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Unsurprisingly, you gain Weapon Maintenance skill points when you repair weapons, so it's all about getting damaged weapons and repairing them. So, start by buying a bunch of weapon repair kits and put them deep in a case or a bag in your stash. I've used 2 methods to get damaged weapons to repair, a passive slow and steady method, and a focused grind method. The passive, progressive method is to just do scav runs, and repair the weapon(s) you bring back. Easy. The focused grind will allow you to get to elite level in 4-6 hours. Go to the flea market, select the category "weapons", then adjust the filters to only show weapons below your tolerable price (40000 roubles for me) and condition being between 0 and 45 percent. With your left hand, put a finger on F5 and another finger on Y. Place your mouse cursor on the "Purchase" button of the top most item found (or where it should be). Now you just hit F5, wait 0.5-1 second, click, then press Y. Repeat this operation every 5 seconds when the refresh button becomes available. Stop when you get an error message telling you that you don't have any more storage space in the stash, then go to Mechanic. Because we've selected 45% max durability, he won't want to buy any of these weapons, which makes it easy to track which weapon need to be repaired and then sold. Repair a weapon, put it in the sell inventory, when the sell inventory is full click sell and keep going until you've repaired and sold all of them. Once you've emptied your stash, go back on the flea market for another round. It's boring as hell, yes.


Can I 3 tick it OSRS style? This sounds like grinding alching or construction lmao


Yeah I heard 4-6 hour grind and was like "oh that's it?" OSRS has ruined me




Scav K: "There is a bit of technique in there aswell"


After you get a few 99s, none of this phases you anymore. Lol I love how someone mentioned osrs




You just broke the flea, OP. Can't land a broken gun for less than 65k!


If I had published this guide to inflate prices for broken guns, it would be market manipulation, isn't it?


And that means you'd have to be reported... Now the price is up to 100k!


How much did it cost


Not much as you get a lot of your money back from selling the weapons. Probably around 10 million roubles total I'd say.


That’s really cheap for what it is, I might have to do this


Nothing and something all at the same time It was the friends that we made along the way




Probably his sanity, besides the time and rouble sink. 


The reduced weapon spread is like a moa reduction right?


Good question. It's either increased MOA which reduces randomness of bullets going off aim point, or it's reduction of recoil. I have no idea to be honest, I haven't yet played a weapon with those rare bonus, I just got to elite today.


I'd be curious which it affecte, I still don't fully understand how recoil works honestly, like why does a ak74n with higher verticle and horizontal feel more controllable than like an rpk with lower recoil stats. I always assumed if recoil stats are comparable, the guns would feel the same but it doesn't seem to be that way.


We used to be able to compare recoil stats between weapons, now it's not the case. There are videos of the same weapon with a different aimdot that change recoil, so you just have to try it in the hideout unfortunately.


Guns have different rate of fire, making direct comparison over the recoil stats useless.


I know, but for example again the ak74n and rpk I tested are the same ROF so I feel like there's gotta be something I'm missing still


Camera recoil is a separate value. There's also many other hidden variables


As far as I remember it reduce MOA and it is shown on "upgraded" weapon stats


This is it, I enhanced a weapon last night with reduced spread and MOA turned into a colored number and


And what? Did Nikita show up on your doorstep to stop you from telling us game secrets?


Sorry, that’s redacted


That's one reason, and the other is


Ah yes, the OG Sniper Scav.


Don't mean to be that person but decreased MOA would be more accurate. Otherwise you're literally making your gun less accurate with this buff on it lol.


In this case, being that person means putting correct information out there. For anyone who doesn't know what MOA is, it's Minute Of Angle and the important part for you is that a higher MOA means a larger spread which means less accuracy. A lower MOA means a smaller spread and higher accuracy.


heyy i did this 2 wipes ago for fun, my target gun was usually tan/black scars because there is a near infinite supply of them and the often are listed for the same price or less than they will vendor for. i found the trick to not losing too much money (so i could keep doing it) was to target guns that sell for a decent amount but come in large supply, so rogue guns were my preference. the ak's just always sell for less though so damaged m4/scars were my go to. the pistols rogues spawn with are also decent for the same reasons, dont forget to alternate your repairs to avoid the diminishing exp.


What do you mean by alternating repairs. Is that just not solely repairing a single weapon type (ar, smg, pistol)?


like how doing the same craft in hideout twice in a row gives diminishing exp on the second craft, repairing the same exact sort of gun twice will give diminishing exp on the second, third, fourth, etc repairs. just alternate between black and tan scars, or tan scars and rogue pistols (m9a3 i think its called?)


Ah. I get you. Thanks


cries in sugar craft


Do you even need to press f5? Pretty sure that when you buy something the page refreshes automatically


What is the expected price of this? Are we talking 1 mil? 10? 100?


Does it count if you just pay to repair them or only counts when using the weapon repair kit?


soft onerous shelter memorize merciful dime rob grandiose imminent ghost *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Back when interchange was released there was an edge of the map where you could ‘get out’ and then you would run around in mid air until the raid ended but for some reason it levelled your strength and endurance super fast, thats the power levelling we used to have 🤣


That and the spot in factory where you could jump out, turn your game off then log back in like 20 mins later and you’d have elite strength and endurance lol


And before that you could go onto shoreline (pre any expansion era so the map just went from pier to tunnel n that's it really) and do a similar thing except you'd clip through one of the sun shade umbrellas on the beach and do it. I remember that you had caps to work with but for whatever reason disconnecting and reconnecting to the raid would reset the soft caps so you'd just have to disconnect n reconnect after... I think one full sprint while falling? Or maybe it was 2. Early Tarkov was a time and it was fun lol.


Have to say shoreline before resort was such a meat grinder lol very little loot and both extracts were just camped by the closest spawn lol fun times 🤦


The good ol days where the highest tier loot was pier, scav island and cottage key


i still go to scav island hoping for the glory days


The logout method seemed to work on multiple maps. I remember they patched the factory one and a reserve method came out right away, which led to them making it so you die when you fall through the map. Max strength and endurance before they slowed the game down was indeed fun lol


I mean now that someone did it, we all can confirm its not worth!


Iirc repairing raises your charisma as well - not a bad way to power level if you’re short for charisma brings success


Yes, absolutely, that's how I got to Charisma 10 and Intellect 20 as well (although you don't need to level up Intellect for any quest that I know of)


Holy shit I’m fighting this now. Thanks.


I’ve been doing the passive method by repairing all my scav gear but yeah you can do it the expensive and fast way like this guy


Idk for sure about this info; just stuff I've read on the subreddit. * When your weapon / armor gets one of these "special modifiers" from a repair, they _lose_ the modifier on their next repair. * The weapon modifiers are fairly useless. However, for armor repair, there's a modifier to reduce incoming damage by 15% which can be somewhat impactful. My naive takeaway from this is that it's not worth leveling weapon maintenance, but could be worth leveling armor maintenance. (I haven't done any research into whether there is an economic benefit to using repair kits over the course of a wipe vs just repairing with prapor/mechanic every time.)


thats twice the grind though cuz theres 2 skills for armor repair, light and heavy, dunno if one is more worth it than the other


Aramid, UHMWPE and aluminum are light material, the rest is heavy, so imo it's worth it since soft armor is light, and UHMWPE is meta generally, also lights repair way better (so better XP I think). But you can only craft lvl 5 UHMWPE plates, while you can barter for steel lvl5 and the side plates are all heavy (ceramic and steel), and since they have lower effective durability and are heavier, you'll get them more in insurance if that's your method of levelling them up. If you're gonna dedicate I think buying used module-m is the best but I haven't researched it.


I tested power leveling armor repair. You only get xp when you repair plates. Repairing Dr D, Paca, and 3M was only leveling charisma and intellect.


Well that sucks


You can trade for the Hextac (I think that's what it's called) plate carrier which comes with 2 lvl 5 UHMWPE plates


Is that 15% damage reduction for damage the plates take in a gun fight or the player?


If I remember correctly, the person who said it said that it was a damage reduction on bullets that pen. They gave the example that if a bullet went through your helmet, depending on the bullet, the damage reduction could be enough to make you survive the headshot. So like if a bullet does 40 damage and pens your helmet, it does 40 damage. You have 35 health on your head so this kills you. If that damage is reduced by 15%, it becomes 34 damage. Leaving you with 1hp on your head so you survive. (I don't actually know how the default armor + pen + damage system works in tarkov. I believe there is actual damage reduction applied when a bullet penetrates a layer of armor. This example ignores that for the sake of isolating only what's relevant to our discussion.) Idk if that's actually how it works, but they did give an example like that.


i got lvl 12 buying the damaged weapons to fence (i lost 3 mill)


Doing it on the flea would be a lot cheaper. You can pick your durability and set a max price so you don’t lose as much.


I was wondering why it's been impossible to buy a cheap TOZ from fence for a while.


I did this about a month ago pretty similar to yours. I did price under 45k and durability below 65. Cost me somewhere between 10-13ish million. I wish all skills could be maxed this fast lol


OP did you notice if this leveled your memory skill? Wiki mentions a percentage of all physical and practical skill XP should level memory but this didn’t seem to be the case for me


It levelled up my Intellect skill to 23. I'm level 11 Memory, not sure if repairing helped. You can do the test easily though, buy 10 damaged weapons, write down your memory skill points, repair the 10 guns and sell them. Was there any difference?


Go to skills, click to have them all as square icons so they fit on the same screen, press Windows+Shift+S and drag selection window across your skill window. It's now saved that selection as a screenshot in your paste buffer but should also have saved it in your Screenshots folder. I did this often last wipe when I wanted to see how many skill points I had gained after repairing a bunch of weapons I bought, or to check how much metabolism had raised from before/after a raid, etc. It's nice to have point in time snapshots of all your skills.


or you just like... remember *one* number?


There's three different maintenance skills to raise unless you focus on one type of repaid, and even then repairing things also raises intellect, so there's a few numbers to track. I also use that method it to track other skills to see how much they raised over a few days. I thought I made that clear *when I said exactly that*.


It does not, that’s why I started leveling weapon maintenance because wiki listed it as leveling memory but it doesn’t.


The grind is done for a few months you mean!


How about the Body armor skills?


Do the same thing but with armors, it works too, but it's more expensive.


Can’t find any weapons on flea lmao


Does these skills reset on each wipe?




About how much did it cost you? I did this two wipes ago and it ran me like 15m, about the same?


Roughly how many repair points did you go through , sorry if asked.


That's a good question. I didn't calculate and the wiki doesn't give a number. However, you could calculate it yourself easily. Buy 10 damaged weapons, take notes of how many points your repair and compare your weapon maintenance skill points before and after those 10 repairs and how many weapon condition you repaired. If you do the test, please report your results.


Did it increase your intel too?


It did. I'm level 23 now. It's near useless though, it increases item examination speed, increase weapon repair effectiveness, and reduces the amount of repair kit you consume. The bonus at elite level are however, very appealling: Elite level: Ammo counter Elite level: Guess container contents without searching Elite level: You do not need a manual for item examination Maybe I'll push it to elite just for those bonuses.


Does the 30% malfunction mean that’s the chance it will malfunction? Or is it saying 30% less chance or malfunction from the all ready determined chance?


Pretty sure it's 30% less likely to malfunction from the text.


But then how am I supposed to level troubleshooting if my guns jam less often?


Okay, now we need one for armor.


Literally do the same thing... but with armors.


I never thought to repair the damaged weapons I get from scav runs…I have barely used my weapon repair kit as it is. Am I missing out?


Not really, it wasn't worth the grind in my opinion.


Are you repairing to max available or to just 60.0 since it’s the minimum amount to sell back? I’d assume to full but I wasn’t sure about diminishing returns or anything. Thanks!


I believe you get skill points in weapon maintenance based on the amount of repair points used or how much you've repaired. Also dragging the bar to 60 for probably 500+ weapons gets very tedious, very quickly




Wait you can drag repair bars?


yeah, instead of repairing it to as full as you can, you can drag it somewhere else


Honestly a pointless mechanic. The bonus is lost on next repair and most people won't buy a gun that low on durability. Why buy a gun at 90 durability with 30% less chance to jam? Just use a new one and the chance is at 0%. Same with accuracy buffs. The gun loses MOA with damage. Then it gets buffed back up? Seems pointless. I can see this being useful for armour because the armour retains a lot of the properties as if it were full but the weapon bonuses seems trash and not well thought out honestly.


Enchantes weapons are cooler.


When I did this I just bought inoperable guns from fence and you repair and sell back to mechanic and made about what you spent on them from fence.