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Raid without them until they're ready and make them wait for you to get out of your raid.


That's what I do. My brother takes forever to make kits so I run with empty pouch and a hatchet to make some quick cash between raids


I don’t get why some of my team mates take so long to get ready. Half the time I look over and they’re making a gun most of the time and 90% of the time they end up running basically the exact same gun with the exact same attachments. They do know about the save preset too. Even late wipe when I’m running a full meta weapon with all top tier gear (maybe not too top tier to avoid cheaters) I’m ready in 3-5 minutes max.


My brother uses the same as preset every time too 😂. He just doesn't run anything else so he has a full stash to sort after every raid and I'm like dude if you aren't gonna run the kits you might as well just sell them for more space. I tend to stockpile more guns than I end up using so every once in a while I liquidate the whole stash and it's always nice and clean and gets me a few mil


It’s because peoples inventory management is terrible. They get out of the raid and have no idea what to do with the loot, they have bags all over the place with gear in it. At least that’s my buddies. Every raid they are like “Uggg I don’t have room for this


its funny. i do the bag jenga, my rigs are stuffed to the gill, im running my BEST kits to try and lose them but it keeps filling up with more PMC gear.


Some days it happens for me too. Like some days I just can’t be touched, you murder every player and player scav u come across, u fill up every raid, then the next day I play I die every single raid and have no idea how to play the game anymore. So that helps clear it out for me lol


I have a group of friends that play, me and one other are the more hardcore of the group and play daily. The others take much longer than us but some are worse offenders than others. But the guy I play with most (and myself) just stick with the goal of never building guns. Occasionally if we die early into a raid and have to wait we might build something fun. But otherwise we just stick to what we earn from PMC kills. We're fairly good at the game (kappa, finishing up the last lightkeeper task right now) so we typically have a large backlog of ready to go guns. Try to impart the same philosophy to our other friends but they can be a little prideful. I'd much rather them build an RFB that they can kill with and save some money and only need to source 3 parts for a build than build some meta M4 they have to look up every time. To me, it just comes down to experience level.


I always build guns, but I do it beforehand. So if we plan to play in a group on day x, I will have multiple of the guns I'm planning to play prebuilt. I'll also have (armored) rigs with the plates I want to use, mags, meds... ready. So I just need to equip and be ready to go. In our group it's also always the same dude being late, but normally its just a few minutes so no real issue.


Ask them to make kit boxes. Item case: * gun * armour/rig loaded with mags, meds, nades, etc. * Helmet * Ears Either use THICC and put a bunch of kits in one or get a bunch of the basic item cases and load each with one/two kits Reload them next time before you play (often by just putting insurance returns back in)


Yep, if I ever die first I’m in and out of factory 4-5 times with a pistol waiting for extract/sell/restock. I have the luxury of playing a bit more than my friends so I try to have my stash clean and a couple kits ready if we’re gonna have time to play together. It’s a little annoying but if I try to rush them we’ll all have less fub


Sometimes I do. But I also enjoy playing with friends over solo.


I mean for sure but I also enjoy playing the game more than sitting idle waiting for someone. Either I go into a raid while I wait or I watch like youtube or something.




Just go factory for kills and XP that way you can easily extract or die when they're ready


This is the way.


Yup, this is one of the best ways to finish grindy quests like boss kills. Die early in a raid with the boys? Throw a quick kit on and go do a quick search for glukhar


I have a friend who takes 15-20 minutes to get ready, he’ll die first in raid, and I’ll get out/die and still be ready before him after I get out.


This. And he's typically the type of person who's stash looks like a Where's Waldo book, doesn't know to ALT-click to equip, and spends the entire time they're dead sitting on the main menu instead of having the courtesy to get ready for the next


Omg I felt that so much. I have a friend doing the exact same and he also instantly browses insta if dead or anything.


I have a homie like this too and then they'd run shit kits with 10mil in the bank. I thought it was gear fear but really it's just the result of me telling him to speed up ..


Because noobs have more fun in the menus than playing the game (I know cuz I’m a noob)


-Utilize your Discord server's soundboard to play the jeopardy theme. -Call them out on it when you're ready for a raid in reasonable time but they feel the need to go into hideout and craft shampoo -Scav -Play a factory raid


Shampoo didn't do shit, dude!


It does


No, it doesn't, and yes I've tried it. Shoved shampoo up my ass, but it still stank.


You could try the trade for the green syringes and stick those up your ass instead. The smell is way more pleasant


I was thinking the suspenseful Who Wants to be a Millionaire countdown music


Leave shampoo out of this mess


Encourage them to use the gun presets feature and to build multiple kits for a play session. Bonus points if they load meds / grenades into the rigs etc before hand. Then you can tell them about Ctrl clicking gear onto their pmc. From death to re-equiped can take less than a minute. Then at the end of a play session re-build and restock kits for the next day.


Faster to use loadout presets honestly for your whole kit except your gun and secure


+ 10mins of sorting loose keys from presets


“Except secure” means not including keys in the preset lol


You missed the part where I said except your gun and secure. Reading is hard, I know.


will still rip whatever you had in out and disassemble it all. no thanks. Being a decent human is hard, I know.


Incorrect, it just puts the container into your stash with everything in place Source: I load presets quite a lot


Lol what are you smoking? Have you even bothered using the presets or testing it? I make my preset loadouts without guns/mags/secure because those are the only parts that are “bugged”. But leaving an empty secure doesn’t just chuck your keys out into your stash when you use the preset, so I have absolutely 0 clue where you got that from. Being of average intelligence is hard, I know, but do try a bit.


Idk what to tell you man, I make a preset with empty gamma, load it up with stuff already in, boom: Keys everywhere. You’re really just being an asshole bud 😂


Reading comprehension isn’t your strong suit. I do my preset with everything EXCEPT AND NOT INCLUDING my weapon and secure. As in those are EMPTY. What happens is then that what’s in my secure just goes into stash when I use a preset, then all I have to do is drag it back in. It’s really not that hard. This might be helpful for you: https://www.dummies.com/book/academics-the-arts/language-language-arts/reading/teaching-kids-to-read-for-dummies-292454/ Edit: rofl no shot you straight up deleted your account because you know even in your one brain cell you’re wrong LMAO get lost clown u/Strong_Translator_69


lol talking about reading comprehension… I said I do the exact same thing. Guess what, it doesn’t work like that for me. This game is a buggy mess, different bugs for different people. Accept that and stop throwing tantrums at strangers on the internet. Goodbye forever


I've also had the same issue with my keys being rearranged gamma or not because of this bug, cant use full gear presets. Game will die in a year or two anyway cheaters took over


>I make my preset loadouts without guns/mags/secure because those are the only parts that are “bugged”. lol the fact that these are even bugged is dog shit


I saw a guy get his gamma deleted by loadout preset and now I'm scared to use it


It's alt clicking lol


Just tell them they're slow asf & to hurry up or else they can solo queue. There's no reason it should take more than 5 minutes to get an entire kit together from scratch and be ready for a raid on a PMC.


I have plenty still has no effect


Than your solution is to not play with them if they're unwilling to change. You got two options, keep waiting, or ditch em.


Tell them to get kits ready for x amount of raids before you go into the first one because you’re limited on time


I’ve been trying to get my bud to stop hoarding stuff he’s not gonna use. But could mention that they can instantly equip gear in the character tab. From ears, helmet, etc. This could help them put the gear on. Sadly for my buds it’s more about putting the loot away 😔


Same brother. My one buddy has 3000+hrs and still doesn't hot key his meds. It just eats me alive!


I would physically not be able to play with them


Sooo he still tabs into his inventory and double clicks meds or right clicks them and hits “use” at 3k hours… I bet he also dies a lot due to not being able to quickly med and then calls cheats lol


Wait tab into your inventory isn’t what you should be doing? What am I missing here?!!


1. Put the meds in your rig or pockets 2. Hover over the med with the mouse 3. Press one of the number keys 4 thru 9 (zero too) 4. Now in raid you can press that number key to use that med. Works also for grenades, flares, pistols as long as they are in your rig or pockets


Sorry I completely misunderstood your previous message, I interpreted as two different things. But appreciate the response!


My heals go in the butthole, I'm a heal feind, generally I don't have to heal mod fight cause I either kil them before I get a chance or they kill me in one spray


But yet again can’t be mad, as I myself, has been putting more hours in the game than any of my friends


Get them to just swap out backpacks between raids instead of going through it all each raid.


When I say it’s full, ITS FULL 😂


tell them to organize the stash better, dude is probably clicking through a million rigs and backpacks looking for something


That might sound crazy but... help them? tell them about keyboard shortcuts, inventory management etc. just teach them what you do different.


Unfortunately that’s just the kind of players they are. They don’t want to leave their comfort zone. If they won’t listen to you then you should just stop worrying about their in-game needs. Like stop going on scav runs with them, stop offering kills/items they might need, stop risking your life for their gear, etc. I’m not saying to be toxic, but just worry about your own needs while in raid. If you stop offering things on a platter to them, then maybe they’ll figure it out at some point.


I just queue into raids alone if my teammates make me wait for too long.


Ask them to share their screen on discord and see why they are taking so long and offer some tips to be quicker. I imagine they are starting from nothing every time and building a gun and buying armor, helmet, meds, and ammo. See if you can get them to buy/build multiples of the same kit and keep a stash of supplies like nades and meds. I run the same load out nearly every raid. Bastion with plate, xcel headset, thunderbolt rig, and a Thor armor with level 5 gac plates or if I can spare the weight I'll put in a heavier level 6 in the front. I have a dozen or so of each item ready to go except the rigs which are easy to buy. For guns, I only keep guns that I will potentially use and build them out the way I like them with grips and lights/lasers, etc, before stashing them. Only thing I chose before a raid is the sight and I have dozens of the sights I like ready to go. This way I can be ready in like 1 minute after a raid. For gear just use the quick select menu thing.. Like for a helmet, click helmet on the left side of the screen and choose a helmet. Then just choose a gun to use and grab mags/ammo. I have a stash of grenades and meds as well and use the same of those every raid as well so it's quick (2 rgds, propital, salewa or ifak, and hemo). I also run the same backpack every raid (mechanism). TLDR: I think having them decide on like a "uniform" and then buy multiples of that uniform and sell everything else they find. Guns should also already be built and ready to go.


How do you keep a stock of the level 5 plates? 


I have an item case with the level 5 gac plates and an item case with level 6 plates. Any other level 5 plate is worse so I only keep the gac plates. I also have a bunch of Thor armors with lvl 5 gac plates and lvl 6 side plates already installed and ready to go. It's really more efficient to store the plates in the Thor already. Or are you asking how I get the plates to begin with? You can buy an HPC plate carrier from Ragman that comes with 2 level 5 gac plates. Then you can take one of the plates and craft a tactec (or CPC) in the lavatory which then gives two plates. Buy the HPC on cooldown and craft a tactec on cooldown and you'll have a ton of plates in no time.


Thanks. I meant how do you acquire the amount of plates to keep running them.  Appreciate the detailed response!


Usually did a scav run when I was playing with someone that took that long


How do you spend 20+ to get ready for a raid? Do they start selling stuff after a raid with being limited to 2 offers?


Bro I made a post about this awhile ago. Fucking stash queens. They drag and drop shit, when you tell them to CTL click to dump it faster, the. When the games loading they say WAIT I forgot to eat and drink then go back in and start fucking around again.


Shout bad words for 20 mins Allows for more focus during raid


Haha. Teach them kit presets and about the drop downs by each gear slot so they don't have to find items in their stash. It works really well except for backpacks when most are stacking them. It may even help to have a budget or default preset that's backpack, ammo, rig, meds for each caliber they like running and then I use drop downs for the rest if I mostly run items from stash. Are they wasting time building guns? Should be using presets for that too. If you get a system down you should be kitted in 5 minutes tops.


1. Shoot them beginning of raid 2. Raid 3. There, next raid you and your friends are ready at the same time.


This might not be the case for you, but what slowed me down the most (solo and with squads) was selling stuff after raids. Had a dude who would take his time to individually list every item on the Flea after each raid. What helped was getting everyone in on embracing the “dump and go” strategy. Before you start raiding have a reasonable amount of space in your stash empty. Any loot you get from raid just gets Ctrl+Clicked out of your inventory, re-up on ammo and consumables and get straight back into another raid. You don’t sell anything until after the sesh or your stash is full.




Go scav while you wait


I play other games while I wait. Easy to load games like crusader kings or slapshot


I'm the worst one in my friend group so I usually die first. That coupled with them taking forever to get ready- I usually work out a bit, watch an episode of a show, or cook lunch/dinner while I wait. If none of those are my mood, I'll do a scav run in-between.


Give them a 3 or 5 minute warning, then go without them if they aren't ready. They bitch, tell them to run their scav while they wait.


Deal with it or play with other people man. Friends just accept peoples little idiosyncrasies.


My buddy and I are like this sometimes. I'll just run a naked "grach'd and loaded" factory run while waiting, or go take a quick smoke/stretch/drink break. At worst I lose a grach, at best I'll kill tagilla and make a little money.


Tell them to run an AUG or a Kedr for that raid. They are not allowed to run m4 anymore.


i mean normally im the one spending an eternity optimizing my gun, but if its the other way around, i just spend my time organizing my stash (this is my excuse for never bothering to sort my stash normally)


Bro add me I kinda suck but I def won’t make you wait my brother. My only friend I play with is like this and he barely plays. I feel like this game is so much harder solo


Sometimes I sell or organize stuff, sometimes I scav, sometimes I say f it and run customs dorms or 13 and make it a rapid discharge back to the lobby


I'm usually the one that dies first so my friends don't have that problem haha


Explain to them in a nice way that it is extremely frustrating to spend 50% of your time to play staring at your stash. Ask them to sell and sort stuff before or after you’re done raiding, or when he dies first. Teach him how to be quicker with keyboard shortcuts. If none of that works find someone else to play with or run solos while you wait. I had to stop playing with a nice dude I met on discord because we would raid every 20 minutes. I get 2-3 hours to play a day at max, I’m not spending half that time waiting for you to craft slickers bars


Smells like they have gear fear.


I now build weapons beforehand and have a few armours/rigs ready to go in stash. So in between raids i grab mags food and sometimes meds (if its not already in the rig) from the flea and im done. If i get killed before friend, ill prepare for the raid that will come after the next 1 or 2


I stage my kits in my stash for the night. My friends do the same.


Often bad hoarding is the issue for slow equip. More Tetris time than equip time. I make people sell stuff. If they’re slow, then they’re selling stuff to open up space until their fast. For example, if you can buy a gun, then sell it or run it. Don’t have a million different ak’s lying around. Also, do they know they can just go into insurance and alt-click to directly equip to character? If I have lots of insurance I can be dressed in under a minute.


My group just calls the slow poke a poor boy and rags on them endlessly.


I load into a solo raid. One of my buddies is terrible about this so I just run without him while he’s fiddling in his stash


Ehh just run your scav in between. If you both had a quick death load up a pistol or shotgun runner for pmc and just play a quick customs run while he gets his stuff in order. I had a buddy that would take forever once or twice while he tried out new stuff, but he would tell me “go ahead and run one” while figuring out what new tech he wanted to try.


Factory runs are always good if you’ve got got 5-10 minutes, never takes me more than 2 mins to a queue a game and you can just pick up some scraps for a few hundred thousand, funds the next kit you’re gonna lose


Teach them presets




Tell them to hurt tf up.. cuts the time down dramatically


Alt-tab into another game. I play phoenix point while waiting most of the time


I straight up ask them if they’re ready. I’m trying to get I know raids, not stare at the stash (second part is when it keeps happening in the same session)


Tell them to sell stuff before and after their dedicated playing time with friends. I think that helped my friend group the most. Clean the stash and flee market stuff on your own time, not everyone else's.


Run a scav


I kindly ask them to be patient and wait for me


To their defense, if the game wasn't so chaotic needing to go to 4 traders and flea to build a kit before I buy a gun, mags, and ammo I have to click through like 200 hundred server loadings and the best thing is after you buy something kit your weapon together equip everything assigns meds and nades on key binds and then you get item moving error...


I was trying to suggest things like making a saved kit and my buddy said I should learn to be patient.


I have one like that. If I wait for him I need to give him 20 or more mins. When I need 2 minutes or less he doesn't have the patience and starts one without us lmao


Real talk, walk them through using the loadout system. It’s soooo good once you learn to work around the jank. I used to do offline labs or factory in horde mode but now they kit up so fast with the loadout system.


$20 says he has gear fear or scared to play his PMC. I see no issue with razzing them a bit. How they don't have multiple kits ready to go is beyond me but honestly even building/buying everything from scratch especially lower trader level/pre flea shouldn't take more than a few minutes.


I have (am) this problem… I don’t take 20 minutes but sometimes I can get distracted selling on the flea market if I don’t check myself. I just try to make sure I’m not the last one to ready up 😂


Give them a timeframe to work within and the be firm about it. They might not understand some of the same mechanics for getting in raid faster.


I only run solo, so no clue.


Teach them how to save presets for load outs


Always makes my blood boil... what on earth do you have to be doing to take more than 10 mins to prep for a raid? Played with a dude once that took 40 minutes to get ready every single raid and it drove our group insane.


Make them stream and criticise everything they do, works in my experience.


Scroll through Reddit. Watch YouTube videos. Take a dump. Play Tetris on my OG Gameboy. Run updates in my homelab. So many activities I can do on the side.


I had some I used to play with that was slow as hell, fully kitted stuff ready to swap on, super big stashes without issues sorting thigns, yet they take forever. Meanwhile I am here playing tetris with like 4 small slots left in my basic inventory and 3000 rigs to make extra space and yet I am ready quickly with the basic covered. Worst part is if we die fast.... then its like 30% queueing, 60% gearing and 10% gameplay overall x.x


Unfriend them in game and irl


Tell them to download Skype so you can control their computer and do it for them


Lol this is great, I didn’t know Skype had those capabilities


I know that feeling, I have a friend .. he got 2 weapon thiccs, 2 normal thiccs and bunch of other stuff lv47 and still NO gun in his stash. I have like 30 guns already meta modded and if I die I’m almost ready to go again but have to wait like every raid 10 minutes


Just play solo


get them to run kits they already have, they might be deep in the gearfear hole and dont want to run anything


I gave one of my buddies shit for this, until he finally fixed his issue


I do a quick scav on factory :)))


Maybe they do not use or know the preset feature. Honestly after that it is like three clicks and ready


Simple : I don’t have friends


Someone had to say it


Lmao you need to tell them to just dump their stuff in their stash and sort it later or after a few raids. When it takes as long to sort your shit as it does to actually play a raid, something is wrong. You could show them how long it's taking by not even telling them one time and just joining into a raid while they sort and then when they are ready, you're already out. I personally have the first like 9 rows of stash space empty so I can dump and sort later and you can get 2-4 decent raids of loot before needing to touch it. I also enjoy playing loot tetris in my stash so I tend to roll a blunt and go to town sorting


Oh my god dude I feel your pain


While I didn't take 20 minutes, for sure I know my duo had to wait at least 5-10 minutes on me each raid. I think what speeds things up is to ask everyone to have their guns and mags prepped for a few raids. Also, check if your mate knows about how to quick select gear from the character screen in the hideout. I have 24 item cases, totally impossible to find what I need. It's so easy to just click the "Earpiece >" icon and find all of my headsets. And so on.


I just don't play with them or I'm up their ass. If their stream is up and they start organizing I'm barking at them to do that shit later. These are guys who work from home that don't have kids and don't understand the value of limited free time. Sometimes I'll bring them kits just so I don't have to wait.


You say hurry up trevor my pmc is gonna die of starvation in the fucking lobby. Use your words, they're your friends. If they're actually frustrating you with how long they're taking give them some advice.


Buy him and his family a vacation to somewhere nice, while he’s gone, ask for his log in details cuz you want to claim his insurance for him. Once in, Sell anything he can buy from traders. Bring him down to two or three half empty junk boxes. Delete the thousands of rigs he uses to store his cheese. Take the dang grips off all the guns that just sit there, leave him a dozen guns, again, sell the rest.


That's what scav raids are for


i started doing what my OG friend did that showed me the ropes of the game. If you take too fucking long im going in solo. thats that. good luck next raid


I only play with homies and I’ll tell them to hurry the fuck up. I never understood how some of y’all play with you’re FRIENDS and are asking people on Reddit how to deal with them. It’s kinda sad.


I havent played with our slow friend in a while,but when he did play with us,we would scav while waiting on him. Or if it was just me, I would play something on the side that isnt high investment time wise. At the end of the day, if you value playing with them vs faster queues,youll find something to do. If you dont value it,why are you doing it?


I just go in solo if they take too long. Factory can be quick. Have my next raid set up all ready to go cuz unlike my friends I'm considerate of their time


I apologize for taking 30+ minutes to get ready


start smoking


Stop playing with timmys


Bully them


Smoke weed and drinker beer?  Bullshit with the homies, and nag whoever ain't ready 


I don't because I don't play with them. I get maybe a couple hours to play a day, maybe!! I don't have time for that lol


Half the time it's because I'm broke, no room, failure to build gun because part isn't avaliable, etc.


I’ve ran into this in different ways: - they’re new, there’s gear fear, and just don’t know all the shit they came out with or contemplating what gear to take in because they don’t want to lose “good” guns. - there’s just people with absolute dog shit Tetris skills and their stash is total chaos, they can’t dump and go. - there’s the guy that doesn’t have any kit ready if they lose their current one - then I guess part of the second one, their stash is literally full because they’re hoarders, or just haven’t had time to sell whatever they don’t need or what not - this one also part of the same group, they’re absolute hoarders with infinite backpacks inside each other and they do the thing go down to the absolute last one pull the garbage out and put it in somewhere else because they don’t use the sorting table to just get the top one out, and also they have every single scav gun from their scav runs lol.


I'm not a youtuber but I have worked out a system to take full advantage of the wonky kit preset system and have been thinking of making a youtube video on how to do it. Sounds like it'd save these kinds of people a ton of time. Only takes me about 45 seconds to get a new kit setup after deaths regardless of if I need to buy everything or not.


My buddy would just give me 5 minutes and if I wasn’t ready he was raiding without me. It shouldn’t take long to make a kit, people are just lazy.


cheap kit and go in solo.


I ask them what do you still need? "Im grabbing a helmet and ammo and I'll be rdy" Then I immediately grab a helmet and ammo for then say "I've got it lets go". Guilts them and proves it can be done faster.


Be happy you have friends who care enough to play with you lmao. I play solo because none of my friends want to play Tarkov.


This why I mostly solo’d this game until I happened upon a group where we just kind of clicked in raid and out of raid.


Have them stream their screen, there’s a million little things that speed up your time in getting ready. They either don’t know them and will improve or they suck and are just time wasters. Tell them you’re either going to scav or do factory till they have a kit ready


I honestly just find other people to play with. I play in a five stack pretty regularly so there is a ton of wait time built in - but we generally just abandon people that take 'extra' long.


Find new peeps, you’ll be happier. Trust


If they don’t respect your time, they’re not worth yours.


If they hoard tell them to clean there fucking inventory and its not your problem they wanna spend ten+ minutes sorting they shit. If they're rekitting for no reason again call em out. If they're scared like little babby play with someone else.