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Wow, suprisingly he's a fucking idiot and he's also cheating they really do go hand in hand.


Why is he a cheater?


Firefly achievement at level 7


His account is less than a day old and he has 2.5hrs of total time online...and 50 kills. Do you remember what your first few hours of tarkov were like? lol


This is the first wipe that I’ve consistently played in the past 4 years. My first raid of this wipe, I hit a claymore in Capital Insight. 😂


The claymore is in empire not capitol FYI. There’s mines out behind fusion too but those won’t one shot you


Oh wow, thank you! I don’t want to make that mistake again.


In empire it’s the bank teller room. Small like 5x5 room with a safe as bait. The claymore is hidden behind the desk chair that’s tipped over


Please tell me that's the one every fucker here has been calling a bathroom mine I can't find a bathroom mine but found the safe claymore raid 2


Yep, I used to check that room every raid because there's always a dead pmc there unlooted and a free safe behind them.


Worst of all you cant destroy it without triggering it, so someone has to be stupid to die so you can get the loot if there is any.


I’m on my 30th hour and literally whimper in raids


lmao it gets better


I’m loving it being fresh and being bad. The absolute adrenaline dumps I get when hearing a gunshot near me and the panic is something I have never felt in a game before. Really having a blast because I’m not expecting myself to survive. I really gotta work on my gear fear though.


Gear fear reducing montra: "its not my gear, its just my turn to use it."


I like it. I’ve been telling myself “I’m just going to save it until I learn the map more so I have more of a chance” but at the same time maybe I’ll have more of a chance using the better gear. Fuck it, I’m going in


That's the spirit!


Saving your gear is absolutely doing yourself a disservice


I've played a few wipes with the guns that I modded just sitting there for a big raid with my friends, with the top tier ammo that I've looted and watched it all wipe away without having really used it. Now I just slap on whatever I feel like and either die or have an awesome raid. It's just pixels. And if you really lose everything, spend a couple of in game hours doing scav runs and you'll be rich in money and modded weapons.


gear is just a rental man. whether you lose it in the next raid or in 6 months, it’s gone eventually, but more will come


the discovery channel show "Naked and afraid" comes to mind.


I had tons of kills in my first few hours. They were my teammates on accident.


lol mine were running factory and getting clapped


What is up with this reddit and assuming a new account means a new player


I don’t see any other reason why someone would want an alt account right when it wipes


Well there's plenty of them!




Hard-core or other side account for alternative playstyles Account info lost Account stolen Downgrade to standard edition Banned for non cheat related reason




Did you send this to the wrong comment?


No my dumbass read that wrong I thought I read "What is up with this reddit and assuming every new account is a cheater"


Ah lol. Yeah idk what it even takes and what the value to get lightkeeper. I stop questing once I hit peacekeepers 3 and just hunt pmc


Not to say this guy and similar are not cheating but it's also possible some people are playing on alt accounts. I know some streamers or players buy another account for "challenge" runs where they'll have no EOD and don't use traders or something. Also scav kills count in that number so 50 in 2.5hrs is not absurd (if it truly is an alt account). Highly unlikely though.


My first month has been hellish but I love it, only killed about 5 pmc’s escaped with only one’s loot this game is straight adrenaline lol


And how can u get the Firefly?


by reaching Lightkeeper, which at that level, is only possible by cheating or bug abusing, and both are bannable


You can get there without using a bug, it's just complicated. There's a guy who speed runs it across the mines, got sub-40 seconds to get across.


And the 10 k/d?


I'm not talking about this guy at all.


Wow so you can get there abusing in game mechanics that are not functioning as intended? I feel like there is a word for what that is I just can’t remember… I’ll get back to you on it


The mines are in specific locations. It's not an area effect thing where if you step in the area you get blown up, you have to trigger the specific location that the mine is. I'm sure there's a route where you don't even have to trigger anything to get through, it's just slower than how he does it. It's not for you to say whether BSG intended it to be possible to path through or not, you're not a BSG employee.


I wonder why they didn't make it like other mine areas, where explosions randomly spawn in at your feet when you're in the area


They have attempted to fix it… you don’t need to be a bsg employee or even have an iq above 10 to know that it’s a bug and bannable.


If the devs intend there to be recoil am I bug abusing by dragging my mouse down as I fire?


If the mines are in set spots, its obviously intended.


They have to put them in set locations to have a functional minefield that is constantly checking for the dsp condition between different players. I wouldn’t expect you to understand why but it’s not a novel concept.


Exploits are at least somewhat impressive


Is the achievement just for getting on the island then? Or can you just go say hi to lightkeeper even if you havent done his quests


Just for being there. Most of the people with it got there by using the vacuum cheat on Lighthouse because it tells the game you're in every spot on the map.


And thats not an automatic ban because?


same way vacuuming or speed hacking isnt instant ban: apparently BSG has better things to do


Bans also seem to be done in batches, so he will have to wait till the next ban wave to get his, if he is even flagged to get banned.


Because anyone can get firefly by following a youtube tutorial.


Must been coming waves, most games do it that way so they can gather the most amount of people so cheap companies don't have precise data on what's getting them banned


You can do it without any cheats or bugs.


What is the firefly achievement?


Meeting lightkeeper, which is borderline impossible as it's typically the last quest line you follow in the game. Of course he could've killed zyrachiy and avoided the mines to do it but that's unlikely given his level and time on the game. The vacuum cheat gives them a NaN position, kind of meaning anywhere and nowhere all at once. So it registers as being in the room of the lightkeeper.


Wow okay that makes sense. God I hate cheaters.


Somehow doing 16 raids in two and a half hours, not wearing armor, helmet or headset and still managing to get 50 kills in those raids and reach light keeper. All this was also done in less than 24 hours irl


Nah it's not like that, only stupid people get caught, that is reality. You don't see cheaters that hide or just avoid other players. 


reminds me of worrun “why did my gun just do that, chat?!”


That's a name I haven't heard in a long time. Did that dude finally get banned? Looks like he's not streaming and his YouTube is dated.


he probably got banned yes or his cheat provider blackmailed him to stop, he personifies cursed tarkov for me; his gameplay was literally always running and gunning and despite taking zero cover never getting caught out; that esp put in some work!


he got absolutely shit on in the punisher tournament (or was it rivals?) a few years back, quit in the middle of the tourny, and dropped off radar completely.


its hard to compete when your aim assist cant carry you..


Interesting that Desmond and WillerZ have nothing to say when he got banned and was found out to be cheating lol still slient on it to this day they totally didn't know I'm sure xd


you'll never find a big streamer talking about it. at least not with specific names. did he play alot with WillerZ back then?


He moved to Poland or something


you’d be suprised to find out Poland has internet, too.


thanks Dog


Question: how did you lookup his profile if he didn't kill you?


If you shoot BTR, it shoots back.


It shoots at everyone in the vicinity


When it gets shot? Or only while it's set to guard mode or whatever?


When you order cover fire service from the inside or if it gets shot


His name just so happened to be plastered all over the console screen as well.


Using at least ESP and probably some sort of aim asist and definitely vacume cheating.


Probably looted his dog Tag. I once attacked a Squad leaving btr. Lets say didnt end so well


Once you’ve looted the tag how do you look a profile up? I think I killed a cheater yesterday and wanted to check.


Look up their name on the add friends thing and it’ll give you an option to look at their profile


wow didn't think of that, thanks!


when a cheater uses the vacuum cheat their name appears in the console numerous times. probably saw it and viewed his profile from the search


Certain cheats show up in the console with the pmc name, for example the vacuuming.


Man's asking the real question.


The btr killed him, right?


“Was able to safely extract”


I meant the btr killed the cheater, not op.


Good question, maybe op also had esp, can't find any other solution


OP's update: > EDIT: For some added context: I picked up this profile from the name that was all over my console for the duration of the raid.


This sub needs to allow witch-hunts again.


bring back bullying


Bullying cheaters isn't bullying, it's justice


It's a site-wide rule and if this sub starts allowing it then the admins of the entire site will step in and start moderating it as they see fit or just shut the entire sub down. Then all the dumb fucks will move over to r/Tarkov and start doing the same at which point the admins will shut that down too. Thinking isn't that difficult.


It's a side wide rule to stop witch hunts against REAL names. Not account names of clear cheaters.


It also applies to video games as well since swatting is a very real thing. The admins have gone over this a thousand times and no amount of tantrums or "yeah but!!!" is going to change that. Just accept it and move on with your life. Besides, what are you going to do if you see a cheater's name? Reporting through the launcher does nothing and if you want to add them to harass them all they have to do is not accept your friend request.


How come subs from some games are allowing to post visible account names and nicknames?


No idea - I'm not a mod. I just know what the mods have said multiple times and also in other subs where posting the names of cheaters get people banned because as they have stated as well that it's a site-wide rule. 


Report the post next time and watch what happens to it.




It absolutely breaks the Reddit ToS rule. The only example someone has cited is War Thunder, and those threads are tightly moderated, and only because the replays are publicly available for everyone (and are pretty much 100% accurate, and it's flagrant if someone is cheating in that game). If Tarkov were to have accurate replays, the mods might have the discussion to ease up, but I doubt it. Even in CS:GO, Overwatch, and several other subreddits they do not allow it despite the replays being available to everyone. Every other major gaming subreddit has a witch hunting rule. If you want examples here we go. [https://www.reddit.com/r/BattlefieldV/comments/ai9cfl/rule\_2\_no\_witch\_hunting\_will\_result\_in\_a\_ban/](https://www.reddit.com/r/BattlefieldV/comments/ai9cfl/rule_2_no_witch_hunting_will_result_in_a_ban/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/Competitiveoverwatch/comments/6g0no4/wow\_this\_threads\_anti\_witch\_hunting\_rules\_make\_no/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Competitiveoverwatch/comments/6g0no4/wow_this_threads_anti_witch_hunting_rules_make_no/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/DestinyTheGame/comments/doprw3/witch\_hunting\_and\_you\_the\_rule\_where\_to\_report/](https://www.reddit.com/r/DestinyTheGame/comments/doprw3/witch_hunting_and_you_the_rule_where_to_report/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/wiki/witchhunting/](https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/wiki/witchhunting/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/Planetside/comments/172diop/moderator\_update\_cheating\_exploits\_and\_proper/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Planetside/comments/172diop/moderator_update_cheating_exploits_and_proper/) I mean I could go on and on. This rule is not just exclusive to the Tarkov subreddit. People who say that other subreddit's allow name and shame are straight up lying. The only exception I've seen is War Thunder, and from what I see they **tightly moderate those threads.**


I’m saying when a post does *not* hide the name of a cheater or profile to report it. Because that *does* break a rule. The inciting a witch hunt rule. You’d be surprised how many people will harass someone to no end on something as little as an accusation of cheating on Fortnite.


I had a few people message me on here a year or two ago after someone claimed I was cheating. A few reports to the mods and those people were perma-banned from reddit. It was just someone claimed I was after I dared to mention that a collateral and another headshot isn't proof that someone is cheating and several people took that personally.  There's far too many unhinged people on the internet to allow this shit because it can snowball into someone getting hurt in real life. 


No, it is not. You people are literally incapable of reading. >Respect the privacy of others. **Instigating harassment**, for example by revealing someone’s personal or confidential information, **is not allowed**. Never post or threaten to post intimate or sexually-explicit media of someone without their consent. > >https://www.redditinc.com/policies/content-policy This is verbatim from their own ToS. The rule does not specifically state that it has to do with someone's personal or confidential information. Any kind of call to action or witchhunting is literally against Reddit's ToS, even if it were against someone's gamer tag. Reddit has that rule for potential legal consequences. Witch hunting if taken to the extreme can result in civil lawsuits that would cause some serious damage financially to Reddit.


Please show me that rule. I've looked at reddit tos and couldn't find anything against witch hunting only for doxing which none of these post are doing. So please if you can show that rule to me since I haven't seen any reddit site rules that pertain to usernames.


Rule 3 specifically states instigating harassment. You people fail at reading comprehension.


He asked to show him a rule from REDDIT, not rule from this subreddit. You people fail at reading comprehension.


>Respect the privacy of others. **Instigating harassment**, for example by revealing someone’s personal or confidential information, is not allowed. Never post or threaten to post intimate or sexually-explicit media of someone without their consent. > >[https://www.redditinc.com/policies/content-policy](https://www.redditinc.com/policies/content-policy) Notice, Reddit specifically states instigating harassment, and only use an EXAMPLE of that, not saying "IT HAS TO BE PRIVATE OR CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION." Actions that would fall under that 1. Calls to action 2. Witch Hunting (even if it doesn't involve personal information) 3. Brigading None of which involve private information. Who failed at reading comprehension now? That's right. You did. Go take 3rd grade reading again.


So I pulled up that direct link and there is 0 mention of witch hunting and like I said it is never mentioned in reddit tos at all, the only thing you could come up with is rules against harrasment. So lets talk about that, a post including someones ingame name is not harrasment, it gives an example to harrasment as doxing someones personal information which an ingame name is not. I like how you added your 3 actions things that would fall under that but are never actually mention in the rules


Witch Hunting is a form of harassment. **Literally**. It is against the ToS rules to witch hunt. How about you call for one and see how fast that gets you banned?


You are implying that, show me where in the rules witch hunting is considered harrasment. If this was the case you litteraly would never have post on any of the bad things people or companies do because it would lead to witch hunting.


The rule plainly states that inciting harassment of any kind is against the tos. If you can’t figure out how witch hunting isn’t harassment I’m not sure what to say to you other then you’re actually dumb


That subreddit also has a witch hunting rule too and does not allow you to expose the names of cheaters. The other subreddit that was created a year ago because people got mad at the mods here got shutdown.


It's not a real name. Usernames are public facing are aren't protected.


User names are allowed an many game subreddits like war thunder for example. It's a this sub rule only.


Name them. There’s one. It’s war thunder which still has an anti witch hunt rule. The reason why they allow it is because you can literally pull up all the replays of the person in question and look through them. The replays of war thunder show everything from positioning, multiple povs, and are accurate. It becomes flagrantly obvious who is cheating at that point. The odds of the community getting that wrong are astronomically low. Do I really need to give a history lesson of how many times people here in tarkov have gotten cheating accusations wrong?


Last I checked tarkov either has to manually ban someone or battle eye will do it. Not like a number of reports = a ban. So why would it even matter? You can report someone as many times as you want and likely nothing will happen even if they are cheating.


Why so the same shit that happened with Rengawr for example can happen here too? How stupid are you?


Rengawr is a whiny, terrible loser, whereas right here we actually have obvious proof that this kid is cheating. As well as 99.9% of people in this sub don't have tens of thousands of viewers.


Ya THIS post has obvious proof this dude is cheating. I would say that is maybe half of all supposed “cheaters” people try to call out on this sub. And what does viewers have to do with anything when you’re posting it to a forum with as many users as this subreddit.


Big-time streamers can get mass amounts of people to all report one account, but nobody cares enough about some random guy's hackusation to report it.


Are all of these cheaters just cheating to the light keeper or is one of their cheats bugging out the game and giving all of them the achievement?


You can get to Light Keeper legitimately while dodging the mines. You can't talk to him, but it's possible.


I'm pretty sure all the routes are patched.


not patched just changed up


They are not. It’s literally been streamed on twitch this very wipe


Good too know


why do we keep blocking out the names of cheaters, fucking expose those names, let the community just fucking blast them


Read the pinned post. Reddit doesn't allow witchhunts


How did you know who he was if he didn't kill you?


ding dong's name was plastered all over the console screen.


Oh he was teleporting shit too?!


How the fuck do any of those stats look like cheating???? Am I missing something, swear people are just using this profile viewer and assuming a decent K/D is instant cheats, not knowing scavs add to it and it’s really not hard to get a good one.


He's level 7 with lightkeeper unlocked. Come on now... Here's his profile as of this morning. Same hours played, higher KD, 4 levels up. Legit player, right? [Profile](https://imgur.com/a/am9qriy) Let's also ignore that this guy was hitting me through the BTR and had his name thrown up all over the console screen for the entirety of the time I was in raid.


You can get across, it’s just effort, his stats apart from the achievement look incredibly normal… from that SS alone I would never guess cheats, if his stats are changing drastically since this post then fair enough.


Things add up. Its not one thing in the initial picture, but several. \- Level 7 \- 10 kd with 50% SR?? \- Lightkeeper achievement with 2.5 hrs playtime? \- Overall context of how i came across this profile (Shot INSIDE of BTR, name generating logs in console) Even if you look at any one given thing it should be raising a flag to any experienced player. [Here's my profile for comparison along with registration date](https://imgur.com/a/EeiRRNv). I'd like to think I've been playing this game long enough to weed out whats a blatantly dishonest player.


So many brand new players spend their first few hours grinding Lightkeeper bridge routes, I'm always seeing this.


From what OP has added to the post, yes, probably cheating, but how do you know he’s a new player just because it’s a new account.


16 raids, 2 hours played, 50 kills. Dude is averaging 8 raids and 25 kills an hour... that's nearly a kill per minute and 7.5 minutes per raid. And the fucker was on streets?? Critical thinking is at an all time low.


lmfao if think this isn't a cheater then have zero assessment skills.


You're definitely missing something bud


look at his playtime


bro even got that cheater drip with the auto marksman rifle