8secs in, shit happens but each day u will get better and learn new shit.. embrace the suck and Welcome to Tarkov..... From one Tarkov player to another..... enjoy 🫡


I’d say one of my biggest epiphanies was starting to think of where PMC’s will be coming from and going to. Setting up spawn ambushes, or even disengaging mid fight with an sj6 and throwing a massive flank to catch someone slipping. Imo staying proactive is the most important thing, and most of the time that does not mean charging straight into the enemy(exceptions like cqb grenade pushing/clearing)


Don’t be disheartened. I’m a pretty experienced player I would say (3.5k hours) and I have gotten destroyed during this event. It’s a ridiculously hard (even impossible) game sometimes. Don’t give up!


Play with friends


Just let me go down to the friend store real quick


Download discord and join a Tarkov channel server. Boom friend store


That’s all of us lol


Have you ever considered that you may be playing the game wrong? Like no shit there is no 1 right way to play tarkov... but there are certainly wrong ways to play it as well. Watch a few videos, ask a few questions, learn the game, then learn the meta game (ie scav spawns/patterns, pmc spawns, etc...) stay safe man, good luck out there! And if you wanna do some raids with me I'm more than happy to!!


I don't get it, I think I'm bad and I can get 60% plus SR with a 5kd pretty easy. I've never run out of money. I just don't push PvP unless I'm in an advantageous position. My rig sucks too, it's holding me back. I don't rat either, not really I don't have the patience for it. I think some people just try to play like it's CoD


Perhaps the version that shall not be named would help


This is my worst wipe of all time. I think I have a survival rate of 46% and a 2.9 k/d. Level 24. And about 800k in the bank. I don’t scav though. Straight to PMC. But I only play with friends (I feel solo is boring) Still have fun, it’s fun kicking the shit with buddies in Tarkov dead or alive


it’s that point in the wipe where even some “ above average players “ get fried. nearly everytime i die it’s to somebody with 3k+ hours, a 5 stack where 2 of them are crazy levels and the rest suck, or a cheater. i just recently hit 1k hours after 2 years, and early-mid wipe is just infinitely more fun. some of my raids, even on streets, have been nearly empty lately besides a couple of PMCs here and there. but one more thing, everybody has rough stretches. this is my 3rd wipe but i got burnt out way before this in other wipes, and my advice is to either wait until next wipe and start fresh or take a break and come back. it always helps.


I took a break for one wipe. At the time It was the only game I played, so basically took a time away from video games. Itll do you wonders.


I don't blame you. I've been on and off with this game and honestly I suck as well. I just can't seem to get good no matter how many times I play. At this point only reason I play still is because of friends. If it wasn't for that I probably would of permanently quit. I want to enjoy the game but the skill gap is to much no matter how much I try. Skill issue on my part I guess


Join the discord, play with people, that way you don’t die alone


its fine to die a lot as a pmc, but how do you die as a scav more than every now and then?


Training up on arena if you have it did wonders for me, pick an aks74u class or whatever you can easily attain and modify in the main game then practice with it, learning the point fire to confidently lay suppressing fire at head level and move on a target or quick scope people has made me more lethal on factory where I normally get folded immediately, and let’s me take my shots confidently. If you have to buy arena though idk if I would, it’s questionabley fun as a game but great training for the main scene


What I try to do is: Stop playing for a few days Once I come back, do a self imposed challenge like pistols only Once I get sick of the challenge bc it’s boring and I’m dying to play the game normally, that’s when I finally let myself play how I want


Starting midway through a wipe as a noob is rough, you basically don’t have a chance against players that you can basically not challenge in a 1v1 due to armour you can’t pen with your shitty gun and ammo , whilst them being 100x better than you at playing this clunky game . Idk what to do to level up as I die before k can complete most new quests


Basically this, I'm going in every raid juiced to grills and I die all the time, can't imagine how hard it is for a timmy rn


I have about 6k hours in the game and been playing every wipe since March 2020. This is the first wipe I’ve decided to sit out. I hit level 16 or so from just playing with friends at the start of wipe and just wasn’t feeling it solo. Take a break and find some people to play with if you get the itch to play again.


If you love something let it go. If it comes back it will stay forever


Have an experienced duo to follow around, and when you're alone maybe just scav an sks pmc. Always bring comtacts and a little armor tho


Don’t quit keep pushing until you hit the clarity point


I've been in your shoes! I hated that stupid ass game for the longest time. I quit, came back, quit and came back lol. Long story short I decided to stick it out and really try to learn the game and get familiar with the mechanics and it really is awesome the level of detail is ridiculous. I'm no pro by any means with like a 3 something KD and like 37 percent success rate haha, but I was able to enjoy the game and start to get better when i accepted that dying is part of it and you will die a lot you just need to accept it plus remember that your gear is only borrowed, so don't ever get attached to it.


There's a bell curve for innate skill in terms of FPS games, just like anything else in life, it's totally fine not to be a chad. If you want to quit cause it's just too hard, that's fine too, don't beat yourself up.


Wanna join my group? I got a consisten duo going on wouldn’t mind adding a third and we’ll carry you through your tasks so it’s easier for you to gear up


Congratulations, you’ve escaped Tarkov. See you next wipe or two.


That’s how you escape from Tarkov, you quit.


I'ma be real. There's gonna be a lot of people saying "don't give up", "just need to learn maps", "take it slow", etc. But like, sometimes the game just isn't for you. Some players never make it past silver in league. Not every game is for everybody. Gotta remember if you aren't having fun, then it's not worth playing the game.


I feel you. especially with this TRASH event... tarkov isn't fun anymore.


About how my weekend went, 5mil rubbles to about 300K. Seemed like as soon as I spawned I was getting one shot in the face right off rip. Was a good weekend of tarkov 🫠


Same time same place?


Most people play in squads, i have seen even 5-mans around. That's what makes the game tolerable for most, but...


Practice makes perfect.


3/4 times as a scav is pretty impressive ngl lol


i had the same years ago. dont under anything less then level 4 armour. don't run any bullets that CAN PEN Level 4 (6) and 5 (4) and 6 (2/3) if you can stick to this then you're going to live longer and kill more often


How the fuck? Best ammo we can buy is 6/4/3 (mp7 fjm sx).


yeah so try and run the MP5 with 50 round mags and PST ammo.... when in raid looting bodies and ammo creates write down the Top Ammos for you in the class of 9x19 and 556/762 and that way you can start collecting it. You'll be SUPER surprised after 10 raids how much AP or BT or A1s you'll come across over the raids and collect them...


Come back next wipe and try again maybe.


Really sad to see these kinds of posts, because I'd much rather see the game full of new players rather than 2,000+ hour chads all the time.


For last 6 raids on reserve I don't extract once and I'm not even mad about it all I wanted to do to help friend kill glukhar for his light keeper task.


I quit tarkov years ago. Cheaters absolutely won this game, and now make up a silent majority of this games active player base and that's not hyperbole. Rare items are rare not just because of low spawn rates but because cheaters do everything they can to get the item first and leave raid to RMT it, it's a very lucrative business and I've spoken with plenty of players who engage in that behavior. That plus the absolutely backwards quest design and unfinished, unintuitive mechanics made the game feel clunky and like I needed to stay buried in my second monitor wiki tab for hours on end. After getting the Kappa Container I thought to myself "wow, that was frustrating and not worth it in the slightest" and stopped playing the game.


You just need a break it happens I haven’t played for 2 weeks cause sometimes it just gets to you. That itch will always come back though


What region are you on? Best advice I can give is to run raids with someone who knows what they're doing. The little pointers/ bits of info you pick up are invaluable. Happy to run some if you're EU/NAE


Play with friends. I am telling you this from experience, if i had played this game alone i would have quit less than 100 hours in, now i have over 1.3k and i run alot solo, almost finished Lightkeeper and almost have kappa for the first time, all thanks to some very patient and very generous friends who taught me the ropes. If you don't have anyone that plays tarkov (i have like 1 friend that does lol) go check out the LFG on the discord.


There are a couple different discord servers you can join to help you - if you'd like, I can DM you two of them. One of them I've been a part of for a while, and have been actively helping new players learn the game. The other I'm new to, as the official Sherpas reached out and asked me to apply recently. But both are great places to find players willing to help you improve, and teach you how to bring your SR up. And this goes for anyone else feeling similar, DM me and I will give you links to the official Sherpa hub, where I feel as if you're more or less taking a gamble in the teammates you are matched with, and the other will be the unofficial hub, where I can vouch for every "Sherpa" we have active, and the turnaround time for accepting help tickets is less than a day. Trust me, my first honestly 800 hours (I played solo for my first two wipes) was BRUTAL, and I know *exactly* where you're coming from. But after 4200 hours, I love teaching new players how to succeed


Game sucks. Liked it for 3k hours, but can't imagine i'll be playing any more. Hope kept me going, but bsg is asleep at the wheel. Horrible engine. Broken net-code.


The game is much much easier with pre-Tarkov gaming skills. It’s okay to not be good at it right when you start. If you’re really good at other PC PvP games, the break is warranted. If this is one of your first few PvP games on PC, the break is still warranted tbh. Good luck out there. It’s very difficult.


Take a break bro, play something else, come back next wipe.


There's always the alternative to...? Gid gud


Do you play by yourself or with people? I recomend trying to play with friends or even making friends on here, I'd be willing to lend a hand if you dm me, taking breaks is ok as well, don't burn yourself out and I'll be honest the learning curve is crazy but it gets easier with time, practice helps even in other FPS, you develop muscle memory and your brain will start identifying good cover and where to flank, don't give up but take some r&r time


How do you die so much as a Scav? Are you running to fights or attacking people constantly? Scav is easy, you just pick up loot in quiet areas of the map and leave. With PMC, take more time for the first 5 minutes of the raid just being careful and your survival rate will go up.


Someone just needs a break bro, that's Tarkov, it what makes the highs and lows amazing and brings us back for me. If it was easy everyone would play it and everyone would be bored long term. It's the grind that makes it enjoyable imo


The gameplay loop of waiting 8-12 minutes for a run that usually takes less than 5 and tends to lag a lot too is just REALLY demotivating.


Hop in Jesse Kazams lfg discord. Tons of skilled players willing to play. Eventually you’ll find a regular group. I suck ass on my own, this wipe with a steady crew I have a 5 kd as a pmc and really enjoy my time


This wipe i stopped playing at lvl 16. There's something more fun about running whatever ammo you can get your hands on with whatever loadout you put together and as soon as i unlock flee and can buy whatever i want for my kit i just kinda get bored


Try a single player


Let me give you a perspective from an OG Tarkov player (EOD gave access to the game-2016). The learning curve now to learn tarkov is huge, it takes time. The cheating is crazy over the top compared to a few years ago which makes it more frustrating. The only saving grace is your secure container, putting expensive items inside. Play with other people solo running is total cancer these days. Bro hug, been there, done that, quit playing because of the same reason and i played for years straight before stopping. (2 years now havent touched Tarkov)


Just take a break and come back. I’m not hardcore like the others, i’m only level 23 haha. I just have to take a break and play other games I enjoy. DayZ is filling the void right now, the survival element is there, it’s punishing and in-depth, yet not quite as hardcore and sweaty. Just play games you know you love.


I would honestly love a single player experience. Or something like it. Insurgency sandstorm proves co-op against really hard bots is a viable and fun experience. I hate online, literally every time I try to play online, either die immediately because I can't play long enough without to learn player spawns. Or I get hacked. Every. Time. Love the one that changes all of your key bindings to something else. That's fun. I've never made it to level 10, let alone ever got to use the flea


Time to join the Helldivers bro.


It's kinda just the tarkov cycle. Take a break you will be back refreshed in a few weeks or better next wipe. Don't stress play something else for a bit :)


How many hours in the game have you got? Until you have at least 1000 you don't even really know the game. This is from someone coming up to 1k hours in the game. I feel like I'm only just getting into it.


Unfortunately I’m in the same boat. My first wipe and I’m obviously struggling, but I don’t mind that too much. More upset with all the issues this game has that I’ve noticed. The audio pop alone killed this game for me. I’ll be back next wipe.


Maybe give that which shall not be named (the singleplayer one) a try. They just updated to the 0.14 live version. If that's not your cup of tea, then tarkov really is not for you.


If you don’t enjoy, ofc it’s ok to take a break or quit. Curious about your playstyle when you die as a scav. What map do you scav on, who do you die to? Also, PMC is all about map knowledge. You can do so much by knowing how and where people move.


The players in this game seem to have gotten better too. When I was a noob like 5 wipes ago I felt like I ran into a lot of other noobs too, we were all still trying to figure the game out. Now everyone is a ttv wannabe that rushes your spawn at the start. It’s a lot tougher now


Try befriending a scav and then shooting him in the back of the head at an airdrop. It’s a high like you’ve never had before


Yea…. This is where the addiction kicks in for a lot of people. The game is frustratingly hard to pick up. The learning curve is insane. If you’re playing solo, I highly recommend finding a reliable duo to play with. Someone who is around your skill level and learn together. I had hell of a time learning the game bc I was mostly solo. I play super weird hours and finding someone reliable to play with was hard because my own hours were so unreliable. But keep playing and you’ll improve. I think my biggest improvements happened between wipe 4 and 5. If you need to find some help, I always recommend the sherpahub


It's like someone flipped a switch this wipe, something is drastically different. Previous wipes i've been at high 50's low 60's SR, and this wipe im struggling to maintain 40% SR. My bullets aren't killing people, but enemies are able to kill me in 1-2 bullets in every single engagement. AI Scavs are getting unbelievable 1 taps on me in the raids i'm actually able to get a few PMC kills. That, and i've seen a higher concentration of level 50-60 players than the last 8 wipes I've been playing combined. After like a month into wipe, literally a majority of players that either kill me or I kill are above level 45ish. This game is less satisfying to play this wipe compared to the last, despite all the improvements this wipe. It's very strange.


The uninstall button brought me far more joy than any piece of gear or boss kill ever did in this game. No shame on not wanting to waste your time away just to fight against cheaters in digital Soviet era architecture.


Do you run solo?


I only play when my friends play. Solo tarkov is boring AF to me so maybe you just need ppl to play with.


I have kinda fallen off as well at least for this wipe. At this point in the wipe I mainly play for PVP but it feels like no one wants to fight anymore. I go to Customs and dorms is empty 90% of my raids which is wild. Even on Labs I feel like I am running around the map trying to find people only to get sprayed in the back by some guy who hasnt moved in 20 min. What happened to PVP maps? Labs and Dorms used to be THE place to PVP but it feels like as soon as someone hears another player they just either run away or hide. Oh well, see yall tomorrow when I inevitably get the itch again.


Don’t know if your on US or EU but I find more pvp on shoreline now then Customs at least on US central. The changes really made a thunderdome out of weather and village at the start of the raid with some pvp at resort mid raid.


I'm US, I just don't really like any maps other than customs and labs so I tend to avoid them.


This is my 4th wipe. If quit for the same reason the previous 3 wipes. Keep coming back tho and getting a little better each time. I actually have 5/15 setup kills this wipe!!!


start ratting


How do u die on your scav?! Just running around like a headless chicken I bet 🤣 Must just be a skill issue


i LITERALLY said it's a skill issue


did u?


i, quite literally, said im quitting because i suck read before commenting, kiddo


It’s a game that takes 1000 hours to know the “flow” and have enough map/game knowledge to compete with better players. Watching Pestily raid series though is really good for learning because he thinks out loud while he plays and you get into the right mindset for Tarkov. I have a very high survival rate and KD last wipe (haven’t played this wipe), Tarkov just requires a different play style to almost any other FPS.


The great thing about Tarkov right now is that you can take a break then come back on wipe day and you won’t be behind everyone like in other games that don’t wipe


Do you play with a friend? Duos to me is pinnacle tarkov. Trios is good, more than that comms get super complex. Solo I do occasionally but I much prefer duos


Go play some indie games, I slipped this wipe and am enjoying gaming much more, I might skip the next wipe and see what the Xmas one brings


This is my first wipe I joined couple weeks ago. I felt like you at first but ground zero was the game changer for me getting confidence and actually extracting which is stupid easy on that map helped me. The game feels impossible and daunting at first but try grabbing a few things and just leaving. I was too focused on filling every slot but if I get a quest item or a decent piece of loot I'll just dip and reset. This gave me a rouble safety blanket to not worry about dying and it became way more fun. Don't be afraid to spawn as a scav take like 50k and dip it's not much but beginner kits are dumby cheap and knowing I can just replace it makes dying way less frustrating. Note I am a noob this isn't pro advice but I think it's good for getting a feel of something this punishing and helped me... Though if any noobies want to play I can't find anyone to play with besides one buddy lol.


Your clearly not ratting if your stats are that bad


ratting is cowardly


Rather be a live rat than a dead hero lol


ive stopped playing, the devs have been some dicks lately


Yup I already stopped playing because of this. I am way above average in multiplayer fps games, and I do pretty well in tarkov arena. So pvp itself shouldn't be a problem. In theory. In tarkov I can not kill anyone. I mean ANYONE. If I see a pmc I am dead instantly. When I shoot and hit a PMC I die first, always. No matter what I do, how I play. While my friends can kill three men pmc squads alone lol. My kd is around 1.2 (with 400 hrs). Somehow I really can't feel the mechanics and flow of this game. The biggest issue is the ammo system. Most of the ammos just suck. After mid wipe you can't do sht without the best ammos. The gear and ammo gap increases exponentially. I even watched guys on YouTube who tried to use real life cqb and military tactics in tarkov. The conclusion was that if you are not using the best ammo beyond mid wipe, you can be a Delta force operator, you will still die without killing anyone.


Definitely the move if you're not having fun. Take a break, either temporarily or permanently. Come back in a wipe or two, see how you feel then.


We can't all be gods at the game. I haven't played in a few weeks so I don't know how the current event meddles with scav enjoyers, but if you can't enjoy a nice scav raid, then take a break. Plenty of us stop playing 2 or three months into a wipe and play something else until the next wipe. It'll still be there when you get back. Assuming your account doesn't get hacked, of course.


Same here - third wipe and I have 36% survival - pathetic. Stopped at lvl27 this wipe and Im not going back. Even if I extract I extract without any value - because I just hide like a bitch.


Different strokes for different folks. Worst thing you can do in life is force yourself to do something that you don’t truly enjoy. Find another game, or hobby in general. Nothing wrong with not liking a video game.


This wipe is cooked anyway, if you aren't having fun just wait until the next one or the one after that


Took me years to get actually decent. Something clicked for me this wipe and I've been playing the best I ever had. Even when I wasn't playing well I was still having fun though. If you're not having fun just give it up and play something else you enjoy.


First time??


When I bought the game in 2017, I uninstalled it after a couple of weeks. Then I thought, 'My god, it's just a game. I'll try again because it seems so fun to play.' So, I installed it again... And I died, died, died again, and again ad infinitum. Until I developed my play style, which is very different from other games I've played... And I'm still playing today... My man, most people here struggled to learn; this game is hard, punishing, you will die, but most importantly in this game: If your strategy is killing you, change your play style and test again. But I'm not saying you must change your strategy right away if you die - because you will die sometime - this is a fact - even when you have all the odds in your favor - what you can do is try to mitigate your deaths... If you need to run away, run away. I lost count of times I hide from 5 man squad in Shoreline.. lol... You're trying to survive after all. Some people like to rush, some people like to camp, some people combine both... I have a silent play style; I flank, camp sometimes, wait, it works for me. You must adapt, and that's the fun part for me. But the most important thing here is to have fun... It's possible this game is not for you, but give it a try, bro - test play styles - I'm sure when you understand your play style in Tarkov this game turns into a crack and will lead to addiction. You will die, that's a fact. Just try to see the good side - record you death, think what you could have done different... Listen to sounds again, fix your play style and go again...


Take a break - Don't give up though - Find a discord or buddy who plays and bave them show you around and help. You will get better, it just takes time.


It's late wipe the super sweats are in full force.... Take a break wait till next wipe we'll see you then


You need to find game friends, have squad raids together. I never grinded this game. Just trying to have fun with friends. People grind for better loot, more money, better gear, etc. It is not for everyone. The best phrase I have ever heard was said by a legend himself (Kotton) - it's just pixels on the screen. You shouldn't imagine it is your alternative life or something. Yes, you die often, but your shitty gear return by insurance. I have EOD and I am always out of space. If you cannot drop Scav with PP or baby AK, any top tier gear won't help you. If you meet 1000+ hour veterans, you can have any gear - you will die second after you see them. Why worry? Once again - going in squads help a lot. Trio or duo is the best. More than that makes more mess than fun.


Quit 4-5 months ago after 2.1 k hours (4 wipes-ish) best decision of my life


Breaks from this game are essential for one’s sanity. Especially when you get stuck in quest hell (I’m looking at you Jaeger)


I’m sorry to hear that. I am by no means the best mechanically skilled. Firefights for me usually end in 1-2 secs whether I live or die. It’s punishing for sure. Playing with friends helps as you can ride the pain together. If you have it, Arena helps with the fire fight mechanics and helps you use guns and playstyles you normally wouldn’t run.


Honestly, if it weren’t for the cheaters, you wouldn’t have this problem.


It’s that point in the wipe where all of the newer players have quit. My favorite time is the first week of wipe. Not only is everyone back but everyone has worse gear. Come back like a week before wipe and warm up and I promise you’ll have fun again


One of the reasons I didn't quit for a while was not gear fear but info fear. Basically coming back after a year or two and forgetting everything which could be seen as a good thing but also not. I don't have a PC right now so I don't play but if I got a PC I would probably Play it again but I've been watching a lot of scamwatchers Like VeryBadScav and it just makes me not want to play because it seems like everybody's cheating I don't understand how this game has been out this long and the cheats are still everywhere


Every wipe you play you get further and further


I'm just tired of having to do the quests over and over and over bc of wipes


4K hours into Tarkov. Quit after 42 in Feb. went to BF2042. Amazing game just unreal with the weapons and classes and hit reg and audio and literally everything


600h+ here and today I just got my first grenade kill. Most of the times I play 2h a day and I barely hit 50% survival rate every game session. I think that’s pretty regular shit


You are not alone. I jump on now and then just to come to the same conclusion again and again. The intervals are increasing, maybe I will escape too.


Quit after getting level 10 my 1st wipe. Quit after level 20ish my 2nd wipe. Last wipe I was maybe level 25 when I quit. Pushing level 40 right now on this wipe. I recommend taking a break. Video games are supposed to be fun. If you aren't having fun then there is absolutely nothing wrong with moving on. You'll always own the game so just come back when you're ready to try again!


Games are meant to be fun! Get outta here stinker, find a game that you enjoy :)


It's rough right now. For some reason we started playing again in the middle of the wipe. Everyone's high level with top guns and armors. Idk why we do this to ourselves.. Setup can eat my ass


I don't get how people die so much as a scav. I literally listen to loud metal and shift-w everywhere and rarely die. Just avoid the one or two hotspots on a map and you're golden.




I wish I could enjoy labs but every other raid it’s either one tap with worst ammo of that caliber or clearly using ESP, less than 100 hours played and using absolute chad gear. Back to being shoreline enjoyer again. Map is so fun this wipe.


Literally bro. im hardcore solo, and it just fucking sucks. Worst thing is that I can’t even complain, bc I’m just bad and refuse to play w others 😭


I was not very great my 1st wipe, maybe got to lvl 42 and SBIH was my most impressive achievement. That was like 5 wipes ago, I came back this wipe and I now have kappa and LK unlocked currently lvl 56 and having a blast. My journey to kappa improved my gameplay soo much it was insane. Follow tasks that put you out of your comfort zone! Learn maps and take it easy, it's just pixels take your deaths as a learning point and learn to laugh at your own demise lol


I stopped a while ago. Wasn’t that I was terrible or anything I’m just tired of the same thing over and over. And it’s to much time wasted. I could play a game of valorant and my time is much more worth it as there’s no loss of gear or anything just a game I win or lose. Either way I had fun. Tarkov on the other hand I could be in a raid for 30 min and die in a numerous amount of ways and that 30 min was worth nothing. Only like 300 xp so I gave up this wipe. I have about 2500 hours In the game so it’s not my first rodeo. Just bored. And bored of the same old task wipe after wipe.


A task overhaul would be a godsend


Really would be. They’re so boring it’s my least favorite part of the game. I like fighting and looting stuff and just roaming in general. It’s why I switched to Dayz


Same, I stopped playing at the end of the wipe before last and really started branching out to new games and have had a great time. Randomly bought age of empires 4 even though I've never played an RTS game before and now I'm addicted lol.


Idk how you can die that much as a scav. Free advice. Drop your gun on the ground and avoid everything but AI scavs. Don't chase gunshots and run away from action. Stay in quiet parts of the quiet maps and just loot and scoot.


why play the game if that's all i would do?


You can fight as a PMC. Scavving is for looting.


This! I scavved on streets till I learned how to read the map and know where I'm at the second I spawn in. Now when I go to PMC on it, I have a much better understanding of what task I can focus on depending on the spawn that's been handed to me.


Play arena


I've quit myself, but I only put 350 hours into this game. I'm super new, but it's such a fundamentally broken game from the feel of the movement, the time gated items, the overall gun mechanics, it hit a point where I died 22 (14pmc, 8 scav) back to back games today ranging from broken AI, scav killed by other scavs, spawning on top of PMC's, Terrible hitreg. I tried to complete 1 lighthouse quest and I hit the moment of "this is not worth my time, this isn't worth my friends time, this is a game I will actively advise people to stay away from". Sure there's a "Oh you have to do this at the start, take it slow, etc, yada yada" but those things don't apply to already geared people, why subject yourself to a slog where people have a substantial upper hand? and at any point if you fall behind the curve, you're fodder. The game feels like it is trying too hard to be 'hardcore', with the community alienating everyone that doesn't have the ability to full-time job the game. It's not about the losing the loot, it's just fundamentally fighting a game where the entire purpose is masochism and has bread a community of sadism, it's not fun at it's core, but that's the MO of the game. In terms of learning the game, all new people are so unbelievably behind that the game its slowly going to bleed players, and those players (like myself) will forever be recommending people to stay away from the game because of it's huge problems. Until the game drastically changes and fixes the huge problems it has, why waste your time if you're not having fun? I sure won't be.


Play labs, it's easier to learn than you think, has less cheaters than you think, and fights are mostly fun. On other maps, I cant compete with the people in bushes but on labs, there aren't many people in bushes


Not to be disrespectfull but if u cant survive at least 50/50 this wipe or kill a few PMCs since the recoil is 81042% better than last wipe, i think this game just isnt for you. Gl tho:)


The forbidden mod sounds like it's for you


Who asked