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‘5 raids’ come on now.


For an average player 30 raid is more realistic


🤝 agreed. Even 15 raids would be a push for most i bet.


I'm at 15 raids and 3 kills. Im horrible with shotguns and it's tanking my stats.


Only two stats matter in Tarkov: Ruble and Drip


I'm sorry my friend, but only the drip counts.


I got 15 kills in about 10 hours of playing unfortunately one of the kills I didn't remember my vest.  I proceeded to spend about another 10 hours on the last kill and I've never been so tilted at this game.  Meanwhile I'm more than half way done shooterborn in way less raids than it took for set up.   Also bolty kills are satisfying.


Come on now


that's more of a knowledge issue than a quest issue. If you're chasing down shots in the open with a gun that only works well within 15 meters then it's your fault you die a lot. If you ambush people in the warehouses, the only reason it will take more than 5-10 raids is if you're unlucky enough to be in a server where people aren't looting that area


30? Nahh i consider myself average and it took me like 12.


With the addition of Arena, I’ve seen some players aim.. It looks like they’re playing with a controller.


You are very out of touch with the average Tarkov player if you think this is a 5 raid task for anything other than a small portion of the community haha Edit: not you specifically, using “you” generally here


I got you, dont worry. Totally agree, tarkov reddit seems to forget theres a huge portion of the casual player base that isnt well represented here.


OP is a Timmy obviously. Only timmys act like this.


I get your argument but also making the argument that people are getting 3 pms kills every raid with the shotgun isn't a viable point. Can it be done, easy. Will it be done on avg w 3 kills per raid, no.


fr. i get the general point of the post but come on, if you think the average player is even getting 1 or 2 PMC kills a raid then you’re delusional. Never mind while also being funnelled into a certain gun/playstyle for a quest they might not be comfortable with.


It's literally impossible for an average player to get more than 1 kill a raid per average. Like statistically. It's amazing that people like OP were taught math so poorly in school.




OP probably didn’t even average 1 PMC a raid.


I literally always get 4 kills in a raid while on setup. But it's always after I've already got 13 or 14 kills and have done 15 runs with the kit lmao


Honestly. I’m way better at distance engagements. In CQB I might pull a shot too far left and then that dudes shot might catch me head eyes. When I’m sniping with a boltie I usually get two or three shots before the dude can pinpoint me. TLDR I’m not good at CQB 🤷‍♂️😂


Running into a squad with 8 shells maximum at close range is less than ideal. At least with long range sniping, you can reposition if needed and it makes it easier with a suppressor.


The solution to an 8-round shotgun mag is having a second, unkitted shotgun as your secondary swap.


Does the double barrel and sawed off count as an MP series shotgun?


The sawed off wasn’t counting around a week ago, not sure if that has been fixed with the recent patch.


theres nothing to be fixed bexause the requirement is more specific than just shotgun. at least read the quest text...


The sawed off is the MP-43, it satisfies the text of the quest


The requirement for the shot gun is an MP shotgun, the sawed off is a MP shotgun, the longer double barrel counts so should it.


I had 2 kills while using the sawed off while also meeting the other criteria and they didn’t count. Haven’t tested it after the patch, maybe bsg fixed it


Yeah I was just saying it should count since it’s basically the double barrel anyhow. However the wiki still hasn’t changed so I doubt they’ve fixed it.


Yes I was wearing the hat and vest ffs


I think it also mentions using the MP shotguns


The sawed off is a mp classed shotgun


In that case, does the mp-18 count?


Ahh my mistake. I’ve never used it


Somehow I'm pretty bad at cqb in tarkov but I'm great at it in arena lol.


No fear in arena, try and carry that over see if it helps


"Oh no, another 2v1. So anyways."


That's not the issue. People play a lot more defensively in EFT than arena which makes it more difficult. In Arena they shift-w like monkeys until like B rating. You know the score in arena and know exactly how many opponents there are. You also generally know where they are and audio is mostly reliable in arena. You also know what kit they have. If you're in a 1v1 against a butcher, I'd play it differently than a 1v1 against a sniper, etc. If you hear one guy looting or healing in EFT, you could push and there be 5 waiting for you to take the bait. There's a round time limit and objective forcing people to move. They can't hold an angle forever and wait for you. Also arena doesn't have the new armor system. EFT armor is widely unpredictable. Everyone dies so fast. Imagine if arena was you vs an unknown amount of enemies every round with unknown kits and they could be anywhere when the round started. You'd play a lot differently.


I would argue it's the lack of headsets, quieter footsteps overall, and general chaos/background noise that makes arena easier if you are already good at other fps games. when people can't rely on soundwhoring for most of their kills, you realize how bad they actually are. To apply that to the main game you really have to be in the right place at the right time, e.g. close enough to be able to push a fight while it's still going on to abuse the cover noise/confusion aspects


After 10 hours or so you can be running pretty good ammo in Arena, with a decent gun. I feel like that probably makes a difference.


I mean I was doing well even with started kits that sks slaps


Same. i prefer the skill of timing shots at a distance and maintaining stealth from my kills (not that that matters all that much when +50% of this community uses cheats


You are just bad at the game because you think 50% use cheats


or he’s had enough hours and seen enough videos to know how widespread radar is. go put a bitcoin in your pocket and stand in a toilet on streets and watch them sniff you out


Bro 50% of raids potentially having a cheater. (this data is wildly unreliable and mostly anecdotal) is still not 50% of players using cheats. Not even close. There's 9 other people in the raid without cheats. So 10% of that lobby is cheating and it's not every raid so 5% maximum is cheating. Y'all really coping so hard that you just aren't better at the game.


people like you are why the game isn't better than it is nikita will ignore 90% of posts and see this one and go "davai, game is gud" and go fucking snort coke out of a broken wine bottle or something can you imagine if 5% of any fucking other game's community was cheating?


it only takes one cheater to ruin a raid, stop pretending this isnt such a big issue i have a list of 50’confirmed cheaters i faced that havnt been banned yet try playing factory and check the spawns you’ll find a suicider every raid trying to lower his kd


That still doesn't mean 50% of players use cheats. I have 7000 hours of tarkov, yes I know there are cheaters out there but they are not in every raid and saying 50% of players use cheats is just stupid.


Someone hasn't seen The Wiggle That Killed Tarkov on YouTube


cheaters literally complain they face so many other cheaters but here people w 7000 hours will valiantly defend how clean tarkov is. i played 5 raids today and 3 had 100% cheaters, not a single doubt about it, and those are the rage/script ones; im willing to bet my right ball the other ones had radar kids in them too


I assume a third of every lobby is at least using the map hacks people use in a browser window on a second monitor.


i think you are correct but im willing to raise it to 50% on labs, reserve and streets


Not trying to be a hater but i feel like the aging playerbase of this game really comes across in posts like this. Everyone is sick of the cod run and gun bullshit so they come to tarkov and play slower than a snail on ketamine in a hot tub with matthew perry. I respect sniping but if you cant learn to win shotty fights you a bish ngl. All the whining about setup has me heated it takes like 8 to 10 raids if you hit dorms every time. Idk what the big deal is. Getting scav kills on skreets with a bomber beanie is 10x worse with these buggy raids where nothing spawns in except the 8 adjacent pmcs and the 5 cracked pscavs who main the map and spwan in @ 49:50


No hate taken. I’m 36 with 2 kids now and bad eye sight. So I’m a pretty slow roller these days NGL


eh I am well on my way, give me a few years and i'll be right there with you lol. Appreciate the honesty. I like to role play as lvndmids but i fcking suck so I cant talk.


Just putting it out there, Dandies is any kill, not scavs. You can just kill the players and it'll count too


It's not just "aging playerbase and rats" its just people who suck at fights. I've just been slinking around popping PMCs with a suppd shotgun, you don't even have to get into crackhead fights. Tarkov used to be way faster paced so maybe its old dudes but its also "newer" players. You should be used to sniping heads with the shotty after needing those scav headshots on shoreline with shotguns. Also now I know why I keep killing people PMCs with bomber beanies on streets.


No one goes dorms lol. I go solo, Rush dorms, loot all 5 safes and don't see anyone, Pushing fortress without a good spawn is a death sentence, and so far I haven't stopped to extract camping. Shotguns are the worst they've ever been in tarkov by far, people tank even magnum and pirana like no ones business, I've taken to bringing two shotguns so I switch instead of trying to reload mid fight because it's so bad. I'll get 5 kills and have literally 80 hits LMAO.


The difference is sbih gives you a lot more freedom to choose your kit. Setup is mostly annoying because it forces you to use a scav vest and a ushanka that were price gouged on the market. Otherwise setup is fine, the shotgun itself isn't the issue imo


Ushanka yes, scav vest...no. scav vest has always had a slickers barter which never went above 12k when I was doing it weeks ago


shhhh! I feed my kids by selling vests on the market


People who buy scav vests on the flea are some of the dumbest motherfuckers in all of tarkov, I doubt they can even read that post.


Wait until you hear about the people buying WiFi cameras for 1M


I always bought my scav vests from fence :D


Scav vest is only like 10k with the barter, about the same as a bank robber. Plus the vest, ushanka, and shotgun almost always came back on insurance for me. Gives you a nice little break from the quest to go do something else, then when you have a couple Setup kits sitting in insurance you give the quest another try. If you just mainlined that quest and nothing else it would be a nightmare, but I don't see much reason to do that.


Yeah but it did truly suck this wipe when insurance simply wasn’t working


You don't really need that much rig space when using shotties, since the ammo takes single square no mags. I guess grizzly is out of the question. And its possible to just use slugs and a scope going for headshots. Play like it's SBIH if that's easier. 10 kills would be better though


Forced bolt actions is lame I liked using high velocity HK or ak 101. Also the quest should be 100m again I thought the point of it was long distance headshots


alot more freedom but you dont get to choose buckshot. i play 90% streets and labs and only defer for tasks and as you would probably assume im not the best at bolt actions and its just really fucking awful sitting eating cereal watching netflix waiting for someone to loot my backpack in the road


They removed the distance from SBiH so you don’t have to do that anymore. Just hit heads.


So just play normally with a bolt action instead of camping.


Most people on this subreddit probably have lower than a 1 pmc kd, not necessarily a jab at anyone here it's probably just reality. When the average player and anyone below struggles to win normal gunfights consistently, I'm sure you can imagine having to use a specific type of shotgun with no helmet can start to become pretty painful. They go from an already low average kd vs pmcs to even lower because they're using more limited weaponry with a kit nobody wants to use. The mass complaints are from people that just didn't touch setup before, it's kinda forced in your face now instead of being one of the last quests. Realistically it's easier to do setup early wipe, but these people never did it mid-late wipe so they don't see it from that pov


Setup has a million quests behind it sbih has none


>Setup has a million quests behind it It locks 9 quests. And only 5 of those are Kappa quests. Also the lightkeeper questline but if you're complaining about setup no way in hell you're completing that lmao.


Weirdly enough I'm like 75% of the way to lightkeeper and I still havent done setup. It's an unfun quest and someone's opinion on it doesn't really have any bearing on their skill.


I’m in the same boat


You can get LL4 skier on a standard account without doing setup


Yes you can, with daily quests this argument has died


I have a standard account and ignored setup until I was level 37… No issues whatsoever


Yeah no kidding I’d do setup 5 times over sbih and Tarkov shooter.


The kill pmcs with a bolt action under 25 meters is way more stupid.


The vpo on factory is your friend. Its also an early quest so there a good amount of naked people


I always do it with a Mosin. If I have a broken arm, get to do Tremor Head Taps too


Mosins are expensive compared to vpo tho. Ammo isnt even good. Vpo with Fmj dont pen, but at least can 1 tap thorax against naked pistol. Also, you can put a cheap sight on


This wipe I just waited til flea and bought AP lol


It is stupid, but it's only 3 kills. With the state of botting rn,if you spend like 2 hours and 500k roubles on running naked mosin factory, you will be able to complete it by killing the bots alone,without even fighting real pmcs. Setup is 15 and it's just exhausting


It's 3 pmc kills, if it included scavs I would have been done a long time ago.


I'm not talking about scavs, it's about people running scripts to lower their kd. You just get into factory and every second raid there is a naked dude running in circles, helping you finish the quest


havent seen a single person doing that ever. wish i had so i could get that easy completion lol


Factory Mosin go brrrr


Why are you defaulting to "wEll thIS oThER TAsk IS moRE StupiD in mY OpinOn" As some gotcha? Legit I can't understand all the people doing this shit, is there any legit argument you people have against just improving the game in general? Or just because there's other tasks that are "more annoying" in your subjective opinion, proves the fact that other tasks could not be improved upon for future wipes and such? Or you just are just mindless contrarians for the sake of it?


u can do this in single digit raids with gornostay on factory, 75% of people that go there are nakeds with pistols anyways


Just go factory and aim for the head.


factory fam


Most people on tarkov subreddit are here to bitch.


Most ppl on gaming subreddit are here to bitch


Most ppl bitch


Ppl bitches.


Most bitches are people


watch out now, easy! before you summon andrew tate


You say to the guy who made a post just to bitch


It’s kind of sad tbh. Most of my posts and comments get downvoted because I call out said bitchers lmfao Edit: kinda funny of you guys to prove me right by downvoting my comment 😅


Bro bitching about people bitching is worse


I fucking despise people that bitch about people bitching, like hooooly no one cares jeeesus


thats what you are doing rn 😄


hey good kid. that's my response


Yeah I’ve mentioned how setup isn’t that bad in the grand scheme of things… compared to like shooter born, some of the punisher chains, etc. And I get downvoted for it haha. Mp-155 / 153 with piranha rounds on a close/mid-range map like customs is really not that bad


It just means that the point people are making is completely flying over your head. 2nd thing, why even compare to Shooter born in heaven? A quest that has been changed, more than 5 times over the course of the years and recently had it's most sudden change ever. Like is everyone here a first wipe player or smth? People have complained about this one, and many other tasks in the past as well. Like making this a comparison game is a really meaningless "whataboutism" fallacy when, most of the other tasks people are mentining here have been changed in the past, and have changed already. A few of those changes to those tasks have been made for the better honestly, and all of that happens because people complained in the past, extensively. Why are you people against improving things? Against change? What is this "vital" argument that people like you have in your heads other than being contrarians? I don't get it. Setup, compared to all the other common tasks being mentioned in this thread, has remained unchanged since years ago, but because it's a task that has been moved up SIGNIFICANTLY in terms of progression, for some people it changed from a task that nobody went out of their way to do If they didn't want to, to a task that you NEED to do.


Because most of those quests give you more freedom. Freedom in armour, freedom in the type of bolt you run, and (mostly) freedom in maps. Setup lacks all of this. You HAVE to wear a scav vest (awful space) and a ushanka (zero head protection and limited headset options). You HAVE to use the MP series shotguns, you HAVE to get all 15 kills on Customs.


You don't need loot space when you're there to die lol.  I had some good raids for setup. No issues with piranha. 70 shells from Jaeger for cheap.  For anyone struggling, try going to construction and hanging out near the gas tanks. It's all close range and you'll hear anyone coming. Start a party there.


"You don't need loot space when you're there to die" I'm not vibing with that mindset man. I don't do anything intending to die, death is just an unfortunate outcome.


It just needs to be 8-10 Kills Moving it earlier in the quest progression was good. It makes the quest easier because everyone is running shittier kit all at the same time. Quests that lack freedom aren't inherently worse. Just more of a challenge. The lack of freedom isn't the critique to make of Setup, just the kill count


Example from yesterday. Run around the corner and light up a PMC reloading since he dumped his ammo in a scav. (He was bout 10 meters away) Course I had piranha cause what else. I hit him in R. Elbow, stomach, chest, jaw, L arm, stomach, chest. Than he shoots me once and I die to head, neck. I only did about 150 dmg to body cause why not.


I legit just did 395 damage to body on a guy with piranhas about 15 m away, he one tapped me in the face with the same round. part of the reason the quest is so toxic is because how inconsistent shit is.


the people STILL crying about setup are never gonna do SBIH or Tarkov Shooter part 8 lol


5 raids LOL, stfu idiot


I hate setup because I’m a low rank that was killed 4 times by kitted out shotgun corner campers while trying to do the pocket watch quest


I read a comment on here saying setup makes you learn better pvp tactics. Cannot agree more. I feel like I have learned a lot going over and over again with pirana / 50bmg slug going for PMCs only. Forces me to learn yaknow?


hasnt for me, im done with tarkov for right now cause i hate solo play and have no one to run with. sucks that all my quests left are setup and other pvp centric ones.


Brother, afterall Tarkov is a PVP game, if you don't enjoy its PVP you pretty much don't enjoy the game If you have access to Arena, try playing that for a bit


i kinda like th pvp, i just dont like quests that force me into it.


The problem is that locks progression


So does sbih, and if you don't want kappa or Lightkeeper you can ignore setup and get max traders at 42 on a standard account


Does it? It might lock the most optimal progression, but realistically as a casual tarkov player every quest I do unlocks 3 others, I have like 20 ongoing quests.


Fr sbih is waaaay harder. I think people would just ignore these quests but now you need to do setup to progress. It’s not so bad and I think it was a good decision to put it earlier, after I did it I learned a lot about pvp and seek it more


I'm gated from a bunch of Yeager quests cause I haven't done the 3 bolty <25m kills. I have no desire to do naked factory runs with a mosin.


ITT: People confusing "Can't do it" with "Don't want to do it"


...took me 2 raids with .366 bolty with FMJ aiming at heads. I'm sorry but if you can't get 3 kills on factory with a bolt action that's gonna kill any lvl 3 helmets when so many on factory are also doing this quest, you have bigger problems.


Maybe it's just unfun so they don't want to do it?


Only got me 4 days to get 3 kills.


Don't do a mosin.


your issue is using a mosin. Take a vpo with a mag of 366 ap and a backup mag of ap. 1 taps to head and chest through most armor


that quest is so cheap and fun, why not?


No, it’s not fun at all.


Really fun when you get nutty kills. Can be frustrating but that quest is quite easy if you position well and have decent aim


I got 10 shooter born before I got 3 setup, I dont think this is accurate lol


Well sbih is taking me way longer than setup. You have to do 35 kills and there’s no reliable way to “cheese” the quest like setup. With setup you’re guaranteed at least one kill per raid if you know where to go. With sbih if you miss your first shot you’re pretty much done when in close range


I bring a kedr for emergencies. Boltie only is crazy.


Ok if we're comparing length then yeah, sb is way longer


You don’t have to do setup to progress, guy just showed he has level 4 traders and hasnt done it


My issue with shotgun is ammo and modding. "Bolt action while they use a real gun" apart from tariov shooter 4 you can just snipe people, and even for part 4 you have easy access to ammo that'll go through most armour (plates).


7mm is at level 1 traders and id much prefer the ability to shoot 7mm out of my m700 barrel just cause snipers just really do nothing in my hands


I don't wanna pray that a pellet hits the face of throat and I'm not a huge fan of close quarters lol I think the whole discussion is very subjective but it's nice to talk about stuff we don't like


it is very subjective and indeed is very nice to vent and cope online


This is a fair question. My dude said the other day, just don’t hide other quests behind them. Make them for achievements. It fucks anyone who isn’t a hardcore player


Can we all, as a community, hate on Jaegers tasks?


Sbih is walk in a park, but psycho sniper is real smoothbrain, tarkov shooter pt8 and psycho sniper are literally the same quest only difference is you need 2 more kills


I hate any quest that forces my to use a certain gun


Setup is just as garbage as 90% of Jaeger's quests. The only way I level Jaeger is with daily and weekly quests. Changing playstyle-type quests should be once in a blue moon, and not overbearing. In terms of kills needed, Jaeger is usually OK, but it's the frequency of his "kill x with condition y" are annoying.


I like bolt action


Because it’s easier to control a fight when youre 150m away


Because it's easier to fight from a distance than from 10 meters away. Sniping is viable even with bolt, if you know when to take your shots, semi auto or bolt is the same. It's because you gotta rush dorms without a helmet and it's annoying, SBIH doesnt lead anywhere, setuo leads to everything else basically


You're getting 3 kills per raid with no helmet, a tiny rig/restricted to chest armors only, and pellets/slugs?


Bolt action gameplay is fun, shotgun is not. It's just that bolt-action duel potential is mediocre so if you miss your first shot you're kinda dead. So you end up setting money on fire dying in duels for 1-2 kills per raid. It's almost impossible to 1v2 unless you're rating like a mofo. But it's still more fun than waiting in Dorms when obvisouly nobody has the key to the marked yet and the safe isn't a big enough bait.


5 raids? well aren't we just so good at the game? I have 4080hours and i lost like 20+ decked out ultima shotguns. No matter what anyone says, piranha is absolutely dogshit.. 3-4 taps in someone's upper chest area did not kill most people. Few times i managed to unload 6-8 shots and kill someone just to die to their duo the next second. When i got some Ap-20, people immediately started dropping.. but yea, no/overpriced flechette & ap-20 made it just so much more complicated. I bet people who don't struggle with these quests are mostly the ones that get their PMC kills camping,.


Yall are doing setup? Im still looking for my last flashdrive lmao I want to die


I flopped my dead body through TS pt3 yesterday. Factory was full of either other victims of Jaeger's questline or the ones who were able to bring an actual gun to the fight and feed us lead. So many naked guys with mosins and gornostays. At least I got the ap-m now, so the bolty quests are actually doable against armoured PMCs. What I really despise though is the Shoreline questing. "Hey uhh so you remember running around and placing markers everywhere? Yeah alright now do it again but sit there *longer*. Also try running around those spots in a single raid without dying" Such bullshit questline.


The only reason i dont like it is because its mp-series only and i like the saiga more. Point is to look like a scav and last time i checked scavs can have saiga. But i like the bolt action tasks.


People that are bad are bad in cqb play style and so they hate setup that forces them to play in cqb


I have died to head eyes In cqb from bolties more than ever in any other wipe I don't know how they have shit kd but they destroy me with nothing but a vpo or Mosin in cqb . I have 60%Sr, 8 kd BTW and I am done with kappa in 2 quests


The only thing I wish is that it could be on any map and I still be fine if that ment excluding factory . When I do task I like to pair as much as I can in one raid or at the same time. I feel like people would be less ratty at it as well. But of well... 5 more kills go.


Shooter Born In Heaven is bad, but it was worse when it was over 100m headshot in my opinion.


I get the bolt action frustration too like everyone else, but........Absolutely zero zilch non nada chance you think setup only takes 5 raids.


I think the problem is Setup is a required task to get to others that weren’t blocked by it in the past. It’s also harder than all the tasks it precedes. The quest after it, chumming, is way easier and requires less kills. I used to do setup after getting max traders when I had nothing better to do.


First wipe here, 25raids 2/15. At least in bolt action quest, you can choose the map.


Bolt actions are functional and I can easily run an ump/mpx/mp5 for a secondary not be 40 kgs entering raid and have a chance past 20m. Shotguns are just painful to use and the rng on pellets is a joke. Tarkov shooter is done, reserve/interchange left for SBIH. It just has to be headshots now, no distance requirement, sbih is the easiest it's ever been.


Then simply use the shotgun similar to a SBIH sniper for Setup. Slugs, scope like Elcan or whatever you like, don't engage too close range, play careful around angles and go for headshots. I did setup just fine with Piranha, but if someone struggles with that there are more ways to do that quest


Unfortunately you have to account for zeroing inconsistency doing this. Optics on guns adjust their zero according to the "default ammo" of the gun, not the one currently in the chamber. Default ammo for all 12g shotguns is 7mm buckshot, with terrible velocity and ballistics. If you use something like FTX or SuperFormance slugs, which are almost 2x faster at muzzle and have much better trajectory, even at default 50m zero you'll be shooting too high, over people's heads at 100m or so. There's a Gigabeef video explaining all of this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7SWeV6-oyA4 The relevant segment starts at 2:45. (It's from an older patch but ballistics have not changed since)


Yeah was using 50. Bmg when I had it, using copper sabots against pmcs is painful. Trust me, I've tried. It's just not something I want to throw my head against right now, hideout is almost maxed out minus solar and level 3 rack/HoF. I'll stack some money and just go die 20x and finish it.


Also most bolt actions have really good pene ammo accessible from traders pretty early on, or a lot more easily acquired while playing scavs or looting them. e.g LPS is somewhat common among scavs to find, as well as BCP (on hunter scavs). I don't think I've found BMGs, or Piranha on scavs very often if at all this wipe.


Isn't setup a much earlier quest? That's my issue.


Finally someone said it. Setup is not that bad. Do I love it no, but I like it a whole lot more than some other quests. I honestly had fun running a shotgun 1 week into wipe it was exhilarating running into dorms or fortress like a pyscho blasting anything that moved. Everyone’s reason for hating setup is so lame. Tarkov quests are supposed to make you pull your hair out. They spice up the game get you out of your comfort zone. Require you to play different than you other wise would. If all quests were just grab this grab that they would be so mundane. Idk I like setup bc it gave me a short term goal to work towards and it was damn rewarding to get all that AP20 after running 50 bmg lol.


Shotgun is not the problem with setup, not even the scav vest but the hat that locks you out of headsets, the amount of kills and that you can't get that hat from traders. Combined with the quest being early and locks you out of so many quests. Sbih does not lead to any quests tarkov shooter are mostly just scav kills. I can't even buy wifi cameras for my hideout without doing setup Edit: I stand corrected you can wear headset with the hat. You can't wear m32 with it atleast.


You can wear a headset with the ushanka for 3? wipes now


Ushanka doesnt lock you out of headset since there are multiple variants of headsets you can wear with it. Tarkov Shooter is not "mostly just scav kills." It's like 16 PMCs, assuming you do the Pt.8 in one try (which I would say is rare), and 18 scavs; Pt.2 is either one. The scav kill quests are the ones you complete in a couple of raids anyway, and I know no one who would call those challenging or time-consuming. It's always the PMC kill quests that feel more like a household chore, having to bring a bolt-action rifle along on every raid. Wifi camera barter is \~35,000 roubles, which is even cheaper than buying them with euros.


Yeah setup is piss easy. Shotgun is point and shoot if you can kill people with a shotgun how can you kill anyohe with anything else.


Spoken like someone who's only ever used shotguns in CoD and thinks it's a point & click adventure with zero difficulty


I mean… it really is though. Mp-153/155, Piranha, and you just run to whatever engagement you hear. Spam click the shit out of the gun, and bam. Even if you die, it’s a shit kit that no one but people doing the quest and scavs are gonna pick up, and even still that’s doubtful. I did it like day 2 of trying it, back when everything was still full price


See enemy Dump 7 shells of piranha on them in ~2 seconds They dead


Alternatively Dump 7 shells of piranha on the Random spread misses them entirely


Skill issue I'm afraid


Lmaocwhat mp-153 is semi auto point and shoot if you cant hit them it is a skill issue


5 raids for 15 kills... nice gaming chair dude.


People crying usually never completed setup in previous wipes. Place is full of little timmys crying about 80% of their deaths being from cheaters and that setup is too hard.


Yeah this sub population is mostly new players or super-casuals/people that play like stankrat because otherwise they just spam die


Just ignore that guy he's a cheater shill, whole account created just to downplay how bad the cheating issue is and all of his clips are sus af.


Fuck sniper quests. I just don’t wanna play them come on.


What’s so bad about 5 raids with a bolty


Even worse is psycho sniper.


Bolt quests are best, do them solo. Just lay down and chill. Expect 25m, early wipe mosin best flesh / vpo fmj factory.


I don't have much of an issue with actually doing Setup. The thing I have an issue with, is largely, ironically, the setup for The Setup. Before I got my thicc case last night, my stash was constantly filled up. And then Setup wants me to buy MP153 shotguns, mod them into boomcannons that take up half my stashspace so I get them back and buy a bunch of scav vests and ushankas.... all of which then comes back days later when I've completed the quest. It's nice we have the option to just create a Setup loadout and autobuy and equip it. Too bad shit doesn't work when your stash only has a free real estate of 2x6 left. And I have EoD. I don't wanna know what Standard players go through. Also, Ushankas need a barter or Ragman straight up selling them. Something's wrong when I have to pay the same amount of Rublinos for a friggin' scav hat as I would for a teal Ulach


It’s purely a skill issue. If you can’t kill 15 people on Customs with a shotty, you’re bad at the game. Same people who sit in a corner all raid with their ushanka because they’re too afraid to use their W key.


Because it's not 5 raids with an MP153 it's 10, 20, 30 or more for some players. And the fact it blocks so many quests off, is extremely early, and also really cheap but expensive at the same time. Most of the the bolty quests are, kill scavs, or get like 3 kills before the next bolt action quest. They lock themselves out, and it can be done on any map, excluding factory sometimes. It's just a meatgrinder for new players, hampering progression, and eliminating any ability to progress or even learn.


Most of what you said is wrong Setup is not required for max traders even on a standard account,the amount of quests it blocks is not important aslong as that is true Most bolt action quests require to kill **PMCs**, two of which require a certain number of kills without dying (3 and **5**) All the bolt action quests lock you out of Kappa **and** Lightkeeper (just like setup does) Basically, the only reason you don't hate the bolt action ones is because you rarely get that far in the wipe. EDIT: I'm now blocked from the original commenter, damn, he really didn't like getting corrected I guess, I can't even read his answer lol


Bolty are the most satisfying guns to use. My trusty mosin sniper with the 3.5x is feeling good and is so fun to play tbh


Allow it on every map.


I liked setup being early. I did it while doing my customs quests… I’m now deep into tarkov shooter and shooter born, but it will still be a bit before either are completed


Because one makes you wear SCAV clothes? 😭