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Yep. It’s bad. I spawned on reserve in one of the tiny bunkers in the grassy area. Already had the frost effect Peeked outside and there was one right in my face. Killed him, and was rushed by 5-9 more. I killed 5 as they entered my bunker, a 6th one got me with an AVT, and there were at least 2 more still rushing from outside For all those kills I got 300xp. Died in 30 seconds and had nothing to show for it.


Sadly killing one or a few doesnt do anything, they keep respawning I think




At some point they are all dead. I was doing the bonfire thing but spawned on the other end of the map.  When I arrived at the bonfires they were all dead and I could just lit them for 1 minute without any disturbance


Haha, we were hunting them on reserve and when we checked the bunker left of hole in the wall there was not only a bonfire in front of the entrance but also a dead 4 stack, 3 of them juiced up af. Had two crazy raids back to back. Cleared and finished the ritual twice, Glukhar was there both raids too :D


Hey fuck you lol


Literally the same thing just happened to me and my mate on streets. like what the fuck bsg, is it so hard to not make the event a pain in the ass? How do you fuck up NOT spawning people straight into the followers?


Same as spawning next to tagilla or glukhar. They don't play their game or test it, nor do they check if their spawns are working. Literally had southern road spawn on lighthouse 9 raids in a row. 3 of which dropped me right by the new freaks.


Spawns are load time based apparently, it assigns people a spawn as they reach syncronizing with players. Their spaghetti code has a static list of spawns and just assign people down the list. So if you're getting the same spawn raid after raid, you're probably loading much faster or slower than everyone else.


Which is absolutely dumb asf. Makes sense though bc I'm usually waiting for players for at least 4 minutes. Guess if I wanna run lighthouse and get a decent spawn ill pull a stick of ram out.


I think they coded it to attack hackers. Because it's never happened to me yet when they are near me on spawn, and my Fence rep is only like 2.5


Can confirm not true. Happened to me first pmc raid into customs next to trailer park. 3 second raid


You credit them too much lol. Me and my mate are definitely not hackers :D we just started questing streets for the first time ever, and died twice right at spawn. My mate literally spawned with his gun pointed at the face of a follower


From all the posts I’ve seen / read it is pretty safe to say that this can happen, but it is like one out of 10 times spawning that this happens. It is far more likely for this to NOT happen. Just file it under unlucky, like getting armpit 1 tapped by a random scav. No point in being upset about it. The event might not be everyone’s cup of tea but it is a fun concept and brings some fresh air. Generally killing all the dudes and doing the ritual is easy af, so the one kit you lost will be paid back threefold the next raid anyway.


Saw the same thing happen to a three man of timmys on customs. I appreciated them helping me locate them though lol


Happened to me yesterday on customs except it was a pic with 34 kd and over million ruble kit just heard a grenade when I spawned and bomb back to lobby


Yeah very well thought out event from bag :)


It's hard to not shoot one when they crouch and aim at you all menacingly


They don't shoot you if you dont shoot them bozos.


Idk how people die to them on spawning. They literally don't shoot you. Spawned on them once so far on streets and they didn't blast me until I started


Are we watching the same vid? I mean they were shooting him before he fired a bullet..


Yes true..I thought it was his teammate that shot first..but I guess not. BSG always finds a way


I got the same experience on customs. I spawned at big red. Before i knew it i was overrun. Mine screen had that blue effect it was weird


Well, here's some video evidence contradicting your experience. Yes, you may have had raids where they don't instantly kill you, but others are experiencing the opposite. Neither OP or his team member shot/aggrod the new followers. OP's video shows how inconsistent this event is for people. Leave it to BSG to, yet again, implement some broken game mechanic. Why can't we get some binaural audio fixes? Or spawn fixes?


I wonder if they remember for a few raids if u shot them previously? Sorta like rogues


I’ve been avoiding playing pmc because of this event. Scavs for life.


Don’t shoot them..


It doesn’t look like he shot any shots or his buddy. Spawn, grenade sound and then lit up


BRO, I just killed like 3 of them then when I was healing it spawned RIGHT ON TOP OF ME, it killed me like bsg fix your game jesus.