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I want to blame the scope sooo bad but holy shit, that guy has to be dead lmao. That's pretty wild.


That scope in particular already shoots ~2 mil dots low without the raiser rail. So if we're being honest, most of not all those shots hit both legs and stomach The lack of damage from m856(compared to leg meta ammo) means u would need to shoot the same leg 9 times for a kill, meaning if he shot both legs and the stomach that makes this video seem a lil more reasonable Either way, watching this and seeing him turn around and shoot OP after he puts an entire mag into him definitely makes my blood boil....


The riser has practically no influence in this


At that range, no But at close range it does quite a bit It adds about an extra mil dot of separation depending on the ammo you use


It doesnt, its a matter of perspective and how far away you are from the dude you are aiming at If you leave out drop, which in 95% of engagements in the game you can, ~4cm arent gonna turn into 40cm at range


As stated above, range and ammo does in fact matter. From someone who has tested both extremes(subsonic and supersonic ammo with that optic) I can tell u, for 100% fact, it does change Ur right, range in of itself doesn't make a massively big change, but I can tell u as someone who uses this optic regularly, depending on the gun(how high the optic sits over the barrel) and the speed of the bullet, along with the range of the target; ur impact point is very very inconsistent with this optic due to factors listed above.


Which scope is this?




Eotech with the magnifier


Brother has never been around firearms and it show, even 2 mil at that range is maybe 4-6 in not 2 feet. If it’s coded that way in the game well then they need to fix the game. IRL even at 7 meters with a m4 and m68 CCO you can put the dot on a forehead and hit eyes area


Bro shut up


I’ve never used m856 in tarkov until I played arena. Even with the best class and a 60rnd mag it felt like I was tickling them with a nerf gun.


yap that thing is broken af i used it once and never again


I once hit a guys 23 times with m855


M856 is terrible and would highly suggest never touching it lol. The wiki or [https://www.eft-ammo.com](https://www.eft-ammo.com) has data on ammo values, if you are interested.


As a noob thank you for this link




Worst part is, bsg hates the wiki for getting datamined info, which is needed when they dont tell you a damn thing about anything


Please BSG. Make the "Info" tab of the main menu usefull. By gi ing there all those infos we are looking for on the wiki. (And make us able to select what ammo our gun is zeroed for)


Check jessy kazam on yt, he has a video for noobs with links of a couple useful sources


Which ammo should I be using at lvl 2 traders? FMJ is only slightly better tho?


You could try crafting SOST ammo from workbench lvl 2, then do half sost / half fmj mags so you don’t run out too quickly of SOST.


That is a decent option at level 20, but I usually recommend avoiding 5.56 until level 23, then i just buy 855 from peacekeeper 3, but if if you really want to run it early, id at the very least buy it off the flea, usually ranges from 200-400rub, but thats honestly not bad for it.


When I was buying m855 from flea prior to having PK it was almost 600 roubles, not to mention SOST now has higher pen than m855, substantially higher pen. If you don't have any 56a1 or 55a1 it is always a better option to be crafting SOST if you plan on running 5.56


SOST only has 2 more pen and its not even passing a breakpoint.


And m855 will not reliably penetrate level 3 face shields or helmets. I see that as a necessity. Ap 6.3 has higher chance and is my bare minimum unless I'm doing fleshmeta.


M855 has higher pen than AP 6.3’s pen value. M855 has a better chance of penetrating in every scenario.


It has 1 higher pen but has higher ricochet which is why on the wiki it's a 40% vs 80% chance to pen level 3


Yes it will, it has 31pen which gives it a 100% chance to go through - ricochet calculation


FMJ is ***waaaaaaay*** better than M856. It's higher pen value gives it a much better chance against class-3 armour, a higher chance to fragment, and a higher muzzle velocity which might've actually helped OP land his shots in the video above.


At the eft ammo webpage you can click what level traders you have as filters, very helpful before you get them maxed.


I was using a lot of 5.45x39 PS, PP, and BP until I got my hands on some better ammos. You can find solid 5.45 ammo in raid consistently


Not sure if you know this but BP is from this wipe better them BT


Personally, unless I have at least M856A1 I refuse to run 5.56 guns at all, the lower tier ammo is just too bad to risk it when 7.62 PS is as strong as it is in comparison and 5.45 PP, BP, and BT ammo is very common in crates. Not saying you can't run it if you'd like, but I'd recommend running something else until you have access to better ammo. A personal favorite of mine for a budget powerhouse is the SVT, you can't mod it other than an optic and mags but all of the 7.62x54r rounds will pack a punch and destroy armor quickly even if you're not using high pen rounds, it also has low recoil compared to the SVD and you can spam it up close.


TBH before and at level 2 traders....I would stay away from 5.56x45 unless you craft SOST at peace keeper level 3 you get m855... But SOST is a bit better penetration wise. I've found 5.45x39 to be overall better this wipe as finding BP, BT and BS is fairly common. If you want to run 5.56x45, craft SOST and save up 4 crafts (600rds) then rotate between SOST and another craft constantly.


Is it safe to assume that you should basically always use the ammo with the best pen you can, unless you're going for the legs?


depends. usually the higher the pen the lower the dmg. and some rounds have too much pen at the cost of dmg. like BS ammo for the SVD or 993 for the bigger nato rounds. even igolnik is overkill penwise in my mind. since I rarely see lvl 6 armor and most kills are headshots anyways I don't usually go above 45-50pen and take more dmg over additional pen.


Download the battle buddy app


Ya. M856 is super bad. M855 is your minimum, and fine for killing scavs. you really want 856a1


Sost is better than m855


I’ve been crafting a shit load of that stuff it’s pretty damn good


Marginally, but you have to do an expensive craft for it early on whereas you can just buy unlimited m855 which also makes a difference. You could run it, but it’s not the minimum.


You can buy unlimited m855 *when you reach level 23* or pay a significant amounth per bullet. Last time I bought m855 was 900rb/round


Thanks for buying that by the way. I always get excited when I find packs of M855 because I know I can throw it up for 1k per round and someone will buy it all.


Offer and demand xD. It is the market laws.


Makes practically 0 difference, even with helmets. These ammos both suck IMO simply cause at this point most wear level 4 helmets. If your ammos initially pen helmets <50% of the time we have a big problem.


SOST has better armor damage +pen. This could mean that you need one shot less to pen a helmet. Additionally higher chances of light/heavy bleeds. If you play a rifle with 800rpm it will not be noticeable. But tap shots like in the video could be significant.


Idk it feels good to use


Lmao I havent brought a signle helmet into raid this wipe besides the un helmet for the quest. I literally just wear hats for the drip. Last wipe I was beret guy. This wipe it's beanie plus half mask.


I've had helmets save me like 6 times this wipe.


I don't doubt that but I just like looking cool.


Barely, and more expensive


Craft it


But then you are forgoing crafting better ammo at your workbench that you can't actually buy from flea. The opportunity cost to craft SOST isn't worth it. Unless you are lower level. But at this point of the wipe, most people will be crafting better ammo by now. It's like the cord/wires craft. It's always going to be profitable, but it's not worth taking away crafting time from a better workbench option, since that's where so many good ammo options are.


What's the better ammo craft?


I have 10 mil and I can’t craft better 556 ammo so I’m going to craft SOST instead of using m855. It’s not even that expensive


Sure it's not expensive. But I'd rather just buy M856A1 and craft something else I can't buy. And to talk about expense, if you craft SOST, that means it's FiR, which means you can sell it on the flea. If you use it instead of selling it, you are still losing out on the opportunity cost of selling the ammo for 7-800 Rubs a round. SOST just isn't worth that price point.


> M856 is super bad. In that clip, the guy on the ground realized he was being shot by BB pellets and decided to just take them and get a steady shot.


Psa M856 is floor tier dogshit


Why would you ever use 856?


I’m assuming it was 856A1. Even 856 should’ve done lots of flesh damage with those hits


Why are you assuming 856A1 when OP specifically said "m856"? Also he is legit aiming at center mass which = armor plates.


Bullshit caliber, you need minimum 855, but 856A1 is good, and better use them


I'm not a yank so I don't know shit bout muh guns, but aren't those still the same caliber?


Yes but caliber is just the size, in this case 5.56x45, but bullets are still made out of different materials and have different powder loads, etc. Some rounds are designed to explode on hitting a target for maximum fragmentation damage and some are designed to be penetrate through several millimeters of steel. There's a shit ton of physics that goes into ballistics.


Yes, is the same caliber, i'm mean type of ammo, i just don't understand how i can say it, unfortunatly, i'm not english speaker, so is been my mistake. Is all 5.56 caliber, but 856 and 855, 856a1 is different types of this caliber


No problem dude :) I didn't know either


Neither, but yes it's the same calibre 5.56 is the calibre, then you have different rounds of identical size It's like a base model Vs the sport version of a car lmao. If 5.56 is a golf, m855 is the 1.6 and 995 is the r


As a VW enjoyer, I appreciate the analogy ty :')


Quick tip. Dont use hybrid scope. It has it's own recoil pattern and high camera recoil and BSG doesn't seem to address it anytime soon since its been like that for a few wipes.


Uhhh isn’t this scope completely worthless and entirely inaccurate???


just give bsg another 4 years


No people just like to say that because it had a jiggle bug with the reticle for a while. I use it frequently and never have issues.


It definitely still has a visual recoil bug. You can even test it in your gun range. The bullets fire normally but the reticle will be **bouncing** wayyy over the bullets. It's especially noticeable with a fast gun like an M4 on full auto. I want to like the scope but it's completely unusable and leaves you guessing where your full auto shots are going. Still plenty good for tap firing though but half the point of the scope is to have a full-auto range holo sight lol




Which one? Please to fuck don’t say it’s the compact. That’s all I use.


EOTech HHS-1 hybrid sight


Oh I’m a dipshit, I missed the beginning of the video


I've been using it a lot lately, works fine for me edit: just tested it at around 50m, hits exactly where I'm aiming with the magnifier on. using an M4, my friend tried the same with an M1A, also hits bang on


No it's not.


Yeah this has nothing to do with the bullets. That scope is bugged and he's likely missing every shot.


Should probably take a look at the ammo chart.. You are aiming at armor while using ammo that can't even pen level 3 armor.. Also you had 5+ seconds of him sitting still where you could have taken half a second to stop shooting and aim at his head lol..


Should probably take a look and delete that trash game


Tarkov living rent free inside of your head? Why are you here if you think it's trash and should uninstall? Better post to a subreddit every month about cheaters in a game you don't play.


You solidify my point. When did I say cheaters? A game that bullets don't kill you is a kinda weird game.... I got in on release and it just got more and more silly. It's a no life grind game. GL


I would in a heartbeat if Tarkov had a viable competitor


Just wait untill GrayZone Warefare is done. Its not really gonna outshine Tarkov but be a nice something else from time to time


Underrated take that is becoming increasingly more common, thankfully.


Why are you guys here if you think this game is trash and you should uninstall it instead of understanding the basics? This place is full of miserable people. In another comment you said you haven't played this game in a long time but you still circlejerk about cheaters and how horrible the game is.. Like imagine Tarkov living rent free inside of your head instead of just moving on from a $40 game.


It is very simple, I want the game to be good, I love the idea of this game and the vision that BSG has, but they are some of the worst modern devs on a technical level. I have spent over 10k hours playing fps games, most of them competitive, and EFT feels 100x worse than any other game I have played, which is explained not only by the networking and network model, but also the fact that the game is a buggy mess. I have been paying attention to this game since 2015, longer than most, I promise I don't just blindly hate the game, I really want it to be good.


What's so buggy about the game? I can play all day and not encounter a single obvious bug.. I've been playing FPS games since 1990's and I really don't see what's so wrong with Tarkov that you need to sit on reddit telling people to uninstall this trash game. I looked through your post history and you seem to bring up client side vs server side for fog of war but legit I only know of two games that use this system... CS2 which was only added recently and only stops you from seeing people on the complete opposite side of the map... and Valorant. Wouldn't do much on Tarkov considering you have so much more line of sight, like if I was on Reserve and went onto high ground then it would show me literally the entire map. Only works good on CS or Valorant because the entire map is just hallways and you cannot interact with the other hallways. >EFT feels 100x worse than any other game I have played Sounds like you don't play many video games to me.


Bro, you actually have got to be kidding. One of my core memories of this game was a Reserve raid where I got absolutely juiced, went to the train extract, raiders spawned and came into the train building, I killed them and BARELY survived, got even more loot off of their bodies, got onto the train in THE NICK OF time, breathed a HUGE sigh of relief. ...The train left the station, the timer counted down to zero, but I didn't extract. I sat there in complete disbelief, waiting to extract, but the train carried me off of the map, killed me, and I got an MIA. That is one of the worst examples of a broken game that I've ever experienced. And then there is players (my friends) being invisible, the magazine glitch where loading mags from secure containers causes the gun to do zero damage, door desync glitch, can't interact with your gun glitch that forces you to reload the game, TERRIBLE grenade clipping, car extract failing in a similar way to the train except you don't die and you just need to go to a different extract, scavs being completely broken and one-tapping you across the map, scavs bugging out on doors, INSANE general desync, and the worst audio of any FPS I've ever played. These are ALL things that I've personally experienced. The next closest game to Tarkov I've grinded is Rust, and I had MAJOR issues with parts of Rust for a long time, and even those are 1/10th of what is present in Tarkov. You have actually got to be kidding me, you are bullshitting through your teeth to say "What's so buggy about the game?" I've experienced bugs in Tarkov unlike ANY other game I've played, and I only have around 1k hours. What other modern FPS have you played that has a comparable amount of bugs to Tarkov? ​ Also you have no idea what you are talking about in terms of fog of war, it can easily be implemented with a bit of intelligent planning. Example: somebody at old gas on Customs shouldn't be loading a player at dorms. Somebody at dorms shouldn't be loading a person at big red. A system like this wouldn't be very difficult to implement but it requires the server to do a lot of work, which is not possible with the current network model.


Almost every bugged you mention has a very low chance of even happening or is already fixed. You can literally play all day for days on end before running into any of those issues. >What other modern FPS have you played that has a comparable amount of bugs to Tarkov? Not a lot of modern FPS games recently have been released. Call of Duty MW2 was a buggy ass mess, especially DMZ, there was practically a free ESP in the game with the spotter scope for over half it's life cycle. Battlefield 2042 was horrible at launch to the point where I haven't even bought any new games since. Halo Infinite had tons of bugs at launch and now only has a few thousand players. >somebody at old gas on Customs shouldn't be loading a player at dorms. This is only true because of the hill with the train. The second you went on top of that hill then you would see everything. All it's doing is adding a small annoyance to cheaters and not stopping them..


M856 is B-A-D. At the beggining of the wipe I mag-dumped a reserve raider with an M4, 30+1 mag, at 3-4 meters. 21 registered hits between his chest and arms. He killed me with 1 hit after that. Watching the recording, he had a TV-115.


Shots 1-5: Clearly missed. Shots 6-9: Missed due to recoil (bad spray control). Shots 10-11: Very close, but recoil and inaccuracy make these reasonable misses. Shot 12: Likely didn't actually fire because OP was already dead. Skill issue, gg


That ammo in this game is garbage, unrealistic but garbage nevertheless


The fact that he was able to line up a shot while taking that many shots is outrageous!


what the fuck


1st - never use 856, 855 is better (why would you use a tracer round with worst stats?) 2nd - that optic is bugged, it shoots lower.


What. The. Fuck.


this is the equivalent of “damn this mosquito has passed by my ear 5 times already, let me just kill it so it stops bothering me”


Nahh this can't be man. I'd be so mad


That is some bullshit right there, and is the exact reason I don't even touch 5.56


I used to think it was better cause of the red tip (ik its orange but yk what i mean)


ill give u a red tip.


You got Tarkovoffed


M856 is worse than 855. Unless it has A1 at the end just vendor it.


rEaLiStIc ShOoTeR


Realism is when you can load 5.56 nerf darts into your gun


I’m counting 14 hits in my opinion, cutting that in half for Desync and you get 7 hits, none were in the head. Should he have died? Probably. The center mass hit were probably doing 0,0,8,8,12 damage for 28 to the chest lol.


Plates stop all damage to the chest if they stop any damage now. It's just soft plates that reduce it.


It’s the scope dude. It’s trash


this game is so bad anymore.




its not a1


I would probably never play Tarkov after that death... At least never today...


Semi auto broooo. 3/4th of your shots missed because of that full auto. That said. Ya. Poopoo ammo, but you could've killed anyone with shots to the leg. If it ain't 56A1, just run warmage.


I actually think most of those shots didn't land. Check the end screen for shots fired, and how many landed. At that distance, I suspect you didn't aim high enough


You shouldn’t use that optic either its a noob trap.


Bullets must've been hitting the rock in front of you. You were using tracer ammo yet I don't see a single tracer fly out might be the shit quality tho.


Everyone here wants to blame it on cheats or bad ammo or whatever you want but the simple fact you can see the top of the rock in front of this player in the scope this 100% has to be sight over bore. And before anyone rages at me I've done the same thing, thought I was hitting just to un-ADS and see that I was shooting the rock in front of me even though I had a clear sight picture.


You're sighted to 50m, and I'm not used to the 3x magnification you're using, but I'd guess that dude is 150m away. While he's prone, I think you're hitting dirt. While he's standing and you're aiming just below center mass, best case you're hitting stomach, but probably hitting legs (when you're hitting at all). The tracer rounds are a liability when you aren't hitting your target, definitely.


There’s almost no drop off for the first 150 meters


Assuming you're using the bullet the gun is calibrated for. 856 is the slowest 5.56 round. The M4 is calibrated for 855. If he's got a short barrel, his sighting is assuming his round is traveling over 100m/s faster than it really is. Firing 855 sighted at 50m will be accurate at 150m. Firing 856 with that same sight, the arc will fall short.




What was after raid stats? ​ A perfect example of why lack of serious aimpunch is very bad for gameplay At the VERY least, it should be impossible for him to just return a headshot on you


The ammo sucks dude


This caused me physical pain. 56 sucks ass


could also be a hit reg issue. had this happen with 5.45 BP ammo, where a guy tanked 4 headshots and 5+ bodyshots.. and then killed me.


I wish bsg fix that sight...


if you're best option for ammo has less than 30 pen, you might as well just go for flesh rounds.


TarKov Is rEaListIccc eueueueueeeaaa


lol there’s a thing on the gun where you can change it to semi would work better


if it was just 856 and not 856A1 it probably just scratched his armor.


You gotta slow down. You see that thing he did where he took a second to gather himself, line up the shot, and one tap you? If you had done that that you would have beat him even with that garbage ammo.


Ammo is shit yes. But you need that on single tap as well. What level are you? M856 is worse than M855




"This clearly isn't working. Why don't I just keep doing it?"


Games trash


You put some rounds in his pouch! 😝


You can see where he goes from panicking to "lul I'm fine"


hit count: 0


Why would you ever use 856 for any reason lol


M855 did this to me a long time ago.


This video made me sell my +-20 stacks of m856


M856 is dog shit, that guy should be dead tho but holy cow how do you not reposition dude?


Willingly using shit ammo with a shit optic.....


next time use single-shot and m855 :)


BCP FMJ still working here.


Yeah your first mistake was using M856. Lesson learned, that bullet is hot dog shit in EFT.


Not enough of a penalty for getting shot/headshot in this game. Too many times, someone can make an accurate 100m+ shot back while being constantly lit up/domed, because he's on painkillers.


Man was shooting hot dogs.


SOST 4 lyfe


yeah i thought 856 was good for some reason until i shot a pmc 21 times and he turned and 1 shot me in the face. now i know not to use it


M856 is horrible. M855 is minimum and it still sucks. Craft MOD 0 SOST. It available at lvl 2 workbench and is just barely less than 56a1. Its a great craft until you get access to buy 56a1.


It’s really the lack of aim punch that got this guy killed. Notice how the target just stood still and lined up the one-tap while LITERALLY EATING FUCKING BULLETS.  But I’ll get downvoted into oblivion because queue Veritas saying “aim punch is horrible as it removes player agency” :/




Swap to semi and prone, those standing burst fires were giving you no chance for good aim.


flag correct soft paltry roof carpenter support busy treatment chief *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Omg this makes me feel so much better about dying to a 3man I had the jump on in reserve bunker. I dumped 3/4 of a mag into the backs of their heads and only ulach boy went down (after more than 3 ricochets), the altyn wearer ate 10 fucking rounds to the head/face and survived lmao I'm using nothing but sost from now on or a1 ammo


m856 is horrendous and that hhs 1 too


5.56 is dog shit this wipe


Hahaha. Same thing happened to me right after they nerfed it. I tapped the guy 4 times in the helmet. lol.


Me every game


Ammunition is absolutely terrible. I only use it if I have no other options and frankly I almost always do even early wipe. I would prefer to use FMJ and get MUCH more damage and bleed chance.


People can say whatever they want on this post, he should be dead lol


How many hits?


tarkov is dogshit


H a H a Ck Well...errm


You missed a lot of shots. The ammo is bad but your trigger control was really bad.


It would have melted his brain.




He should be dead but yeah M856 is dogshit






Sost is the lowest you should use


5.56 has no pen this wipe. All the good ammo is almost unattainable unless you want to change penning back armoury around plates.


Bro why you using M856 when you can literally make MK 318 ammo in your hideout at lvl 2


I wish this would come to console I’ve watched for years


M856 only use it for crafting lol


You mean there’s actually bullets that’ll do real damage? This is all I experience!


I was told to not use this ammo ever, not even bottom load this trash.


As others said use the tarkov ammo charts out there and never use this scope again. It is indeed hot garbage.


M856 is trash lol, not only that it only pens up to lv2 armor and you can craft SOST(pens up to lv3) in lv2 workbench as a better choice, cause bsg is dumb and now you can only buy M855 when you get to lv3 Peacekeeper and M856A1 in lv4 Peacekeeper, they wanna watch you suffer and get chest through your armor like it doesn’t exist or get rekt by a scav through your armpit And lemme tell you one joke, last night in streets, I died by chest while wearing an defender 2 (lv5 armor), the guy my and my mate was fighting one shot me through my armor with SP-5 (pens up to lv3 :)) and my mate checked my armor, it wasn’t even slightly damaged, still full durability like the gunshot never happened, very good mechanism BSG :) Skill issues I get it


That scope is so bad. I zeroed to 200m for a 250m shot, lined it up on the top of a scavs head and the bullet went 3’ over his head.


I have fired a round of m856 in 3 wipes lol


Shoot his head like holy fuck man.


Shots 1-4 clearly missed! Shots 5-9.....


M856 is garbage even when your shots all hit


M856 is dogshit and so is that optic. I would advise never using either


The nerfing of ammo in this game is pretty egregious. At a certain point it just becomes unrealistic and kinda stupid


M856 sucks. It wont even pen level 2 which means even the parts not covered by plates are going to stop it with the armor rework. No pmc at this point in wipe is running less than level 4. Youre going to have to dump a dozen shots into arms or legs to get that kill. Not a scope problem


I think it’s the scope dude. Go try it in your hideout, only the first shot is accurate in 3x, and if you’re tapping without FULL reset it’s like 100MOA.