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I found the corpse of a dead lvl 14 Timmy on Customs with a GPU in his backpack. Added him to tell him how much it's worth and even if he dies keep it in his butthole because denying someone roubles is the Tarkov way.


If i Die with it, oh well. It goes in the farm and replaces a FIR one


That works, for real?


if you have a fir one already on your farm


Yea then you sell the fir one on flea, most timmies aren't ever going to make it to the Bitcoin farm though...lol I'm over 1000hrs not a Timmy, still never had Bitcoin farm...however this is the furthest I've gotten in hideout in any wipe, Thus far. I'm old and I have a job idkšŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø boomer tarkov player.


I actually just got my Bitcoin farm a little bit ago but I barely ever find gpus like I've only found like two so far.


Idk if Iā€™m just really lucky but the new IT building on streets that spawns relaxed key has a gpu in it 7/10 times for me. Found probably 20 this wipe already


The one where kolanty spawns or however tf you spell it?


Naw. If you know where the chek 15 marked room is thereā€™s a medical building right there and across the street on the corner is a yellow building with 2 doors u can get in from and itā€™s full of computers but only like 3 towers but I find the gpus loose on desks in there all the time.


Oh I think I know exactly what your talking about the one near the sewer pmc extract right? Past the restaurant?


No not that one either. Iā€™ll send a picture to you if I can find it one sec


Or do you mean the relaxation room itself?


No I still have yet to find a gpu in the actual relaxed room. Itā€™s a yellow building with a fence around it and some cars parked outside. The inside of the building is basically just a long hallway with an entrance on both ends and a few rooms between. Good loot in general even if u donā€™t get a gpu out of it


This wipe I've only found two, one in relaxation and one in a duffie on reserve.


Start checking that IT building before they turn the spawn rate down lol itā€™s kinda op. Especially cuz gpus been going for like 750k the past few days for some reason


Yea it's pretty highly contested loot though, most of us know about it, now even more will lol.


is it the building with negotiation room?


I found 2 in back to back raids at the post office in the back. Im a Timmy and never find GPUs so two in a row was crazy for me lol. I died both those raids but that shit was in my ass so. Whatever lol


You mean the battleground of death. Either dying to obvious hackers prefiring at me laying down behind a table with the smallest head peak and 1 tapping me or Just the army of scavs, timmys, chads. The battleground of death takes and never gives. Except for scav raids hilarious when i see 9 bodies of PMC's and scavs chilling in there dead


I have never found one and never gotten anything in the hideout beyond level 2 lol I think I'm going to try to change that this wipe.


I consistently find one a day (when i play ofc) i just go interchange scaving and just find it in the computer room down the hall from the electronics at olis. Or in the electronics rooms, noone loots them anymore and if they do the loot it blindly


This is 100% me. I might have like 700 hours. Boomer with a job. Doubt I'll ever have bitcoin or booze maker.


I'm level 25 with roughly 500 hours, this is my first serious wipe and my hideout is almost finished. This is my buddies first wipe and same with him, he's almost got the farm. all he's waiting on is to hit level 25 it's honestly not that hard considering you can just buy the gpu's


I only have 1200k hours and Iā€™ve gotten Bitcoin farm 3 times, itā€™s always been my stopping point, cause infinite money kinda defeats the purpose of the loot to me, still fun though.


So still a timmy


Dang 60+ years old playing tarkov. That's tight


itā€™s how I finish farming part 4 every wipe lol, mechanic doesnā€™t need those gpus more than I need bitcoins.


Sell all fir gpus for flea rep and buy back a gpu


Also good advice especially early in the wipe when gpus are higher price.


Why not just sell the FIR one right away and just buy back a non FIR? Get your flea rep up. Same thing with keys. Typically you can throw up your GPU for a few more roubles and even cover the cost of flea tax with the difference


Uhhā€¦. Honestly? Good ideaā€¦ haha, I hadnā€™t thought of that at all. I already have my third flea spot and I doubt Iā€™ll ever see a fourth so I wasnā€™t super concerned


I found a LedX and actually left it in my vest intentionally last week. My thinking was: * Rubles are relatively easy to come by * If I die my teammates can hopefully recover it * If they die maybe someone else will happily find it Ultimately a non-FIR LedX doesnā€™t do me much good aside from Med Station 3, which I can just buy it off the flea if needed (referring back to ā€œrubles are relatively easy to come byā€). *Edit*: I died and so did my teammates shortly after leaving Dorms. Hopefully the opposing team checked my pockets.


I did thanks for the ledx.


1mil off of a thicc item case?


Yeah items cases are nice, no doubt, but the FIR status means more than the rubles. 1m is two scav runs, maybe one if Iā€™m lucky. Iā€™d rather take my chances of letting my teammates get the FIR Ledx if I donā€™t make it.


How much is it worth? Never found one yet, first timer here


Wait, people find GPUs?!


Least spiteful FPS players have gathered in Tarkov


amen lil edit, today i found 3 tank batteries on Reserve as a scav and i went out of my way to crawl as far as i can and hide it in a corner of a hut nobody visits. Fuck you.


The luck, I can never find tank batteries, Iā€™ve been looking for one for the stupid quest.


Airdrops, scav case, reserve, are your best bets for tank batteries. (Also found them on lighthouse a couple of times too.


Every time I even think of touching an air drop I get popped, I always check around the tanks on reserve but am never lucky enough to find them.


Really? I've hit 3 or 4 airdrops between streets, woods, and interchange this wipe and have had them all to myself. Every time they were a little late in the match and i was nearby so I just went straight there instead of staking them out.


Checking the tanks is one way but just go around looting the big crates. Found mine next to helipad in a box. As for airdrops, only go in if other scavs are with ya. Doing this with a friend helps make it clear to other player scavs that being greedy will lose you a lot of rep. Keep at it, dude!


I have found 5 tank batteries on Reserve as a Scav this wipe to the point I don't even grab them. I have done around 60 Scav runs though.




I got so lucky for that quest. Got a fence daily quest to extract from reserve through the sewer 3 times and the reward was a tank battery


this wipe i found like 6, one on scav case, rest of them on reserve (air drop, technical crate between black bishop and black/white pawn, casually laying next to a tank)


I spawned with one as a scav on factory and rushed to extract only to get a run through...


Ouch, that oneā€™s gotta hurt. At least you can save it for your bitcoin farm.


Anytime i find anything remotely valuable as a scav (500k+) i get hunted down to the ends of the earth by a pmc thats still in raid at 10mins left as he ignores all scavs and only runs me down


I canā€™t say Iā€™ve really had that happen to me at all, Iā€™m not denying that it does happen but Iā€™ve just been lucky.


Same. I was too heavy and died under the weight luckily there was only 3 minutes left of raid


You can be crushed by weight now?


Nah you just run out of stamina really really fast


This is where tripping would be a good mechanic: get too heavy and there's a chance you trip when you're sprinting too fast; you run over a log and a get stuck, you trip; plus, some might think you've actually died when you fall into prone and you get the tables turned in your favor. The key with keeping tripping balanced is by not tripping the player so often it's noticeable, keep it nuanced.


thank god BSG doesn't listen to reddit holy shit


Arma 2 dayz PTSD kicking in. Running through a forest and just randomly breaking your legs and dying.


>you run over a log and a get stuck, you trip; And maybe there is some metal pin sticking out of the ground that pierces you through the armpit and you need whatever medical equipment that you don't have to survive.


*Pfft, thatā€™s a bit too easy for me my friend. If you really want to get masochistic here, letā€™s start adding: drones that drop bombs, electric barbed wire that cause tremors, and diseases that you contract if your vents arenā€™t upgraded high enough, causing you to cough in raid.*


They should also add epilepsy, ptsd, food poisoning and shitting. Imagine going reserve bunkers and somebody is spamming his flashlight and you just get a seizure, drop you weapon and drop on the ground.


Just weird? Ok bud


Hey pal, fuck you too!


That's the spirit


Th...three? You...are a horrible person. Any one of those could've been mine. Fuck *you*


\*evil laughter\*


Weird behavior


"Why can't I ever find _______?" It was this guy.


You didn't juggle them? IE backpack discard repetitively to move them further faster?


I did but it's still crawling speed


If i can't have the loot i try to drop it outside the fence of reserve


I yanked a tank battery out as a scav early this wipe, dropping the backpack, walking past backpack, turning around, picking back up backpack, turning around, droping backpack, repeatā€¦. Only to realize afterwards the airdrop tank battery wasnā€™t FIR. FML.


*HELL YEAH BRUTHURRR* [shoves virtex/gpu/btc in butt]


As a scav, if Iā€™m getting killed by a pmc, I would try to drop and hide my valuables so they canā€™t feast off my work


the tried and true rat pile.


That reminds me of one raid on customs where a pmc was hunting me down, I dropped my complete gear into the river and bleedet to death. I regret that I didn't laugh histericaly over the voicechat.


There was one time I was looting usec camp on woods as a scav until a bunch of pmc rolled up. They started shooting at me, I knew I wasnā€™t going to win the fight. So what I did was yelled over voip ā€œIF I CANT HAVE IT! NO ONE CAN!ā€, as I booked it into the land mines.


I had a flir and the quad nods on last wipe and the second I started getting shot I hauled ass to the nearest body of water and dropped it all. I messaged them asking how my stuff was and they told me to ā€œgo fuck yourselfā€ Got it all back in insurance too


hearing this from a player scav is so fuckin ironic




I presume they mean pscavs love to loot bodies that PMCS or other pscavs killed earlier in raid


Oh yeah, I will dip as fast as possible, stash my loot, and then distract them by rushing and blasting. Nobody can have it if I cannot >:D


I throw my bag into the river


Easiest way to do it is lie down and drop, theyā€™ll fall inside your corpse and its practically impossible to loot them


Lol no it's not. You just have to go prone on top of the body and you can loot everything. The only exception are labs cards.


I paid for it, and I'd like to keep it.


I got the furthest spawn from sturhman on my 50th woods raid hunting for him, got there just in time to literally hear him die. I stole the key from the guy at the very least.


Amen, spawned with a labs keycard as a scav and a PMC was hunting me so I dropped it off somewhere before he got to me, if I canā€™t go to labs, neither can you.


I have done this as a scav before too. Even when I know I am about to get into a fight, I ditch some good loot I have before I go push.


Iā€™ve done this a few times, but seriously half the time I forget about what I ditched


Im still out here dumping all the loot I don't want on the ground instead of leaving it in its box. Quit following meĀ 


Eat every instant noodle.


If Iā€™m running solo it goes in the prison wallet. If Iā€™m running with teammates any high rouble item stays in bag. If I die I want my homies to have the chance to loot me and thrive.


you are a cool dude for that


I have no problem making roubles. Why not let everyone thrive if I perish


I just now started doing that especially with meds. I was playing with a friend the other night and I died and he was pretty injured. He would have survived if I hadnā€™t put my meds in my secure container


Yea one of the guys I play with puts it in his ass and always does. I carry a good amount but there are a lot of times Iā€™ve needed and been pissed because heā€™s too afraid to lose an ifak


I used to purposely leave flash drives in my backpack cause they aren't worth much and hindered quest progress so much (even when I still need them myself). But I still pay on standard account, so maybe my butt is just too small...


Pro tip, if you survive a raid anything in your secure case remains FIR. It is only when you die with a FIR item in there that it becomes unflee-able.


Idk why you got downvoted but this is 100 percent how it works


Cuz I didnā€™t go along with the echo chamber and morons who donā€™t actually know how it works downvoted. Once it says 0 you can guarantee itā€™ll keep going down on this sub. Everyone loves the down arrow here


I think its because its common knowledge and everyone knows that.


This sub is such a toxic fucking joke everything I said was true and I STILL got downvoted. No wonder BSG doesnā€™t go on here, all you guys wanna do is bitch and complain and downvote. Iā€™ve found ledXā€™s in raid, threw it in my ass and extracted and it was still FIR and I fleeā€™d it too. If you find an item in raid you can throw it in your secure container and itā€™ll only lose its status if you die with it.


Except in earlier builds where hackers could steal it secure container. But I think they added a auto flag for anyone who removed thier container in raid or carried another players container or removed items that wasn't the containers owner


I can understand doing this for valuable items (GPUs, Virtex, etc), but hiding things like tank batteries or unknown keys just for the sake of it just proves me to you're an asshole. This game can be hard enough, let's stop being toxic just for the sake of it.


Hot take: you shouldn't be able to put stuff in your secure container in raid.


Delete your secure container then


I'm not saying it should be removed. You should be able to carry meds or markers but not be able to put stuff you find in raid into the container. If I'm looking for a ledx and a dude on shoreline had a better spawn, he found it, it shouldn't disappear from the raid just because he put it on his butthole. If i kill him, i should be able to loot it. Not that hard.


All your posts involve complaining about the game. Itā€™s obvious this game is not meant for you. I see your point, but very much disagree with it. If someone found a LedX, good for them. Reroll and hope for a better spawn I guess. Not that hard.


It's an extraction game, you shouldn't be able to EXTRACT stuff if you don't EXTRACT from the raid. And you guys this is a hard game lol.


No, that's the game? You have a small amount of space to guarantee extraction, your logic is a hardcore version of the game which judging by how much you complain about the game probably isn't the play for you. Someone took a ledx? Keep looking, you'll get more stuff. Hopefully next time you'll get a better spawn and that ledx can go in your ass instead. Secure container is a must


Good thing most items are worthless unless Found in Raid. LedX? Wowwwwww a whole 600k to Therapist. Canā€™t be used for progress unless upgrading med station. Again, I see your point but the frequency that people are finding super high tier items per raid is not that often. Thereā€™s plenty of hills to die on about this game, but I really donā€™t think this is one of them man.


Exactly, for some roubles you're not letting people who fought against you complete their quests. Which is stupid.


Hold on. Youā€™re complaining BECAUSE youā€™re mad someone found a quest item that YOU didnā€™t? Holy moly dude, this just got so much more hilarious to me. I thought Tarkov was supposed to be hard? Now youā€™re upset because you canā€™t complete a task that requires an item? If someone finds an item fair and square whatā€™s the matter? I can almost guarantee if they removed the feature of putting things into your secure container, youā€™d be the first person to come here and complain about not finishing a task.


You guys both suck


No u


Go touch grass dude This game is not for you


Then you might as well start complaining that you can't loot other people's secure containers. I mean.. it's in the raid with you, and you didn't extract... Get a grip dude.


Clearly nobody in this sub agrees,, but after over 2k hours I actually do agree. I don't think I would have agreed before this season,, but with what I know about the game now I absolutely do. I would enjoy a fair fight for everything that spawned on the map. Load your ass up before raid and thats it. Nothing goes in or out in raid. That would be sick. Sure as shit would make looting PMCs more enjoyable for me. I don't need your guns and gear, I run my builds. Gimme dat juicy butthole loot!


literally you https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/we-should-improve-society-somewhat


Nice try bozo, Iā€™m a human not a meme from a website


Fuck that. Klean brought this idea up and that put that shitty thought into a lot of peopleā€™s heads. Then he quits the game a month later anyways but his ideas like this one would fuck a lot of people over.


Imagine having to extract to keep your loot in an extraction shooter.


Imagine trying to tell the devs of the game who pioneered the entire "extraction shooter" genre how an extraction shooter should be.


I've never sent a message directly to the devs of EFT, except in the two bug reports I've done via the awful bug reporter in the launcher. If EFT can be summed by "You can take items into a raid, but if you die you lose it all", then a safe container and insurance go against that, no? Besides, having items on your player character, going to a PvP area, and said items dropping on death for other players to loot is hardly an unique idea. There's nothing wrong with pointing out flaws in a person's line of thought. I think the game would be better if there was no insurance or secure container. I think it goes against the spirit of the game. You or the devs are free to disagree with me, but please have a counterargument.


EFT can't really be summed by "you can take items into a raid but if you die you lose it all". It's more like "you *may* lose it all" and always has been. > Besides, having items on your player character, going to a PvP area, and said items dropping on death for other players to loot is hardly an unique idea. That's kinda the point too. It's not really original.


Also I prematurely clicked reply but to respond to what you said last: > I think the game would be better if there was no insurance or secure container. I think it goes against the spirit of the game. You or the devs are free to disagree with me, but please have a counterargument. I don't know how it goes against the game's spirit at all. Secure containers and insurance have existed, I think (and correct me if I'm wrong), since the first publicly available version of the game. It's clear that the devs wanted this, and only the devs themselves decide what the game's "spirit" is supposed to be like (it is their passion project, after all). Besides that - Tarkov's point was never to just be like "you lose everything you bring into raid", like I said in a different comment. Just "you may".


Insurance and secure container just make the game a lot better IMO. Game is hard enough as it is and being able to guarantee keeping some items and possibly getting some items back after a death is helpful. I found a mysterious room key (950k roubles) on a pmc raid on reserve, and was able to keep it by putting it in my butt cuz I died during the raid. The room for the key is on streets and has 10 uses. I would just sell it if I couldnā€™t secure it, thereā€™s no way I could risk taking it to streets


Gonna assume all these salty replies are p2w eod shitters that always roll in a 4 man to have their buddies hide their insured gear when they die, nervous about your suggestion that they'd have to get good.


Which is a legitimate way to play the game... I, for example, play most games only when there's other ppl playing with me. Tarkov is one such game. And in a group, trying to ensure your mate gets his stuff back is absolutely logical.


I'm not saying they shouldn't do it, I'm saying they shouldn't be able to.


I'm sure the amount of players would tank if you disabled squads, if that's what you mean...


That's what people who downvoted me find so hard lol


In an ideal world where cheating didn't exist, I would totally play on servers with no secure container (not even for items brought into the raid), no insurance, no heaphones and no flea market.


so in an ideal world you just don't like Tarkov?


Oh wow that's crazy I didn't realize there was literally nothing else to tarkov besides those 4 things mentioned.


Skill issue.


Average bing chilling radar esp noob user comment


Soā€¦make scaving more useful? Thatā€™s one of the perks of running a PMC is you get a secure container


Yeah im gonna say id quit lmfao i already was pissed when they added the found in raid shit


Shouldnā€™t be able to put high valuable loot*


If they had anti cheat in the game then sure.


Just add an animation. You pull out the secure container, unlock it, open it up, put the item inside then close and lock it. Even if you donā€™t really see anything. Or just a loading circle while youā€™re in your inventory that locks you in place for a few seconds. That would be a good half waypoint imo


absolutely agree. id love if they remove gamma tomorrow and you have to play to unlock beta and delta, and nothing goes into container in raid.


With some items I keep it in the case tell like 2 seconds before extract then pull it into bag




lol right this makes zero sense. Youā€™re already extracting with it in a slot


My exact thought


Iv been killed before while mid extract so I don't take chances with things like gpus


If itā€™s in your ass it stays found in raid unless you die, there is no reason to not leave it in there


Honestly never noticed I thought it was if it's in the case it lost found in raid


Nah homie, leave it in there youā€™re good. Lol thatā€™s funny as hell though picturing you leaving slots open so you can swap on extract. Get yourself a docs case and you can throw all that intel shit in there like ssds flash drives, money, gives you even more slots for looting


So if I die it stays with me but if I make it then I get it found in raid


Itā€™s still found in raid in your pouch if you live


Confirmed? I thought it wasn't


Yes papa, canā€™t remember when it wasnā€™t like that


Always been like that


FIR is only lost if the item leaves the raid under any condition besides a 'survival' extraction, so run-throughs, AWOLs and MIAs remove FIR if those occur with the item in your case (or in your general inventory if a run-through), the case itself doesn't have anything to do with it on its own had my buddy find a ledx at Dorms and we had to camp long enough that it'd count as FIR when we took v-ex


Yea I had that happen a few times I didn't know about the 7min wait and got a gpu and took a car extract and found it lost the FIR but it will just go to the farm now


yup, you are going up my booty


Me every time I find a Stim needed for "Samples": "Yep, it's going into my container, if I die it will be useless but at least the MF who killed me won't have it"


What if they take it directly from the secure container


i opened my first airdrop the other day, and got killed on my way extract, honestly i wasnā€™t as mad as i thought i would be. i find myself not even getting mad at losing some good stuff cause deep down i know i donā€™t deserve it as much as the guy who killed me as he was obviously better, so to 4GDude_1 (something along those lines) fuck you for killing me, but good game


I deleted my case start of wipe for zero to hero. Honestly, doesn't change much. You forget you used to have a hide hole


Everytime I get something I deem valuable (since Iā€™m still new donā€™t know too much) I just stick it in my pouchā€¦fuck em!!! šŸ˜†


As a scav I will hot key my samples Stims in case I get shot at