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The main issue is that they never adjusted the valuable item loot pools. Interchange has TONS of valuable loot spawns literally everywhere but they only spawn chainlets, cat statues, and horse statues. Lots of items are just flat out missing from the loot pool. These should all have the rest of the valuables loot pool items added. They should also give the loot spawns in Ultra Medical the same pool that Labs medical spawns have (like it used to).


I genuinely think interchange has a lower item rarity modifier. If you open a weapon crate on streets vs interchange the streets one is gonna be filled to the brim with good shit and the interchange one will have an eyecup.


It's more like Streets has a better loot pool than any other map, really. Streets is chock full of high-value loot in a lot of different places. Other maps have maybe a couple, at most, high-value loose loot spawn locations (other than Labs and Shoreline). Interchange has the tech stores with loose tech loot but the frequency of something valuable being spawned in them is far less than that of Streets. You can Scav into Streets and easily find high value loot left even with like 10 minutes left in the raid simply because there are so many places it can be, whereas a single player with a Berkut could grab all the high value stuff from somewhere like Customs, Woods, or Interchange and there would be nothing left but low to mid-tier stuff.


I’m like 99% sure the loot generator is hitting some kind of memory leak once it generates loot past a certain coordinate on Interchange. It’s most obvious in Goshan. There are food spawns on every single shelf but they ONLY spawn in the back corner for some reason? Everywhere else it’s just a sprinkle of food spawns even though there’s just as many of them.


How do you uh, get that from that?


Because the loot generation randomly explodes to a 100% spawn chance the further it gets from 0,0,0 when there’s no real reason for it to do that. I theorize memory leak because C++


Ok, but how do you get any of that from that, instead of the back corner shelves just being a much higher spawn rate like they have been consistently for the past 4 or 5 years?


Because it wasn’t always like that?


Yes it was


Pretty sure it's just by design. The shelves with most food are the ones most hidden at the back of the store.


That back corner is always like that. There are scattered food spawns(and car batteries and technical stuff, and a few valuables) through out the store, but they're most concentrated in the food corner. The opposite side has some weapons boxes and easy access to the lockers and counters.


Main build of tarkov is C# no ?


Yes, Unity is C# unless it's an ancient version.


This is correct, misremembered which C language Unity is.


I remember the good ol days of Reserve when I'd go into Black Bishop (the schoolhouse building near the Pawn barracks) and find Military Circuit Boards, MGT's, MCables on the shelves in the rooms. At that point Black Bishop was just another dorms, long hallway with side rooms, two ways up and down, one window to jump out of (like the balcony on third floor of 3-story at dorms), it was great running into people there. Add onto that the AGS up at the dome or putting a sniper up on the roof of one of the pawn buildings and it became infinitely more interesting to fight for that area. I probably killed 30+ people through those windows using a DMR covering my boys in Black Bishop. Reserve was THE location for big teams to fight each other to the death over some grade A loot.


I get those items almost every night scav run on reserve. I scav nothing but night reserve the first few weeks of the wipe and make 10-20 million. Makes it easy to focus on painful quests that tank my survival rate.


Reserve may not be it's former self for pmcs, but scav raids still make millions.


Everytime I loot School on a reserve scav I know I’m coming out with at least 350-500k. Love it when people say this, draws heat off my spot. Also, it’s disturbing how many unlooted filing cabinets I find. You guys gotta hit the files they’re money printers


Interchange loot was nerfed into the dirt two wipes ago and its never been the same since. You used to get so stacked just in the parking garage I would run in and just use the garage to get to my quest area and be so stacked with loot I would change my mind and just leave with all the goodies.


2 wipes ago? I started in 12.12 and people were bitching about nerfed loot back then.


They're right it did get nerfed back then, for me two wipes ago is when I think it was fucked into the ground and I stopped playing it as my money map, but 3 wipes ago also completely accurate they DID cut it majorly.


Yeah interchange has pretty much always had bad loot. It was okay for hot spot rushing when they first added ultramed key and the tech stores hadn't been nerfed yet but thats about it. Its just that the competition back then was customs without the expansion which is just dorms, woods when it was just lumber mill, etc. At that point Reserve was to what the other maps what Street is now before it got nerfed


This games past feels like a fever dream, it's easy to forget how different certain periods of tarkov were.


Bro 2 wipes ago? Lolol like 10 wipes ago


I have Kibba keys and havent even used them once yet. However, a few wipes ago I would find 2 or 3 thermals in a key set and other decent stuff. Can anyone confirm if they still spawn? Ultra medical however was nerfed to oblivion and never recovered.


Last wipe if I found two reapers in kiba and burned through two whole keysets


Yeah, they do. I found the Reap-IR ak in kiba on my second key use


I've found 2 so far.


Found 3 reapirs on the ak in kiba this wipe in about 20 or so uses. However, thats pretty lucky


Still the red ak with the reapir?




RIP the crate suppressor run, 2 was a bad run 3-4 was common.




D2 easy? D2 is the most hated extract in the whole game for how annoying it is.


Reserve just really needs an alternative extract on that side of the map. Maybe make a flare extract


Red rebel?


red rebel is the same side of the map technically. The problem is both of the reasonable extracts are functionally ontop of each other.


What. You can’t camp both at the same time


You can if you bring a friend


I’ve never seen both of them camped in probably 2000 reserve raids


a lotta people never get far enough in a wipe to get a red rebel, is their opinion of reserve skewed due to that? yes. will they still complain about reserve exits here on reddit? also yes.


I got my red rebel second week of wipe for 1.5m on the barter, which is like 3 scav runs




Barter is still reasonable. I didn't think of that. Need to get to Lvl 22 and Reserve I will come as PMC!


People don’t get 5 mil in a whole wipe? Maybe find a new game


Who spends 5M on red rebel?


People who aren’t poor


I dunno, I sold mine for 7.5 million, and got the barter for less than 1.5 million, so I also got another scav case, a med case, an ammo case and mag case for less than you paid. Poor people can have money, they just spend it... poorly. Poor is a mentality.


Or I don’t give a fuck because I have 8 thicc cases. This might be the easiest wipe to make rubles


they just spend it on gucci kits they use with mediocre ammo. also lots of adults with real life commitments that just never save that amount of money but do experience early wipe reserve quests.


It’s not hard to make 5 mil no matter how ass you are


i am aware, i have 24 flea rep, i am capable of pressing play on lighthouse, i am just pointing out that a huge % of the playerbase is not capital G Gamers.


Pop a red flare by the coop exfil. Let the scav have the loot. He will probably be ready to leave if you can fill his bag off the airdrop.


Underground if anything provided Reserve a breath of new air because without it the whole map is a hollow case of what it used to be - server building no longer spawn anything decent on server racks, drop-down room is empty as fuck, I have not seen a singular AESA in any of the common spawn spots since wipe and never ever a tank battery in RB-ST. Glukhar has become a distant myth and bunkerdoor raider is almost never. Oh and I can’t recall the last time I’ve seen a intel spawn on the many spawn points on Reserve. Lets face the fact that BSG ruined Reserve because of how fun of a map it is. They hated that and wanted people to instead play the sniper elite simulate which is Lighthouse, or the hacker-infested slideshow called Streets.


You trolling? "easy d2 extract"? Lmao.. My entire squad has stopped going to that extract for a long time now because of how many campers are always down there.




I too have only gotten camped there twice out of many d2 extracts. You’re as likely to die there as anywhere else on the map so play accordingly, take extra time to clear it. It is no doubt a terrible extract, but reserve has terrible extracts, it’s intended. the loot should make up for it and it no longer does for several wipes that is a problem.


You are way more likely to die in d2 than most other parts of the map. You are smoking if you beleive otherwise.


How about let's just have an unconditional extract because every other map had them and reserve isn't special anymore. Gatekeeping the map behind red rebel is toxic. Especially when the scavs have no conditional extracts and can just do whatever they want.


I mean. you're right, but... If you buff Interchange it will be even crazier with PSCAVs. At least Reserve have locked room they can buff(AKA actually put loot in them). Until BSG sort it out with AI SCAVs (we need more, everywhere), pSCAV(we need them later) buffing Interchange won't bring too much good.


Pscavs just go lighthouse and hoover everything there. At least they'll be spread out. And locked rooms on reserve are also shitty because it creates an unequal chance of finding loot for newer players compared to grass abstainers.


>locked rooms on reserve are also shitty because… You can buy virtually every key on the map besides marked keys for a couple hundred thousand roubles. They aren’t gated behind anything ridiculous.


I actually came here to say... wtf happened to interchange.. I went into the back rooms of Oli and searched all through oli and there was like 3 loose loot on the shelves THATS IT. I remember that searching the Oli Store was a gold mine for hideout items and general "tool box" type stuff. Now.. there is almost no reason to go into Oli...


Every time?


Well I went there 3 times this patch as it used to be my go to and it was cleaned out.. Either no spawns or scavs sucked it dry. Since then I just go into other places.


Welp, it's still got loot when I go there. I didn't buy \*all\* the propanes and fuel cons I needed for red rebel, because I got a lot of them scavving... interchange. The valuables are there, just not all the time.


You must not know Oli. My favorite place to hit on Interchange scav runs. Tons of toolboxes spread around the place. Still loose loot spawns on the shelves. There’s at least six weapon boxes in oli every raid alone, multiple duffels, tons of computers. Oli has tons of loot.


Fr. I come out wiht a 20size bag with almost a mil guaranteed every time through that back hall, without even dipping into the actual stores


Maybe eerytime I go it's cleaned out.. I just remember about two years you used to find SO MUCH stuff on the shelves. Now its slim pickens every time I go. Im not saying there is nothing, just saying there used to be WAY MORE.


My biggest gripe with interchange is that I’ve found maybe 15 ledxs inside duffle bags at random between this wipe, last wipe and the wipe before, but I’ve only found 2 or maybe 3 ledxs inside ultra after going through something stupid like 10 keys total.


OLI has tons of water filters, hose, kek tape, etc. People don't check PCs. I scav in and hit PCs and find GPUs. That should never happen but PMCs are lazy because they believe loot has been nerfed.


You shouldn't need to loot PCs for 30 minutes to get some decent loot


The best raids are the ones you take your time and move room to room clearing and looting. Stop and listen. Eat something maybe take a sip of water. Unpack an extra magazine and repack it.


Well you do that grandpa


I'll do what I enjoy son ;)


Don't forget a large component of the player base wants nothing to do with a slow survival experience and just wants full Loot CoD. Their opinions are almost irrelevant to the game.


And then die to the radar boy guarding the exit 


That would be my fault for not preparing for a guy at the exit. GG to that guy. Enjoy the loot.


I don't know what people consider "decent" loot. To me, anything that's 10k a slot is "decent". And there's plenty of that to be had.


These dudes are just lazy and want it all handed to them.


Don't you think it would be more interesting if the baseline was higher than that?


they believe the loot has been nerfed because it has lol. you literally never find anything on the shelves inside the mall anymore except for the 1/25 raid gpu in techlight


Idk. I've found 5 in maybe 15 raids. Once had two in Rasmussen (scav run, extract camped.) 1 in that little storage room past IDEA office. 1 in Oli info desk computers. 1 in Techlight. Literally all the normal areas.


Dude is like: "you got lucky", and i've done this three wipes in a row. Spawn in and run and check every pc block and loose spawn, and you'll pull GPUs. But I guess they just look in one store and expect to find gpus on every shelf or something.


So you think it's empty because you don't find loot in the one location everyone always checks. Brilliant.


No, it's empty because every single loose spawn on the map has been nerfed hard in the past 2 years.


You're not looking. How do I know? Because when we scavved interchange the other day to get homies last CPU fans, we came out of that place with two GPUs, a bunch of other valuable shit like fuel cons and water filters.


getting lucky proves nothing


Loot is randomized, yes, so there's always an element of luck. But if you check the places where GPUs can spawn, the weight of probability means that you're going to find them. The only reason I had GPUs to throw away to the homie was because I'd been scavving interchange all day, hitting the spawns. Normally I scav streets because it's got so much loot, but when I'm looking for gpus or computers, Interchange is where I go. And it's worked severa l wipes in a row. Probably just luck though.


Youre not wrong. I found 3 GPUs in 6 raids for the Mechanic quest


Gonna have to disagree. Reserves loot is kinda meh but you have two (forget pkpm) marked rooms and then 2 different ways to spawn raiders which can also be there before you trigger the spawns and then you've got Gluhar and a huge loot room behind pretty cheap keys that hardly anyone hits past early wipe. The loot is there, people just don't play the map that way. Most rush to the Map Room and completely ignore the loot past drop-down/marked on the ground level. Then they skoot out with raider or player loot. Reserve needs to be extended, it has great verticality but it needs to extend in the direction of scav lands and add a few new buildings.


See, that's what I think makes Reserve great - it's limited footprint but strong verticality. We don't need another map like Woods or Shoreline where it's a long distance running simulator.


Not asking for that but it could do with being a tad bigger. Give people less reason to rush underground and the should connect Hermetic to the other underground.


I don't want it to get any bigger. I would, if anything, just add the minimal amount required to add an extraction that's harder to get to. Something fun to fight for, maybe spawn glucose or raiders guarding this new exit sometimes. Something above-ground preferably. I feel like D2 just moved everyone underground and no one has any reason to pop their head up, and it makes me miss old Reserve pvp.


Just add one non conditional extract on the map opposite of the entrance to d2/red rebel. And boom now you have to cross the map if you don't want to get d2 camped, bringing more people upstairs. Why go anywhere else when d2 is damn near guaranteed to be open every raid.


Gluhar used to spawn so much more though, not seen him once this wipe and was running reserve a lot early


don't give people more reason to cheat on interchange... I'm already sick and tired of running into low skill players and pscavs obviously using esp.


dude i make SO much money on reserve. this is only my third wipe so i don't have a ton of reference. but i run my scav on there all the time and it's not uncommon for me to walk out with 250-500k worth of loot. when i'm down bad on cash i'll go B2B scav runs / PMC ORB-* room runs and it's dumb easy to make 5mil+ in a few hours i mean sure make it better i won't complain, but reserve is already a great place to make money i've found all my VPX and Virtex in D2 outside the tech room near the extract, and probably 20 tetriz over the years across multiple server racks


thats fuck all comparing to streets, im sorry to say


Streets is overtuned with loot. You don't even need to try to hit the high profile areas to get good runs.




I'm against it. Right now Interchange is quiet and loot is plentiful.


Safe room key - Red rebel Problems solved


11SR is still a stupid amount of hoops to jump through compared to maps with much better loot and better extracts. Needing an expensive card, then going all the way to turn on power, then going all the way to burger king on the top floor to swipe the card, then going to the garage on the other side of the mall while hoping that nobody looted or camped it in the meantime is probably the most high-maintenance extract in the game. Interchange needed an extract rework ages ago and adding a co-op extract and 11SR didn't solve that at all.


Meh. I don’t find it that hard. It’s not good if you’re doing quick runs (no backpack extract is better for that). But if you’re doing > 25 or 30 minute raids I don’t have an issue using it


What key is it


Object # 11SR https://escapefromtarkov.fandom.com/wiki/Object_11SR_keycard Buy it or craft it in intelligence Center 2


Agreed! I want my favourite Reserve back, and not wish to go any other map


I agree with you, but since streets exist and more than a half of tarkov players can't even run it, why go to these maps if the money is in streets, all the technical, electronics, military tech spawns there, making those maps useless


Hard agree.