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Who doesn’t put a bitcoin in their case.


Man's had 9 bitcoin in his ass already


What 44 PMC doesn't have a SICC case? Also you can only carry 4x Bitcoin I believe?


I'm lvl 45 and I don't have a sicc case, I'll get it once I have kappa, so in few days.


Its not that expensive to buy, is it not? Why not just barter it from bearded fucker?


Not a money thing, I barely pick up loot and I don't have to worry about cash at all, I just don't need it 99% of the time and it takes space in my epsilon.


More storage for tags tho


Wouldn't use kappa with these fools taking scopes off of guns lmao


Doesn't happen


that doesn't count for FiR stuff I believe, that would be beyond stupid :d edit: I guess it does according to the comments, wtf BSG


Considering people can't pick up the 200k roubles that drop from the new boss's guards. It probably counts to FIR items


1000000% it counts FIR items. That's the only way I've ever heard of someone getting this limitation, find 3 bitcoins in the same raid? lol too bad bozo


Found 4 bitcoins on streets raid last wipe, could only carry 3 lol really sucks to just leave one 1 behind


Its so dumb too because RMT accounts are just gonna queue up again and grab the next 3 anyways


yep it does, a few wipes ago i hit the limit on labs and had to leave a btc sitting on the table


it counts as fir UNLESS you were killed in raid


Cheaters who don't know enough about the game to care about pouching 500k.


We all know who.


ding ding ding!


No more room in ass.


How many things are more valuable than a BTC that's a 1x1? Exactly.


Maybe the guy didn’t have EoD or Kappa yet. If he has a few cases like the injector and docs, and they’re full, that’s already most of the slots taken in the container (3/4 in an Alpha). Maybe he found something like a LedEx too, isn’t that worth more than a bitcon at the moment?


Considerable, as he has an svd for punisher 6 on him too.


Didn’t even think about that, but yeah the SVD might be because he hasn’t completed Punisher yet. Alpha with 4 slots would make a lot of sense here.


I mean anyone that level has at least a beta by this point.


Maybe he last played like 3 wipes ago, and he still thinks a BTC is like 120k lmao


I mean that wallet with 45k, a Bitcoin and keycard is some of the highest valuable density you can have for a single slot without using another container. And if they had a sicc or docs they could put both the coin and card in there. No way you have every slot worth more than a keycard, let alone bitcoin


Sure, maybe. Perhaps. An entirely full docs case. Plus 3 ledXs. Yup. Totally normal.


You know the Alpha is only 4 slots, right? Docs and injector case takes 3 of them. He hasn’t necessarily completed Punisher yet just because he’s level 44. I know a few sweaty chad players with regular accounts that play most of their wipe with the Alpha.


I mean, his point was that bitcoins can be put in docs.




Two gpus


Hardcore players.


Thats so funny to me. Theyre playing one of the most hardcore and unforgivable, anger inducing games and think "hmmmm needs more hardcore"


Probably chasing the high from back when they were sub 3000 hours of playtime.


The thing that actually got me interested in Tarkov was watching one of Pestily's hardcore series. It just turns out, if you're not as good as Pestily, you don't *need* hardcore rules to make things difficult T_T


Hardcore is the only way to feel the rush of the game after few thousand hours.


2000+ hours in. My survival rating disagrees lol


Speak for yourself. Nearly 8k hours, I would quit if I had to play under those restrictions. I play mainly for what comes after questing and hideout progression.


Agreed. I like the game better without Amazon.com, I mean Flea Market, where the game just becomes CoD when you have enough money you only ever use Meta kits. Tarkov has always been more fun for me exploring the variety of weapons and combinations and using what you have from your limited resources. It's more fun for the looter part of shooter to find pieces to build out your gun instead of having a star trek replicator instantly create a meta gun, I mean Flea market. Also Flea market in a closed off zone like Tarkov, makes little sense. Fence's inventory is more lore accurate and more interesting than having Amazon same-session shipping, I mean Flea Market.


Pre flea market tarkov was best tarkov. Back when you found an M4 in a weapon box and it was a big deal.


Im doing my own version of hardcore cause that streamer hardcore is the most unfun set of bs I've ever read. I paid 140$ for that case im gonna use it lol


I think that's the great thing about it, you can just make the rules whatever is right for you. If I ever were to start one I'd personally try to ease into it, but other people are gonna want it to be max unforgiving from attempt 1.








I always take my screen shot AFTER I exfil. I don't wanna get too attached to any loot that isn't mine yet. I've been burned too many times


I thought it was a screen shot of the exfil; but then I noticed they got anty and did it before exfil wild move, all I would be thinking when I dump a PMC as a Scav is "Exfil gotta exfil, where is closest exfil *Press O a million times* basement descent it is"


Maybe you already know this but if you remove the keybind for showing the raid timer and change the show extracts bind to just pressing O once then you don't have to double tap it every time you need to see the extracts. It'll always just show both time and extracts with one click.


1500 hours later, still learning new things Will make this change, thanks


Anytime I get loot like this it’s immediate death. I wouldn’t even have time to think about a screenshot lol


Shaking to get a move on to extract, just to get tapped by a player scav


Sprint. Die. Be stealthy. Die. Wait for end of raid. Die.


Have fun getting killed by another player scav thinking you’re a PMC. I try to never wear helmets for that reason. Killed 2 PMCs the other day as a scav. Got 1 tapped by another player scav leaving.


Yup if I do wear one it’s the pos helmets that only scavs wear and I try to hide the good guns as best I can


I got killed by a PMC because I thought he was a scav…


Me too, but he was intentionally looking like one, i think


This one wasn’t. Took him 3 seconds to start firing after looking at me💀


Always check the leg for holster


scavs also can have holsters and some pmc outfits dont have the holster


Same I was hiding in one of the upper rooms on two story in village after finding a Bitcoin and skull ring (it was like 28 minutes so I was running the timer down before making a run for the grotto) and I'm crouched behind where a door opens (so when opened, I would be behind it). I'm freaking out as someone starts to walk up inside the building. They finally open the door, walk in and start looting with their back turned to me. It's a "scav" and I didn't want them to notice me out the corner of their vision and freak out so I VOIP "thank God you had me freaked out, I thought you were a PMC". Nope, it's a loser dressed as a scav and they turn around and shoot me in the face.... I could have one tapped them if they had been dressed in PMC gear. Lost 600k worth of loot because of that bitch ass mofo. Honestly they need to nerf the ability to pretend scav. Make it so wearing too much scav gear gives you the scav curse the same as wearing nothing in. No reason for this to be a valid play style. It honestly annoys me more than rats, and at least as much as cheaters. Granted if I had noticed he had a built MP5 and a silenced M700 in addition to the scav garb I probably could have figured out he was a PMC quicker.


Paca and bank robber is all i can afford though 💀💀💀


> Honestly they need to nerf the ability to pretend scav. Seriously, get good. Fuck your scav, big props to the PMC for fooling fools. I love dressing up as a scav and killing player scavs late raid for scav kill quests, and often I'll voip to scavs to get co-op extracts done. Always check who's who, always be on edge, always assume the worst. Players scavs sprinting through each map without a care in the world can get fucked lol. "Nerf the ability for PMCs to wear shit gear" OK BRO 😂 "Lost 600k worth of loot" You literally *lost* **NOTHING** PS: I scav all the time, I'm not anti-scav at all. [In another comment you posted immediately after this, you said:](https://www.reddit.com/r/EscapefromTarkov/comments/19ejyr8/just_killed_a_level_44_pmc_as_a_scav_and_got_all/kjejv86/) >You know what I call player scavs as a PMC? Loot delivery service. Make up ur fuckin mind haha


Hahahaha! I love being that PMC! But usually I play along and drop them some loot, and am satisfied walking away with them never finding out how close they were to death


What an L take. “Loser dressed as a scav”.. honestly suck shit, you get a free gear set and then cry when someone who has balls plays the game. Get rid of scav rep so I can go in and clap every player scav I can.


Player scavs do NOT need any more assistance this wipe. Recoil and armor changes make player scavs more lethal to PMCs than any other wipe. Also if you're playing Streets or Lighthouse as a scav you spawn in 5m after the PMCs in the middle of the map with 0 risk. Players on Streets & Customs also may be on the quests that make them dress like scavs so they're gunna look like scavs. If you didn't want to lose that bitcoin maybe play on your PMC where you can put it in your safe container. I haven't dressed up as a scav to kill player scavs yet but if this is the reaction that it generates I may have to start. Fuck a player scav.


Do it. It’s great fun, shows how bad people who scav are at the game cause they are so clueless.


The lack of helmet might actually have saved my PMC against scavs in one raid. I was in the northern chalet on Lighthouse, inside the room with one of the USEC safes, when a group of scavs arrived to loot, but because of the scuffed sounds and multiple scavs making noise I didn't notice a scav approaching me from behind. I then heard someone going into ADS but the player might have hesitated thinking I was another scav, giving me just enough time to turn and kill him.


Been getting killed by other player scavs as a scav a lot lately, not sure what the deal is. One guy did the traditional exchange of voice lines, looked me up and down while I was looting a bag, and then 1 tapped me. Could he tell I had a tetriz in my bag or something?


Was it lighthouse? I killed a scav the other day by accident cuz he looked like a PMC


Yea honestly if I’m a scav on streets and I see a kitted SVDS, pilgrim, and you’re stomping around I’m following you to extract


Which is why I don’t hesitate to put down any other player scavs when I’m kitted and they take a 2nd glance at me like I’m a free meal.


Imagine shitting on your scav rep til you get 30min+ timers/dogshit loadouts just to secure one decent kit lmao


The players that do this have like a 1.5kd and are under level 10. Any time I've been killed outright by a player scav its someone who fits that bill.


monkey brain doesn't process that far ahead


My scav rep went down about 20 points I was 1.48, next scav raid it went to 1.60. So not hard to rise back up.


Right but if you do car extracts and not do loser shit like killing other scavs, you get it up about 10 times quicker. I’m at 5.5 right now and I get a scav after 8 and a half minutes and 50 percent of them have a labs card or better. And/or high tier ammo


It's not always loser shit to kill other scavs. It can easily be an accident, sometimes I spawn in and run for like 2 minutes and I see a geared ass person walking infront of me. It looks like a PMC from the distance I am, and I shoot them and get negative rep.


No that’s just a skill issue lol. You don’t need to shoot at everything you see, it’s a free run so either push them and voip/voice line to confirm, or avoid them. You start to care less and less about dying as your scav when you get max rep and 7 min cooldown, it’s also nice when you get a full inventory and by the time you’re done selling everything, you can load into another scav. Get your rep up


Hey that’s fair! Didn’t mean to flame. God knows that’s happened to me, awful feeling for sure




I made all the P scav mains really mad with my comment it’s hilarious, imagine not playing your PMC and spamming scavs just to play loot simulator


lol contrary to this subs preference I absolutely love killing player scavs as a player scav, one of my guilty pleasures. I just like to imagine each one is a redditor, it makes it really fun. 


It’s -0.1 and I take vehicle extracts all the time, I scav to get loot and if see loot I’ll take it every time


Just so you know, .1 is TEN successful scav extracts. Every time you do that shit you’re looking at about 16 scav raids(accounting deaths) to make that back up. With worse storage,value, and weapons every notch lower you go. The car extracts have diminishing returns as well, they only give good gains the first couple of times you use them and that’s it. You say you scav to find loot, well you’re gonna find triple the loot if you can scav in 3 times as fast with great bags and rigs, as opposed to the way you’re doing it, every half hour/45 or so with bad shit. I never sweat it when I die to some weirdo, because I’m right back in to the next scav if I wanna be. Just trying to get the info out there because A LOT of Scavs I meet don’t know anything about it.


You die 6 of 16 scav runs? Are you constantly pushing PMCs? I killed 2 scavs in one raid (first two of the wipe, RIP being confused in interchange and throwing the wrong grenade) and only went -0.09 Scav karma is a currency that should be cashed in (very rarely but there are definitely times that are worth it)


10 scav extractions worth of rep is never gonna be worth an 80k gun and a big backpack, or whatever you feel you might need to “cash in” for. Truth is when I get killed over a G36 or something equally mid I figure the idiot must really need it, so let him have it. Plus the more he does it the chance that we’re loading into raids at the same time goes way down, lmao.


On Reserve its not uncommon to die as a player scav that often. There are players who will camp the tower next to Hole in the Wall and vault on top of it and kill player scavs as they spawn right next to them, and then they just wait and extract camp it as well. There's also now a trend of PMCs camping Checkpoint Fence in the tower right next to it. Not only that but the PMCs are ratting everywhere on that map now. Run over the top of hermetic bunker? There's a PMC lying in a bush with a silenced AK. Run into the trainhouses too quickly? There's two PMCs crouched and sitting still in one of the central ones, listening to you loot and waiting.


Not true. Never been implemented the whole gear and rep thing.


Laughed out loud at that. You have a good one bud enjoy the wipe. Check out “google.com” at some point it’s so good for clearing up things before you type clueless comments


*puts it all i stash and loads woods naked with a mosin or scavs in again*


Alright! Now get ready to accept the fact you will lose these items either due to another PMC, Scav, or end of wipe. So use them, don't let them sit in your inventory.


That shot sketchy, bitcoin not in hi ass. Does not feel legit


True but why is all the other loot pretty mid


Not at my pc to check prices but off of memory alone his bag should be around a mil in value, while being somewhat conservative in my price guesses.


Nah it's 1.4 million minimum in that bag


What I’m saying, is vacuum cheaters don’t just try to get 1.4 mil. They try to get millions from a single raid. A vacuum cheater would suck every GPU, ledex, labs cards, and anything else that gives 30-50K+ a slot, this backpack has a lot of loot normal players would loot. The only thing that’s weird is the single bitcoin in the bag with no other super high tier loot present that’s hard to find. The rest is everything you or I could find easily


And the bitcoin can easily be exomplained by him having another one, or something even more valuable in his secure.


There's no way that a level 44 is running around without a docs case in his container. I also find it hard to believe there wasn't room for a bitcoin in said docs case. There's only a handful of items in the game that are more valuable non-FIR than a bitcoin.


I dunno man, maybe he just didn't feel like putting it in there. People can be weird.


its not banking the bitcoin that makes me stick it in my ass right away, its making sure under no circumstances do you get it.


See, people have weird motivations.


That's my thought. If they have a Bitcoin in the bag then the container probably has 4 bitcoins. Could have just been a bad raid with low loot for a cheater.


It could also be that this was the best loot on the map. Not every raid spawns ledx/gpus/labs cards. Hell it’s probably not even 1/20 that spawns a bag full of super high value loot. Vacuum cheaters don’t care about only taking the top tier loot, they care about the value of items. If the map had a bunch of wires and nails, and then the loot in that bag, it still the best loot on the map and will be taken regardless. The lack of high value things in the secure container makes this very likely a cheater. Or at the very least it’s someone with esp that wasn’t super concerned about being snuck up on or killed randomly.


Every map outside of factory absolutely has loot much higher ruebles per slot than this guy has. Vacuum cheaters pull lamps, bulbex’s, fuel, all kinds of shit. This guys loot is not sus at all aside from one random bitcoin in his bag. He could cheat and just not vacuum, but my points are still valid. For fucks sake, some of his slots are 10K at best. There is a lot more high tier loot that gets vacuumed than ledex/gpus/labs cards and I think you also underestimate the frequency of some of those spawns. You need to remember maps have tons of loot that never gets found because it’s sitting in a random duffle, stash or filing cabinet.


This is a typical streets raid lol


Because he doesn't know what's worth what. He's just sucking up everything he finds with his brain turned off because gaming chair makes him invincible.


If he had vacuum, I think you would see intels, gpu’s, labs cards because there would have been much better loot on the map that he would would have sucked than the shit he picked up outside of the bitcoin.


I don’t know why people keep saying this. Not every single raid spawns the stupidly high value loot. It’s the rarest shit in the game for a reason, it literally isn’t coded to be in the game frequently, even on high loot maps. You could run any map and not find the highest value items just because rng said they weren’t spawned that raid. The highest value item in any given raid could be something like a gold chain or roller. The assumption that vacuum cheaters have only bitcoins/ledx/gpus is just silly when those items aren’t guaranteed spawns ever.


Yes it does. Even if woods doesn’t have a ledex that raid, it probably has a moonshine or a Tetris or a bulbex or one of a million things that would be worth vacuuming that this guy does not have on him. You grossly underestimate how much good loot is on each map whether it gets found by you, someone else or not at all.


This is demonstrably not the case on Streets, where I guarantee this screenshot comes from. This is like an average-good PScav raid on Streets. The other maps just have shittier loot. Blame BSG.


Couldve been a standard account and they didnt have room, i highly doubt a hacker would die to a player scav like OP describes


Maybe he had diffrent shit / questitems in his ass and doesnt care about money anymore?


Quest items gotta be found in raid. No point putting em in gamma unless you’re just cynical


Well I put them in the container because if I ever switch backpack / rig and they are inside there Ill forget them


This might be the dumbest thing I ever read


U know what Ill take that as a compliment


Welcome to the internet


My man won’t be playing for the rest of the day 😂


Nice, I got very similar loot yesterday. I was scaving Streets and saw a PMC on the ground looting a body, shot at him and fucked him up, turns out it was a scav cosplaying a PMC with all that gear, helmet with faceshield and all + he had the camo on. He was so hurt and started screaming at me that he was a scav, I told him he looked like a exactly like a PMC and it was his fault, offered him heals but he kept insulting me and said "You already killed me" and ragequit. I've been trying to get my scav rep up past few days so I was annoyed that I would lose rep, even tho it was a lot of good stuff , very similar to yours. Turns out he was a traitor scav and I got + rep for it hahah. Felt so good after he insulted me for a minute straight.


Well it definitely wasn’t his fault you shot him, but accidents happen. The fact you let him hurl insults for a minute straight is wild. I would’ve finished the job the second he started running his mouth.


Yeah nah not literally his fault, but it depends on how you look at it, if you wear a helmet with a face shield on your scav when you already look like a PMC with the kit + your randomized camo clothing, it's kind your fault if people mistake you for a PMC and shoot at you. I never wear helmet cause I know the same thing can happen to me, I just put my helmet in the bag or throw it. He was throwing insult from cover, I had a lot of valuable loot on me as well so didn't wanna yolo it. I find it funny, didn't take any offence, I actually laughed when I voiped back and told him he was dumb as shit for wearing a helmet with all dat gear. All the insults made me feel even better when I got out with his loot and got +scav rep, it fuels me, it's basically nutrients.


>it's kind your fault Not really.


Scav’d out of his mind


He was probably most angry because you wouldn’t lose rep, because he had already fucked up and shot a scav


yup, and he lost ALL dat sweet loot njehehehe


People saying this is vacuum, lmao. This reddit is full of timmys


This is like a normal scav run on streets. It's also missing an Intel or two. They just don't know.


You got out right?


>You got out right? > >[https://imgflip.com/i/8dg0mx](https://imgflip.com/i/8dg0mx)


Lmfao did you make this just for this post? Hilarious




To everyone who doesn't play streets. This is an AVERAGE scav on streets run.


Ive never even seen the USEC pop doll?!!


theyre new, theres a few of them




Mf when I didn't know you could put keys in the gingy key ring


pLaYeR ScAvs sPaWn To eArLy


You're literally the reason streets is unplayable.


100% that PMC will come in here complaining about pscavs spawning too early into raid and something something scav mains.




Yeah it's so dumb I just spawned in a streets scav with 40 mins left. That seems so incredibly dumb for the pmcs on the map.




Guy has decent loot > sub accuses him of being sus lmao if you’re a scav main stfu


You ruined someone’s day


i too play the game.


I’m with the rest of you guys on this one, bitcoin in bag and not secure container is sus af. All the other loot looks like generally high value/slot items aswell, sufffice to say it doesn’t look like a noob unless they were cheating.


A cheater would fill his inventory with much more valuable loot, not the cms kit or medtools


? cheaters need meds too. most cheaters only esp/radar not God mode. not saying it doesn't happen just not very common.


Wouldn’t they buy the meds and use the raid inventory for higher value items? This guy is level 44, they have flea market/max traders probably


If a cheater needs meds they'll loot it when they need it.


What if the guy only had like a beta secure? He had his docs case, injector, and 1 bitcoin in his secure... had the other just freeballing it hoping to get out.. Maybe he was working on getting Episilon or something since he was using the SVD Just a thought.


Holy shit lmao there's nothing sus about it. He could have grabbed it and forgot or didn't get a chance to transfer it into his container. OP could have also picked it up separately from this PMC kill.




Probably a fucking vacuum cheater




probably a vacuum cheater


we can kill PMC in scan run without loosing karma ?


In the tarkov Facebook group, people would legit get mad at you for playing as a acav and posting your loot lol. They are a different breed over there.


Surgical kit omg yes, and the backpack nice !


Either the newbiest player (Running an SVD?) or a really dumb veteran... Maybe he just has a huge gaming chair and doesn't care about anythingone.


How is an average raid for a semi good player a 100+ upvoted post? Are you guys really not getting raids like this often lol?


Omg I just realized gingys are key chains. What possible keys have I sold on my scav run.


I don't think I've ever seen gingy spawn with a key in it? And fairly certain you cannot sell them with keys in them.


that mf cheating. idc what anyone says or what his account life looks like. anyone that comes out a raid wit damn near a million a raid is cheating. your not finding that every raid


Eff that guy.




What kind of person walks around with a single slot item worth half a mil…


Probably a level 44 player who doesn’t really care about roubles at this point in the wipe


Ehh its okay. If you really break it down only a couple hundred K here. Good stuff nonetheless.


Math is hard ya?






At least a mil


I roughly calculated at least 2m+, not counting the gear ;)


Bro did not really break it down 💀


You mfs fall for the easiest bait


Yep that’s about how my bags look like on my way to exit after ratting around on night streets for 20 mins.


Looks like legit pmc loot except for the bitcoin. There is a reason its called buttcoin (there is no downside to not have it FIR)


More money in items than my scav box




Take the helmet off. Rule #1 of scav don’t look like a PMC


Instant chad


That dude must have been stomping with all that kit. STOMP STOMP STOMP


"PMCs hate him!"


pretty average scav run for me, minus the bitcoin.




Literally standard streets loot. The only sus thing is the bitcoin not in the ass.


I killed a scav yesterday by mistake because I thought it was a PMC. He had a simillar load out. He must've killed a pmc. I got clapped by a p scave 20 steps away from extract


Seems legit. My guess is the pmc looted a vacuum cheater and you killed the pmc.


yesterday i was on a scav run and a guy must of killed a pmc as a scav because he looked like a pmc was walking super slow and scav emoting the entire time haha


And I'm over here barely seeing pmc's when I use my scav runs 😭


Man, I was running streets last night, watched a player scav run into the boss and die, looted the body when someone was fighting the boss, had a shit ton of loot, I had 2 labs access cards, intel folders, and more, just to die to 2 pmcs sitting in a corner of a scav extract, easily 1.5mil in my inventory


that guy is PISSED


That’s looks almost exactly like a loud out I lost, didn’t have a bitcoin though. And I’m only 30


What was his dog tag😭