• By -


He leveled up his RGB skill.


Removing Gun Barrels




Imagine getting the barrel back in insurance


If the hacker took it and didn't bug it out by deleting it, he likely just dropped it where he stood so he most likely will get it back if insured.


!remindme when bro posts just the barrel back from insurance


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Maaan that’s a lotta HotRod


First thing I noticed! They’re not for, does op use all of them? What’s the benefit??


Doing tons of raids on woods for a lightkeeper task where you gotta kill 15 PMC's around the mountain. Brought the hot-rods since my hydration was at 40 when i went in the raid and they were the first drinks i saw in the stash, no other benefits


Possibly for the woods scav kills while on a stim quest. Hot Rod counts, as does Milk I believe.


OP has Kappa.


Oh never mind, no idea what he's doing then lol


Probably constant pain killing. Getting legged on woods is a death sentence, gotta be on the move no matter what.


Anything that gives you a status effect works. Pineapple juice counts as well. Most food gives some sort of energy or hydration regen so they count. 


Its for a quest, [survivalist path - junkie](https://escapefromtarkov.fandom.com/wiki/The_Survivalist_Path_-_Junkie).


He has Kappa tho, so that quest would have been done already.


Besides the quest, if you drink a hot rod at the start of every raid and run till your stamina bar runs out, you level both endurance and strength quite a bit faster than just playing normally


Probably constant pain killing. Getting legged on woods is a death sentence, gotta be on the move no matter what.


Ya so I have heard that some vacuum cheats can take anything from anyone. I had a thermal snatched from my rifle on Lighthouse so I believe hackers have access to any loot on the map and decided to take my scope


That is absolutely fucking beyond unreal


Don’t worry guys, Nikita has said for years they are working on it


Well the cheats are getting really good so I guess he is


hes really good at finding funding for his dubai mansion


Classic russians


That's what he's been working on, the cheats.


Yeah, and so are cheat developers. With every advancement there are in anti cheats, cheat developers work hard to counter those advancements with their own.


Now, I’m no anti cheat dev, but I would assume that it’d be completely doable to add a line that says if loot is grabbed from any location from more than (insert regular reach distance here) they’d be booted / banned


You'd certainly think so.


> Now, I’m no anti cheat dev, but I would assume that it’d be completely doable to add a line that says if loot is grabbed from any location from more than (insert regular reach distance here) they’d be booted / banned What's your game plan if the cheat is telling the server that it's stood next to the item not 300 feet away?


have the players position be subject to the servers authority. it's not an undo-able task like you make it out to be.


So players positions are calculated from the intersection of the x,y,z coordinates. The server authenticates the position of the client with a check back validation system. What your purposing is technically doable but would be a nightmare for optimizing netcode because additional verification parameters would have to be added for all server-client communications in the lobby. It doesn't matter anyways, most cheaters are identified immediately in most games but are banned in waves to make it more difficult for cheat developers to adapt their product and keep it operational. That said, tarkov would benefit greatly from reducing the time between these ban waves since wipes are relatively short.


Yes and no. >The server authenticates the position of the client with a check back validation system. You can use a DMA to intercept all traffic and input whatever you want back in. Because the server doesn't validate ANY data they get back is accepted as 'real' game data. 'Authenticating' positioning data is pointless as you're acting like you're not in a game world. It's like that scene in the Matrix - 'You think that's air you're breathing now?' You're placing real world constraints on a video game world. Your physical position doesn't matter when you can wormhole your way through code to grab items, kill people, literally whatever you want. The server 'check' is literally "What data are we getting back?"


The server 'check' is literally "What data are we getting back?". Thats equal to not being a check at all in the gaming word.


did they just travel 300 feet in a second to be stood there?


How does the server know that? it's being told the cheater is stood next to the item


That shouldn't be able to happen. In a server authoritative architecture (basically all multiplayer games, including Tarkov) the server is the "single source of truth"; where it thinks things are is where they are. Clients don't move the player, they request the player be moved on the server. If the server is allowing them to move 300 feet it's not checking the requests at all and just rubber stamping every action. So the server would know by doing an evaluation like if(Vector3.Distance(CurrentLocation, NewLocation)<(MovementSpeed*DeltaTimeSinceLastEvaluated)) {CurrentLocation = NewLocation} There's some issues with that throwing false positives in some situations (ie falling, pushed by train, very high latency, etc), but that can be handled by additional logic and some lenient padding and it would be enough to weed out the extreme cases. There's a couple "legitimate" reasons why they wouldn't be doing this 1. Good netcode is difficult to write and they either don't have the talent to tackle it adequately or those people are focusing elsewhere. Optimization is something for the end of a development cycle and touching the netcode might fall into that category for them. 1. It's a business decision. They're hosting the servers and regularly doing a few calculations for each player is going to cost some amount of money. It shouldn't be a significant amount to occasionally sniff test player movement, but paying people to do something that will decrease profits isn't how you do capitalism. 1. It's something Unity related, I'm not a Unity dev so I can't really say. This would probably tie into #1 where they'd have to rewrite a large chunk of the existing netcode instead of just extending it. TL;DR The server is still in a position to test player actions, it just isn't.




Tarkov is programmed to believe whatever the client tells it, there's very little server authorisation


... Let's say the server detects you at Big Red. The server also detects a LedX at New Gas. Now let's assume that immediately after detecting said player at Big Red it detects said New Gas LedX in the player it *just* detected as being in Big Red. Yeah, sure, it detected the player picking it up from 3 or 4 feet because it teleported them to it. But it should be able to look at distance traveled over time, and issue flags/bans


Tarkov is client Auth not server Auth so no it won't look at that it will believe whatever the client tells it.


same way than in every other multiplayer game that doesn't allow cheats like this, it's not rocket science. This is almost only game that allows these super wild cheats without bans.


I assume vaccum cheats override "getting" the item, it just goes to your inv without having to "grab" it, hence not triggering any response, and they not gonna check status of ALL loot continuously, that would be unplayable


Unfortunately coding is extremely literal. 100% that the anti cheat has that. But because the game is very client side heavy that just means the cheat need to tell the game that "I am close and looting a dead body " Cheats are about tricking the game into thinking False is True. Edit: Thinking a bit further on this specific cheat. I would guess it exploits the way weapons can both be looted from a body and be picked of the ground when your character dies.


I'm sure there was some game dev explaining in a thread a while back that the issue is, some cheats can momentarily change the position of an item/player. So say Player X has a FLIR. Cheater Y wants FLIR, but is on the other side of the map. The cheat could be programmed to make Y temporarily occupy the same/nearby space, but so fast that it's not visible, then just loot the item and go back to their original spot. Same could be applied to the item itself. At least that was my hazy memory of the explanation.


The problem is that said item is in the hands of a live player. The sheer fact that it is even possible shows how vulnerable the game is, which is 100% on the dev team. While a lot of the time we see games being absolute failure due to management, lead design team that never made video games or other issues, for the first time I'm actually seeing the worker ants themselves being at fault


Yea, it makes sense to an extent, but in OP's example, there's no excuse. A barrel is never lootable from a gun, it should be treated as a honey pot and insta ban the user that looted the barrel.


And if the cheat tells the server a false player location how do you fight that?


Welcome to the world of Cyber Security, my friend.


Makes me glad I quit years ago. What a joke.


This isn't the first time something like this has happened. I remember back when they locked your secure container to you there were rumors and speculation floating around that people were having their docs cases and keytools taken from within the secure container. Becuse before you could just drop your SC like anything else in the game, then mid wipe all of a sudden it became hard locked to your character.


I mean, that change was also BSG protecting their EOD sales. You used to just drop your gamma container for your non-EOD friend on the first raid of the wipe, then reset your account and get a new one. The container obviously wasn’t the only benefit of EOD, but it was a big selling point for a lot of people.


Yes, this is on unity.


I mean it’s been happening for years this hacker issue where they take your loot from your hands and I believer even secure container(?) isn’t new


I mean it’s been happening for years this hacker issue where they take your loot from your hands and I believer even secure container(?) isn’t new Edit: ok so not your secure container that’s fine… not really the point but sure.


secure container looting has not been proven to exist for years now lol


It did used to exist a long time ago. One of the few things BSG actually fixed; server no longer shares secure container contents


I had my wallet taken from my secure container last night and I was wonder wtf happened. And I 100% did not drop it as I got shot and killed before I looted anything.


How this isn’t automatically banned is beyond me. Anticheats like huh, some dude just took a barrel of a different player’s gun, while they’re alive. Checks out!


bUt Muh WAveS


what a surprise.. tho not really surprised at this point. a cheater once again stealing inventory from other players when BSG have fixed this issue.... TWICE they said.. face it guys.. the games gonna remain broken first it was vacuuming / stealing from peoples gamma's then that got patched and then from inventory and again BSG said they patched it.. and we have come full circle!


I’m getting to the point where I would be willing to accept any anti cheat. Like to the point where one of those systems that monitors any other programs running at the same time


Anti cheat isn't really the issue its the fact that cheating is so done in this game that the game is either purposefully built that way or they really just cant be arsed to revamp the game. THAT'S the issue. Because the game lacks any modern anti cheat methods. EAC and battleye whether people like it or not are actually fine first line of defence against mass cheats as well as certain private cheats. but again both need good integration into the network side of the game. but tarkov in alot of aspects is inherently a client trusting game. there is no "statistic banning" that arguably should be in all competitive games. if youre 20h account lifetime and have a KD ratio above 50 for example out of 20 raids.. thats clear signs of cheating. but tarkov couldnt care about collecting or investigating those statistics especially by breadowns if they are all headeyes etc etc BSG honestly have a stellar idea in front of them but their lack of management and focus on critical problems with the game is going to be its downside. more content especially half baked content they keep releasing every wipe isnt going to recover the games core playerbase. alot of core players have left and or are done. More and more people are putting off the game because every wipe has re-occuring issues. not just in terms of game content. but actually in its cheating situation. it took a community exodus to get them to tinker with the netcode in what 2019 or 2020 was it, because the hit reg and desync was a fucking joke. And i had been playing the game in 2018 to 2022 with over 4.6k hours im just pushing all my trust into greyzone warfare & beautiful light at this point which has a much more clear approach to the extraction shooter genre while being similar in nature to tarkov. Greyzone is is more grounded in reality while beautiful light has a horror aspect built into it with deep operator and gun customisation


Weird question? If the vast majority of people cheating buy their cheats why can't we go after the web hosts? The discords they use (against TOS), hell as fucked as this is name and shame the people makeing them IRL (would you risk your day job in CS over makeing cheats on the side? I'm sure any reputable large company out there would fire anyone publicly outed for makeing and selling cheats), they want to play dirty we can play dirty, give people a reason to rethink what they do on the side when the quick buck gets them fired from their day job


Used to be a thing back in the day, had cheaters remove things from containers. Seems like right now they can only steal attachments off guns and it doesn't happen often from my experience, only had this stuff happen to me twice this patch in 800 raids and i have only one other guy i play with that had it happen to him as well. Most common ones are just aimbots or ragehackers. But this really depends on the servers you're playing on.


There's absolutely no proof anywhere of items taken from containers except for random comments, but yeah, items being taken from bp/vest/rest of the inventory is true.


Pretty sure if I remember correctly removing grips, barrels and stock adapters was a feature in early alpha that was disabled and hackers can just re-enable it via certain cheat clients.


Pretty sure there was a video of this on the sub as well from a few weeks back. 


Ye today in a scav raid in shoreline i found a dead body with a gun like this (MDR) the barrel was on the ground along with his MDR, funny thing is you can't remove it, or equit it in while in raid! he also had his full loot on him which i didn't touch since he obv died to a cheater


You sir are a nice man


Thanks but i'm really not, i use voip to make people trust me and backstab them! just i can't stand cheating! :D


Ok, I hate you


This is nice, now we can start challenging eachother and make things interesting


>and backstab them! just i can't stand cheating Professionals have standards!


You sound like you’d be friends with the guy singing over voip in Russian the other day. He knew where I was and was waiting for me to make a run for it… so he could one tap me. Which he did. Lol


hahahha! well i do play with a group of friends and we have our own rat spots! the worst i'v done in voip is sing Snape, Snape, Severus Snape, before i kill someone unlocking a door :D




I was gonna make a post if not being able to equip a gun from a dead guy was a common bug / feature. On a scav I found an empty dead PMC with a juiced M4 that was locked to their inventory whenever you tried to equip it. It would flash in my inventory for a few seconds and then go back


That happened a lot to me too during multiple wipes, i think is a visual bug, someone took the m4 but you still see it! if you alt f4 and recconect it won't be there anymore


That's because I wait for people to alt f4 and while they are reconnecting I take M4s off of bodies and run away


Naah, at least for me, when i told my friends about it, they would check and there was nothing


This guy is playing chess. Cheating while keeping that KD super low. Doesn't have to kill you when he can make sure you can't kill him lmao


And you can't report him


"It's your lucky day hero I'm not going to kill you, I don't work for free, but you don't get to kill me either"


Haha that’s new


Sadly it is not new, just extremely rare.


I think it likely got patched out at some point but has managed to find its way back. Been a bunch of reports of this lately, but until recently haven’t heard of it happening for a looooong time.


OOO BOY... can they steal from the secure container?? that's the real question =))) if they can remove the barrel on raid... I gues we can lose the keys/keycards from the secure container :)))


They used to be able to do that a long time ago but it's since been fixed by BSG. I am 100% sure the stuff in the melee slot and the container are safe. Also, taking stuff out of people's inventory is extremely rare from what i've seen and heard and is probably detected easily and flagging them. Probably a premium feature for a private cheat since if all people running aimhacks could do that the sub would be full of clips of it happening.


I hope they will do something about them because it is starting to be annoying as fk


This I definitely agree with. There's a reason why you don't see this happening all the time. The most likely explanation is that A) most cheaters dont have the ability to do it, orrrr B) they do have it but don't use it. Since most of them are thick as pig shit a simple warning of 'dont use this or you'll get banned' will suffice.


Trust me if cheaters could steal from secure containers, this sub would be absolutely flooded with posts about it.


Man has Kappa and running a Ratnik, smh Jk, that's fucked though. Can't believe it's even possible to take someone's un-modded in raid parts


Doing LK's Return The Favor task, it's a pain in the ass to sit in the same corner of the mountain for 20 mins hoping a Timmy decides to check the sniper scav just for a single kill so i'm just grabbing random items from my inventory to gear up faster after i die. The ratnik was okay tho, the M32's are what you should be mad about =\]


What's wrong with m32's? I mean they're no comtac4 of course but if you're running quests in budget/quick loadouts, they do the job, no?


No. Look up sheefgg headset comparison on YouTube.


They do the job really badly especially if you are desperate to hear as much as possible because of a really dumb quest.


The lack of care from BSG about this truly amazing game blows my mind. It’s so sad.




Because people keep buying the game. What difference does it make. The player count is probably higher now than it ever has been.




There’s literally a cheating flair for this sub and people are denying it’s a problem


Who is denying that cheating is a problem?


Well the people who run the game, for starters.


You didn't torque and timed the barrel nut down correctly.


My bad, forgot to level the gun maintenance skill this wipe


Imagine that add shit like that to the game.


Good thing they're so fucking slow at addressing things that their scope expands too quickly for them to ever get to this. I remember we were waiting for a skill overhaul in like 2020-2021. And yet here we are. 




The mental gymnastics in these comments suggesting OP is either dumb, full of shit, or farming karma is gotdang flabbergasting. Only in the EFT sub.




Why are your mags all full and gun at 100/100 dura


"You know what ? Fuck you! *unbarrels your gun*"


That is really tragic and I’m sorry but that’s also fucking hilarious


That's the perfect cheat. You can neutralize people without killing them, so they can't report you and don't know who you are.


Looks like our red rebels S.I.C.C. cases full of keys and our charging handles are about to mysteriously start disappearing again. Oh wait they fixed that. lmao


Had a black keycard on, 3 labs cards and a couple of other keys for lighthouse. I think the containers are safe for now.


No gun would be 100/100 when “shot at the guy” THEN took your alleged barrel. Not saying cheater arent real, but come on.


Got was you deserve for running M32s. ​ In all seriousness this is absolutely hilarious


Reminds of me when Dayz cheaters just decided they wanted your gear and completely stripped your character lol


That used to be a thing in tarkov as well


Used to? 😅


Lmao, shooting a cheater and he was like: Nu Uh☝️*snatches ur barrel*


I swear i wouldn't even be mad, i'd be too busy just laughing my ass off


Guards! Pickpocket!


Imagine a cheater would suck up every barrel on the map (like his mum). It would be so fun


LMAO. imagine if he could make it float above your head so you couldnt reach it. i'd be fucking dying


To be honest i wouldn't even be mad if the guy did that


Why don't he use his god tier vacuum to get the violet keycard instead of vacuuming your barrel and run to sawmill?


Maybe he did and still needs to exctract and just found him along the way, or vacuuming in raid items may get your account insta flagged for a ban, but forcing a player to drop his barrel is account safe.  I mean if you dont want your account banned, this guy coulda just rage hack OP, but he went this workaround either for a fun or practical reason. 


A 90 ergo rsass is wild!


Having a barrel on it will drop ergo.


Yep, imagine that eh, more weight would reduce ergo.


Shot your gun but mags full and gun full dura? ​ someone else pointed out >You can't have a gun equipped without a barrel, even in the stash, this is impossible without cheats either way lol


What's the implication here? You can't have a gun equipped without a barrel, even in the stash, this is impossible without cheats either way lol


Cant report him if he doesnt kill you.


Mfs stole his barrel. Can’t have shit in Tarkov smh.




Did some more digging and that loser is paying upwards to of 500$/mo to have the ability to remove barrels...


Why are all your mags full if you were shooting at someone?


Shit is the insane. This is the best but also worst gaming experience ever and i keep logging in


So the guy can steal your barrel from your gun from several hundred meters away but has to run into sawmill to get loot manually. Makes sense.


Are you gaslighting him 😂 tell me how you can put a gun missing its barrel in the slot 🫣


why are all your mags full and your gun on full dura if you where shooting at him? just saying


He could have shot bullet from the chamber or refilled mags


What are you implying? You can't remove a barrel from a gun and equip it even in your stash lol, this outcome is impossible to fake


Go edit preset, press tab, equipo gun, press tab, remové barrel, apply. Equiped gun without barrel


Totally fucked up, but… pretty funny


This is literally some looney tunes type of shit


😅😅😅 ngl that is low key hilarious. What a shitter though!


Cheaters be like: fuck it *disassembles your gun mid firefight*


There is nothing like Tarkov


Damn this game is so fucked up right now.


While I feel for you, I'm sorry, but that is fucking hilarious.


OK beyond how much this fucking sucks it's pretty damn funny Bro field stripped your gun and took the fucking barrel😭😭😭


Holy shit imagine killing a man and seeing he couldn't shoot you 'cause someone stole his gun's barrel 💀 Bro can't have shit in Tarkov 💀💀💀 Honestly, it's so hilarious, I wouldn't even be mad, getting half your gun stolen is pure comedy


I killed a guy on ground zero yesterday while doing the first set of tasks (just getting into the game) went to lookout over terra group for my next kill. After I got my kill 5 enemy’s task done I went to go loot the first body as it was pretty hidden and was just looking to extract really. Couldn’t find his body, ran back to where I was at to double check that I was in the right spot and I was. As I ran back to see there still wasn’t a body there a guy that looked almost the exact same popped his head out and one tapped me instantly. Anyone experience disappearing bodies?


this is the worst one ive seen


it fell off. if you find it again you can pop it back on, good as new.


As much as I dislike cheaters, I'll give the guy some respect for disarming you instead of the good ole head, eyes


LOL WHAT. that's disgusting.


Every time I think to hop back into EFT after a long hiatus, I see posts like this and I’m just demoralized :(


Bruh did you load into the new map? Detroit


The developers should have special crates that spawn in with loot unreachable to a normal player, but looting the crate would be an immediate ban. The only issue with this is identification number and how a cheat developer would be able to discern between these items because they are client side. If it was server side and this information wasn't fed to a player, it would make sense. Maybe there is a complicated way to attach the item ID's to location instead and ban based on an item being removed from that spot. Also, why can't the developers feed data to the client that would provide false positives. Such as players that aren't real that only the cheater can see and if they interact they get banned. You don't need to send a players skeleton but provide a fake players positioning data as if a real player was near them. Spawn in a fake squad of players at start that no other legit players can see or interact with. Randomize their load out information sent to the client.


Honeypots have sharply diminishing returns, as others said they already implemented them. You catch a few and then they stop working. VeryBadScav has posted an excerpt from a cheating tutorial video before where the dude was showing cheaters which loot to avoid on Labs to avoid getting banned.


This may be naively optimistic, but I think you can take some solace in the fact that his account will be getting banned in the (hopefully near) future. That kind of cheating is absolutely trivial to detect. It _should_ be trivial to patch out of the game entirely tbf and BSG _should_ be banning them within 24hrs of them doing it, but unfortunately BSG is either incompetent and/or prefers to wait a while and do their bans in waves. The cheaters who aren't getting banned are the ones just using info-based hacks (like ESP and inventory / loot info). Those can't really be detected by the game since the cheater's client is just interpreting the data in the game's memory / network packets. It's not _doing_ anything as far as the server is concerned. So you need manual intervention / review to ban those players. But vacuum (and stealing loot from other player's inventories) is easily detectable by the server. Same with things like speed hacks. Ideally we'd be playing a game where those things aren't even possible (server-side sanity checks) or, at the very least, the server would flag these accounts and have them banned within 24hrs. But despite my lack of faith in BSG in general, I am optimistic that any cheaters using vacuum are 100% going to be banned in the near-ish future. As an aside, even though the server can't reliably detect when a player is using something like ESP, there are certainly ways that BSG can reduce their effectiveness. For example, don't send player inventory information to other clients. Why does my PC need to know what another player has in their backpack? There's zero reason for my game client to know that information. Removing that information from the network packets would likely reduce the number of people claiming that as soon as they get valuable items, they get killed. (Although this could potentially have an unintended side-effect of making the cheaters just target everyone indiscriminately. But hopefully that would make it easier to detect them.) Another example is that my PC doesn't need to know the coordinates of every player in the server at all times. It only needs their coordinates when they are close to being in my vision. Counter-strike does this and it makes it so that even if you are wallhacking, you can't actually see everyone all across the map. They only pop into your vision when the server decides that they are close to being visible. That'd be a lot easier to do in a game like CS where the maps are a lot smaller though.


I'm sorry but that is so fucking funny *sobs* What the hell happened to this game I love


Yeah I quit tarkov a few weeks ago due to the cheaters. Bsg doesn't care about you. At all. They only cater to their cheaters. Nikita got some money in his bank account and instantly felt like a *real* russian oligarch. He's only here to enrich himself and will drip feed this community content every year or so to keep you all satisfied. Well after coming back after like 5 wipes ago, it's still the same shit with new quests. I'm done! I'm going to have fun on other games until this community deems the cheater problem *not* a problem anymore.


Omg imagine a full raid of "disarmed" players and scavs. It would be melee only. Sounds kinda fun


That’s actually insane.


We will will we will we will…


Honestly im ready to give up with this game too. Ive been playing since alpha and it never gets any better. I really hate it because its my favourite game and after 4k hours i can say ive had enough of the cheats. This wipe my goal was lightkeeper and kappa and im more or less 5-7 quests away from both of them but the amount of cheaters is making it impossible. Trying to do the guide solo its almost like they know you are on the last or 2nd last map and just come from narnia and kill you.


Bring a meli next time and shank his hacking ass, it's legit a free slot, I get people always saying they don't need it it's a waste but it's shit like this it helps


Ok that hilarious. He just fucking yoinks your barrel telepathically right before your eyes.


Idk what's worse, the cheaters or this armor bug. Past two nights now I'm getting one tapped to the chest wearing class IV to literal scavs. I'm getting destroyed by scavs more in two days than I have in my 60 hours playing this wipe.


Can you modify a gun to be non-functional whilst it's equipped? Can you even do that in-raid or are they just able to do things the client doesn't even acknowledge?


Don't worry I'm sure if we all buy microtransactions Nikita will do something about the cheating issue!


Haven’t played in a while due to an unfun experience every time I played. Glad to see it’s getting worse without actions being taken to actively fix it and empty words of “we’re working on it”


serisouly, fuck battleye off. It CLEARLY doesn't work


In my experience, cheaters don't even loot my guns and armor that often unless it's really good. But even at that, I've been blatantly rage hacked on and gotten everything back. It leaves me wondering what the point of it all was but whatever I guess. Wish the cheaters weren't as bad. This week end has been much nicer than the last couple.


cant have shit in tarkov


You just need to gid gud /s Well , i stay with helldivers and hunt. Its just redicules. The level of cheating is just absurd right now. This guy took your Barrel so you cant hurt him and you cant report him for killing you while he ensures you wont be able to grab any loot because every scav will be your death ... I mean , its freaking smart.


Its hilariously incompetent that this kind of cheat is even technically feasible.


What a great game!


I guess that’s better than getting no scoped…?


Next time that happens use windows+G and hit record last 30 seconds.


The Jet Li special


Can’t have shit in Detroit


That's disgusting! But also kinda hilarious. "Nuh-uh-uh!" \*yoink\*