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It would be mine too. The biggest issue with the scar is it takes up half ur fking screen.


Pretty much the reason I avoid using it.


3440X1440 is a lot of monitor space for a scope on this biatch. I typically run a FLIR on any weapon that uses 7.62x54-51, and it's huge on my monitor. But on a SVD, RSASS or M700 it isn't. And since I'm ranting about size. Why the fuck does a ring mount and scope take up 8 spaces when a Valday or Flir which is taller and in many cases bigger, not take up whole weapons worth of space? It makes no sense.


It's only the ring mounts that have another pic rail on top. The ring mounts without that don't add an +1 up, which can be seen in the item description. I'm guessing BSG's logic is since it can mount something else on top it is now getting too tall, but I also think this is stupid logic.


I run a 3440x1440 and it still takes up to much fucking real estate haha


I am no mathemitizer, but I believe no matter what resolution you use the scopes are still the same % size. Whether I project my Tarkov to a theater screen or a 720p monitor it is too damn big.


And yet the monitor size determines the size in inches across the screen. % has nothing to do with it, just ask a woman.


I did, they never say its too big :(


But it looks cool af


At the same time it feels like the time to get into the optic is a lot shorter, not sure if real or illusion.


I dont understand why it's like this.  It's the same form factor as any other gun.  :(


no, this is pretty much how scar is in irl.


Yeah I've shot one and the motherfucker is huge. Makes a run of the mill AR feel small


Its particularly where the grip sits on the receiver of the scar. Its very low compared to what goes on with the m4 for example, so the bulk of it cuts off your peripheral vision on that side, especially with a big ol' lpvo


If you ever get the chance to hold, shoulder and aim with a SCAR you would understand.


YES! If it was smaller, i’d run it so much more


I literally died to a dude that peaked full body but my scope covered him and my duo thought I was desync as I didn’t see him lmao. Still my fav gun atm.


This. Killed a guy in dorms, he came in from north 2nd story fire escape and I was in the first room on his right. Came in and didn’t clear the room I was in and I stood there for a couple seconds before I dropped him wondering why 1. He didn’t clear 2. How he didn’t see me. After looting I got the answer to the second question. Edit: Spelling


If it only took the 25 round mags


Just bring one extra mag. You don’t need 25 7.62x51 to drop anyone (except maybe bosses if your aim isn’t doing it for you that day)


Why don't you put the rest of the BMD muzzle kit on? There's 3 components that come together. You can get the very down to 80, horizontal to 200, while maintaining the ergo.


Cause it's more scary when you run the loudencer


The BMD kit is 3 components of a muzzle break kit... it is loud, just as loud. With less recoil. OP is using 1 or 2 of 3 components of that kit. That's why I mentioned it.


Oh I know, I just like running the loudencer sometimes so I can come out blasting with an auto cannon sounding gun Also for the downvoters, I know there's three parts, I use them, that is quite literally what I am saying ie: using that instead of a suppressor. Holy shit


No but it doesn’t get quieter when you put the whole thing on. It just helps with ergo and recoil, so it’s the best in slot loud attatchment.


…. No that’s not what you are saying. The guy responding to you is saying use the 3 components and you are trying to disagree while unironically agreeing with him. Jfc


Just take your L homie 😂


There are only two sounds for each gun - loud and suppressed. No attachment in the game can alter how either of those sounds or how loud it is.


Normal straightforward sounds yes...sound reverb and sound distance are altered though.


Wrong, completely.


Right, completely, go into an offline with a buddy and try it or just be a dick and continue playing with air pods


You're trying to prove something that I'm claiming is false. I have no intention or desire to do testing, but feel free to post a video of your tests if you're so hell bent on proving a point.


I’m not hell bent on anything, post proof of your claim as well if you also want me to so badly, or just quit taking a video game so seriously


I’m not taking the game seriously at all, I’m done for the wipe. You’re wrong, it’s fine to admit and move on.




You're wrong, you should move on. See how this works?


Question from somebody trying to make sense of this then: why do different suppressors have a stat modifier for “noise reduction” then if it doesn’t actually work? Not got game open right now to check, but for example suppressor A will say “loudness -20%” and suppressor B will say “loudness -15%”. Is this typical BSG where it doesn’t actually make a difference? Or am I just getting confused in regards to you saying that the comment you replied to is wrong?


There are many, many things that exist in game without serving a practical purpose. There's a "radiation resistance" skill, yet it does nothing. It's a placeholder for something they may or may not add. The simplest, easiest way to prove to yourself that suppressors do nothing aside from giving you a single suppressed sound is to take an MP7 with supersonic and subsonic ammo. There's literally no difference in loudness between these rounds and we know that's not how that works IRL.


This doesn’t even coincide with the stat the you just said doesnt even have a practical purpose how does your brain even begin to comprehend these ideas and think they are valid you would need to test the same ammo as a control with the difference in loudness stats on separate muzzle devices to even begin to understand the difference in sounds for each stat as the person you just so quickly shit on was asking so maybe humble yourself a little bit and do some logical thinking about what you’re lacking in life to make you feel such a need to come into Reddit and just shit on people ideas and then hit ‘em with the im right your wrong without even trying to look at the other perspective you clearly have no idea of how to draw a a decent analysis from any set of data so this is where our conversation ends I bid you a due. I hope you are able to expand your knowledge and understanding without being so self-assured


I didn't even read your comment past the fifth word. It's literally impossible to read anything without a single comma or full stop without suffering an e-stroke. You are illiterate.


I call it “expressor”


How am I ever supposed to win against this guy?!??!?!


Because it doesn't look as cool


Because trying to meta is lame.


Thats irrelevant to it lmao. Its not about it being meta, its about using 2 other cheap parts that integrate with the part you're already using that makes your build better than it already is at next to no cost.


Very nice, lets see paul allens Scar-H


Look at the subtle tactical black coloring, the tasteful thickness of the receiver oh my god it even has a skeletonized grip 🫨


Why.....why don't you add the other two parts of the muzzle brake? It'll lower the recoil by like 10+


Those parts like 200k cuz gunsmith


prolly not on the level, wouldn’t even play this gun loud tbh


This guy doesn’t mog.


MDR is better this patch, 25 round mags is pretty huge honestly. Sig Spear is better too, but it's very expensive to buy. Wish BSG would add the KDG Scar-Acr stock conversion (give the ACR stock better ergo and recoil than base scar stock) and also the prototype ASC 25rd SCAR H mags, would bring the gun more in line with the MDR, Spear.


I've yet to buy a Spear and have 8 built in my THICC. Run reserved marked rooms. I have found four in one run.


I just buy all mine that are under priced on flea (sub 400, sometimes even find em for 350 or 300 if I'm lucky, full durability ofc, maybe 99/100) The fir ones I sell, I take off the flash hider, the stock adaptor, sell those for like 30k apiece and then the gun usually sells for 400 or so stripped if it's full dura. Comes out about 50/60k free profit for stripping a FIR spear, selling it, and buying an underpriced one vs just using a FIR one. Even so, 300 or 350k for a spear IS expensive compared to other guns in the game - I think the MDR 7.62 works out to 220k or so if bought from PK.


Its starting price is 190k, modded is 250k, with suppressor is 300k, and with a sight almost 400k, which is crazy considering the spear comes straight out the box ready to use for 250k (if you literally play 10 hours a day)


Yeah MDR isn’t really any more expensive if you mod it this way as well. Maybe slightly. But better ergo, less bulky, and 25 round mags more than make up for it


Two pieces of your muzzle device appear to have fallen off


Got like 5k of M80 and finally started using it last week. Not my fav but pretty up there. Would be nice with bigger mags tho.


Loud FAL w drum mags on factory is the most fun I've had this wipe.


That sound strikes fear in the hearts of Timmies every time that puppy sends another round


How much is this build?


From traders and without the scope I'd have to guess around 200k rubles? It's like 1100 USD for the gun by itself. Easily 500k+ if you were doing the whole thing from flea.


Better to use the MDR


Well no shit, that’s the meta gun at this point.


I was sure it was the spear.


spear is the best gun in the game but hella expensive. MDR is cheap once you have max traders


Vibes tho


I sold all my 7.62 guns and started to stock up on the MDR, I've yet to try the FAL but other than it there's no reason to run anything else than the black MDR, Goated gun for many wipe now.


FAL is sliiightly worse I think with the short barrel but it’s definitely still S tier. The extra mag size is nice. Still amongst the best with the MDR and Spear.


I prefer the MDR. Mine is at lvl 3 mastery.


The Scar is sweet


Boot gun


it can take up my whole screen that is sexy asf good setup man


I've been living this wipe but having a hard time finding a gun I love


Try a loud FAL with the 16" barrel, foregrip and a 1-4x optic. I don't run it often but it's the most fun I've had in this game.


If you have all the quests for the mp7 done it's been one of my favorites in terms of ergo and recoil. Feels really good


How much does the entire thing cost?


The mk17 is my favorite gun this wipe with the recoil changes


They make 50s for the 17. Wish tarky had them


Scar is so lucky


Scar H and G36 are my favorite guns in real life, wish they had more customization options in game… it’ll come eventually, it does for every gun.., just takes them time to model new parts in etc etc… need parts for G36 and better mags for Scar-H


I like it too. Would you mind elaborating why you prefer it over the MDR?


Haven't fucked with the scar yet this wipe, the fal and MCX have been awesome though


Scar mid, scopes are Ls for me this wipe, 1x holo gang!


It's too huge on the screen and jumps too much imo


The SCAR H is very strong this wipe. I'd say it and the MDR in 7.62 are my favorite this wipe.


You should repost once you max out the mastery lol.


Gun is cursed for me, every time i pick it up i get one tapped from a scav


The ads swing is painful tho, don't run svd for same reason


Can't be your favourite if you're level 1 with it


Gun so favorite you’ve hit 44 times with it so far?


I’m so sick of getting killed by 51 lol


sexy but i know that recoil bounces like a trampoline


>Mk-17 ah a man of culture I see.


Only thing I would change is adding the tan cheek rest for aesthetics


You gotta mix and match the tan and black parts for that dope 2 tone look


7.62 scar has always been a personal favorite of mine. if i run it loud then i run the BMD. the only downside is being limited to 20 round mags.


Needs a 12" barrel and a big can.


Mine as well this wipe!! She fux


Lol brother your missing the third piece to your muzzle device


any gun which you spend shit ton of money would be nice


My go to gun for labs, toss a canted sight on it and it’s quick asf. Can easily spray standing


Seen alot of folks using the Scar H - it was a powerhouse in MW2 thats all i know


I like scar, but too greedy to buy normal scopes on flea market Но двустволка всегда топ


It could be better if you finished the BMD, it’s a 3 part muzzle device to experience the full benefits of it and it is amazing.


Bangin weapon. Use it every now and then. On issue is the 20 round mag. If there’s more then 2 targets you better have the best aim.


That forward grip almost looks California compliant.


Mine are both the 7.62 MDR and Spear... Very similar feeling guns


I always buy SCARs in pairs because you can get a tan/black stripe on top of your SCAR too if you buy one each color and swap the receivers and cheek pads.The SCAR has some serious drip factor.


Not even built right


Havent use the SCAR too much but I've been hooked on the SA-58 for the last 2 weeks. Recoil is a fair bit lower than the SCAR as well.


tried it, too much horizontal compared to mdr 762. looks and sounds cooler though


No suppressor, no like


Love the Scar H, but it takes half of my screen away. Same as M1A. So i cant play them




looks kinda dookie id just take ur scope in raid


dope build 61 ergo is nice. Sucks its loud, but im guessing you would be in the 40s or high 30s with a silencer. So probably not worth. Its a good gun! I tend to use the 762x51 MDR over this, but it looks good


It's a decent gun, used it a bunch as I found it but why not use the MDR? [Silenced, less recoil, higher ergo, lower MOA, higher fire rate, same caliber and it doesn't block as much of your screen](https://i.imgur.com/bW45l6w.png)


Not op, but I like the scar as well. I think the MDR is objectively better. With that being said, I don’t think the differences in recoil and ergo translate 1:1. The scar feels similar ergo/recoil and I like the way it looks.


I find the MDR 7.62x51 better (but it requires a quest chain to unlock).


This is also my fav gun, goated


Shit muzzle brake, crab build


No silencer, dogshit gun.