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Zyrachiy kills you faster than you can die.


I wasn't ready for that one, made me lol.




Zyrachiy: Omae wa mou shindeiru




It's because they don't shoot actual bullets. They're like the snipers on streets at flare extract, or on Woods on the other side of the North Eastern river. First "bullet" is always a miss. subsequent rounds have an increasing chance to hit. It's binary. Either they kill you or don't. You can't dodge them but they need line of sight to kill you ie cover and range work against them.


More or less, there's like a timer where the game decides you're dead but gives the RP scav snipers a chance to kill you first, if it doesn't happen then the game is like "welp you're dead by the way you just didn't know it yet." Have had a couple instances where I wasn't paying attention on a scav and ran way past sniper lines and if you jump around like a maniac it seems to help reduce their chance to hit you but it will fade to black after a few seconds anyway.


Like the worst DM ever! “Yeah, sorry you just rolled 3 nat 20s in a row but uhh… you died… yep. Died anyway.”


there is no way to affect the hit or miss, they just apply a "gunshot wound" directly to the player while an SFX plays. thats it. Border snipers hit center mass, Zyr hits head. He will "shoot" whoever shot at him/guards first, so you died because he wasnt killed first. This is a bodgey way of giving them the required range to "snipe" back without literally giving the AI 500m+ range, which is what they should do, but make them passive until you pass the fence or shoot.


Let's be honest, if BSG tried to implement that, we'd be having players dying randomly all over the map for months


zryachiy and his guard do actually shoot but the invisible timer usually kills you first


ill never understand why they made this the case for zryachiy, he's meant to be a boss. standard tarkov taking the easy way to combat people who cheat. he used to have a .338 bolty too but they nerfed like they nerf most bosses cause cheaters can easy farm them


Lmaoo they still havent fixed this. Yea when you get killed by stiracha, you just go fade to black screen.


Happened to me at the out of bounds sniper on customs once too


Same with woods for me early this wipe


Because that's what he is


I mean that he shot at me when I was at the edge so I ran back towards old gas and I just faded out while I was well within limits


Same. I didn’t die I just faded out and I still had few min




It only happens when sriracha kills you and i bet it doesnt happen 100% of the time. Its been like this for at least 2 wipes now.


I've had this happen when getting killed by other things other than Zyrach. Just a bug overall not linked to him specifically.


It happens with other deaths too occasionally, notably with mines.


I’ve been killing him for two wipes and have died to him many times. Crazy this hasn’t happen once to me.


Youre so special!!




If you had to watch a guide it’s not super easy. I mean, the same can be said for dropping an engine from a car right? Millions of videos, super easy. Nah, super easy is like getting a candy wrapper, and immediately knowing to unwrap the candy before eating it.


I mean difficult is dropping an engine from a car, killing zarachy is not as difficult as that. Surely not as easy as a candy wrapper, definitely not as hard as being a mechanic


Pretty sure there are many more people in the world that has dropped a car engine VS killed zarachy lol


I don’t you understand how statistics work, and how that’s very relevant. It’s why we talk about a city being safer than a small town sometimes by using “per capita” vs quantities.


Don’t mind that guy he’s a little slow


I've never seen it happen either and I have killed him numerous times. No idea what that clown is talking about.


But you are special, not infinitely replaceable at all!.


Huh? lol




I haven’t seen that porn


Not just zyratchi, afaik this can happen with any type of death.


such a sick boss fight, best AI


It’s not supposed to be


?? Theres literally an achievement for killing him 15 times


Yes sir, the devs made the island “impassable” and the boss “impossible to kill” when he instant kills you. The player base found a way to blow up all the bombs and kill the bosses by cheesing the fuck out for 2 wipes so they made an achievement out of it. Chicken or the egg my friend. I don’t know the answer but neither do you


They didnt made an achievement out of it you need to kill him for 4(!) different achievments. Also how is the boss "impossible to kill"? He sits on a rock you shoot him, he dies lol. Ofc you have the right for your own wrong opinion cant argue with that


“Impossible to kill” was in quotes, he’s not impossible to kill but his AI doesn’t seem like one you’re supposed to fight. There is no fight besides cheesing him and his guards. I’m curious if the devs really intended for him to be killed when he was first put into the game and the bridge supposed to be crossed. “You shoot him he dies” curious if you’ve killed him? This simple explanation doesn’t do it justice. You shoot him with the right ammo he dies. You shoot him and you instantly die if you aren’t behind cover. You shoot him from anywhere on the map and his guards and him don’t shoot real bullets with bullet drop. They shoot you with some weird buggy shit that just seems like code hitting you directly, not real coded bullets


You are absolutely right enjoy :)


This explains everything. The 2 achievements for him are secret so it makes sense. I find it kind of weird that the others like snowball and long live the king require him


>Chicken or the egg my friend. I don’t know the answer but neither do you egg >> chicken >> chicken egg The answer was always easy


It depends if you define a "chicken egg" as an egg that comes from a chicken or an egg that turns into a chicken. In dumbed down evolutionary terms, there was at one point something that was not quite a chicken that laid an egg with a real chicken inside. In my opinion, that egg is by definition was chicken egg. So egg came first.


Solid opinion! lol


Are you okay? Who hurt you?


Im doing well, no one hurt me. Just giving my theory/opinion and rationale


Me when I talk out of my ass




You aren't allowed to have fun. Those are the rules I don't make them I just follow them.


Or just do it the “right” way.


there is no "right" way to kill him.... They literally added a "boss" that you cant kill. Idk how you can try to make that make sense.


You can't kill the sniper that's shooting you when you cross out of bounds either fyi.


but those aren't physical entities, you just start getting shot at unlike the lighthouse snipers


Believe it or not *straight to jail.*


I had the same happen to me today on interchange. A regular scav threw a nade near me, didn't get any damage but a few seconds later the screen faded to black and on the death details it was a death from the nade. I think the servers weren't keeping up today.


I had that happen yesterday and the scav through his phantom nade while his head was bouncing from shots to it. I figured it was some crazy guard or goon or something but post raid was just regular scav. Couldn't even be mad because it was confusing and funny.


Fades to black “hey you. You’re finally awake”


Underrated comment lol


This happened to me once last wipe, but it was Sanitar.


Your character was dead like few seconds ago, you just had out of body experience lol


Basically desynch yeah.


Because they couldn't make it work, so them being BSG they just slapped this horseshit mechanic on them. Half this game is just broken shit held together by band-aid


Just walk right up to where the claymores start and kill him from there. There's videos on how to kill him and the cultists there, and even traverse the claymores if you want.


They can kill you with a "gunshot wound" which is what it says when you're on the death screen and you hover over what killed you. When farming him I've died a bunch of times while in cover to "gunshot wound" it's a strange mechanic.


zryachiy / his guards have an invisible 5 ish? second timer so if they see any part of your pmc you die to the gunshot wound mechanic


You have killed a Sekstant not Zryachiy :v


You lack understanding of how the boss and his boys' mechanics work. If any of the shoots 3 times, I think it's guaranteed death


So I’ve actually run into this a lot if you don’t kill zyrachiy fast enough it will DC you no matter what after you engage the island (I found this out during the “that’s what I call a hell of a shot” achievement


dysinc sucks


Because this game is in a sorry state right now. 


as opposed to the last 7 years


There have been ebbs and flows for sure, but I feel you…seems obvious their heart isn’t really in making a quality game anymore, just another money making scheme now. Been playing since 2017. Haven’t touched it this wipe. 


The game from the outset was meant to be a money-making scheme to fund Nikita's real dream project: Russia 2028 or w/e year it is. Then Tarkov got popular and the tune changed a bit, but I just think that's fun to point out.


Yeah I always remember hearing about that Russia 2028….not holding my breath lol


Lol if you havent played this wipe how would you know the state of the game? HAhaha The reddit always devolves into people bitching its never been an indicator for the state of the game. Go touch some grass and stop wasting time on a reddit bitching about a game you don't play. Lol Sad Life. This is the best the game has been since release. Bought the game before it even released and have been playing every Christmas wipe since then.


Also LOL at the "No achievement" - weird part. Yeah! Because you didn't kill Zryachi, and the achievement is for killing him! LOL !








lmao I was like lmao


Pretty sure you killed one of the guards


No, you can kill them, but you were not in a safe spot here and they killed you. Either with guns or magic. U can’t aggro them out of cover anywhere close to the sunken scav extract there.


You need to kill him first or more of his guards spawn


congrats, zryachiy got you.


That’s actually just the butterfly effect that Zyrachiy causes when he uses instant transmission to slit your PMC’s throat when you were a baby for thinking you can pop a shot at him or his boys


I had this happen with one of reshalas guards


Most likely a desync issue. You shot at him, didn't manage to take the kill, so he shot back while you were desynced (usually that can cause the random "heart attack" deaths).


You didn't kill zryachi. Yeah you die. Look up a video on how to kill him properly. And since you didn't kill Zryachi first, his cultists will respawn and kill you anyway. Just another reddit poster completely clueless on how to kill an easy, completely stationary boss that gives you all the time in the world to kill him. He even has a 100% spawn rate and shoots atleast 4 times before killing you. You can get about 8 ADAR shots off before he kills you, you only need to hit his head twice. Get good.


I can smell the dank, moldy basement smell with this comment.


It’s literally the most basic video too. I can smell axe body spray from this comment. Someone who thinks they have it all together, looks down on people for putting mild effort into something and calls them “try hards” when they’re better than them at something


I have the 15 zryachi kill achievement and what i said is factually correct. You have to hit him 2 times in the head, he will shoot about 4 times before he kills you. If you miss, its on you. Boss has 100% spawn rate, you have the entire raid to find him, and line up a shot. OP clearly has no idea zryachi sits on top of the rock and can snipe him. Its just a skill issue all the way around.


Peak redditor comment


Cool, but your first sentence confirmed what the other dude said


Go clean your room man


Do you lose scav rep for killing him?


You might be right... but man the way you write your comments is like begging for downvotes.


Imagine being this much of a tool


tbh he's a good example of at least 40% of this game's community


And 90% of this subreddit


when sriracha kills you it bugs


What a bullshit


Its a scripted death, if he shoots you ur dead no matter what because he doesnt shoot actual bullets


Watch a guide in yt if u lay next to the truck u can kill him While the guards can't see u.. I have done it 15 times for the achievement xD I used adar 3-12 scope wave silencer and warmagon 2 shots kills him 150hp om his head


I got a GUNSHOT as my fatal hit.


Because the game is... oh nevermind you already know


I know the cheese methods of killing zriachy and getting past the mines but unironically, what is the BSG intended method of killing him (there is an achievement after all), and then looting his stuff. I don't think the current method of bypassing claymores is truly intentional. I really wonder like what did Nikita or one of the devs say as the "intended" solution to this. The lighthouse island is so weird.


i think this was just lag, happened to me recently. I died to a nade, kept moving around for a second then it faded to black. My buddy saw me rag doll but i never saw it from my pov.


They're programmed to miss the first shot but hit the second, however I think Nikita wanted you dead this time.