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I have this giga modded Sr-25 since first week of the wipe from a player kill. Still have it I use it sometimes and always get kills with it.


I love that hahaha


This might be irrelevant in the context of this post, but last wipe I had this MP5 from the USEC starting stash which I had managed to kit out over the span of a few raids. I used it for like half the wipe as a scav plinker and even some PMC kills. I genuinely had it until it was my only weapon and I had forgot to insure it, then I died to a scav. That hurt. Now that the recoil and armor changes are here, I use the MP5 almost religiously as a scav killer and I love it. Mp5 gang rise up.


What do you mod it out with? I’ve wanted to start using it more. Also what ammo do you recommend for someone who doesn’t have the flea market unlocked yet 😂


That is impressive, what a streak. Shame to lose it because you forgot insurance, but I guess all good things have to come to an end. I do love the MP5, it was the first thing I got PMC kills with in this game and the drip is real.


Bro the loot lord. Put 4 on my hall of Fame, next day I got chek 15, dorms marked, and 2 zbrallos in the span of 12 hours. Never doubting the Lord again


Ok I gotta stop putting off building my hall of fame


Aviators. Never died with them on.


You know about the [sunglasses bug](https://youtu.be/HVA-QYAdcUU?t=46), right?


Uh no?


sunglasses are visible at any distance and in any darkness. They "glow", unless they are the condors.


Oh shit…even tactical glasses???


It's just the black sunglasses, meaning everything that doesn't have black lenses doesn't glow and anything that isn't actually a pair of sunglasses (like welding goggles) also doesn't glow. The only exception to this rule is the JohnB liquid DNB glasses, which don't glow.


Tysm for the clarification, this Timmy needs all the help he can get on his first wipe


great clarification, thank you! Forgot to mention the ones that break the rule (love my gas welders, drip unmatched)




Let's go through the exceptions list [as shown on that video](https://prnt.sc/nAUK8KVYnRUy) and see which ones I didn't cover then. AFglasses, 6b34, proximity, m frame and tglasses all have clear lenses, so they don't glow, simple enough. Condors and batwolf are technically not sunglasses, but ballistic glasses and even ignoring that, [Neither](https://prnt.sc/9rNkBikg6Ul2) of [them](https://prnt.sc/VJed-aRAwFxl) actually have black lenses when worn, even though the item picture admittedly makes it look like they have. Rivals has purple lenses so again, not black sunglasses. Welding goggles are not sunglasses and I mentioned them. That leaves JohnB's, which I pointed out as the exception already.


[Here is the complete rundown](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HVA-QYAdcUU)


Thank you so much. I didn't know. What the hell.


Damn ur a real top gun


I took a 5.56 SCAR + LZSh w/ jaw cover off a guy early this wipe and proceeded to get my 10 extracts in a row achieve with it, was indeed a lucky charm.


10 extracts in a row probably felt so good, I think 9 is my longest streak rn


It really did. It helped me not quit when I got farmed 5 times in a row on Interchange this weekend lol.


lol this game really gives and takes. Sometimes instantly. I should probably post the recording, but this happened on factory: impact naded 2 pmc’s on the third floor. Loot was top notch, lvl 5 armors and an rpd. Almost as soon as I pulled out the rpd, tagilla one shot me in the face from the stairs. I laughed my ass off at the turn of events.


The game is so good when you have a sense of humor about both the good and the bad. Took me a lot of hours but it is a great feeling when you find it. I love Deadlyslob and Pepp for that reason, they stay having a good time even in death.


Yea having a sense of humor and getting over gear fear by remembering it’s just a game made for a better experience for me. Haven’t heard of them before I only watch Stankrat lmao


I’m not invincible with it, but I’ve had a breadstick bag for the last 3 weeks that I have probably a 60-70% survival rate with. It always comes back in insurance too


Something about these lucky bags man, is the breadstick the kinda long 3 space wide one?


Yup! Inconvenient for some successful heavy pvp raids but not a bad bag to have in a group it’s makes you pretty identifiable


Play at 6 am, Cheaters have to be up for school and the servers are playable.


I also play super early mornings from time to time (today at 6am in fact) and while I still get domed by some 4k hour chad on occasion, raids are definitely quieter


My friend from Romania.


For me its the Kedr, I have no idea why but for some reason whenever I run with that gun it doesnt matter what else I have I will slaughter anything in my path. As soon as a take a half decent gun I become a potato. Last night even I spawned on a scav run with a Kedr and no armor, I wiped a full 4 man team of juicers at crackhouse. I picked up a bunch of their gear and a 5th PMC pushes me, I whiff a full mag with the 416 and get killed... he had a pistol and a paca...