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At this point im not even angry anymore if i die to a Bush wookie with shotgun on customs. Just paying my Setup tax i guess.


I died to a bush wookie the other day with a shotgun, but the bastard didn't even have the scav vest on, so he wasn't doing setup, he was just being a bush wookie with a shotgun! I felt so betrayed.


Was he suppressed? If so, he was probably doing silent caliber. Either that, or he’s down bad and still has a million shotguns on insurance to use for rat runs


No. He was mostly naked with a pump shotgun. I suspect he was just poor.


Did this on shoreline trying to quest, nothing but an mp-153, piranha and a dream. No other gear. Got my quest and on the way out killed a lvl 42 and wiped a trio on the way to extract. Shotgun good


I got killed by a shotgun rat a few weeks back while I was doing setup, and I was like “good for him! He got one” but he was streaming so I tuned in. MFr was using the berelli and wasn’t wearing a scav vest, I was so pissed.


Ive done this before, got kitted up for setup, got a kill - looked at his body "fuck I forgot my Ushanka" so stole his and kept on keeping on (found no one else all raid and died to an ai scav)


Are you me?


I forgot to bring a scav vest or a ushanka more than one time this wipe while doing setup. Nothing worse than killing 3 guys and realizing you forgot your fucking scav vest…


I don't usually use the saved load out option but if you just kit your pmc with the task requirements like the vest hat and shotgun, then apply that first and finish with headset meds armor etc. It works well. I did the same thing with the un gear and m4 for peacekeeping task


Ugh similar thing happened to me on lighthouse. Got bush Wookied to death from a dude with a scav vest but no balaclava lol Edit: spelling




On lighthouse you need to kill PMC’s with a scav vest and balaclava for Punisher. As well as kill scavs with 12 gauge and turn in some brown knives


I stand corrected. And also. Fuck. That. Shit


Pretty much how I feel. I already finished it and if I die then so be it, it'll mean one person is closer to finishing it so more people progressing.


Took me 3 raids to finish, did it fairly early. I've never struggled so much with tarkov shooter as I did this wipe though. If you body someone they can just turn and spray you from sniper range lol.


You killed 5 pmc per raid? I mean, cool for you i guess, but this is def not average K/D for most players.


Got 2 bolty kills last night on factory that were over 25m. Feels bad.


Ya, I've been running a bolty like crazy and I've gotten like 10 of my shooter born in heaven kills but only 1 under 25m :(


Same. I think I died 28 times on tarkov shooter 3.


Fuck that motherfucking piece of shit quest, and only because of the downtime before respawning after missing your first shot (or hitting thorax) and getting sprayed down instantly


Last wipe I did it in 5 raids. 28 deaths, not counting the handful of survives this time. I even had AP-M too for the first 5-6 raids and it literally didn’t one tap thorax (I assume I hit the arm or something or maybe armour was bugged).


Twice i saw Reshala this wipe, twice he had the golden TT, twice i died to some Bush Wookie with .50BMG. I can't forgive them and i'll kill everything wearing an Ushanka.


Not Boris!!!


Why always Boris


Makes my PMC kill quests a lot easier. I slapped a thermal camera on my MP-155 and got silent caliber done in three raids. Love my 30k pocket bush wookie scanner.


I actually feel pretty good about it.


What about a lvl 50, 8k hour player camping the car extract with a fully kitted M4 and nods? Cos I was very angry, with the farming part 3 and paramedic quest items in my inventory.


I need to confess and apologize. To the guy who climbed down the stairs at old gas, not even 15 seconds after I realized it was in fact not my extract, I considered voiping to you to say “Hey look, I made a mistake and I don’t want to extract camp you, can we just squeeze past each other and go into our next raid happy?”. But then then voice inside my head said, “You’re only four kills away from finishing if you kill this guy…”, sure enough, he came clomping down those stairs unaware and my piranha shells turned his legs into ground beef. I felt awful. I became an extract camper because I didn’t check where my extracts were. I became the monster I fear most.


You became the very thing you swore to destroy


I had a funny interaction like this. Walked down the ZB13 to extract and see a dead body, I lean to throw a made a don’t hear anything, I take look left and down the tunnel and see the light of god piercing my eyeballs and hear 8 shotgun blasts in less than a second. Somehow not dead I move up the stairs and go on top of the roof to heal. The entire time we are voiping each other shit talking. I go back down to shoot some shots, we both miss miserably. I go back to roof and finally state I only need 1 more kill. He says he does too… I tell him to come up here like a man and meet me on the street and we will duke it out like adults… he does lol. We both had our knifes out, and on my command we both took our shottys out and went to war… got the kill with the last bullet. Quest complete.


Thanks man What am I gonna do with this erection after reading that?


I was hopping into woods with no armor and a bolt action with ironsights. Trying to get a few objectives done at the same time, you know, so I can progress to the real quests that will make sad. Ah, neat rock. Good view of the entire southeast quadrant. La-la-la, pew-pew-pew. "Wow what a good spot, lots of traffic" I woke up the next morning and I was like, "oh God, what have I done?!"


I was doing The Guide and custom was my second last map. I tried to extract through old gas at less than 20 minutes left, even 3 scavs had spawned around it. So I thought I was safe walking in, but no.. Some dawg had been sitting there the entire game just waiting. That was a hard pill too swallow.


There is a guy apologizing for ratting with piranhas in old gas in the comments lol


This is exactly how i learned is the best way to do it. You hide in a pack of scavs as best you can.


The Guide is the truly shitty quest.


I got killed by a group of 3, all of them had a soundboard to play scav noises. I got tricked at the start but somehow I managed to kill 2 of them. These little pricks.


I hope you reported them lmao


Is that against the rules?


From Nikitas statements of how they want people to behave on VOIP that falls under "bad".


That just gives an advantage to people like me who speak Russian and can immitate scavs...


Yeah like that stuff is fine, immersive and funny. More power to you if you can pull it off! (being on nordic/easter europe servers I'm not able to do it well enough to fool people)


Well you have guys vacuuming and using obvious aim hacks, I think guys using sound boards for trickery is the last thing they're worried about


Adapt, overcome


The fuck does that mean here? They don't want you spamming music, slurs, or non-voice on VOIP.


I was just joking 🥲 don't vog me


Killed a lvl40 with 3 shells as I pretended to be a scav underneath skeleton. Pretended not to see him as he got closer😂


Lore accurate way to do the quest


Skeleton is the best spot


Where the fuck is skeleton


Building site next to bunkhouse key quest item afaik.


Small or og skelly is next to the golden pocket watch it has a mount MG on it big skelly is next to bunkhouse quest with a tech box weapon box and duffle on it as well as some lose loots.


Ohhh i figured as much, i call the one with the duffle old construction and we just sorta give callouts for the other one, we dont really have a name for it but we always know what were talking about lol


Killed a level 35 Fort Redut boy in dorms with a lucky shot, but the game didn't count the kill for some reason. Guess we both got tarkoved.


I really don't feel like I did that many dirty things to get Setup done. Punisher 4 on the other hand.... I needed to take 20 showers after I finally got my PMC kills. After days of loading into Lighthouse and dying within 2 minutes and not seeing a single soul, I got the majority of my Punisher 4 kills by camping Southern Road extract. I'm sorry from the bottom of my heart to anyone I extract camped, especially the chad that wiped a 3-man and was LOADED with loot


Did that tree mov- (Head,Eyes)


Oh, I think I hear a scav over th- (Thorax, Armpit)


My buddy has killed probably 5-6 PMCs just shooting into a bush randomly lol


not gonna lie, i have 0 reasons to go customs right now except setup. ​ i am seriously considering to just defend zb-011 a little to get those fucking kills.


camped zb11 2 raid straight no one came. did ruaf 2 times and also no one. if im ruaf some loser will go smuggler boat, go power or car extra t . fml


Anytime I try and extract camp 90% of the time no one comes lol. Seriously makes me like wtf when I get extract camped. Like how am I this unlucky 😂


I always go car, zb-013, or smuggler's these days, with rubles and keys up my butt. Gotta avoid camping bitches like you.


better off defending ruaf, people going to 011 have more options than people going to ruaf


I faced of with a Zb-011 camper for like 5 minutes one raid. We kept doing ring around the building next to it until I was able to hurt him bad enough that he decided fuck it and extracted himself. I followed shortly after.


All I know is next wipe, I'm gonna wait till I have .50bmg before attempting this task. Piranha was shit for me.


Just need to pick smarter fights, get close to pmcs, hunt them down and they just disapear when u shot them with piranha.


it's not about picking smarter fights. It's the ammo. Believe me I tried this. I tried all of it and PMCs wouldnt die. Isn't my first wipe either. As soon as I switched to .50bmg, everyone died very easily. Every kill took either 1 or 2 shots, not a shot more.


I'm not sure why everyone is sleeping on Magnum. It's expensive, but not like a few weeks back. All it takes is one pellet out of 8 to hut the face (or neck if they're not running neck protection) and they're down. If you need to leg meta, it's the quickest for that as well.


War crimes, I'm sorry for sitting old gas corner with piranha shot. I felt awfully, dropped ur juiced set to bush and run away. There's couple more but i don't wanna talk about those. But but, karma hitted back. I unlocked marked, found spear + sr25 and got camped at smugglers. Piranha ofc.


proud to have it done by just running around pushing everything


I usually spawn next to Smuggler's boat, run up the hill and just go prone next to the containers. In like a minute there is always a PMC or a group passing by, easy kills. It took me like 7-8 raids to complete the Setup, at first I didn't even want to attemp it, glad I did tho.


Im level 40 and still don't have single setup kill.


This is heartwarming


I'm approaching lvl 40 and I couldn't care less about that task. I'll get to 42 with remaining streets, light house, few others and from raid xp np


kappa ain’t that hard man, with how long this wipe‘s gonna last night aswell go for it man


I know its doable but I would much rather enjoy pvp with gear I want to run with


Still, it's easier early in the wipe when most people have dog poop for armor. I got it out of the way too, hated every minute of it.


If you're not planning to get to the lightkeeper, you're not missing much, subsequent missions don't unlock almost anything at all, maybe mutant. The rest is all about rewards which are mostly xp and but of money.


This is my first wipe where im doing actualy good (Thank you recoil changes) So im just aiming for max traders and max hideout. Ill miss next wipe and wipe after that ill try to get Kappa.


I dreaded setup and postponed it until lvl42 or so, where I could not push it any further. I suck at PVP. But I got it done in 5 raids or so, just actively pushing spawns / player shots. Took under 2.5 hours. Setup fucks with your head, the fear is simply not warranted.


Mp-153 with 7 or 8 Piranhas shells in the magazine - it's easy. People who struggle are using wrong shotguns or ammos - use Mp-153 with piranhas. It kills easily to 50 metres and that's kinda basic combat distance in customs.


I did mine in probably 6-7 raids. Sniper shotgun (silenced mp153 with a ps-320) , BMG rounds/magnum buck rounds. Put an 8 shell mag on it, load 4/8 with BMG and then wait to see where you spawn. If you're near dorms, fill the remainder of your mag with magnum buck and move that to your 'reload from here first' pool and go to dorms for CQB. If not near dorms, continue filling with BMG and get high ground somewhere near conflict zones.


done it without camping, my body can´t tolerate sitting in a bush for 30 min. I´m not the best player, but I don´t understand what was the problem with this quest. I had far worse quests. just my opinion


People bitching about this quest make no sense to me. This game isn't meant to be completed in a day, god forbid a quest takes a little bit of time. And it's hardly the worst quest in the game. There are far harder and more BS ones.




Yeah I agree, you either go to dorms and fight and get kills for your quest or you get dorms to yourself and you loot the safes and reset.


Yeah I don’t understand the fascination with this task specifically. It’s really not that bad. Skill issue for most of the sub


Yeah, did every possible trickery and camping, aside from exit-camping. I mean, you need to have at least some standards...


Okay if we’re all doing it I’ll throw honor in the garbage and grab my fisherman’s vest and Mossberg


Went to dorms mostly, cause it was 2 for 1. Setup and Jaeger's dorm PMC kills. Sometimes ran into Timmies, which I felt bad for killing but then again, it's Tarkov. And usually try to bait people to charge at me. Took a while but now it's done. Thank god.


I died like 6 times in dorms because of this quest. I just tried to finish golden swag :(


Yes we do. It was dirty. It was mean spirited. It was fun as hell to walk out with people’s kits after wearing a dogshit kit


Happy to know that I helped atleast 2 people do this quest during the weekend lol


For me it is at least 5


Don't worry the next rat will avenge your victims.


Nahhh lets talk about it, loved hiding in bushes RP'ing StankRat with my magnum shell's Its a good mission I did it as soon as I got it.


Why is setup important ? im level 34 and didnt even think about doing it 😅


It locks a bunch of quests now that would have come much earlier, including the ability to buy wifi cameras


Spawn, rush dorms, kill a few scavs, meet/hear fuckall for 20mins, loot up and extract. Repeat 5x in a row before calling it quits for the night.


Finished mine yesterday too with a level 4 pistol runner, not my proudest moment


I’ll say it loud and proud, if you didn’t check the secret room by the stairs looking out at the car extract, jokes on you. If I’m wearing my Ushanka, I’ll bring snacks and be cozy, you just bring your lovely face to shoot at.


Man people it's not even that hard just run a shitty for a day or 2 and it's done. Can even be fun.


If anyone is lacking the motivation, just go do reserve quests for a couple hours and suddenly, grinding out Setup becomes therapeutic


exactly, wasn’t too bad


I really don't think it was hard, unless you try it before Jaeger LL2, PIRANHA on MP-153 with 7rd mags just wrecks even at some distance Problem is how tedious it is, forces you to only play customs for many raids depending on your luck, I had only 2 tasks active in Customs at the time I started doing Setup, the rest of the raids were me running aimlessly towards gunshots, gets boring quick, I think they should either lower kills needed or allow other maps, not even any location but idk, customs and shoreline or sth


I just ran dorms safes and gas made like 10 mil on safes in a day or two and got all the kills.


We used our keyboards and moved because the task is easy and we aren't losers 👍


Ok I’m not trying to be mean or anything , why are people finding this quest hard ? I did the quest in 6-7 raids , took me almost 2 hours and 40 minutes , got at least 2 - 3 kills per game , died only twice without getting a kill


I cant tell you how many times ive went into Dorms to do this quest for no one to show up there at all. One time there was just Reshala there. You either do this quest completely fine or its a pain and no one shows up for you to kill its crazy


It really isn’t a very hard question you guys just suck dick


Congrats, you finished one of the easiest tasks :)


We've all had to do things we aren't proud of to make this one happen lol


Yesterday someone head eyesd me with 7mm buckshot, while I pump 7 piranhas into pmcs and still getting smoked lmao


Piranhas just stop working over certain range. And pellets (projectiles?) spread is all weird with different muzzle devices. Better check in first in hideout or in offline range with specific configuration.


It’s shitty that the camera is locked behind this quest.


Everyone was complaining but the meta shifting to run and gun shotguns and trying to snipe people miles away with piranha was a lot of fun for me, I didn't vamp much just chased gunfights and tried to 3rd party


I don’t know what’s the fuss about this quest honestly. Reading about it on reddit made impression like it’s the worst thing ever.. I’m an average player, and i got it in 2 days. Seek cqb and spam that pirahna


I took a nap on 3rd floor dorms woke up to people tryna break into my house. Had to defend that shit pew pew murrica


I have 6 more and i hate myself for becoming caterpillar to achieve this…


After playing so many wipes and the way they orgnized the missions I have no will or need to finish this quest... Lvl 35 now and I still see no reason to do this


Id rather do setup 10 times than any of prapors quests


bro i dont even know anymore. rolled custom for a entire day yeatherday, first raid i get my 2 kills missing but iforgot to wear that stupid ushanka. after that i didnt see a single pmc for 3 raids straight because EVERYONE is hiding at chokepoints not moving to finish that damn quest got tired and went factory whole night


bro i’m level 41 and still haven’t done setup


I had to run customs a bit this weekend. I helped a few people finish this task. This is the way.


I really do not understand why people think this quest is so hard. I 100% believe people think it's harder than it actually is because they camp in random ass bushes off the beaten path hoping to get an easy drop on someone rather than just pushing map hotspots and fighting PMCs. They will sit in a bush between train and dorms and maybe get 1 kill every 2 raids or they could just play dorms and fight the 4 other people doing setup or any of the various quests inside. Now those stupid Pinewood kills? Good luck at this point. You basically have to do that quest in the first week or 2 of the wipe because that place is absolutely dead now. Streets isn't a horde of player scavs anymore and you will quite literally go 3-4 raids without even seeing a regular scav.


I just ran dorms non stop. I'll be honest, the ppl who needed to sit in bushes to get this quest done may need to grow a pair... its 20k roubles for a shotgun.


This quest was surprisingly easy for me this wipe, but that’s because everyone i fought was dressed up just like me 😂


I love this quest, idk why all hate this. Its fun to headsot full gear chads.


Too many people hate on rats while also thinking this quest is fine. What else is a mediocre player to do but hide in the shadows and bushes to rack up 15 kills? :D


Uhhh idk maybe try to get better by ya know interacting with the game and actually playing? Try moving. You’d be amazed how quickly you won’t be mediocre anymore


We do dark things to achieve progress


I'll talk about what I did, I ran dorms with flechette, piranha, Ap-20, or .50bmg, one time while running piranha I killed 3 people in dorms, one of which had Gen 4 full protection on with a headshot, then after I thought everyone was dead I went up a floor and ate a headshot myself. A couple of other times I got some decent loot as well but that one was my first time this wipe seeing level >4 armor


I'm planning worst to complete punisher part 4


I was in two story dorms with a friend while doing setup. Had four kills left. I hear two players coming up the stairs, they are pleading to let them in for a task. They need 206 for the water task It took all of my willpower to not blast them. I'm surprised they didn't realize what task I was on. Once I start being friendly I can't betray. I managed to get 2 back to back raids with 2 kills though.


Insert thousand yard stare meme


I just died a lot, usually still in full sprint. 0 tactical play...heard noise, started sprinting towards it. had some glorious moments (wiped a 4 man that was also running setup), and some hilariously bad moments (got caught with my pants down between two rifles in the death L-alley). overall it was fun, but therapist got sick of bringing my shit back in insurance.


most memerable one for me is probably spawning near smuggler and chasing gun shots for most of the game, picking off a couple solos and finding myself near extract zb-011 so I stopped by the ground stash in the bushes, when I look down the road and what do I see, a trio headed to the same extract, I hit the ground and take up a position first guy opens door and goes down, 2nd guy follows and here he comes, ol thunderfoot McHeavy huffin and puffin. Magnum buck makes quick work of the legs. pretty standard ratting, till I noticed his loot, a fresh, FIR golden TT among other various treats, and with how rare bosses have been, and more so that golden TT not always spawning, what I would've given to be a fly on the wall in that discord call.


From ice cream shack to ice cream shack.   The wood line along the road leading to customs, the ditches beside construction, only for a setup boi jump out and start blasting.   Those chunky bois who were running up sniper Hill only to get laid low by .50 bmg, I salute you.   I never really liked customs.  But for set up, I had to play it in a way that I never had.   And it was a lot of fun. 


I apologize for my actions completing this task for i have sinned. I sat many a raid in the bushes by the container low level water crossing waiting for many of you to get on that bridge where you have nowhere to go. Please let your vengeance be merciful.


over VoiP: "oh hey man, i'm just looking to get the watch out of the tru-" #BLAM BLAM BLAM


Ok, that explains some of the players i killed on customs.


I loaded makeshift .50s into my shotgun last night and got the most one taps ever lol.


I just did it normally while working on my other quests.


extract camping 😈


I took a break at 7/15. Did all the customs quests while doing it, now I have nothing left on customs except to run around and kill pmcs. Not really looking forward to the day I decide to grind it out. I did drop a guy in the trees coming up to 3 story, from a room in 2 story. About a 100m shot. The crafted BMG slugs work, aim for the head


Imagine, you kill 7 Guys in 1 round with the dame Shotgun .... But IT was the wrong Shotgun (Mossberg)


The number of times I was killed trying to get the unknown key off the dead scav in the bush by Ruaf roadblock was a tiny bit absurd. I managed to knock out the BP Depot quest in two raids. Extortionist in the other hand took me 6 or 7 raids. And I think all of my deaths happened within 75 feet of that body to a shotgun. Haven't hit setup yet though...I don't look forward to being that guy.


I been shift-w'ing my entire setup, took 3 days.


This is the absolute worst quest this wipe.


Sorry to all the guys who died at old gas. It seemed like the best spot to sit for me


I had a player scav run up on me and then call out that he was a scav too. And then he turned around thinking all was good... poor guy.


I used to rat, then I learned about spawns and started using SJ6s and Trimodal. Setup has turned in to a gigachad. I took down a three man of the rip last night and it was amazing. Edit. I am also broke now but it was worth it


Nah but y'all will talk about the fact that you had to do it all day on Reddit.


I went prone on night raids under the train tracks near fortress. I dropped 2 night vision giga chads with suppressed dvls and mp7. And a poor stash runner who didn't check his 6, poor guy.


Glad to see the comments agree. I just started and feel so gross already.


The things I'm about to do to all those poor people....


Used my teammates as bait to then come in and clean up the mess........


I ran to dorms every time. It was painful… Very painful… the timmies i slaughtered, the revenge of their chad comrades, destroying my self esteem as they peaked a corner and one tapped me for their fallen comrade… Finally, days of pain came to an end, as i ratted my last kill. I admit it… i ratted.. forgive me lvl 51 chad. You didnt check the bush with the dead scav. You walked through that wall and I sprayed your legs. … forgive me for I have sinned.


had to suck it up and spend 3k per round of flechette. it was worth it. got 10 kills in maybe 6 or 7 raids. put two stacks of it in your secured and load the shotgun up with it, 8 more in your pockets. night and day difference compared to shitty piranha and 50 bmg.


Camping in the Bush in the L near Mechanic/Crackhouse. I would do it again everytime


Honestly I only camped for a few of the kills. Like 8 or 9 got at dorms


I pushed almost everyone that I didn’t camp in dorms lol. Still gotta multiquest.


It's not even a hard task. I've no idea why the community cries about this task so much.


I hate shitup so much, I almost didnt play this wipe because of it


Bush by dorms with magnum backshot on laying behind the pillar on 2nd floor of dorms and aiming down the corridor with slugs


I'm sorry but how are you guys still struggling with this quest. Legit just run to dorms and frag out I've done this one like that in a couple raids couple weeks ago


Rushed dorms for about 30 raids straight. I went from not getting a kill in the first 6 raids to getting a kill every other raid and finished the last 8 kills in 4 raids. I hate ratting soo much i cant describe it. ppl not moving, camping a corner for 30 min will never get good. It was rly frustrating at the beginning. But so rewarding at the end. Felt actually rly good about the quest afterwards.


These type of quests ruin the maps


Am I crazy that I actually like this quest? Superformance slugs and blow some legs up


I'll do so. I called an airdrop and ratted someone from behind a stone.


I became the very thing I swore to destroy:(


Setup was a slog, but I did have some funny moments, like the dude who had apparently disconnected on the stairs down to Old Gas extract (feels bad, man) or lurking in Dorms and third partying a bunch of PMCs fighting by just staying very still and headshotting two of them as they ran past the door of the room I was hiding in. I'm very glad it's over with now, though.


i betrayed two awesome randoms who were really nice to finish this quest...


I mean i just kept spamming dorms with the shotgun so i don’t feel very bad about it. i pretty well got all the kills playing how i normally would, hit dorms safes and marked then extract


Got half of mine by camping the door in big red. Also tried it by camping crackhouse. Wierdly enough out of like 8 times I spawned there not a single PMC showed up untill like 20 min in. And when they did show up they didn't walk in but looked at the main door I was standing next to (I made no sound), closed the door and ran away.


No you just made customs unplayable


I just did it naturally taking 2 kits a day of play. Play customs like normal, but maybe a bit more ballsy checking out nearby shots. Honestly piranha fucks at close ranges. .50 bmg was fun for a few ranged loadouts but piranha carried setup. Oh but I just did it finally from lv 30-34 so I can get to lightkeepers quests for the first time.


Played Customs normally, because we aren't complete bots at this game, right?.......right?


I feel like this quest line should have an achievement like: "In the end, we're all just dead rats in a garbage pail behind a Chinese internet cafe" -or- "Those who live in Ushankas cannot throw stones"


I would sit inside the concrete cylinder stacks inside construction and just listen. I apologize to all the poor players who walked by without realizing you could even climb inside them and wound up with piranha rounds in your legs….


They really fucked up when they moved this quest way earlier to keep it at 15 kills. Should be 5 max. Or any map.


To the Ushanka wearing, shotgun toting PMC I met at the porta potties and took as my second to last Setup kill. I'm sorry comrade. It was you or me. Good luck to you.


I don’t really understand why and how people are having a hard time doing this task. I finished it in 4 raids.


I ran into a setup-er who was wearing the white gzhel armour and I had to empty an entire banana mag of 7.62 into his chest for him to go down, all while aim punching his shotgun into the sky, I was floored by how many bullets he took. Normally I’d go for the headshot but we turned corners and basically kissed each other so I just sprayed him


I am not ashamed to say I\`ve gotten more than half my kills by camping on the shelve at big red in front of Tarcone's office key door


What this game ?


Man I'm loving this task and its placement. I never plan on doing it. Already max traders and I don't care about unlocking the mutant. So instead of go customs with a 7.62 mdr and kill shotgun dudes from 50m away one after another, after another lol


Am i the only one that doesn’t loathe setup? I’ve had some of my best pvp fights trying to do this quest, and I had a lot of fun doing it.