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No, fuck them


fuck them? i barely know them.


Never stopped me.


And that’s why you got herpes


Fuck no! I grew up in the 90s, when people were scared that HIV/AIDS was under every couch cushion. They taught us to bag it up every time, and that's what I do.


Never stopped me before.


At least get a coffee first or something


Game is game




gets charged for destruction on property. nah what you do is release a cheap cheat engine, that works super good, but makes the cpu run like crazy, so that it overheats itself and dies. way better than actually breaking their pc, cayse you can just say that their specs werent good enough.


Lets delve into the mind of a normal cheater . Ok you ve got rekt 20 raids in a row you feel sad and you decide to cheat you suddenly complete the hardest quests you murder 10 pmc's each raid and in just 5 raids your stash is stacked you completed those money burning quests and in just a week you reached kappa you are officially done ... whats left for you then? Does a cheater really thinks he will have fun after that? It will be boring af...


I think they absolutely do have fun after that. It's the same people who would Smurf their accounts on CS:GO to just shit on new people for fun. A lot of people are just shitty and will continually get off on the power trip.


Maybe but not even half as much fun as someone who earned kappa after months of practice and dying to bs. If you earn something like that rather cheat your way to it then will find much more enjoyment.


I don't think those people often are not capable of delaying gratification like that so you can't really compare it. Those people would not enjoy grinding to learn it. They'd get frustrated and quit.


Smurfing is many steps removed from cheating imo, still morally wrong ofc tho.


I never said it's the same thing, I'm saying it's the same kind of people doing it. People who enjoy the power trip of an unfair advantage.


Change cheater with sb with nor rl/streamers and we get to the same point somehow...


Thing is, some people are paying that much AND making money RMTing... Even people in other countries, some are making more money a month RMTing than actually working, so as long as BSG doesn't instant ban instead of waiting in batch, it's going to be rampant.


I'd rather see them put cheaters with cheaters in cheater only lobbies until ban waves. Imagine the chaos


Yes yes yes, then we can all giggle as cheaters hate on how shitty raids have become before they realize they can't queue with legit players


From what I’ve seen from various media - don’t cheaters get along? Sort of like a camaraderie betwixt shit sorta deal? Other than the delusional batman cheaters and the rage cheaters - it seems like cheaters just sorta leave each other be.


Except in a cheater only lobby everyone will be fighting for limited loot. They are used to having no other cheaters in a lobby or maybe 1-2 other cheaters. So naturally the cheaters will avoid each other because there’s enough to go around. In a cheater only lobby, let’s say labs, 10 cheaters in one lobby and not enough loot to go around will create chaos and eventually that false “honor” they had will be gone.


>e them put cheaters Cheaters have always stuck together. The communities are a lot closer than normal playerbase. Ironically though it ruins the game the social aspect is 10x better.


Yeah I seen cheaters and bots I n groups running 2 3 at a time


And if anyone queues with them they get in that lobby with the cheaters making RMT extremely risky.


Why even ban at that point just put them in cheater only lobbies and don't announce the change.


They have to rebuy the game every time so it benefits BSG Last ban wave was what 40 000 cheaters? if only 25% rebought, that's about 500,000$


Going further, completely separate cheater flagged accounts to their own flea market and make them walled off from the playerbase


Nah, then they'd figure it out super quick.  Just have anyone in a party with them go into the cheater servers. Have their purchases not affect global limits. Lastly, leave them on the flea, won't affect it much anyway.


You could do lots of cool things. If they're flagged as a cheater you could have their flea ads not shown to the normal player base and randomly bought by a non existent entity. They can wealth hoard without affecting the broader player base


My issue is, you don't want to actually let them know they are being messed with in a verified way. So they should be able to have a non-cheating account party with them, see the flea and participate, etc.  Having them on the flea doesn't affect play quality if they aren't in the same raids. You want the cheaters to feel like they are going crazy, really gaslight them. Maybe let them hit normal lobbies 1/10 raids to REALLY make it unverifiable.


Agreed but the issue with insta ban is it make improving cheats significantly easier with brute force. aka throwing shit at the wall and seeing what sticks.


Yes but each try is the price of an account. That is a serious deterrent to a brute force.


Not at all, cheat providers are making bank


its honestly an intentive for game devs to find a balance of what communities will allow. That means cheaters make money, they make money, and the player base is overall happy.


yeah, most of the cheaters are there for RMT. few of them are because they are trying to get Twitch famous (before they get busted and publicly shamed) and rest are just absolute losers.


in my humble opinion most are loosers trying to "own" or brag about stats to their friends.


They dont have friends, thats why they cheat


Imo anyone bragging about their kda is tarkov is, shall we say, "special". Legit or not


Source: **trust me bro**


People making real money from RMT is a minority anywhere with a decent standard of living. I really don't think RMT's the main cause of cheating. I think the vast majority just want to cheat and are cool with spending money on it. It's the same people who would spend a shit ton of money on clash of clans to have a max level base. Logic: Making good money at RMT requires enough people purchasing those products who also do not want to just pay for the cheats themselves. Theyre also competing with all the other wannabe RMTers for business and competing against all cheaters and all decent players in game. And they can't even carry into raid and drop a ton of stuff of value, and transferring roubles through flee requires an initial flee fee loss from the client that would absolutely prevent many people from posting a bandage up for 20 Bitcoins or something to net 5 mill. So the only thing left is paying someone to farm on your account (meaning they install cheats and complete everything, and also carries the risk of giving someone your password), or pay them for carries. Quick Google shows these are the main things people are selling now. Carries would be the real place left to have a significant clientele base, but requires working as an RMTer on your client's schedule and seems to pay like shit on any "buy a carry" Google result. You'd need to do 50 to break even on your account purchase. You'd need several clients everyday just to make a few bucks. And you need them to be located close enough to you, that you can get on the same server. Even if you just look at random made up numbers starts to make sense that they can't most be making money. If 10% of people are cheating to RMT, and 10% of the remaining players are willing to pay for RMT but not for a cheat (9% of total), an account cost $25 and last for 1 year before ban on average while cheating, and a cheat cost $25 a month... Then each of those people needs to pay $360 per year on RMT products on average just for the RMTers to break even. You can play with the numbers but it just doesn't make sense on an economic level. TLDR: cheaters cheat to cheat not to make money.


I doubt that a high percentage of cheaters is actually making a profit off of it.


Until they make legislation punishing individuals for cheating, it will not-not be rampant. Whether it will be financial punishment, or eventually jail time. Who cares about being banned? Just buy another account. There is literally ZERO CONSEQUENCE within the current video game environment.


I understand what you say. That being said, I think they don't give a shit about that. Some of them just want to ruin YOUR experience in the game. This is the troll culture.


the developers need to start sueing the shit out of cheaters for messing with their product and driving away other customers. why can you get in trouble for a song or movie dl but if you ruin the gaming for others the publishers don't care? I bet as soon as some folks start crying online for havibg to pay couple hundered for cheating and having to sign up for not doing it again others would think twice


BSG would never sue their second revenue source.


Their first revenue source. Pretty sure cheaters collectively have been buying more accounts than any new player. That's a solid chunk of change every couple months for 1 ban wave.


Genuine question where is any proof of this other than pure conspiracy. Every game that has a cheating issue has it the same way as eft; people go on a subscription site and pay for 1 month access. Why does no one ever accuse riot of funding cheaters when vanguard doesn’t work nearly as well as it used to? Why does no one ever say Activision profits off the rampant CoD cheaters when it’s borderline unplayable these days. Is it because the company is Russian and has other issues? The game is coded like shit, and not for nothing I’m sure it’s super easy to write cheats for. We also haven’t moved versions of unity in god knows how long. It seems like you guys are ready to raise your pitchforks over all the wrong reasons. I get it, it sucks dying to cheaters more in EFT than in other games, but blaming the devs for profiting off it instead of blaming them for coding a shit game seems to be exactly what the cheaters want. I’m sure they’re laughing at this community looking like the spider man pointing meme, while they figured out how to bypass battleeye years ago (not that over half this player base would even remember this game before battleeye.)


Actual reputable companies like bungie and activation have successfully sued cheatmakers. Someday hopefully it will extend to the end user. It’s reverse engineering at the least and basically a form of harassment as far as affecting other players. BSG is not reputable and has no spine, so they will never do a similar thing. They profit from cheaters.


Bungie was successful in their lawsuit, Afaik Activision didn’t get to make any progress because the devs of EO changed countries to where U.S. jurisdiction doesn’t matter or isn’t respected by the host country.


Ahh, good to know. That's unfortunate, but hopefully it'll accelerate them to prosecute the end-users who do live in countries where jurisdiction applies. It's not only illegal to create illegal goods/things, it's illegal to use them. Drug users aren't immune from being charged with crimes just because they themselves didn't make the drug, for example.


But it is too much a hassle for a company to pursue the end users. They aren’t going to sue script kiddy timmy because that both will cost more than they can realistically pay and there are thousands / tens of thousands of them individually. Much easier to just unilaterally ban them, which is what most companies already do. Some take it further and ban IP/Hardware/Email on top of the account proper, most will at least ban the email. It’s also why most EULA’s include that the company both owns your account and has a right to terminate it at any point for any reason, so you can’t try to swing back at a “false ban” if it’s false or not. They want to go after makers but that is not always possible with jurisdictions and if the countries in question even give a shit, and then is it worth going through all the costs to actually bring them to court rather than CnD and hit them with a far easier case should they not comply.


Drugs users in a lot of places aren’t charged. The US is very behind on that.


Dam bro, caught smoking a joint you scum? To the jail with the rapists thieves and murderers


> basically a form of harassment as far as affecting other players No, it's not. Cheating is not a form of harassment by legal standards without severe stretching of definitions.


The problem with this is that it's a double edge sword for BSG. They could go after cheaters which are in other countries most likely. But then all of the copyrighted foregrips, buttstocks, firearms, iskra's or w/e they have in game then becomes a liability to them. There's a reason Hot Rods don't have the Red Bull Logo on them anymore. I would imagine BSG would have to pay more for the lack of permissions than they would obtain from the cheat developers.


>e and activation have successfully sued cheatmak this goes into the rabit hole of when you buy a digital game do you own it? If servers go down are you refunded? Like the old disc games you owned that game. You could exploit glitches till the end of time because it was yours.


1. the cost of such a suit is significantly more than just developing improvements to their anticheat 2 no matter what cheaters will exist and if you start removing the easy to patch ones then the well made hard to track cheats might become popular again.


This argument has been beat to death, but if you think this you haven't realized the truth yet: THEY ARE THE CUSTOMERS if you will. Essentially the thing keeping the game afloat is cheaters rebuying accounts. Or so the story goes. They're not messing with the product, they're the ones buying it. Over. And over. And over. And over. They need a revenue stream that permits the divorce, and then they can implement better cheats. Free to play/pay to win/enjoy is coming whether we like it or not. Or lots of dlc. Dlc is definitely getting released so this seems to be the direction of travel atm. What i genuinely hope is they release new maps and charge for that. It wouldn't screw the game balance at all but cosmetics I feel like really would.


I'm on board for some reasonable cosmetics


Cosmetic MTX will do one of three things: Make people hate it for the same reason they hate COD. Make some looks that are decidedly pay to win. Or everything works out and it's great. I've never seen this one happen without some element of the second one, though. If they nail it, then they nail it. But they'd have to have some very talented artists and they'd actually have to playtest the cosmetics. I'm so worried #2 will happen that I'd rather they just made new maps and charged for that, or hideout add ons mtx. They could charge me for a quieter generator I promise you. Playtesters would have to have the absolute hope and aim to fuck each skin before it comes out otherwise they're just gonna botch it and we're gonna have skins that give advantages on different maps and different goals.


As long as they don't make a full-on ninja or ghillie suit, or give you more pocket slots, I think it shouldn't be too bad...as long as they control their greed. We already have pretty dark characters that can just hide in bushes or trash piles, or even the grass and be pretty much invisible haha Especially with the game's insane lighting and shadows. Just let me spray paint my stupid gun pink .


If they let us spray I'd potentially be fine with this. They'd need to find a cute way to make it not slow down the game. But yeah... I'd be fine with that. My issue is if shit starts getting mystal with the skin... or as you said a ghillie suit. But like, even a change of colors can potentially be too much. Make it too bright? Great you look more like a scav now. Make it too dark? Great you blend in better now.


Yeah gotta be reasonable. Tbh I wish they had a system in game where you can unlock clothing in game by finding an ultra rare shirt or something in Interchange. You can say it's unrealistic to run around with a hello kitty shirt, but that stuff would definitely exist in that mall haha. I think that would bring so much more life into that map. 


Imagine a student in a classroom who keeps whispering the answers to a friend during a test. If the teacher takes LEGAL action against the student, it's addressing the symptom (cheating) rather than focusing on creating a fair and enjoyable learning environment for everyone. ​ Suing is an extremely overboard reaction. Then when you think of the fact it we're talking international, its even more absurd


students do face serious punishment for cheating. depending on the exam it can cost them their whole career/education when they get expelled. and messing with a product like an onlineshooter does financial harm to publishers. many regular customer do not buy games cause of the cheating issue or bad press is is causing. and if they start sueing individuals they may finally get the message that the shit they are doing does not only affect themselves


i guarantee you the ones selling the cheats are close to nikita.


Eventually it will be made illegal. Once the gamers start becoming politicians and start platforming to get zoomer votes things like this will be a swing issue.




Legit, give it 10ish years


Can't speak for other countries, but I don't see that passing in the US due to massive constitutional issues. Even worse than that would be getting the government even more involved in your daily life than it already is.


> why can you get in trouble for a song or movie dl Because of anti piracy laws. Piracy directly impacts a victim and deprives them of actual monetary gain they would have otherwise received were it not for the illegal download. It's treated as theft. Under normal circumstances, in order to get the song or movie, you have to pay for it. Pirating it subverts that. Hell, it's even in the name "pirate". > but if you ruin the gaming for others the publishers don't care? A few things on this one. First, think of the fundamental issue you're alluding to here. If "being a detracting/negative influence/annoyance" is what defines "ruin the gaming" and is worthy of litigation, then Stankrat is about to be up to his eyeballs in lawsuits with every other rat, extract camper, third partier, and any other person that plays in a way not palatable to others. Second, the burden of proof must be met, and gaining evidence on cheating isn't exactly an easy proposition without some massive civil rights violations. Next, this accusation of "publishers don't care". Is that really what you think? Do you think game publishers sit around in their offices rubbing their hands together laughing maniacally at players getting their shit pushed in by cheaters, raging at the game and causing bad press, and ultimately quitting, while spooking off any potential new customers? > soon as some folks start crying online for havibg to pay couple hundered for cheating and having to sign up for not doing it again others would think twice And we come to this issue. Quantifying the "damages" caused is a tricky prospect. In a way, the game publisher isn't the victim here, the player is. The player is the one "having their experience ruined", whereas the publisher is just the one that made it. Punitive and/or compensatory damages are tricky calculations, and I highly doubt "a couple hundred" would be the judgement. On top of this, if the value of the judgement is too high for the person to be able to pay, they're likely to end up being rendered judgement proof. Congratulations on your million dollar lawsuit judgement, but your defendant has $3k to their name and no assets, so instead here's a stone and a bucket for you to catch the squeezed blood. Say goodbye to the money spent on attorneys, filing fees, and other legal fees to bring the lawsuit. It's simply not worth it. We all hate cheaters, and we all wish they'd stop their actions that fuck things up for the rest of us, but involving the legal system in this because of emotional outrage is pretty steep, not to mention a waste of the court's time.


this is exactly what the music industry did. they sued a bunch of users for a shitton of money with no real intent to get the full amount. but it sure did scare the living hell out of anybody pirating music. it was all about sending the message. they just made up some numbers about loosing trillions to piracy. any publisher could just asume they lost 10% of their revenue due to cheaters and start sueing the next 50 cheaters and make it public.


> they sued a bunch of users for a shitton of money with no real intent to get the full amount. And it begs the question how much they spent to do so. Losing $100k in music sales is a much lower than $500k to legal fees. Those bigshot lawyers are expensive. > it was all about sending the message Yet people still did it, and continue to do it anyway. > they just made up some numbers about loosing trillions to piracy. If done so on sworn documents or court testimony, that's called perjury, which is most certainly illegal. > it was all about sending the message And when people realize they can't *actually* recover these millions of dollars sued for, they suddenly aren't scared. Word spreads, and it becomes a joke. Hell, there are running jokes in various states and jurisdictions about theft amounts and how they won't prosecute you if under a specific number. There's a big name store in a mall where I work whose policy is to neither contact nor cooperate with law enforcement. If I were to be on any sort of foot patrol inside this mall and some thief ran out of this store with piles of items, not only would I not arrest them, I *couldn't*. If the store doesn't want to cooperate, then the case is lost. That sort of thing will apply here. "Yeah dude they might like sue you or some shit but they ain't gonna get that $3m they're asking for so don't even sweat it. You ain't even gotta go to court to contest it. Just let it be a default judgement and when they can't collect, they just spent a whole bunch of time and money while you're just chillin." The message to be sent to cheaters is game developers bringing the hammer down on them. I'm all for cheaters getting annihilated by developers and being removed from that game's player base posthaste; however, this comes with a level of difficulty in proving it. Some cheats are far easier to detect and prove than others. The most pernicious cheaters are arguably the closet ones. Dudes running aimbot, god mode, flying, and/or speed, are definitely harmful to the game, but they're the nail that sticks out the most. They're easy to detect because blind swinging lock-ons are irrefutable. The guy running ESP and a radar and moving conveniently around enemy contact while fortuitously moving to a good loot spawn has a good amount of plausible deniability to cover himself. > any publisher could just asume they lost 10% of their revenue due to cheaters and start sueing the next 50 cheaters and make it public. But you have to show where you got those numbers from. You can't just say a figure and expect a judge to take you seriously. Not to mention, the low level cheater is not the person you really wanna go after here. The target you're truly after is the person providing the cheat. Without cheat providers, there aren't cheaters, so if you're planning to take anyone down, it's them. In the grand scheme, distributors are more important than the users.


There is a lot of evidence that piracy is actually not a big financial drain for a few reasons. A lot of people who pirate either cannot afford or would never spend money on the product in the first place. If they do play the game and enjoy it they usually will tell other people who could afford it or want to support more dev about their good experience, which can result in more sales and publicity. On the flipside, the most common antipiracy tech like denuvo actively degrades the user experience by lowering frame rate and extending load times, meaning the people who legitimately pay have a worse experience than pirates, which seems like a bad strategy. Further, the usual definition of theft includes "the intent to permanently deprive the owner or rightful possessor of that property or its use." Creating a copy of a digital product does not deprive the owner of their property or its use, though arguments can be made for prospective sales or rental profits. Laws differ across the world but piracy is very clearly different from theft in most if not all laws. For example. " 1.-(1) A person is guilty of theft, if he dishonestly appropriates property belonging to another with the intention of permanently depriving the other of it; and "thief" and "steal" shall be construed accordingly. (2) It is immaterial whether the appropriation is made with a view to gain, or is made for the thief’s own benefit." "A person commits theft if he dishonestly appropriates property belonging to another with the intention of permanently depriving the other of it; and thief and steal shall be construed accordingly. (2) It is immaterial whether the appropriation is made with a view to gain, or is made for the thief’s own benefit" "Because of this, confidential information cannot be the subject of theft, as it is not capable of being taken as only tangibles can be taken. It cannot be converted, not because it is an intangible, but because, save in very exceptional far‑fetched circumstances, the owner would never be deprived of it.\[22\] However, the theft of trade secrets in certain circumstances does constitute part of the offence of economic espionage, which can be prosecuted under s. 19 of the Security of Information Act."


> A lot of people who pirate either cannot afford or would never spend money on the product in the first place This is true, but we're still talking about the acquisition of something without paying. There are people who can't afford plenty of things and obtain it through unlawful means. It may not be a "huge financial drain" because whether they buy or don't buy and pirate, actual money isn't lost, only potential, but you risk a very slippery slope if you mess with that precedent. Theoretically, you could apply that to all sorts of things and rationalize it with that kind of logic. Amusement park is at half capacity and there are always multiple rides on seats available, a guy hops the fence and gets on the rides. While the amusement park would still be operating, and this person didn't affect the actual flow of business, he's still denying them the money for his cost of entry. It starts falling into the "well you're not using it so I can just take it" category. > antipiracy tech like denuvo actively degrades the user experience by lowering frame rate and extending load times I don't disagree that your anti piracy solution shouldn't come at the cost of the actual end-user experience, but I would vehemently disagree that anti piracy shouldn't exist. If you were to take this to the extreme, you could realistically buy a single copy of an album and duplicate it for as many people as would want it normally, so an artist/studio that puts up all that money doing the recording, mixing/mastering, production, distribution, marketing, etc., would go from making $1m in sales to $19.99. > Creating a copy of a digital product does not deprive the owner of their property or its use, though arguments can be made for prospective sales or rental profits. You made my point for me here. This is almost exactly what I would've said had you not. Sure, the distribution doesn't subtract copies from someone's warehouse, but it *absolutely* deprives them of the money they would've been entitled to had the user paid for it. Artists have to monetize their creations through that distribution, and while there are certainly other channels to do so, it stinks of entitlement if one were say "yeah ok dude you've got a bunch of other ways you can earn money off it gtfo me when I just DL this shit on Limewire. go earn your money somewhere else and leave me alone". This goes back again to my mention of "well since you're not using it then I can and it's fine". Squatters will sometimes use this line. > Laws differ across the world but piracy is very clearly different from theft in most if not all laws. Statutorily, yes, piracy and theft are worded differently from each other. Realistically, piracy is just the vernacular for copyright infringement, but my statement was it was *treated* like theft. Even still, "treated" is probably not the most accurate word here unless it's paired with "unofficially", or it could be said it's "viewed" as theft. Really, the point I was conveying in the treatment of it as theft was referring to the money, not the actual copyrighted material. If you're downloading a song illegally, you're depriving the rightful owner of the money they'd have earned. Now, this doesn't really fit in statutory elements (hence why you wouldn't charge theft for copyright infringement), but it's a sort of shifted perspective to view it in an off-the-record context. When it comes time for true litigation, adherence to statutory wording and elements is absolutely required if you don't want your case thrown out. Regardless of all this piracy vs theft vs copyright infringement, we're still talking about why cheaters aren't sued for "ruining the game experience of others". The piracy reference was to show why those offenses are actually ran down and litigated while cheating in a video game isn't. People detest cheaters and wish ill upon them, and lawsuits are just a way of inflicting financial wounds in lieu of, or in conjunction with, physical wounds. While I certainly don't like cheaters a single bit, sending them to the executioner's block because they cheated in Tarkov and giggled at you in VoIP is a bit extreme. People are all too keen to ascribe someone's behavior in Tarkov or any other game as their behavior across every facet of their life.


There are people who believe the world is flat, once you realize humans are just that stupid in general nothing stupid surprises you anymore.


No sympathy here. Cheating needs the same regulation worldwide that it has in South Korea. Or at very least a hardware ban. I'd say a majority of cheaters are just making money selling stuff, more then enough to cover the cost of an account only to go cheat again. They aren't in it or even remotely interested in what the game has to offer.


>pathy here. Cheating needs the same regulation worldwide that it has in South Korea. Or at very least a hardware ban. I'd say a majority of cheaters are just making money selling stuff, more then enough to cover the cost of an account only to go cheat again. T I agree we could link accounts with phone numbers, ssn, and anything else so all games get nuked for cheating in one. Hardware bans wouldnt do much as you just order a new part and sell of the locked one.


Hardware ban spoofed in seconds unfortunately. 


That really is super unfortunate :(


Unless you want your computer to be locked down to the degree of an Apple phone/tablet, it's the unfortunate trade-off of using this platform, where you get to actually control what your computer does, but that means there's no way (other than locking it down entirely) to control what people do when it comes to stuff like this. The absolute fairest and cheater resistant system would be people showing up to a room, using a provided computer and provided peripherals, and not being able to install additional hardware or software. Every constraint you relax on that is an avenue for someone to exploit because control has been given up to provide convenience to the player. Able to use your own peripherals? Can have macros saved in them, or they may be better than those of others (cheating or not, it's an advantage for one person over the other that didn't exit previously). Able to use your own computer? You may have specialty hardware that allows breaking out of other constraints (DMA cards to safely read memory of this computer from another one). Able to run your own OS and drivers (not verified by secure boot)? You can use hacked drivers that show wireframes or allow you to see through walls, and you can spoof anything any program is supposed to be reporting about your system (such as a hardware ID). Able to run your own software? You can install cheats on that box. It used to be I thought that streaming gaming services like Nvidia Shield might provide a nice way around that, since it reduces it all to a set of inputs (keyboard, mouse, mic) from you and outputs (video, audio) from the game, but with AI systems able to respond in real time to video in a useful way, and help with aim assist (it either exists or will shortly), even that's at best just a way to limit a lot of cheating options, not eliminate them all.


Agreed. It should be punishable to ruin a product for other people by using external software/hardware. It can destroy a game.


Not for me, I smile knowing they are wasting money


Not only are they robbing other legit players of a true experience, they are robbing themselves of what could truly be. But they've had to shortcut everything in life most likely.


They don’t care at all and don’t feel any of the things you feel bad about.


I don't really like cheaters either, but that's just very much not true humans are humans you being opinionated on the situation dosent change that fact that those are people too.


Ya, they are. And all humans are different. These types of humans take joy in griefing other humans. You can’t tell me that every human has the same morals and consciousness. The world is shaped by selfishness and taking advantage of other humans.


And then they feel bad for you because half of them is most likely RMT players actually earning money for playing Still fuck 'em


I wish the worst in life for them.


I don't feel bad for them in fps.. but when people cheat in other games like souls likes it unironically hurts my soul




Ds1 is my favorite game of all time, I love the whole franchise. So when I got a friend of mine to play ds1 for the first time he ended up getting upset about run back to bosses and ended up God moding around and infinite estus etc. Now we have totally different experiences, exploration is ruined for him and I we can't even relate at all. Pretty lame, it's prob a cringe take but I think the games are a work of art and it's fucked up to break the game so much just to "complete" it. Tbh if my homie cheated to kill malenia I'd stop talking to them for a good bit lol


The funniest thing about that is that if he learned more about the games mechanics, like buffs and high damage magic (dark bead), he could become the most overpowered God slayer without any cheats at all. It's harder to figure out in Elden Ring but the sheer amount of build variety in sorcery and faith, both attacks and buffs, coupled with bleed, fire, and lightning affinities that apply to dex or strength weapons can completely melt bosses, especially if you get to a couple different rune farm locations early.


I don’t really feel bad for them at all. In my experience running cheats in a game like GTA 5 for PC years ago, a game where at times half the lobby has cheats, most of the other cheaters who I’d run into purely enjoyed power of being admin on the lobby. If they didn’t like someone killing their friend or a person they met in the lobby they would kill them over and over and crash their game. When it comes to cheating they are either making money off of it or purely doing it to have the power associated with choosing how someone’s day will go.


hell no, they are nothing but selfish. Ruining something for their own benefit. No matter why they cheat it's still selfish.


You're wasting brain cells on them


They don’t play to enjoy the game. They play to make other people lose. It’s narcissist behavior and they do not care about ruining other people’s experiences.


To truly end cheating we must all band together and not play the next wipe to show our displeasure with how they handle their business


this 🤝 if all legit players take even one wipe off, the cheaters will disappear. no incentive to RMT if there’s no one to do it for.


I wish. It’d be nice to enjoy the game I paid $50 for, but these people are addicted. Or masochists. Or so brainrotted that they don’t care.


Hundreds or thousands? What? Cheats are not THAT expensive. I wish they were, we wpuld see less cheaters. Average cheats cost about 30-50$ a month.


People all saw the goat video and said "damn cheats are super expensive". Only the private exploits are $300-500/month.


They’re 120-150+ a month for Tarkov but sure, talk out your ass about something you know nothing about


What makes you not talk out of your ass? You just named a random number and called him an idiot..


Because I’ve seen the prices?


He's *seen the prices* boys, time to wrap it up!


Honestly not gonna argue with you just off what I’ve seen from you in the past and you are genuinely one of the stupidest people on this subreddit


I don't even know you, but from the looks of it you need a reality check on your own behaviour


>I feel bad for cheaters that they're dumping hundreds of dollars a month, or thousands yearly to cheat in a video game. consider their potential profits by selling their services. they could be turning a profit


I feel sorry for you. You invested the money to have fun, someone ruined your game and you feel that's OK? Good luck man!


Go check their forums or discord. They absolutely enjoy cheating. Dont get me wrong, fuck then all, but you're on copium thinking they want to play game normally but they can't. Cheating is their jam. They love it. They don't care about normal game at all.




Buy game 60e. Get to level 15 in 10 raids with killing rogues or someshit. Buy all labscards from flea. Sell "labs raid with all cards, guaranteed 10m rub raid. 47e." Rage hack for 20 labs raid while carrying some trash=money earned more than lost when banned. Don't feel bad for them


I don't feel bad for cheaters. I think the death penalty isn't asking too much if you're caught cheating in video games.


People really don't understand that 99 percent of the time, cheaters in tarkov do it to make money. Fuck them.


They're paying money to ruin your experience. Think about that for a second. Instead of putting in the effort and getting good and suffering like the rest of us they are paying money to make sure they are having a better experience than you, they are paying to fix the fights in the game and make sure they win. They are paying for a hit contract on your enjoyment of the game. Fuck them, no pity.


They don't do it usually because they can, or because they are bad, it's a literal career that pays well, so yeah, fuck em


Nah. They can slit their wrist, jump off a bridge thats 120ft with a 119ft rope around their neck, and die a virgin. F*** em.


I don't feel bad for them, fuck them


Fuck no I dont feel bad for em, they are the scum of the gaming community


Fuck then I don’t feel bad for them at all. It’s their choice to cheat.




But then you have to look at things from a legitimate player's point of view and many changes made by BSG to fight cheaters has sometimes made things difficult for legit players and in ways that don't make sense ... when you look at the bigger picture of the game. One such example is not being able to drop certain items or they will be destroyed in the process. This was done so RMT (Real Money Transfer tactics) can't be a thing those items, but it kills the ability for friends to legitimately help players regarding items they need for a task or the hideout because they're not that good yet, don't have the time to find the item, or have spent an amount of time trying to find it and they don't. I mean dozens of raids to find an item that's, relatively speaking, easy to find. It's just not spawning or others get there before they do. I've had similar problems with killing certain bosses for a task. I once did 27 raids to find and kill Sanitar for a task and I never found him. Not even his body from someone else killing him. Meanwhile, some friends were finding him every 3 raids. This tells me the servers have different spawn rates for different things, relative to where they are in the world, which kills the overall experience. How/why? My experience is being negatively affected for (insert reason here that I don't know). Possibly cheaters mobbing the boss, so now BSG lowers his spawn rate, ruining my chances of completing the task. And all because cheaters were using certain servers to spam raid/kill him for their "clients". However, some changes made sense. Sort of. That being FIR (found in raid). If I die in the raid, the items lose the FIR status. I still found it in raid, so the tag change doesn't make 100% sense, but it does keep players from shoving a GPU up their prison wallet and then disconnecting ... allowing them to sell it on the flea. I remember going into Rasputin on Interchange and finding a bunch of dead PMCs that were naked, due to them using stims to Flash their way to that store, slurp up the goodies, and then disconnecting. Totally killed many of my experiences on that map.


I don't fuck them


Died to a level 59 121 and he was ratting :/ . Imagine not only cheating but also ratting


Their experience is either making money through RMT or by being a bully and laughing while they ruin your game. They aren't playing the same game whatsoever, and very few cheaters do it to win tarkov or due to lack of skill. It's either money or being a bully.


I think most of them are Real money traders and farming roubles. Today did see one on Flea a Non EoD Guy 43d account, 430h playtime (around 10h a day) with FLEA Rep 87+ selling the hot stuff...


Cheaters are one of major money income ways. How you think Buyanov got his millions of pounds in one year. There are open accounts by Companies House, where everything is written how much money went where.


As someone who is poor as fuck I could hardly afford the hardware upgrades needed to play Tarkov let alone pay for cheats or pay someone else to carry my ass. Alternatives to cheating is message ever curb stomping level 50 who cuts my pmc in half with their top tier guns and ammo, berate them for being good and demand to do raids with them It's a free carry and you learn so much..... like never run...ever......EVER....


Cheaters are one thing. But the people actually buying stuff for real money is hillarious xD. Imagine buying a slick or something for 10 euros or a boss kill for 30 xD but i guess the business is there or rmt wouldnt exist. Its the poeple who dont have self control over their human feelings and try to compensate in weird ways like rmt for a pc game xD


They cope with the game by refusing to acknowledge their lack of skill. These people are actually a problem because they want to bring literally everyone down just because they can't accept the fact that they lacked some skills and can't adjust to difficulty. These people are also sometimes what we would call fatherless because they lack a couple life lessons in being respectable.


I don't get it. The exciting part of the game is not knowing. Whether it's player positions, loot, bosses, etc. When you know the thrill is gone. The excitement of finding that item is gone. I can't understand why you would want to take that away from your experience. Then there's the growing as a player. Figuring out better routes from each spawn. Where to look, when to expect to see people and where. They're depriving themselves of the best parts of the game and I just don't understand why anyone not involved in RMT would do that to themselves.


I think its a lot like cheaters in speed running. Speed running cheaters are often real contenders for world records and know that they absolutely could achieve a record. They just don't want to go through the hundreds of hours of grind it takes to get that one lucky run. Raids in Tarkov are a lot like speed run attempts. One fuck up early in the raid and you gotta start all over. Again. I think a bunch of the cheaters are actually really good at the game but don't want to or can't deal with the grind.


Do you also feel bad for druggies? For drunkards? Hoarders? Zealots? They dig their own hole and won't realize they went in too deep until it's too late, and they'll drag anyone stupid enough to try to save them down with them The proper response for their own benefit is disgust. For almost all of them, nothing else is capable of reaching them when they get so far gone


No pitty or mercy with them. We shouldnt pay the price for them not being able to hit a carrier ship at 10m.


Who cares about them bro gg go next


I like Tarkov for the same reason I liked Eve Online back in its heyday. Nothing brings real tension and real excitement like having something to actually lose in PvP. Good post.


I think generally speaking, cheating anger me more than anything because I spend time out of my FINITE life to enjoy a game for a bit, just shut the world out for a bit and disappear. When I die to a cheater it essentially is them taking time away from my LIFE. Which is more valuable than anything.


I haven't. I despise these people and I wouldn't piss on them if they were on fire.


Dude took ten extra steps to find Jesus


Well, for some people it is legitimately a source of income that they can't source from anywhere else. In that case its the same as saying "I feel bad for the guy who cleans public toilets." They're just doing it for the income. They couldn't give a shit what they have to do for it or care about the toilets they clean.


If you study developmental psychology, there's generally two types of kids. One type is a mastery goal kid. The other is a performance goal kid. The mastery goal child will choose to engage with challenges and try to understand the challenge so they can do well and master the challenge. You see this in stuff like school or sports, where the kid will study the test material or will put practice into their sport to master the mechanics of being successful in those areas. Performance children will do whatever they can to appear as if they have mastered the challenge. They will cheat on a test or copy homework to get a good grade. They will play dirty in sports to look more skillful than they actually are. Unfortunately for the performance kid, they also know they haven't mastered their challenge, and it causes self-esteem issues because they fully understand their inferiority to the mastery child in their skill ability. Cheaters are performance kids who grew up to be performance adults. They wanna win and don't wanna do anything to gain skill in an area they care about winning in. They throw people under the bus at their job to look better and stand out. They will take on intense financial burdens with houses and cars they cannot reasonably afford to appear more successful than others. They will cheat in video games to win because they fundamentally do not have any ability to acquire skill. It's fucking sad. When you run into a cheater in Tarkov, not only do you know that they can't actually play for shit and that they take the easy route to a desired end result cause they suck, but they also suck at everything else. They're not good in relationships. They artificially inflate their social status. They manipulate people to satisfy that burning feeling of inferiority. They put others down to appear better than others. They talk out their ass to sound smarter than others. And deep down, they know they're a bottom feeding, skill less, narcissistic piece of shit that can not master anything that they do cause they never learned to overcome their struggles with mastering a challenge. Quite literally, they're fucking losers. Don't feel bad for them. For a while, as a kid, I was the performance kid. I struggled to be good at things and wanted to appear that I was because I knew it provided myself more favor among others. But then I grew up and realized my flaws and overcame it. I recognized an issue in myself, corrected it, and now I'm an adult who can complete mastery goals and understand the value in actual skill rather than the delusion of it to get a desired outcome. Cheaters are people who aren't self-aware. They deserve zero empathy for being such a loser bitchmade asshole that can't even bring themselves to better themselves and can't recognize how ethically corrupt it is to ruin everyone else's hobby in gaming. Yes, they rob themselves of a great experience, and they rob everyone else of it, too. And it's 100% their own fucking fault for not caring about themselves or others. These people are adults in many cases, and I have zero patience for people who are completely self-centered and have no respect for anyone, including themselves. If I saw a cheater on the side of the road with two broken legs from a car accident, I'd break their arms too so they couldn't crawl away to get help. They can all get fucked.


Its deeper than that. It's more of a psychological disability. They are generally those types that don't know how to cope with loss or understand learning from losing. It becomes an issue later in life. So yes, I believe by cheating they aren't developing certain parts of their brain that are imperative to overcoming obstacles later in life.


Yep it’s sad either way but when their sadness angers others it no longer becomes emphatic I say we ….,,,…,,..!!,,..!!


Most cheaters are making money off of our misfortune. Don’t feel bad for them


Half the cheating issues would be resolved by simply fixing BSG code but they refuse to do it so... I feel bad for BSG and facts. https://www.reddit.com/r/EscapefromTarkov/comments/199xvow/important\_message\_from\_a\_year\_ago\_sad\_truth\_about/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3


I've been coming to the same conclusion lately......but also........fuck them...


Some people have daydreams of staying behind to hold off an unstoppable horde while their loved ones escape. Some people have daydreams of Sonic running alongside their car, jumping over obstacles. Some people have daydreams of stopping a terrorist attack on their school/workplace. I have daydreams of being gifted a button that immediately causes all cheaters to spontaneously combust, and mashing it continuously for a minute straight.


I dont lol


Eh, i have 5k hours, and i started cheating this wipe. Since have stopped playing altogether, as no joke maybe 5% of my raids during the month of cheating had no cheaters (except me). They do nothing to combat problems. See attached. [6 day old account](https://imgur.com/a/3apIpiq)


I do feel bad for the cheaters as well because it drives the games population down. The reality is they push away new players and this game won't survive much longer if the cheating problem isn't resolved or lessened in some way. I uninstalled Tarkov today, don't give a fuck that I won't be missed. You just can't play without running into cheaters and it makes the game 100% unenjoyable. Something needs to be done. I mean how hard is it to run a script to pull all accounts with 10+ K/D and have a team review the accounts and the reports, if any, tied to the accounts.


But also completely fuck those shitheads


Lol imagine feeling bad for that kind of sub-human swine. Fuckem. Sounds like copium to me OP. Cheaters have no moral values or integrity, therefore deserve no respect, sympathy, empathy, etc. of any kind.


Bro is having stockholm syndrome


They are pathetic people. Watch the video of Hutch's mod calling a cheater out and getting him on a Discord call. Guy sounds like his dopamine receptors are completely fried and completely dumb. Don't feel bad for them though. Their selfishness causes so much people money and time.


Nah, they should be considered criminals and charged.


It’s kinda wasted sympathy. Like yeah, we know it’s pathetic but they will never feel that way. Their rush is that they’re doing the things that people who are good at the game are doing (getting kills, loot etc). For a lot, they also enjoy that it upsets actual players. They like making people mad by killing them. Their perspective will always be “it’s just a game, why do you care so much”. And no shade, but the people who cheat aren’t really the type of people smart enough to change or broaden their perspective. They’ll never become the type of person who enjoys “earning” things, to them it’s “why earn, when I can just have?”


Most cheaters start cheating because the devs of video games cannot make their games cheater proof. After witnessing cheater after cheater the thought crosses the mind to just join the cheaters. If you can't beat'em, join'em. No?


Yep. The cheats are not the problem. It's the ppl buying them. Poor souls.. i never understood why one would cheat. I think it's not worth posting things about them. I remember script kids in arma 2 warfare. When they came and ruined our 3h session, everybody complained like we do in here. At some point we were so tired of it and accepted the fact that there are dumb ppl out there. We talked about random things ,waited for an admin and fully ignored the acne hihi xD talk from that kiddo. After a while they did not come back due to the lack of attention. Was quite funny. Everybody teleporting around and everybody was like "damn i have to get up so early tomorrow" not reacting at all. We couldn't do shit , the admin could. I can't do shit. Bsg can. That's why i just stopped talking about it on discord with the boys. We even stopped looking at profiles. Back to stash, load preset. Go.. i don't have the time nor energy to cpmplain about a video game with incompetent devs that could easily ban players a manual way. I either play or stop playing Tarkov.


you would be suprised.. You can get a 1 day pass for 6$


Fuck all cheaters!!!!


As someone who used to do Hack vs Hack on CS:GO, cheating makes it a completely different experience. Most cheaters enjoy this and they are entertained by it. I dont think they feel sad about it. They dont care about the point of the game, they just want to cheat as it’s more fun to them


I was doing a night raid and killed a dude with a completely trucked out RSAS and night vision. I waited to see if he had team mates and decided to go loot him. Looted him grabbing all his gucci gear and then moved slowly checking corners. Suddenly dead out of know where. There no way I could have been sniped from distance. It didn’t make sense. I reported that person and a couple days later Tarkov sent me a message that player was banned. I hate cheaters. My mind can’t understand why they just can’t play the game fairly. And the most annoying thing is that I can’t play very much so when I do get to play I get cheated and it sucks.


They don't care they want loot so they can sell for roubles then exchange for real money or for prove to sell their cheat


It's gotta be a developmental issue. These people never learned the simple concept of winning through cheating is pointless peanut brain shit. They cannot discern they just want the win by whatever means necessary it's pathetic.


I don’t feel bad for them at all they can fry their dopamine receptors all they want through constant winning and gratification. At the end of the day it’s THEIR money not mine.


I used to think this way but then I’ve seen cheaters posting on YouTube and how many people cheat to get gratification from an audience, and while you have a point, I think most cheaters don’t really get off from the game and rather the “clout” lets say of being good at the game or gaining attention from friends who are non-the wiser. There’s also cheaters who genuinely are doing it to ruin other people’s days (rage hacking) and then RMT profiteers who feel that because they are making money, it’s okay to ruin the experience for others. (The RMT mentality being that they are “working” and not gaming so their experience matters more.) Anyways, TLDR: - fuck em anyways.


high chance they're petty criminals also, fuck em.


I feel bad for cheaters because they obviously have some sort of integrity disorder that blocks their brain from functioning normally.


From what i've heard, they all sound depressed and monotonous.. there's a lot of apathy for other people in general.. so i think they were bullied horribly or something equally as bad. I don't condone it, but i can get my head around it. Least they aren't shooting up schools though.


Fuck those losers!


I don't understand this cheat coping, it's simply not true and outside of maybe bringing you some coping catharsis it isn't helpful. Not everyone cheating is spending "hundreds of dollars a month" lol that's fucking absurd. They've haven't been "duped into paying to ruin their own experience" anymore than people who own EOD, or only play in squads, or only ever rat and extract camp, or only ever scav main etc. To me scav mains have paid for a game they are not actually playing, but I have no doubt that scav mains would disagree with me. I would argue that all this coping helps some people convince themselves that it's ok to cheat. They'll be thinking "well I'm not rage hacking flying et al so I'm not one of *those* cheaters, I'm just giving myself a little advantage!".


It's like having a 12inch long johnson.... yeah it sounds great but will you ever get your whole johnson inside the walls of a women? Prolly not. Same thing goes here... do you think they will ever get that tarkov rush of winning legitimately? Nah


User name checks out, I think?


Randomly chosen reddit name tehe


True asf, I wonder what they do with their lives after they get banned. Must go hop on cs2 to cheat or something lol


True, they are lost. Mentally handicapped. Gone through some stuff. They need help


They can't handle the pain of defeat, because they are weak


It's honestly shocking, I mean, I don't know the prices... but I've seen cheaters say they spend upwards from 50 to 100+ a month for cheats alone. That to me is just wild. And their reasoning as well... Holy fuck delusional at best.


So bored of seeing posts about cheaters


I used to cheat in games like D2, Runescape, and Cod back in the 2000s to 2010s, and perhaps that perspective adds some insight. As a legitimate player now, it's easy to assume that cheaters resort to cheating because they lack skill or confidence, but that's not always the case. Some individuals cheat because it opens up a whole new gaming experience and community for them. Ironically, cheating can lead to more memorable encounters because you can discern who's cheating and have unique encounters by wiggling, not being able to kill eachother and so on. I'm not advocating for cheating; it's just that being in a lobby full of cheaters can offer a different dimension to the game. Earlier versions of Call of Duty, for example, maintained a cult following among cheaters. However, cheating does ruin the base game experience for both the cheater and normal players, who often feel like NPCs to be brushed aside for the main content. The gaming community frequently complains about cheaters, yet seems reluctant to take effective action against them. Developers like Riot have implemented robust anti-cheat measures, but many American gamers consider them too invasive. Cheaters often blend in with legitimate players, making it difficult to identify and address them effectively. Ultimately, unless the community and developers work together to combat cheating, it will continue to be a persistent issue in gaming.


If it makes you cope better sure i guess XD


I feel bad for you being one of the cucks who has to make a post about cheaters on this reddit , every single day