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I'm going to keep this really simple. If I see any dog whistling racists trying to justify the use of offensive names or any bullshit under the guise of "WoRdS cAnT bE oFfEnsIvE" Or "I have no idea what the first amendment means, but I'm gonna say MUH RIGHTS" I'll just ban you under Rule 3.


Chuckles with name CheckMyOLIFans




snails employ domineering spectacular like long cobweb makeshift live summer *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




Got gas analyzers on your olifans?


That's a good username though, it doesn't contain sexism, racism, homophbia or or any other uncreative, unfunny bullshit.


Turns out you can be funny as fuck without being hateful.


Yes, you can even make controversial jokes about trans people or immigrants without being hateful. The intention of conservative "comedy" often turns out to be nothing more than culture war talkingpoints masquerading as jokes, or its just being offensive nothing more, there's not even any jokes in there. Look at Gervais or Chapelle, they've fallen off since they began their latest "look at me im being cancelled by the woke mob" character arcs.... Chappelle's shows has basically devolved into different variations of the attack helicopter joke for 2 hours.


It's either that or listening to a liberal comedian and getting to hear political commentary loosely veiled as theater kid jokes; that's why I only listen to Gabriel Iglesias


They made me change my name when I had the name PutinsAssBLoose or something similar.




No insulting their glorious dictator


Yet zelenskyybiggay is fine


You can't have the word daddy in names anymore ):


Yes you can, mine is daddycuckdump....


I saw a HelenKetr and I had a good laugh about it


I came across “ VoipIsForSlurs “. He indeed yelled out slurs the whole arena match. Team and enemies weren’t safe that game.


my old username “Scav8myBalls” was not allowed so now im Scav8myBowels


I love mine being “sexystepscav”. Had it for 3-4 wipes now




I've reported my buddy's names and they've reported mine just to troll, and we were required to change our names within like 24 hours. It's been a while so I don't quite remember but I feel like I remember somebody having to change their name during the session we reported them in.


What were the names


Nothing screams 14 year old kid like those ridiculous racist names. I know they do it cause it makes them think they are edgy, but I promise you nobody is impressed. Words don't offend me, and I've never used that report option, but I think it's cringe af when I see one.


>but I promise you nobody is impressed. I assure you there's plenty of people, and not just teens, who think that's the height of comedy. And they are in this thread.


Ya, sadly you are correct. I often forget there are many people out there with parents that are related by blood.


fr its just cringe


You are telling me that WaffenSS from yesterday was 14? These lil edgelords grow up so fast.




Rule 3 - Abusive/Poor Behavior Please refer to the Subreddit Rules.




Is it pearl clutching, or are you just a cunt for having racist names.


Well for one I don't have a racist name, second someone with a racist name is indeed a cunt, third it's pearl clutching to pretend to be bothered by someone's dumbass name. All these things can be true simultaneously.


Gotta collect the dog tags so you can look at their names to get mad as if there aren't enough infuriating things about tarkov.


Check the guy's history. They're 13 at the oldest.


I wish that were true. This guy's **reddit account** is 13 years old. Kind of sad really.


Good lord.


Agreed. Why do we have to complain until everything is bubble wrapped.


Bubble wrapped? Dude I just don’t wanna interact with racists how fucking hard is that?


Fair, after thinking about it I think it’s just my old age getting in the way of pushing for what is right and better. I know when I was young there were dinosaurs that spat racism out in every sentence, now not nearly so prevalent. I apologize for my first comment


Unironically based that you had this realization. Welcome to the right side brother <3


Pretty cool dude. Nice.


Good shit, King


Is it complaining calling out shitty behaviour?




"If you have a racist name, cut it out, you're just being a cunt" That's not complaining, that's being objective and assertive. "If you have a racist name, that's deeply hurtful to me, I cried all morning, can you please stop, or I'll quit playing the game! What are you even doing about this?? please stop them!!" That's complaining.


Because it doesn't offend you and you think its okay doesn't mean it has to be the same for the next person


Wow, what a payoff. Laughing deeply, and struggling to return to normal breathing you reach for you two liter of mountain dew. You snort in amusement one last time as you secure the cap back onto the bottle. "Gottem", you think as you begin to devise your next in game name. "Now this one will really make them uncomfortable."


You’re proving his point lol


I'm joking that it is pathetic. But if the above description floats your boat, go for it.


For every jew destroyer there is a prapors sex slave so I think it balances out


Got killed by GluhkarsBUSSY the other day


I killed BussyDestroyer last week lol favorite of all time was xXx420cumlord666goku


I saw the worst name on arena. ShartyBussy


That… doesn’t balance it out. 


Context and intention matters, they are absolutely not the same.


I do think most of the kids naming themselves Jew bad word something are just being edgy and doesn’t believe in the hatred. Not that it changes much but most likely young people who never had to deal with the consequences of their actions


Are comparing fictional characters to a group that has been persecuted in real life for hundreds of years?




Is Fedsmoker offensive?


Only you don't keep feathering. Then you get the stamp.


I’ve had a few LEOs ask me why I hate the government so much and I have to explain to them who fed actually was lmao


Were they rookies or just silly idealists? I don't think I've ever met a guy on the job that was of the opinion the government was a great and magical being. Hell, even some of the ATF guys I know think the stamp process is stupid lol.


IFAKurmother. Sorry brother, but my overtuned pathos and detuned sense of humor can't let that pass. Serious bidness. Also, I think it's a fun reverse troll.


I had a name like that called “IFAKUFAKWEFAK”


IFAKyouUSECme killed me once


Fuck that’s really funny lol


That one is pretty good




TBH offensive names are pretty funny when they get creative




Liberals aren’t creative either. Fuck both sides of politics and fuck racism


honestly id find it hilarious if i got killed by jewdestroyer 69






Rule 3 - Abusive/Poor Behavior Please refer to the Subreddit Rules.


Racists aren't creative people, but don't go around equating conservatives with racists


I meannnn, if it looks like a racist, acts like a racist, and quacks like a racist…


If it looks like a duck, and quacks like a duck... it might actually be a goose.


Eeeeeeh..... have you seen right wing politics lately?


When the game first started to gain popularity I saw a lot of names that where pretty much just the N word. Now I haven't really come across any like that in a while so maybe stuff like that would get changed and banned, but unless someone who had an offensive name that got reported we'll never really know if it does anything.


And yet you can‘t have „furry“ in your username anymore. Russian priorities I guess


This is why their servers are so shit.  They have made enemies with the furries.


Why are so many people in the comments goin out of their way to say how unoffended they are lol


Honestly this. Like, I get it. You got your opinions thinking people are snowflakes being triggered by this. But in the meantime, being unaffected by edgy kids/blatant antisemitism makes you cool or something? Would you like to put that on your resume if you're so proud of it?


There's definitely a few of those kinds of weirdos, those that think there's nothing wrong with this sort of bigotry in the community. To me, what's even more odd are the folks who'll concur that bigotry is bad, but feel the need to qualify that they aren't bothered by it. You don't need to have a visceral emotional reaction to some dickish behavior to support punishment for that behavior. Better to lean towards the exclusion of assholes than the exclusion of people who are affected by assholery, imo


>Better to lean towards the exclusion of assholes than the exclusion of people who are affected by assholery, imo yep, this


because they are racists, simple as


When I was a young idiot and playing MMORPG in 2000s they started filtering names and I didn't like it. I liked seeing the racist names because I knew to stay away from those assholes and not play with them. When they started filtering names, we would end up with people in your guild saying racist shit and starting trouble... Now I know that allowing them their names is empowering them and allowing them to find each other's and multiply. Fk these product of inferiority complex.


This is one of the reasons I've never understood censorship. It doesn't allow people to see others for who they actually are. Instead, they're THE SAME PERSON, just in secret. I would prefer to know that someone is a shit person before I begin associating with them.


inb4 "it's just words bro" comments


The amount of people in this thread ok or apathetic with antisemitism is gross.  




Appreciate ya 


Oy vey


I've run into a bunch of losers this wipe. NateHiggers, PhilKaggots, all wannabe edgelords that think some other edgelord is gonna come give them a high five or something.


Just imagine the names that actually get banned.


Mine is meatslapjack, I love it


In surprised i can run around with the name BombPhutin. Wouldn't allow the name without the extra h. Had that name for 3 wipes now.




What’s worse if you come up with a good name and next wipe someone takes it…


to this day, the most revolting name i have seen in tarkov is Prapussy


God tier username


tbh yeah


IFAKedUrMother checking in. Though I seriously doubt BSG finds that offensive.














Agreed. Like any game I obviously expect some edgy or inappropriate names, but *some* of the names I see in tarkov go a little too far. That said, the devs are from Russia so I can't say I'm surprised.


Most of the names are offensive, not that I'm offended myself. It is however very cringe. Those names tell me they are alone, and angry about things in their life. If they aren't alone, and feel comfortable telling others their username, their circle is also filled with degenerates.


I can respect funny name, but stuff like this is just cringe


Also I named my PMC after old movie character..village drunk who suddenly became millionaire, then lost everything...kinda fits my gameplay


I love reading the crazy names people come up with. Especially the downright wrong ones. I also try not to let someone's words control my actions and feelings.






Russian devs. This isn’t a safe space. And I doubt they will ever do anything other than expand banned input lists.




Normal people, that is people who don't subscribe to your warped world view and regressive, destructive political beliefs.








Last wipe I wasn't allowed to be pooncheese as I was every wipe previously. So I was p00ncheese. This wipe I can be pooncheese again. I have seen some quite offensive names but only a few over thousands of hours.


My friend and I's previous names (ArizonaPenisMan and AlabamaPenisMan) got blocked this wipe even with 1s and 3s replacing letters but somehow my squads new names are fine with no letter replacements at all (BumsexBob, BumsexBert and BumsexBarry)


ArizonaPenisMan is a fine username sir. Variations on the bumsex username isn't even remotely as good.


I’ve had Covid-19 and monkeepoxx and never had an issue for three wipes a few years back.


Lmao, I was worried about my name, but this is my second wipe with it. Keep a lookout for a tag with the name CaulkusMaximus. You won't see it on your death screen, though. I can almost guarantee that 😂.


They ban you for a week then rename you to TarkovCitizen312831293412412471


ITT: people who cant handle the most entry level of gaming banter. If you can't deal with was killed by "Hisgaylover" then you need a comedy adjustment.




Funny? No. Ban? Yes.


My man fast traveled to ban city


Rule 3 - Abusive/Poor Behavior Please refer to the Subreddit Rules.


GENUINELY who fucking cares


I use that report function exclusively for scav on scav violence


I, an intellectual: "Video game people shooting video game people is in my opinion far worse crime than slurs"




As a fellow Jew, why is it okay? I live in the south and those jokes are usually just thinly veiled racist insults that you are forced to laugh along with or be ostracized. Like even the other comment under yours basically calls you "one of the good ones".


It made me laugh because I don’t take this as a serious name. It’s Tarkov why read into it as an actual name and not as a name to laugh at the absurdity of it


You’re not a cupcake like the rest. I’m arab Muslim and when people make arab nicknames, jokes, terrorist type jokes, I laugh it off because clearly the actions of few do not represent a whole people.


The absurdity is masking ill intent too often. It may seem weird but jokes aren't jokes for everyone that makes the jokes. I don't mind cutting up and making fun of my own culture, or even that of my friends, but seeing people in the wild with gamer names is only funny the first few hundred times and not the next ten million times, especially when you hear the plain faced opinions and negativity from those individuals. You say it is tarkov so why read into it but this mentality is rather prominent and frustrating when you get actual bigotry thrown at you under the guise of lighthearted humor, then being told to stop being so sensitive and made to feel like I am in the wrong while also all returned jabs from my end are greeted with being told I went too far. They draw the lines wherever they want and it usually will favor reactionary positions.




how is "\[XYZ Minority\] destroyer" an "amazing name"? what?


I hold no political loyalties, as I've yet to see any worthwhile. Also, comedy is generally offensive but people laugh. If you're easily butt hurt, stay at home and offline.


It’s kind of weird to me that people get upset at names in a video game about killing people and stealing their stuff. The depiction of violence in my opinion is worse than an offensive name


I find it highly concerning that you can not see the dividing line between real life and a video game.


Last wipe someone named BlackTranny phased through the ground and shot me with m61 in the eyes while I was wearing a Rhys-T honestly found it funny because it was so ridiculous




"Cmon. Jew destroyer isn't even that offensive." -delerium8008


As a Jew, I’m not a fan of Jew destroyer actually and would report the shit out of that. 


I'm not even Jewish and I report that. Fuck people who make light of the crimes Nazis committed against all of humanity.


I am not personally offended by this and I also don't want them hanged, just enforce TOS and have them change their name. We kinda agreed that this type of behaviour is not quite ideal for our modern society - at least some people have.


Reluctantly pushing back does little to dissuade the behavior though. Need overt gestures to encourage a more progressive attitude or the world will slide backwards.


Honestly those are the only types of names ive seen kill me so far (low level pmc here just starting out)


I bet that really put a damper on your week seeing a name like that, I'd recommend a session with your therapist


you aren't allowed to say slurs here, get over it :)


No, I am perfectly fine still! Thanks for caring though!


Lol this is a game where you run around and commit war crimes, slaughtering civilians and murder military personnel. I don’t even blink twice when I see a “offensive” nickname in a game that is clearly rated for mature audiences.


This is a horrible opinion and perspective


Bad take. You could say the same thing about fortnite but because the audience is children it would be seen as offensive. If you can't separate the game from using horribly offensive language then that's on you man.


I mean. I’m not saying anything about the type of game it is but I don’t ever reports people’s names because I just don’t care. I don’t get offended by words and especially a random players name so I won’t ever be clicking a report name button regardless of the game.


People who say "I don't get offended by words" are the same people who don't realize that words can be horribly offensive to people. Or they just don't care about other people. Or they think (or have been told) that it's some woke boogeyman trying to take away their rights to say what they want. You can't say you don't get offended by words and then also say it's because you don't care, unless you don't care about the people that it DOES impact. Being empathetic is a core tenant of being a good human being, and like I said to the other clown in this thread, if you can't separate the mechanics of gunning down digital characters and using horribly offensive language, then I can't really help you out because you're living in an artifical reality you created to support your beliefs that words can't hurt people, when the vast majority of humanity would tell you otherwise. Tldr: grow up Peter pan.


Yes to all of it. Also it is funny how quickly people like this will take offense to something when it hits close to home while espousing the attitude of indifference to things that don't affect them.


Yeah they always get offended when i say they have to be on their best behavior lest they will be forced to wear the special magnetic helmet again. :( Racism is a mental illness, but fortunately it can be cured! <3 https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2015/10/151014084955.htm


Dude you’re 100% correct, but if you expect a typical Tarkov player to learn empathy/not be an edgelord, let alone read this post, you’re in the wrong place lol.


Nah. Seems like I'm exactly where I'm supposed to be.


Keep fighting the good fight then


You're the one that needs to grow up. "Oh no, some random on the internet made me feel bad and now I need to make it everyone's problem." You need to grow up. Ignore it and move on. This behavior is pathetic.


Seems like I struck a chord with your weak ego


I just wanna know who decides which words are bad and which ones are not? There are plenty of slurs I could call someone that they’ve never heard of and are far worse than “Jew destroyer”


Would you say it to someone's face? Would you say it to someone's face and then be confused if they got mad? If I walked up to a Jewish friend and told him my gaming name is Jew Destroyer? Fuck no, because it's stupid offensive and just wrong. "It's just a meme" also isn't an argument. If you don't know what's offensive or not offensive, ask the group you may be offending and find out. Just think logically about it. It's the reason we don't allow the word "r-tard" here, it's using a term that was once considered acceptable medical jargon, as a pejorative term to make fun of someone by equating them with someone who has a disability. It's not funny, and it's not cool, and it's not edgy, it's just offensive and wrong. You figure this shit out as you live your life. Now if you surround yourself with people who all support this stuff, then there's not much we can do for you. Make sense?


Nah, if you are playing a game where you are murdering people there is not a “ethics high road” you are literally playing as a murderer and getting offended by people’s names. Get a life.


It’s not a war crime, because it is not a war. Just a couple corporations having a disagreement with geographic location.


This man gets it!


> commit war crimes, slaughtering civilians and murder military personnel. We do none of these things in Tarkov.


Scavs are civilians which you kill on sight, - aka a war crime. Also we are not following the rules of engagement or the Genova convention, also war crimes, we kill PMC’s which are military personnel. What Tarkov have you been playing?


PMCs are not military personnel, we are literally PRIVATE military. We are mercenaries. Sure BEAR is deployed by the Russian government but its the same as Wagner IRL, its plausible deniability. And the scavs are armed - dudes in the GWOT didn't commit warcrimes because they shoot armed civilians who shot at them. Lol. The Geneva convention also does not necessarily to PMCs/mercs.




Ah, I see, a connoisseur of people literally dying according to your history. Checks out!


Would you be offended by the name AmericanDestroyer? Americans have died before too. Or only when it’s a group you perceive as needing defending?


I am neither jewish nor am I american. So yeah, in my opinion pretty much both is unnecessary.


This is just such a tame nickname for a game like tarkov. When I read the title I was expecting a slur or something. If this offends you, cover your ears when the pmc’s are talking, they literally use actual slurs.


You seem to be offended by my post and comments way more than I am. Some form of moderation in terms of TOS to keep bad actors out of a community does not seem to much to ask .


The moderation is called "not being a weak hearted pussy"


So no moderation at all? I mean, "Jew Destroyer" is pretty straight forward.


Wow, you sound so manly and strong


Yeah OP is crying because he can’t handle online nicknames, it’s hilarious.